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2 Energy flow

Essential idea: Ecosystems require a continuous

supply of energy to fuel life processes and to
replace energy lost as heat.

The image above shows an eruption on the surface

the sun. Without a constant stream of solar radiatio
much of the life on Earth would not be possible. The
sun's energy is the source of energy in the vast majority of the Earth's ecosystems.
Understandings, Applications and Skills
Statement Guidance
4.2.U1 Most ecosystems rely on a supply of
energy from sunlight.
4.2.U2 Light energy is converted to chemical
energy in carbon compounds by
4.2.U3 Chemical energy in carbon Pyramids of number and biomass are not required. Students
compounds flows through food chains should be clear that biomass in terrestrial ecosystems
by means of feeding. diminishes with energy along food chains due to loss of carbon
dioxide, water and other waste products, such as urea.
4.2.U4 Energy released from carbon
compounds by respiration is used in
living organisms and converted to
4.2.U5 Living organisms cannot convert heat
to other forms of energy.
4.2.U6 Heat is lost from ecosystems.
4.2.U7 Energy losses between trophic levels The distinction between energy flow in ecosystems and cycling
restrict the length of food chains and of inorganic nutrients should be stressed. Students should
the biomass of higher trophic levels. understand that there is a continuous but variable supply of
energy in the form of sunlight but that the supply of nutrients in
an ecosystem is finite and limited.
4.2.S1 Quantitative representations of energy Pyramids of energy should be drawn to scale and should be
flow using pyramids of energy. stepped, not triangular. The terms producer, first consumer and
second consumer and so on should be used, rather than first
trophic level, second trophic level and so on.
4.2.U1 Most ecosystems rely on a supply of energy from sunlight.

Most ecosystems rely on light energy received from the sun.

All plants and some prokaryotes are

photoautotrophs. They use pigments,
such as chlorophyll, to trap light energy,
which is into converted into chemical
energy in carbon compounds.

In a very few ecosystems the producers are

chemoautotrophs, e.g. volcanic vents on the ocean
floor, which use energy from chemical processes.
Review: 4.3.U1 Autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and other carbon compounds. AND 4.2.U2 Light
energy is converted to chemical energy in carbon compounds by photosynthesis.

All autotrophs however convert carbon dioxide (from the atmosphere or

dissolved in water) or into organic compounds.

Plant initially synthesis sugars (e.g.

glucose) which are then converted
into other organic compounds such
• complex carbohydrates e.g.
starch, cellulose
• lipids
• amino acids

n.b. Although most autotrophs fix

carbon by photosynthesis. A few are
Chemoautotrophs and fix carbon by
utilising the energy in the bonds of
The light energy from the sun is used to synthesis inorganic compounds such as hydrogen
carbohydrates. The light energy is transferred into sulfide.
bonds (chemical energy) between the atoms in a
carbohydrate molecule.
4.2.U3 Chemical energy in carbon compounds flows through food chains by means of feeding.
4.2.U4 Energy released from carbon compounds by respiration is used in living organisms and converted to heat.

Energy stored in organic molecules (primarily carbohydrates and lipids) can be

transferred by cell respiration to ATP.
ATP in turn is used by cells to support No energy transfer is 100% efficient: ‘wasted’
their metabolism: heat (thermal) energy is produced too.
• Building and breaking down molecules
(anabolism and catabolism)
• Homeostasis
• Growth

Other inefficiencies in the

transfer of energy between
and within organisms include:
• Toxic waste organic
molecules are excreted
• Some ingested material is
not absorbed and ends up
being egested
• Some parts of an organism
remain uneaten, e.g. woody
fibres from plants and the
bones of animals.
Edited from:
4.2.U5 Living organisms cannot convert heat to other forms of energy. AND 4.2.U6 Heat is lost from ecosystems.

No energy transfer is 100% efficient: ‘wasted’

heat (thermal) energy is produced too.

Unlike light and chemical energy

Thermal energy released from the organisms cannot convert heat energy
organism dissipates into the ecosystem into forms useful to the organism.
and is eventually lost from it.

Therefore ecosystems require

a continuous supply of energy
(e.g. sunlight) to persist.

Useful energy transfers from chemical energy:

• kinetic energy, e.g. muscular contractions
• electrical energy, e.g. nerve impulses
• light energy, e.g. bioluminescence
• chemical energy, e.g. anabolism
• sound energy, e.g. communication
• Heat energy, e.g. body temperature in
4.2.U7 Energy losses between trophic levels restrict the length of food chains and the biomass of higher trophic

n.b. organisms vary in their

efficiency of energy transfer; it
maybe as high as 20% or as low as
4.2.S1 Quantitative representations of energy flow using pyramids of energy.

Drawing pyramids of energy

Pyramids of energy always get smaller at
higher trophic levels due to the loss of energy.

Bars should be roughly drawn to scale,
e.g. secondary consumers should be
1/10th the width of primary consumers.

The bottom level will always represent the producers, with subsequent
levels representing consumers (primary, secondary, etc.)
Image from
4.2.U7 Energy losses between trophic levels restrict the length of food chains and the biomass of higher trophic
Energy losses between trophic levels limit the length of food chains.
Chemical energy is held in molecular bonds.
Therefore as energy is lost between trophic
levels it is natural for biomass* to be lost too.

Biomass therefore is often used to indirectly

measure energy transfers.

n.b. Most food chains contain

between three and six organisms.

As the trophic level increases the biomass and energy available decreases

Higher trophic levels are often less efficient as more energy is spent on
foraging more mobile prey
Eventually the energy required to forage exceeds the energy gained from
foraging, making the trophic level unviable#
*Biomass is usually measured as the total dry mass of organisms
#Competing hypotheses assert that ecosystem size is a more important factor than productivity
Image from
Explain the the flow of nutrients and energy through ecosystems (8 marks)
Explain the the flow of nutrients and energy through ecosystems (8 marks)

energy flows linearly,

nutrients are cycled
Bibliography / Acknowledgments

By Chris Paine

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