Study of Suspended Sediment in Jakarta Bay Using Satellite Seawifs Data

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Indonesian Geologists Association and Indonesian Geophysicists Association

Mulia Hotel, December 15-17, 2003, Jakarta



Afiat Anugrahadia and Nani Hendiartib

Department of Geological Engineering, University of Trisakti, Kyai Tapa 1, Jakarta
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, M.H. Thamrin 8, Jakarta 10340


The morphology of northern part of Jakarta covers by lowland plan, which is piled up from the land
sediment that developed after the Pleistosen age. There are four big rivers that run off to Jakarta Bay: Citarum
and Bekasi rivers in the eastern part, Ciliwung river in the middle and Cisadane river in the western part. Those
rivers bring the material also from the coastal erosion, which may increase the water turbidity and influence the
coastal ecosystem in Jakarta Bay.
Satellite data of ocean color using SeaWiFS, which is operated since August 1997, could be applied to
derive the total suspended matter (TSM). The concentration of TSM were obtained using a single band
algorithm based on reflectance distribution in the 555 nm SeaWiFS channel, because the spectral reflectance in
this channel is mainly caused by backscattering of particulate matter. It was observed that high Citarum river
discharge of inorganic material was occurred during the transition phase from the rainy to the dry season (March
and April), when the maximum amount of transported material reaches the sea. During this period, the discharge
material influenced larger coastal areas. The river plume is evident from suspended particulate matter
concentrations of higher than 10 mg/l. Further application, this information could be used for studying the water
qualify from the water turbidity levels in Jakarta Bay.


Morfologi sebagian besar wilayah utara Jakarta berupa dataran rendah yang tersusun oleh material sedimen
daratan yang berkembang sesudah zaman Pleistosen. Empat suangi utama yang mengalir dan bermuara di Teluk
Jakarta yaitu S. Citarum dan S. Bekasi di sebelah timur, S. Ciliwung di bagian tengah, dan S. Cisadane di
sebelah barat. Ke empat sungai tersebut banyak membawa material hasil erosi dan diendapkan di lingkungan
laut dangkal di Teluk Jakarta.
Data satelit ocean colour SeaWiFS yang beroperasi sejak Agustus 1997 memiliki kemampuan untuk
menghasilkan informasi endapan terlarut (TSM). Kandunagn TSM dihitung dengan menggunakan persaman
matematis (algoritma) untuk kanal SeaWiFS 555 nm, sebab total energi cahaya yang dipantulkan oleh
permukaan air dan diterima oleh sensor satelit (reflectance) pada kanal ini didominasi oleh hamburan energi dari
material anorganik. Hasil pengamatan yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa intensitas limpasan material
anorganik (sedimen) dari sungai Citarum mencapai puncaknya pada akhir musim hujan (Maret s/d April),
dimana pergerakan material sepanjang sunagi untuk mencapai muaranya memerlukan waktu. Pada perioda
waktu tersebut, dampak dari limpasan sungai Citarum mencakup daerah pesisir yang lebih luas. Limpasan
sungai dapat dikenali dengan kandungan endapan terlarut berkisar di atas 10 mg/l. Aplikasi selanjutnya,
informasi ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk studi kualitas perairan Teluk Jakarta ditinjau dari tingkat kekeruhannya.

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