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..... ACTIONS IN BRIEF (Deta iled on PG.


Move Action
Move up to as many m/yds as your Attacker's STAT Attacker's STAT
MOVE Stotistic x 2 eoch Turn.
+Skill+ l dlO +Skill+ 1 dlO
Attack Make a Melee or Ronged Attock.

Get into a Vehicle Get into a vehicle.

vs. OR vs.
Defender's STAT
Get Up Stand alter being Prone. Difficulty Value (DV)
Grab and hold an opponent or take
+Skill+ l dlO
away an object they are holding.

Hold an Action until later in the

Hold Action

Run Toke an additional Move Action.

This is something most people con do without thinking, but which might be Night or low lighting conditions -1
Stabilize a target to begin the natural Simple 9
healing process. hard for a small child.
Have never done this before -1
Starting a Vehicle Stort a vehicle. Everyday This feat is something most people can do without a lot of special training. 13
Complex task -2
Throw o grabbed opponent to the Difficult This feat is difficult lo accomplish without training or natural talenl. 15
ground or throw an object. Don't hove right tools or ports -2
This feat takes actual training and the user can be considered lo be a professional,
Perform multiple Actions inside the Professional 17 Slept uncomfortable the night before. -2
Use NET Actions skilled in their abilities.

Manipulate an object in a way that This is a highly skilled feat, one that only the best of the best can pull off. Under extreme stress -2
Use an Object Heroic 21
doesn't require a Skill This is the level of sports stars and other highly regarded superstars. Exhausted -4
Use one of your Skills to accomplish a This is a tremendous feal. Pulling this off would rate you among the very best
Use a Skill Extremely drunk or sedated -4
quick task. Incredible 24
of your class professionally. You are of tru� Olympian mettle.
Trying lo perform task secretly -4
An awe-inspiring feal. This is something people write stories about, a truly
� Critical Success .... Legendary 29
amazing accomplishment that will be spoken of in hushed tones for years lo come. Task obscured by smoke, darkness -4
!f D10=10, add tdto to first {Oii
Netrunner's Turn:

OR 1 Meat Action+ Net Actions
� Critical Failure .... Combat:
*Moving in the NET is free unless there is obstruction.

Your Interface+ Program ATK+ 1 dlO

If Dto=t, roll tdto and subtract INTERFACE ABILITIES
orBlacklCEATK+ ldlO
from first roll total. vs.
Scanner Skillcheck to find access point. Interface +1d10
(Premium) Target's Interface+ 1 dlO or Program DEF/Black ICE DEF+ 1 dlO
lOOeb Interface +1d10 vs Pasword's
Backdoor Skillcheck to hack password.
(Expe""") DV.

Interface +1d10 vs Netrunner's
(V.Expensive) Cloak Hide your presence or virus in the NET.
Pathfinder ro ll.
Skillcheck to assume direct control of Interface +1d10 vs equipment's DV.

Attacker Programs designed to domoge or dkoble Netrunners or Programs, which Deodivate outomat ically aher they are Activated.
Control things attached to the NET. Requires separate action to operate.

BLACK ICE PROGRAMS Interface +1d1O vs File's DV.

NOTES: 6 rn/yds of an access point. Eve-Dee Determine the worth of a file.

Class Description -Installing or Uninstalling a Program of any kind takes 1hr.

Use Interlace Ability Use a NET related ability.
nti-Personnel Deadly sing le-min ded Programs that hunt -Not jacking-out safely leaves you vulnerable. Interface +1d10 vs. DV
Pathfinder Determine the layout of a NET
Interface +1d10 reveals #of floors
equal to check or blocker's DV.
Black ICE down and kill Net runners.
-Jacking out and jacking back in again resets the NET architecture.
Anti-Program Deadly single-minded Programs that hunt
Activate or Deactivate one of your Slide Roll against a program's perception to
flee combat
Interface +1d10 vs program's
Black ICE down and kill a Netrunner's R.ened Progroms.. Program programs.
Depending on required NET actions,
Black lCElnlelligen!Sy stems tha l operale GM assigns #of turns + DV equal to
2 actions
Control Nodes lo defend t heir NET
Virus plant virus with
after you jack-out.
that persist
strength of Netrunner's Virus actions

Demon Architedure or a phy sical space by t argeting Miscellaneous A NET action at the discretion of your GM
Interface +1d10 vs. Program's Def
the Netrunner a nd their party in Meatspoce. use NET action to Zap a program or
These are t o o big for Cyberdecks.
Zap Netrunner for 1d6.
+1d10 or enemy Netrunner's Interface
+1d10 to deal 1d6.
When a combat starts, everyone rolls Initiative:
Initiative= REF+ l dlO Make a Melee or Ranged Attack.
Your Turn= l Move Action+ l other Action Choke an opponent you have Grabbed.
*Moving is 1 square per 1 point of MOVE. Equip/Drop Shield Equipping and dropping a Shield takes an Action. See Using Shields later in this section on PG. 183. -If you are prone, you must GET
Get into o Vehicle Get into o Vehicle. See Vehicle Combot loter in this section on PG. 189. UP before another action.
Get Up Get up aher being Prone. While Prone, until you use this Action, you cannot use a Move Action.
-Drawing a concealed weapon is
Grab Grob ond hold an opponent or take owoy on object they are holding.
an action, drawing an easily
Hold on Action until later in the lnttiotive Queue. You must choose o specified event to trigger the Action or o specific
Hold Action accessible weapon costs none.
number in the lnniotive Queue when the action 0<curs os well as what the Action o, ond whot its intended forget o.

Human Shield Equip on opponent you hove Grabbed os o Human Shield.

-Picking up anything is an action.
Attacker's REF + Relevant Weapon Skill+ ldl0 Reload Ful� reload and replace a weapon's magazine with a single ammunition type.
vs. Run Take an additional Move Action, but only ii you have already taken a Move Action this Tum. -Reloading any weapon takes an
Defender's DY Determined by Range to Target and Weapon Start a Vehicle Stort o Vehicle to goin its MOVE ond jump to the top of the Initiative Queue.
action. Picking up a magazine

or Defender's DEX + Evasion Skill + ldlO* from the ground to reload is

Stabilize a forget to begin the natural healing pr0<ess or pull them out of the Mortally Wounded Wound State to sove
Stabilize considered a single action.
their life. See on PG. 222.
*A Defender with a REF 8 or higher con choose to attempt to dodge o Ranged
Attack instead of using the range table to determine the DV Throw Throw a grabbed opponent to the ground or throw an object. -Ranged Weapons are divided
Use NET Actions Perform muhiple NET Actions inside the NET. See Netrunning Section for how to use NET Actions on PG. 197. into 1 ROF, 2ROF and Auto-Fire.

Manipulate an object in a woy that doesn't require a Skill. Drawing an easi� accessible weapon into a free hand or
Use an Object dropping a held weapon {not a shield) onto the floor does not require this Action but stowing a held weapon on your

If you intend on doing an Aimed Shot or using an Alternate person does.

Fire Mode-- Refer below before your combat roll. Use a Skill
Use one of your Skills to accomplish a quick tosk. A long er task will require muhiple Actions over the course of muhiple
Turns, rolling only when the lull time hos been paid for in 3·second increments.
*Suppressive Fire is an alternative method of using auto-fire.
Vehicle Maneuver Use your Action while driving to locus entire� on making a dangerous Maneuver.
.,... Suppressive Fire .,...

(You must have 10 bullets in Mag)
Everyone on foot within 20 squares, out of cover,
Aim a single attack with -8 to your check and aim for and in your line of sight must roll WILL+
If a �ngle paint al damage gets through your target's body armor, your target drops one
anywhere on this table>>> Concentration+ 1d10 against your REF+
item of your choice held in their hands. It lands on the ground in front of them.
*If your attack succeeds, apply damage as normal as well as
Autofire Skill+ 1d10. Anyone that fails must use
If a �ngle point of damage gets through your target's body armor, your target also suffers
the effect Leg their next Move Action to get into cover.
the Broken Leg Critical Injury ii they have any legs left thot aren't broken.


SMGs+Assault Rifles only.
-Attacking+ reloading a Bow/Crossbow is
Using Autofire requires exactly 10 bullets in your mag.
considered one action. Bolts/Arrows can be
Your combat roll uses the Autofire skill instead of another weapon scavenged.
If you hit your target: -When you fire a Shotgun Shell, you make 1 SMG 15 13 15 20 25 25

2d6 x amount you beat the DV to hit. Ranged Attack (REF+ Shoulder Arms+ Shotgun (Slug) 13 15 20 25 30 35
1d10) vs. a DV13. If successful every target
'Maximum multiplication is 3 for SMGs and 4 for lj§sault Rifles.
in front of you, within 6m/yds (3 squares), Assault Riffe 17 16 15 13 15 20
that you can see, takes 3d6 damage. Sniper Riffe 30 25 25 20 15 16
-Explosives weapons deal their damage to all 15 13 15 17 20 22
targets (including the terrain) in a 5 Square &Crossbow
by 5 Square the center is your intended Grenade Launcher 16 15 15 17 20 22
target which is a 2 by 2 square. You only roll
damage once for all targets. 17 16 15 15 20 20 25
Assault Riffe
P.-R\OAY N\GMT P.\-R-EP.\GMT � Throwing An Item <411
�Choke <411
. . � : . . � : . . �
. . . : : . . . : :
Throwing an object is always
: . : . : . . . : : NOTE: Use an Action to deal your BODY stat directly to a
Defender's HP.
Choked Defenders are always left at 1 HP and are
DEX+Athletics +1d10
During a Grapple, both have -2 to all actions,
Melee Combat is resolved: rendered unconscious. (up to 25 squares)
and the Defender cannot MOVE.
C hoking the same target for 3 turns renders them
Attacker's DEX + Relevant Melee Attack Skill + 1d10
instantly unconscious. *Melee weapons deal their usual
Defender's DEX+ Evasion Skill+ 1 dlO
The Defender moves with the Attacker. �:;:=====��=====:;:= =====�-, I damage when thrown, but don't halve
The Defender must pass the Grab check to � Throw <411
SP Random objects deal damage at
* Melee attacks ignore half Defender's Armour; rounded up. Must be in 2 square GM's discretion.
overpower the Attacker and break the grapple. Use Action to throw the Defender and deal your BODY
range to melee attack.
'-------� _______________________________ _,. stat directly to Defender's HP.
The Defender is left PRONE and must use another action
You can also choose to Choke or Throw>»


Brawling attacks do not ignore 50% armour, but scale instead ra

with your BODY stat. DEX+Brawling Skill +1d10 You are considered in cover if an enemy has no line of sight of you.
Brawling with Cyberarms is always at least 2d6+ vs. All forms of cover have HP, but when cover is destroyed, the excess
Defender's DEX+ Brawling Skill +1d10 damage doesn't carry over to you.
*Brawling stat is also used for grappling. »>
(Now you can Grapple, Snatch, Choke, or I
Throw.) Type of Cover Thick HP Thin HP

Steel 50 HP 25 HP
Stone 40 HP 20 HP
All Martial Arts forms have 2 Special Moves.
MARTIAL ARTS Martial Arts forms require 1 point in the skill to use these Bulletproof Glass 30 HP 15 HP
Special Moves.
Martial Art Attacks/ Special Moves Concrete 25 HP 10 HP
There is 1 Shared Special Move that all forms can Wood 20 HP 5 HP
DEX+ Respective Martial Art's skill+1d10 perform, called Recovery. Whever you use the Get Up
vs. action, roll a Martial Arts check against DV13. Succeeding Plaster/Foam/Plastic 15 HP 0 HP (Not Cover)
Defender's Dex+ Evasion+1d10 means that Get Up doesn't cost an action.
Examples on P . (183)
Unless otherwise stated, Special Moves don't use up an
*Reserved for some special moves. Also note that Martial Arts basic attacks
are made at 2 ROF
Picking up/ equipping a shield uses an action.
Holding a shield means you are considered in cover.
While holding, a shield's HP will block all damage from
attacks, until its' HP reaches 0- when it becomes useless until
� Aikido <Ill �Karate <Ill
Requirement: You hit the some target with o Requirement: You have a target successfully Requirement: You hit the some target with o
Brawling Attack and o Martial Arts Attack this Turn. Grabbed that isn't already affected by Iron Grip.
Requirement: Will 8 or higher
Melee Weapon ond a Martial Arts Attack this Turn. Shield Type Shield Description Hit Points (HP) Cost

-Use your action to perform a check

-Use the Special Move Resolution against a -Use the Special Move Resolution against a -Use the Special Move Resolution against a
against a target in melee range. If you hit, Bulletproof Ar b nate shield thotcon
t ansparent polycaro 100eb
DV15 to disarm a target that meets the DV15. Any future attempts by the Defender DV15. If you succeed, the target hit twice 10
target suffers Broken Ribs Crit. Shield protect ouinofi
y refight . (Premium)
requirements above. of a Grapple to escape has -2 to their this turn already, has their armour reduced
Or, instead take -8 to your check and
checks, and they can't make ranged attacks. by an extra 2 points. Depen ds on how many
instead infiict the Cracked Skull Crit. Corpse S hield made of meat. Usedo
t be a person. S AT the "'1'" hod in il le.
bull ets you went through.

�Judo <Ill � Taekwondo <Ill
If you are grappling an enemy, you can use them as a
Requirement: You dodged oil Melee Attacks Requirement: You hit o target that is grappling
Requirement: WILL 8 or higher.
Requirement: MOVE 8 or higher. You must have
that were targeted al you since your last Turn . you with 2 Melee Attacks this Turn. human (meat) shield. Because they are unwieldy, they
moved at least 4m/yds already this Turn.
-Use your action to perform a check -Use your action to fling forward 4 squares. Use cannot block melee attacks or aimed ranged attacks. They
-Use the Special Move Resolution against a -Use the Special Move Resolution against a against a target in melee range. If you hit. the Special Move resolution against your target
DV15. A target who's melee attack you DV15. End a Grapple against you and the target suffers Spinal Injury Crit can still try to escape the grapple, but otherwise, they are
to deal standard Martial Arts Damage to the
dodged to perform a Throw like you would Attacker suffers the Broken Arm Crit Injury. Or, instead take -8 to your check and target's body. The target will collapse, Prone. cover until they die, where they become a Corpse.
after performing a Grapple. you pick the arm. instead inflict the Brain Injury Crit. This move can also knock targets off vehicles.
Whenever you take damage: BEING ON FIRE

Armour is rated by its' SP (Stopping Power.) If you don't use an action to put
1 minute of breath
l. Your Attacker rolls the damage for their attack.
Divided into Head or Body Armour.

yourself out, take fire damage 1 BODY
at the end of your turn. If you are out of breath, take HP damage
2. Subtract your armor's SP in that location (if they didn't target your head using an Aimed
Armour will stop damage for a time, until its' SP hits equal to your BODY stat
Shot, this is a/ways your body location} from the damage.* Subtract any remaining damage
0, at which case it is useless until repaired. Everytime
from your Hit Points. In a vaccuum, also take 1d6 to your INT,
a piece of Armour is damaged, subtract 1 from its' REF+ DEX. If INT reaches 0, you're Dead.

3. If you ended up taking any damage, your armor on that location
is still ablated, reducing its SP by l point, until it is repaired.
SP in one area does not stack, the highest SP piece
is your SP in that area.

"'Some things that cause damage, like poisons and fire, bypass armor. If you are electrocuted, Exposure to extreme elements will
... "' "' immediately take 6d6 directly to deal 1d6 directly to your HP at the
Damage Armor
Armor Armor . your HP. end of the day.
. . Stopping Penalty
Type Descriptton
Power (SP) (Minimum 0)
If you don't move away from the Using proper equipment will avoid
Leathers Favored by Nomods ond olher'punks who ride bikes. None source, take it again next turn. this.
e amount of Hit Points you have remaining.
Conbe made inlo clothes,vests,jackets, business suits,
Kevlar* 7 None
and even bikinis.
Wound Wound Stabilization
State Effect DV L;ght A combination of Kevkiri'ond plastic meshes 11 None Falling characters fall 40m per
Armorjack inser1ed inlo theweave of the fabric. Pass a Resist Torture/Drugs check
Lightly Wounded F
Less than ull HP None O V ID turn, until they hit the ground. or suffer the effects below.
Skinsuitwith impadobsorbing,sintered ormorgel ... PDISDNS
Seriously Wounded Less than 1/2 HP (round up) ·2 to oil Actions DV13 layered in keybody oreas.Also has a place lo sfaref1>ur II None
Suit A one-chance DV15 against
-4 to oil Actions
Cyberdeck ond supports your lnterfacePlugs. 1Mo ... h11•
Athletics can save them if a ledge 1"1 ... .... ..
-6 to MOVE (Minimum I) Medium HeovierArmotjatk,with solid plosli< ploting, is nearby. ""' ... - .. ..
12 -2 REF.DEX. and MDVE
Armorjack reinforcedwith thickerKevlor<llmesh. ii- DRUGS
Mu� make a Death Save at start of each e
DVlS to h al bock to I HP, lnlen"ty bamplH hu.,Tattu..,/Drug•DV !fleet

and Unconscious Heavy The thickestArmotjack,combining denserKevlar'll and a layered

Falling 1O+ meters deals 2d6 for
one of their Tum< -2REF.DEX. and MDVE
Mortally Wounded Less than I HP 13
every 10 meters. Another DV15
(Gone from the world Armorjack mix of plastic and mesh we�s.
Mortally Wounded Characters suffer a Critical Athletics check is required to avoid
for I minute)
Injury whenever they ore damaged by a Mel,. 1his is the 21st cenluryV!rsion of the time honoredffak the Broken Leg Crit Injury. RADIATION
Flak 15 -4 REF,DEX. and MDVE
or RangedAttack. In oddnion, their Death Save vest and pants.
Low Level- Could be a problem
Penalty increases by I. Cyberlegs stave off damage from
Metalgeor'llwill stopalmost anything,butf1)u're going lo be later on if you get too much.
Meta lg ea� 18 -4 REF.DEX and MDVI
Dead One foiled Death Save Death Never coming bock eosier to hillhon o one-legged bontho in o patho race. less than 30m.
High Level- Same as being Mildly
,;:�) Injury Injury Effect Q �:k Treatment {;��) Injury Injury Effect Q �:k Treatment
If you are mortally wounded, each turn you must roll a D eath Save.
The lost Eye i s gone. -4 loRangedAttotks& Pen:eplion CheOO imolving ftsion. TheDisme m bered Arm is gone. You drop any items in tha1 dismembered
Roll 1d10. If you roll under your BODY you live. Roll over your BODY or a 1 0 - Lost Eye
BoseDeath Save Pen ltyisin a eo setlby 1.
H/A SurgeryDV17 2 Dismembered A rm
arm's hand immediately. BoseDeath Save Penalty i s inaeased by I.
H/A Su rg eryDV 17

You're Dead. Each time you roll for a D eat h Save, the penalty increases b y 1 . Brain Injury -2 lo allActions. BaseDecrtli SavePeHlty isi1K1easetl by l. H/A SurgeryDVl7 TheDis m e m bered H1111d is gone. You drop any items in lhe ctrsme mbered
3 DismemberedHand H/A Su rg eryDV 17
ParC111edic hondim mediotely.BoseOeottiSavePeultyisi1taeasedbyl.
4 Damaged Eye ·2toRongedAttacb&PeiceplimChedsinvolmgmim. SurgeryDVll
DVJS -21aMOVE (minimum I) Paramedic
If you fail even a single Death Save, you die. Firs!Aidor Ouidftxremllft5
4 conopsedlung
BaseDeatti SavePenaltyis inueased by I. DVJS

c ssion ·21o o11Adions Pa1C111edic Injury Effect
At lhe end of ewryTurn whereyou mm lur1her lhan 4m/yds on loo� Puramedic ParomedicDVISor
DVJJ permanently Broken Ribs
you re-suffer thisCriticol lnjury'sBonusOamage diredly toyourlfilPoints.. OV3
1 SurgeryDYil

If you are mortally wounded but are still attacked, even the smallest bit of damage 6 Broken Jaw -4 1 o a 11 Actionsill'fOIYi ng speedl Paramedic
OVl3 6 Broken.lrm
TheBroken Alm c1111ool be used. You drop ony ilems in lhot Paramedic ParomedicDVISor
orm's handimmedialely. DVJJ SurgeryDYil
will inflict a critical injury. FintAidor OuidftxrenlllftS
A 1heed
n ofeverylumwhereyoummfurther1han4mfyds onfoot,you FintAid or Quickfixremom
re-suffer lhisCriticol lnjury'sBonusOamage directly loyourHilPainti.
7 Foreign O�e d At lhe end of eftrJTum where f1>U move further lhon 4mfyds on loo�you
re-suffer lnjury'sBonusOamoge directlyloyourHi!Points..
Puromedic lnjiwy Effect
DVJJ permonendy
CRITICAL INJURIES Whiplosh BoseDeath ScmPenaltyisi1<1eosetlby I.
Paramedic Paromed"Kor
Paramedic ParomedicOVISor
OVl3 SurgeryDVll Broken leg -4 loMOVE (minimum 1)
DVJJ SurgeryDYil
Aimed Shah loyour head muhiply the damage that geh lhroughyour Paramedic Paromed"Kor
Whenever two or more dice rolled for damage from a Melee or 9 Cracked Skull
SPby3iisteodol2.BaseDeatliSavePe1ah-yisi1K1easetlby1. DYil SurgeryDVIS FintAidor d
Qui fixre mom
9 TomMUS<le -2toMeleeAtlocks Puromedic Injury Effect
Ranged Attack come up 6, you've inflicted a Critical Injury! Whenem you move further than 4mfyds on footin aTurn, you connol
Paramedic DVJJ permanently
10 Damaged far 1oke oMoveAction onyour nexT1 um.Additionollyyou take o -210 SurgeryDVll
DVl3 Hextlum, you connot loke onAdion,bu1you con stil1okeoMmAdion. Paromedic
t nChecksill'fOMngheoring. 10 Spinal Injury SurgeryDVIS
BaseDeatfi Save Penaltyis increased by I. DVJS
All Crit Injuries deal a bonus 5 damage straight to the target's HP. 11 Crushed Windpipe Youcannolspeok.BaseDeatliS.wPHoltyisi1Kreoseclby I. H/A SurgeryDVIS
The Lost Ear is gone. Whenever you mm further than 4m/)'1k a n fool in a 11 Crushedfinger1 ·4lo o11Actiansin'l'llliv ng thathond SurgeryDVIS
Roll 2d6 on the Critical Injury Table for the area you've successfuly Grit to deal the DVJJ
Tum,YIJuronnoltoke aMOYeActiononyuurnextTurn.
12 Lost Ear H/A SurgeryDV17
specific Crit Injury +5 extra damage. Additionallyyou lake o-4 1oPerceplianChecbinwlvingheoring. The Dismembered � is gone. -6 loMOVE {minimum 1)
12 Dismembered Leg H/A SurgeryDV17
BoseDeathScmPenalt yisi naeasedbyl. You <onnotdodge attacks. BoseDeath Save Penalty is illtreasetl by 1.
Trauma Team offers on-site medical attention at the press of a button, offering 2
packages for clients: Assuming you aren't dead, stablization from wounds is
essential to begin the healing process.
Silver- 500eb per month: Must pay for treatments like you would at hospital.
If you don't want to pay, Trauma Team will take you to a hospital.
After successful stablization, a player will heal HP per
Executive- 1 OOOeb per month: Treatments such as surgery are free. day equal to their body-- so long as they rest up.

"' "' "' ...

Trauma Team Member SP HP
Number & BODY
The DV to Stabilize a target (or yourself)
Trauma Team Doctor
A target who is mortally
depends on what Wound State your
AMedtech,in Light Armorjock wielding a Cryopump and a Heavy Handgun. Carries twu Airhypos, wounded who receives
each loaded with o dose of Ropidetox. target is in. stablization is brought to 1 HP
10 11 20 4
and rendered unconscious, no
Additionally, they con use their combat number for these Skills: first Aid, Paramedic, Surgery, and
Medical Tech.
Lightly Wounded: DVlO longer requiring you to roll a

Trauma Team Medical Assistant

Seriously Wounded: DV13 Death Save unless an Attacker

AMedtech in Kevlar"' wielding o (ryopump and o Bulletproof Shield. Mortally Wounded: DV15 puts you back into a Mortally
10 7 25 6 Jounded state by attacking
Additionally,they con use their combat number for these Skills: Pilot Air Vehicle, First Aid, you.
Poromedic,ondMedicolTech. Stabilization takes an Action and
Trauma Team Pilot is rolled: TECH+ First Aid Skill
A pilot in Kevlar"', wielding o Very Heavy Pi�ol. or Paramedic Skill + 1d10.
10 7 25 6
Additionally,they con use their combat number for these 1�11< Air Vehicle Tech,First Aid,and Pilot
Trauma Team Security Officer (x2)
10 13 30 4 There are 4 Healing Skills in Cyberpunk.
Hired muscle in Heavy Armotjoc� wielding Assault Rifles.
Cybertech, First-Aid, Paramedic (x2) and Surgery.

Trauma Team can be called for 1 other friend without coverage.

You also need to be conscious to call for yourself, or have a � CYBERTECH � FIRST AID � PARAMEDIC (x2) � SURGERY
biomonitor installed for your allies to call. -Used for a
-Used for a -Used for a -Used for treating
Stabilizing Wound Stabilizing Wound
Quick-Fix or the most deadly
When you call Trauma Team roll 1d6. This is how many Treat Critical
States and Quick States and Quick Critical Injuries.
rounds before they arrive- joining the top of the initiative queue. Fixing only the Fixing only deadly
Injury done to
common Critical Critical Injuries.
Cyberware. *Medtech Only.
Use the Combat Number for each member's Attack roll or
Defence roll.
Trauma Team arrives in an AV-4 equipped with Vehicle Heavy A 4 hour Treatment will remove
Weapon Mount loaded with a Tsunami Arms Helix. The AV-4 A 1 minute Quick Fix will remove
the Injury
also has 4 Cryotanks, tons of medical tech and an operating the Injury
OR Effect permanently.
Effect for the rest of the day.

Anyone can remove Chipware, Cyberlimbs+ Quick Charge Mounts.
Otherwise, only Medtechs can safely remove Cyberware from a dead body for A Hospital visit; even for the worst treatments, only last 4 hours.
resale or installation. Replacement limbs or other organic tissue are included in the price.
Broken Cyberware can be repaired , the DV is equal to the installation DV.
Installing or repairing takes 4 hours. Just make sure to go home and rest to heal, or pay 1 OOeb a night for
h • ·t I b d
Typical Surg e ry DV Cast to Install at a Highest DV of Stabilization or Treatment for Critical Injury During Visit Cost
Installation (Medtech only) Hospital
DV17 or higher
lOOeb IV. Expen>ive)
Mall DV13
(Premium) DVIS
Clinic DV15
(Expensive) DV13

Hospital DV17 {Costly!
(Y. Expen�ve)
Detailed on PG. 227-228

Every Street drug has 2 effects, a primary and secondary effect. When
taking a drug, or passing a melee attack to forcibly administer to an
SOOeb unwilling target- the recipient of the drug immediately takes the
Standard Clinic N/A DVlS:Moteriob ore IODeb{Premium)
primary effect.
Exotic H ospitol 4d6 DYll:Materiols oreSOOeb{Expensivel
After the primary effect wears off, roll W ILL+ Resist Torture/
Drugs+ 1d10 against the DV of the drug.
• HE Y
O....koliolmsi>o Pllliois
ol freeiol_ol._�....._,
Humanity �---""'·liglil ..... ..... '"rrollogoint .. S..-.,Hlodol
Medical-Grade Type of Trauma Example of Trauma
Loss J OO�...!didion nt< ii I ialo (Y.[xptmM) ....111ol ... "'5dioolorlyaoher
..,..dtto.., .._..loil ......
Cyberware will not �..-2d6ol ...lw"-"i!y.
Medtechs can use Medicine
decrease Humanity.
Torture ld6
0...-11....... � K-.ily<1-Hftlyf991 .... willloll
skill against the Therapy's _...,_,,.....,.,P..-11.lo<lopioco.!
Physical Incident ......,.---..� .. -
..,.... ..
._ willm .. ,.....-.•
Replacing a lost limb DV on others, which always Humonity ..... 61(1 ............
K-.ilyr,2.1.di,;..ool ,_, ...
Traumatic lilWr,,.._uak,..i1ia1o ..,...lowm ._. ...-.•K-ilyr,4
with Cyberware will. Witnessing o particularty horrificdealh,mutilotion,etc. ld6 takes 1 week. ..... .., .....r, .
iflleH. CP,.-twilliOK1 .oityl.n1
u•mlolioowill ... ...._,..,
Mental Incident ....,....i..-....
The cost for medical PokM ... 4d6ol .... lt!IHUllOMy.
See PG. 232 for details Kidnapping,imprisonment.Long lerm abuse. 2d6 o...-o1 ....... �, K�<1•01Hftly..,. .... willooll
Mental Stress elll'imilllfl!Nd•dinllond llttrtM'l1l.!iyhnrl11.l11�11iKt-'
supplies for the treatment is
on Cyberpsychosis due em-no, • .,......., ..., ..,...._... Hu.... , .. ........ .,,

Long-term Starvation or being tropped in o war zone,ex periencing paid directly to Biotechnica. Humonity -�r,-.,,......, ......
K_.;r,r,2.E.di,;..ool ,_1... -�
to low humanity. Environmental devostotion from o long-lerm disoster,or living in constonl 2d6
pl...Nirol.1111'1ialo...._ �lowtn.W..•H1-ilyr,4
....... Cyloffwar1williOK1 .oityl.n1 {bpeo:IM)
..... .., ..... r, .......
Stress Factors dongerfor o month. ....... t1illfll!.lit1wi11Ml ...... 1'""'I
Granted to players by the GM, based on
performance. All vehicles have SOP (Structural Damage Points). So long as a
vehicle has 1 SOP left, it can move, when it doesn't it is
Otherwise, your Rep starts at 0. considered destroyed, and unusable as cover.
The vehicle tech skill can repair a vehicle.

Vehicle SOPs will take HP cover damage for you, unless an

attacker aims at you through a window or standard glass.


/ -
Level Who Knows About You When a Vehicle is started, three things
You must have at least one hand on
Anyone who was there at the time knows.
1. The driver is placed immediately at the the wheel for driving, unless you
top of the Initiative Queue. have interface plugs where you can
2 Stories hove gotten around to immediate friends. go handless.
2. The Vehicle's MOVE STAT effectively
3 All your co-workers and casual acquaintances know. becomes the driver's MOVE STAT. Any Driving doesn't require a Skill
penalty the driver had to their MOVE Check if your REF
4 Stories ore all over the local area. doesn't affect the movement + Relevant Control Skill is greater
of the vehicle. than 9, otherwise, perform a DV1 O
5 Others beyond your local area recognize your name. check every turn to remain in control
3. The driver becomes unable to use the of the vehicle.
6 Others beyond your local area know you on sight. Run Action. (I mean, why did you get
into a vehicle in the first place, right?)

7 A news story or two hos been written about your exploits. Ill> Dodging a Ramming Vehicle <Ill

Your exploits regularly make the headlines

and screomsheets. Dodging a moving vehicle on foot is always

9 Your exploits always make the screomsheets and TV. DEX+ Evasion +1d10 against a DV of 13.

10 You're known worldwide. If successful, the Dodger can choose to be on top of the
vehicle now. Failing this roll will deal 6d6 damage to you,
During a Facedown: as mentioned below.

COOL+ Reputation + l dlO
Taking a -2 to any future Actions made against this opponent
When you ram into something, both the vehicle and the target takes
due to fear until they have defeated them once
6d6 damage. Occupants of vehicles over 50KPH suffer the Whiplash
Crit Injury.
Cover/Obstacles that are O HP after ramming do not hinder a vehicle's
Situations that require a Maneuver:
GM will decide if a non-basic Ill> LAND VEHICLES
Maneuver DV driving action is considered a
Speed Speed
Maneuver, which requires focus "
Veh 1cI e . .
Descr1ption SDP Seats
{Combat) (Narrative)
Swerve 13
and uses both your turn's actions.
100MPH/ 20,000eb
Sharp Turn 13 Roadbike Common CHOOH1 powered bike. 35 20MOVE
161 KPH (Super Luxury)
Emergency Stop 13 All maneuvers require a REF+ Exolk CHOOH' slreelbike. copoble 300MPH/ 100.000eb
Superbike 35 60MOVE
Relevent Control Skill + 1 d 1 0 of extreme speeds. 483 KPH (Super Luxury)
Bootleg Turn 17
against the Maneuver's DV. Failing Compact 100MPH/ 30,000eb
Common CHOOH1 powered car. 50 4 20 MOVE
Do a Jump 17 the roll will make you lose control of Groundcar 161 KPH (Super Luxury)
Landing (Air Vehicle) 13 the vehicle. GM decides your 200MPH/ 50,000eb
Performance CHOOH2 powered sportscor. 50 4 40 MOVE
movement for that turn. A vehicle 322 KPH (Super Luxury)
Aerobatic Maneuver (Air Vehicle) 17 Groundcar
impact is considered a ramming..
Super Exotic CHOOHZ sportstar, capable 300MPH/ 100,000eb
50 60 MOVE
Groundcar of extreme speeds. 483 KPH (Super Luxury)


Speed Speed Speed Speed

Vehicle Description SDP Seats Cost Vehicle Description SDP Seats Cost
(Combat) (Narrative) (Combat) (Narrative)

Common CHOOHZ powered 60 MPH/ 20,000eb A tiny CHOOH1 powered rotorcrah 100 MPH/ 20.000eb
35 2 20 MOVE Gyrocopter 35 2 20MOVE
Jet ski
persanol watercroft. 97 KPH (Super Luxury) fovoredbyflying enthusiosts. 161 KPH (Super Luxury)
Full feolured CHOOH' powered
60 MPH/ 30,000eb 200MPH/ 40.000eb
Speedboat CHOOH1 powered speedbool. 50 4 20 MOVE Helicopter helicopter copoble ols�toined 60 4 40MOVE
97 KPH (Super Luxury) 322 KPH (Super Luxury)
Luxury CHOOH' powerbool willi
30,000eb AV-4 High� odvonced CHOOH1,.rticol
room to provide occommodations 200MPH/ 50,000eb
2 per 15MPH/ (Super Luxury) Multipurpose lhrust engine powered flying 100 6 40MOYE
Cabin Cruiser for o small, privileged few. 60 10 MOVE 322 KPH (Super Luxury)
Cobin(ruisers hove customized
Room 24 KPH per room below derk Aerodyne vehicle.

rooms. {minimum two rooms} Exotic CHOQHZver1ical thrust

AV-9 Super 300MPH/ 100,000eb
engine flying vehicle, copobleof 60 2 60MOVE
Luxury CHOOH' pleosurecroh Aerodyne 483 KPH (Super Luxury)
50.000eb extreme speeds.
with omple roomlo provide
(Super Luxury)
accommodotions ond 4 per 15MPH/ Modemcorgoblimps thot ronge 30,000eb
Yacht 100 10 MOVE per room below or
2 per
enlert ainmenlfar a hast andlheir Room 24 KPH w id
l ly in sizedepending on 100 MPH/ (Super Luxury)
obave declc Aerozep 100 20MOVE
distinguished guests. their function.Aerozeps hove Room 161 KPH per ra am be low d eck
Yachts have customized rooms. (minimum four rooms) customized rooms. (minimum two rooms)

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