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Sustain. Water Resour. Manag.

(2015) 1:293–304
DOI 10.1007/s40899-015-0022-7


Spatio–temporal analysis of groundwater resources in Jalandhar

district of Punjab state, India
Amanpreet Singh1 • Chandra Shekhar Sharma2 • A. T. Jeyaseelan1 •

V. M. Chowdary3

Received: 25 March 2015 / Accepted: 31 August 2015 / Published online: 20 September 2015
Ó Springer International Publishing 2015

Abstract Water security is widely recognised as one of Kendall test was 89 % for pre-monsoon and 96 % for post-
the major challenges to India’s economic and social monsoon at 95 % confidence level. Slopes obtained by
development. Groundwater level changes and its trends Sen’s estimator varied from -0.32 to -1.49 m/year,
were assessed spatially and temporally for both pre and indicating decline rates of 3.2 and 14.9 m per decade. From
post-monsoon seasons in Jalandhar district, Punjab, a part the linear regression method, minimum and maximum
of Indus basin, using geographical information system declining rate of -0.49 and -1.59 m/year was obtained.
(GIS) for the period 1996–2010. The study area has been Comparison of the statistical tests indicated that the sig-
experiencing severe water problems for the past few years nificant trends detected by the Mann–Kendall test and
due to increased areas under rice cultivation lowering the Sen’s slope estimator were more or less confirmed by the
groundwater table. Long-term variations of seasonal linear regression method. This declination of groundwater
groundwater level were investigated using the statistical level may affect most of the water-dependent activities,
approaches, viz., Mann–Kendall test, Sen’s slope estimator especially the agriculture sector, in near future. Hence,
and linear regression method. Results indicated that the groundwater resources within the study area should be
average depth to water level during pre-monsoon season managed carefully. It is necessary to set up functional
ranges from 7.60 to 18.69 m, whereas in post-monsoon organizations and promote new rules and norms on
season, the average depth to water level ranges from 5.45 groundwater use in this region. The result of this research
to 19.30 m. The mean of water level fluctuations during pre raises concern about the sustainability of groundwater
and post-monsoon seasons was found to be -8.36 and resources in the Jalandhar district. On the other hand, the
-8.06 m, respectively. Significant declining trends are findings of this study will assist planners and decision-
evident in the groundwater levels during the period from makers in developing better land use and water resource
1996 to 2010 in this region. The analysis of the results management. Shifting from the current cropping pattern
showed mostly decreasing trends in the time series of the that consumes large quantities of water to another one that
study area. The percentage of wells characterized by sig- has less water requirement and also implementing
nificant decrease of groundwater level using the Mann– advanced irrigation techniques are suggested.

Keywords Water security  GIS  Mann–Kendall test 

& Amanpreet Singh Sen’s slope  Linear regression  Groundwater management
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-West, National Remote
Sensing Centre, ISRO, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India Introduction
Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, Indian
Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, West Bengal 721302, Groundwater is an important source of fresh water to meet
India the domestic needs of an ever growing population and also
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-East, National Remote to meet the demands of different commercial sectors, viz.,
Sensing Centre, ISRO, Kolkata, West Bengal, India agriculture, fisheries, mining, manufacturing, etc.

294 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

Sustainable management of groundwater resources is an decline in groundwater levels, resulting in depletion of

essential task, especially in arid and semi-arid climates that groundwater. All these factors have eventually led to extra
face acute shortage of fresh water (Mende et al. 2007). power consumption for lifting of water for irrigation con-
Groundwater withdrawals are increasing rapidly and con- sumption and thus affect the economic conditions (Tiwana
tinuously worldwide (Van et al. 2010) and excess use has et al. 2007).
caused serious decline in groundwater levels (Phien-wej Understanding the spatio–temporal behaviour of the
et al. 2006; Shamsudduha et al. 2009; Machiwal and Jha groundwater regime and its long-term trends are essential
2014). Declining groundwater levels have adverse impacts for management of groundwater resources (Ferdowsian and
on the environment such as groundwater depletion and land Pannell 2009; Hoque et al. 2007; Sreekanth et al. 2009). In
subsidence. The former affects aquifer sustainability (Ak- recent years, several studies were carried out on detection
ther et al. 2009) and the latter results due to the compaction of trends in water resources that mainly focused on surface
of aquifer materials (Konikow and Kendy 2005). Other water (Marengo 1995; Douglas et al. 2000; Zhang
obvious impacts are groundwater pollution due to addi- et al.2006; Mazvimavi and Wolski 2006; Kumar et al.
tional recharge from leaking sewers and other wastewater 2009; Tabari and Marofi 2011). In spite of great importance
sources (Hoque et al. 2007; Berg et al. 2007). Reduction in of groundwater in many parts of the world, especially in
the availability of surface water due to the reduced developing countries, few studies were carried out on
groundwater discharges (Konikow and Kendy 2005) can temporal trend analysis of groundwater levels in this area,
adversely affect ecosystems (Zektser et al. 2005). Given perhaps due to the lack of reliable and regular data, as
the scarcity of available water resources in the near future groundwater level monitoring is a time- and labour- con-
and its impending threats, it has become imperative on the suming process (Ahmadi and Sedghamiz 2007; Machiwal
part of water scientists as well as planners to quantify the and Jha 2014; Patle et al. 2015).
available water resources for its judicious use (Sreekanth The supply of groundwater is not unlimited and, there-
et al. 2009). fore, its use should be properly planned based on the
The Punjab state, located in the north-western part of understanding of the groundwater system behaviour to
India, has a geographical area of 50,362 km2. It constitutes ensure its sustainable use. To understand groundwater level
1.57 % of the total land area of the country (CGWB 1996) behaviour in aquifer systems, the present study was carried
and is experiencing declining groundwater levels due to out (Jalandhar district of Punjab state) with the following
over-exploitation. Groundwater plays an important role in specific objectives: (1) to study the long-term behaviour of
the economic development and ecological balance of the groundwater levels spatially in the study area during both
state and has always been considered to be a readily pre and post-monsoon seasons; (2) to quantify the magni-
available and safe source of water for domestic, agricul- tude of changes at seasonal time scales using statistical
tural and industrial use. Over the past few decades, methods viz., Mann–Kendall test, Sen’s slope estimator
groundwater extraction for irrigation has resulted in aquifer and linear regression method.
overdraft in these areas (Rodell et al. 2009), disrupting the
natural equilibrium of the systems. Water levels across
much of the north-eastern Punjab state have been declining Study area
for at least the past 20–30 years and this has attributed to
the substantial change in cropping patterns during this time. Agriculture in Punjab has a heavy requirement of water for
The economy of the state is primarily agro-based. Geo- irrigation purposes. Paddy (a type of rice) is a major crop
graphically located in the Indus basin, the area is drained which has made an impact on the agriculture of the state.
by three major rivers: the Ravi, the Beas and the Sutlej, The area under paddy has increased from 2,27,000 ha in
apart from another drainage channel, Ghaggar, that drains 1960–61 to 26,42,000 ha (where, ha refers to hectare) in
the southern parts. About 85 % of geographical area is the year 2006. In terms of gross cropped area of the state
under agriculture, of which 95 % area is irrigated (Ag- (total area sown once and/or more than once in a particular
garwal et al. 2009). The cropping intensity of Punjab is year), paddy occupied around 4.8 % of the gross cropped
184 % (Gupta 2011). area in 1960–61, increased to more than 25 % in 1990–91
The change in cropping pattern has increased irrigation and then increased further to 33.37 % in 2004–05 (Tiwana
water requirement tremendously along with increased et al. 2007). The increase in area under paddy cultivation
irrigated areas from 71 to 95 %. As per the agricultural has led to decline in area under other major kharif (summer
statistics from the state (Aggarwal et al. 2009), the number monsoon) crops like maize, bajra, jowar, sugarcane,
of tube wells for irrigation usage has increased from 0.192 groundnut, pulses, etc. The area under maize and sugarcane
to 1.165 million in the past 35 years. Thus, increased cultivation has declined from 9.77 and 2.25 % of total
demand of available groundwater resources has caused gross cropped area of state in the year 1970–71 to 1.94 %

Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304 295

and 1.08 % in year 2004–05, respectively (Tiwana et al. for irrigation in most parts of the study area. The land
2007).Wheat has, however, been the dominant crop of the use/land cover map of the study area (Fig. 2) is generated
state in rabi (winter) season from the very beginning. In under Natural Resources Census project of NRSC/ISRO
1960–61, 29.58 % (14,00,000 ha) of the gross cropped area using IRS LISS III data (India-WRIS 2014). It indicates that
was under wheat cultivation, which increased by about the major land use in the study area is under agriculture with
44 % in 1990–91 and has thereafter remained almost the paddy and wheat as the major crops in kharif and rabi
same (34,81,355 ha in 2004–05) (Tiwana et al. 2007). The seasons. Major geological formation of the study area falls
increase in wheat cultivation has been at the expense of under Quaternary age and is comprised of recent alluvial
cutting down the area under cultivation of other rabi season deposits that belong to the vast Indus alluvial plains.
crops, especially gram, barley, rapeseed, mustard and Groundwater exploration undertaken by CGWB has
sunflower. revealed the presence of four sets of aquifer groups down to
Jalandhar, the north-eastern district of Punjab State, a depth of 312 m. These zones are mainly comprised of fine
located between 30°590 and 31°370 N latitudes and 75°040 to medium-grained sand. The first granular zone forms the
and 75°570 E longitudes is considered as the study area water table aquifer which occurs up to 115 m below the
(Fig. 1) having total geographical area around 2662 sq. km ground level. The second, third and fourth aquifers occur
(CGWB 2007). The mean elevation of the study area varies between 130 and 175 m, 180 and 205 m and below 212 m
between 184 and 294 m [extracted from SRTM (Shuttle depth, respectively. Total thickness of the alluvium is dee-
Radar Topography Mission) DEM]. The climate of the per; bedrock has not been encountered up to 309 m depth in
district can be classified as tropical and dry sub-humid. The the district (CGWB 2007).
study area receives an average annual rainfall of about
700 mm, of which 70 % of occurs during south–west
monsoon that spread over 35 rainy days. The Bist Doab Methodology
Canal System with 41 branch canals having total length of
604.40 km, of which Bist Doab canal is 43 km long, is the Geospatial analysis of groundwater
major source of canal irrigation (CGWB 2007). The study
area has the network of Jalandhar branch that irrigates In the present study, pre (June) and post (October) mon-
northern and central parts, while the Phillaur tributary of soon season water level data pertaining to the study area
Nawashahar branch irrigates the southern parts. Apart from were collected from India-WRIS web Portal (www.india-
canal irrigation, groundwater is also used through tubewells for the study period (1996–2010). The

Fig. 1 Location map of the study area

296 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

period of measurements coincided with the general trend of of the groundwater table. The spatial variations of average
deepest in June (pre-monsoon) and shallowest in October depth to water level and water level fluctuations from the
(post-monsoon) water levels. The average depth to water observed groundwater data were also analysed.
level (WL) was estimated from the data of 15 years
(1996–2010) recorded at different hydrological stations Statistical tests for trend analysis
representing pre and post-monsoon periods. The data were
analysed to understand the dynamics and long-term pattern The statistical methods like the Mann–Kendall test, Sen’s
slope estimator and linear regression method as described
in the forthcoming paragraphs were used for estimating the
trend and magnitude of change in groundwater level. The
methodology flow chart is shown in Fig. 3. The land
use/land cover map generated from satellite data was
integrated with groundwater level map for further inference
on spatial trends in observed groundwater levels in the
study area.

Mann–Kendall test

The rank-based non-parametric Mann–Kendall is highly

appropriate for trend detection in hydrological variables for
several reasons: (1) it does not require data to be normally
distributed (Tabari and Hosseinzadeh Talaee 2011), (2) it
supports multiple observations per time period, (3) it
allows missing values and censored observations in the
time series (Kundzewicz and Robson 2004) and (4) it is
low sensitive to abrupt breaks due to inhomogeneous time
Fig. 2 Land use/land cover of the study area (Source: India-WRIS)
series (Jaagus 2006). According to this test, the null

Fig. 3 Methodology flowchart

Groundwater Level
Data (1996-2010)

Water Level Analysis

(Pre-Monsoon and Post-Monsoon)

Mann Kendall Test Sen’s Slope Estimator Linear Regression Method

Relating Point Data to Real World


Spatial Interpolation

Spatial Groundwater Trend

Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304 297

hypothesis Ho states that the deseasonalized data estimator of slope. If N is odd, then Sen’s estimator is
ðx1 ; . . .. . .xn Þ is a sample of n independent and identically computed by
distributed random variables. The alternative hypothesis is Qmed ¼ Q½ðNþ1Þ=2 ð6Þ
H1 of a two-sided test is that the distributions of xk and xj
are not identical for all k; j  n with k 6¼ j. The test statistic If N is even, then Sen’s estimator is computed by
S, which has mean zero and a variance computed by Eq. 3, 1 
is calculated using Eqs. 1 and 2 and is asymptotically Qmed ¼ Q½N=2 þ Q½ðNþ2Þ=2 ð7Þ
Finally, Qmed is tested with a two-sided test at the
n1 X
100ð1  aÞ% confidence interval and the true slope may be
S¼ sgnðxj  xk Þ ð1Þ
k¼1 j¼kþ1
obtained with the non-parametric test.
8 9 In the present study, the confidence interval was com-
< þ1 if xj  xk [ 0 = puted at a = 0.05 confidence level and is given as follows:
sgnðxj  xk Þ ¼ 0 if xj  xk ¼ 0 ð2Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
: ; Ca ¼ Z1a=2 VarðSÞ; ð8Þ
1 if xj  xk \0
nðn  1Þð2n þ 5Þ  t tðt  1Þð2t þ 5Þ where VarðSÞ has been defined in Eq. 3, and Z1a=2 is
VarðSÞ ¼ ð3Þ obtained from the standard normal distribution.
P Subsequently, M1 ¼ ðN  Ca Þ=2 and M2 ¼ ðN þ Ca Þ=2
The notation t is the extent of any given tie and t are computed. The lower and upper limits of the confidence
denotes the summation over all ties. In cases where the interval, Qmin and Qmax , are the M1 th largest and the ðM2 þ
sample size n [ 10, the standard normal variable Z is 1Þth largest of the N ordered slope estimates Qi . If M1 is not a
computed using Eq. 4. whole number and lies between two values, the lower limit is
> S1 obtained by interpolation between the lower and higher
> pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi if S [ 0
< VarðSÞ values. Correspondingly, if M2 is not a whole number and
Z¼ 0 if S ¼ 0 ð4Þ lies between two values, the upper limit is obtained by
> Sþ1
> pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi if S\0 interpolation between the lower and higher values.
Linear regression method
Positive values of Z indicate increasing trends while
negative Z the decreasing trends. While testing either
Linear regression analysis is also applied for detecting and
increasing or decreasing monotonic trends at the a signifi-
analysing trends in time series. The advantage of para-
cance level, the null hypothesis was rejected for an absolute
metric linear regression method is their simplicity (Mos-
value of Z greater than Z1a=2 , obtained from the standard
mann et al. 2004). The main statistical parameter drawn
normal cumulative distribution tables. In the present study,
from the regression analysis is slope which indicates the
significance levels at a = 0.05 were considered. The value
mean temporal change of the studied variable. Positive
of Z for 95 % confidence level is 1.96. Therefore, when the
values of the slope show increasing trends, while negative
time series groundwater level data produce |Z| [ 1.96, there
values of the slope indicate decreasing trends. The total
is a significant upward or downward trend.
change during the period under observation is obtained
with multiplying the slope with the number of years
Sen’s slope estimator
(Tabari and Marofi 2011).
The non-parametric Sen’s slope estimator is an unbiased
estimator of trends and has considerably higher precision
than a regression estimator, where data are highly skewed Results and discussion
(Hirsch et al. 1982). If a linear trend is present in a time
series, then the true slope (change per unit time) can be General characteristics of groundwater levels
estimated using a simple non-parametric procedure devel-
oped by Sen (1968). The slope estimates of N pairs of data Groundwater behaviour in pre-monsoon season
are first computed by
xj  xk The depth to water level maps was generated for each
Qi ¼ for i ¼ 1; . . .; N; ð5Þ season, i.e., pre and post-monsoon seasons, for the study
period (1996–2010). Using these 15 years of data, average
where xj and xk are data values at times j and kðj [ kÞ, depth to water level and water level fluctuation in pre-
respectively. The median of these N values of Qi is Sen’s monsoon were prepared. Average depth to water level map

298 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

for both pre and post-monsoon was prepared by taking the

average of all 15 years. The analysis of pre-monsoon depth
to water level is shown in Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Mean water
level depth computed for the study period during pre-
monsoon season ranges from 7.60 to 18.69 m (Fig. 4). The
average groundwater level in the study area was observed
to be 13.51 ± 2.29 m. Spatial distributions of pre-monsoon
water levels for the study period are shown as Fig. 5.
Gradual increase in groundwater depletion in the study area
is evident from Fig. 5 and nearly 80 % of the study area
showed water level beyond 11 m in the year 2010. The
annual pre-monsoon water levels (minimum, maximum
and mean) in the study area are given in Fig. 6. The depth
to groundwater level in pre-monsoon season with maxi-
mum, minimum and mean groundwater level varies from
13.22 (2001) m to 29.35 m (2009), 3.1 m (1998) to 7.98 m
(2010) and 7.90 m (1999) to 19.48 m (2010), respectively.
Fig. 4 Average depth to water level in pre-monsoon (1996–2010)

Fig. 5 Pre-monsoon depth to

water level (1996–2010)

Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304 299

Max. Min. Mean
Groundwater Depth (m bgl)







Fig. 6 Pre-monsoon (1996–2010) groundwater level in Jalandar


25 -25
Avg. Groundwater Level Water level Fluctuaon
Groundwater Depth (m bgl)

Water Level Fluctuaon (m)

20 -20 Fig. 9 Average depth to water level in post-monsoon (1996–2010)

15 -15

compared with water level map of pre-monsoon 2010 to

10 -10 prepare a water level fluctuation map for pre-monsoon
period. Maximum and minimum water level fluctuation in
5 -5
pre-monsoon season was -18.24 and -0.027 m, respec-
tively. The mean and standard deviation of water level
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 fluctuation was -8.36 and 2.41 m (Fig. 8).

Fig. 7 Well location wise pre-monsoon (1996–2010) average Groundwater behaviour in post-monsoon season
groundwater level and fluctuation
Similar to the pre-monsoon analysis of groundwater
behaviour, post-monsoon analysis was also carried out
(Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13). The average depth to water
level during post-monsoon season ranges from 5.45 to
19.30 m (Fig. 9). The average groundwater level in the
study area was found to be 13.55 ± 2.49 m. Spatial dis-
tribution of post-monsoon water levels in the study area is
shown in Fig. 10. Maximum, minimum, average and
standard deviations of water level are shown as Fig. 11.
Maximum, minimum and mean groundwater level varies
from 12.61 (1997) m to 30.36 m (2009), 2.18 m (1998) to
6.50 m (2004) and 6.05 m (1998) to 19.12 m (2009),
respectively. Well location average groundwater level and
water level fluctuation are shown in Fig. 12. The depth to
water level map of post-monsoon 1996 was compared with
year 2010 to prepare a water level fluctuation map for the
post-monsoon season. Spatial distribution of groundwater
Fig. 8 Pre-monsoon groundwater fluctuation map (1996 vs. 2010) fluctuations is shown in Fig. 13. Maximum and minimum
water level fluctuation in post-monsoon season was -21.18
and 1.49 m, respectively. The mean and standard deviation
Well location-wise pre-monsoon average groundwater
of water level fluctuation was found to be -8.06 and
level and water level fluctuations are shown in Fig. 7. The
depth to water level map of pre-monsoon 1996 has been 3.35 m.

300 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

Fig. 10 Post-monsoon depth to

water level (1996–2010)

25 -25
35 Avg. Groundwater Level Water level Fluctuaon
Max. Min. Mean

Water Level Fluctuaon (m)

Groundwater Depth (m bgl)

Groundwater Depth (m bgl)

20 15
10 -5

5 5
0 5
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Year Wells

Fig. 11 Post-monsoon (1996–2010) groundwater level in Jalandhar Fig. 12 Well location wise post-monsoon (1996–2010) average
district groundwater level and fluctuation

Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304 301

Fig. 13 Post-monsoon groundwater fluctuation map (1996 vs. 2010)

Fig. 14 Mann–Kendall Z statistics with trend for pre-monsoon
season (1996–2010)
Trends in the groundwater level
Groundwater level trend line slopes in the study area
Mann–Kendall (MK) test statistics, Sen’s slope and linear computed using Sen’s slope estimator and linear regression
regression slope helped to identify the trends in ground- method are presented in the Table 1. Slopes obtained by
water levels of the study area at spatial and temporal scale. Sen’s estimator varied from -0.32 to -1.49 m/year,
Each monitoring well reflects the groundwater dynamics of indicating decline of 3.2 and 14.9 m per decade. The mean
the surrounding area; therefore, its trend value provides an and standard deviation of declining rate by Sen’s slope was
idea about the water level fluctuations of that area over the observed as 0.75 and 0.258 m/year, respectively. From the
time period. linear regression method, minimum and maximum
declining rates of -0.49 and -1.59 m/year were obtained.
Pre-monsoon season The observed mean and standard deviation of declining
rate was 0.82 and 0.225 m/year. This implies that the water
Results of analysis of MK test for each monitoring well table declined significantly during the period of analysis in
along with Z statistics are shown in Fig. 14. The Sen’s the study area. This declination of groundwater level may
slope and linear regression slope computed for the pre- affect most of the water-dependent activities, especially
monsoon season are shown in Fig. 15. Descriptive statistics agricultural water management in the study area.
is also shown in Table 1. Significant declining trend in the
groundwater levels at 95 % significance level was wit- Post-monsoon season
nessed in most of the stations across the study area. Trend
analysis through the MK test and Sen’s slope estimator Spatial distribution of wells along with obtained ground-
indicates drastic decline in the groundwater levels. Most of water trends in post-monsoon season using MK test along
the time series showed negative trends, indicating the with the Z statistics are shown in Fig. 16. The statistics of
decline of groundwater levels in most areas. About 89 % of MK test are also given in Tabular form (Table 1). Com-
the negative trends were statistically significant (at 95 % puted Sen’s slope and linear regression slope for analysing
significance level). Results showed that about 24 observa- post-monsoon season water level trends are shown as
tion wells witnessed significant negative trends, while no Fig. 17. Declining trends in the groundwater levels were
significant trends were observed in only three wells. Trend significant at 95 % significance level for most of the sta-
of decline in groundwater levels was highest in three tions across the study area. Trend analysis by MK test and
observation wells, i.e., W13261, W13262 and W13275 Sen’s slope estimator indicates drastic decline in the
(Table 1). These wells also showed significant negative groundwater levels as most of the areas showed negative
trend. On the other hand, three observation wells with trend. Nearly 96 % of the negative trends were statistically
declining rate of more than 0.5 m/year showed no signifi- significant (at 95 % significance level). Results showed
cant trend. that about 26 observation wells indicated significant

302 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

Fig. 15 Sen’s slope and linear regression slope for pre-monsoon season (1996–2010)

Table 1 Mann–Kendall Z statistics, Sen’s slope estimate and linear regression slope for pre and post monsoon seasons (1996–2010)
Sl. Well Latitude Longitude Pre-monsoon season Post-monsoon season
no. code
Mann–Kendall Sen’s slope Linear regression Mann–Kendall Sen’ slope Linear regression
statistic, Z (m/year) slope (m/year) statistic, Z (m/year) slope (m/year)

1 W13280 31.02 75.77 -4.35 -0.56a -0.57 -4.35 -0.59a -0.55

2 W13278 31.03 75.79 -4.16 -0.48a -0.49 -4.35 -0.48a -0.48
3 W13281 31.05 75.91 -4.26 -0.60a -0.68 -3.46 -0.75a -0.77
4 W13272 31.07 75.69 -3.96 -0.92a -0.86 -4.06 -1.00a -0.98
5 W13285 31.08 75.33 -3.07 -0.98a -0.96 -2.57 -0.56a -0.81
6 W13273 31.09 75.60 -2.87 -0.54a -0.58 -3.76 -0.82a -0.83
7 W13274 31.12 75.82 -4.06 -0.89a -0.87 -4.06 -1.01a -0.96
8 W13266 31.11 75.53 -1.88 -0.65 -0.68 -3.86 -1.14a -1.10
9 W13284 31.11 75.18 -3.27 -0.67a -0.68 -2.97 -0.61a -0.61
10 W13267 31.13 75.47 -1.88 -0.63 -0.79 -3.76 -1.25a -1.32
11 W13268 31.13 75.49 -1.88 -0.70 -0.84 -3.66 -1.19a -1.36
12 W13277 31.15 75.81 -4.06 -0.97a -0.92 -3.46 -1.08a -1.04
13 W13282 31.16 75.72 -3.04 -0.33a -0.89 -4.16 -1.01a -1.00
14 W13275 31.17 75.84 -4.16 -1.06a -1.01 -4.16 -1.11a -1.13
15 W13283 31.16 75.63 -3.96 -0.70a -0.67 -4.16 -0.90a -0.88
16 W13271 31.19 75.53 -2.97 -0.39a -0.62 -3.37 -0.35a -0.35
17 W13265 31.23 75.53 -3.37 -0.79a -1.08 -3.66 -1.63a -1.81
18 W13253 31.24 75.52 -3.37 -0.82a -1.01 -3.76 -1.50a -1.67
19 W13262 31.33 75.59 -3.27 -1.49a -1.59 -3.56 -1.67a -1.76
20 W13261 31.34 75.64 -3.56 -1.15a -1.12 -3.66 -1.16a -1.22
21 W13260 31.41 75.69 -3.56 -0.75a -0.84 -3.07 -0.80a -0.75
22 W13254 31.42 75.71 -3.66 -0.84a -0.95 -3.17 -0.97a -1.02
23 W13257 31.43 75.66 -2.08 -0.32a -0.60 -1.09 -0.08 -0.09
24 W13249 31.44 75.50 -3.56 -0.81a -0.79 -3.66 -0.88a -0.90
25 W13258 31.45 75.63 -4.16 -0.54a -0.66 -3.27 -0.32a -0.31
26 W13259 31.47 75.76 -3.07 -0.80a -0.73 -2.38 -0.58a -0.62
27 W13248 31.57 75.64 -3.76 -0.73a -0.74 -3.56 -0.76a -0.74
Indicates significant trend (at 95 % level of significance)

Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304 303

negative trends, while only one well indicated non-signif- respectively. The mean and standard deviation of declining
icant trend. rate was observed to be -0.93 and 0.42 m/year,
Trend line slopes of groundwater level in the study area respectively.
using Sen’s estimator and linear regression method were The dominance of rice and wheat monoculture cropping
presented in Table 1. It is evident from the results that the pattern over the years in the study area has led to the over-
slopes using Sen’s estimator vary from -0.08 to -1.67 m/ exploitation of groundwater resulting in rapid decline of
year (0.8 and 16.7 m per decade) in post-monsoon season. the water table not only in the study area but also in the
The mean and standard deviation of declining rate by Sen’s entire state (except the southwestern part). Perusal of his-
slope was found to be 0.90 and 0.386 m/year, respectively. torical data reveals that the current paddy cultivation has
The linear regression method showed minimum and max- increased by about 85 times since 1950–51 against wheat
imum declining rate of -0.09 and -1.81 m/year, cultivation, which has increased only 1.7 times (CGWB
2007). Significant increase in the average yield of paddy
from 806 to 3588 kg/ha and wheat from 958 to 4925 kg/ha
over the period of past 50 years (CGWB 2007) could be
attributed to irrigated agriculture in the study area.
In general, results of the present study indicated that the
groundwater level declined during both cropping seasons.
During the monsoon season, in spite of monsoon rainfall
with irrigation support from surface water resources, the
decline in ground water table indicates over-exploitation of
groundwater. Thus, these regions are critical and should be
managed carefully to optimize groundwater resource
exploitation. Trends identified through statistical tests raise
concern about the sustainability of the groundwater
resources in the study area. The present analysis will be
helpful for planners and decision-makers in developing
better land use and water resource management practices.
Since current cropping patterns are posing threat to
groundwater resources of the region, adoption of advanced
irrigation techniques associated with less water intensive
Fig. 16 Mann–Kendall Z statistics with trend for post-monsoon crops should be promoted to curb groundwater depletion.
season (1996–2010)

Fig. 17 Sen’s slope and linear regression slope for post-monsoon season (1996–2010)

304 Sustain. Water Resour. Manag. (2015) 1:293–304

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Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Director, Patle GT, Singh DK, Sarangi A, Rai A, Khanna M, Sahoo RN (2015)
NRSC, for his guidance and support. India-WRIS website is Time series analysis of groundwater levels and projection of
acknowledged for the groundwater data and the other water resource future trend. J Geol Soc India 85:232–242
data. The authours are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their Phien-wej N, Giao PH, Nutalaya P (2006) Land subsidence in
constructive comments and suggestions which improved the quality Bangkok, Thailand. Eng Geol 82:187–201
of the manuscript. Rodell M, Velicogna I, Famiglietti JS (2009) Satellite-based estimates
of groundwater depletion in India. Nature 460:999–1002
Sen PK (1968) Estimates of the regression coefficient based on
Kendall’s tau. J Am Stat Assoc 63(324):1379–1389
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