Story Central 4 - Student Book

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i Angela Llanas | PA siicaton TS Ala Welcome page 4 clue bought some old comics. 'm going to look atthe science book stand now. ich are the cookies? | have $10 Was there 2 swimming pool? Yes, there was. Were there many people? Yes, there were. There aren’t many children on the swings There ist much time lef. I need a few ide: We always hav alot of ideas You should stay at You shouldn't go ome for three days 1a choo. Could you walk? I could walk | couldn't play soc or baseball for along Earth is more interesting than the other seven planets Neptune isthe farthest from the Sun Saturn isthe most beautiful plenet. ‘When the moon goes i front ofthe Sun theres an eclipse Hf you look atthe Sun it can damage your eyes, ve seen every movi aven't met Justin Have you seen Valley of the Vampires yet? No, | haven't seen ie yet Yes, I've alteady seen it. People made the first cave paintings 30,000 years ago. ‘We've discovered a lot about ie then because of cave paintings Have you seen Miguel? ‘When id he send the message? Peer mc sag Food a Adjectives fr Science: planets Checkup metcors and Space asteroids Voviegenes TheHouse at the Ait: how jeprofessions Endof the Road animated Forms of TheSecret of History ulus communication Keyhole sland Caesar Written ‘communication and invention verbs Welcome Back, compound nouns 1h, No! What 2 the Solar Syter mmult-syllabic words Werte Making a Movie! ings for obs: -or, er, ~ist We Communicate double letters ces 6 ue | e or) ts | rer ic | rors) eed The person who avs fist brings a speci Celebrationsand —Therand the Social sciences: It's Tine to ait. ‘racitons Stolen Hammer skylaniems Celebrate The Chinese New Years afetvalthatisin Celebration vers January or Februay That’ the locker whee | put the cake . > Rr eLseainm Birthdays are when you invite friends and page7s eaand ee Have ou ever cimbed 1267 Personal There ae alt of 9 Yes, have. No, | havent achievements ‘Adventure alalating Things IWant : | Wider word percentages 0.00, Tweneeriun amarathen bullies | Wer Fve never flown in a helicopter. fm too scared! My dificult words peers rr Pera Chapters 1-9 Grammar Review and Sentence Makers Cet oe tte @ Activites that Activites that Activities that ‘Activities that Activities \ encourage develop societal develop citical foster learner that promote | \ childrento accept understanding thinking skis autonomy, and interpersonal and | Z resporsiiity and and identfication _ta reflect upon, allow children to callaboative sil reflect on the of children’sown manipulate, demonstrate and develop teamwork, consequences of | circumstances ina process, and putinto practice | and allow children lifestyle choices. wider context. interpret learning strategies. to express opinions information, and ideas 3 @ ») Listen and sing. Welcome Back, Everyone! welcome back, everyone! Story Central is a lot of fun. There are great new books to read, Games to play and friends to see, every day is a special day, Playing and learning along the way. So come with us and take a look. Meet the characters from the books. Find a costume you can wear, Or bring a book with you to share, Do you like poems or mysteries? ‘Are you good at sports or history? Can you dance, can you sing? Can you play the violine There's something here for everyone. So come inside, we're having fun! |My Look and write the number of the correct book. a story about a lamp a story about an island g story about the planets | we ° buy some od comic books M look at the science book stand buy cookies make cookies buy new books for Story Central buy icecream } My favorite books and movies My nome’s | Last year, | read } and | watched Now, I'm reading | I'm going to read | I want to watch | 'd like more books about Ilike movies about My favorite subject is pte,» © )) listen again and check (V) the languages of each country. (Country Language German English French Arabic Spanish [Japanese 1 France v 2. Germany [3 Canada [4 Japan 5 Egupt 6 Mexico © Point to the pictures. Test a friend. © Write the names of other countries you know and their languages. pe o— — (Chat house ») (in Germany they (in Germany. ) \. speak German. 2 1 eee In Brazil they speak Portuguese. @ )) listen and read. What countries and languages does Maddie talk about? ‘was awesome! | went with my parents and my little "brother, Stevie, We were there for five days, Where did you fly 10? We flew to Miami on Thursday. We arrived at noon. We stayed at o great hotel. Wos there a swimming poo! at your hotel? Ves, there was. If was warm, and it was 25 meters long. Wow! Was there a restaurant? Yes, there were three. There was a Japanese restaurant, 0 Spanish restaurant, and o Mexican restaurant, What did you eat? Well, love Japanese food, so ate a lot of sushi © Underline the questions with was there and €irclé)the questions with were there. ere there many people ther th’s competition. ami. Yes, Most of the people there were from Mexico, and they spoke’ Spanish, of course, but there ‘were people there from Germany, Japan, and Egypt as well. Fortunately, they spoke to us in English, You went to the Wonderful World amusement park, didn't you? Were there good rides? Yes, we did, We tried ALL the rides I iked the Big Waterfall the best. Stevie preferred the Spacewalk Spin. We went on that ride twice! 6 » Complete the questions. Then listen again and write the answers. Yes, there was. 1 Was there a swimming pool? ioe ee a restaurant? eee many people? | 4. good rides? © Ask and answer about your last vacation. (Was there a swimming ppool at your hotel? No, there wasn't Mts aaa RTT Listen and read. Alot of people in costumes danced Then act out. Wee by. They played music, and a few men sang French songs, Felicity! Try this. 'm 9 being a firefighter. That looks like funt 10k, dancers from France.” said Emily §) “Wow! That looks like funi* said Sar, But when the dancers lef, Claire wasn't there “Where's Claire?” asked Sam, They couldn't see their litle sister anywhere % Ory “et © Look at the story. What . type of place do you think — & this is? Eircléthe adjectives. busy boring fun quiet important exciting colorful ©) )) Listen and read. Complete. Sam and Emily Men Claire Emily are singing and playing drums. 2 con't see their sister. is lost. sees someone on the carousel. © where do you think Claire is? *What are we going to do? said Emily "We're going to find her before Dad gets back,” said Sam, “There isn’t much time” “Who's that on the carousel?” asked Emily, 32 coe Time to Think STR @ ») Read the story in your Reader. © Number the events from the story in order. le @ Sam and Emily went to Germany. b Sam and Emily found Claire in China. ¢ Dad came back with the popcorn. d Sam and Emily saw that Claire wasn't there. e Sam and Emily went to a pyramid in Egypt. | £ Dad took Sam, Emily, and Claire to the amusement park. g Dad went to buy popcom, es bt tft bt tb © Look back at Picture 3. Help Sam and Emily find Claire. Write some clues for iCcanjRead| hee fand)Writel) There are people from ...... Use the pictures for ideas to add description ioe to your writing. Write I can see ....... onan about the colors, clothes, J | | Claire is - 3 Se nationalities, and what the characters are \ doing. © © Talk about the story. = Have you ever been lost in a busy piace? What did you do? Fun for Everyone Amusement parks| 6 ) are so much fun, So much fun for everyone. swinging up, up, up on a swing. | To swing so high is a wonderful thing. ) sliding down, down, down on the slide. |_| Looking around for another great ride. Around and around on the carousel. |_| It’s fun on the roller coaster| |, as well. Onto the ferris wheel| |) — don't stop at the top| Down the zip line|_| — land with a flop. ‘Amusement parks are so much fun, So much fun for everyone! © Talk about rides you like and don't like. Say why like to go on the carousel. Plan your day at the amusement park. Write, \_ "fa" is 20h" d Tim going to go to Tall Towers Amusement Park. a First, I'm going to go on the carousel. ° 6 » Listen and say the chant. is made up of two or more shorter words Look for one word or two. © Fina it! How many can you find on the page? compound nouns | _/ {have to send itby tomorrow. \) There isn't much time left! need eas, ‘pont worn /ealways have ‘alot of ideas, ay Citizen of the World Ph Vict are you reading, Jason? There aren't many, children on the swings, Yes, there are children’ [( from alot of different countries There are alot of 3 countries to write about GF) How about a story about children from different, countries? ide, anda lat of children, ‘areon the roller Vas Fi Nee be] ili coer 5 sar bat someting SY appens. They stopat the topot the ride They eant get down! What are they, going toot amusement pai elebrate! =€ © © Look at the story. Complete. arent many isn’ 1 Jason has .4.feW............... pens in the pot, 2 There are... ........ books on the shelf. 3 There Hi ..... flowers on Jason's plant. 4 There fruit on the plate — the Ne always have a lot of &) children ate it! | CLIL ‘History @ Read. Who was George W. Ferris? George W. Ferris lived in Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. He was an engineer and built bridges. In 1893, there was a World's Fair in Chicago. People came from different countries to share new ideos. The organizers of the World's Fair in Chicago wanted to show the visitors a lot of exciting things. Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel Tower for the World's Fair in Paris in 1889. That wos very exciting! What could Chicago do? Then George W. Ferris heard about the problem. He designed the world’s first ferris wheel for the fair. It was 80.5m high. There were 86 wooden cars on the wheel. Each car held 60 people. Everyone was very excited about Ferris's wheel. The ride cost 50 cents and lasted around 20 minutes. Around 38,000 people went on the wheel every day! Ferris wheels are still popular in amusement parks today. © correct the sentences. 1 Ferris made the first ferris wheel in 1889, Ferris made the first ferris wheel in 1893.__ 2 He made it for the World's Fair in France. 3 There were 16 wooden cars on the wheel. 4 There are no ferris wheels today. Class Vote ( Gon mess © Are ferris wheels scary? Choose carousel or playground Why / Why not? slide. Who invented it and when? Yeo meet © large posterboand © colored pencils of markers © amusement par maps © scissors and glue Prepare @ Research and pian an amusement park. 1 Make notes on your favorite amusement park. Use your maps and these questions to help you What's the name? What food do they serve? What's the theme? What are the different sections of the park? What's your favorite ride? Are there any special shows? 2 In groups, talk about your favorite amusement park. 3 Design your own amusement park. Draw ct map and include information about it. 4 Finally, write at welcome message for your international visitors. Showcase © © Present your amusement park. ‘The different areas are ... We have visitors ~\, | The special ride is .. from Germany, Egypt, )) We have visitors from... ‘Mexico, and the USA,_/ 0 » Write the languages. Then listen and check (/) the languages Lucy spoke. USA English... || Japan { ) France Bot) Mexico, L Germany one |_| Egypt L) © Look and complete. 1 There are a lot of... ....- horses on the carousel 2 There are 1... People on the roller coaster. 3 There cesccesseesseseeeeess- Wtter in the ride. 4 There people on the ferris wheel. 5 There ote --------- Children on the swings. © © think about Chapter 1. Color and complete for you. My favorite page in Chapter 1 is 2 z a ene VO ae g- backache | | | fg QB wer { ae é Write about how you felt the last time you were sick. 1 felt tired, 1 had a headache. 8 Wed v3} Web Doctor Gree [een earl ere otic | oes me Peres econo + You shouldn’t go to school or work. You should stay cat home for three days. This can stop other people = from catching your illness. (X90 to school * You should take cough medicine. Take it at night (stay nome before you go to sleep. I Pushin * You shouldn't stay up late. Go to bed early. Get eight stay up late hours of sleep. '* You should cover your mouth with atissuewhen you _ 9° 10 bed cory ay cough or sneeze. \__ | cover your mouth when you sneeze * You should wash your hands a lot. 1 Atetiicas fetal niall * You should drink a lot of water and eat healthy food. 0 Eee - © complete with should or shouldn't. v toothache You ..... shouldn't eat canay and cake. You ...... a go to the dentist. You - mies ... brush your teeth twice a day. v headache YOU oo eeeccccsessesssseess. Grink a1 lot of water. You .. play computer games today. © Act out a dialogue between a patient rammar. Central and doctor. You should slay at home a a a for three days, (Cthave a backache. ») (You should do some») BP snows Gee —~ \ gentle exercises DB © Lethe = va Tee Listen and read. Then act out. Hi, Cheng. 1s something wrong? Ihave a backache. | played basketball yesterday. e i That's too bad. Would you like @ book to read? al Thank you, Felicity 8, aie Look at the story. How do & you think Lulu is feeling? Listen and read. Circle) T (true) or F paniche> Lulu has a test at school today. oF Lulu wants to go to school. T/F Lulu is sick. er @ what do you think happens next? Lulu gets dressed for school. Lulu tells her mom she’s sick. Lulu prepares for her test. Lulu felt she wanted to stay, At home and sleep in bed all day, Lulu thought it was better to rest, Than go to scheol and de her test. 7 { Time to Think ETS © ») Read the story in your Reader. © Gircidan the correct answers. y 1 Lulu’s mom offers her: a S b ¢ toys aa sore throat bacold catest 2 Lulu tells her mom she has: 3 Lulu’s mom tries to help by: a running a bath b calling the doctor ¢ calling school 4 At the end of the story, Lulu: a decides to go to school b sees the doctor ¢ learns lying is wrong 8 How does Lulu feel at the end of the story? Complete the poem. Tet tb ft tt tbs Dear Morn, Tim ....S0MTy... and Tim sad. 1 know that telling esis / Tam pot ues... Ym feeling 01Gm I should be more... next time. land \Writel!| To make you............., Pll do my best: rll. go te school This story is a rhyming cand pass that test! poem. The rhyme gives : music to the words, Can you find pairs of words \ that rhyme? © © talk about the story. When youte sick, ‘what do your family and friends do to make you feel better? Oh, No! What Happened? “oh, no! What happened?” | flew from my bed. I need to walk with crutches, have a broken leg “Oh, no! What happened?” I chased a dragon in a tree. | got a burn—it really hurts, | put cold water on my knee. “Oh, no! What happened?” A snake bit me in the rain, The doctor gave me a shot, And some medicine for the pain, ‘Mom, come right away! I need a bandage, please. | fell playing basketball, There's a big cut on my knee. 06 Look at the pictures. Say the injury and what you need. ~ Ihave a broken lec © write what you need. Sine 1 You have a cut on your finger. bandage 2 You ate in a lot of pain, 3 You have a broken leg. 4 You have a burn on your hand. ‘The sound irin gitl has different spellings. Use different colors for 4, er, and ur to help you remember. The nurse in the skirt is first to help h © Find it! How many can you find on the page? words with the same sound as -irin gitl| Tim taking care oF “tis itl bird. Ie flew into the window. Ithinkit has a broken wing. What, should we doz Toroke my right \u»othomewor Enphemet (‘or tire weeks! Cou) , wree weeks, 7 Icouldr't play soccer Way So" baseball for along time. And I couldn't swim, It wos terrible! broke my finger once VK. the vets 17 oh: Butt couldnt Vp ‘ada bandage: couldn't ote fiy befor play computer gomes for a ia ; That's too! Ibet your mom was: happy, though, ©) © complete the vet's report card. Report for Mr. Croc: Could... he walk? he eat? he swim? ............... he sleep? Mr. Croc ...coulda’t.. walk. Hepes, eat. ep He.............. swim, L He sleep. pall for at long time.

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