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Business Plan:

JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes

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346 Broadway

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Telephone (845) 338-3881
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March, 2011
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Prepared by:
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Lucas Song (Song Wen Tao)


Kate Tangerman
Caroline Caracker
Kayla Chozen
Priscilla Aldarondo

Niki Rende

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Part One
Introduction of JJ’s
Rockin Cupcakes

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When starting a business, people should combine their passion and their

interest. Creating a company based on baked goods, it may often be difficult to

strive due to the heavy competition that arises. Companies such as Magnolia’s,

Entenmanns, Ladurée, and Zarro’s have proven themselves in the world of baking

and have created a small room for up and coming business to spread their name.

Major factors that ultimately affect the success of these companies are the overall

taste, design, and freshness of their products along with their management and

marketing methods. Creating a product, which will be desired by a wide customer

base, is ultimately the goal of company. The owners behind these businesses must

work hard to establish their name, such as Kingston’s own JJ Rockin’ Cupcakes.

This local company stands out with their special taste along with their uniquely

designed cupcakes. With over twenty flavors, JJ Rockin’ Cupcakes has started

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with a bang and is growing with hopes of hooking baked good lovers across the

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country onto their sweet treats. It’s important to notice and understand how JJ’s

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company has grown from its start, how it is currently operating as well as the

businesses plans for the future.

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Beginning of JJ’s Rockin’ Cupcakes

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Beginning as a carpenter in Brooklyn, John M. Hlywiak and his wife,

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Karin decided to take their love of baking to the next level when they decided to

open their own cupcake business titled JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes. Originally, John
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only baked for his family and friends for fun, however, eventually decided that his

love for baking was much more than a hobby. After wife Karin, a wedding plan-

ner, suggested JJ try baking professionally, John decided it was time to open his

own cupcake business. His goals included creating the best cupcakes possible

while making a decent profit during the companies progression. Both JJ and Karin

believe that cupcakes allow them to be creative through all of their different pos-
sibilities of sizes, shapes, flavors and designs. Between the two of them they have

twenty plus years of marketing and advertising experience through different as-

pects of the industry.

Mission and Goals

Opening in March 2011, JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes is reaching full speed at

only one year of becoming a company. The owners John and Karin will not settle

for a small cupcake company, their ambitions are large and their visions are con-

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tinuing to grow. John’s short-term goals are to have people come and try their

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cupcakes with hopes of customers falling in love with their taste. In turn, he hopes
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that the company will be able to gain enough success and support to open multiple

stores throughout the US and even enhance the companies shipping services on-

line. In addition John hopes that JJ Rockin’ Cupcakes will be able to attend more
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games, fairs and festivals in addition to attending Fashion Week which the com-

pany was seen at in 2011. Although as of right now JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes is a rel-
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atively small business, John hopes to one day be bigger than famous bakeshop

Crumbs. With ambitions this high, its important to stay focused and determined to
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ensure that the immense amount of competition will not be over-powering.



Throughout JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes formation over the past year, the com-

pany has kept to a basic operations plan. The company is solely run by John and

Karin who have complete control over all operations themselves. John creates the

product himself in the company’s kitchen in Kingston, he later distributes the

product by catering the cupcakes to events and customers. Karin is able to use her

skills as a wedding planner to aid in the marketing of JJ’s company. The duo both

believes that social media plays an important part in identifying potential custom-

ers and pin pointing their needs. The company has its own website containing a

blog as well as a Facebook page and Twitter to attract customers. These pages

contain information on the company including hours of operation and flavors that

are currently available. The team believes that creating strong customer connec-

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tions. Both John and Karin bring their past experiences into the company to run

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its operations and marketing plans.

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Looking Ahead

Both John and Karin are looking into the future with big ideas to better
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their company. They believe that JJ’s Rockin’ Cupcakes has the ability to grow

and prosper into a nationally known company, however, they realize they have
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many steps to achieve before they get there. One idea that they are looking to

achieve is creating a local storefront in Kingston, NY. In addition to a store front,

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the team would also like to own a cupcake truck to use as advertising as well as

means for selling their product. In addition, John and Karin are looking ahead and

hoping to be attending more events in upcoming years. JJ’s have already been to a

few events over the past year, however, hope to cover even more in the future

such as attending Mercedes Benz Fashion week for a second time as well as at-

tending local festivals and fairs.

Although JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes have only been established and running

for a year, John cannot emphasize enough that his hopes for the company are not

to just be locally known, but to be on the same level as other major cupcake com-

panies such as Magnolia’s and Georgetown Cupcakes. JJ’s has already achieved

local success through their methods of advertising and the impact in which social

media has helped them, however, JJ’s is still thinking big in order to achieve the

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total success that they want. Their company has been able to provide both custom-

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ers and perspective customers with information on their company as well as their

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services and motive to grow. Their mixture of advertising and development of
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great quality products are ultimately what John and Karin hope will allow them to

achieve their ambitions for JJ’s Rockin Cupcakes.

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