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Instructions: Circle your answer on each question. Please answer every question.

MedMyst Mission One Quiz

1. The scientist who created a set of rules to link a disease to a specific germ was:
a. John Snow
b. Robert Koch
c. Joseph Lister
d. Louis Pasteur

2. Anthrax, botulism, tuberculosis and typhoid are caused by:

a. fungi
b. viruses
c. bacteria
d. prions
3. An infectious agent can also be called:
a. an antibiotic
b. a pathogen
c. a vaccine
d. an anti-fungal drug
4. Antibiotics are primarily used to treat diseases caused by:
a. viruses
b. helminths
c. prions
d. bacteria
5. Koch’s Postulates are used to:
a. prepare a vaccine
b. determine if a particular germ causes a certain disease
c. determine if a particular germ is a virus
d. prepare an antibiotic
6. Prions, viruses, and fungi are three of six kinds of:
a. infectious agents
b. antibiotics
c. vaccines
d. antibodies
7. Which of the following is NOT an infectious agent?
a. protozoan
b. prion
c. bacterium
d. antibody
8. Microorganisms that are capable of causing disease are called:
a. lymph
b. phagocytes
c. pathogens
d. antibodies
9. Tapeworm, roundworm, and hookworm are examples of:
a. bacteria
b. fungi

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c. helminths
d. prions
10. can reduce the spread of viruses, such as the ones that cause flu and
a. Antibiotics
b. Frequent hand washing
c. Anthelmintic drugs
d. Anti-fungal drugs
11. Another name for a germ is:
a. an anti-fungal drug
b. a pathogen
c. an antibiotic
d. a vaccine
12. Helminths are:
a. fish
b. insects
c. worms
d. arachnids
13. Prions are spread by only one mode of transmission:
a. water
b. contact (hand)
c. food
d. air

14. What is the cause of blue disease on oranges?
a. Fungus
b. Gases
c. Bacteria
d. Evil spirits

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