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Name:______________________________ Yr.

& Section:_______________________ Score:______________

Activity No._____
Activity Title: Paradox
Concept Notes:
A paradox is a statement that may seem contradictory but can be true ( or at least make sense). This makes
them stand out and play an important role in literature and everyday life.
Paradox is a figure of speech which appears to contradict itself but can be true. It is a literary device used by
authors to show contradictory ideas in a thought-provoking style. A paradox has a distinct appeal because it is
usually perceived as illogical and untrue, but after a second look, it contains a grain of truth.
A paradox is similar to oxymoron. But do not confused. A paradox is generally understood if you read in
statement as a whole, while an oxymoron is a two-word contradictory term found within a sentence.

Underline the word/words that makes each statement confusing or contradictory.
1. The agent accomplished the impossible mission.
2. Kendra is the eldest and youngest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Castillo.
3. The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up.
4. I am a liar and I’m telling you the truth.
5.The life of a candle gets longer when you kill it.
6. War is Peace.

Identify the figure of speech used in each sentence. Write P if the sentence is Paradox; write O if oxymoron.
1. At seventeen, Dodong is just an old kid.
2. What a pity that youth must be wasted on the young.
3. The youth are old while the old go back to childhood.
4. Sometimes , love is a sweet poison.
5. The story contains a nightmare that leads to good sleep.
6.Dodong’s story is a funny tragedy.
7. Adulthood is the beginning of the end of innocence.
8. Experience is the great teacher; it gives the test first before the lesson.
9. Freedom is slavery.
10. Love hurts so good.

II. Look for contradictory thoughts in the following quotations and sayings. Write the meaning of each based on its
1. It is better to give than to receive.
Meaning: ___________________________________________________________.
2.I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love. --Mother Teresa
3. In order for a seed to grow, it must die.
Meaning: ____________________________________________________________.

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