Installation of 5G Networks

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Installation of 5G Networks

Part 1 : My name is Quek Ser Quin. Based on the problems encountered by JIMAT
Company. 5G networks is advised to be used due to its ability to support future services in the

5G networks will significantly increase the efficiency of this company and also providing the
employees a faster access to Internet.

Instant and reliable connection of 5G networks allow the online conferencing video to run
effortless, improving the communication efficiency of the business.

This ensures the operation of JIMAT Company. is smarter, cost effective and safe.

Part 2 : A 5G network consists of two major components, which are the Core Network and
Radio Access Network.

Core Network acts as the central part of a cellular network that manages all of the mobile voice,
internet connections and data.

Radio Access Network plays a significant role in connecting wireless devices to Core Network of
5G networks

Installation of solar power system

Part 1 : Installation of solar power system is highly recommended to JIMAT Company
to become a more energy saving and sustainable building.
Solar power system is a system that consists of several components to capture and
convert energy from the sun into electrical energy.
The main components of solar panel system consists of solar panel, charge controller,
battery and inverter.
Solar energy is a renewable energy source and it has unlimited supply.
Solar power system not only can fulfill the electricity requirements of this company but
also help to save money on electrical bill.

Part 2 : There are several basic steps in solar energy generation and transmission
Firstly, sunlight hits the solar panels and generates an direct current (DC).

Next, the conductive wire brings the electricity to the inverter, where it is transformed
from the direct Current to alternating Current

After that, the alternating current electricity will flow through and be distributed
effectively to the building electrical panel.
Extra electricity will be fed to the electric grid and this extra energy will be consumed
during the night time.

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