Wet Batch Grinding of Alumina Hydrate in A Stirred Bead Mill

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Powder Technology 119 Ž2001.


Wet batch grinding of alumina hydrate in a stirred bead mill

H. Bel Fadhel, C. Frances )
´ Chimique UMR 5503 CNRSr INPT r UPS 18, Chemin de la Loge 31078 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
Laboratoire de Genie
Received 1 January 2000; received in revised form 1 October 2000; accepted 16 January 2001


Experimental investigations on the wet batch comminution of an alumina hydrate in a stirred bead mill are presented. The influence of
some operating parameters Žmass solids concentration, initial size of particles, stirrer speed and beads size. on both the specific energy
and the size distribution of the ground product is discussed. The existence of a limit fineness has been put in evidence and the conditions
leading to a best efficiency of the process are defined.
A quantitative characterization of the morphology of the fragmented particles has led to the identification of the fragmentation path
occurring during the process. The analysis allows to interpret the evolution vs. time of the product size distributions characterized by a
multimodal pattern. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Grinding; Stirred media mill; Fragmentation; Size distribution

1. Introduction sufficiently stressed at a media contact, Ps , and the number

of particles in the chamber, Np :
Stirred bead mills are increasingly used in many indus- Nc Ps
trial applications for microgrinding, dispersion and disinte- SN s Ž 1.
gration of solid particles in a wet phase. They are inten-
sively used for the production of paints, inks, fillers,
The number of media contacts is greatly influenced by the
coatings, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, ceramics, . . . .
hydrodynamic behaviour in the mill. It can be assumed
The importance of such mills increases steadily because of
that the number of media contacts in a stirred mill is
an increasing demand for fine and ultra-fine particles Žless
proportional to: the number of revolutions of the stirrer
than 1 mm.. Over the last few years, scientific research on
A N B, and the number of beads in the grinding chamber; a
stirred bead mills has been focused upon the relationships
function of beads size A d m B and the filling volume of the
between the comminution result and the specific energy
grinding media A wm B. The probability Ps depends on the
input w1–3x. Since the comminution process in stirred mills
type of grinding process. For the grinding of minerals and
is influenced mainly by the number of stresses imposed on
ceramic materials, Kwade et al. w4x demonstrated that Ps is
the product particle, described by the ‘stress number’, and
proportional to the active volume between two grinding
the stress intensity during each contact; the specific energy
beads, which is related to the media diameter. The follow-
can be considered as the product of stress intensity ŽSI.
ing relation for the stress number can then be derived:
and stress number ŽSN..
In a batch process, the average of stress events on each wm Ž 1 y ´ . Nt rs d p3
product particle is determined by the number of media SN A Ž 2.
contacts, Nc , the probability that a particle is caught and Ž 1 y wm Ž 1 y ´ . . d m2 rsusp cs

The stress intensity is determined above all by the kinetic

energy of the grinding media. It is thus proportional to the
mass of the beads and the square of the tangential velocity
Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-5-62-25-24-46; fax: q33-5-62-25-
of the grinding media. The latter can be considered as
23-45. proportional to the circumferential speed of the discs.
E-mail address: Christine.Frances@ensigct.fr ŽC. Frances.. Assuming that only single particles are stressed between

0032-5910r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 2 - 5 9 1 0 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 2 6 6 - 2
258 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

the grinding media, Kwade and Schwedes w1x recommend The mill consists of a glass chamber and a stirrer shaft
the use of the following relationship: fitted with four stainless steel agitator disks. The agitation
SI A d m3 rm Õ 2 speed was controlled by a pulley arrangement, giving four
Ž 3.
speeds of 2130, 2810, 3660 and 4370 rpm. For cooling
Thus, each process parameter which acts on the stress purposes, the grinding chamber is equipped with a water
number or the stress intensity, affects the specific energy jacket in which cooling water, from a thermostatic bath,
input and the comminution result. This theoretical ap- flows. Glass beads were used as the grinding media.
proach is especially useful in accounting for process pa- The standard grinding chamber was replaced by a
rameters and optimising operational conditions. Indeed, for chamber which allows sampling from inside the mill by
each product fineness, an optimum stress intensity of the means of a syringe without stopping the grinding operation
grinding media can be found, which leads to a minimum allowing no disturbance of the grinding environment. Five
specific energy input. sampling points are thus distributed along the grinding
However, in such an approach, the comminution result chamber which allow sampling at the inlet, in the chamber,
is generally only depicted by the median size of the in each space between two disks and just before the
product. The product size distribution vs. grinding time separation gap as illustrated in Fig. 1. For continuous
actually presents a more peculiar evolution with the ap- operation, the mill is fed by a suspension contained in a
pearance and disappearance of peaks in the distribution 20-l mixed tank by means of a peristaltic pump. The runs
pattern. Indeed, it is not uncommon that size reduction reported here were performed in the batch mode. For this
processes involve bi- or multimodal particle size distribu- purpose, the inlet and outlet ports were closed. The grind-
tions, at least at some stages. This fact, which is often an ing chamber was vertically oriented and partially filled
indication that the population is a mixture of subpopula- with the beads before introduction of the desired mass of
tions, results from the fragmentation mechanism, induced gibbsite. The required volume of sodium metaphosphate
by the process, or the initial texture of the material. aqueous solution was added in turn, and the agitator turned
The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of the manually to eliminate air trapped between the beads. At
operating variables during batch wet grinding on both the last, the chamber volume was filled by the remaining load
specific energy and the size distribution of the ground of beads. Samples withdrawn from inside the mill during
product. A morphological study has also been conducted to the operation were diluted to an appropriate concentration,
determine the fragmentation mechanism and explain the then processed for 5 min under ultrasound, before size
presence of specific subpopulations in the ground product. analysis by a diffraction laser sizer using the Mie theory
ŽMalvern Mastersizer S.. To ensure that the samples were
representative of the whole charge, the particle size distri-
2. Experimental butions of samples withdrawn at different time intervals
from the two sampling points Ž1. and Ž3. were compared
The experimental material was an alumina hydrate Žgib- ŽFig. 2.. The results show the particles are fully mixed
bsite., Al 2 O 3 , 3H 2 O provided by Aluminium Pechiney
during discontinuous runs, even after a very short period of
ŽGardanne, France.. Some physical and chemical proper-
time. So, for the proceeding experiments, samples were
ties of that material are given in Table 1. The initial
withdrawn from the central sampling point Ž3..
particles are agglomerates formed by an association of
The specific energy input can be experimentally deter-
large platelet shaped crystallites, constituted by a series of
mined by means of a torque-speed meter or by measuring
pseudo-hexagonal plates. For the grinding experiments, the
the electrical power input of the mills:
suspension was made of gibbsite particles in an aqueous
solution of sodium metaphosphate at 4 grl in order to E Pt Prs t
avoid the agglomeration of fines after a few minutes of Ev s s s Ž 4.
Vs Vs ms
Grinding experiments were performed in a 0.6-l hori- Power characteristics of stirred bead mills are usually
zontal, stirred ball mill ŽDrais Perl-Mill Eirich-Gruppe.. defined using an approach developed from work on stirred

Table 1
Physical and chemical properties of gibbsite
Alumina hydrate Crystalline system Density Refraction index Hardness
Mohs’ scale
hydrargillite monoclinic 2.42 1.57–1.59 3

Chemical Na 2 O CaO SiO 2 Fe 2 O 3 TiO 2 V2 O5 ZnO Soluble pH in

composition soda sol.
ppm 1650 80 25 130 5 -5 17 30 8.2
H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268 259

Fig. 1. Grinding chamber of the stirred bead mill.

reactors. In order to establish relationships between power NR e and NF r are the stirrer Reynolds number and the
consumption and the process variables, dimensional analy- Froude number, respectively:
sis is required. For fixed stirrer geometry, the expression
is: NR e s ND 2rsusprmsusp Ž 7.
Np s f Ž NR e , NF r . Ž 5.
NFr s N 2 Drg Ž 8.
where Np is the power number Žalso called the Newton
number., analogous to a drag coefficient, it is defined as: The power number can be obtained using graphs where Np
is plotted vs. Reynolds number of the stirrer as a function
Np s Prrsusp N 3 D 5 Ž 6. of the grinding chamber volume and the operational pa-

Fig. 2. Comparison of the size distributions of samples from sampling points Ž1. and Ž3..
260 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

rameters Žfilling ratio, beads size and nature. w5,6x. The initial load disappears providing coarse fragments and
specific energy is then defined as: fines with an average size of 0.4 mm. As grinding pro-
Np N 3 D 5rsusp rs t ceeds, the size distributions shifts towards smaller sizes
Ev s Ž 9. and the fraction of fines increases more and more until the
ms size of fragments reaches that of the fines. The influence
of the operating parameters on the product size distribution
has been investigated, analysing the evolution of the me-
3. Effect of the parameters on the comminution results dian size and the standard deviation of the distribution.
Figs. 4a, 5a, 6a, 7a and b present the evolution of the
In this study, four process parameters were selected for median diameter vs. grinding time for different operating
investigation, namely the slurry density, initial size of conditions. Whatever the values of the operating parame-
particles, stirrer speed and beads size. The operating pa- ters, the median size sharply decreases during the first
rameters were varied in the following range: minutes of grinding and then tends towards a limit size
Solids mass cs s 0.1; 0.2; 0.3 around 0.4–0.5 mm. Obviously, the finer the fragments,
concentration the lesser the chance of cracks and defaults in the volume
Material initial d p Ž0. s 63–71; 71–100; 100–125 mm of the particles, hence the stronger the particles become.
size Žclosed Finally, a limit size is reached. This extreme fineness,
sieved size described by many authors w7x, corresponds to a dynamic
fractions. equilibrium. Here the fines produced by grinding aggregate
Agitation N s 2130; 2810; 3360; 4370 rpm to each other leading to coarse particle production, this is
speed balanced by their subsequent down. The effect of the
Bead size d m s 0.4–0.56; 1.2–1.4; 1.8–2.2 mm operating parameters on the comminution of gibbsite can
only be investigated during the first 10 min. After this
The bead load Žthe percentage of the net mill volume period, the curves of the median sizes vs. time related to
filled with beads. was kept constant at 80%. the different runs meet and tend towards the same limit
The initial size distribution is characterized by a single fineness.
peak with a high intensity indicating that the product The evolution of the standard deviation vs. grinding
contains quasi mono-sized particles. An example of the time ŽFigs. 4b, 5b, 6b, 7c. is characterized by a very sharp
evolution of the size distributions vs. time is given in Fig. increase followed by a progressive decrease later. The first
3. Whatever the operating conditions, fragment size is part of the curves corresponds to the simultaneous produc-
characterized by a similar multimodal distribution. At the tion of coarse fragments and very small debris. The size
first few seconds of grinding, the size distribution of the distributions initially spread between 0.1 and 100 mm.

Fig. 3. Typical evolution of the size distributions vs. grinding time.

H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268 261

Then, the coarser fragments are progressively broken and concentrated the suspension, the more viscous is the slurry
the size distributions become narrower. The breakage of all and the lesser the probability of contact between particle
initial particles into finer pieces is extremely fast, and the and bead. The effect of the solids concentration on the
increase in standard deviation vs. time cannot be observed comminution result depends mainly on the material and
in all curves since the first sampling points correspond to other operating conditions. Concerning the grinding of
grinding times equal or longer than 10 s. limestone, Stehr and Schwedes w8x found that at a first
approximation, the effect of the solids concentration could
3.1. Effect of the solids concentration be well described by the specific energy; i.e. the median
diameter of the ground product plotted against the
The solids concentration is usually considered as an volume-based energy input are well described by a single
important parameter. An increase in the solids concentra- straight line on a log–log graph. Thus, whatever the solids
tion leads to an increase in the number of particles and concentration, a required fineness can be reached if the
hence the stress number, i.e. increase in the probability of corresponding specific energy is brought changing one or
a particle to be in the stressing zone. However, the more another parameter. But at low solids concentration, more

Fig. 4. Effect of the solids concentration on Ža. the median diameter, Žb. the standard deviation of the size distribution and Žc. the specific energy.
262 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

specific energy is required to achieve the same product the specific energy ŽFig. 4c.. Since the runs reported in
fineness w4x, since a particle is not necessarily caught at Fig. 4 were performed using the same chamber and stirrer
each media contact. For higher solids concentrations, diffi- geometries and keeping constant the beads size and the
culties arise in the flow of the suspension. Analysing the filling ratio, the specific energy is proportional to
batch grinding of black carbon in a stirred bead mill, N 3rsusp trm s , this has been reported in Fig. 4c x-axis. The
Varinot w9x found an optimum in the solids concentration curves of the median size and the standard deviation vs.
between 5% and 20% allowing a better efficiency. The time are practically superposed taking into account of the
existence of the optimum was explained by a change in the variation of the position of the initial median size which
fragmentation mechanism, mainly abrasion at lower solids lies between 115 and 125 mm. Thus, the fragmentation
concentration to fracture at higher concentrations. Fig. 4 kinetics may be considered the same for the solids concen-
presents the effect of the solids concentration for the tration between 10 and 30 wt.%. Moreover, the energy
comminution of gibbsite on: the median size ŽFig. 4a., the efficiency decreases on increasing the concentration. Due
standard deviation of the size distribution ŽFig. 4b., and to the rapid decrease in size, the difference in the solids

Fig. 5. Effect of the initial size of material on Ža. the median diameter, Žb. the standard deviation of the size distribution and Žc. the specific energy.
H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268 263

concentration is not enough to alter the grinding kinetics. conditions related to the beads and to the slurry were kept
However, the specific energy needed to obtain a certain constant. During the first minute of the operation, it can be
value for the median size is high, especially with the dense noticed that the smaller the initial size, the smaller the size
nature of the slurry. This is probably due to the increase of of the ground product; beyond this point, the median sizes
the viscosity increasing the solids concentration. merge. The particles before grinding present the same
morphology whatever their size. Consequently, the frag-
3.2. Effect of the initial size of particles mentation mechanisms are the same. The evolution of the
standard deviation ŽFig. 5b. during the first minute of the
The effect of the initial size of particles is not often comminution process shows that the size distribution
investigated in the literature since it is usually imposed by spreads over size especially as the initial size is large. This
the industrial production constraints. Fig. 5 illustrates the is due to the production of very fine particles from the
effect of the initial size for the comminution of gibbsite. very first seconds of grinding, whatever the initial particle
On Fig. 5c, the median size has been plotted vs. N 3 t since size. As mentioned before, the weight fraction of that
the mill and the stirrer geometries as well as the operating population of fines increases progressively. As grinding

Fig. 6. Effect of the agitation speed on Ža. the median diameter, Žb. the standard deviation of the size distribution and Žc. the specific energy.
264 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

proceeds, the sizes of fragments become less dispersed and low values of the specific energy, i.e. during the first
the standard deviations are identical after 2 min of grind- minutes of the batch process, the stirrer speed has no effect
ing. Concerning the effect of the initial size on the specific on the comminution result. That result agrees with those of
energy, the curve of the median size vs. the specific energy Stehr and Schwedes w8x and Schwedes and Bunge w10x,
slightly depends on the initial size for the lowest values of who found that the median size could be described by a
the specific energy, i.e. during the first minutes of the power function vs. the volume-based energy input, giving
process. That result is coherent with the fact that the larger a single straight line when plotted on log–log diagram,
the initial particle size, the greater the energy requirement, independently of the way this energy was achieved and
for a given degree of fineness to be reached. particularly, independently of the value of the stirring
speed. But, for higher energies, the efficiency decreases as
3.3. Effect of the agitation speed the stirrer speed is increased. Indeed, for constant specific
energies, the product becomes coarser with the speed.
The agitation speed is an important parameter since it Increasing the stirrer speed, the stress intensity and the
acts on the number of contacts between beads and the number of contacts between beads Žstress number. both
intensity of collision. The effect of the agitation speed is increase. The ground size distribution depends more of the
presented here in Fig. 6. The evolution of the median size energy needed to break particles than of the energy dissi-
as function of the grinding time ŽFig. 6a. shows that the pated by the stirrer. That means that only a part of the
higher the agitation speed, the more important the frag- energy brought by the process is used in the comminution
mentation kinetics and the more rapidly the limit fineness step. So, in the case where the energy supplied is greater
is reached. The same behaviour is observed for the change than the energy actually needed for the fragmentation, the
of the standard deviation vs. time ŽFig. 6b. indicating a added energy gives no advantage for the fineness reached
contraction of the size distribution more rapidly increasing and for the process efficiency. The best efficiency is
the agitation speed. For the slowest agitation speeds Ž2130 obtained when the stress intensity produced by the beads is
and 2810 rpm., it can be noticed that the standard devia- just enough to break the intra-particles forces andror to
tion increases first indicating that the size distributions propagate cracks. The optimum efficiency obtained here is
spread over size during the first minute of grinding. That for the slowest stirrer speed which has been used Ž2130
step cannot be observed for higher agitation speeds be- rpm.. This is probably due to the initial size of the material
cause it occurs during too short a time. Fig. 6c illustrates which is rather coarse and to the good grindability of
the effect of the stirrer speed on the specific energy. The gibbsite ŽMohs hardnesss 3.5.. A similar result has been
evolution of the median diameter has been reported on this observed for the submicron dispersion of titanium dioxide
graph as a function of N 3 t since the mill geometry and all in the same apparatus and for similar operating conditions
the operating conditions, except the agitation speed, were w11x. Moreover, the added energy which is not used during
kept constant for these runs. It can be observed that for the comminution step is transformed into heat. Sometimes,

Fig. 7. Effect of the bead size on Ža. the median diameter for short grinding times, Žb. the median diameter on longer grinding times, Žc. the standard
deviation of the size distribution and Žd. the specific energy.
H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268 265

Fig. 7 Ž continued ..

the cooling system is not sufficient to balance the increase and of the standard deviation of the size distribution vs.
of the temperature in the mill volume leading to work in grinding time for the batch grinding of gibbsite are re-
bad conditions and even to stop the process. So, during ported in Fig. 7Ža–c.. During the first minutes of the
discontinuous processes, lower stirrer speeds can lead more grinding process ŽFig. 7a and c., the grinding rate and the
slowly to a required product fineness but with a better narrowing of the size distribution are more rapid using
efficiency. coarser beads. The opposite tendency is then observed
ŽFig. 7b and c.. These results agree with those of the
3.4. Effect of the beads size literature given before. During the first period of the
operation, the median size of the particles ranges approxi-
Many investigations have shown that the size of the mately between 100 and 10 mm and the larger beads
grinding beads greatly affects the comminution results w1.8–2.2 mmx are more advantageous on the view point of
w1–4,9–16x. Mankosa et al. w12x and other authors sug- the time necessary to reach a required fineness. It can be
gested that the optimum ratio between beads and particles noticed that the ratio between beads and particles sizes lies
sizes is 20r1. Relating to the batch comminution of between 20 and 200. But, when the median size is lower
limestone using glass beads, Kwade et al. w1–4x showed than a few microns, smaller beads w0.4–0.56 mmx, for
that the specific energy consumption can be considerably grinding times greater than 10 min, become more advanta-
reduced, by choosing an appropriate bead size in relation geous. The limit fineness reached using these beads is
to the required fineness. The evolution of the median size around 0.5 mm after 20 min. The ratio between beads and
266 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

particles sizes is much greater than the one suggested by ber of erosions necessary to eliminate the particle silhou-
Mankosa et al. w12x even in this case. Using smaller beads ette Ž w 1 . and its residual set, with respect to its convex
would theoretically lead to a more rapid size reduction bounding polygon Ž w 2 . w17x. These descriptors are defined
during the second period of the operation. However, the by:
difference observed using small w0.4–0.56 mmx or interme-
V 1 s 2 w 1r'A and V 2 s 2 w 2r'A Ž 10 .
diate sized beads w1.2–1.4 mmx is not important, but the
profit from use of smaller beads would be limited. Con- Ž4. The 3D-complexity or simplicity Ž S . evaluated by a
cerning the effect of the beads size on the specific energy, partition-in-squares w18x. The zones between edges
results have been reported in Fig. 7d. As it has been Žborderline, facet edges. of an object Žparticle silhouette or
mentioned before, the specific energy, defined by Eq. Ž9. particle facets. are divided into squares of increasing size,
depends on the power number, a function of the grinding such that the total available area of the object is covered. A
chamber volume and the media characteristics. Since all distribution in number f Ž x . of squares of size x results:
the operating parameters except the beads size were kept
constant for the runs reported in Fig. 7, the ratio of the F Ž u . s f Ž u . d u where
H u s xr'A Ž 11 .
specific energy on the power number is proportional to
N 3 t. Thus, it can be interesting to analyse the position of The simplicity of the particle is then defined as:
the curves giving the median size vs. N 3 t for the different
beads sizes. The results confirm the conclusions given H 1yF facet Ž u. d u
before. The input specific energy can be significantly Ss Ž 12 .
reduced by choosing an adequate bead size, relating to the H 1 y Fsilhouette Ž u . d u
fineness required. It can also be noticed that whatever the
bead size, the curves tend towards the same limit of S may vary between 0 and 1: the lower the S, the more
fineness and the additional energy is lost. This is particu- complex is the structure.
larly obvious in Fig. 7d for the run performed with the Average values of FmaxrFmin , V 1 , V 2 and S as a
smallest beads. function of the grinding time have been reported in Table
2. The evolution of the morphological descriptors shows a
drastic change in the first instants of the operation, indicat-
4. Effect of comminution process on the particle mor- ing that fragment shape is completely different to the
phology shape of the initial particles. The evolution of the ratio
FmaxrFmin presents a maximum. Initially, the gibbsite
Whatever the operating conditions, the size of frag- particles have a global spherical shape, as it can be ob-
ments produced during the comminution operation is rep- served in Fig. 8a, and the calculated ratio of Feret diame-
resented by a multimodal distribution, as illustrated in Fig. ters is close to 1. The increase of FmaxrFmin during the
3. This reveals the production of fragments belonging to first period of grinding indicates that the fragments are
specific size classes coming from a quasi monodisperse more elongated than the initial particles. SEM photographs
material. A quantitative characterization of the morphology of ground gibbsite show two types of fragments are pro-
has been made in order to determine the fragmentation duced by chipping due to the rupture of grains joints on
route in relation with the initial structure of the material. the initial particles. One can observe platelet-shaped crys-
For this purpose, dried samples were observed by scanning tallites ŽFig. 8b. and pieces of agglomerates ŽFig. 8c..
electron microscopy ŽSEM., associated with a direct cap- After this period, the elongation of the fragments decreases
ture system of digital images ŽJeol TM 330A.. Professional because the platelet crystallites are broken in turn giving
image analysis package Visiloge 4.1.4 ŽNoesis, ´ Les Ulis, more rounded fragments.
France. and a software developed by Pons et al. w17,18x Moreover, the initial particles are rather compact Ž V 1 s
were used. The evolution of the morphology during the 0.75. and present a lesser number of concavities Ž V 2 s
grinding runs has been quantified by means of the follow-
ing various descriptors Table 2
Ž1. The projected surface area of the particle onto the Variation of the morphological descriptors vs. grinding time
image plane Ž A.. Time Fma x r Fmin V1 V2 S
Ž2. The maximal Ž Fmax . and minimal Ž Fmin . Feret diam-
0 1.30 0.753 0.045 0.25
eters obtained on the particle silhouette from which is 10 s 1.97 0.654 0.094 0.40
deduced the ratio of Fmax over Fmin , characterizing the 30 s 1.77 0.655 0.105 0.18
elongation of the particles. The ratio is equal to 1 for a 1 min 1.64 0.652 0.083 0.26
spherical object and greater than 1 for an elongated one. 1.5 min 1.70 0.651 0.096 0.14
4 min 1.71 0.686 0.082 –
Ž3. The compacity Ž V 1 . and the largest concavity Ž V 2 ..
5 min 1.46 0.691 0.100 0.15
They are determined by comparing the particle silhouette 10 min 1.48 0.697 0.086 0.18
to its convex bounding polygon, and estimating the num-
H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268 267

Fig. 8. Typical SEM photos of gibbsite: Ža. raw material before grinding and Žb and c. after 1 min of grinding.

0.045.. The compacity drastically decreases during the first crystals and pieces of agglomerates. These are more elon-
seconds of operation and slowly increases thereafter. At gated, less compact, and have more concavities and less
the same time, V 2 sharply increases and stays approxi- facets than the raw material. The finer fraction, which
mately constant then. The elongated platelet crystals pro- progressively increases is made of very small fragments
duced during the first step of the process are much less less and less elongated but more compact with a rougher
robust than the raw material. This favours the creation of surface.
concavities in the parent particles. Then the compacity
increases due to the increase in the percentage of very
small fragments, which are increasingly robust with pro- 5. Conclusions
gressive disappearance of concavities. The evolution of the
three-dimensional shape values shows a rapid simplifica- The experimental investigations concerning the com-
tion of the structure during the first step of the process minution of gibbsite in a stirred bead mill show that the
indicating that the platelet-shaped crystallites have less operating parameters affect the grinding rate, i.e. the time
facets than the initial agglomerates. Due to their elongated necessary to reach a certain fineness, and the specific
shape, these crystallites lay flat on the SEM sample holder energy consumption. Whatever the operating conditions,
exhibiting a high simplicity. Later, S decreases vs. time the median size of the ground product tends towards a
revealing the progressive complexification of the structure. limit size. Moreover, consider the following factors.
These fragments are small sandwiches of platelets which Ž1. The higher the density of the slurry, the higher the
due to their compactness are laying somewhat sideways on specific energy needed to obtain a fixed median size.
the sample holder. Ž2. The larger the initial particles, the higher the energy
From the morphological analysis, the following frag- needed to reach a given degree of fineness.
mentation route can be drawn. The initial population of Ž3. The higher the stirrer speed, the higher the grinding
particles constituted by spherical shaped, compact and rate and the specific energy consumption. The best effi-
facetted agglomerates are broken giving two kinds of ciency is obtained when the stress intensity produced by
fragments. The coarser fraction, the median size of which the beads is enough to break the intra-particle forces, until
varies from 100 to 10 mm is composed of platelet-shaped the achievement of the limit size. The added energy gives
268 H. Bel Fadhel, C. Francesr Powder Technology 119 (2001) 257–268

no advantage for the fineness reached or for the process t Grinding time wminx
efficiency and can even lead to overheating. Õ Circumferential speed of stirrer discs wmrsx
Ž4. The beads size strongly affects the comminution Vs Volume of particles in the mill wm3 x
result. The input specific energy can be significantly re- x Size wmmx
duced choosing an adequate beads size in relation to the wm Beads filling volumes volume of beads on the
fineness required. volume of the chamber w – x
Whatever the operating conditions, the size distribution ´ Porosity of the bulk of beads w – x
of the ground product is characterized by a multimodal rm Media density wkgrm3 x
pattern. The morphological analysis of the fragments pro- rs Particle density wkgrm3 x
duced during the comminution process suggests that the rsusp Suspension density wkgrm3 x
ground product is constituted by three types of fragments: msusp Viscosity of the suspension wPa sx
v1 Number of erosions to eliminate the particle sil-
large agglomerates, initially present, which disappear houette w – x
more or less quickly depending on the operating v2 Complement to v 1 with respect to the convex
conditions, hull w – x
intermediate sized fragments constituted by platelet- V1 Descriptor which characterizes the particle robust-
shaped crystallites and pieces of agglomerates, ness w – x
fine particles, which are very small debris. V2 Descriptor which characterizes the largest concav-
ity w – x
Considering that the fragments population is constituted
by three subpopulations, the multimodal size distributions
can be fitted using a linear combination of three monomodal
classical laws. The mathematical method used to treat the
experimental data and deduce the grinding kinetics has The morphological characterization has been performed
been applied to the dispersion of titanium dioxide w11x. at LSGC ŽLaboratoire des Sciences du Genie´ Chimique-
Future work will be focused on the application of this Nancy France.. Sincere gratitude is expressed to Dr. M.N.
procedure to the experimental data given in the present Pons and her research team for their contribution during
paper. this investigation.

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