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ELSEVIER PowderTechnology86 t Iq9'6)59--68

Motion add stress intensity of grinding beads in a stirred media mill.

Part 1: Energy density distribution and motion of single grinding beads
Lutz Blecher, Ainu Kwade, JiSrg Schwedes
hLvriuae of Mechanicql Prt~t'es,v Enginee¢ing. TechnicM University r)f Braunschweig, Votkmareate: Stras.r¢ 4Pd. D-38104 Braunschweig. Germany
Received26 September1994;revised12.lane 1995;accepted20 July 1995


Numerical calculations concerning the flow field, the distribution of the specificenergy and the motion of single grinding beads in the
grinding chamber of a stirred media mill have been carried out. The calculationsare based on steady-stalelaminar stirring of a Newt~nian
fluid without grinding media. The flow field of the stirred fluid generates a characteristicdistribution of the specific energy. Two 2,.ones
characterizedby a high energy density exist, In these zones the heal specificenergy is larger than the mean specificencrD" which is obtained
by dividing the total amount of energy dissipated in the grinding chamber by the net volume of the grinding chamber. One zone extends
around the stirrer disc whereas the other is located at the grindingchamber wall,The volume of these two zones is only about 10% of the net
grinding chamber volume. Approximately90% of the entire energy input is dissipated there. Single grinding beads that are exposed to, a
previouslydetermined flow pattern tend to follow an almost stationary individual trajectory in the grinding chamber. The position of the
trajectorydepends on the mfioof bead-to-fluiddensity,the ralio of head-to-discradiusand the Reynoldsnumberwhichdescribesthe operating
conditions of the stirred media mill. The influenceof these parameterscan he describedby the so-calledmotion index. Up to a critical value
of the motion index, the single bead follows basically the fluidflow and passes throughthe two zones of high energy density.

Keywords: Commination;Grinding;Fluiddynamics;Computermodelling

L Introduction comminution result for a wide range. Thus, the respective

value of the specific energy characterizes the efficiency of
Stirred media mills are used successfully for fine and ultra- comminution without knowing the predominant commina-
fine grinding of several products. Basically the stirred media tion mechanisms which are mainly dependent on the motion
mill consists era stin'er placed in the centre era fixed grinding of grinding beads and suspension. Further investigationspub-
cylinder. The so-formed grinding chamber is filled with lished more recently [6--10] show that, besides the specific
grinding media (normally spherical glass, steel or ceramic energy, the size of the grinding heads strongly affccLs the
beads ) and a suspension containing the prodact particles. The comminution result. Thus, the combination of specificenergy
filling rate of the grinding media (bulk volume related to the input and bead size is very important for the prediction of the
net volume of the grinding chamber) normally varies comminution result+ Because the flow field in the grinding
between 0.7 and 0.85. By stirring the product-fluid-grinding chamber determines the motion of the grinding heads as well
media mixture a characteristic [low patt_ern and a grinding as the specific energy consumption, the physical connection
effect is generated in the grinding chamber. The respective between bead size, specific energy and commination result
kind of flow determines the spatial distribution of zones with can be deduced by more detailed information about the phys-
high eommioution intensity as well as the predominant types ical events in the grinding chamber.
of eomminution mechanisms and their composition. Taking these considerations into account, theoretical
As the investigations of Schwudes, Welt and Stehr [ I-5 ] investigationson the [low field in the grinding chamber and
have shown, the specific energy input (net energy input into experimental investigationscencerning the inttuence of the
the grinding chamber related to the mass or the volume of the specific energy input, the circumferentiatspeedof the agitator
product) is the main parameter which determines the com- disc and density and size of the grinding heads on the com-
miaution result. The specific energy describes the influence minution result have been carried out. The theoretical inter-
of mill size, circumferential speed of the stirrer, solids con- pretations are presented in this paper and the experimental
centration of the suspension and density of the beads on the investigationsin the accompanying paper, Part 2 [ 16]. Here,

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fi0 L. Blecller et al. /P~ wder Tech ¢d ~,~,,y86 (1996) 59-68

re~ults of numerical calculations concerning flow patterns, 7able I

energy distributions and the motion of single grinding beads Milldimen~ior.s
in the grinding chamber t,fa stirred media mill are presented. Symbol Dimensions Dimensionxrelatedin R,l
tram) I-)

2. Calculation procedure R,I 60 I

& 21 O.35
R~ 75 125
The mechanisms of motion of the stirred product-bead- Da 43 0.717
fluid mixture in the grinding chamber arc very complex. W,~ q 0.15
According to MOlls and H~rille [ t 11 they are affected by L., 380 6.33
forty-four parameters and can only he calculated by means
plan appropriate - - from the mathematical point of view - - Table2
realizable limitation of the problem. Th,~icfo;,;, the calcula- Expressionsfor the generalqnanlilit:.stit:,and Sly)
tion results presented in this paper are based on a laminar
stiffed, homogeneous Ncwtonian fluid (in the absence nf
Conservationlaw ~b S,t~
beads), Experimental investigations concerning the entire ~,,~omenium radial(r) u - r ~ + Iz
power consumption of a stirred media mill [ 31 indicate that
[ I) i Oil 2R÷ tl rf)ll '
there should be a similar ilow pattern in the grinding chamber
bath with and without beads. The flow pattern of the stirred
Newtonian fluid is calculated using a simulation program 2 I~t I<r)
langenlial (l) i'~
(finil¢ volume procedure). Furthermore, the distribution of Re Dr
the specific energy in the grinding chamber is calculated axiali:~ w -r~
directly from the flow pallera previously determined. Finally,
Ma~s I a
the motion of individual spherical beads exposed to the flow
pattern of the stined tluid is investigated. Steady-stale stirring
of the Newtonian fluid and discontinuous processing is pro- i ~ calculated can be restricted to tbc calculation domain
vided in all investigations. ,shown in Fig. I.

3.2. Calcularion of the fltdd flow

3. Geometry and fundamentals
In order to determine the flow field, conservation laws are
3.1. Geometry of the stirred media mill solved for the calculation domain. In the ease of steady state.
laminar stirring of a Ncwtonian fluid, the theorem of momeo-
A commercially available stirred media mill (see Fig, l ) lure in a radial, tangential and axial direction, as well as the
was used as the subject ['or all nf these calculations, Its mass conservation law, have to be applied. For numerical
geometric dimensions and the standardized ones (related to reasons, both are formulated in an identical lbrm based on a
the outer disc radius) used in this paper are summarized in cylindrical co-ordinate system:
Table 1.
The slirrer located in the centre of the grinding ,~'ylinderis
a [ . ro<l,~ o i ra,p~
--Iru~P-----t+--lrw~-----l= S@ ( I)
equipped with six agitator discs. Discontinuous processing is 0r~ Re ;Jr) ,'~Z~ Re itz,I
carried out. Since the geometry is symmetrical in a circum-
ferential direction, and due to the assmnption that th~ end fa- Re - PRava (2 )
ces of the mill have no effect on the flow pattern, the area to
In Eq. (!) the general quantities qJ and $ . have to
replaced respectively by expressions summarized in Table 2.
C~leul~tion Dom~ir~ .... !
The entire equation system represented by Eq. (1) and
' i Table 2 is formulated in a standardized form. The local radial
and axial co-ordinates r and z are related to the outer disc
radius Ra, the radial, tangential and axial velocities u, re and
w are related to the circumferential speed of the disc ~Jaand
the pressure p is related to the product pl:~. The Reynolds
i~~'*'-~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :i, "7' number Re ( see Eq. (2)) results li'mn the standardization in
the theorem of momentum. It depends on the density p and
dynamic viscosity "4,of the fluid as well as on va and Ra. All
. . . . . . . . . . . . .....

paramelers influencing the fluid flow appear in the Reynolds

liig, 1, Gem~eiry of the stirred media mill, number. Thus, it becomes the only parameter describing the
L Blecherelal,/Powder Technology 86 f1996) 59~8

operating conditions of the mill, The conservation laws are where v= (u,v,w) T and vt, = (Uh,t,b,Wr,)"r denote veclors of
solved by using a simulation program developed by Blecfier the non-dimensional (relative to vd) fluid and bead velocities
[ 12] which is based on a finite volume procedure. in a radial, tangential and axial direction, Ph the bead density,
Rr, the bead radios, t the non-dimensional time (relative to
3.3. Calculation of the energy density distribution RJea) and v,~ the non-dimensional relative velocity between
fluid and bead. F,q (7) describes the balance of forces acting
Based on the prediction of the flow field for a certain on the bead as it moves along its trajectory. The term on the
Reynolds number, the distribution of the non-dimensional left-hand side results from the inertia force acting on the bead
local specific power Nev:,,~, representing the energy dissi- due to its acceleration. The terms on the right-hand side rep-
pation (local power dP per local volume dV), is directly resent forces due to drag, fluid pressure gradient and inertia
calculated by means of the following equation: of virtual mass respectively.

1 f2[/ou~:+/0wl:+hfi"l Two time derivatives have to be distinguished:

t clU aff~ s nL' ~"

Fau ,~w-I:+ r r - - - fi, l" + [ovl-~l

+ ---F-- --
--= b i b - - -~- W h - - -}- --
o, I Or O:l I" I (g)
dP l d r * dV I ~"+~n':l / 0 /
me ..... = ~rd~dV~ with =R~ (4)
The standardized mean specific power Nev is obtained by
averaging Nev.l,,, over the non-dimensional grinding chamber dr -7
volume Vc:
dt /d'/ I / (9)
Nev=,7. IJ~ Nev,,,~dV* with V~
, c c - _Voc
3 (5)
V~c vd,: R~t
During stationary operation, the ratio of the non-d/men- In the case elf steady-stale fluid motion, Eq. (8) describes
siena| local specific power to the non-dimensional mean spe- the total time derivative of Ibe fluid velocity for a reference
cific power reflects the proportion of the corresponding frame moving with the bead. Eq. (8) is split into two terms
dimensional specific energies (EV.lo~and Ev). This ratio will of which the second results from using a cylindrical co-ordi-
be called energy density: nate system. Eq. (9) gives the derivative in a reference frame
fixed to the flow configuration. For the same reasonsas before
energy density ~Nev'i<'~=Ev'l'¢ (steady state) (6) the fight-hand side of Eq. (9) is composed of two terms. The
Nev Ev
second term contains the Cur/oils acceleration in a radial
The mean specific energy Ev corresponds to the specific direction and the centrifugal acceleration in a tangent/aid/nee-
energy input of a cumin/nut/on process which is an important lion.
parameter for predicting the cumin/notion result. An increase The drag c(•flicient CDappearing in the first term on the
in the mean specific energy leads to an increase in the product right-hand side of Eq. (7) is approximated by the following
fineness. Therefore, grinding chamber zones where the function [14]:
energy density is > I represent areas where cumin/nut/on is
most successful. In the following these areas are called zones 24 4
co(reo= ~ + ~ + 0 . 4 (tO)
of high energy density or zones of high cumin/nut/on inten-
The drag coefficient is a function of the Reynolds number,
3,4. Calculation of the bead motion
Rub,of the bead, which represents the ratio of inertia-to-drag
forces acting on the bead:
After calculating the energy density distribution and the
Reh 2R~(v~ivd) ( l 1)
fluid flow, individual spherical beads are exposed to the flow
pattern and tbeir trajectories are determined numerically. The
equation of bead motion which has to be solved has the The head Reynolds numberdepends on tbe Reynolds num-
following form [ 13] ber, Re, the ratio of head radius and disc radius, Rt,lRd, and
the non-dimensional relative velocity r~z which is a function
dvh 3 p Rd of fluid and bead velocities.

p Ov , 1 p [l~, dv,~ Reb= Re × 2-:- v~a

L Blecher et el,/Pmvder Tech.afogy 86 ~1996) 59-6g

Therefore, in Eq. (7), Re, R,/Rn and p~/p remain as the presentation in Fig. 1, Thus, the left a×is of each figure (i.e.
indepcndcm paramcte~ delermining the motion of a single r~ 0.35) is restricted by the agitator shaft and the right axis
bead. ( r = 1.25) is limited by the grinding chamber wall. Hence,
The numerical solution of the equation system describing the bottom and the top limitations arc given by lines of sym-
the bead motion is carried out by using a time step controlled metry in the middle of one agitator disc (z = -0.075) and
Runge-Kutta-Nystroem procedure (see Ref. [ 12] ). between two discs (z = 0.3585) respectively. According to
section 3.2 the radial (r) and axial (z) co-ordinates are
related to the outer disc radius R,j.
4. Results of the calculation As a typical result of operating range II, Fig. 2 shows
profiles of the non-dimensional tangential velocity (calcu-
The calculations concerning the prediction of the fluid flow lated for Re - 2000) which occur parallel to the agitator shaft
(i.e. in the z-direction at r~constanl), The profiles are dis-
have been carried out for w~rious Rcynolds numbers
played in the non-dimensional r-z plane of the calculation
( I0 < Re _<g000). The results have shown that two operating
domain whercas the real direction of the tangential velocity
ranges of the stirred media mill exist. In each range, a char-
acteristic flow pattern of the stirred fluid occurs and hence a is normal to the plane of representation,
In the vicinity of the shaft (where r=0.4) the fluid is
typical energy density distribution is generated, Operating
range I stands for low Reynolds numbers ( Re _<100). In this rotating as a solid body. Thus for a constant radius, the veloc-
range the radial and axial fluid velocities are very small (per ity of the fluid corr'~:;pondsto the velocity of the rotating disc.
With increasing radial distance to the shaft, a velocity profile
oil range) compared to the speed of the agitator disc whereas
the tangential fluid velocities and the speed of the agitator develops with decreasing values in a positive z-direction, A
steep velocity decrease in the vicinity of the disc surface is
disc are of the same order of magnitude. Therefore, the tan-
gential velocity field is predominant and mainly responsible foltowed by velocities which are nearly constant. A similar
for the generated energy density distribution which is quite velocity i,rolile can be found above the disc (here r = 1.05).
homosenenus, However, the entire power consumption at Due to the no-slip condition at the disc surface, maximum
low Reynolds numbers is very ,,;mall and a comminutioa velocity values of o = I (see the scale at the upper limit of
process can hardly be performed, Therefore, this range will Fig. 2) occur at the outer disc radius (r = I ). If the areas in
not be investigated further (for more information see Refs. the vicinity of the agitator disc and the grinding chamber wal!
[ 12,151 ), This paper focuses on operating range il in which arc not taken into account all tangential velocities have nearly
successful comminution takes place and all components of the same magnitude,
the fluid velocities are of identical order of magnitude. Fig. 3 (Re = 2000) shows a characteristic result concern-
ing the flow pattern of the radial and axial fluid velocities,
Streamlines representing the local Ilow rate of the fluid (in
4.1, Flow panern and energy density distribation
the r-z direction) are displayed in the non-dimensional r-z
plane. Between each of the adjacent streamlines the same
According to section 3.1, the flow pattern in the grinding
local flow rate exists, Therefore, if the local distance between
chamber can fully be described by the vetocity field which is
two streamlines becomes smaller (high slreamline density)
generated on the so-called calculation domain (see Fig. I).
the local velocities of the fluid composed of radial and axial
For reasons of symmetry in a circumferential direction, the
components are increasing. This figure proves that a rota-
calculation domain is a plane extending in radial and axial
tional flowexists in the r-z plane. The rotational flow is caused
directions. In Figs_ 2 to 4 some calculated results concerning
by the fluid being driven outwards owing to the rotation of
the non.dimensional velocity field and the energy density
distribution are displayed graphically on this plane which is the disc (centritugal effect). The centrifuged fluid coming
from the vicinity of the disc touche s the region near the grind-
rotated through 90° in a clockwise direction compared to the
Re - 2000

~,]5 I

m.15 ^0,15,

..... .oi o.~ o.~ e,~ e.T ¢.P O,g '.0 '.~ ~.Z
r -> r ->
Fig. 2. Axial profiles of the tangential velocity for Re = ,O. Fig. 3. Strgamlines of the slin~d fluid in the r-z plane for Re ~ 2000,
L Bl¢chtr et al./Po~'der Technology g6 ~19°~6) 59-68 fi3

, part of energy


port of volume
Fig. 4, Isolines of the energy den:~.ily dislribution for Re ~ 201~.. • 1
ing chamber wall where it is diverted to the direction of the 2000 4000 60on 8000
top symmetry line. For reasons of continuity, the fluid then Re = p R ~ v J r l
flows back towards the region of Ihe chamber where it slatted.
Fig. 5. Part of the grinding chamber volumr: with high energy density and
The local streamline density shows that higher velocities part ufthe entire enezgy input dissipated the:re a~ a function of Re.
composed of radial and axial components occur particularly
in the periphery of the rotational flow (vicinity of the disc olds number of 200. the volume part decrea~-:c:.:'::.tinuously
surface, symmetry field between two discs, vicinity tff the for increasing Reynolds numbers, whereas lhe part of the
grinding chamber wall, gap between disc and grinding cham- entire energy dissipated in these subvolumes increases. For
ber wall). Maximum values of the composed non-dimen- Re ~ g000, the zones of high energy density cover only about
sional radial and axiat velocities of ahnut 0.2 are found in the 10% of the grinding chamber volume, However, within this
vicinity of the top of the disc. High velocity gradients causing small subvolume, about 90% of the entire energy input is
high energy densities (see Eq, (3) ) appear very close to the dissipated. This example in,.ilcntes chat effective comminu-
disc surface, in the gap between disc and grinding chamber lion takes place only in the two very small zones of high
wall and at the grinding chamber wall near to the disc. energy density located at the disc surface and at the grinding
The characteristic flow pattern in the grinding chamber chamber wall.
causes a charaeterstic energy density distribution which is
mainly determined by the velocity gradients of the fluid (see
4.2. Motion of single grbtdiug beads
Eq. (3)). Fig. 4 shows isolines of the energy density calcu-
lated for a P,.eynoldsnumber of Re = 2000. The isolines with
the value I are of great importance. They separate the grind- The main part of the entire energy is converted in the two
ing chamber into different characteristic zones. In these zones small zones of high e nergy density. There fore, optimum com-
the local specific energy is larger (high energy density) or mination results can be expected if grinding beads pass
smaller (low energy density) than the mean spc,'ilic energy permanently through these zones. The calculated results con-
which represents the entire energy cunsumption o~ Ihe stirred cerning the motion of a single bead will show which kind of
media mill related to the net volume of the grinding chamber. grinding beads lead to optimum eomminution.
As a typical result, standing ror high Reynolds numbers two All calculated results have shown that a single bead which
zones characterized by higlq energy densities exist. The tirst is exposed to the flow field in the grinding chamber tends to
zone extends around the disc and runs very close to it. It arises follow a stationary trajectory. The moment when the head
from the high gradients of the tangential velocity and from reaches this trajectory depends on the starting conditions
the very high gradients of the radial velocity which are caused (position and bead velocity). The course of the stationary
by the centrifuged fluid. The second zone is Iocan,-dnear Ihe trajectory is determined by the radius and density ratio as well
grinding chamber wall. It results from gradients caused by as the Reynolds num~r.
the axial return transport of the centrifuged fluid which ig In Fig. 6, four different stationary trajectories representing
directed to the top symmetry line. Since high energy densities four different radius ratios Rb/Rd are depicted. The density
are necessary for a successful eomminution process, these ratio of I~lp = 2.5 is kept constant. The trajectories are pro-
two zones denote the areas where eomminution is most sue- jected into the non-dimensional r-z plane. Therefore, the bead
cessful. Both zones together cover only a small part of the motion in a circumferential direction cannot be seen. A ~aph-
entire grinding chamber volume. ical indicator for the tangential motion is given by the ~uares
Fig. 5 quantifies the lasl statement. It shows the part of the which are plnt'.cd at the graphical slatting position as well as
grinding chamber volume where high energy densities exist every time the bead passes a complete cycle of 360° in the
as a function of the Reynolds number. The second curve grinding chamber, The distance between two adjacent spher-
indicates the portion of the entire energy consumption dissi- ical symbols on a trajectory which are calculated for regular
pated within this volume part. Starting with 20%, at a Reyn- non-dimensional time intervals of ~t = 1.5 (see Eq. (7)) is
L. Bluchererat I Prm'derTechu~dogy~6 (I996) 59~g

Re= 2000 [Z~ high energy density

o.1~o.i3s 1 :=
1 -.,.1,..-...........] .... /~'1
NO'f0 ~ "~"~.- Q.

O. OS -'~ -~--'-"-_ "-'~.- lit I • RJP~ = I t 30


-fl, 05

0.4 0'.5 0.6 0,7 0`.S 0.9 1.0 L1 1.~

p ->

Fig. 6. Influence af the radius ratio belween bead and disc on |ht, l acanon of the slationary head Irajeclary Ior p j p - - 2,5 alld Re = 2000,

Re: 2000 ~ higln energy density

o.ssF- ~ .... = ...... :~-............ -t--.-:~.-
0.30 it ~ 'l Rb/[~ = 11120

A r, x ,

0.'~ O,S 0.~ 0,7 O.B 0,9 ~,0 I.I 1,2

r ->

Fig, 7 Influence of'the dcn:~ily f,~tio between bead and fit.lid nn Ihe lOralion of the stationar; bead trajectory for Rh./~l = I ,/120 and Re = 2000,

an indicator of Ihe bead vcloeily in the r-z plane. Besides the Fig. 7 indicates the influence of the density ratio on the
motion in a circumferential direction, all beads move in a location of stationary trajectories. The radius ratio of RJRd
coun;er-clockwise direction along their individual trajectory = I / 120 is kept constant, The stationary trajectory calculated
located in the r-z plane. The smalles~ beads (Rh/Rd= 1/240 for ~/p = 2,5 corresponds to the one already described in
and Rh/Rd= 1/120) fi)llow almost the same stalionary tra- Fig. 6. An incr,:ase of the density ratio from 2.5 to 7.6 leads
jectory whicb leads them from the graphical starting position to a displacement of the stationary trajectory to the top sym-
through both zones of high energy density, down to the shaft metry line. The bead moving along this trajectory only passes
along the vicinity of the top syrametry line and back to the
the zone of high energy density located at the grinding cham-
starting position. On their way along lhese trajectories, both
ber wall. The course of the trajectory does not always corre-
beads almost follow the streamlines of the stirred fluid (See
spond to the streamlines of the stirred fluid.
Fig. 3). For increasing radius ratios the stationary trajectories
Finally, Fig. 8 shows the influence of the Reynolds number
are constricted and shifted towards the top symmetry line.
on the stationary trajectory. The results have been obtained
The largest bead (Rh,'Ra= I/30) does not reach the zones of
high energy density when following its trajectory. As using a constant radius ratio ofRblRj = I / 120 and a constant
described before, the bead moves along the top symmetry density ratio of&J#= 2.5 The zones of high energy d~nsity
line down to the shaft. A bead exchange between the two are not plotted in Fig. 8 because their extension (but not their
adjacent mill domains now takes place. A bead leaving the Incation) varies slightly for the different Reynolds numbers.
calculation domain is replaced graphically by anolber one For Reynolds numbers of 800 and 2000 both trajectories run
entering at a corresponding angle. The course hack to the through the regions next to the disc surface and close to the
grinding chamber wall runs closer to the top symmetry line. grinding chamber wall where high energy densities exist.
In so-doing the bead moves partially against the direction of Beads moving along these trajectories basically follow the
the fluid flow. The complete trajectory is located in regions fluid flow. For increasing Reynolds numbers ( see Re = 8000)
where low energy densities are predominant. the trajectory is constricted and shifted towards the top sym-
L Bl*cheret al, / Po v.'der Technology86 ¢199~)59~8 65

'~f ..: ..... ~ . . . . . . . ~C " = - F,=/R,

0,30 ~..0"~ p.lp = 2.5

i~ ~).10 I Re = 2000

D.05 ~'rn-._ ~ . Ao - 9000

- O. 05

0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 O.S 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2

f" - >
Fig, 8. lnflocn~ of the Reynolds number or= the location of tile Satlionar~ head ttajoct0~ for RJg, = t / 120 and f~lp- 2.5,

merry line, i,e. to those regions in which low energy densities The interpretation given above is confirmed by results pre-
are predominant. sentad in Figs. 9 and 10. The figures show the bead Reynolds
The results presented in Figs. 6 to 8 have shown that for number, Reb. as a function of the Reynolds number Re with
certain combinations of RhlRd,Pt~/P and Re the trajectories the radius ratio (Fig. 9) and the density ratio (Fig. tO) as
are similar to the streamlines of the stirred fluid and the beads parameters, The bead Reynolds number presented in the fig-
move through both zones of high energy density. This behav- ares is obtained by averaging the local ones defined by Fxls.
iour is positively influenced if the values of the three para- ( 11) and (12) over the complete stalionavj trajectory which
meters are decreased. Beyond a certain limit of the parameter is fixed by a combination ofRJRd, ~ t p and Re. F~ra con-
combination, i.e. for high values ofR~/Rd,Ph/P and Re, the stunt Reynolds number, an increase in Rb/R=(see Fig. 9) as
trajectories begin to constrict and move towards the top sym- well as an increase in A l p (see Fig. tO) leads to an increase
metry line where low energy densities exist. Different bead of the [mad Reynolds number, i.e. the ratio of inertia to drag
motions are caused by the ratio between drag and incxlia forces increases. For fixed density and radius ratios an
forces acting on the bead. The ratio of these forces mainly increase ia the Reynolds namlmr, Re, leads m an increase in
depends on the individual mass of the bead. For decreasing Re~,.The two figures indicate the existence of a definite cor-
density or radius ratios, the individual inertia (mass) of the relation between Reb and the parameters,Rb/Rd,Pb/P and
head is also decreasing. If the mass of the bead is small Re.
enough, drag forces become predominant compared to the With respecttocomminution, the grinding beads to be used
inertia forces (e.g. centrifugal forces) and cause the bead to are those able to pass permanently through the zones of high
follow the streamlines. Hence, the relative velocity between energy density. In these zones they can contribute most effnc-
fluid and bead is very small. In contrast, an increase in the
mass of the bead leads to a predominance of the inertia forces. IO =
The most important inertia force is the centrifugal force which
is caused by the rotating system and acts in positive r direc-
tion: if the bead moves down along the top symmetry line,
the centrifugal forces cause a reduction of the bead velocity,
Finally, the bead stops an d turns around tit the opposite direc-
tion. The bead is now accelerated strongly in a positive r 10"
direction and moves towards the grinding chamber wall.
Before the forces acting in direction of the disc surface ill/
(mainly drag forces) have a chance to move the bead to the
disc, the be.,ad reaches the vicinity of the grinding chamber
wall. There it is exposed to the axial back flow of the fluid
and is transported to the top symmetry line,
Fur be'ads with a constant radius and a constant density,
the 'variation in Reynolds number changes as well as the ratio
between drag and inertia forces: for increasing Re the cen-
trifugal field in the grinding chamber increases and therefore 10 tO z 10 ~ TO ~
the inertia forces acting on the bead become more predomi- Re - ,
nant. Fig. 9. Influence of Re and R~/I~c~ the averaged bead Reynolds number.
66 L B/ether ar al. 1 P,~'der l~" "hmdogy 86 (1996159-68

(9)) is valid. Furthermore, both accelerations should be pro-

P portional to the centrifugal acceleration at the top of the disc
I (t:~/Rd). These assumptions lead to constant non-dimen-
sional accelerations:
1 - -
Du du
Dt ~ c o n s t a n t ; ~
= con.';ta~ll ( 15 )

Combining the balance of forces in radial direction given

in Eq. (7) with Eqs. (13) to (15), replacing the relative
velocily by Eq. (12), neglecting the force due to the inertia
IQ 1~_..~// of virtual mass and re-arranging the terms yields:

R%ct(RhI~(P~- I)Re"-=M~ (16)

\RJ \,o
~ 2 . 5 The term on the right-hand side is called motion index M,h.
It is valid for single bead motion and describes the mean ratio
I0 I0 ~ 1(~ j IO" between inertia and drag forces acting on the bead. It depends
on the product of a reduced density ratio, the square of the
Fig. I0. tr,fluence of Re lind/,*l,/p lib Ihe avcrag,zd bead Reynolds number Reynolds number and the third power of the radius ratio.
Thus, the radius ratio has the strongest influence on the
tively to the eomminntion process. The calculated rcsuhs
motion of the bead and on the shape of the stationary trajec-
presented here indicate that a combination el'parameters, R=,/ tory r~spectivety,
R~,/~lp and Re, causing a transport dominated by a drag Furthermore, a proportionality between the standardized
force is favourablc. In this case, the single bead basically relative velocity and the three parameters of influence can be
follows the fluid flow and passes the zones of high energy deduced by combining Eqs. (12) and ( 16):
density, If the grinding chamber is filled with alarge quantity
of beads, it can he assumed that the bead distribution over the
t%l <Z(Rh'~z(a - l~Re (17)
entire grinding chamber volume is quite homogeneous. Thus, t,~d t p J
a sufficient quantity of beads moves lhrough linezones of high
energy density. However, if the calculations indicate a bead The validity of the correlation given in Eq. (16) is shown
motion dominated by the inertia forces, an inhomogcnenus in Fig. I 1. For a wide range of different parameters, calculated
distribution of the bulk is expected at which the majority of bead Reynolds numbers Rel,arc plotted against the respective
the beads is located in the low energy density regions between motion index. The head Reynolds numbers have been
the discs. Only a few beads would be found in the zones of obtained by averaging the local ones over their stationary
high energy density. Irajeciory. Up to a bead Reynolds number of Re=,= 1 (see
In the case of bead motion dominated by the drag force, a validity of Eq. (14)), corresponding to a motion index of
correlation between the parameters of influence can be M,h ~ 13.5, all data points lie on one curve. In this region
deduced. The decision for a bead to follow the fluid flow or drag forces are predominant. The heads basically follow the
not depends mainly on the ratio olccntrifugal-to-drag forces.
Since the centrifugal forces act in a radial direction the bal- 10 ~¸
ance of fcJreesin this direction is most important fur the basic
behaviour of bead motion and thus will be investigated. If
drag forces are dominant the relative velocity is very small:
i,,<.l~l -'* u=u~, and lu-ubl =t',,l (13)
Furthermore, the bead Reynolds number is small. Eq. (10) IO -~ i Re = lO,.aeeo

then gives the following proportionality: P

,o-, / , 7i"
lO "+ = , I/ 60 2.5
c~¢X-- valid tbr: Re,,~< l (technical case) (14)
10 -I ! ~ "- i I t ,
! ', ' • I ~ SO 7.'ll
~m (14) corresponds to Stokes" law of resistance which :, ',i I= 1,1 30 7.6
in technical applieation~ is used ~p to a bead Reynolds num- ~o ~o.7?t; :.,,;~ :,,,;,~:'i~-' ~ " 7 ~ ' % r';~ i;'~ ='T~'
ber of Rel,= 1. u,, = IRJnD' OoJp-i) i~d ->
For sir=allrelative velocities, the assumption of nearly iden- Fig I I. The averaged bead Reynolds nambl)r as a flmetlon of Ihe luotion
tical local fluid and bead accelerations (see Eqs. (8) and indux,
L Btecber et nL / Powder Technology 86 (1996) 5 9 q ~ fi7

Table 3 of head-to-disc, the density ratio of bead-to-fluid and the

Motion index for the pesutts presented in Figs. 5-7
Reynolds number on the head motion can he described by
RblRo t~l p Re M,n the so-called motion index. At small values of the motion
index, the bead motion is dominated by the drag force so that
1130 2.5 2000 222,22 the bead basically follows the fluid flow and passes the zones
1160 2.5 2000 27.78 of high energy density. Above a transition region, high values
2.5 800 0.55 of the motion index describe a bead motion that is dominated
2.5 2000 347 by inertia forces. Then the bead basically does not follow the
25 8000 55.55 fluid flow and tends to move in the vicinity of the top sym-
7.6 2000 15.28
metry line where low energy densities exist.
1/240 2.5 2000 0.43
Using a bulk of beads, a small motion index which ensures
bead transport dominated by the drag force indicates a favour-
fluid flow and pass permanently the zones of high cocrgy aOie operating condition of the mill because all beads basi-
density (see Figs. 6-8 and Table 3). cally follow the streamlines of the stirred fluid. Therefore, for
The critical value ofM, b= 13.5 marks the transition region small motion indices, a homogeneous head distribution over
between bead motions which are dominated by the drag force the entire ginding chamber can be expected and thus enough
or by inertia forces. Above the limit of M.,b= 13.5 the pro- beads come into the zones of high energy density. Here they
portionality between the bead Reynolds number and the contribute most effectively to comminution. For a fixed oper-
motion index becomes worse as it can be seen from the ating point of a stirred media mill this situation can mainly
scattering of the data points. In this range of the motion index, be adapted by the choice of sufficiently small heads. In con-
inertia (centrifugal) forces have become predominant and trust, a high motion index, which describes a bead motion
shifting ofthestationary trajectory towards the top symmetry dominated by inertia forces, indicates an inhomogeneous
line occurs (see Figs. 6-8 and Table 3). The sharp decrease head distribution over the grinding chamber, whereas the
in some of the data at high values ofM, brepresents situations highest bead concentration will he found in the zone extend-
in which the bead is completely cm,trifttged ,rote the grinding ing around the top symmetry line~Only a few beads are found
chamber wail. in the zones of high energy density and consequently the
Eq. (16) can also be formulated as follows: eomminution result becomes worse.

Ms~= [ R ~ ( ~ - p)v~][I IRd] [P/n:] (18)

energy ~ nr,,,~b~y nmlerial 6. List of symbols
In this formula M~t,depends again on three terms, namely
or, drag coefficient (-)
those shown in square brackets, energy, geometry and mate-
Ev.,,,~ local specific energy ( J / m b
rial respectively. The first one characterizesthe kinetic energy
Ev mean specific energy (Jim 3)
of an individual bead whereas the second and the third terms
M~h motion index (-)
represent the geometry of the stirred media mill and the stirred
Nev.1~ standardized local specific power (-)
material (fluid) respectively. With regard to commination
Nov standardized mean specific power (-)
the magnitude of the energy of a single bead becomes an
P power (W)
important parameter as shown in Past 2 [ 16].
p pressure (relative to pv~) (-)
Rb outer bead radius (m)
Ra outer disc radius (m)
$, Conclusions Rob bead Reynolds number (-)
Re Reynolds number of the stirred media mill (-)
The numerical calculations concerning the fluid flow and r radial eo-urdinate (relative to Ra) (-)
the energy density distribution in the grinding chamber of a S,i, common source term (-)
stirred media mill have shown that a characteristic flow pat- t time (relative to Ralvu) (-)
tern of the stirred fluid develops which generates a typical radial velocity (relative m Vd) (-)
energy density distribution. Two zones of high energy density V volume (m 3)
occur which are located in the vicinity of the disc surface and Vc net grinding chamber volume (relative to Ra3)
at the grinding chamber wall. Although these two zones cover (-)
only abot/t 10% of the entire grinding chamber volume about v tangential velocity (relative to vd) (-)
90% of the entire energy input is dissipated there. In order to Vd velocity vector (relative to va) (-)
achieve optimum comminution action, it has to be ensured v circumferential speed of the agitator disc at R..
that the grinding heads permanently pass these zones. (m/s)
Calculations concerning the prediction of trajectories of v,cL relative velocity between fluid and bead
single heads have shown that the influence of the radius ratio (relative to v,j (1)
68 L. Blecher et .l. / Pmvder Tecltmllogy
~6 (1996~59 "6~

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