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AA macmillan ) #A education macmillan Viv Lambert education Mo ait Cerys Song or) Phonics Welcome Hi. Whar'syour name? My name's Numbers 1-10 page4 Elle. How old aeyou? I'm The alphabet seren Colors What isi Ws apen. (Sita pencl? School supplies Chen's Magic Pen. ‘Social Thank You, 1 es, ts. No, tt sciences what Chen tsi sen int cneifen anuler. Pasay ee Thisismy dll That's my bikes Toys SET cS LT 2 this your bike? ‘Monts Teddy Bear and numbers Your Wrershisbrtnéa? isin An. PS joe How old ishe? He's seven, aCe por Waat are these? Thayte tigers. Widarirals The Hungry Girefle Science: what _Hagoy ‘What are those? They're elephants Adjectives animas eat Giraffe Spiders aren’ scary. Are monkeys a scary? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Where's the cai? it's behind the. Rooms ina The Mystery House Social is oat house ( sciences Furniture cifferent types, Stand up. Don’t st down. ious Pay page3s There's azoo. tiee a mal? Ye, Places in own theres. No, thee isn't How Transpertatian many malls are thet? There are Wo. Take the first ft. Go straight. es acoss from the mall, Geogiphy. Beep Beep, transpottation Boon! inBorglol —bandv (have twosisters [cerltheve ony Family embers |The Giant Turnip Social My Pets S brothers or sisters. Pets: sciences. h “caring for oyu have ary bothers and Sie sisters? Ves, Ido./ No, I don't. PERTAIN their names are isa and Laura. eed Cry ‘thas four legs. it doesn't have any NOT Isai Body parts, Song er Cities man Alien 7 ams. Aajectves ploneis and Jenga spac ae ‘does she have? She doesn’t have sabia 2 os pe Hic pizza, but don't ike broccoli, Food Like Coke! Home lee Cream Days ofthe week economics and Coke be bee feligeat storied unhealthy lenge Ett foods: page 78 He can run, He con't skate, Sports The Masic Violin Social Let's Moy Censhe sing? Yes, shecan./ Musical sciences Together Nc, she can't. instruments. instuments short a and iF) Cen you de a ile? Yes Ian / around the shortw and Music kc word fy DF TTan) betters 1-9 Gremna: Review and Sentence Makers cn) Be P me oct ching Near ‘Activities that Activities that Activities that Activities that Activities encourage develop societal develop citical —_‘fosterlearner that promote children to accept understancing thinking sks autonomy, and interpersonal and ‘esponsibility and andidentification to reflect upon, allow chiléren to callaborative skits, ‘eflect on the of children’s own manipulate, demonsirete and develop teamwork, consequences of ccumstances ina pracess, and putinto practice _andallow children lifestyle choices. wider context. interpret leaming strategies. to express opinions information. and ideas ® @) Welcome, Welcome Welcome, welcome, everyone! story Central is a lot of fun. Please come in and close tne door. sit on @ chair, sit on the floor. Welcome, welcame, everyone! Story Central is a lot of fun. walk around and take a look. Watch a show, choose a book. Welcome, welcome, everyone! Story Central is a lot of fun. Read a poem, play a game. Listen to a story, come again! aN \ \ \ a NA) Mh W lcome to St uy Wel “Ory Central Hi, I'm Libby, nat’s your name? / iy name's >) Elli \ x Ellie | Ove 7 F wow old bore you? _/ rut ll il 2 < all a Z a . 7. ee 8 » Listen and point. Then complete the blanks. zoe abo. ne efghij._ | oe me @e| ImMno. | a. =| Seeds oY? nt 6 Write about you. (Py yy MA a NOM? wees cee | Age: Favorite color: come | ite number: ... Grade: ao = Favori — | Favorite story: .......-.-.- a al am 2 0 » Complete the pictures, Then listen and number. 7) oe es 7 L uu sé % 3 oa 1 ii a A rif] a is 84 e 7) on | es ql L i J 3a ge; 2 z en o7 nee + *8 2 oe ° ° ) we, 01 an ‘ OL 3 7 © Point to the pictures. Ask and answer. Cwhatisit?) - it’s a pencil.) 6 » Listen. Then play a guessing game. What is it? It's a pen. Is it a pencil? ‘Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. << “yes, itis. Listen and read. % Then act out. Hello, Ellie. I'm fine, thank you, How are you, Libby? I'm King Jade. What's your name? 'm fine, too, thanks. Look! It's a magic pen ... 5 Andhere... Isit apen? Yes. It’s a magic pen. \ ©) Look at the story and think. What’s & it about? fs On i. © ») tisten and read. What items are in the story? apen | ] atable ) a chair (] ~ abook |_ a pencil L ) <1) Time to Think 0 » Read the story in your Reader. © talk about the story. ere = C4 you like Ye the story? _/ @ Draw a bag, please, with your magic pen. Draw a crayon, please. Thank you, Chen! : Draw a ruler, please, | les. with your magic pen. | Draw a pencil case, please. | a fl Thank you, Chen! | Draw a notebook, please, ( with your magic pen. - Draw an eraser, please. Thank you, Chen! | ieee IVT x, © Play a guessing game. Cis it an eraser? (es, it is. ) F oe 6 » Listen and say the chant. Pen and pencil, pencil and pen. Pink pencil, purple pen. ' . a Hello, To Welcome! This is) for you. ) 8) ‘Kareen pen: bive pen, © Answer the questions. What color is the pen? .... [t's blue. What color is the notebook? ‘What's this? . Ss ) om eraser. ‘What color is it? It’s green Ablue pen. / An orange notebook. 4 _... a pencil. It isn’t a ruler. (What isa Tree? ij {t's my home. ) © Draw one more item on the tree. © Look at the tree. Ask and answer. Cit’s a notebook. >) © what is it?) what color is it? > © caass Vote! ( Giixd) Onn Mlerab ‘| Why are trees important? Search the Grow more trees. Yes or no? \Gntemet or asc your teacher | | na ‘Wee a’ ON PxO2F @) mace amesic picture. L's a chair. By Mia Coies. Grade | ©) Tell the story. Use your magic pictures. € Pe 4 oy 2 Thank you, Chen! DA he, i . d (it's a horse, An \ orange horse. _/ q ee 0 Match 1 the questions and answers. & Cts red.) 2 (is ita bag?) btm fine, thanks.) ai SN gl 3 Cwhat color is it?) ¢ (No, tistt > 4 (How are you?) a lt's an eraser.) ea » Listen and@irel. Then write. ruler onhkwn = 4and 5, Find; t purple notebook | d robot a doll aacar ba robot ea ball a teddy bear dacoll ea bike f a teddy beor aren D a bike is) | ball | My Birthday List , [b] 1 | s 4 o | J ~) i i Oo » Listen and point. U that’s my bike. ow pp, That's my bike Dy eo » Listen again and€ircid). Then check with a friend. 1 This is /@hat’s)my ball. 3 This is / That's my robot. 2 This is / That's my car. 4 This is / That's my teddy bear. © ») Listen. Then ask and answer. Is this your pene, This is my doll. That's my bike Is this your bike? Is that your doll? Is that your bag? ) No, it a 7 )) Listen and read. Then act out. Hello, Elie. Is Dh, Polly! How this your hall? Bold are you? J _ = Le c y (Look at this Yes, itis. 4 i JN teddy bear i = } \i ‘ a What's your ‘ i a4 | favorite toy? ° That isn’t uy s | teddy bear. My Y b teday bearic small. My teddy bear. small and yellow. ty © Look at the story — and think. What’s g © @ tt about? : - That isn't mi teddy bear ih 4 teddy bear is yellow. ¥ Ohl This 8 » Listen and read. teddy bear What toy is in is small ani the story? > yelp a teddy bear a bike | 7) acar | Time to Think @ ») Read the story in your Reader. © Check ) Princess Polly’s teddy bear. ) ) A = ho 9S © Draw something to give to Daisy. oe Talk about the story. Do you know another story about a princess? @ ke YP 3 = . . ' d ic? @; @ ») Listen and point. Then sing af of and shout your name. December January When's your birthdyp | November When's Your Birthday? January, February, March, April, May. | October June, July, August. I When's your birthday? February September _septernber, october, | Let’s play a game. November, December, \ August Shout out your name! . May July June oe Class survey. Ask and answer. “S J iD When's your o birthday? _/ ( © ») Listen and say the chant. ie) February | March | April June, july, or january? January, July, or june? when's your birthday? Is it saon? © Qe Complete the blanks for Tom. 1 When’s ___ 7 _ birthday? TES Lenses 2 How old is . TGS sccrcce When's his birthday? It’s in April, How old is he? He's seven. @ Qo Look and find shapes around you. Shapes and Numbers squares Ge >< > © ») Listen and match. Then say. oan __tion eleven fifteen eighteen seventeen fourteen twelve twenty sixteen nineteen © Look at the doll. Count and write. AO © Class vote! Gand] Ox Marods Math is fun! Yes or no? ‘What other shapes axe there? Search the Internet or ask your teacher. 3 é *pedS My Favorite Tey | @ Make a toy poster. | This is my teddy bear. [LTisubloe mae = (( book at this >) @? \_ teddy bear, / a ae (That isn’t ry v \. teddy hear. 4 | ‘Ee i \ Ee 2 Ee —— Ci Oo » Listen and check (V) (Yes, it is.) or cross (x) (No, it isn’t.). 1 She's 7. Her favorite toy isateddy 2. ere lev tetiaeson een e beor, Her name is .... mccmreesct| birthday is in March, Her favorite toy is a robot. name is Libby. gS oO Think about Chapter 2. Color the books. Look back at pages 4and 5, Find: aball ape \WwV Jar i aa 3 @ ») Listen and number. Then say. la giraffe 4amonkey 2 an elephant 5alion 3c crocodile 6a tiger e@ » Listen and point. Then say. ~ mom, what = gre wit | gira | oot Oyu Listen and€ircleé). 1 What are these? They're tigers /@eonkey> 2 What cre those? They're giraffes / elephants. e Now check with a friend. What are these?) They're monkeys.) 3 What are these? They‘te monkeys / lions. 4 What are those? They’‘te crocodiles / elephants. _ What are these? They're tigers. What ae those? They're elephants. 2a\ WE n\n \ | : iat ee Tell Me a Story Ha a8 @ ») Listen and read. Then act out. Let’s look at these books about toys. ‘An elephant! Please help. Those leaves are green, but the trees are tall. No. Let's look at those books about animals. No, thank you! xX, Dim 1 ; LP . . — po == : “hy a= % == © Look at the story Es = and think. What's it & about? No. These leaves are brown. Those leaves are green, 6 » Listen and read. What animals are in the story? i ~) a giratfe LI an elephant L a crocodile (| Time to Think @ ») Read the storyin | tee your Reader. "right to left = 7 © Number the pictures in order. — _ 9 @ Which friends do you share with? TISAI WR coc neta ererersctsidienaemreceratereeerre oO Talk about the story. Do you know another story about animals? & ry ) Listen and point. Ss dy "Wg 7: Then sing. Happy Giraffe Look at those scary tigers! They're orange, black, and white. They're very scary tigers. And they're hungry tonight. Look at these snappy crocodiles! They're long and they're green. They're snappy, snappy crocodiles. with big scary teeth! I'm a happy giraffe. I'm thin and I’m tall. | love these green leaves. I'm not hungry at all, © Play a guessing game. tall 10mg — thin scory hungry < ( “They re long \ and green. They're —_ (2) © ») Listen and say the chant. We're tall. We're thin. We're tall and thin, Two giraffes are tall and thin. ‘A monkey? Are yy A. monkeys scary? © © write Tom’s answers. 1 Is it c crocodile? No, it isyyt 2 Is it a spider? 3 Are monkeys scary? 4 Are spiders scary? .... Spiders aren't scary. Are monkeys scary? ‘Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. @ ») Listen and read, Animals Look at these giraffes. They're tall. They eat leaves from these tall trees. These animals are zebras! They aren't tall. They eat grass. Elephants eat grass and leaves, too. What's this? It’s a leopard. Leopards eat meat, Lions eat meat, too. Watch out, zebras! Those lions are scary. They eat zebras and other animals. Some animals eat meat and some animals eat grass, fruit, and leaves. Monkeys eat meat and fruit. What do you eat? 8 Write the animals in the correct places. lions © class vote! Leopards are scary. Yes or no? MmdenikhnHis © Choose an animal. Find out what it eats. Search the Internet or ask your teacher. Prepare @ Choose a mask to make. \ Showcase Oo 8 Tell the story. Use your masks. what are these? > Sa i 1 What are these? They'te elephants 2 What = soeese® snseen _... lions. 3 What ore those? They1e Bees are those? ....... ee tigers. eo Circle)the correct answer. 1 Are crocodiles long and green? Gs. they ais) / No, they aren't 2 Are lions scary? Yes, they cue. / Yes, it is. 3 Are giraffes small? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't, 4 Are spiders tall? No, it isn't. / No, they aren’t. 9 8 Think about Chapter 3. Color the books. Look back at pages 4and 5, Find: two scary lions B&B ) Listen and number. Then say. RN Wy i ¢ & behind the door L on the chair u © ») Now look again. Where's the mouse? Listen and Circlé the correct answer. 1 It's @éhind, in the bag. 2 It’s on / under the chatir. 3 It's under / on the table. 4 It’s on / behind the cat. © Ask and answer. < Where's the mouse?) (it's in the bedroom. 1 SS, nder the chair Thare'a the core ns ¢ __ Its in the living 100m. It's behind the door. ae Tell Me a Story @ ») Listen and read. J Then act out. Can | listen to the = story, too? Hello? Can _ Teome in? Hmm, is it under the table? No, Aha! Aclue! == LD x. © 100k at the story sgy and think. What's it about? in the living room. 7 It isn't in the kitchen. © ») Listen and read. What rooms are in the story? kitchen bathroom living room, Time to Think @ ») Read the story in your Reader. 9g 8 Draw something valuable. @ Talk about the story. a 7 : < No, there isn ¢ “How | mary oe 2) pe (There are ~) * three. ‘Yes, there is, / No, there isn't. How many mails are there? _ There are two. eA Tell Me a Story Ovuesem« Cappan MANGATE Sniffer the Superdog! ~ excuse me, where are the comics? 4m ~— . They're across 4 from the computers, } » next to the books. 4 birthdoy today. Is therea Tharkst mall near q oC » SS SH from the movie theater — ‘on Second Avenue. and think. What’s hospital on First Avenue. Come with )) Listen and read. What places are in the story? a mall a movie theater @ hospital a 200 Time to Think @ » Read the story in your Reader. & © write. Ask Captain Navigate for help. Q Talk about the story. -_ What other 7, superheroes do f Beep, Beep, Beep! There are cars and buses on the street. Zoom! Vroom! Beep! Beep! Beep! How many cars are there on the street? L | How many buses? Zoom! Vroom! Beep! L | There are trucks and taxis on the street. Zoom! Vroom! Beep! Beep! Beep! How many trucks are there on the street? _ | How many taxis? Zoom! Vroom! Beep! |_ There are vans and motorcycles on the street. Zoom! Vroom! Beep! Beep! Beep! How many vans are there on the street? | How many motorcycles? Zoom! Vroom! Beep! ) y © Ask and answer. How many buses >) —— —— \ are there? C There are two. — = © ») Listen and say the chant. The bus goes beep, the van goes vroom. Beep, beep, vroom, beep, beep, vroom. "No, there isn’t bu there ore a [ot of to Taxi! The Superheroes’ Party 1 s Lock! Theres i superheroes’ partyat the Gee Es Toke the second left. Qu Go straight, Then take the first right. een Pork, bu where's the café?, a FelHow many are there? & 0 Look at the story. Complete Libby’s directions to Green Park. 1 Where's Green Park? 2 It's the zoo. 3 Terke the .. Take tho first loft. 4Go. Go straight It's across from the > mall. Gr» 5 Then, take the ... wa Le a cy oO » Listen and read. Then write the number of the — correct picture. | Bangkok is a big city in Thailand. There are a lot of __ houses, malls, and cafés. The streets in Bangkok are very busy. There are cars and motorcycles. There are buses and taxis, | There are tuk-tuks, too, _. Tuk-tuks are blue and red. | There's a long river in Bangkok called the Chao Phraya River, There are river buses on the Chao Phraya River. 7 oo. / hy town, there > @ Check () the transportation in your town. \ ave fuses and taxis.” Then talk to a friend. < taxis tuxtuks | | river buses a | buses L } 6 Class Vote! Tuk-tuk or river bus? (Tenia © What other transportation is there? \. Search the Internet or ask your teacher. Prepare 0 Make a town map and badges. Showcase © 0 Tell the story. Use your town map and badges. There's a malll across ¢ from the movie theater | “Son Second Avenue,“ po ZA 4 / Thanks, captain Navigate! od Oo » Listen and write the numbers. Then answer. Com Mbrory | (| mall | hospital | hotel |) café L park | 1 Is there a hospital? 2 Is there a 200? . 3 Is there a hotel? Yes, there are ........ 4 How many cafés are there? .... Look at the map. Complete the directions from the café to the swimming pool. Go straight. Take the Then take the It's the bathroom. ‘Look back at pages 4and 5, Find; red bus ~ aa ov ay if I= ; 2. oP & @ ») Listen and number. Then say. ( \ mom | | grandma | | brother | ] aunt | } grandpa | uncle | dad sister | a Ee © @ ») listen and read. Then check () the correct picture. have a mom and a dad. My grandpa is tall 1 don't have a brother. i have two grandmas. have two sisters. i don't have any aunts or uncles, Qe Look at the other picture. Complete the sentences. My mom is tall. Ihave brothers. 1 ae have a grandpa. I sie a grandma. 6 Talk to a friend about your family. I don’t have a brother. T don't have any brothers or sisters. La Ihave three sisters >, “Sand one brother. Tell Me a Story @ » Listen and read. @) Then act out. ‘eS Vn Nadia. Vhave a big fawaity. ) have a little sister, Olga. = ae Hello, Tom. ) pa who's this? 4 \ 1 : Ps Hi, Libby. Tais is \\\ eS my little brother, . Bobby. Hi, Bobby. Nice to meet you! 4 have any \ food, Olga. Sorry. Cather ‘ This is my yon, Dad? Here’s a story \ . Gatto ve ; foryou. 4 Y J have three sister. 7 9S 8 Who helps you? Say thank you. @O0H06 G00 Thank you for | my present: __| helping me with my homework ] being my friend © =) @ Talk about the story. Do you know any stories about families? we | L 5 & (71) » Listen and number. Then sing. -s 9 My Pets Ihave a turtle | 2 \and a cat. \ | 'havea hamster| anda rat.\_ Ihave a fish _ “and a mouse. L | dpe all live here in my house. | love my pets, and they love me. | love my pets. They're my family. | don't have any brothers or sisters, you see. My pets are my family! | Ihave a bird _ ) and a dog. U) Ihave a rabbit | anda frog. | } All these animals live with me. My pets are my family! @ Play a chain game. C Ihave o bird >) Sand a dog. A ~ a © ») Listen and say the chant. /thove a bird and >, \ a dog and a frog, _) Cthave a bird. > 1 have a hamster in my house. A hungry hamster in my house. ‘hove two sisters. Their nomes ore Lisa and Laura, Hi Libby, How ure you? Ir in Syuney. I love Lis Australia, | have a big partment, but | don't have a yard | | | have a car new, and two cats. [J Write soon Leve, | Lisa Come and play today Love, Ellie | Hello friends, See. You havea Care) Mot of friends. Ce |i Ly aS © Look at the picture below. Complete the blanks for Tom. 1 Do. you have..any brothers, Tom? 2 3 Their a . assrexseerenn TOK Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I do. / No, I don't. Their names ore Lisa ratcng iene and Bobby. - Be a) Do you have a house Now I have a big with a big yard? , yard to play in, Do you love animats? Thave food and Buddy is hungry. Please help. Gide Buddy a warms bed and a home, © Check () the things that animals need. food v| abike | abed | | } | ) water L a home L atv ic 8 Class survey. Ask and answer. “Do you have» any pets? _- Yes, | do. | have >) __arabbit. / @ crass Vote! eind{Out]More!\ aaa) Cats or dogs? Choose another animal, Find out what they need. Search the \_ Intemet or ase your teacher. Showcase © © Tel! the story. Use your funny family. “'m Nadia. | have») \a big family. a ae EE @ ») Listen and match. 4 ~\ Joke Emtly | ) Baa e Look and complete the blanks. Boy: Do you have ....... Owny......... pets? Girl: Yes, I Thave and a dog. Their are Kitty and Lucky. I eeaeoe two hamsters, names eee Harry and Henry. ©) © Think about Chapter 6, Color the books. iS TYRANNOSAURUS REX ee TC beer | wie neck Cade -Ye 1) RCL ait two Ts legs Make eer) Bars 1) Spe meee UN YBE-Tore cd My monster is small and black, |x has four small hands, | | tdoesn’t have any legs. My monster has three | My monster is brown. t has a Negs and a short tail. big head and a small body. Tthas along neck._| tthes two long arms. QO Look at the other monster. €irclé)the correct description. 1 thas ct i) / smaill head. 2Ithas two / doesn’t have any arms. YY It has a big heard. 3 It has two / doesn't herve any legs. It has four legs. It doesn't have any arms. 4 Ithastwo / four hands. fa Tell Me a Story @ ») Listen and read. Then act out. sit down and list to this story. - come with me, Where’ ? ee ye 6 Look at the story mon, sg, and think. What's Mama! 3} it about? Mamal No. tm not {your mam. A, my name's Jake, s © Saiajebajate ° : 7 Washo hat 7 Eww! t's small “(Jake has a funny 4 and green, Look, \” pet. it’s ually s ‘ Tehas long arms yy Po a and short legs. fs £723 8 ») Listen and read. What does Doodle have? short legs big feet long arms Time to Think Qe Read the story in your Reader. e Check (V) Doodle’s mom. 8 Who are your good friends? My good friends are @ Talk about the story. Do you know another story about aliens? @ ») Listen and check (V) the correct alien. Then sing. I'man Alien + | have one big eye, | don’t have a nose, | have three big ears, And six little toes. | have long green hair, On my big head. | have a small mouth, My mouth is red. J \'m an alien. I'm a small, green alien. | have one big eye on my face! Iman alien. 'm a small, green alien. | | come from Outer Space! j / 0 Play a guessing game. ( How many eyes ) o It has six eyes, \ does it have? (It doesn't have a mouth.) Number 3 1s A. your alien! © ») Listen and say the chant. The moon has a face. A face in space. 4 F That face in space is the moon. 2 i But this new robot is big cnd white, She has two blueeyes and. big mouth, She's... beautiful Idont fee ws Theresa new robot} oo si ‘She doesn't hove ‘any legs. ane has fect, © 8 Complete the description of Biblio. 1 He has .........bwo....... eyes. 2 He any ears. 3 He any legs. “She has two eyes. How many legs does she have? 4 How many orms does he have? The Sun is a big star in space. There are eight planets. They go around the Sun ina big circle. Mercury is next to the Sun. Then Venus is next to Mercury. Our planet is called Earth. Earth is the third planet from the sun. It has one moon. Next to Earth is Mars. Mars has two moons. Next to Mars is Jupiter. Jupiter is big and red. Saturn is next to Jupiter. Saturn has rings. Then, there is Uranus, cind then Neptune. A ell Saturn. Earth Neptune Jupiter Mars Mercury Venus Uranus 8 Class Vote! Are there any aliens in space? Yes or no? THientiaaws ©) Find more facts about the planets. \\ Search the Internet or ask your teacher. La Prepare Fa Make an alien, Showcase So @ Tell the story. Use your aliens. “took tt has long on arms and short legs, Sf EE 2 Ee @ ») Listen and check (V) the correct monster. @© Write T (Tom) or B (Biblio). 1 He has two legs. a: 2 He has long arms. 3 He has two ears. 4 He doesn’t have a nose. 5 He doesn't have any feet. ©} © Think about Chapter 7. Color the books. Look back at pages 4and 5, Find: ct long tail Po Fm cee (Lier P LSS 10 Odi © @ ») listen, read, and match. + L L ‘like chicken and >. I like pizza, but, 1 like burgers. pasta. | like broccoli, ) (don't tke past. ) (and fies. | like peas, ) ‘but I don’t like peas. 7 \ Hike salad. but | don't like salad. _/ © ») Listen and check (V) (I like ...) or cross (x) (I don't like ...) for Ana. 8 Now complete the chart for you. @ Talk to a friend. ‘like salad, but > (A don't tke broccoli Tike pizza, bul I don't like broccoli. Lr Sf ry Tell Me a Story @ ») Listen and read. 4 Then act out. lunchtime. “Do you hove any cake?" asks Chip. it Is Monday. Is x | | - ~~ Hmm, sorry. 7 \ don’t. like ie on, *| like pizza, but | don't like salad. this book, Yee I don't like anything green. - a “No, | don’t,” says Chef. fh today is chicken | iim © Look at the story and think. Where gS are they? It’s Tuesday. It’s lunchtime. “Do you have any cake?” I | asks Chip, ae 8 » Listen and read. What food is in “Hmm. Chicken, please.” says Chip. “Like chicken, but | don't like green beans, | don't like anything geen” the story? ( \ pizza { ] EB : ioe ‘ a fish } ae sollad ‘| Time to Think @ ») Read the story in your Reader. © Talk about the story. Do you know anothor story about food? Y On Monday, | have salad. ‘ On Tuesday, | have cheese. » On Wednesday, | have chicken. More chicken, please! On Thursday, | have pasta. _ On Friday, | have rice. Saturday, is pizza night. Arm! Pizza’s very nice! » Sunday, is my favorite day. You'll love the food | make! For a special treat, Ihave ice cream and cake! 8 Write about your food. Then talk with a friend. = — On Monday | have pizza.” — ))) Listen and say the chant. 8 ») 'Y ss Chicken and cheese, chicken and cheese, More chicken and cheese, but no fish, please! ap rena Hmm, en, but | don't 2 pizza. Do you like pizza? — SP izza and a K salad, please, JB ot / Tdon't like pizza with © 8 Complete the blanks for Ellie. ———..... 1 pizza? St 2 " 3 chicken? J 4 Mh &y Do you like pizza? LD. ] _ Yes, Ido. / No, 1 don't @ ») Listen and read. Lunchtime | "Ly Sumi. - a | Tuesday, June 1st Wednesday, June 2nd Thursday, June 3rd us This is my lunch today. Ugh! A terrible lunch Lunch today is chicken, There's cheese pizza with today. Burger and fries. rice, broccoli, and fruit. salad. Pizza is ok, but not No vegetables! | don't like Very healthy! I like rice, and Lag every day. | like salad, burgers and fries. They ‘love chicken. Fruit isOk. — fE It's good for you. There's aren't healthy. ice cream, too. | like ice cream, but it's not very healthy! 9 you think? Which lunch do you like? you have for lunch? Peal eo Write the food words in the correct places. Healthy food Unhealthy food e said = 6 Class Vote! (f Find(out) Meno @ Ice cream or fruit? Find throo more healthy foods. Search the Internet or ask your teacher. Prepare @ Make different food. Showcase, 6 @ Tell the story. Use your food. » Lunch today S, (is pizza and salad, ) a @ ») Listen and check (V) (I like...) or cross (x) d don’t like...). Qe Write answers for you. 1 Do you like cake? 2 Do you like cheese? _.... wanes 3 Do you like ice cream? ...... 4 Do you like fish? 5 Do you like rice? @ © Think about t Chapter 8. Color the books. Look back at pages 4and 5, Find: Monday “met cpoPle, a i. & Oo ») Listen and number. Then say. nd Music play soccer __ | ee al rs a asGcae © @ ») Look, listen, andircis). 1 t@an)/ con't swim. 3 It can / com't ride a bike 2 It can / can’t run. Altcan / can't skate. © ») Listen and check (V) (Yes, I can.) or cross (x) (No, I can't.) for Uma and Fred. Can you ... Uma Fred Me tide a bike? v swim? play soccer? dance? skate? P run? ) © Now complete the chart for you. © Talk to a friend. “can run, but | 5 _— can’t swim. Yes, I com./No, I can't. a el ay Lesson 3/ Tell Me a Story @ ») Listen and read. a Then act out. Look at this violin, Ellie. It’s magic. Ss Don’t be silly, lioby! iThe Magic Viol @Look at those te i *% in PD In our town, i There's a man named Tim. He can't drive a cart, But he can play the violi 0 Look at the story and think. What’s bY it about? BLO Oh, ges: they can Wher | play my votn © » Listen and read. | What things are in | the story? | fish | } cat violin | @ ») Read the story in Time to Think your Reader. © Check ) what the fish can do in the story. @ @ Talk about the story. ily sing dance () © Write another verse. Then draw. Look at those Those ..... can't Don't he silly, Tim. Oh, yes, they can, When I play my violin. Do you know another rhyming e ——_—— — has (s on & @ » Listen and number. Then sing. g Let's Play Together -, Can you play the piano, piano, piano? (2) , Can you play the piano? pase Yes, | can. Can you play the drums, drums, drums? UL) = Can you play the drums? © Yes, | can. + L Can you play the tambourine ...? aL . Can you play the recorder ...? L ] ) + @ Can you play the guitar ...? - Can you play the violin ...2 | Let’s all play together, together, together Let’s all play together. Yes, we can! © Ask and answer. ae aia = (Can you play -— ‘\_ the piano? qn ——§ IT % FZ © ») Listen and say the chant. Bang! Bang! Bang! Drum. Drum. Drum. tees Sics: hetaate oosvekor Aeeee hee sie elle Took. There's a Talent Show on Friday. Can you play the piano, ae oy fy ke) Story Central Has Talent! 1 Jae aa x a 3 Jul They're Coat) Eves, \can play the guiter, but {can’t sing, St skate Ha hal © Complete the blanks for Tom and Ellie. 1 Tom can ploy the..guitor... Can she sing? Yes, she can. / Se eee i sa) 5 She ... play the piano. ‘Yeo Ly ani SA ap | i @ ») Listen and read. Mie uaunenn This instrument is This instrument is from This instrument is from. from Australia. It’s a Tiber. I's a Tibetan hand J Hawaii. You play ir with didgeridoo. It's very long, ff bell. Irs very small. your nose! Irs called a It comes from o tree. Tibetan hand bells can Hawaiian nose flute. |r's You play the didgeridoo ff be used in meditanon long ond thin wlth your mouth. Narive_]f People in Tiber play the | con you gloy any musical Australian people sing JJ hond bell with their left I cr imenis? Do you use ‘and dance to ne sound MI your mouth. hands, or ® GEixcl\T (true) or F (false). 1 The didgeridoo is from Australia. (ty F 2 You play the didgeridoo with your nose. T/F 3 The Tibetan hemd bell is very smell TYE 4 You play the Tibetan hand bell with your right hand. T /F 5 The Hawaiiom nose flute is from Europe. T/F eo Class Vote! ( find Ot March @ Play or listen to music? Find out about another unusual _ instrument from around the world. What \ parts of the body do you use to play it? Prepare oO Make an instrument. violin tambourine Showcase So @ Tell the story. Use your instruments. (Birds can’t dance. * \ Don't Le silly, Tim. LS 2 / Oh, yes, they can, \ When | play my violin. 1 —— Com @ ») Listen and check (V) (Yes, he can.) or cross (x) (No, he can't.). Then write answers. swim v| skate | | ride a bike { dance play soccer L L T CeO SWE aon cecceececr cer estrernr crores 2 Can he ride a bike? 3 Can he skate? ...... 4 Can he dance? : 5 Can he play soccer? eee Write answers for you. 1 Can you skate? 2 Can you play the guitar? _. 3 Can you ride a bike? 4 Can you swim? eS © Think about Chapter 9. Color the books. Look back at pages 4and 5, Find: skettes What is it? It's a pencil. It isn’t a pen. Is it an eraser? Yes, itis. / No, it isn’t. What color is it? It’s red. An orange notebook. Sentence Maker How many sentences can you make? TihkAgch! | WikAgeiil it’s = itis a@crayon / an eraser it isn't = it is not a black notebook / an orange ruler bookted Chapter 2 Grammar This is my robot. That's my bike. Is this your teddy bear? Is that your car? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. How old are you? I'm six. How old is he/she? He’s/She's seven. Vitel Ager W Yes, it is. When's your/his/her birthday? % Yes-it's- ne 4 yd Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? Is this my care your teddy bear? that his bag? her doll? bike? Chapter 3 Grammar What ore these? What are those? They‘te lions/monkeys/girattes. They’re hungry. They aren't scarry. I'm tall. ThinkéAgeiny one tiger, one elephant Are crocodiles scary? two tigers, five elephants Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. they're = they are they aren't = they are not Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? These lions are scary. They aren't scary. Those | tigers big. big elephants hungry. hungry. crocodiles small. small, giraffes tall. tall monkeys thin. thin. ae Grammar Referen Chapter 4 Grammar Where's the book? It’s in the living room. It's inon/under/behind the table. Tht Sit down, / Come in. Where's = Where is | Don't sit down. / Don't come in. 1 Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? The cat is in the bag. pen isn’t on desk. bag under bed. crayon behind closet. pencil oedroom. book kitehen. Chapter 5 Grammar There's a hospital. There are four malls. Is there a hospital? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. How many malls are there? There's one mall. There are two malls. itis Ageing t= first Go straight. 2nd = second Take the first/second/third lefi/rignt. 3rd = third It’s next to / across from the park. —— | ae Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? There's a hospital. library. There isn’t park. There are two malls. three. movie theaters, four carés. five six cm Ihave a brother T have a brother / three uncles. and a sister I don’t have a grandpa I don't have cny brothers or sisters. Do you have any brothers or sisters? = - Yes, | do. I have two brothers. No, I don’t. | don‘t have any brothers or sisters. Tiki, How many aunts and uncles do you have? They're my brothers. Ihave two aunis. Their names are Sally and Jess. Their names cre Gary and Jake. Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? ' have a/an mom. one dad. two brother(s). three sister(s). four grandma(s). five grandpa(s). don't have any aunt(). Ce Grammar Reference rie Chapter 7 Grammar It has a small head / four legs. It doesn't have a big head. It doesn’t have any arms. iii Acid He/She has blue eyes. 1 don't have long hair. He/She doesn’t have long hair. It doesn’t have long hair, y Does he/she/it have long legs? Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t. fh, it have legs? How many legs does it have? ee Whe wo: x Yes-ithave- e/ Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? He has two. arms. She doesn't have four legs. long eyes. short big hair. small feet. blue hands. brown. Cereal g ThinkdAgain!} Like pizza, l like chicken and 1 like salad. I don't like peas. l like chicken, but I don't like sclad. I like chicken, but | don’t like fish. ——_— ———— Do you like cheese? ‘match Yes, | do. / No, | don’t. Do you like scrlad? Yes, I do. On Friday, | have fries. X Yes;Elike, a “ea \ a Y Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? like fish but Vike peas. | don’t like pizza and | don't like cheese, chicken, salad, pasta broccoli. fries geen beans. Cd ef me eel | can ride a bike. | can’t play the violin. He/She can swim. He/She can’t skate. It can swim. / It can‘t play soccer. Tift Age fio Can you play the guitar? itor? Yes, | can. / No, | can’t. oa pie cullar Can he/she/it swim? x Yes, I play. Yes, he/she/it can. / No, he/she/it can't. Sentence Maker: How many sentences can you make? | ean play the violin You can't swim. He skate. She play soccer, We ride a bike, dance. play the guitar. run. Macmillan Seucation 4 Crinan Street London N11 9x A division of Macmillan Publishers Limked ‘Companies ené representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-0-230-44541-3 Pack ISBN 978-0-230-45197-1 ‘Toxt © Viv Lambert and Mo Choy Design Lid 2015 Design anc illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 The authors have aesrted ther rghts fo be Wentfed as tne authors oft workin aecordance vith tne Copytigk, Designs and Patents Story Centralis @ registered trademark, property of Macmillan Publishers Limited First Published 2015 Allrights reserved: no part ofthis publication may be reorocuced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, machanical, pnctocopying, recording, or alhernise, without the prior written permission of the publishers, Designed ty Wild Apple Design Lid llustraied by Aardvart 9p69, 88; lias Arahoviis (Bective Mustration| 76; Valentina Belloni (MB A\tists) pp90-91, 92, Robin Boyden (Pickled Ink) po/0—7', 72, 73; Paco Cavero (Syivie Pogalo Artist Agency) ppt7, 27, 47, 57,67, 77, 87, 97; Inna Chemyak (Plum Pucsing) 1000-31, 32. $3t: Mercus Culler (Sylvie Pogaio Artist Agenos) pp80-8%, 82, 83: Anne Hancock (Beehive llustratior) ppt irm. 19b. 19. 24 3b, 2b, 20. 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