Effect of Modifying The Chemical Composition On The Properties of Spring Steel

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Effect of Modifying the Chemical Composition

on the Properties of Spring Steel


The aim of the present work was to experimentally examine the effect of modifying the chemical
composition on the properties of Si-Cr-V spring steel. The investigation was based on a
commercial 51CrV4 spring steel, with its composition modified in terms of Si, Cr, and V
contents, targeting a yield strength of over 2000 MPa in the tempered condition. The
experimental evaluation included decarburization and scale resistance, tensile properties,
fracture toughness, and fatigue resistance. The results show that the simulation software gave
greatly exaggerated values when it comes to the yield-strength prediction and the influence of
the steel’s composition. In terms of experimental results, the most influential element in terms of
improving the decarburization resistance, the yield and tensile strengths, the fracture toughness,
and most importantly the fatigue limit and the fatigue life is Si, followed by Cr, while increasing
the amount of V has a mainly negative effect. However, when the Si content exceeds 1.6 pct, this
leads to an increased decarburization depth and a drop in the tensile properties.

 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2018

I. INTRODUCTION strength should not degrade other properties such as the

toughness and the fatigue resistance.[6–8] Moreover,
INCREASING demands from the automotive indus- maintaining high reliability should be the first priority.
try for performance improvement, environment preser- The typical yield and ultimate tensile strengths of
vation, weight reduction, and cost savings put a lot of commercial Si-Cr-V-type spring steels, quenched and
pressure on vehicles’ components, which require new tempered at about 400 C, are 1500 to 1600 and 1700 to
design concepts and the use of new, advanced materi- 1900 MPa, respectively.
als.[1] In this respect, weight reduction is very important In the case of spring steels, the emphasis in materials
as it reduces costs, but more importantly it also reduces research has been focused on increasing the strength
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.[2] The biggest fuel while maintaining good ductility, toughness, and fatigue
consumers and polluters are trucks, where the redesign properties.[9] An improved strength of the spring steel
and use of high-strength leaf springs can bring consid- can be achieved by controlling the alloying composition,
erable economic and energy-related benefits. The para- an effective heat treatment, micro-alloying, a thermo-
bolic leaf springs used in the suspension systems of mechanical treatment, and shot-peening.[9–14] Important
trucks’ front axles are usually made of two leafs, which gains in terms of strength improvement are achievable
support the weight of the trailer and provide the spring by lowering the tempering temperature; however, this
function in the suspension system. With new spring also reduces the material’s ductility and toughness.[11,15]
designs, eventually aiming at a mono-leaf solution, Thus, commercial steel grades cannot be used above
savings of over 20 pct of the total weight of the spring certain strength levels because they do not fulfill the
can be expected.[3] Besides a lower weight, the reduced ductility and toughness levels imposed by the spring’s
dimensions also allow for an increased design flexibility, design requirements.[6] Another way of improving the
making room for additional safety components. How- spring steel’s strength is by grain refinement,[6,11,12] as
ever, the mono-leaf spring design requires high- or even part of an optimized thermomechanical treatment and
ultra-high-strength steel, with a yield strength of over possible micro-alloying. Furthermore, the addition of
2000 MPa,[4,5] where an improvement in the tensile certain alloying elements has been reported to effectively
improve spring steel’s strength as well as the sag
resistance.[9] However, if done wrongly it can result in
a degradation rather than an improvement in the
B. PODGORNIK, F. TEHOVNIK, and J. BURJA are with the
Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, 1000 Ljubljana,
Slovenia. Contact e-mail: bojan.podgornik@imt.si B. SENČIČ is with The most common alloying elements found in spring
ŠTORE STEEL d.o.o., Železarska cesta 3, Štore, Slovenia. steels include Si, Cr, Mo, Mn, Ni, V, Nb, and B. Si was
Manuscript submitted November 29, 2017. found to improve the properties through the refinement


of tempered carbides obtained by the retardation of the After melting 18 kg of 51CrV4 steel, different ferroalloys
e-carbide’s conversion to cementite during temper- were added to the melt to obtain the reference compo-
ing.[9,16] However, its negative effect on the surface sition (S0) and to modify the Si, Cr, and V contents. The
decarburization and toughness limits the maximum target reference composition resulting in a yield strength
content to 1.5 or 2.0 pct.[9] The beneficial effects of of over 2000 MPa after tempering between 350 C and
other alloying additions, such as Mn for hardenability, 500 C was predetermined using JMatPro 6.2 (ASTM
and Cr, Mo, and Ni for better ductility, have been grain size 10, quenching speed 7.2 C/s) and Harden-
reported from as early as 1950.[17] The addition of Nb ability 2.2.6 software (vacuum heat treatment and
and V has also been reported as being beneficial due to nitrogen quenching at 6 bar). Thermo-Calc software
the precipitation and dispersion of fine micro-alloyed with TCFE5 was used for the thermodynamic calcula-
carbo-nitrides.[7] By forming very fine precipitates dur- tions. In terms of composition modification, the Si
ing the hot rolling, the micro-alloying elements retard content was varied from 1.0 to 1.6 pct, the Cr from 1.5
the recovery and recrystallization of the austenite. A to 1.8 pct, and the V from 0.20 to 0.40 pct. The target
beneficial effect is also provided by boron, which can and the actually obtained compositions are given in
suppress the intergranular fracture by excluding the Table I. Casting of the melt into a metallic mold with
segregation of impurity elements such as phosphorous at dimensions of 60 9 60 9 400 mm was followed by hot
the grain boundaries and consequently strengthening the rolling the ingots from 1150 C to a thickness of 20 mm,
grain boundaries.[16] A further improvement in the obtained through five successive rolling passes. The
tensile properties can be obtained through the deforma- hot-rolled blocks with a final temperature of
tion of the austenite prior to the quenching.[11] This 900 ± 10 C were then air-cooled and soft annealed
improvement is related to refined austenite grains and to (@850 C/4 hour).
the austenite grain substructure. These conditions are Standard tensile (D10; ISO 6892-1—Annex D), cir-
reflected in a finer structure of the martensite, i.e., a cumferentially notched and fatigue pre-cracked tensile
refined block size, with no or refined carbides at the bar (CNPTB), and Charpy V-notch (CVN; ISO 148-1)
prior austenite grain boundaries. specimens were taken from the hot-rolled and soft-an-
Although numerous studies [5,7,9,11,16,17] have revealed nealed blocks (20 9 80 9 800 mm) in the rolling direc-
the effect of alloying elements on the sag resistance of tion. All the specimens were then vacuum heat treated in
spring steels, detailed information about the relationship a vacuum furnace with uniform high-pressure
between microstructure modification and the different gas-quenching using nitrogen gas at a pressure of
properties important for the performance of leaf springs 5 bar. After heating to the austenitizing temperature of
needs further attention. The fatigue behavior of spring 880 C (10 C/min), the specimens were soaked for
steels has been studied extensively in terms of the S-N 10 minutes, gas quenched to a temperature of 60 C
(alternating stress vs number of cycles to failure) prop- (k800-500 = 0.42), and then single tempered for 1 hour at
erties.[8,10] However, other properties of high-strength 375 C. In order to study the decarburization and scale
spring steel are also important to designers, including the
decarburization depth, the yield and ultimate tensile
strengths, the elongation, and the impact and fracture Table I. Target and Obtained Compositions
toughness. Furthermore, although different software
tools can be used to model and predict the effect of the Element
steel’s composition and heat treatment on the hardness
Batch C Si Mn Cr Mo V
and ultimate tensile strength, the effects are often exag-
gerated and can deviate greatly from the experimental S0
results. Although the effect of different alloying elements Target 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.3
on the strength and sag resistance of spring steels has been Obtained 0.49 0.96 0.69 1.64 0.25 0.28
well investigated, the research was mainly focused on the S1
effect of individual alloying elements. Therefore, the aim Target 0.5 1.3 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.3
Obtained 0.47 1.32 0.67 1.69 0.30 0.30
of the present study was to experimentally examine and
correlate the mutual influence of the chemical composi- Target 0.5 1.6 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.3
tion modification in terms of the Si, Cr, and V contents on Obtained 0.49 1.64 0.69 1.64 0.29 0.29
the properties of Si-Cr-V spring steel. C1
Target 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.5 0.3 0.3
Obtained 0.48 1.08 0.68 1.48 0.28 0.31
II. EXPERIMENTAL Target 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.8 0.3 0.3
Obtained 0.50 1.01 0.73 1.81 0.29 0.30
A. Material V1
Target 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.2
The starting material used in this investigation was
Obtained 0.49 0.98 0.73 1.64 0.30 0.17
commercial 51CrV4 spring steel with the following V2
composition (wt pct): 0.50 pct C, 0.30 pct Si, 0.95 pct Target 0.5 1.0 0.7 1.6 0.3 0.4
Mn, 1.00 pct Cr, and 0.15 pct V. The steel melt was Obtained 0.45 1.04 0.78 1.65 0.31 0.39
produced under normal atmospheric conditions using a
20-kg-capacity, medium-frequency induction furnace. Italics indicate the element modified.


resistance, block specimens (18 9 18 9 18 mm) C. Fatigue Properties
machined from hot-rolled blocks were annealed in a The fatigue properties of the reference 51CrV4-based
conventional quenching furnace at 960 C for spring steel and the spring steel with modified Si, Cr,
110 minutes. and V contents were determined under bending loading
conditions. The bending-fatigue tests were performed at
B. Tensile Properties and Fracture Toughness room temperature on a Rumul Cracktronic resonant
machine using CVN test specimens and a constant
The effect of the composition modification on the
amplitude bending stress, ranging between 330 and
mechanical properties of the 51CrV4-based spring steel
480 MPa. The testing resonant stress frequency was
included tensile tests and measurements of the hardness
175 Hz using a sinusoidal waveform at a stress ratio R
and the fracture toughness. Tensile tests at room
of 0.1. The criterion for specimen failure was a drop in
temperature (21 ± 0.5 C; ISO 6892-1) were performed
the inherent oscillation by more than 3 pct, where
on standard cylindrical specimens with a diameter of
fatigue cracks occurred at a depth of up to 3 mm.
10 mm and a gauge length of 50 mm using an Instron
8802 tensile-test machine. The measurements involved
the yield strength Rp0.2, the ultimate tensile strength Rm,
the elongation A5, and the contraction Z. III. RESULTS
For the fracture-toughness measurement, non-stan-
A. Thermodynamic Calculations
dard CNPTB specimens[18] were used (Figure 1), with a
fatigue pre-crack of about 0.5 mm created under rotat- The results of the Thermo-Calc calculations are
ing-bending loading (600 N, 4500 cycles) before the final shown in Figure 2. The analysis for the reference S0
heat treatment. Using the Instron 8802 tensile-test batch shows that the MC carbide precipitation occurs
machine and a cross-head speed of 1.0 mm/min, the below 1100 C; however, the amounts are well below
load at fracture was measured and the fracture tough- 0.01 mol per mol of steel at temperatures higher than
ness KIc calculated using Eq. [1][19]: Ae3. A significant amount of cementite is stable below
  Ae1 and this rapidly decreases with a decrease in
P D temperature, where it is completely replaced by MC
KIc ¼ 3=2 1:27 þ 1:72  ; ½1
D d and M7C3-type carbides (Figure 2(a)). The increase in Si
(Figure 2(b)) slightly increases the Ae1 and Ae3 temper-
where P is the load at failure, D is the outside atures, as well as the temperature for the MC carbide
non-notched diameter (10 mm), and d is the diameter precipitation, but has no obvious effect on the amount
of the brittle fractured area. Equation [1] is valid for of stable carbides (increasing MC and decreasing
0.5 < d/D < 0.8 and linearly elastic behavior, as exhib- M7C3). When the amount of chromium is lowered
ited by all the investigated specimens. (batch C1, Figure 2(c)), the stability of the MC is
For each cylindrical specimen, the Rockwell-C hard- slightly increased, the stability range of the cementite is
ness (HRc) was also measured using an Instron B2000 wider, and the amount of M7C3-type carbides is
hardness machine and the average values from up to six reduced. On the other hand, increasing chromium
measurements were calculated. narrows the cementite’s stability range, decreases the
amount of MC, and increases the amount of M7C3 and
especially M3C2-type carbides (Figure 2(d)). Finally, the
decrease in vanadium has a direct effect on lowering the
VC carbide-precipitation temperatures, as well as
slightly decreasing the Ae1 and Ae3 temperatures. On
the other hand, the amount of cementite being

stable just below Ae1 is increased, as shown in

Figure 2(e). The increase in the amount of vanadium


has the opposite effect, narrowing the cementite’s

L0= 50 stability range, increasing the precipitation temperatures
Lv= 60
and the amount of VC, as well as the amount of
15 10
stable M3C2 carbides, although this is still a very small
Lt = 120
amount (Figure 2(f)).
The Thermo-Calc calculations predicted the stability
detail L0 of the (Fe,Cr)7C3 and (V,Cr)C carbides at 375 C for all
seven batches. There is also a very small amount of
stable (Cr,V)3C2 carbides in S0, S1, S2, C1, V2, and C2,
P D d P with the amount of M3C2 carbides being the largest in
V2 and C2. However, these carbides are stable below
350 C, as shown in Figure 3. In the case of batches S0,
60° S1, S2, and C1, the volume of M3C2 carbides at 300 C
is below 0.002 cm3/100 g of steel, with the carbides not
Fig. 1—Circumferentially notched and pre-cracked tension bar being stable above 300 C. By increasing the V content
specimen. (batch V2), the M3C2 carbides become stable up to


Fig. 2—Thermo-Calc results for different batches: (a) S0, (b) S2, (c) C1, (d) C2, (e) V1, and (f) V2.


315 C and their volume at 300 C increases to about Cr and V contents (Figure 5). On the other hand, there
0.035 cm3/100 g of steel. However, the highest volume were no significant differences in the sample microstruc-
of M3C2 carbides (~ 0.10 cm3/100 g of steel at 300 C) tures when it comes to the type and size of carbides, as
being stable even above 340 C is predicted for batch C2 shown in Figure 6. This is in agreement with the results
with the highest Cr content (Figure 3). of the Thermo-Calc calculations and the work of Saito
et al.[20] showing that the carbide-forming elements Mo,
W, V, and Cr show little effect on the precipitation rate
B. Microstructure
and the behavior of the tempered e-carbides.
The microstructure of the reference S0 spring steel in
the tempered condition (tempered at 375 C) is shown in
Figure 4. The microstructure consists of tempered C. Decarburization and Scale
martensite and clearly visible segregations. A similar The results of the decarburization depth, being
microstructure for the tempered martensite was identified for all the specimens as only partial decarbur-
obtained for all the spring steel batches produced ization,[21] and the scale-thickness measurements are
(Table I), regardless of the compositional modification. shown in Figure 7. For the reference batch S0, the
However, the composition modification resulted in a decarburization depth and the scale thickness after
different segregations density as well as in the coarseness 110 minutes of annealing at 960 C were about 0.2 mm.
of the martensite laths. The least distinctive segregations Increasing the Si content reduced the scale thickness to
and the coarsest martensite laths were observed in the below 0.1 mm, but increased the decarburization depth
case of batch S2 with the highest Si content and the to more than 0.25 mm. An increased Cr content had the
finest martensite laths for C1 and V1 with the reduced opposite effect, i.e., increasing the scale thickness and
reducing the decarburization depth, while an increased
V content reduced both the decarburization depth and
the scale thickness, as shown in Figure 7. The alloying
elements influence the scale formation and decarburiza-
tion due to their effect on the ferrite-to-austenite
transformation temperature, the activity of the carbon
in solution, the diffusion coefficient of the carbon in
solution, the oxidation characteristics of the iron, and
the alloying elements’ affinity for oxygen.[22] Chromium
and silicon have greater affinities for oxygen than the
base metal, and so form protective scales. The silicon
diffuses from the steel into the oxide scale forming SiO2
and Fe2SiO4 between the top FeO layer and the metal
surface,[21] with both oxides reducing the scaling rate.
Furthermore, increasing the Si content further decreases
the oxide-formation rate and results in a denser oxide
layer, thus improving the high-temperature oxidation
resistance. At higher silicon contents the supply of
silicon resulting from the outward diffusion from the
Fig. 3—Equilibrium volume of M3C2 carbides per 100 grams of metal to the reaction front is more dominant than the
steel at different temperatures. oxygen diffusion inwards to form iron oxide in the areas
denuded of silicon.[23] Chromium also concentrates in

Fig. 4—Microstructure of the reference spring steel batch S0; (a) OM and (b) SEM micrographs.


Fig. 5—Microstructure of (a) C1 and (b) S2 spring steel batch.

Fig. 6—SEM-COMPO micrographs of (a) S0, (b) S1, and (c) V2 spring steel batch.

According to the phase diagram, the austenite is not

stable and has to separate out some ferrite to regain
equilibrium when the carbon concentration decreases to
the equilibrium concentration of the austenite at the
interface of the ferrite and austenite at a given temper-
ature above A3. Meanwhile, the carbon is transported to
the phase-transformation front from the inner austenite
and the carbon in the front is transported to the surface.
In the case of complete decarburization, the ferrite
grains grow perpendicular to the surface, while in
partially decarburized layers the ferrite grains form
along the pre-austenite grain boundaries.[21] In this
process, the silicon expands the a-field and increases the
carbon activity in the solid solution, and therefore the
tendency for carbon to diffuse along the ferrite grain
boundaries to the scale/metal interface, thus increasing
Fig. 7—Decarburization depth and scale thickness. the decarburization. Chromium, on the other hand,
shrinks the a-field, reduces the carbon activity in
solution and its diffusion to the surface, and therefore
tends to reduce the decarburization rate.[21] The reduced
the oxide scale, forming Cr2O3 and FeCr2O4, and thus in decarburization rate observed for a high V content is
general reducing the scaling rate. However, the effect of considered to be due to an increased number of
Cr depends on its concentration and overall alloy vanadium carbides that pin the ferrite grain boundaries,
composition. On the other hand, as reported by Mar- thus preventing the formation of a columnar grain
don,[22] the scaling rates are hardly affected by Mn, Mo, structure and the subsequent direct path for carbon
and V. transport to the surface.[22] Therefore, the best


combination in terms of decarburization depth and scale In the case of the vacuum heat-treated reference S0
thickness can be expected for a high V content, while spring steel, the obtained yield strength was 1630 MPa,
keeping the Si and Cr contents below 1.6 pct. the ultimate tensile strength was 1890 MPa, the elonga-
tion was 2.75 pct, and the hardness was 52.3 HRc.
Increasing the Si content to 1.3 pct (S1) improved the
D. Tensile Properties
tensile properties, increasing the yield strength to about
Although the simulations performed with the com- 1750 MPa and the hardness to 53.3 HRc.
mercial software Hardenability 2.2.6 and JMatPro 6.2 Silicon dissolves in iron and tends to strengthen it,
indicated yield and ultimate tensile strengths of over thus increasing the steel’s strength and hardness via a
2000 MPa to be obtainable for modified 51CrV4-based solid-solution mechanism.[24] Moreover, Si influences
spring steel (Table II), the measurements revealed much the distribution and shape of the precipitates during
lower values, but still comparable to the available tempering, leading to a refinement of the tempered
literature data. This can be attributed to several reasons. carbides. It delays the transition of the e-carbides to
The main one is that most modeling software does not cementite by postulating the existence of Si in the
take synergistic effects into account, but is based on the carbide, and suppresses the formation and growth of
superposition principle, which tends to give overesti- cementite at boundaries by the formation of a Si layer
mated values. Besides that, the different phenomena around it.[17,25] Owen et al.[26] also reported that Si
taking place in the production of steel also influence the increases the temperature at which e-carbides are dis-
final mechanical properties. These include segregations solved. In other words, the addition of Si stabilizes the
of the alloying elements, like C, Si, Mn, and Cr, and e-carbides and increases the strength of spring steel.
non-metallic inclusion formation, such as aluminates, However, a too high Si concentration can lead to
silicates, and manganese sulfides. The segregation bands pronounced decarburization and cracking problems,
are reduced by reheating and hot rolling, with the thus resulting in a drop in the tensile properties, as
reduction ratios in the industrial processes being more shown in Figure 8. Cr has been found to be a strong
than 20:1, compared to 3:1 for the laboratory hot-work- carbide former when added in concentrations above
ing process used in the current work. On the other hand, 0.7 pct in Si spring steel,[5] at the same time showing
the non-metallic inclusions that result in reduced only little effect on the precipitation rate of e-car-
mechanical properties cannot be eliminated after bides.[9,20] However, it has a strong tendency to form

Table II. Hardenability and JMatPro Simulation Results

Hardenability JMatPro

Batch Rp0.2* (MPa) Rm* (MPa) R+

p0.2 (MPa) R+
m (MPa) HRc +
Ae1 (C) Ae3 (C) MS (C) M90 (C)
Planned 2066 2210 1914 2100 58.6 777.6 785.1 292.6 171.6
Obtained 2024 2176 1901 2088 58.5 777.1 784.3 295.2 174.5
Planned —1 —1 1928 2112 58.8 785.2 793.9 289.3 168.0
Obtained —1 —1 1870 2060 58.1 786.9 800.8 299.2 178.8
Planned —1 —1 1922 2107 58.8 792.9 803.4 285.9 164.2
Obtained —1 —1 1909 2095 58.6 794.6 806.1 287.8 166.3
Planned 2058 2228 1899 2086 58.5 776.1 785.9 294.3 173.5
Obtained 2039 2182 1826 2021 57.7 775.8 790.7 303.6 183.7
Planned 2050 2216 1936 2119 58.9 780.4 783.6 289.3 167.9
Obtained 2064 2237 1938 2122 59.0 780.3 784.9 287.9 166.4
Planned 1947 2092 1972 2152 59.4 778.1 780.6 283.3 161.2
Obtained 1847 1997 1970 2150 59.3 777.7 779.6 282.2 160.0
Planned —2 —2 1845 2038 57.8 777.2 789.7 301.6 181.5
Obtained —2 —2 1732 1936 56.2 777.1 798.3 313.1 194.3
Ae1 temperature of phase change at equilibrium (onset of austenite formation on heating), Ae3 temperature of phase change at equilibrium
(completion of austenite formation on heating), MS martensite transformation start temperature, M90 90 pct completion of martensite
transformation temperature.
*Tempered at 500 C (hardenability limitation).
As quenched.
Max Si content limited to 1.0 pct.
Max V content limited to 0.30 pct.


hard and stable carbides. This means that for a given volume of carbides is beneficial for a secondary hard-
hardness level chromium steels require somewhat higher ening peak during tempering, but in the case of low
tempering temperatures or longer tempering times. This tempering temperatures the formation of carbides pro-
effect increases with increasing Cr content.[27] Thus, in motes the relieving of stresses and increases elongation.
the present case Cr mainly influenced the elongation, at In the case of silicon, the additions slightly decrease the
high Cr contents (C2) giving up to two times higher overall volume of stable carbides and retard carbide
values than the reference steel. On the other hand, formation. Therefore, the martensite will retain slightly
increasing the V content had no effect or even a slightly more carbon and will in turn have a higher hardness
negative effect, on the yield and ultimate tensile combined with good elastic properties. However, at too
strengths, at the same time reducing the elongation high silicon contents a decrease in the overall volume of
(Figure 8). In general, adding carbide formers such as V carbides combined with an increased VC:Cr7C3 ratio
and Nb, which induce the precipitation of M3C, M2C, can even result in a further drop in the tensile properties.
and MCx-type particles, promote the precipitation As shown in Figure 10, modifications resulting in an
strengthening. The precipitation of fine MC particles, improved yield strength and the elongation of the spring
which takes place during hot rolling, retards the grain steel include increased Si and/or Cr contents (S1, C1,
growth and serves the purpose of grain refinement.[5] and C2), while keeping the V content at 0.2 pct.
Therefore, compared to Si-Cr spring steels the improve- However, the Si content should be kept below 1.5 to
ment in the tensile strength and the elongation observed 1.6 pct.
for Si-Cr-V steels is attributed to the strengthening effect
of fine vanadium carbide or carbo-nitride precipitates
due to austenite grain-boundary pinning, retardation of
the recrystallization, and dispersion strengthening.[11,28]
However, simply increasing the V content in Si-Cr-V
spring steels can have a detrimental effect. Vanadium
additions stabilize the MC-type carbides in the austen-
ite, and therefore reduce the number of carbides that
precipitate during tempering. Vanadium carbides also
lower the volume of Fe and Cr carbides that precipitate
during tempering at lower temperatures (375 C), thus
resulting in a reduced Si-Cr-V-type spring steel strength.
The reduced elongation in the case of V2 can be
attributed to the need for higher tempering tempera-
tures, due to the increased amount of equilibrium VC
carbides. The Thermo-Calc comparison of the volume
of carbides per 100 g of steel for all chemical compo-
sitions at 375 C is shown in Figure 9. Thermodynamic
calculations show that an increase in the vanadium
content does not increase the overall volume of the
carbides in the matrix, but increases the VC:Cr7C3 ratio,
whereas an increase in the Cr content increases the
overall volume of carbides, as does a decrease in the V
content, consequently leading to higher strength. This is Fig. 9—Equilibrium volume of carbides per 100 grams of steel at
due to the fact that Cr7C3 carbides have a higher 375 C.
metal-to-carbon ratio and simply means that the same
amount of carbon will consume more of the car-
bide-forming elements. The formation of a larger

Fig. 10—Acceptable window of tensile properties (Rp0.2 ‡ 1650 MPa

Fig. 8—Tensile properties of modified spring steel batches. & A5 ‡ 2.5 pct).


Fig. 11—Fracture toughness of modified spring steel batches. Fig. 12—Bending-fatigue properties of modified spring steel batches.

E. Fracture Toughness
The fracture-toughness results are shown in
Figure 11. By increasing the Si content from 1.0 to
1.3 pct and 1.6 pct, resulting in the refinement of the
tempered carbides,[17,25] the fracture toughness increased
from 27 to 31.5 MPa m1/2 and 40 MPa m1/2, respec-
tively. Increasing the Cr content to 1.8 pct elevated the
fracture toughness, but due to the increased overall
volume of carbides at a much lower rate, to about
30 MPa m1/2. As reported by Furr et al.,[29] increasing
the amount of Cr in high-Si-content spring steels can
result in a decreased sag resistance. On the other hand, it
is known that the refinement of the austenite grain size
and an enhanced grain-boundary area, provided by
vanadium carbides, improve the toughness of marten- Fig. 13—Effect of composition modification on the fatigue limit.
sitic steels due to the refinement of the martensite packet
and block size.[11,30] Precipitation strengthening, on the
other hand, has a harmful effect on toughness, but at fatigue resistance, especially at high stress levels. For V,
least in part this can be overcome through grain higher values were found to give some improvement in
refinement.[27] Thus, an increased content of stable VC the fatigue resistance, but the improvement was below
carbides at high V contents can have the opposite effect, 10 pct.
as shown in Figure 11. In terms of fracture toughness, In terms of the fatigue limit (Figure 13), both Si and
the Si turns out to be the most influential element in Cr improved the fatigue limit as their content was
Si-Cr-V spring steels, which due to retarded carbide increased to 1.6 and 1.8 pct, respectively. The improve-
formation, refinement of the tempered carbides, and the ment in the fatigue limit was as high as 20 pct. On the
lower volume of stable carbides reduces the overall other hand, in the case of V no clear correlation between
hardness, but greatly improves the fracture toughness. the V content and the fatigue limit could be observed.
In accordance with the improved sag resistance, in
general being defined as the resistance to plastic defor-
F. Fatigue Resistance mation during dynamic and static loading in service, the
The number of cycles until failure, i.e., the fatigue life improvement in the strength and fatigue properties of
at three different bending stress levels, and the fatigue the spring steel can be attributed to the change in the
limit for modified 51CrV4-based spring steel batches are prior austenite grain size and the distribution of the
shown in Figures 12 and 13. The reference spring steel precipitated particles.[9] A finer particle distribution
(S0) failed after about 70,000, 40,000, and 15,000 cycles impedes the movement of mobile dislocations through
when subjected to fatigue testing at the maximum stress the lattice during straining, while a smaller grain size
levels of 380, 430, and 480 MPa, respectively. In hinders the dislocations due to the large number of grain
agreement with the improved fracture toughness and boundaries that act as pinning points, impeding further
martensite strengthened by finely dispersed particles, dislocation propagation.[31] Si improves the fatigue
increasing the Si content improved the fatigue life, properties through the refinement of tempered carbides
especially at higher stress levels, extending the failure as a result of the retardation of e-carbide conversion to
time by more than 30 pct as the Si content reached cementite during tempering.[11] The positive effect of Cr
1.6 pct (Figure 12). Cr, on the other hand, had the is mainly related to the reduced decarburization,[32]
opposite effect, with higher Cr values leading to an while any positive effect of V is mainly attributed to a
increased overall volume of carbides and a reduced finer prior austenite grain size[5] achieved by stabilizing


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