Evidencia 4: Video "Presenting Orally A Busines Proces Improvement Plan"

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The company colfruit is a company that is currently going through difficult times because it
has presented several problems in its financing. All because they are not taking the
necessary measures to deal with all these problems, and that is causing the company to have
difficulties in almost all areas. Some of the areas that we have been reviewing are:

The production area. The area of sales and administration, and each one of them we are
seeing that has had problems in the functions of each position, for which we must take
measures so that the company as a whole begins to improve so that all the departments of
the company begin to have a significant improvement and their finances improve in a short
period of time.

For these reasons we have decided to make an improvement plan

So that the company finally comes out and its finances improve, since all the logistics that the
company is managing is affecting all the other factors of the company.

Then we will start yo see each of the proposals for the company to begin to apply and see
how the organization is improving little by little.

Administrative process
It was suggested that the administrative process and its constituent elements are: the forecast
or planning which is the calculation of the future or forecast and the preparation of the
company. The function of the organization consist in providing it with everything that is useful
for its functioning (matters premiums, tools, capital and perssonel)
Where these elements can be divided into a material organism and the social organism.

Leadership, motivation and teamwork

One of the theories on motivation to identify three types of basic needs: power (exert
influence and control) association (people are concerned about maintaining good social
relationships) and achievement ( they have and intense desire to success and an immense
fear of failure).

 Diagnosis of the administrative area, production, marketing, accounting and financial a

structural analysis, interviews and observation will be carried out allow to know the
internal and external environment in which the company acts, to identify the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats that it has.
 Formulation of the improvement plan. Interviews and observation will be conducted to
the members of the company to recognize the aspects to be improved and will formulate
the improvement plan defining the strategies to be implemented
 Implementation of the improvement plan. The actions will be executed appropriate
strategies and then the results obtained will e analyzed
 Obtain the commitment of senior management since the improvement plan must start
from the top managers since they are responsible for
 Give strength and commitment ti this process
 Ensure participation in employee teams
 Get individual participation
 Determine the company s planning that encompasses the mission, vision, polices,
values, principles and objectives
 Plan the right strategies to achieve the objectives
 Create the organizational chart of the company
 For the company to manage a greater order design the manual of functions for each
 Analyze and forecast the need of the main customers, suppliers, distributors, creditors,
shareholders and employers
 Define a process for the selection of personnel
 Create participation mechanism for employees
 Implement incentive plans for employees where it is stimulate behaviors that lead to the
achievement of individual goals and organizational
 Created communication material among the staff
 Intruduce teamwork strategies
 Hold conferences on the subjeth of leadership
 Develop formats for performance evaluation and for purchases of raw material
 Created and add more positions in the organization
 Train and develop programs, courses and any activity that goes in function of the
improvement of the knowledge of the personnel
 Distribute human resources policies and procedures, new or revised. To all employees,
though newsletters, meetings, memos or contacts personal.

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