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To start with our lesson, let’s play SCAVENGER HUNT


Identify an object which is appropriate with each clue.

Plants are important part of our life. We use them in many ways.
Let’s find out what we get from plants.

Let’s play Among Us Quiz Game!

Read each question and encircle the crewmate with a correct answer.
Plants are good source of vitamins and minerals our bodies need to grow. Some food
come from the different parts of the plants. Let’s see if you learned something from what
you’ve read in the book.
Write one example of a food that is from these plant parts.

Some plants can be considered medicinal. They are used to cure diseases.
What kind of plant should you use to treat a cough? ________________________
What part of this plant will you use? _____________________________________
Yes, you have to boil the leaves of oregano or lagundi plant to treat your cough.
On the other hand, papaya fruit can be a cure for constipation while gumamela buds can be
applied to boils.
Some plants are used to make beauty products.
Check your mom’s beauty products. What are the common plant ingredients
that you have found out?

Papaya are used as whitening products, while aloe vera and oil are
used in making shampoos.

Let’s talk about plant as clothing

Have you worn barong Tagalog (boys) or baro’t saya (girls)
before? ____________________________________________
These clothes can be made of plant fiber such as cotton and Jusi
from pineapple.

Do you love eating barbeque? __________________

Barbeque can be grilled using charcoals.
These charcoals can be made from branches of trees.

Pen and pencil are made of plants, too. According to data from the Global
Forest Resource Assessment roughly 80,000 to 160,000 trees are cut down
each day around the world for paper.
Lastly, plants provide us oxygen and help the environment keep
the air fresh.

In this lesson, you have understood how important the

plants are to human beings.

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You have learned that thousands of trees are cut every day to supply us with
papers. What could you do to help save the trees from being cut down?

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