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2019 /2020

11th Grade FOURTH ENGLISH TEST March 2020

This test is to check: . how well you know the language : Vocabulary in context ;
. how well you know the socio-cultural component.

Name ___________________________________________________________ Class_____ No_____ Date ____/____/____

Mark: ___________________________ Teacher’s Signature: __________________
Parent’s Signature : __________________________ No Pages : 1

PART I (30 pt)

1. Complete the following text with six words from the box. Use each word only once.

extravaganzas clerks deals factors fervor unemployment.

The animal instinct of consumerism

There is some psychology behind our attachment to material objects and how a) ______ such as loneliness
and social isolation play into our material attachments. But those attachments allow us to forget about the fact
that 16 per cent of our country, or 49.7 million people, were living in poverty in 2012, or that 344,000 new
people filed for b) ______ insurance between November 2 nd and November 9th , a one week period.
None of this is meant to make anyone feel guilty about their shopping c) ______ but merely to serve as a
reminder that in all our hullabaloo of shopping and holiday d) ______ , we should try to keep our humanity
intact. Understand that while we are trying to get our e) ______ in, so is everyone else, and the hard-working
store f) ______ who don’t get Black Friday off, or Thanksgiving for that matter, are simply trying to make a
living. (abridged)

2. Choose from the list below (A to D) two reasons to stop / diminish consumerism. Justify your two
choices in a total of 30-40 words.

a) Less debt.
b) Less environmental impact
c) Less pressure to impress with material possessions.
d) Less desire to upscale lifestyle norms.

Good Work and Have Fun!

Your Teacher,
Filomena Rocha


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