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HOW TO USE THE RULEB00K The Aduanced Game gives you various rules expansions

to try once you're familiar with the main game rules. These
This rulebook is split into four main sections. The include elite detachments, heroic actions by commanders
Backgrowtd relates a brief history of the Imperium and and off-table supporr. This section also inciudes full rules
the beginnings of the terrible civil war knbwn as the for combining rhis game with Adeptils Titanicus, to fight
Horus Heresy which for the first time pitted Marine againsr
fellow Marine. epic battles with infantry, armour and Titans.
The three rules sections of the rules book are arranged in
The Vehicle Rules give you everything you need ro know
for battles between armoured vehicles, allowing you to order of complication, so you will probably find it Jasiest
recreate the great armour battles of the Horus Heresy. to start with pure armour battles, adding infanrry once
you're comfortable with the vehicle rules and finallv
The InfantryRulesgiveyou all the necessary information moving on to the advanced rules. Each section also includes
for fighting infantry battles, as well as mixed battles ready-to-play- battle scenarios. recreating the greatest
involving both infantry and armour. 36 7 8 1 “ ︲   2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
conflicts of the Heresy.


3 3菊 旬 ク “ ク   5 5 ” 。
Th, Iinpcrium
The Horus Heresy WpCS Of lnfantry stand
Order Phase .
Space Marines. Movement Phase.

Alien Races.... Combat Phase

Imperial Architecture Infantry Scenarios.

Components. Buying Your Force.



Vehicle Data Cards. .
Elite Detachments
Vehicle Detachments Regrouping.

5 5 5 5  5% 5 5 5 5
Starting the Game. Hcrolc Actlons

223 6
Sequence of Play Hidden sct_up
Order Phase .... Bonus Scenado‐ Tankhu nt!
Movement Phase. OffTable Support....
6 889

Combat Phase. Combining iface Marine

End Phasc. and Иグψ ″sπ ″ηたな

Ending the Game. Sequence of Play.

6 7 8 8 9ω

Scenarios Order Phase
Reference Section. Movement Phase.
Vehicle Scenarios. Combat Phase. . .

Scenarios . ..

New rVeapons
Painting Guide

DEVELOPMEN■ Gracme Davis
COVER AR■ Jim Burns
0 1989 Ganics Workshop 焉鞭儡 驚 鼎 欄難 轍
Modcls designed by 3ob Naismith,
John ThOrnthwaite and Da,c Andrews
Building inOdcl dcsign Bil scdgwick;
袖 c Dow“ 面 αⅢ Lα Ⅲ mbn隆
“ 種 撫 野 "
colour by Mark cravcn Produccd ty thc Gamcs WOrkshop Dcstn Studio
space Marine, Adeptus Titanicus, warhammer 40,m0, l-D Hobby Roleplay Game, and the Games_workhop and citadel Miniarur€s logos ar€ all Tizdemarks
owned by cames Workshop Ltd. Space Mxrine and all its xssociated imagery are copyright O l9g9 d"-., Vorkshop liJ. eff nign. Reserved.

PRODUCT coDE:0351 REF NO:003519 ISBN: 1869893727

Cames wOr■ shop Ltd. c.mes Vorkshop lns
Chcwton St,Hi‖ to,Eastwood,
Nottingham NG16 3HY AC′ 漁 羽 巡 ℃ 圃 函 IP・ PRODUCT 143l Benson Avcnue, Baltimorc.
Maryla d 2t227

giue ,ne a. thousand other t,oops'
Giue me ole hundred Space Marines. or failing tbat,
- ImPerial Commander Rogal Dorn

its deadliest enemy'

It is a desperate time. Huaanity's greatest champion !.:thent:9Pe
ultimate Human warriors -
Now he leads r" *y tgalnst i."i^itSelf. An aimy.of
an afmy of SPace Marines'

On the feral world of Davin, Imperial Wafmaster

Horus was possessed by a cfeatufe
Humanity' and so have the
from the Warp. ffe tras turned igtiott th. Ilnp-erium of Warrages across ttre galaxy
thousands of bio-engineeredsup."-*t""lo"t-*fdfotlowhtm' onTerraisbesieged' Rebellion
betweenthe loyafisti andthe reieb. Th;;;p;fof'slralace
fights brother, and Madne fights
and civil war flare up on millions "i*t"ror. Brotier
Marine. The greatesi'warriort ffo-t1,iiy ht, ."."
knoin, turned agalnst each othen

than a century. You need have no fears lor me'"

The adjutant came smartly to attention before the
wooden desk. "My lord, 1..."
my lordWarmasten"
"The local representatives are outside, The Warmaster rose abrufrlY.
ni vk;ot;rr nodded once, wilhout looking up from the "I am
stack of rePorts.
"Enough." His voice was softer, ry?re pnseryu.s'
and tell them
ni,itlcr"r*l and Wantwster. The tint soldier.ofShallthe-

' 'Thank you, Bejaind' Make them comfoftable i;i;";, subordinate onlv tothe Eryerolltryself'
t snil tnim directly." Beiaind cleared his throat
ioin' u ie said inot nonts mn away from a hutful of savages?"
Bejaind struggled tor wods.
"Permission to speak freely"' my lor!?"-This .time' genuine'
"Mv lord.., Ihavehad'dreams..." His distrcss
waiisu} botrod up. ihe atliutant tried to hoW his ice-blue
Horus laid a hand on his shoulder.
garp, and tailcd.
are excused for the
know, Bejaind." said the Warmaster' llYou're not happy
"I "Control younelf." he said gently' "You
rest of thi day. Go to the Apothacgriolfor l n.vghological
about this warrior-lodge initiation'"
iiair. Anithen, perhaps, the Chapel' A few houn'
"So soon after your illness, nty lord"'" irainio" wiL tlo you Sood. IJnIess you prefer to reporT these
dreams and submit younelf to the Inquisition for
"From which I arn fully recovered. I had the Apothacaria potential testing?"
oi iw Spou Mafiie ihapten Jighting tor the honour of
ieotirs'me. I've been baik to full duties for a week now, Bejaind swalloved hard. "No, my lord'"
with io ill-effects. Your concern is touching, but
unnece ssary." Beiaind shuffled uncomfoftably' "Well, then." Hotus pa.fred his shouWer .
gently. "Go now, and we'll saY no mone'
"But, rny lord, we don't lotow whal's involved"'" Meanwhile, I must rneet the elden
n bc endurcd without oI the Knife of Stone." - _ai
"I have a reasonahle idea' Alifrte pain,
ciii out; duels with a mnge oi primitive weapons; trials And in the WarP,
oi stingth antl few prtunitivc ritulls ; little- dffirent
speed; a something smiled.
iro^ mistic naniar lodges in atE otherfeml-world culture'
"iu kion Imperial poticy; establish ties which can be
exploited in later recruiltnent."
He paused.
"This really is bothering you, isn't it?"
The adjutant tried to meet his gaa, and failed again' 0
"Listen, Bejaind. You are an outstanding staJf officer,
I value youi toyalty and concern. But why does one warrior-
lodge iiitiation on oneferulworlddisturbyou so? I've
infiu7n more tlun twinty of these riuall-iYthe past' I've
beeni Space Marine and a commander of Morines for more

Three- hundred Sons of Horus waited in the gultey, watching

'jSgns of Horus. Brotherc. We shall hold this gulch against a
the plume of dust as it appoached. On the flit ground to tlu full Company of Ultmmarircs. We may not hopi to sumive. But
i_ght, their vnall force of Rhinos stood in the shadow ol a single our blood will buy thne for our Brothen elsewhere, Remember
V{artound. BrotherCaptain Lonfus castan eye overihe Relbel the sacifice of great Horus, and the fue of our tuce whbh now
positions, and snitched his comlink to genenl address. rests on our shouHen. For Horas and Humanitvlr,


不 だ


祗 \


Three hunhed voices echoed the bffile-cry as the Ultmmarines In the steepsided gtlley the Alt amorines could not press their
carne into sight. Land Raiders sped to the flank, but the weight of numbers. On the Ilonk, the lhrhoand killed Innd
lthrhouttd spavedfury deoth anong them. Four Ninos chatged Raiden like insects. Then the deadlock bmko. The lthdtound
to ,rm, blocking the Land Raiden wilh their own wrccktge. wos engutfed in firc. The Ullrunarines adwnced again' behind
For what seemed like houn, the Sons of Honu held oul. a towering Wailord in the coloun of the Impcrial Hunten.

― ■ ―

THE IMPERIUM psychic predators which dwelt in warp space. The

superstitious cdled them Daemons, theprosaic called them
It is thirty thousand years since Humanity first ventured Ifarp Entities, but none could doubt their existence: They
away from Terra. Early voyages were short and slow. fed on the life-energy ofunprotect€d psykers, and took over
restricted to subJight speed. But the enormous scientific their bodies to further their own aims in the universe
advances of the Darh Age of Tecbnologlt - especially the of Humanity.
development of.thewatp drlag andthe Standard Temptate
Construct - enabled Humanity to expand and colonise
Thus the Dark Age of Technology gave way to the Age of
Strtfe. Human civilisation crumbled amid waves of
throughout the galaxy. superstition, hysteria, madness and daemonic possession.
Warp space is a parallel dimension, where the laws of time In most parts of the galaxy, the gifts of the Dark Age of
and space are not the same as they are in the 'real' universe. Technology were lost or forgotten. For more than five
By going through warp space, for instance, it is possible thousand years, wars tore Humanity apart. Terra itself was
to make a journey of thousands of lightyears in the space cut off by a series of terrible warp storrns, and elsewhere,
of a few weels. However, there are hazards. An infinitesimal whole systems were isolated and forgotten over the
miscalculation can land a ship on the wrong side of the millennia. Cut off from vial supplies and contact with the
gilaxy, in deep space or ln the heart of a sun. The eddies rest of Humanity, some worlds reverted to barbarism.
and currents in that weird dimension could give rise to Others bred new, mutated forms of Humanity in answer
devastating warp storms, making parts of warp space to their planetary conditions; Abhumans like the stocky
impassable and cutting off whole areas of the galaxy. And Squats, the powerful Ogryns - and the most heavily muated
warp space was not uninhabited. Within its bounds dwelt of all, the Beastmen,
beings of unimaginable strangeness, whose mere Finally, from the ruins of Terra, a saviour appeared. The
appearance was enough to drive a man mad. What was
wars were gradually brought to an end. The Emperor re-
psychic to a man - the intangible stuff of dreams and visions
united Humanity under his own rule - the Imperium - and
- was solid, material reality to these beings; one result of
the Human race set out on the long road to tecovery. The
the incomprehensible bonds which tie the realities together.
Emperor is the most powerful psychic the Human race has
Literally millions of wodds were colonised during the great ever known, and he alone was able to countefact the terrible
Human expansion. The resources available to the settlers threats from warp space. Through a mixture of his own
varied enormously from world to wodd, but their needs psychic power and his rigorous - often harsh - rule, he is
were the same : shelter, tfanspoft, and basic mechinery. The able to protect Humanity from the worst of the daemonic
Standard Template Construct was perhaps the greatest gift attacks from warp space.
of the Dark Age: a system of evolved planning programs
The Emperor is the undisputed master of Humanity.
which allow almost anything to be constructed out of Throughout the Imperium, his will is carried out by rwo
locally available materials - whatever they might be.
huge organisations: The Inquisition and the Adeptus Terra.
Buildings, vehicles and industrial machinery remained
more or less identical throughout the colonies. The Inquisttlon is the only organisation in the Imperium
One product of Human o<pansion was the first contact with
which lies outside the control of the Adeptus Terra. It is
answerable directly to the Emperor. Inquisitors travel freely
alien races, which led to the first alien wars. Tbo races,
superficially the most Hurwrn-like - and therefore, arguably,
throughout the Imperium, searching out dissent,
corruption and untrained psykers.
the most dangerous - are x pafticular threat to the rule of
Humanity: the Orkoids and the Eldar. More will be said The Meptus lbrra has charge of everything else within
later of these two races. the Imperium, from long-term milttary stretegy on a galactic
scele to the glzlin quotas on the smallest agricultural wodd.
It was towards theend of the DarkAge of Tbchnology that
Humans began to develop psychic powers on a significant The Space Madnes are but one arm of the Meptus Terra.
scale, throughout the colonised worlds. Why ttris happened Besides the military might of the Imperium, the Adeptus
at this time - or at all - is unknown. Untrained and Terra oversee s the yast civil service of th e Adtnlnistratum,
unprotected, many emergent psykers succumbed to the lawkeeping force of the,Adept ts Arbltes, the sanctioned
mxdness; others fell prey to superstition and fear, and were psykers of the Adeptus Astra Telepatblca, the Adeptus
burnt as witches. But the greatest threat came from the Custodes of the Emperor's personal bodyguard, and the
Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mecbanlcus.
The Adeptus Mechanlcus is the most diverse of the
Imperial agencies. Its lbch-Priests travel the galaxy in search
of surviving technology which was lost during the Age of
Strife. They also have a number of military erms. The best-
known of these are the four branches of the Coltegta
Tltanica, which operate and maintain the Titans, and the
Legto Cybernetlca, which is responsible for the Imperial
battle-robots which sometimes fight alongside regular
infantry forces.
Titans are the heaviest planeary war machines in the
Imperial ersenal. Immense humanoid craft the height of
a seven-stor€y building, they are capable of mounting the
heaviest and most temible of Imperial weaponry. Their void
shields - the most powerful energy field known to Human
science - make them almost impregnable. They can crush
infantry and armoured vehicles underfoot like insects.


:rHE FIOFTIJS FIEIIESY 協 認 i誌肝mt馴 驚鵠1譜cttsy檄 i

General Horus was the finest militarv commander of his

age. ftre Emperor granted him the title of Imperial
S".-"tt t - , ttigh ttoio.ttt even in an age when brave deeds
were cominonirtace' But the Imperium's hero was to
become its deadliest enemy.
On the feral world of Davin, the Warmaster aranged to Alpha Lcgion_,Oined the Rebels;the othё rs have beln
be inducted into a mystical warrior-lodge' This was not purged from imperial records.
uncommon; Imperial policy approved of such links
between ferai-wodd natives and 'the warriors from the Sky'' While CiVil wars raged on a miuion wOrids,Horus StFuCk
However, the warrior-lodge on Davin was not what it
seemed. During the initiation, Horus became possessedby
a Daemon from the warp' Those who had known Horus
well began to speak of changes: lapses in memory minor
changeJin habits, small things. Not until the Scouring of
Isstvin did the trtrth become clear.
The Imperial Commander of Isstvan III had declared the
ryst.m-ittd.pendent. Horus took five Space Marine
ih"pt tt to.-sh the rebellion: the world Eaters, Emperor's
Chiidren, Death Guards, Thousand Sons and his own
Chapter, the Sons of Horus. He introduced the warrior-
lodfes to the chapt€rs, and the rot spread throughout bis unit known as the Coldcn Thfone
corimand. The Daemon-Horus planned to strike at the
Imperium itself, and establish his rule throughout the
galaxy. But first, Isstvan had to be dealt with'
The Scouring of Isstvan was a brutal affair' Isstvan III was
destroyed by-a virus bomb; twelve billion died instantly'
It is s;id thit the psychic death-scream of the doomed
wodd drowned out the signal of the Astronomican'
During the bombardment, the figate Eisenstein was seized
by a sriall group of loyal Space Marine officers' They fought
『 胤蹂監:富蹴常LI禦
in battle to dccidc thc fatc of all Mankind.

"You realise tha you are preaching mutirE?" -Brother- "Tbenty from the Thousand Sons."
Horus or betmy
"Be sure they are all trastworthy. It you have the
CaDtoin Tamitznodded Smvely. "Betmy slightest
nior*, Wfut choice is therc?" The Spaee Marine officen doubt, do ni commi, them. Olny wn Emperur\ Childrcn,
Uitea a each other in silence for a tew seconds' Tanitz there'are ten I un sarc of, incfuding nryse$" There wos 4
leaned foruard across the tablc, resting on his fists ' pause as the paacity of their force sunk in.
" Fact: in the five Chapters undor his command,
Horus has ltfuU
that he " Set enry Marines," soid Brctherc-oiluin Uarren of the
tiinitei tnx'system lemt'world wanior lodges Men, iThe sum of our five Ch@er namben' a good onen'
oicled up on Dain. The ilandad Imperial organisalions perlwps?" A coiple o! the otlun snihil, ard the tension
ind coimand structures lsid tlown in the Codex have been 'oi
tii wqs brolcon, "seventy Marines"' rvpeated
c omple t e ly disre garde d. fttnhz.^o*rnt
"Enough for any task, I think, So, to work' Vatren'
have vounnen wilt slezp controt oI tlrc fiigate Eisenstein in thrce
"Fact: the bulk of the Marines in our five Chapten "iiii
ioudiated their Maine's mth and swom loyalty to the teml ti^ ttow. It is on the ulge of the fleet, and -shouu
nirld dritirt. Fwther, they have swom loyalty to Horus be cblar 1or tlu jump to Vhrp S|nce"' lhrwn nodded'
penonally. HeresY and blasPhemY. "The Eisenstein tus been lwing nwrtocrnrc4rive
without he said, with etro.gemted hnocence. "She's been lalling
"Fact: the Isstvan campaign lws been conthtcted behind the fleet all fuy." Tanitz ginned'
even the pretence of irden fiom Tena' While I do not
ooro^, io speakfoi the Empercn I connot believe thot the
"M. The rcst ofus will armnge tor our shiry to lag behind
is, of o viis boib on Isstvin III was iustifwble' A single wilh her in case 61 ...ftunner fioablc with the ilrives' Thrce
Ciipi"y iro. o single Chapter dropped on the rebel hourc lrom nov wi witl alt assemble full crew tor an,
heodquarterc would have answered the cose' eiry;nq bicfu.s. Meanwhilp, our trusted men take contml
is happening he-y' Who oI thi syiteni oi att lve ships. flear-all renwiling shiys
"I say the Empercr must lotow what the Esinstein ind keep her cotvrcd until she
i iin nrz ihrren? What say the WorU tuten?" A red- -mtkosaround
sryc. Then, cause as much furnoge
the iump to wotp
unifo nn e d olfic e r st o od.
as you ,oi n flaet. History will indiaate us"'
dte ,est ;f ihe
"There are fifieen men I can trust, Thty are yours'"
He tumed to lhnpn. "Your lVorld futen an our only hope,"
"Gano?" A Captain oI ttu Death Guads lookod up' he said, "Do not fail." Varrcn's eyes became serious' "We
'A doun. I wish it were mort." cannotfoil," lu frd, "Therc is no much d $&e . Your dedJts
will be avengd."
"Tbn from thc I'una Wolves."

The Chapter barye was quiot as the Space Wolves prepared It was impossible - inconceivable - that Madnes should betav
themselves tor the &op. Therc rws aninner stillness beneath
all the. actiuilt. Bum\S thyugh every mind was a single lqith. Yet five Chapten had declared lor Hont* O'n
top of the incompehension cone slunte ond rage ond behind
question: How coald thh have happened? Even as ;
iey mge, doaht. Horus had pemertcdfour moi Chapten out
preprzd to join thc batle, that battte was still unthinlwbli. of the seven sent against him, and fully one-third of the
All activity ceased as the chapel gong sounded over the I*giones Astartes wcrc now in his powei. Magrun knew the
intemal conlink. n snrck sir tines,-thehumber ol the Space insidious ii
louby fiat whispered the mind of every loyal
Wolves Chapten Then, silently, the Marines ient ti the Maine: CouU this also happen to me?
C-naryl. It time tor the Olficio praecerlamen, the last Murmuring the Dtany of Dootion, Magran tisted the
-was feelings
devotions before the drop. he must mould in ritaal of the prueiefiamen, -
le u.ast hQ
was paclce d with thousands of silver-armoured
Where there is uncertainty, I shatt bring light.
They stood silently, unmoving, ,i,rziting. Waiting to
llainey Where there is doubt, I shoil sow faith.
know why. Where therc is shanc, I shall point otonernent.
In the Vestibulum to the great Chapel, Father-Captain Wherethere is ruge, I sholl show its coune,
Maqlo\ Senior Chaplain to the Space Wolves, sat in My word in the soul shall be as nE bolter in the fuld.
medilation. He knew that his Maines were in shock. Magrun rcse, and prepared to er,ter the Chapel

The Space Marines are the product ofgenetic engineering,

intensive training, biochemical alteiation anA imptaii
surgery whch takes them to the limits of Human
development and beyond. A Space Marine can survive
terrible wounds, heal with superhuman speed, and perform
incredible feats of strength and endurance. A Marine is
genetically related to all the other members of his Chapter,
since each Marine carries some genetic material from the
Chapter's founder, or primarch - one of a small group of
super-humans created by the Emperor and his scientists.
In numerical terms, the Space Marines are a small force
compared to the countlessbillions of Imperial citizens, but
their superhuman ability and fearsome reputation makes
them worth many times their number in conventional
troops. They are held in awe throughout the Imperium.

lach Sp1c9 Marine Chapter is a tully self_sufficient fighting

force, with its own space fleet and machine pools as well
as well as support and technical personnel. The
Techmarines are trained by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and
can repair and maintain almost any piece of military
equipment, from a bolter to a spaceship.
A Chapter's fleet is its home, providing accommodation,
training facilities, machine shops, armouries, shuttle silos,
chapels, a mausoleum and every other facility the Chapter

lequires. The fleet travels endlessly through the galaxy;-task

forces split off from it for individual missi-ons oriampaigns,
and rejoin the fleet when their mission is accompiislied.
The Chapter provides for all a Marine,s needs. Tlzdition
and ritual are of great importance, with as much emphasis
91 moral welfare as on physical training and combaiskills.
The Chapter is a Marine's family; all other ties of blood
and loyalty are renounced. A Space Marine is devoted to
the Emperor, to his Chapter, and to the craft of war: these
things are his entire life.
Each Chapteris headed byan Imperial Commander - during
the Horus Heresy, most of the Commandcrs were
Primarchs. In addition to their support and technical
personnel, a Chapter conains tens of thousands of Marines.
(Note that afrer the Her€sy new Chapters were formed with
far smaller complementi so that nb Commanders would
ever wield the same power as Horus).


Space Marines may be recognised by their distinctive In the earliest stages of the Horus Heresy, the Space Marines
powered armour, which includes air and blood purifiers, who sided with the Warmaster kept to the original colours
drug iniectors and communications equipment. Neuro- and rituals of their Chapters. Later on, however -
plastic fibre-bundles replicate and amplify the wearer's particularly after the death of Horus and the withdrawal
movements, so that powered armour is no more from the Sol system - this began to change.
cumbersome to wear than a normal suit of clothes. The litanies proclaiming devotion to the Emperor had
Each Chapter has its own colours and insignia, which are rbeady been dropped, and they became replaced with
used on its armour and vehicles as well as on the flags and declarations of allegiance to Horus. As the feral-world cults
banners which are often carried into battle. It also has its introduced by Horus spread throughout the Traitor
own particular rituals and traditions. The Space Wolves, Chapters, most Chapter rituals changed beyond
for instance, have a completely different Litany of Combat recognition. Insignia and colours also began to change;
to the Ultramarines. Even the most basic acitivities, such most common was the replacement of Imperial insignia
as weapon checks and maintenance routines are turned into with the Eye of Horus or with symbols from the feral cults.
rituals; a Marine's every action must express his devotion Some Tbaitor Marines went as far as to re-paint their armour
to his Chapter. in new colours.
















8‐ 10/6-MiSsic Launchci sMIs

C4‐ 1/1‐ chain sword uAI

7‐ 1/2‐ Plasma cun EMIS

C4‐ 1/1‐ BdtPぉ ∞i sMI

ヽ″ ︵

型 ヽ″ヽ

セ h― ワ

A - 614 - Nlela-Gun. EMIS

C8‐ 1/5-Powcr Glovc RAl

Space Marines have access to the full range of Imperial The Space Marines also use a wide range of support
weaponry and equipment. Their training and biochemical weapons, of which the most common are heavy bolters,
engineering ensure that they are natural masters with any mela-guns, plasma guns, las-cannon and missile launchers.
type of weapon, from the rocks and sticks of feral-wodd
savages to the $ophisticated needlers and neuro-disruptors The heavy bolter is a larger version of the bolt gun, which
favoured by spies and assassins. For nearly all their combat can lay down a curtain of fire across a wide area. While
duties, however, they use standard weapon mixes, relying its firepower against personnel tafgets is devastating, its
on a narrow range offavoured general-purpose weapons. shells are too light to harm armoured vehicles.

The standard Space Marine weapon is the bolt gun, or Also known as the melter or fusion gun, the melta-gun is
bolter. This is a light rapid-fire weapon, firing a hail of small- a heat weapon, whose short range is balanced by its
calibre explosive shells. Bolter shells generally use mass- effectiveness against both infantry and vehicles. A small-
reactive fuses, so that they explode after penetrating the scale controlled fusion reaction inside the weapon's firing
target, rather than upon impact; this makes the bolter a chamber causes it to project a blast ofheat so intense that
highly effective anti-personnel weapon. metal and even stone can be melted almost instantly.

The main close assault weapon is the bolt pistol, a smaller The plasma gun fires small packets of superheated gas
veision of the bolter which works on identical principles. plasma. Like the melta-gun, its killing power helps make
$fhile it lacks the range of the bolt gun, its handier pistol up for its short range, and it is equally effective against
configuration makes it ideally suited to close fighting. infantry and armoured vehicles.
Other favoured close assault weapons include the power The las-cannon, or laser cannon, is a favourite anti-vehicle
glove and the chainsword, both of which are most weapon, with a long range and sufficient punch to knock
commonly issued to officers leading assault troops. The out a Land Raider. As well as being a popular infantry
power glove is a scaled-up metal gauntlet surrounded by weapon, it is often mounted on vehicles.
an energy field which gives it the strength topunch through The missile launcher rivals the las-cannon as the most
armour and even steel bulkheads. The chainsword is as it popular infantry weapon. Its variety of loads makes it
sounds - a sword-like weapon whose edges are fitted with equally effective against vehicles and infantry and its range
a loop of moving blades. is equal to that of a las-cannon.


Heavy Bolter
Alloy Forward
All Tcrrain Fixed-Mount
Tracks Heavy Bolter

Spare Thck


Swive l-Mounted
TWin Las-Cannon

LAND RAIDER STC 25608.ヽ 529

POwcr Transmission

Head Lamps


Forward Armour
Radiator Grillc
and Exhaust Unit


POwcr plant

The Space Marines are not purely aninfantry force; they The Rhino armoured personnel carrier is one of a family
command a wide range of fighting vehicles, ranging from
of armoured vehicles which are widely used throughout
one-man jetcycles to orbital artillery platforms' the Imperium. The Rhino is the most common of these
designs-, and is the standard Space Marine personnel carrier
The Land Raider is the main aflnoured fighting vehicle of and"armoured transport. It is more lightly armed and
the Space Marines. Thousands of these tanks are in action armoured than the Land Raider, but like a Land Raider it
on Uotn sides in the Horus Heresy, and they are produced c?n catry up to ten tfoops.
in large numbers by the Meptus Mechanicus inboth camps'
Its sturdy frame is equipped with heavy ceramite armoul The rWhirlwind missile carrier is one of several variants
and its four las-cannon give it a devastating punch in almost on the Rhino chassis. It is more or less identical to the APC
any direction. Its anti-personnel weaponry consists of two in most respects, but the Rhino's bolter armament is
heavy bolters. ln addition to its role as an armoured fighting augm€nted by a turret-mounted multi-launcheg giving the
vehiile, the Land Raider c^a caffy uP to ten-Marines into Wf,irwind a powerful support capacity. Like the Rhino, the
t$(rhirlwind can carry up to ten troops.
battle; it is very popular as a heavily-armed transport'

"Come in, Crualine. lthrcruiser Crctaline, please rcspond. Gulliman watched as his men changed into hoftle. He winced
"It's Primarch. I cqt 't mise the Crotaline: the rilar_
no good as a dozpn detachments fell to Land Raider
fire, watched
cruiser Laceftian must have got hen,, the bright beons of light cut through the Mirines, mnles.
He saw his men being cut aprt by theirfellow Marines; the
Roboute Gulliman nodded gravely. horror olthe situation wasn,t lost on hirn, and he despaired
at the pointless loss of ffi, He barkcd his otden into the
"We'll just have to take them on alone. Though without a
barrage to soften them up, it'll be a hader
comlink, trying to outthink hh fellow primarch. ,,More
fight than I'd Wport on the left side. They're trying to outflank our
anticipoted. It may even delay our departare.
"Still, that's a consideration for laten There are more He watched as eighty Land
pressfu problerns. Preparc the men and staft the cenenon!; Raiders responded
instantaneously, trucks spruying mud ss they swuig to the
I shall be along in a ,flornent.,, lefi and cat off the Truiton' adwnce. The taiks spei across
Brother-Captain Ifunack nodded as carefally he made his the bafrzrcdlodscape and cmshedilXothe enemy, their guns
way down the treacherous mckface to the command post. b4Ary. A hundred square yads of the bmlefieli bumt with
a bri-ght, whitc light as the Tlaitors were
Gulliman lookcd across the valley, towards the clouds of feied fo a glowing
mesh of laser bolts.
smoka thol spruwled scross the horiun. Thoagh they were
half-hidden fo the thick red-brown plumes, he couldjust see "Make sure you keep them pinned down; they musn,t goin
the flaftened canoltaces of the Tmitor Warlords. the advantage."

At this range their huge boak banners were no more than His ahenalinfuwing and his mind mcing, Gulliman reeled
tiny black specks flufrering in the breeze, and the hundreds oul his commands. A company of Marines, na+' down to ha{
of armoured machines that swarmed arcund the Titans'
their original number, surged over the wreclcage of the
feet eyemy's vehicles. They mn low and hard, heading
lookcd less threatening than a swarm of ants. for the
abottdoned city tlwt smothercd one sifu of the volley, i*Ang
"The Word Bearen; the whole Chaper on the ftcld at once." to the shadows caused by the tall black buildings tiat ttonea
Gulliman allowed himself a ironi.c smih. out the darkcning sky,
'A rcnurloble everrl, even more so now thfu the Ulha nwrines With indoctrhuted calmness they set up a dcfensive position;
stand ready to face them." within minutes a streatn of cmck missiles screaneifrcm the
shattered windows, the whistle of theirftight puncnand hy
Gulliman heard trfurmck coming botk, the noise of his boots the sharp thud of another successful hi.
trying to get a grip on the rcckface brcaking &dlinwn,s silent
contempWion. Stmnded behind what little cover they hod, the Traitorc
coaldn't avoid the concentrated volley of fire that thumped
"Tb think it shoald come to this Prtmarch - Bmther venus into the dht arcand them. The casualties were uncountable.
Brothen" Gulliman nodded as lhrmck returned to hh side, many werc simplyburicdundarthe crumhlingruck. The pice
obviously upsetthatthe enemy were Marines. ,,May Horus in geneseed was high,
rot in oblivion for his treachery."
Gulliman nodded his approval to Karruck. ,,We have them
Gulliman undcrstood the Captain,s anger; he knew the men on the run, my friend, I think victory is close." He stared
were feeling it too. into the Captoin's eyes, his mouth tensed into a line, ,,The
Emperor is with us this day. We enjoy his. ..,' The sentence
'Aye, I(anack. Ihmn his eternal soul if you want, you must
trailed away as Gulhman watched the Word Bearen rullv.
admit though, the way he cauglx us was a mosterful strukc.',
The firct ftaiton that brokc cover were lorn apart, but wih
Ifurmck eilher didn't hear the comment, or ignored it; he each-saccessiuv wave they made morc grcund, until they were
was rnore wonied about the enenry, now only hundreds o! finolly assauhing the Ultrumarines' positions. Gulliman,s
yards away. Uryently, he requested that Gulliman give the men had lost the advantage, and were now easy prey to the
oder to fight. "The rnen arc rcafr1t and await your commmd, Tmilor Land Raiden,
Primarch." He had expected losses - but even Roboute Guiliman hadn,t
Gulliman stood for a moment, not taking his eyes off the anticipated what happened nert: aE one, the Wrd Bearers'
apprcaching Tluinn., A contmand I thougltt Id never rnakc, Land Roiden and Whirlwind missile carrien spun on the
I(amck; evenin nE mosttenifying nightmanes," He glanced spot and sgmyed the nearest building with-everything
over his shoalder ot the uncomtortable Coptain. ,,Give thern they had. The Ubrurium shook for a nornent, then caved
the commandto change, Captain, andpmy the Empernrwill in on itself in a cloud of dust. There was a deathly silence
as the rubble sefrled. Tbo hundred llltamarines were buried
foryive us all. TblI them they mast kiil their Broilter Morines.,'
A sheet of shells arced across the slcy, a cuftain of deuh that
Gullitnan cuned, and thumped a nearby tock in frustmtion.
burct the Word Bearen'runks in a stom o! greasy, bhck
The outcrop exploded in a hail of cihippingi as his
smoka and shrapnel, ftst
slammed into it, the impact of the power fiekt blnsting-the
The fint wave of troops disappeared as the grcund mehed, grunite apart.
the rcck becoming molten arcund theirfeet. Fifu vehicles
vanished in a mist of vapourised metal os they werc slowly
"Karrock!" GuUilnan spun round and snapped at the
stanned Captain. "Get me the Crotaline noi! We need
suckad into the lakc of steaning pbsma, the duil crump of enough-supponing fire n bla$ tha scum off ke
their power units sending columns of flane into the air as face o! this
planet." He twned to look at the Tmiton, his voie dropping
they exploded. to a hanh whispen "Even if they are Marines.,'


The Human race is not alone in the galaxy. Even as Human
Loyalist fights Human Thaitor on a million worlds, two
Human-like alien races threaten from without: the slim,
sophisticated Eldar and the brutish, green-skirmed Orkoids.
Physically, the Eldar are very similar to Humans, but
slimmer of build- Psychologically, though, they are very
different. Their sophisticated and aesthetic nature leads
them to discount Humans as foolish - but dangerous -
upstarts. Humans, for their own part, often regard the Eldar
as arrogant decadents. Despite this, the Eldar are deadly
and determined foes, often taking the field against the
Human Traitors for reasons of their own. Those few
Humans whohave been privileged to know the Eldar well
hint at some great catastrophe in the distant past, when
the Eldar themselves were all but destroyed by the powers
from the warp.
In addition to their infantry, the Eldar have developed a
powerful military force in tlre Scurathainn walkers, which
include crewed versions and walkers operated by the
mystical Infinity Circuit.
The Infinity Circuit is the basis of much Eldar technology.
It is a blend of artificial intelligence, burial chamber and
electronic personality construct, containing the
psychological and intellectual essence ofa dead Eldar. An
Infinity Circuit is regarded as a living thing by the Eldar,
keeping the name and status of the Eldar on which it is
based and treated with great respect. Infinity Circuits which
are used in weapon systems, such as the Tannascuratb
('Spirit Warrior') battle robot, are commonly addressed by
the title Tuisic h- Noaasmair, wlrich is roughly translatable
as "Lord-Phoenix".
The Infinity Circuit is also usedin the huge Caurifel,which
is generally considered to be the Eldar equivalent of the
Battle Titan. It is crewed by a number of Eldar and an
Infinity Circuit, psychically linked to form a single mind
capable of performing many simultaneous functions.
Unlike Human Titans, the Eldx Caurifelltando not have
void shields; they are protected by a system of defensive
screens, using holographic processes to refract and scatter
the machine's image and disrupt enemy targeting.
The Orkoids may be mone than one race; certainly they
themselves believe so. All Orkoids are green-skinned
humanoids, with a low level of culture and a brual, cunning
and violent natur€. Their main motivation seems to be a
natural love of fighting for its own sake, rather than any
imperial aspirations. They will fight any opponent,
anywhere, for any reason or for no reason at all; in the
absence of an opponent they will just as cheerfully fight
among themselves. The strongerfirce, called Orks, enercise
a harsh dominationover the weaker, called Gretchins. Their
technology is crude and often unreliable, and their tactics
are simple but often effective, relying on firepower rather
than strategy. Human commanders may look down on
Orkoids, but only a fool underestimat€s them.
The Orks have developed a number of weapon systems in
imitation of Human and Eldar technology they have
encountered, and a few other weapons of their own design.
Their technician caste of Mecbanlacs, or Mekboltz as they
are generally known, is highly adept at evaluating and
imitating discovered technology, and so Orks have their
own style of dreadnought, and their own style of Titan.
Like most Orkish weaponry the Ork Titan is of a simple
and sturdy construction, relying on a large cnew r:rther than
sophisticated technology.

Much of the fighting in the wars of the Horus Heresy has taken part in and around cities, refinery complexes, and
similar groups of buildings. Thanks to the Standard Tbmplate Construct, buildings of several common types are
constructed on most Imperial worlds using locally available materials. Using the Standard Template Construct means
that the appearance of a building is determined by its function rather than the materials of which it is constructed.
According to the resource base ofthe planet in question, this can be stone, brick, wood, coral, volcanic ash, compacted
inorganic waste or any of a hundred other materials. Thus, buildings of more or less identical appearance may be
found throughout the Imperium, regardless of all considerations other than function.
One component of this game is a range of full-colour building pieces, with ptastic roof elements. There are two basic
building shapes: cross and T:-bar, and two heights. Regardless of the building height, cross-shaped buildings hold
5 infantry stands, and T-shaped buildings hold 4 infantry stands. If you have the expanded polystyrene buildings,
from Adeptus Titanicus, the tall buildings hold 6 infantry stands and the low buildings hold 8 infantry stands.

111 口 11 1:111 111111

1 111 111: 口 11‐ 1 ・

│口 │ 111 11111 “

1“ i lll lllll :
:Jl: 幕峰 .

The complex organisation of the Adeptus
No world is an island within the Imperium;
Ministratum, or Administratum,
「 FI
each gains something from the rest of the
responsible for the administration of the
whole of the Imperium; it manages over a galexy, and each must pay its way. The
million inhabited worlds. Planetary worlds of the Imperium provide foodstuffs,
According to the provisions of the Codex
government buildings, records offices, machinery minerals and many other things
Exercitus, every Imperial world has a duty
taxation centres, and many more are according to their resources. Few Imperial
to raise and maintain its own planetary cities are without vast warehouse
controlled by the Administratum; they are defence force. Additionally, each city or complexes where these goods are collected
usually distinguished by the sign of the world forms part of a precinct where
Imperial eag:le over the main door. Many ready for shipment to other areas and
Imperial laws are enforced by the Judges worlds, and where incoming goods are
bloody assaults and valiant defences have of the Adeptus Arbites. One or more
taken place in and around urban and placed ready for distribution.
barracks will be found in most Imperial
planetary government buildings; they are cities, providing accommodation, training
natural command points, and the fall of the areas and armouries for the forces they
Administratum normally indicates the fall house. Much fighting has centred around
of the city. This building is often the these strongholds.
attacker's primary target.

■ ,∼ , ↑
, ■
i i 1: '



Countless clerks and officials labour on a

Chapels are found throughout the million worlds for the Mministratum, most
Most Imperial cities have at least one Imperium, and this is a typical example of them confined to dark offices in grim,
auditorium, where the populace assemble from a world of medieval or higher towering administrative blocks. These
gre^t rallies organised by the technology. On many worlds which have buildings house vast quantities of
Administratum and the Inquisition. A fallen to the force of Horus, chapels have information on their worlds; population,
visiting dignitary, such as an Inquisitor or been desecrated and torn down; on some economy, lwels of production and taxation,
a Space Merine commander, will often be Thaitor worlds they have evenbeen turned resources, industrial and agricultural quotas
requested to lead such a rally. It is common over to the feral-world cults favoured by the - the whole of the world is recorded. filed.
practise to use the main auditorium - if it Warmester and his followen. In such a case, indexed and updated by an army of
still sands - to announce the 'liberation' of the Inquisition normally demands the bureaucrats. The valuable dlta in a
a city by one side or the other. chapel's complete destruction. Censorium can make it a prime target.


A city or industrial complex requires. vast Although much technology was lost during
quantities ofenergy, and power supplies are the fifteen centuries of the Age of Strife, the
a favourite target for attacking forces. The Imperium is by no means technically
nature of a generator will vary from world backward. Industrial complexes across the
to world. Fertile planets often use organic galaxy produce billions of items, from
or fossil fuels, while fusion grids and plasma clothing to plasma bombs. All of these
reactors are common on industrialised installations arc closely controll€d by the
worlds. Solar generators and geothermal Administratum and the AdePtus
Mechanicus, and it is not uncommon for

Ⅲ ⅢⅢ Ⅲ= 鵬Ⅲ Ⅲ
energy are also used where local conditions


0 0 0

permit. These power sources, and the the workers in a factory to be completely ● IⅢ II。 1■ ‖
unaware of the end-product of their

secrets of their operation, are iealously 。 │││口 。 日■1剛

labours. The occupation or destruction of

guarded by the Adeptus Mechanicus.

the Manufactorium or industrial complex 。 日 1日 島● │■ 1日

can deny precious resources to the enemy. ││111 ● 。 ││1日 。1■ │□

日│口 ││● 。 口 Ⅲl● 目 ■1日

EIII ● 10 日│1日 ● 口■1副

日│11 0 ● ヨ ロ11● │■ IJ
O ロロ1日 ●│■1日

11111 0
‐ ・ 寧響`

The populationof the Imperium is vast, and

only the Administratum has the means to
Most planets in the Imperium maintain a begin to estimate it. The bulk of this
gene-pool of plant and animal species for population lives in cities, ranging from the
terrafoming, agriculture, resource huge complexes of the hive worlds to the
management and other purposes. Native smaller garden cities of the more advanced
species are studied with a view to assessing agricultural worlds and the grim ten€ments
their usefulness elsewhere, and introduced of the industrial worlds. While worlds and
species are bio-engineered to adapt them cities may differ, the residential blocks
for use in local conditions. The scientists For the vast bulk of the citizens of the follow a limited number of standard
ofthe Adeptus Mechanicus who run these Imperium, death is not the end of their patterns laid down by the Standard
establishments also monitor the genetic service to th€ Emperor. They are quickly T€mplate Construct.
purity of the planet's poulation, and co- forgotten by everyone except the record-
oper:rte with the lnquisition in their task keepers of the Administratum and their Living space in the cities varies widely,
of rooting out mutation and other bodies are recycled into foodstuffs, according to wealth and social standing.
fertilisers, and other useful products. More Most people live in residential blocks of one
undesirable traits.
prominant memb€rs of society may receive kind or another, but the living space
the honour of entombment in an Imperial permitted to an individual can range from
mausoleum, where the masses may read of a spacious luxury apartment to a cramped
their deeds and be inspired by their and filthy cubby-hole with barely room to
onmple. lfith its halls of entombed heroes, turn round. According to the type ofworld
a Mausoleum can become the focus of a on which it is found and the status of its
fanatical defence, and its destruction can occupants, a residential block can house a
deal a severeblow to the def€nders' morale. few dozen or several thousend.

Brother Capnin Costnt stared at the holo ttyW to maka somc sense of the
buildings. One of them, he knew, was the command centre for thc reactionary
Imperiats; the othen, in all probahility, werc well-lad tmps. He had known
During the terrible wars of the Age of strife' Gregorius of the Wmnarines a long time - he had once callcd him friend
untold quantities of knowledge were lost, - and this guessing game was a defensive techniquo at which he excelled. The
and preserving that which remains has Wotld Men needed a swift, prche victory; it was up to him. Thc scotrt Minos
become a holy task shared bY the began to report, A white eogle settled on one buiHing. Mministtufion'too
Administratum and the AdePtus
of obvious; it must be a bap. (hher ieons olrpeared: a clrapel, three rcsidential
Mechanicus. In many of the larger cities
the more advanced Imperial worlds, an bloclcs, a genentortum. Costan smiled briefly - the plasma rcactor mast be
imposing Librarium building will house trapped; Greprius couldn't resist it. A nausoleum' hstan paused. To fight
thousands ofbooks and records, and make under the eys oI deod hemcs - iust Greprius' style. That was the command
them available to those Imperial servants centre. He issued orden for the assaull.
whose rank entitles them to access.



Your Space Madne game box should conain the following The plastic infantry bases in this box are colour-coded
components: according-to w-!rg type of infantry unit they represenr.
There are four different colours of base. you s'hOuid make
- 16 plastic Land Raiders (8 in each of two colours) sure that you and your opponent both agree which colour
- J2 plastic Rhinos (16 in each of two colours) represents which type of infantry - it's a good idea to note
- 32O plastic Infantry (160 in each of rwo colours) this down on a piece of paper before the battle begins. The
- 16 plastic banner poles (8 in each of two colours) Marines themselves come in two colours so that you can
distinguish between Loyalist and Tbaitor Marines. Each
- 64 pltstic infantry bases (16 in each of four colours) infantry base takes five models; never mix model colours
- I sheet of cardboard burst templates on a base.
- 14 buildings
- 16 data cards The infantry models can be push-fitted into the bases, and
- 2 plastic range rulers need no glue. Separate them from the sprue with a
modelling knife, and make sure thar the underside of the
- I plastic deviation template base is smooth.
- I counter sheet
- I sheet of infantry banner stickers One in four of the infantry bases has a socket for a banner
- 4 six-sided dice pole. The banners are used to indicate the presence of a
detachment commander.
All dice rolls in Space Marine are mrdewith standard six-
The sheet of banner stickers allow your forces to fly the
sided dice. Throughout the rules, the abbreviation .D6'
refers to a six-sided dice. For example, 'roll a D6' means colours of sweral famous Space Marine Chapters on either
side of the Horus Heresy. Simply fold the sticker around
roll one six-sided dice, and 'rr/,l2D6'means roll two six-
the banner pole before fixing it to the base.
sided dice and add the scores together.


The buildings are used to represent the terrain you will be The data cards give
fighting o1er. Kgep them in the box for the rime being - you the relevant
you won't need them until you are ready to set up the details of the infantry
scenery for your first game. units and vehicles
used in the game.
The buildings are assembled from one of the plastic roof There are two types of
pieces and either two or three wall sections. The number daa cardin thisgame:
of wall sections depends on the shape of building you are armoured uebicle
making: data cards and
Cross-plece shaped butldtngs infantry stand data
You will need one long wall section and two shon wall
T-bar-shaped buildlngs RANGE AND MovEMENT RULER
You will need one long and one short wall section. This is a clear plastic ruler marked in lcm increments. It
Punch the walls out, fold them into rectangular cross- is used to measure distance for movement and weapon
sections, and insert them into the building tops. The walls ranges. To measure distances over 36cm, simply pivof the
should fit snugly between the round pegs and the outer ruler around the marked point.
lip of the plastic building top. Make sure that the blank part
of the wall section faces into another piece of wall so that
it can't be seen.
Each wall section
indicates which
building it is for
(eg Mausoleum,
Librarium, etc).
The wall sections
come in different
heights and
architectural styles, The range ruler is marked with the dice scores needed to
so make sure you hit a arget for all of the weapons covered in Space Marlne.
get the right wall Some of these weapons have different scores to hit
sections for each vehicles/Titans and infantry. The scores to hit vehicles and
building. Titans are indicated by 'V', the scores to hit infantry by ,I'.
lffhere the scores are the same, the figure is marked ,V/I'.
The end of the ruler also shows the to hit modifiers against
vehicle and infantry argets.



Some weapons create a huge explosion which will affect Buildings that are attacked will eventually
any target within the burst radius. When such a weapon become unsutble and collapse. The chance
is used, a burst circle is placed with its centne at the point of a building collapsing is measured by the
of aim. Any unit or vehicle which falls under the template number of critical hits it takes. These are
(even if only partially) is affected by the attack. recorded by placing one buiwing damage
εO“ θ″on the bullding for cach critical hit it rcceivcs.

When a building is destroyed,
it is reduced to rubble;
instead of being removed
from the table, the building

蜻¨ is marked with a rubble

countcr9 sincc rubblc can affect rnovcment and cover

All of the burst circles are ln tlne Aduanced Game there are rules
marked with numbered
for hidden set-up, where your opponent
arrows on theif perimeter.
These are used to determine doesn't know where your forces are at
the deviation of shots that the start of the game. Vhen you use the
do not land in the intended hidden set-up rules, you put hidden set-
place, and are fully up counters on the table rather than
explained in tlre Aduanced models, and convert the counters to models as your forces
Game rtles. are discovered.
Hidden set-up counters are numbered I to 12 so that you
FERST PLAYER MARKER can record which counter represents which infantry
detachment and which are dummies to fool your opponent.
During the game, it is
important to know who is SNAP FTRE MARKERS
First Player, because this
determines the order in One of the combat options in the game is
which actions carried out.
are Snap Fire. This is explained in the rules for
Thc First Playcr markcr is Tbe Combat Pbase. When a detachment of
uscd to kccp track of this;thc playcr who is First Playcr troops or vehicles has used Snap Fire, a Snap
kccps it on thc tablc bcsidc him Fire Marker is placed beside them on
the table.
This rulebook is punched for storage in a Games lVorkshop
ring binder, so that you can keep the main rules and
supplementary material from t&bite Dutarfand elsewhere
all in the same place for ease of reference. The binder has
a clear pocket on the cover to take the rulebook cover, and
The order counters are used to record the orders given to another clear pocket on the spine to take the spine insert
an infantry or vehicle detachment for each turn. Each - then you can tell at a glance which folder holds which
detachment in the game will need four order counters, one game rules.
each of First Fire, Aduance, Cbarge and Fall Back. The
use of order counters is explained in Tbe Order Phase
section of each set of rules. THE F;LAYING SURFACE
SL'PPORT FIRE COUNTERS This is one component that you won't find in the box.
Space Marine is designed so that it can be played on any
In the advanced game, it is flat surface the size ofthe average dining table. Larger areas
possible to call down can make for bigger and more interesting games - so if you
supporting fire from off the have rwargames table so much the better - but as long as
table. The use of support fire
your table is at least I feet by 2 (f0O x 60 cm), you'll be
counters in explained in the
Aduanced Game section. able to have an enjoyable game. You can also use a clear
area of floor, of course, but for the sake of simplicity we
refer to the table throughout these rules.



ヲ 蒻
、│1111(慕 ■

ベ il■ │11点 lttζ


│ヽ ふ:ミヽ
ヽ I■ ■
●│■ ││

On the white sand of the Tevhrc Plain, the Loyalist forces The opposingforces werc equal infirepowe4 skill andtemoun
gathered to smother the tlame of heresy. Wave after wave of But each was uncomprehending of thc other's loyolties. Afew
Marines cmshed against theirJoes. The resuh rr,v's olways the weeks ago they wouW have called each other brother; now the
same: a boiling storm of plasma firc and a mountain of bodies. differences between them nude them moftal enemies.

tlヽ │

::iヾ ド


lヽ 辣


― ー :恙

The Tiuns of bth side s strodc abwe the batlefrcld, their bannen The air was split by the swelling boom of auto cannon. A Tlaitor
held taut by a wind canied thal canied the stench of a thousand Tltan reeled backwards fiom the impact, ih splintercd catapoce
deaths. The Warp Runnerc confronted the Deaths Heads, showering down onto the Marines below. Its brother Ttlans
pausing in their advance only to level their weapons and fire. reodied their multi-launchen and prepared lor revenge.

The rules in this section tell you everythlng you need to know to ftght the huge armour battles
of the Horus Heresy. The armies of both the Impertum and the Re-bels lncluEe large numbers
of armoured flghting vehicles, and many engagements conslst of pure armour battils, wlthout
infantry or Titans.


These rules cover the two most common classes of Each of the weapons listed on the data card is followed
armoured fighting vehicles used in the wars of the Horus by a location code. This is a short string of digits describing
Heresy: the Land Raider main battle tank, and the Rhino the weapon's location, fire arc and number of barrels. These
armoured personnel carrier, with its Whidwind variant. codes are explained in the Weapon Location Codes Ihble.

Each type of vehicle has its own data card, which provides
all the necessary information to use it in the game.
A vehicle data card looks like this:
Arrnoured Vehicics
hfreti:11111111111111111111::=│:││ 11TI■ ││■ │││:3の ,
S▼ パvclMount― lcft sidc SwL 180°
S■ iVel摯 01nt■ lrightl糠 │││ ,S"RI1111■ │11801,
Swivcl Mount― front SwF 180°
S■ ,ve=Mlunt■ ●ack,││■ : ISWBI::=11■ 1180,
Fixcd Mount― front FxF 90°
rixed,M6● nt llback111:│=: 1雌,■ ■ ■1,90,
Where the code is followed by a number, this
indicates the number of barrels the weapon has.
Weapon types, arcs of fire and barrels are explained
in the section of these rules on Tbe Combat Pbase.
For example, the Land Raider has the following
weaponry: las-cannOn SwL2, las-cannon SwR2,
heavy bolter FxF, heavy bolter FxB. This means that
is has one two-barrelled las-cannon in a left side
Name: The name and type of the vehicle. swivel mount, one two-barrelled las-cannon in a right
Weapons: The locations of the weapons carried by the side swivel mount, one heavy bolter in a front fixed
vehicle. mount, and one heavy bolter in a back fixed mount.
Close Assault Factor (CAF): This number represents how
effective the vehicle is in a close assault against infantry, RH:NO
and is only used with the .lpace Marineinfantry rules. The TuFret{Tt)
higher the number the better.
Some vehicles have two numbers, separated by a slash (/y;
the first number is used when making an ouetyun attack,
and the second number is used in all other circumstances.
Armour Rating (AR): This represents the effectiveness
of the vehicle's armour. The lower the number the better.
Savlng Throw: This number represents how well the
vehicle can stand up to superficial damage. The lower the
number the better.
Speed: There are two numbers for speed, separated by a
slash (/). The first number is the vehicle's aduance rate, and
the second number is its charge ra;te.
Battle Rattng (BR): This number represents the vehicle's
effectiveness in battle. The higher the BR, the deadlier the
vehicle is. Battle ratings are used in some scenarios, where
players are given a certain number of points to spend and
allowed to pick their own forces. The BR is the vehicle's
'points cost' in these circumstances. LAND RA:DER LAND RA:DER
Swivo:Mount‐ brt.`0 1swL) Fix● ●Motlnt― front iFxF〕
Swivel Mount‐ ●{SwR〕 Fixod Mount‐ back lFxB,
Remarks: Any further information about the vehicle is 180。
"ht B“ 900
covered here.


A scenario is basically a set ofnotes, telling you all you need
All vehicles must be organised into groups of two or more to know about the battle you are going to fight. It will tell
machines, known zs detacbments. Every vehicle in a you which forces are involved, what vehicles each player
detachment must be no further than 6cm from at least one has (or sometimes, how many points each player has to
other vehicle in the detachment. In addition, all the vehicles spend on vehicles), what each side's objectives are, and so
must be linked together to form a 'chain' without any gaps on. You will find a range of scenarios at the end of the
of more than 6cm. vehicle rules section, but for your first game, we'll use the
Sometimes vehicles in a detachment will become separated following scenario:
for reasons beyond a player's control - if a vehicle is
destroyed by enemy fire, for instance' When this happens'
the detachment must be given advance orders in the next
turn (see Tbe Order Pbase) and must move into an A force of Imperial Land Raiders has been ordered to
acceptable formation as soon as possible. cover the flank of the main army, when they encounter
an identical force of Rebel Land Raiders. It's a straight
battle - to the death.
歴馳 増 Imperial Force: 6Land Raiders, in 3 detachments of
2 vehicles each.
Rebel Forcez 6 Lend Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2

vehicles each.
6cm 6cm
LEGAL FORMAT10N Victory Conditions: The last player to have an

operational Land Raider on the table is the winner.

Htstorical bacJsground: The Imperial advance across

the Elsinore Waste to attack the city of Rosencrantz

during the Scouring of Gilden's Star was punctuated

with almost continual skirmishes between Imperial and
Rebel armoured patrols. On the outskirts of Rosencrantz ,

aLtnd Raider patrol of No. I Company, Blood Angels

Chapter, encountered an identical patrol from the Vord
Bearer Tiraitor Marines. t$fith no surprise on either side
the battle was completely wen. rVhat followed has long
been considered to be one of the classic Land Raider
vs Land Raider confrontations.


First, decide which player will take which side. If you can't
decide, roll a dice - the player with the higher score chooses
which side he wans to play, andis Firct Player (see below)
6cm 10cm for the first turn.

Next, find the data cards for the Land Raiders featured in
iLLECAL FORMAT:ON the scenario. In the first scenario, each player will need
6 Lrnd, Raider models.
Each Detachment needs a full set of order counters - one
STARTING THE GAME each of Firct Fire, Aduancg Cbatge and Fall Back. Separate
First, read briefly through this section of the rulebook. the necessary counters fromthe countersheet and give each
Don't try to learn the rules as you go; just read them player as many as he needs - three ofeach, in this scenario.
through so you get an idea of where things are in the Place all the buildings in the lid of the box. Starting with
rulebook. The best way to learn the rules is by playing the the Imperial playeg each player should take it in turn to
game - so let's get started! place one building on the playing surface - anywhere he
likes - until all the buildings ar€ on the table.
Finally, each player rolls a D6, and the player with the
First, you will need to find a suitable playing surface. Any higher score may choose which edge of the table he will
table or eret of floor 3 feet by 2 will do just fine; larger set up on. Reroll in the event of a tie. He may set up his
areas are even better. Ner(t comes the scenario. vehicles anywherc along that side of the table, within l2cm
of the edge (unless the scenario states otherwise). The other
player must then set up on the opposite edge, again within
We are the sword of fire with which the Tmilon shall be l2cm of the edge unless the scenario states otherwise.
cut down. If a specific instruction in a scenario ever contradicts these
- Commander Marren Ragno, Blood Angek general notes, always assume that the scenario is correct.
Now, you're ready to play.



Space Marine uses a strict sequence of play. Each turn In the order phase of each turn, the playem must place one
consists of a number of separate phases. It may seem order counter, face down, beside each of their deachments.
complicated at first, but don't worry - you'll soon get the Orders cannot be changed once the order phase is over.
hang of it. A lot of things can happen in a turn - movement,
shooting, ramming, and more. In real life, these things There are four types of order counter:
happen simultaneously, which is why combat in real life
is so confusing. Flrst Fire: A detachment with first fire
orders remains still and prepares its
Eachturn in Spa ce Marine is split into 4 pbases. Both sides weapons to fire at the first opportunity.
move their vehicles during the mouen cnt phase, fire the ir
weapons in the cortbat pbase, and so on. An action may None of the vehicles in the detachment may
only be performed in the appropriate phase; so, for move, not even to turn in place. The vehicles
example, you can't move in the combat phase. attack in the first fire segment of the combat phase, and
recieve a + I modifier to hit when firing on other vehicles.
The rules are laid out in the same order as the sequence
of play. The best way to learn them is to read briefly through Use first fire orders when you are on the defensive or have
them once, and then start playing your first game. As you no desire to move.
come to each new phase, read through the relevant rules
section and then perform any actions for that phase. Advance: A detachment with advance
orders moves cautiously, ready to respond
THE FIRST PLAYER quickly to any development.
Throughout the rules, we refer to the First Plaler The First The vehicles in the detachment may move
Player is the player who goes first in any phase. Being the up to their advance rate and may attack in
First Player offers both advantages and disadvantages: you the advance segment of the combat phase.
will have to move first, but you also get to shoot first in
the combat phase. If players cannot agree who will be the Advance will probably be the most common order you will
First Player at the start of the game, they should each roll choose. as it allows you to both move and fire.
a dice - the highest scorer gets to choose. Use the First
Player Marker to indicate who is the First Player. Charge: A detachment with charge orders
moves flat out, sacrificing firepower for
In the first turn of the game, the First Player must set up speed.
his forces first. At the end of the turn, the other player takes
the First Player marker, becoming the First Player for the The vehicles in the detachment may move
next turn - and so on throughout the game. up to their charge rate, but may not fire until
the charge segment of the combat phase. Vehicles following
charge orders suffer a -l modifier to hit.
Charge orders allow you to move fast, but the accuracy of
l. Order Phase your shooting will be reduced.
The players must give each of their
detachments one order counter (face down). Fall Back: A detachment with fall back
orders withdraws at high speed, evading
2. Movement Phase enemy fire.
i. Detachments with fall back orders are moved. All vehicles in the detachment may move
If both players have detachments with fall up to their charge rate, but must end their
back orders, tlre First Player must move his move further away from any and all enemy units than they
first. were at the start of the turn. Vehicles may not remain
ii. Detachments with charge orders are moved, as stationary - they must retreat at least 4cm. Vehicles with
fall back orders may not atack, but any attacks made upon
iii. Detachments with advance orders are moved.
them suffer a -l modifier to hit.
as above.
Vehicles with fall back orders may not attack, but attacks
3. Combat Phase directed at them will be less effective. Vehicles with fall
i. Detachments with first fire orders may fire. If back orders will also move before anyone else.
both players have detachments with first fire
orders, the Firct Player must fire his first. NO ORDERS
ii. Detechments with advance orders may fire, as
above. Detachments that have not been given orders m y not move.
iii. Detachments with charge orders may fire, as They may fire in the advance segment of the combat phase.
above. Forgetting to give a detachment any orders is not a good
iv. Resolve any close combats. Close combats idea. Try to avoid the practice whenever possible!
only occur when the infantry rules arcbeing
used. TIMED MOWES (Optionat Rule)
4. End Phase You may find that it helps the pace of the game if you limit
The First Player marker changes hands, and a the order phase to two minutes. This helps speed up the
new turn begins. game and rewards the player who thinks quickly and cleady
under pressure - a vittl quality for any commander!


Rogal Dorn looked up from the holo. Four of the Adeptus
Custodes stod before him, stilf with formality despite their

"Vlhat is il?"
His voice betrcyed his exhaustion. The bafrle had
raged nearly five days. Horus had tallen upn the palaae
like a wolf on a hen-hoase. The south and west si.des were
hoHing, but al a cost.
"We are cotntnanded to escorl lou to the Empemn At once, if
you will." Dorn nodded.
"Yonnad! Thlro over here! Expect a second thrust at the Lion
Gae - hold your reserte for it. Anything ehe will prcbably be
afeint. Keep tencing on the &ernity Wall - don't give them a
chance to setle in. Hold things down till I get back!"

"My lord." Liculenant Conmander Yonnad took over the holo.

Dom clippedbolt pistolandpower swordto his artnour, donned
his helmet and followed the Custodes out of the command

Outside, the sky flashed bright wilhfire and plasnu. The rebels
were getting closer-thcre was no doubtof it. Dorntoundhimself
hoping that the command chamber wouW still be there when
he got back. He climbed into the back of the Custodes' gav-
pod, and it shot across the Square of Purily into one ofthe greot
openings in the wall of the Inner Palace.

After seveml minutes, the tunnel suddenly opened out into a

vastchanber - they were past the Dmgon Woll and its defensive
systerns, and within the Inner Palace prcpen

Hundreds offeet overheod, the roof continued to display its

hologaphic blue sky, and the sound of bidsong tloated over
the inlemal comnet. The gmwpodbeganto slow asitoppvached
the huge building complex st the centre of the chamben The
Hall of Splendoun
The bronze gates - larye enough to admil a TIIan - swung open.
Beyond them, more Custodcs stood at the ready.

"Commander?" The voice was dhcreet, asking wilhout asking.

The Custodes were well-pactised in protocol.

Dorn nodded, and unclipped his weapons. He handed his

gauntlets to one of the ottendants. Wilhout even a digital laser,
he leh stangely naled, bul he undentood. Horus had been the
Emperor's closest tricnd - afier his treachery noone could be
trusted. And in any case, they couWnl tuke awoy his tmining,
his hands andfeet. Dom grunted ot the thought.

At the tar end of the chamber, the silver gates opened, The
Custodes flankcd him, and Dom nurched into thc presence of
the Emperor.
"No formalilies, Rogol." The quiet, clear voice stopped him
in mid-genutlcction. "TIme is shorl, and we have knov'n one
another too long." Dom snaightened up.
"The Imperial Fists fight well, Rogal. But we both know the
defencewill not last fur ever. Even so, you and thc lVhilescan
have bought precioas time, and I've not wasted il.

"While you fight with boller, laser and pltsma, I have fought
in nry own way. And I have found the shoftest rwd to victory
as f,uss wouU say. In less than one minule, lour mnn Yonnad
will be odercd to telcprt oll the assanll troops from your rcserte
to a locotion I have given him. My Custodes will teleport at the
sane time,
"I want you d my side, Rogal. Tal@ ap your weapons. We arc
going to fou Horus in his own command chatnben"


In the movement phase, orders for each detachment are If both players have detachments that are allowed to move
revealed, and movement is carried out. in the same segment, the First player moves all his
detachments before the second playir. In the advance
REVEALING ORDERS segment, for example, the First player moves all of his
detachments with advance orders, and then the second
Orders are revealed at the start of the movement phase, player does the same. Once all the detachments that can
when the order counters kside each deachment are tumed move in a segment have done so, move on to the next
face-up. segment.

Thus, at the start of the first segment, all detachments with MINIMUM MOVE
fall back orders have their order counters revealed and are
moved. At the start of the second segment all detachments A vehicle can be moved any distance up to the maximum
with charge orders have their orders revealed and are for the orders it received that turn including making no
moved. In the third phase, all detachments with advance more at all. For example, a Land Raider has a speed of 16124
orders have their orders revealed and are moved. on its data card, so its charge move is 24cm. Thus, a Land
Raider with charge orders can move any distance from O
Detachments with first fire orders have their orders revealed to 24cm in the charge segment of the movement phase.
at the end of the movement phase, or when any unit in
the detachment is picked to snap fire (the rules for snap Exception: Vehicles with fall back orders /nust move ar.
firing are in Tbe Combat Pbase rules section). Ieast 4cm.

You may find that you lose track of which detachments CHANGING MOVES
have which orders, so you are permitted to look at your
own order counters secretly at any time until the orders Once a player has moved a vehicle and removed his hand
are revealed. However, if you do not reveal orders at the from the model, the move mry not be changed. The
appropriate time in the movement phase, the detachment Detachment Commander is committed to the move. and
loses its orders for that turn, and is treated as having must go through with it!
no orders.
Optional Rule
Vehicles must always move straight ahead, and can only
As an optional rule, you may prefer to reveal orders in the
change direction by making turn. As we have already
appropriate segment of the movement phase, thus helping
explained, the number of turns^ a vehicle may make during
to build up a little tension ('Well, tbey didn't tnoae in tbe its move depends on the orders its detachment has been
cbarge segnrcnt - so baue tbqt got aduance orderc, or haue given (see Mouelnent Segtnents).
tbqt got first fire?').


Vehicles with fall back orders must move at least 4cm, and
The movement phase is split into three segrnentsi end their move ftrnher away from any enemy vehicles than
l. Fall Bach In the first segment, all vehicles that belong they were at the start of the turn.
to a detachment with fall back orders are moved. Each Any vehicle which has not fulfilled these two criteria ar
vehicle has two speeds given on its data card; the bigber the end of its move is considered to be destroyed -
number is its fall back distance in centimetres. despairing at their impossible position, the crew has
Vehicleswith fall back orders may be turnedtofaceinany abandoned their vehicle and run away.
direction at the start of the move, and may make one turn Vehicles with fall back orders can move in reverse (ie
of up to 90o at any time during the course of the move. directly backwards) tt batf the normal rate.
2. Charge: In the second segment, all vehicles that b€long
to a detachment with charge orders are moved. The bigber OBSTACLES
number for speed on the vehicle's d^t^ card is its charge
Vehicles may never move tbrougb a building or another
distance in centimetres.
Vehicles with charge orders may ma'ke one turn of up to
90o at any point during the move.
The Ultrunarines' Land Raider shotforwardfrom behind
3. Advance: In the third segment, all vehicles that belong the rwin, its las-cannon blazing as it rnade a despemte run
to a detachment with advance orders are moved .The lower for the cwer of the nert buiWing. Brother &spd permiffied
number for speed on the vehicle's daa card is its advance himself a tight, grim smile. "Not this time, filth," he
distance in centimetres. marmured. "I'ye becn waiting for you to nmte."
A vehicle with advance orders may make up to tt turns Twin beams flashed out from his starbocrd las-cannon,
of up to 9O" during its move. The turns may be made at striking the Loyatistjust behind the erew doon Three great
any time during the movq and more than one turn can be wheels span avay fiom the Land Roider's tunning gear, and
taken at the same time. a lengh of truck snaled ito the ain The Loyalist crushed
into the buiMing and cxplded. Gaspd exultantly rccited
Flrst Flre Orders the victory chant of the Wod Bearerc as he checkad the holo
Vehicles that belong to a detachment with first fire orders for another tatget.
are not allowed to move or turn at all.


THE MOVEMENT PHASE The beam ol light hil the missile laancher in its side,
detonating the unfired shells . There was a blinding flash
Most combat in Space Marine takes place in the combat
and the Marine dhappeared, leaving a gaping hole in
phase. However, certain attacks may be made during the
the ground and a red mist in the ain The Imperial Fists
movement phase: scottered.

RAMS They headed for the nearefi building, ducking to avoid

An armoured vehicle with charge orders may ram another the lattice of laser bohs tha criss-crpssed around their
vehicle by moving into contact with it (ie so that the models heads. A welkimed cruck grenade blew the door off its
end up touching). Its move ends with conact. hinges and allowed them entrwce into the building.

Move the vehicle model into contact with the enemy. Then They had started to file into the forkened hallway when
both players roll a D6 and add tlre opposing vehicle's AR the second floor shufien werc thrcwn open and a handful
to the score. of grenades vas thrcwn into their runks. It wos a fiap.
If the scores are tied, both vehicles suffer superficial The sfieet becone a storm otshrupnelasthefug genades
damage. expladcd, tearingthe Imperial nrts oryrt. seconds

If a player beats his opponent's score by I or 2 points, his

they had lost lulf their numben
vehicle suffers superficial damage and the opposing
vehicle is destrolted.
A detaehmenl of Land Raiden huftled arcrmd the corne r
their las-cannon swiveUing to face the tmpped Marines.
lf a player beats his opponent's score by 3 or more, his The beams of white firc vapourised a bztn nen and sent
vehicle is undamaged and the opposing vehicle is the otherc diving for cover.
Pinning them to the gound wilh boher ufirc, the huge
The effects of damage areexplainedinTbe Combat Pbase. machines swgedfomard, crushing the Marines under
their wheels and leaing a blootly hail h their wako,
SNAP FIRE The Sons ol llorus made sure the sumiwn didnl last
A detachment with first fire orders may fire on a arget while long.
it is still moving, rather than waiting for the combat phase.
Full rules forsnap firing may be foundin the next section.



Before firing, the playe r must make sure that the nominated
During the combat phase, vehicles can fire on enemy units.
The sequence in which they fire depends on their orders. target is within range of the firing vehicle's weapons, and
that is within the fire arc of the weapon mount being used.
The rules for combat may look complicated at first glance, 'Weapon ranges
but don't be put off. The underlying principles are very are given ontlee Weapons Table (note that
simple, and the main bulk of these rules is taken up with there are separate Weapons Tables for vehicle and infantry
explanation and diagrams. targets) and fire arcs are given in the section on Weapon
Locations earlier in the rulebook.
SL'MMARY OF COMBAT Where a vehicle's weapon mount holds more than one
weapon, or a weapon has more than one barrel, all the
In the combat phase, all vehicles that have target may weapons and barrels are fired at the same target. Only one
fire their weapons. A target is defined as an^ enemy unit target may be chosen for a single weapon mount, although
within the range and fire arc of one or more of the vehicle's different weapon mounts on the same vehicle may select
weapons. different targets.
Each vehicle on the table is dealt with in turn. The order Obviously, if a vehicle can't bring any weapons to bear on
in which vehicles fire is determined by two things: who a target, it can't fire at it! Three factors affect targeting: fire
is First Player for that turn, and what orders the vehicle arc, range znd line of sigbt.
has for the turn. Remember that vehicles with fall back
orders may not fire. FIRE ARC
A dice roll is made for each weapon that fires - in the case A weapons must be physically able to point at a target in
of multi-barrelled weapons, a dice is rolled for each barrel. order to fire on it. The fire arc diagrams in the section on
The score may be modified by the vehicle's orders for the Weapon Locations are used to determine whether a target
turn. Each weapon has a score to hit - modified according is within a weapon's fire arc.
to the range - and each dice that rolls this number or more
indicates a successful hit. RANGE
Measure the range from the weapon to the target using the
will damage the target. The extent of
Each successful hit
range ruler, and consult the weapons Table to find out if
the damage is determined by making a critical bit roll.
the target is at sbort or long range for the weapon being
used. This will affect the number required for a successful
The combat phase is split into four segments:
l. First Fire: All vehicles with first fire orders mav fire anv
If there is an obstacle between the vehicle and its target,
or all of their weapons. it may not be able to fire. In order to fire on a arget, a vehicle
2. Advance: All vehicles with advance orders may fire any must be able to draw a line of sight (LOS) to it.
or all of their weapons. Line of sight is a straight line from any parl of the weapon
3. Charge: All vehicles with charge orders may fire any (not just the end of the barrel) on the attacking vehicle to
or all of their weapons. aql part of the target model. If the line crosses any building
or other terrain, the LOS may be blocked.
4. Close Combat: This phase is not used in vehicle vs
vehicle combat. We'll return to it in the infantry rules, but Terrain will block the LOS if:
you can ignore it for the time being. l. It is taller than botb vehicles.
FIRING ORDER 2. It is taller than one of the vehicles, and the smaller
In each segment, the First Player fires with all of his eligible vehicle's base is touching the terrain.
vehicles, then the second player does the same. Firing is Because LOS is drawn from individual weapons, the LOS
carried out one detachment at a time; the player chooses may be blocked for some weapons but not for others. For
a detachment, and deals with the firing of all the vehicles example, if a Land Raider is firing round the corner of a
in that detachment. building, it will not be able to use some of its weapons -
If a vehicle fails to fire in its appointed segment, it cannot the las-cannons nearest the walls will have LOS blocked,
firc at all this turn - no saving shots for later! but the other pair of las-cannon will still be able to fire.
Once all the vehicles that can fire in a segment have done COVER
so, move on to the next segment.
If the targetis partially hidden from the attacker by terrain
or another vehicle, then it is it couer. A vehicle counts as
being in cover if the attacker is unable to draw a LOS to
As our bodies are armoured with adamantium, our souls all parts of the target.
arc potectedwithloyalty. As ourbohen arc charyedwith
death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are A vehicle which is actually touching a piece of terrain is
charged with his wisdom. As our runks odvance, so does said to be bull down. When a vehicle is hull down, it
our devotion, for are we not Marines? Are we not the receives the benefit ofcover from the terain, but its targets
chosen of the Empercr, his layal servonts unto dealh? do not.
Chaplain Fergas Nils, When two hull-down vehicles face each other across a piece
address to the defenderc of Poftresh of terrain, both receive the benefit of cover against each
other's fire.



Heavy Plasma Guns have two entries on the Weapons
Once a vehicle has chosen its targets, it can fire. Dice are Tables, one for sustained fire and one for maximal fite.
rolled for each weapon in turn, and modifiers are applied Plasma weapons may only be fired on maximal if the firing
as appropriate. The controlling player can decide the order vehicle has first fire orders; the vehicle must remain still
in which a vehicle fires its weapons. One hit is scored for while all power is diverted from the drive units to the
each dice that rolls the number required to bit or mote. plasma weapons.
The number can be found by cross-referring the weapon
Before a plasma weapon is fired, the controlling player must
and the range (short or long) on the relevant Weapons Table.
declare which fire mode is being used - sustained or
maximal. All plasma weapons in a single location must be
fired on the same setting.
The following factors will modify the roll to hit:

Firer's Orders: first fire +l SNAP FIRE

charge -l Vehicles with first fire orders may snap fire at any point
Thrget's Orders: fall back -l in the movement phase instead of attacking in the combat
Tatget is in cover: -l phase. This represents the vehicle's crew being prepared
Target's Armour Rating: +AR for enemy movements - they can pick off a t^rget with a
All modifiers are cumulative; so a vehicle with charge orders snapshot even if it attempts to dodge from cover to cover.
firing on an exposed target with fall back orders has two A player may interrupt an opponent's move by yelling out
-1 modifiers, and must subtract -2 from all its rolls to hit. "SNAP FIRE!" The opponent must stop moving at this
point, only completing the move (if possible) once the
MAXIMUM TO HIT attack has been resolved.
No matter what happens, a roll of I on the dice is always A vehicle making a snap fire attack may only fire on a single
a miss. If you require a score of 7 or more to hit, roll to I
target. The normal + modifier to hit for the attacker's
hit as normal. If you score a 6, you may have hit. Roll again first fire orders is ignored. Having used snap fire, the vehicle
(this second roll is neuer modified by anytbing), and may not fire in the combat phase, and should be marked
consult the following chart: with a snap fire counter as a reminder of this.
Score Needed To Hit DAMAGE
7 E 9+
Roll requlred: 1+ 5+ 6+ Each successful hit on a vehicle will cause damage. Vork
out the damage caused by each hit as soon as the hit has
For example, a las-cannon is being fired at long range by taken place.
aLand Raider with charge orders, against another Land
Raider that is in cover. Normally a 6+ would be required Remember that combat is zof simultaneous. Damage takes
to hit, but because of the -Z modifier (-l for charge orders effect as soon as it has been inflicted. For example, if an
and -l for cover, plus 0 for the target's AR) the attacker attacker has first fire orders while the target has charge
must roll an 8. Therefore, a roll of 6 followed by a 5 or orders, the attacker will fire first; if the target is destroyed
6 is needed to hit. in the first fire segment, it cannot fire in the charge segment
of the combat phase.
Some weapons have more than one barrel. These are DAMAGE PROCEDURE
indicated on the vehicle data card by a number (the number Consult the Weapons Thbles and find the critical hit roll
ofbarrels) at the end ofthe weapon location code. So, for for the weapon which scored the hit. Roll a D6.
example, the las-cannon (SwL2) on the Land Raider's data If the scoreis equal to the weapon's critical hit roll or more,
card is a twin-barrelled las-cannon. the hit has scored critical damage. A vehicle that suffers
when a multi-bamelled weapon is fired, one dice is rolled critical damage is d.estroyed, and plays no further part in
for each barrel. So the Land Raider player rolls two dice the game.
for the twin-barrelled las-cannon. If it had been a las- If the score is greater than 1, but less than the weapon's
cannon (SwL4) he would roll four dice every time it fired, critical hit roll, the hit causes superficial darnage. Avehicle
and so on. that suffers superficial damage must make a sauing throut
Although a multi-barrelled weapon rolls more than one dice (see below) to avoid being destroyed.
to hit, it is only a single weapon. This means that it can If rhe score is 1, rhe hit is deflected; it has ricocheted off
only fire at one target per turn. You can't fire one barrel the vehicle without damaging it.
at one target and the other at another t$get - you have to
pick one target and give it the whole lot!
FOLI]OWING FIRE A vehicle that suffers superficial damage must make a
sauing tbrou to avoid being destroyed. Look up the
Some weapons have following fire. This means that the
vehicle's saving throw on its data card, and roll a D6.
weapon fires a hail of shots, rather than iust one. Weapons
with followingfire are marked (F) on the Weapons Thble. If the score is equal to or greater tban the saving throw
number, the hit has no effect; it only caused very minor
If a weapon with following fire scores a hit, the attacking
damage that will not affect the performance of the vehicle.
player can roll to hit agarn- and again, and again, until a
miss is rolled. This represents the enemy being caught in If the score is /ess tban the saving throw numbet the vehicle
a swathe of fire. has been destroyed, and is removed from play.


To Hit Roll Critical

ShOrt Long Hit Roll
Light wcapOns
M11● │● Ⅲ■‐ ││‐ │‐ │‐ ■21eim ■51キ │‐ 611
Plasma Cun l,2 24cm 6+(F)
Hcavy weapons
llllCⅢ O二 ││││││││ 3Ocm 6ocm 4+
‐ ●61+ イ│
Missilc Launchcr 72cm 5+ 6+
36cm 5+

勒 ‐
Tf 2Ocm
36cm 172c・ m `■
4‐ 1

Instead of making a normal critical hit roll, roll lD6: 1-2 = Deflected, 3-6 = Superficial damage.
May only fire if attacker has first fire orders. Ignore normal + I modifier to hit for first fire orders.


:懸 t∫ 開Ъ lrdc● ‐

ttt‐ ■
Attackcr has chargc ordcrs
rdeFS +11


There are two weapons tables in this game; one for use
with vehicle targets and one for use with infantry targets. The most important thing that happens in the end phase
The Infantry Thrgets Weapons Thble is presented later; for is that the First Player hands the First Player Marker to
now, we'll concentrate on vehicles. his opponent, who becomes the First Player for the next
The weapons tables conrain the following information
about each weapon: Both players remove the turn's order counters from the
table, ready for next turn's order phase.
Range: The sbort and long ranges for the weapon.
In addition, the end phase may be used for any book-
Roll To Hit: This is the base number rhe player needs ro keeping and clearing up that needs doing.
equal or beat on a D6 to score a hit. If this number is
followed by (F) the weapon hasfollouingfire, and if it is
followed by (B) the weapon ll'as a burst circle.
Critical Hit Roll: This is the number that the player must 「
equal or beat on a D6 to score a critical bit. The game ends when:
NOTE: The Vebicle Targets Weapons Thble includes enrries A. One player has no operational vehicles left on the
for weapons that you will not find on any of the vehicle
table: A vehicle is operational as long as it has not been
data cards. These weapons are used by infantrl., and are
destroyed. When only one player has operational vehicles
dealt with later in the rules.
left on the table - the game is over. Players may move their
vehicles off the table, a vehicle which has left the table mav
not return to pla.v later on.

B. One player concedes defeat: At any time during the

game, a player may decide that he can't possibly win, and
concede the game to his opponent.

C. One player achieves his Victory Conditions: Some

scenarios have Victorl' Conditions other than simply
wiping out the other side. For example, you may need to
get your vehicles safely across the table through an enemy
ambush, or prevenr rhe enemy making it to a point which
you are defending. If you are playing a scenario which has
a particular obfective, then the game ends when one player
has achieved his objective. The notes on the scenario will
tell you how to handle this.


of the Fire Wasps. Despite thousands of casualties, the

SCENARIOS Warmaster had an overwhelming superiority of numbers
behind him, and these last defenders could easily be swept
The Wars of the Horus Heresy have raged across more than
aside. Victory seemed certain.
a million worlds. Few indeed are the inhabited worlds of
the galaxy that have been untouched by this great civil war, As the Outer Palace fell, the Emperor acted. He took
and there can be no guarantee that any Human world will personal command of an elite strike force of Adeptus
be spared the spectacle of Human fighting Human, Space Custodes and Imperial Fists, which teleported directly into
Marine fighting Space Marine, brother fighting brother. the Rebel command chamber. Horus'assault on Terra was
The conventional starting-point for the Heresy is the a strike at the heart of the Imperium; now, here was a strike
Scouring of Isstvan, when Horus destroyed all life on at the heart of the Heresy.
Isstvan III with a virus bombardment. It was now that a The Emperor's counter-attack was successful, but at a cost.
few loyal Marines from Horus' command seized the frigate Horus was killed, but the Emperor himself was grievously
Eisenstein, and carried news of the Heresy to Terra. wounded. Only his superhuman willpower kept him alive ;
Both Horus and the Emperor knew that victory would lie since that day, he has been confined to the biomechanical
with the side which delivered the first crushing blow. So life-support unit called the Golden Throne.
far, the Rebels had swept all before them; the Loyalists, taken
The death of Horus broke the rebellion. with their leader
by surprise at the outbreak of the wars, were beginning to
dead, the Rebels fell back from the Sol system, and then
co-ordinate a response, and the tide of the war was turning,
began the Great Scouring which continues to this day.
ever so slowly, in the Emperor's favour. The Tlaitors quickly
Across the galaxy, Traitor forces fight desperate rearguard
gained conrol of the Adeptus Mechanicus workshops on
Mars, and thrust straight at Terra itself. At all costs, Horus actions against advancing Loyalists. But the Imperium must
must maintain the momentum of his early victories. take care; any weakness in Imperial defences invites attack,
and on many of the thousands of battle-fronts the advantage
The forces of Horus landed on Terra, and laid siege to the still lies with the Tfaitors.
Imperial Palace. One by one, the Palace defences crumbled
before the overwhelming tide of attackers. The Palace Across the galaxy, the Imperium is advancing. But on
waswalled in with a ring of ceramite and adamantium. On thousands of individual worlds, and in hundreds of
a front over ten thousand miles long, the battle raged; but individual systems, the Tiaitors still have the upper hand.
within days of landing on Terra, Horus was within sight And the wars shall be decided world by world, and system
of the Inner Palace. Nothing stood in his Way but the by system. A successful strike at akey target could swing
Adeptus Custodes ofthe Emperor's bodyguard, the Space the tide back in the Rebels'favour; and the wars can never
Marines of the Imperial Fists and Whitescars, and the Titans truly be over until one side is annihilated to the last man.




In games like chess, the playing pieces are always set up
in the^same way, andtplayer always has the same objectivei ENGAGE&DESTROY
to fulfil in order to win the game. This isn,t the case with A force oflmperial Land Raiders has been ordered to cover
Space Marine, just as it isn't the case with combat in the the flank of the main army, when they encounter an
real wodd. Instead, the forces a player will have at his identical force ofRebel Land Raiders. It,s a straight battle
command, and the objective he must echieve, are decided - to the dearh.
by the scenario which is being played.
This section contains five scenarios for vehicle vs vehicle Impedal Player:
combats. A scenario is basically a ptcel of information, 6 Land Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2 vehicles each.
telling you everything you need to know in order to play
lg?me. Each of the game scenarios gives you the following Rebel Player:
information: 6 Land Raiders, in 3 detachmenrs of 2 vehicles each.
Imperial Player: The forces under the command of the Victory Conditions:
Imperial Player. The last player to have an operational Land Raider on the
Rebel Player: The forces under the command of the Rebel table is the winner.
Hlstorlcal Background:
Special Rules: Sometimes a scenario will have special rules The Imperial advance across the Elsinore Waste to attack
that apply throughout the game. the city of Rosencrantz during the Scouring of Gilden's Star
was punctuated with almost continual skirmishes between
Victory Conditions: Each scenario has its own Victory
Conditions, telling each player what he must do to win Imperial and Rebel armoured patrols. On the outskirts of
the game. Rosencrantz, a Land Raider patrol of No. I Company, Blood
Angels Chapter, encountered an identical patrol from the
Also, each scenario has a few notes on its historical Word Bearer Traitor Marines. Surprise was mutual on both
background, and the great battles of the Horus Heresy from sides, and there was no adlantage of terrain; the battle was
which it is drawn. completely even. rVhat followed has long been considered
For your fint game, you will be playing scenario I - Engage to be one of the classic Land Raider vs Land Raider
& Destroy. Both players should roll a dice, and the player confrontations.
with the higher score may decide to be the Rebel or Imperial
Player. After you've played Engage & Destrr4t a couple of CONVOY
times, and feel you've got used to the rules, feel free to
A detachment of Imperial Land Raiders has been ordered
choose any of the other scenarios.
to escort a detachment of Rhinos camying vital supplies.
On the way, they are intercepted by a force of Rebel Land
Brother-Captain Riltman turned on the holo. The enemy Raiders.
positions glowed red, his own forces white. A pale blue
star settled on a building marked Tower 1031. The Rebel Imperial Player:
command bunker was supposedly in its basement. 4 Land Raiders, in 2 detachments of 2 vehicles each. 4
Rhinos, in a single detachment.
As each driver completed his system checks, a Lottd Raider
icon flashed gold. Sword Seven was last, as usual; the
Rebel Player:
Tbchmarines had spent much of the night repairing it.
6 Land, Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2 vehicles each.
The comnet whispered as each crew joined in a pmyer
to the Emperor. Sword Company was nead! to move. Special Rules:
"This is Sword l*aden Company," - he paused - "follow The Rebel player m,y not use a Land Raider to attack a
me!" Rhino if it could attack an Imperial Land Raider instead.
They drove between shattered buildings, their tracks Victory Condltions:
throwing up dust and rubble. They crossed a square, with The Imperial player must get two or more of the Rhinos
gaudy markct stalls waitingfor long4ead customerc. The off the table at the Rebel player's table edge in order to win.
Land Raiden cmshed through them all, truiling sbeamen The Rebel player must wipe out the entire Imperial force
of bright cloth. to win. Any other result is a draw.
Rittman kept his eyes on the holo. The Rebel lines were
away totheirright, behindaEne of buildings. Aheadthe Historlcal Background:
mod turned to tangled, impassable wreclwge. It was time Perhaps the most famous convoy action of the Horus
to break cover. Heresy was carried out by Land Raiders and Rhinos ofNo.
3 Company, Crimson Fists Chapter, during the defence of
"Company, left wheel." The Land Raiden johed across Gramercie in the Sangrzal ca,mpa,ign. The planetxy
the rubble.It was open all the way to the Rebel positions. population had been decimated by an orbital virus bomb
A killing ground, which must be cmssed quicHy. to which the Rebel forces had the only antidote. After a
Nttman switched the holo to extemal, and saw a missile heroic raid on a Rebel insallation, the Crimson Fists convoy
coming stmight at his Land Raider. The hull shuddered, fought its way through the massing Rebel forces and
and Riltman stared at the damage displays. All clean The delivered the antidote to the garrison of Gramercie in the
missile had malfunctioned! Surely herc was an omen - nick of time. Brother-Captain Parzval, who commanded
the Emperor's luck! the action, went on to a highly distinguished career, finally
to become Imperial Commander of the Crimson Fists.

This section includes all the charts and tables from the game, presented together for ease of

I,ocatlon Code Flre Arc

Orders Move Rate WcaDon Use
TuFFet■ ■ ‐ ││‐ ■ ■■ │ ITII 360'
Fiお FCI NOlmovc SwL 180°
8cm SwivCI MOunt― lcft sidc

毅 鮮 ,■ 1■ │● │││││.1億 ⅢI“ ││ S■■ 1801
swivel Mount‐ front SwF 180°
lChl絶 rll 16c轟 11■ i ‐
Fall Back i``■
May not attack S■ ive,MIIIIl bac=│■ ■ 1101
Fixed Mount‐ front "B
FxF 90°


rixed Moint‐ │lbackl lll FxBI 901
I Support weapons fall into two categories, ligbt a,nd heauy'
as shown on tlr'e Infantry Thrgets weapons Table
2 Infantry equipped with iump packs may move 3O cm under Tb be surc, our vehiclcs an smdl - smaller than the Eghtest
these orders. Titan. They mount only the smaller weapons, and lack
I Infantry may make any number of turns during movement. the protection of even a single Void Shield. We may be
4 Infantry embarked on vehicles follow the movement rules blasted to ash, or crushed underfoot.
for the vehicles. The infantry may disembark at any point
in the vehicle's movement, and may then move as infantry But there are many of our small vehicles . There are many
in the same movement phase. of our small weapons. Even rhe deadliest Tilan will tokc
5 Infantry may only move into close combat with charge some time to kill all of us. And therein Ees our vhtue,
6 Infantry may ent€r an unoccupied building if it is in base for in that time, our li.ttle weapons may kill him.
contact with the building at the start of the movement phase. - Brcther-Cafiain Hardur Monen, Space fiblves Chaffer


Thcsc tablcs uni″ all thc wcapons tablcs in this gamc,and thc wcapon tablc from
И″p′ ″S ri″ ″c″ s

麒 醐 1=長 1111
辮 轟
weapon l Range TO Hit Roll Critical
Short ■onQ Short Long Hit Roll
Light wcapons

ま I‐ 11‐


Hcavy Weapons
A● tOIを 螢hnO■ │■ ■■ 360轟 7121ml ■51+││ 161キ ││ 161=
Las‐ cannon 30cm 60cm 4+ 6+ イ+
MiS11111111● ChO「 │││ 3161轟 712Cm ■51+││ ■61■ ││ 151+│
Multi‐ launchcr 36cm 72cm 4+(B) 6+(B) 5+
Multilm`ltal■ ││││││ 12cml 24さ 轟│ 151+││ ●61■ ││ 131■ │
HCa` γ plasma gun:
Sustaincd 20cm 6+(F) 6+
Maximal 36cm 72cm 4+ 6+ 5+

蹴 cannon
纂ギ 1::l:‐ 72Cm 〕10) ‐
Macro― 72cm 3+(B) 3+

il撫 夕:│││││ :::霊 ‐ 7.2111 錦 :為 `││

31■ │

Roll lD6; 1-2 = Deflected, 3-6 = Superficial damage.
May only fire if attacker has first fire orders. Ignore normal + I modifier to hit for first fire orders.
Note that the ,B4sic weapons used by infantry do not affect Titans or vehicle s, nor do heavy bolters or vehicle mounted bolters.

輻 轟 難
Range To Hit Roll Saving Throw
Weapon Short Iong Short Long Modlfler

Boltcrs 12cm

Light wcapOns
0 一1・一

l"い │■ ■● 01ntedllllllll 161キ

イ ¨
Mclta― gun 12cm 6+

llasmlLIIII:11111111111 11Ⅲ │
I :`Ⅲ 4‐ 1511

器露脚 :1≒ . 1712碗 1511:

Hcavy boltcr 20cm 4ocm 4+ 6+
114111411011111111111 60さ h 16111
Missilc launchcr:
Frag missilc 72cm 5+
Plasrna missilc 72cm 5+

l鮒 20cm く01h │1414・ :● 161キ


Multi― launchcr 72cm '21轟 5+(B)
Mtiti島 姜:Й IIII■ ■■■ ■2お 正 21`さ m │1411■ │ ,│■ :

Very Hcavy Weapons

I11■ 行■│■ ■,││ 72cm 11(恥
Macro― cannon 72cm 4+(B)

l颯≒│ 200轟
36c晨 `輸
72で 轟 (=)
│`││て ,)

I Infantry units with charge orders may not use ranged weapons.
2 May only fire if attacker has first fire orders. Ignore normal modifier to hit for first fire orders.
3 Note th^t the plasma gun rcfened to in the Adeptus Titanicus rules is the beauy ptasma gun.


Roll D6 in the order phase for any infantry detachment without

a commander.

6 or mOrc
2151■ ■││ 辮btttt6■ ヽ おLぎ
l or icss

fall back,rout tcst2

雛器計 F者 ピ

躍議 轟盤亀罵IttIII■ ■ 1
Detachmcnt given fali back ordcrs iast turn -1
I Detachments with no orders may not move, and fire in
the advance segment of the combat phase.
2 The player must roll lD6 for each stand in the detachment.
On a roll of I or 2 the smnd routs, and must be removed
from play.

Moving into close combat: lnfantry may only move into base
Note that alehicle or infantry stzndmay onlyfire in the segment contact with enemy infantry or vehicles if they have charge
indicated by its orders for the turn. orders for that turn.
l. Check that the target is within: Firing at attackers: If an infantry stand has first fire orders,
a. line of sight from the firer; it may fire during the movement phase at any infantry stand
b. fire arc of weapon(s) being used; which is moving into close combat with it. This is the ozl7
c. range of weapon(s) being used. firing that the infantry stand may carry out in the turn.
ps56lylng close combat: This takes place in the close combat
2. Measure range - check against appropriate Weapons Iizble
to find roll required to hit. segment of the combat phase. Where a close comblt is one-
on-one, check the infantry data card to find the close assault
3. Check Firing MMtfters Table and adjust roll required to factor(CAF)for the attacking stand. Roll one dice, add the CAF
hit as appropriate. If the final required number is more than and add any appropriate modifiers from rhe Infantry us
6, consult t}J,e Martmurn to Hit t,;ble. Infantry sectionofthe Close Assault Thble. Repeat the process
for the defenders. The stand with the lower final score has lost
4. Roll dice to hit - one dice for each barrel in the case of multi- the close combat, and must a sauing tbrow to avoid
barrelled weapons. destruction, just as in normal combat. In the case of ?tie, botb
sides must make saving throws.
5. Discard dice which roll less than the required number to hit.
Vehlcles ln close combat: Vehicles in base contact with enemy
5a. If the target is an infantry stand, consult the appropriate infantry are assumed to be in close combat. Close combats are
daa card to find tlre saaing tbrora number. Reroll all dice which resolved as normal, except that a different set of modifiers is
hit; if any rolls less than the saving throw number, the stand used. When rolling for vehicles, use the Vebicles us Infantry
is destroyed and removed from the table. section of the Close Assault Tizble; when rolling for the infantry
6b. If the targer is a vehicle, consult the Vebicle Target weapons use the Infantry us Vehicles section. Nore that a vehicle data
Thblc to find, critical blt roll. Rreroll all dice which hit. If any card has two CAF values: always use the second for resolving
dice rolls equal to or greater than the critical bit roll for the close combats with infantry.
weapon and range, the vehicle is destroyed and removed from
the table. If no dice rolls a critical hit, consult the vehicle's
data card to find the saulng tbrou number. Discard all dice
which rolled 1, and reroll the rest. If any dice rolls less than
the saving throw number, the vehicle is destroyed and removed
from the table.
Speclal cases: note that there are special rules relating to
weapons with burst circles - m?fked,(B)onthelYeapons Tabks
- weapons withfollowingftre captbility - marked (F) on the
tfr'eapons Tables - andplastna weapons. Consult the full rules
when using such weapons.

Score Needed To Hit

Roll reqvircd is
6 followed by: 1+ 5+ 6+


During the movement phase, a vehicle may attempt to ram an Detachment

enemy vehicle or Titan ot ouelTun an enemy infantry stand, T}pe Units No & TYpe Battle Ratin〔
by moving into base contacty with it. A vehicle's movement
always ends when it makes a ram attack; if it survivcs an
蹴 ticalllllll イ│.TactitillSltand5111 5091か olⅢ II
overrun, it may carry on moving as normal.
Octa● hme● │ 41SlppoⅢ ISIIⅢ OIII
Rammlng vehlcles: Both players roll a dice and add the AR 2 CO― ndc`■ ││
of the opposing vehicle.
Assault 4 Assault Stands 300 polnts
- If one player wins by 3 or more, his opponenr's vehicle is Detachment l Conlmandcr
destroyed and his own vehicle is undamaged.
- If one player wins by l-2 points, his opponent's vehicle is D●vastatorl 4 De,astitOrstahdζ 41`01,01111
destroyed and his own vehicle suffers superficial damagei it DO● こhment l CO血 血五五der‐ ││■ │
is destroyed if it fails a, saaing tbrow.
Land Raldcr
both vehicles suffer superficial damage,
- In the event of a tie, Detachmcnt 2 Land Raidcrs 40o polnts
and must make saving throws as above.
Rhino l
Ramming Tltans: Roll as for a normal ram attack, adding the
modifiers fromthe Ram Modifierc - Vebicle us Titan table. A
De● Ohment 14 Rhinё sll■ ■│■ ■ ,801や OintS
vehicle ramming a Titan is always destroyed. Void shields are Whirlwind
ignored, since the ram attack takes place inside them Detachmcnt 4 Whirlwinds 240 points
- If the vehicle player wins by I or more, the Titari suffers critical
damage to its legs.
- If the vehicle player wins by l-2 points, the Titan suffers
superficial damage ro its legs.
If the scores are tied or the Titan wins. the Titan suffers no
damage. 2D6Ron Rcsult
8 or morc Succcss
Overrunnlrrg lnifantry: The vehicle player rolls 2D6 and adds ‐417111 lF薇 1● Icl
they'rst of the two CAF numbers on the data card. The infantry
3 0r iCSS l)isastcr
player rolls 2D6 and adds the CAF for the stand which is be ing
overrun. The player with the lower final score must make a MOdirlers
sauing tbrou., or his unit is destroyed.
Elitc dctachmcnt +1

Rcsults arc cxplaincd in thc HerOノ σИε′グ

0″ s scCtiOn of thc
∠グυα″ε′グ G´ ″ ′rulcs

Light Baffage - Battle Rating IOO points

Vehicles and Titans Nottdl :
Infantry 0

Medium Baffag€ - Battle Ratlng 2OO points

Vehicles and Titans
Infantry ‐

Heavy Barage - Battle Rating 3OO polnts

Vthiclcs and Titans 1 3+ i 3+
Infantry | 4* ‐

BrarL′ ′働 ′
″商 ″ε″″ ル B“lc I肋 〃 arttθ sPac′ Slowly, he feh his mind grcv: detachedfrom the motion,
開 ッじs sttθ m″ ン 動 θ助 ″R磁 ″加 cttЛ 彙″ 暉 湯控 the noise and the ever-changing light. The great twin las-
s″ ■θ ′α εrass″ θわル ′働`脱
θ″′ Jtts力 θ
″ cannon on the Land Rnider's potl side moved smoothly,
′ “
λras″ ′″″ル″θ "g″ “ "4αα
ルri4FstigFsげ “
Sra7ο ″Praas“ ″ sconed the positian. Thel
following his eyes as they Rebel
g“ αtte■ ′ο″ οsilen′ りり晟s,clea"ag
He ca"`θ ″′ ″ο fired, and a Rcbel l-and Rd.der bunt likc a food sac in
力お ″ “ `λ an airlock. Still the great lasen moved, firing seemingl!
"a of their own volition as Culverin watched. A second Rebel
`0“ θα″ ι ″ ο″α″″″口月 ろ
Land Rnider died in a gout otflame. Culverin was dimly
0″ ′うθJ“ g読 ″ α Jみ
aware of heot, and thc smeU of buming, but they seemed
動お04′ おル "″ cθ ″
″ "滅J嘔
to come from another world. He was one with his
A″ 溜′″sra2お ″θり み′
辱 S″JJ.'



Imperial Land Raiders attack the Rebel front line with the An Imperial force of Land Raiders and Rhinos falls into a

aim of inflicting casualties and withdrawing once Rebel deadly ambush.

reinforcements arrive.
Imperial Player:
Imperial Player: 6 Land Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2 vehicles each' 8
4 Land Raiders, in 2 detachments of 2 vehicles each. 8 Whidwinds, in 2 detachments of 4 vehicles each.
Whirlwinds, in 2 detachments of 4 vehicles each.
Rebel Player:
Rebel Player:
2 detachments of 2 vehicles
6Land Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2 vehicles each.
Initial Force: 4 Land Raiders, in
each. Reinforcements (see Special Rules): 4 Land Raiders, Special Rules:
in 2 detachments of 2 vehicles each. The Rebel player sets tp all the scenery. He nominates a
Special Rules: point on the table, and the Imperial player must set up all
The Imperial player is the First Player in the first turn of of his vehicles within l2cmof that point. The Rebelplayer
the game. The Rebel player may set up his initial force up then sets up 4nywbere onthe table, but at least l6cm away
to 30cm in from his edge of the table' The Rebel player rolls from any of the Imperial player's vehicles.
a D6 in the end phase of each turn to see if his The Imperial ptayer must give all of lris detachments
reinforcements arrive. On the first turn they arrive on a advance orders for the first turn. The Rebel player is always
roll of l, on the second turn they arrive on a roll of I or the First Player in the first turn of the game.
2, and so on. The reinforcements may enter anywhere along
the Rebel player's table edge. Victory Conditions:
Yictory Conditions: Both players receive a number of victory points equal to
Each player receives a number of victory points equal to the battle rating of any enemy vehicles that are destroyed.
the battle rating of any enemy vehicles that are destroyed' At the end of the game, the player with the highest victory
The Imperial player must beat the Rebel player's victory points total is the winner.
point total by 250 points or more in order to win. The Rebel
player must beat the Imperial player's total to win. Any Hlstorical Background:
other result is a draw. The advance on Meramar on Thedarc II was an
exceptionally bloody action, hard-fought every inch of the
Histodcal Background: way. Retreating Rebel forces made good use of temain and
The Thllarn campaign saw some of the most protracted surprise to mount ambushes against Imperial scouting
actions of all the wars of the Horus Heresy. The capital city forces. The only Imperial force to survive an ambush intact
ofRogsburg changed hands several times during the three- in this action was from No. I Company, Space Volves
year campaign. Both sides spent months testing each other's Chapter, under the personal command of Imperial
lines, and No. 4 Company of the Dark Angels Chapter was Commander Leman Russ.
iust one force assigned to tie up enemy forces in skirmishing
while heavy attacks were planned elsewhere. They became ALL OUT WAR
highly proficient at hit-and-run raiding, inflicting heavy
casualties and withdrawing in the face of reinforcements. This is rlarger version of Engage & Destroy, using every
model supplied with the game!

Imperlal Player:
8 Land Raiders, in 4 detachments of 2 vehicles etch. 16
Whirlwinds, in 2 detachments of 4 vehicles each.
Rebel Player:
8 Land Raiders, in 4 detachments of 2 vehicles each. 16
Whirlwinds, in 4 detachments of 4 vehicles each.
Special Rules:
Each player may only set up one detachment at the start
of the game. In the end phase of the turn, each player may
enter one more detachment. Reinforcement detachments
must be set-up within 12cm of the player's table edge.

Victory Conditions:
The last player to have an operational vehicle on the table
is the winner.

Histodcal Background:
The conflict popularly known as the Erssian Bloodbath saw
actions on every conceivable scde and with every available
force and combination of forces.
As a massive Imperial ask force advanced upon a complex
thought to house the stolen body of tXrarmaster Horus, the
Rebels threw every available resource into its defence. Large-
scale battles were fought across a front over fifty miles long,
and armoured skirmishes like this one were commonplace.

Brother-Captain Gatham looked in horror at the broken, bloodied corpses of his men. They clung to the shattered pillars, held
by thick ropes of steel that cut into their limbs. All were dead.
Gatham silent$ put down the viewers, carefully laying them on a nearby rock. His voice was shocked and quiet. "How could
they? How could they do that to their Brothen..."
Then something snapped. Gatham turned and spat into the dirt, damning the Traiton' souls under his breath and bringing
his gloved fist down onto the rock. "They will pa.y for their blasphemy. Every last one of them will pmy for death when I have finished."

The staircase erupted, scattering rock across the temple floor. The Ultramarines' bolters burst into life, spraying the enemy's
ranks with a hail of exploding shells. Dozens of Traitors fell as the Ultramarines advanced, pushing them towards the altar
The last seven Sons of Horus stood ready for the coup de grace, awaiting Gatham's revenge.
The Ultramarines' bolters lit up as one, throwing the Traiton backwards. Their bodies jerked as they were torn apart by the
falling in a crumpled heap at the base of the pillars, Gatham nodded, satisfaction evident in his expression. "For
shells, ftnally
the Brothers, They have been avenged."

Infantry are the basic building block of an army. They can move into areas that are
impassable to vehicles or Titans and, in the right circumstances, they are capable of
defeatlng Land Ralders and even the mighty Titans themselves.
In Space Marine, infantry are organised into stands. Each INFANTRY DATA CARDS
stand represents a group of 5 Marines, trained to move and
fight as a team. Each type of unit has an infantry data card carrying the
Each member of an infantry stand is armed
following information :
with a basic
ueapon bolter in the case of most Marine stands - and
in addition, stand may have one or mot€ support ueapons
to provide extra firepower, such as a missile launcher or
heavy bolter.

IEヽ 日FArヽ 日「
可 RY S句 rrヽ ND ͡

Infantry stands are split into four types; Thctical, Support,

Assault and Deuastator Stands.
Each type of Space Marine infantry stand has its own
infantry data card,withall the relevant information about
weapons, effectiveness in combat, armour and so forth
presented in an easy-to-use format.
Tactical and Support Stands are the most widely used Name: The name and type of the stand.
Space Marine infantry units, with standard Marine issue
weapons and equipment. In most combat situations, a Basic Weaponsz Tlre basic weapons carried by the stand.
Space Marine infantry force will be composed of equal
numbers ofTactical and Support Stands, providing an ideal
Support Veapons: The number and type of support
ueapons carried by the stand.
mix of light and heavy firepower.
Assault Stands are units of Space Marines who are Close Assault Factor(CAF): This number represents the
specially trained and equipped for close combat and stand's effectiveness in close assault against other stands
storming defended positions such as enemy bunkers, gun or vehicles. The higber the number the better.
emplacements and buildings. Their bolters are replaced
Saving Throw: This represents how well-armoured the
with bolt pistols and other close combat weapons, making stand is. The lowerthe number, the better; if a stand must
them less effective in a fire-fight than a Thctical Stand, but make a sauing tbrow, you must roll this number or more
ideally suited to close assaults. on a D6.
Devastator Stands are the other type of specialist Space
Marine infantry units. They put the emphasis on heavy Battle Rating (BR): This number represents the stand's
firepower rather than close-combat effectiveness. With effectiveness in battle. The higher the BR, the deadlier the
additional heavy weapons, they specialise in picking off infantry stand. Battle ratings are used in some scenarios,
armoured vehicles and pounding enemy positions from where players are given a certain number of points to spend
a distance. and are allowed to pick their own forces. The BR is the
stand's 'points cost' in these circumstances.
Notes: Any special rules that apply to the stand.

Brother Halan ran tortard, his bolter jumping as he

slammed shell after shell into the Traitors' ranks.
Intoxicated with pride, he shouted the Litany of Victory
at the top of his voice and threw a handful of grenades
into a neariy t ench. There was a series of mufrled cmcks
and a sheet of eatth and shmpnel eruptedfrom the hole.
Halan sprinted aner and drcpped into the ditch, grinning.
The muddy floor was covered with the bodies of dead
and dying.
He picked up a helmet, and the reality of the situation
firully hit home. "Thqt're Marines!"


If an infantry detachment finds itself out of formation' you
Infantry stands must be organisedinto detacbments inthe may choose a disbandpart of the detachment rather than
same manner as vehicles. All of the stands in a detachment giving the whole detachment advance orders to bring one
must be of the same type, and a detachment may not stand back into formation.
include both infantry and vehicles (though a detachment
Disbanding represents the infantrymen scattering and
of infantry may, of course, be embarked on vehicles that
retreating to a rallying point off the battlefield, making the
are part of a separate detchment).
maximum use of smoke and cover as they move. They are
Like vehicle detachments, infantry detachments ,nlst concentrating on making it to the rallying point, and play
remain within 6cm of each other, with no gaps of more no further part in the battle. An infantry stand that is
than 6cm. If the detachment is split by more than 6cm it disbanded is treated as destroyed, and removed from play
must be given advance orders next turn, and must move immediately. You may disband stands at any time in the
back into an acceptable formation as soon as possible. turn sequence, removing the relevant sands straight away.
Standard infantry detachments are listed in the scenarios Although it destroys the stands, you may wish to disband
and in the section on Designing Your Own Forces in Tbe part of an infantry detchment to avoid the detrimental
Aduanced Game. effects created by formation restrictions. For example, if
you don't want to give a detachment advance orders iust
DETACHMENT COMMANDERS to reform a single stand, the separated stand could be
An infantry deachment is alwaysledby acommande4who disbanded instead. Perhaps a couple of stands may have
is vital for its effective control. The scenarios and army survived the destruction of a vehicle, while the rest of their
lists state how many commanders each detachment has. detachment is still safely embarked and moving on. To
maintain formation, all the vehicles would be reduced to
Each commander must be attached to a stand in the
moving at the same speed as the disembarked infantry
detachment, and must remain with that stand throughout
stands. Disbanding the two stands on foot allows the rest
the game. Only one commander may be attached to a sand,
of the detachment to continue moving at full speed.
but a detachment may have more than one commander.
When an infantry stand is destroyed, an attached
commander is also killed.
Brother-Captain Fenlan opened the Rhino's hatch and
To indicate that an infantry stand has an attached pokcdhis head out. He caughtthefaint stench ofsulphur
commander, the stand is marked with one of the plastic in the air before his respinxor rattled into life and fihered
banners. it out. Checking the seals of his suit, he cast a glance
towards the enemy.
If an infantry detachment does not have a commander, it
must make a morale test (see below) at the start of each The Traiton were just visible on the hoizpn, the pure
order phase. white of their uniforms a stark contmst to the featureless
red sand that stretched as far as the eye could see. He
A stand with an attached commander has its close assault
tried to make an estimole of their numberc, but the heat
factor increased by +1.
haze distorted his vision; he guessed there were about five
thousand. but it could well have been twice that number.
As for his own side, they hadjust under seven thousand'
At the start of the order phase, any infantry detachment
without a commander must make a morale test. The two sides charged. Fenlan's Salamanden drove into
the centre of the Death Guards, a column of dark green
The player rolls a D6, zddingany morale modifie,'s to the
cutting through the Trailor's white. Along the edges of
score, and consults the Morale Thblcbelow:
the column there were bright veins of flashing light as
the Marines exchanged shots. Wth painful slowness the

il婁華難難華:灘懇轟蠅 ::華 華
:華 green mass began to spread sideways, clearing itself a
pqth with heaty bolter fire, pushing forward over the
Modifled bodies of the fallen.
Dice Roll Result Permitted Orders
The rest of the Salamanders' swung around the Death
6 or morc
Guards'flanks, trying to surround them and box them

剛it愛 11電 計:計 ●

in, but the Tmiton refused to yieW. They fought for every
l■ ●│■ ■│ │''mOdl :

Fall back
inch of gmund, simultaneously pushing back the tlanking
l or lcss
force and squeezing the line oftroops that bisected them,
Notes isolaing il within a circle of their own rnen. Suddenly
caught with nowhere to run, the Salamanden'mainforce
l:Detachments with no orders may not move, and fire
was slaughtered; within a matter of minutes every lnst
in the advance segment of the combat phase.
Marine was blown apart, his hroken body trampled
2: The player must roll a D6 for each stand in the underfoot,
detachment. On a roll of I or 2 the standrouts, and must
Fenlan wotched as his troops began to lose the advantage,
be removed from play.
his despair becoming strcnger as each explosion srnashed
their runks. His hand shaking, he pickcd up the comlink.
Morale Modlflers
"Brother Captain Fenlan. Treab's World, Northern
Sulphur Desert. Request immediate reinforcements. We
3:こ 出翼:::紹T″ 轟 器躍罵Ⅲ
Ⅲ│■ ぢ 1機
Dctachmcnt givcn fali back ordcs iast turn:=‐
are engaged in combal with a larye Traitorforce, and are
sustaining heavy losses."



lofantry deachments are affected by orders in the same In the same way zs a vehicle, infantry stands have two
way as vehicle detachments. Orders are given to whole different movement rates: aduance or citarge. The distznce
detachments, not to individual stands. The orders that are that an infantry sand can move depends on what orders
given to an infantry detachment affect how far it can move it was given for the turn, as shown above. Infantty m y
and which weapons it may fire, as shown onthe Infantry move in any direction or combination of directions during
Orderc Table below. their move - unlike vehicles, they don't have to worry about
making turns or which way they are facing.
In addition, infantry detachments with first fire orders
count as being in soft cover when in open terrain, as it is
assumed that they will be lying down and making use of CI-OSE COMBAT
any cover that is available.
When an infantry stand is in base-to-base contact with
enemy infantry, it is considered to be engaged in close
combat. Full rules for close combat are given in the section
11■ │
on The Combat Pbase.
Orders Move Rate Weapon Use An infantry stand may only move into base-to-base conracr
with an enemy stand if it has charge orders. An infantry
Fiヽ tlrircl NOI :move │"lapon■ │■ │││
4■ ア
Advancc 8cm Basic WcapOns and stand that is already in base-to-base contact with an enemy
Light suppOrt、tapons stand may only move away if it has fall back orders.
c摯 嘔ell 16こ mi 13,■ ●Veaponsl● ●1,││
Fall 16cn12 May not attack JI.'MP PACKS
Notes rVorn by Assault Stands to carry them quickly into combat,
l: Support weapons fall into two categories, light and jump packs allow Marines to make a a series of short
heary, as shown on the Infantry Tatgets Weapons Thble. powered jumps during their move. If an Assault Deachment
is given charge or fall back orders, it may move up to 30cm
2: Assault stands are equipped with jump packs and may instead of the usual l6cm. Jump packs don't allow true
move up to 30cm under these orders. flight and, although stands can move over other infantry
or vehicles, they cannot fly over Titans or buildings.


CARRYING口 NFANTRY IN VEH口 CLES Show that a stand has entered a building by placing it on
the roof, at any point not already occupied by another
The data cards for some vehicles sutte that they may carry stand. A maximum of four infantry stands may be placed
infantry. The processes ofgetting infantry stands on and on a T:shaped building and a maximum of five stands may
off vehicles are known as embarking and disembarking be placed on a cross-shaped building.
An infantry stand inside a building which has advance or
To embark, a stand must have advance or fall back orders, charge orders may move to any area on the roof during the
and the vehicle must have first fire orders. As long as the movement phase, or may leave the building. Stands with
stand can reach the vehicle, they may embark. Embarked fall back orders must leave a building if they are in one.
stands are removed from the table, and the player makes Stands leave buildings during the movement phase. Place
a note of which vehicle they are in. In following turns, the
the stand at any point beside the building that is not
vehicle moves and fights normally, taking the infantry with
occupied by an enemy stand, and then move it normally.
it until the infantry disembarks.
An infantry stand with advance or charge orders may COMMAND CONTROL IN BUILDINGS
disembark from a vehicle which has advance or first fire Infantry stands within the same building always count as
orders. If the vehicle has advance orders, the stand may being within 6cm of each other with regards to detachment
disembark at any point during the vehicle's move, and then formations. A stand that is within 6cm of a building, or
move normally itself. Vhen a stand disembarks it must be is in another building that is within 6cm, counts as being
placed next to the vehicle it is leaving. The stand may not within 6cm of any stands inside the building.

fire on the turn in which it disembarks, but it may take part


in close combat if it has charge orders. A sand with advance

orders may not disembark into contact with enemy stands.

Note that embarked sands and the vehicles that are carrying

them must still obey the rules for detachment formations.
If a detachment of infantry is embarked on vehicles from
more than one vehicle detachment, the vehicles carrying
the infantry must observe the formation rules both for the
infantry and for their own detachments.

Infantry are capable of entering buildings and moving about
inside them. This is often a good tactic, as the building will
provide plenty of hard cover for anyone inside. On the other
hand, a lot of the weapons on the battlefield are quite
capable of destroying buildings, which can be very bad
news for any infantry inside the building at the time.


An infantry sand can enter a building if it is in base contact
with it at the start of the movement phase, prouided th^t
When a building is destroyed (see The Combat Pbase), t
no enemy infantry are inside the building. If the building
rubble counter is placed on the roof to indicate that the
is occupied by enemy troops, a series of clo$e combats must
building has been reduced to a smoking ruin. Vehicles may
be fought before the building can be 'liberated' - all this
not enter rubble, and infantry move through a ruin at half
is explained in the section onTbe Combat Pbase.Infantry
their normal move rate. Anv infantrv stand in rubble counts
stands may not enter a building which is occupied by enemy
as being in hard cover.
infantry and may only move into base-to-base contact with
the building if they have charge orders - just like entering
any other close combat situation. AirTACKS IN THE MOVEMENT PHASE
When a battle involves both infantry and vehicles, there
is an additional kind of attack which can be made in the
Bruther Gormn was thrcwnfunvad hy the *plosion. His movement phase.
worldwas consamedby abilliantwhite lightas the lsser
bok hir the turf beside him, filling the air with dit and VEHICLE OVERRUNS
smokc. The noisewasdeafening andthe stenchof burnt During their movement, vehicles m y ouelTun infantry
oune almost chokod him. He hit the gound, and lay still. stands which are in the open. The vehicle must have charge
When he ghnted up the bdtle had reached him. orders, and must move into base-to-base contact with the
infantry stand it wishes to overrun.
Ou ofthe corner ofhis eye he saw the brighttlash oI
a plasma gun hi.ting home, andfek a geat weighttall The player controlling the vehicle rolls 2D6 and adds the
acrcss his shonldcn otd roll offto one side For a moment vehicle's overrun value (the.,firsf number given on the data
he stated into the Tluilor's qtes us he lq baide him. Then card for close assault factor). The player controlling the
he whipped his boher up atd sqao end the trigen Gonun infantry rolls 2D6 and add the infantry's CAF. The player
caught the fear in the Truitor's eyes as he blew the with the lower score must make a saving throw; if the saving
Maine's skall aprt. He intoned a brief puyer wilhoat throw is failed, the unit is destroyed. Vehicles that are not
emotion, without regret. destroyed may carry on moving after an overrun if the
player wishes.


so that the closest target is one of those attacked, but

COMBハ ご PHASE otherwise can be placed freely so that as many units as
possible are irnder the burst circle.
In the combat phase,inf・ antry bchavcs in much thc samc
way as vchiclcs.Thc rulcs in this scction covcr thc
cxccptions to thc combat rulcs forゃ chicics
Infantry stands that are ina building fitay not trace a LOS
TARGETING through a wall that they are not touching. Similarly, they
cannot have a LOS drawn to them if the atacking stand
must trace the LOS through a wall that the stand is not
An infantry stand has a 36Oo arc of fire with all of its


In the combat phase, an infantry stand may make one attack
with all of its basic weapons, and one attack with each
of its support wezrpons.
Most weapons are capable of attacking both infantry and
vehicles. A weapon may be used to attack one or the other,
not both, in the same turn. For examplg a Land Raider has
a Rhino and an infantry stand in the arc of fire of its left
hand las-cannon. It may either attack the vehicle or the
infantry, not both.
Some weapons, such as bolters, are only effective against Stand l has no LOS to stand B
infantry. These weapons may not be used against non- Stand 2 has no LOS to stand A
infantry targets.
At the start of the combat phase, t player may declare that
TARGETING INFAIYTRY STANDS any stand in a building is biding. A stand that is hiding
Fire against infantry stands must always be directed at the cannot see out of the building, and cannot be seen, even
closest stand which is in the LOS and fire arc of the firer. if the LOS is drawn through a wall that the sand is touching.
If two or more targets are at the same range, the attacker Stands that are hiding may be attacked in close combat,
may choose which is attacked. Burst circle s must be placed which is covered later on.


鸞難華華難晰 躙
Range To Hit Roll Saving Throw
Weapon Short Iong shOrt Long Modifier

Basic Wcapons
3olllPiSt01SI I‐ 18Cml 4‐ +

Boltcrs 12cm 4+ 5+

Light suppOrt Wcapons

Ve11,le‐ M。 ,IECI■ │││■ │
Boltcrs 24cm 6+ 0
■1lta101nll lll lll l‐ │ ■2tFn 61キ 11

Plasma Gun l 8cm 24cm ++ 5+ -1

Heavy Support Weapons

Auto-Cannon 72Cm‐ 5■
Heavy Bolter 20cm 40cm 4+ 6+
Las-Cannon ω 6.│
Missile Launcher: `ふ
- Frag Missile 72cm 5+ 0
- Plasma Missile 72cm 5+ -1

Heavy Plasma Gun:
- Sustained 1210● 400m n: ‐
- I\{aximal " 17121こ m‐ 51
Infantry units q'ith charge orders may only attack in close combat.
I - May only fire if attacker has first fire orders; the firer does not receive the normal + I modifier to hit



■rgllい lol● ││,¨ │10rdC■ 1

Targct is in soft covcr 1

llrgel iS inll年 1111● ●││││ 2

Notes “

The attacker does not receive a + 1 modifier for first fire orders when attacking an infantry stand.
Infantry stands in the open with first fire orders count as being in soft cover.
Infantry stands inside buildings or in rubble count as being in hard cover.


To make a saving throw, the target player must roll a D6,
Use the Infantry Thrgets Weapons Thble when attacking
infantry stands. A roll to hit is made for each weapon, as adding tlae sauing tbroto modifier from the Infantry
normal. Note that the basic weapons of an infantry stand Thrgets Weapons Thble. lf the result is equal to or greater
count as a sigle weapon, and a single roll to hit is made than the saving throw number shown on the target stand's
regardless of the number of Marines firing. data card, the saving throw is successful and the stand is
unharmed. Otherwise, the saving failed and the
DAMAGE stand is destroyed.

Attacks by infantry on vehicles are handled in the normal Note that saving throw modifiers on the Infantry Thrgets
way. Attacks on infantry stands (by any firer) are handled Weapons Table only apply to infantry saving throws - for
a little differently. vehicle targets always use the saving throw modifiers on
the Vehicle Thrgets Weapons Thble.
If a hit is scored, the target must make a sauing tbrou -
no critical damage roll is required. If the saving throw is CASUALTIES TO EMBARKED INFANTRY
failed the stand is destroved and removed from the table.
If a vehicle suffers critical damagq any infantry stands it
is carrying are destroyed. Ifa vehicle fails a saving throw
Do not speakto me otvictory, I count nothing as ictory and is destroyed, any stands it is carrying must make a
while one Rebel heart still beus. saving throw to survive. Ifthey do, place them beside the
wrecked vehicle. Stands that survive the destruction of a
- Commander Marren Rngne, Blood Angels transporting vehicle may not do anything else for the
remainder of the turn.



Attacks against buildings are treated as attacks against Vehicles that are in base-to-base contact with enemy
vehicles, and the Vebicle Targets Weapons Table is used. infantry stands are assumed to be engaged in close combat.
A weapon may beused eitber to attack a stand in a building
ortoattackthebuilding itself, not both. All attacks against Vehicles are aotengaged in close combatby enemy vehicles;
buildings receive a +1 modifier to hit. instead both vehicles may attack with ranged weapons using
the normal rules.
Only critical damage ban affect a building. Keep a close
track of the number of critical hits a building has received Close assaults between vehicles and infantry are resolved
with the building damage counters. place one building as for infantry vs infantry close assaults, except that the
damage counter on the building for each critical hit the infantry add the factors from the Infantry us Vebicle section
building takes. A building becomes unstable once it has of the Close Assault Table to their dice roll, while the
uken three critical hits vehicle uses the factors fromtbeVebicle us Infantrysection
In the end phase of each turn, roll a D6 for each unstable
of tll.e Close Assault Thble.
building, adding + I to rhe score for each additional critical Note that vehicles use thesecondCAF number on their data
hit taken since the building became unstable. For example, cards to resolve close assaults in the combat phase.
if a building which holds 3 stands suffers 4 critical hits,
it adds + I to the roll. On a modified result of 6 or more,
the building will collapse. All infantry stands in a building
that collapses are automatically destroyed, and the building
becomes a smoking pile of rubble. Place a rubble counter Infantrv vs Infantrv
on the roof of the building, or iust be side it. Vehicles may
not enter rubble, and infantry move through a ruin at half Chargc ordcrs +1
their normal move mte. Any infantrv stand in rubble counts l11111ckoFderSIII II‐ ■│■ │ 112
as being in hard cover.
獅 t蹴 淵‐ +131
Infantrv vs Vehicles
Infantry stands that are in base-to-base contact with enemy
units at the start of the combat phase are said tobein close Chargc ordcrs +1
combat. Stands with first fire orders are allowed to fire in F411ball prdlⅢ IIII■ │ 1111121
the first fire segment of the combat phase, but may only Each sccondary attackcr +3
attack the units which have engaged them in close combat. Ve1111げ S,r"01● ■14ま │ ■IAR
Close combat is then conducted normally in the close
combat segment of the combat phase. Vehicles vs Infantry
Stands with any other orders nuty not fire while engaged Chargc ordcrs +1
in close combat, and a stand which is already engaged in
FlrsF ttFeOrde■ │││■ ■││ 112
close combat may not be given first fire orders.
Each sccondaw attaCkCr +3
Stands that are engaged in close combat must fight tll,e in
close combat segment. Close combats are resolved as a
number of close assaults, each of which is decided by a CI,OSE COMBAT IN BUILDINGS
separate close assault roll. Infantry stands with charge orders can attack enemy stands
To resolve each close assault, botb players roll 2D6 and add
in a building if the player states this intention in the
movement phase.
their sand's c lo s e as sau lt factor plus any tact i c a I fac tors
fromthe Infantry as Infanfry section of tlre Close Assault The attacking stands must finish their move touching the
Table. The player with the lower score must make a building in order to attack the stands inside. Do not move
successful saving throw to avoid his stand being eliminated. the attacking stands into the building. Defending stands
In the case of a tig both stands make saving throws. with first fire orders mary rttack any atacking stands with
ranged weapons, subject to normal targeting and firing
Tbo or more stands may gang up to attack one enemy unit,
aslong as all enemy units are attacked by at least one stand. To resolve the close combat, place all of the defending
The First Player is allowed to decide which stand will attack stands from the building in a roq on any convenient spot.
which enemy unit if there is any dispute. The attacker must now place his stands in a row beside the
defenders. If one side has more stands than the other, spare
The player who has the most stands in the close assault stands may be used to make multiple combats.
chooses one as the primary attacker; the others are
secondary attackers. A single dice roll is made, with any Each close assault is dealt with as normal, except that all
modifiers based on the primary attacker; + 3 is added for attacking stands suffer a -2 tactictl modifier. lVhen the
each secondary attacker. If the side with more stands loses, defending stands are all destroyed, the surviving attacking
only the primary attacker has to make a saving throw. stands may be moved into the building.
roll 2D6 and add
To resolve each close assault, botb players Stands which are assaulting a building count as being in
their stand's close assault factor plus tactical factors
a;rry hard cover if they are attacked by ranged weapons in
from the Infantry us Infantry section of the C lose Assault subsequent rurns, and will be destroyed if the building
Table. The player with the louer score must make a collapses. Although the stands have been moved outside
successful saving thnow to avoid his stand being eliminated. to resolve the combat, the troops they represent are still
In the case of a tie, botb sttnds must make saving throws. actually inside, with all the benefits and hazards that brings.


Dust plumed upward as the Pia Poena

landed. Here and there, small lakes of
plasma cooled to glass on the plain' the
Inst traces of the orbital bombardment
which had established the landing zone.
In the Master Control Chambe4 Imperial
Commander Mrinn Lcigad stood overthe
holo, monitoring the landing of his ship.
The comnet spreadthe sounds of the Ritus
Mpulsis throughout the ship, and in his
mind Leigad could see the thousands
aboaril the Pia Poena moving quietly
about their appointed tosl6 to the measure
of the chanting.
The vast ship settled slowly, more than
covering the site of the city which had
stoodthere two days before. The Scouring
of Catenanda had begun,
Tbwerc and turrets extended from their
landing positions. Weapons and scannerc
moved smoothly into readiness.
Two hundred feet below, six Warlord
Titans strode three abreastfrom an open
doorway. Two thousand Space Wolves
streamed from smaller doorways, and
Leigad could almost hear the noise as
their dozens of vehicles moved out.
The huge internal elevators were bringing
the main Tilan strength down from the
flight bays. Another six Warlords and
eight Reavers marched out. On the
opposite flank of the ship, a thousand
Ultramarines stood ready, and their
Dreadnoughts crowded to join them,
The Imperial force took a little over an
hour to disembark. Leigad felt himself
swelling with pride as he took in the sight
of the assembled force.
Titans from the Fire Wasps, Warp
Runnen and Imperial Hunterc, Marines
fiomthe Space Wolves, Ul:tmnurines, and
Iron Hands; they covered the plain in
parude orden No loyal heafi couW remain
unmoved by this sight. At l*igad's nod,
a junior bridge officer opened the extennl Captain Rathvin raised the banner of begins .' ' He nodded to his driver, and the
com-channel. Three Company high, and led his Space Land Raider jolted into motion, The other
Wolves in double-time to the mustering- Space Wolves vehicles pulled into line,
"My esteemed passengers," he began. moving to the rear of the convoy.
duties to lou are almost over. On
station lor Force Absolute.
behalf of the crew of the Pia Poena, I wish The Marines boarded their Minos and "Wolf l*ader to Absolute. We are ready,"
you weU. May the Emperur guide you and Innd Rniden with practised fficiency.
Ahead, some thirty vehicles in "Thank you, Wolf Leader. Force
gwrd you. Beforc you set about your greot Absolute, via terile."
task, I call upon Reclusianch Cmvach, as Ultmmarines colaun took the head of the
the highest-ranking Chaplain here colwnn; behind them, the Iron Hands Rathvin switched his holo to overview.
present, to lead the Fid.elh Sum." contingent fell into the line. Frcm the blinding while of the Pia Poena,
the Scouring Forces set out for their
Foar thousand voices were raised in Tb either side of the column marched
tatgets. Force Bastinade, headed for the
prayen Four thousand voices praised the Force Absolute's Titan strength - four
Ytlrium rcfinery at Falthor; Castigant, for
Emperori and damned the Truiton. As the Warlords, four Reavers and two
the Mechanirus worlahops at Brudabant;
last echoes of the chant faded away, a Warhoands from the Warp Runners. The
htnnno6 westto cwerthetlank of Force
hundred Titans raised their weapons Warhounds loped to the front of the line,
Absolute's assaull on the cily of Dubmdun
in salute. eagemess wrifren in their every rnovernent.
There were marE otherforces, boundfor
Ralhvin snapped on his comlink.
The end of the prayer marked the targets outside the secton Wherever they
beginning of the Scouring. Brother- "Lupus Pack, this is l*ader. The hunt hid, the Tmiton were doomed.



One new scenario, Cityfigbt, is presented here, as well as Note: Unless stated otherwise, the Vistory Conditions for
additions to allow you to include infantry in the standard the standard scenarios are unchanged.
scenarios presented earlier. We recommend that you play
Cityfigbt first, to get used to the rules for infantry stands, ENGAGE & DESTROY
buildings and close assaults. Add one Rhino Detachment and one Thctical Detachment
to each side. The last player to have any operational vehicle
CITYFIGHT! or infantry stand in play is the winner.
At the heart of the city, in no-man's-land, stands a vital
power transmission centre. W'hoever can capture and hold coNvoY
this building wins control of the city. Each side receives one Devastator Detachment. The
Imperial Player: I Thctical Detachment, I Devastator Imperial Detachment starts embarked on two of the Rhinos
(2 Stands per Rhino), and the Rebel Detachment starts in
Detachment and I Assault Detachment.
any building within J0cm of the Rebel player's table edge.
Rebel Player: I Tactical Detachment, I Devastator
Detachment and I Assault Detachment. THE SPOILING ATTACK
Special Rules: Place a building in the centre of the table The Imperial player begins the game with two Assault
- this is a power transmission centre. Each player then takes Detachments, embarked on any of the Vhidwinds (2 stands
it in turn to place a building on the board. Buildings must per Rhino).
be placed within 6cm of an already-placed building. The The Rebel player receives one Devastator Detachment
First Player may set up his forces in any buildings that are which may be set up at the start of the game, and one Assault
closer to his edge of the table than his opponent's. The Detachment with his reinforcements.
second player then does likewise. Neither player may set
up in the power transmission centre. The power THE TRAP
transmission centre will neuer collapse due to damage. The Imperial player receives two Thctical Derachmenrs,
Victory Conditions: To win the game, a player must have which start the game embarked on the Whirlwinds. The
one or more stands in the power transmission centre for two Devastator Detachments that start
Rebel player receives
one complete turn, with no enemy stands in contact with the game in any building that is at least l6cm from any
the building at the end of the turn. Imperial vehicle.
Historlcal background: Fighting in a close urban ALL OUT WAR
environment, from street to street and building to building,
is the kind of warfare where infantry is indispensible. The
Both sides receive two Tactical Detachments, two
Devastator Detachments and two Assault Detachments.
campaigns of the Horus Heresy and the Scouring saw
These detachments enter play embarked on the Whidwind
literally millions of such actions, with vicious fighting to
Detachments, in the following order:
take command of key installations. Perhaps the most
celebrated such action is the storming of the Rebel lst Whirlwind Detachment: One Thctical Detachment
command centre in the capital city of Rykstag on Baztel 2nd Whirlwind Detachment: Two Assault Detachments
3, where the Space Wolves carried the day against the 3rd Whirlwind Detachment: One Thctical Detachment
Emperor's Children Thaitor Marines. 4th $(rhirlwind Detachment: Two Devastator Detachments

The Space Wves' Land Roiden hit the bees at speed, feAing men trying to stand, the huge towerc swayedtor a ntoment,
the huge trunks likc machsticks as they lollowed the World then cane crushing down in a cloud of shattered masonry
Ealerc into the woods. The grey tanks cut great swathes and splintering ghss on the Minos below. The caryet of
through the underyrowth, leaving wide, flafrened tmcks of vehicles was crushed under tons of rubble, their tracks
foliage in their wake. squealing as they sought to get a gnp on the muddy earth
and escape. Lcss than one infifty got out, only to be picked
For a moment the noise of banle was dulled as the l-and
Raiden stoppedfiring, trying to find a torget onongst the off by a banqe ol missiles thot slannmed into their battered
Tiaiton that weaved out of sight among the da*, oppnessive hulls and ripped them apart.
tnees. The World Ealers' Land Raiders thundered towards the
rubble, lurching across the brckcn ground. They disgoryed
The si,lence was bokan by a series of *plosions and a bright
a dozn squads, who clambercd over the ruined walls looking
flash of searingwhite light as severulWorldtuterWhhlwind
detachments openedfire on the woods from a nearby hill tor sumivon. Any thot were found were shown no merqt.
The Tmiton wene rnen possessed, ruthless in the slaughter
top. The whole forest was consumed wilh a suilen flah as
of their brcther Marines.
the flames caught the Lond Raiders' fuel tanks. The Space
lVolves' scrcatns echoed acrcss the volley as they werc blasted The low chant started on the edge of the woods, where
apart, unablc to escape from the metal death-trups. The Chaplzin Rennan shouted ihe teniblc oath, and it was piclced
Tlaiton werc lucHen They spewedtrcm the edge of the wod, up by every last Vlorld futer thot stood on the fuld. The Space
running oheod of the inferno their own side had creoted. Wolves paused in horror at the bastardised pmyer; it was
the pmyer of the Heretic.
The cuftain of mhsiles swung acrcss towards the huge tower
bloclrs that lay olongside the wood. The buildings shook as "Honour the cratt of war, for only Horus is higher in
thc barmge poanded into theirfoundotions. Ukc drunkcn our devotion."



So far, we have concerned ourselves only with standard
Players may design their own forces, instead of using the
detachments. Players may field different detachments of
forces presented in the scenarios. To do this, choose the
their own design if they wish, and if both players agree
scenario you want to play as normal, and set up the terrain.
to the use of non-sandard detachments before the game.
Then refer to the Force Point Tablebelow to find out how
many points each player has to 'buy' his force. The cost A detachment must have at leasttwo component units, and
of each standard detachment is equal to its battle rating, must consist completely of eitber vehicles or infantry.
as listed inthre Standard Detacbments Thble. Each player Infantry deachments must include at least one commander,
has a free choice as to what number and type of and may not have more than one commander for every
detachments they select, as long es the necessary models two stands.
are available.
The battle rating of a non-standard deachment is equal to
Space Marine detachments are organised depending on the the combinedbattle ratings of all its component units, plus
task they have to perform, and thus can be made up of 2O points per commander.
almost any number and type of Stands. This being said,
there are several standard detachments which are by far OVER THE TOP
the most cornmonly used. Standard deachments are taken
from the Codex Imperialis,tmighty tome maintained on Sometimes, you will want to spend a few more points on
Terra by the Administratum, dealing with all aspects of your forces than the scenario allows. Yotr can do this, but
Chapter and battlefield organisation. it carries a risk.
Ifyou want to overspend, do so. You may never overspend
11:I::111111:1:: by more than 70 points. Then roll a dice and refer to the
Oaer the Top Table. If the dice roll is in the range listed
Imperial Rebel you must lose one detachment from your force. You choose
Scenario Points Points which detachment you lose.

ね01毒 lpl,IFOy 1850 ││1185011

Convoy l 146o 1700
SII1111JIⅢ ICk=│ 1940 130071100‐ Extra Polnts
Thc Trap 2680 2100 Spent 1‐ 20 21‐ 4o 41‐ 50 51‐ 60 61‐ 70
AlrOI:lwaFI■ ││ 60`0 1160410111
Dlce roll to lose
Cityfight 1200 1200 a Detachment 6+

For e:rample, if you have overspent by 55 points, you will
l: The Imperial player must buy one standard Rhino
lose a detachment if you roll 3 or more; if you roll I or
detachment; this is the convoy his other units are
2, you've got away with it! A roll of I always means that
you keep all your deachments, and a roll of 6 alwaln means
2z The Rebel player has l3OO points to spend on his that you lose one.
starting force, and 11OO points to spend on
"Non, wlutwotrWGamtb? He usually bringthis troops
in under Land Raider
cover, bat that was before..."
hotherC;afiain Tobias tappd his fingen qainst the edge
of the desk. His voice fuopped, the dismcyed statement
offact punctuded by a sigh. "Thd was betorc he betruyed
Detachment the Emperor's trust."
TYPe Units No&η pe Battle Ratin嘔 Tobias turned to Stala nant, his Licutenarrt of twenty yean
and the longefi seming Marhe in the Chapten "I sagest
輔 :1減 ■■■ 1411Tactitall:Sltandsllll ,9911poiⅢ II we send in a doan detuhncnts of Yfhirlwittds to box
D畿 1基 盤 通│ ppOFt'S■ 轟││││ Garant's men in. The Land Rdden will find it tlitficuh
21C●面 轟deFSIIII to,ntnoeuvre ornongst the buildings, and they'll be sining
Assault 4 Assault Stands 300 points taryets if we takc our men in on toot."
Detachment l Cominandcr He retarned his gaa to the map, painfuly aware tlul
Devaさ tatoF■ 41Dcvastatorls● 五dζ each bt wos a squad of Brotlur Madnes thd he was abut

D。 こ臓 轟‐ lllCO轟 壼五nder■ ■■■ to send into bottle. It was afeeling he hadknown many
・ `6olp1lⅢ times betore, but this was tho fint time the eneny were,
Land Raldcr or had once been, theirtriends. It left a sour ttste in his
Detachment 2 Land Raidcrs 400 polnts mouth.
nhi● ●│■ ■■│ Tobias brcw tlwt Gararrt htd beryed the Imperiam, and
Detachmentl 4 Rhi五 6ζ lllllllllll ,001p11■ │ must be destrqed at all costs. He gave thc comnand to
Whirlwind afraek. the Emperor's will is with us. We
Detachmcnt 4 Whiriwinds 240 pOints are the righteous, and cantut be defeoted."

LEMAN RUSS cman Russ is onc of thc most famous of thc Undcr his leadcrship they won many victorics, for in battlc
ancicnt hcrocs of thc Impcrium. Many legcnds kman was all but invinciblc. Whcn his armics marched. thc
tcll of his dccds during thc dawn of Imperial howling of wolvcs hcraldcd rhcir path; whcn hc fought, a pair
History. of giant wolvcs battlcd by his sidc. Kings thcmsclvcs, thcy
wcrc Frcki and Gcri, his wolf-brorhcis that had cscaped from
Hc was onc of the twcnty bio-cnginccred
supcrhumans who would bccomc thc founding fathcrs, or
thc Kingi huntcrs, and aow had couatlcss wotf-packs of their
Primarchs, of thc originel Spacc Marinc Chaptcrs. Thcy wcre
own to command.
crcated by thc Empcror to bc sttongcr and toughcr than any Thc talcs of King Lrman wcrc told far and widc, and came
Human bcforc or sincc. From their bio-cnginccrcd gcncs thc to thc noticc of the Empcror himsclf. Rccognizing thc powcr
Spacc Marines wcrc cloncd, yct cvcn thcy wcrc a palc reflection of a Primarch at work, hc travcllcd to Fcnris and confronted
of thcir awcsome progcnitors, whosc gcnctic matcriat had to thc Wolf-King, who blindly refuscd ro pay him homagc as
bc dilutcd a thousand timcs for a singlc Marinc. thc Master of Mankind. Challcngcd, Russ boastcd that hc
could out-cat thc Emperor, and procccded to consumc threc
Evcn bcfore his birth. lrman Russ was the subicct of titanic
wholc oxcn, forcing thc Empcror to back down. Russ boastcd
evcnts. As thc twenty foctal Primarchs slowly dcvclopcd,
hc could out-ddnk thc Empcroc and draincd thc royal ccllars
suspendcd in thcir bio-support mcdium, Daemonic cyes
dry to provc thc point. Russ boascd hc could dcfcatthc Empcror
obscrvcd thcm from thc warp Thc Dacmons saw thc pink
in combat; thc Emperor hcld his powcrglovc aloft for a momcnt,
and nakcd Primarchs lying in thcir amniotic tanks ald pcrccivcd
and brought it down on thc Primarch's head, fclling him with
thc Empcror's plan. From thc twcnty Primarchs, a wholc racc
a mighty blow which would havc killcd a lcsser man. Lcman
of supcrhumans would bc crcatcd. They would bc Humaniry's
Russ admittcd dcfcat, acknovlcdgcd thc Empcror, and swoic
Sreatcst champions and thc scourgc of alicns and Dacmons to scrvc him faithfully.
alika Thc Dacmons saw this and ragcd. Awarc that thcy could
not facc the Empcror himsclf, for hc was a bciag of god-likc Within ycars, all thc Primarchs had bccn found, and bccame
power, thc Dacmons hatchcd a plan. Combining their strcngth, the fathcrs of twcnty Chapters of Space Marincs. Irman Russ
thry brokc down thc mcntal barricrs constructcd by thc Empcror becamc thc progcnitor of thc Spacc Wolvcs, and was countcd
to cloak thc infant Primarchs and, prevcnted from hurting thcm, as a loyal scrvant of thc Empcror,
suckcd thcm into the waqp Thc babcs wcrc scattcrcd th'roughout Within a hundrcd years the Spacc Marines had rcconqucrcd
thc galaxy, thrown onto twcnty diffcrent worlds to be adopted the galaxy, and the Impcrium was bom. Throughout the Grcat
by whatcvcr parcnts thcy could find - parcnts that wcrc not Crusadc thc Space Wolvcs wcre at thc front line, thcir leader
always Human. at thc hcad of thc battlc with two grcat wolvcs at his sidc,
Thus it was, on thc platret of Fcnris, that a mcwling infant was his coming announccd by thc howling of thc pack.
discovercd by a she-wolf as she huntcd for hcr ncw-born cubs. On the world of Dulan, the Space Wolvcs and Dark Angels
A lcsscr child would havc bcen tom apart by thc aiant wolf wcrc to assault an €ncmy held fortress Russ claimed the right
that stood as tall as a man, but no such fatc would bcfall this to lead thc attack, but'Lion' El'|onson, commander of thc
goldcn man-cub with cycs likc a wolf-king. Gcntly taking the Dark Angcls, rcfuscd and startcd thc attack carly. Russ was
child in hcr mighty iaws, thc shc-wolf borc him back to thc furious, and bcgan a feud which was to continue for three
safcry of hcr cavs whcrc he Srcw up amontst thc wolf pack centurics. Thc Empcror intcrvcned to quell the fighting, and
as part of thc shc-wolf's family. Within a few short ycars the ordcred that thc disagrcemcnt bc scttlcd with a ducl. lrman
child was an adult, for as a Primarch hc was morc than a normal Russ faccd his fricnd in combat and took a bladc through thc
matr and Srcw as rapidly as his wolf-brothcrs. hcart: thc ducl was dccla,rcd a dras and thc normally fatal vound
Hc might havc livcd out all of his ycars wirh thc wolvcs, had
hcalcd within wccks.
not Thcngir. King of thc pcoplc of Russ, scat his huntcrs into Thc Primarchs were to fight four morc timcs before the dcath
thc forcst to clcar thc pack from his land. Thc old grcy she- of El'fonsoa. Fricnds to thc cnd, thcy wcrc unitcd by sharcd
wolf, and many of hcr cubs and clrw-kin, dicd upon thc spcars rivalry and scnse of honour. Thc fcud rpould arisc again, but
and arrows of thc Kingi huntcrs, but thc wolf-man was sparcd, not in Russ's lifetimc.
aad Brought, bound and gaggcd, beforc Kiag Thcngir himsclf.
Thcn camc thc bctrayal. Likc Russ, Horus was a Primarch.
Thc King took thc wild man from thc forcsts into his carc, Unlikc Russ hc borc thc tidc of Impcrial Watmastct, and had
and namcd him kman - lrman of thc Russ. Amongst mca complctc control ovcr fivc Chaptcrs of Spacc Marincs. Pcrhaps
for thc first timc in his lifc, lrman quickly lcarncd thcir skills, Horus was taintcd by Chaos when abductcd as a babe or pcrhaps
showing a natunl aptitudc for thc way of thc wanior. Hc mastcrcd hc was wcakcncd by thc exposurc to thc warp Whatcvcr thc
thcir wcapons - iron axcs aad swords - and won many glorious causc, Horus was tcsponsiblc for thc largcst trcachery Mankind
victorics" Grcat talcs wcrc told of his strcngth and couragc: has cvcn known. Ia a singlc momcnt he thrcw away his lovc
hov hc could pluck a trcc from thc Bround rnd brcak it ovcr for thc Empcror end thc Impcrium, hc cast his pridc into thc
his kncc; how hc could strnd ateinst a hundrcd mcn in battlq dirt, discardcd cvcrfthint he stood for, and struck out. Actoss
and within mcrc minutcs havc thcm bcgging for mcrcy; and a hundrcd worlds, a thousand million mcn wcpt for thcir Empcror,
how hc could consumc atr cntirc ox and wash it down with who had bccl so cruclly bctraycd by a man hc callcd fricnd.
a wholc bancl of bccr. Whcn Thcngir died, Icman bccamc For thc first timc, Marinc would fight Marinc in what would
King of thc Russ bccomc known as thc Horus Hcrcsv.

4矛 釉 ―


This sectlon of advanced rules allows you to expand the basic game. There are rules
for elite detachments and heroic infantry actlonq as well as vari6us othef refinements
like hidden movement and set-up. The rules for off-table support allow a Corntnander
to call dowl supporting missile fire, and there are full rules-oh how to integrate Space
Matine wlth Adeptus Titanicus, so that you can fight epic battles featuring infantry,
vehicles and Titans!
Before you start using the advanced rules, we recommend that you play a few games
using only the basic rules, in order to get used to the game system. You may find it easler
to introduce the advanced rules into your games one section at I time.
Elite detachments contain the best trained and most highly Space Marine officers are expected to lead by example,
motivated roops in a force. The following special rules inspiring their troops by their own courage. The rules for
apply to elite detachments: heroic actions allow your Space Marine commanders to
perform acts of outstanding valour on the battlefield.
1. All elite detachments receive a + 2bonus to morale tests.
Each type of heroic action may only be performed in a
2. All stands in an elite detachment add +2 to their CAF. specific phase, as detailed below. To find our if a
3. All stands in an elite detachment receive a + I modifier commander managed to perform a heroic action
to hit with all weapons. Exceptions: Weapons with a burst successfully roll 2D6, add + I for an elite deachment, and
circle do not receive the bonus, and weapons with refer to the Fool or Hero Table. A commander mav onlv
following fire only receive the bonus to they'rsl to hit roll. perform one heroic action per turn.
4. Commanders from elite detachments receive a +l
modifier when rolling on the Fool or Hero Table (see Heroic
5. The battle rating of an elite detachment is twice normal.

REGRO■ JPING Modifiers

Regrouping allows stands which have been destroyed to
Elite detachment + I
return to a detachment in the end phase of the turn,
representing scattered troops re-forming and returning to
the fray.
The Marines hesitated. They turned to look at the
The player may take two identical 'dead' stands that Thousand Sons thatfloodedfrom behind the buildings,
originally came from the same detachment, discard one, then returned their gaze to Captain Kalan, faces full of
and return the other to play, placing it beside the indescision. They were to kill other Marines? Kalan
detachment's command stand. undentood their silence and nodded. He glanced towards
the Tmiton. Fighting down his own dismay he shouted
Once a 'dead' stand has been discarded in this way, it may
the squad's maxim, his voice rising wilh arcry line.
not be regrouped. Note that both stands must be identical,
and from the same detachment. "In the Empercr we believe. In the Emperor we trust.
In his name we cleanse. I*t our weapons purify."
No more than one stand per detachment may be regrouped
in a turn. Kalan pushed himself over the top and into the hail of
shells. He screamed the litany of protection at the top of
An infantry detachment m y not regroup if: his voice as he scmmbled to his feet and mn forward,
- it was given any orders during this turn gesturing for his men to tollow.
- it has no commander Inspired, the Maines climbed out of the trench tofollotl'.
Kalan was ten yards infront, his chainsword held aloft.
- any enemy unit can trace LOS to any of the stands in the
detachment Trying to foryet the enemy were fellow Marines, his men
charged, loyalty to the Emperor overcoming all else.
- any enemy unit is within 24cm of any stand in the
detachment, even if there is no LOS



The commander whips his men into a frenzy, filling the
Each possible heroic action is described below. The phase air with fire. Following the example of their leader, the
and segment in which it may be performed is followed by Marines leap to their feet and let rip from their bolt guns'
the coisequences of the action, according to the result of firing fast and deadly.
the Fool or Hero roll.
When Performed: Combat phase, when the detachment
is picked to attack. -
The commander leads his men forward at a run, covering Success: Any stands from the commander's detachment
the ground as quickly as possible. Inspiredby the example which are within 6cm of the commander (including the
of his speed and bravery, the Marines rush forward behind command stand itself) may attack tuice with their basic
their commander. weapons; if they made a snap fire attack in the movement
phase, they may still make one attack during the combat
When Performed: In the advance segment of the phase.
movement phase, when the detachment is picked to move.
May only be used if the detachment has advance orders. Note that this heroic action does not allow additional
attacks with support weapons.
Success: All stands in the detachment may move at their
charge rate this turn; in all other respects, they are treated Failure: All stands attack as normal.
as having advance orders.
Disaster: As the commander leaps up and prepares to
Failure: All stands in the detachment move at the advance inspire his men, he is picked off by an enemy sniper! The
rate, as normal. rest of the stand is intact, but it no longer has a commander.
Remove the command banner from the stand to show that
Disaster: As the commander charges forward, waving his
the commander has been killed.
men to follow, he is picked off by an enemy sniper! The
rest of the stand is intact, but it no longer has a commander.
Remove the command banner from the stand to show that
the commander has been killed. The detachment moves The commander hurls himself heroically forward into close
as normal for its orders. combat, inspiring his men to follow his lead. He charges
into the face of the enemy at the head of his brother Marines.
TAKEOUT' W'hen Performed: In the close combat segment of the
The commander throws himself between the tracks of an combat phase, before any close assaults are resolved. The
oncoming vehicle, lets it pass above him, and drops command stand must be engaged in close combat to
grenades into its exhaust units. If he's successful, this will perform this action.
place the explosives dangerously close to the vehicle's
engines. Success: The commander's stand receives a bonus of + 2
to its close assault factor, and any other stands from the
When Performed: Movement phase, when a vehicle detachment receive a bonus of +1.
attempts to ovefrun the command stand.
Failure: All close assaults are carried out as normal with
Success: The overrun is dealt with as normal. In addition, no additional bonus or penalty.
the vehicle must make a saving throw, regardless of the
result of the overrun roll. Disaster: The commander leaps forward heroically, but
misses his footing, stumbles, and is quickly hacked to pieces
Fallure: The overrun is dealt with as normal. by the enemy. The rest of the stand is inact, but it no longer
Dlsaster: The commander is crushed to death under the has a commander. Remove the command banner from the
vehicle's tracks. The rest of the stand is intact, but it no stand to show that the commander has been killed. All
longer has a commander. Remove the command banner stands in this detachment within 6cm suffer a -l penalty
from the stand to show that the commander has been killed. to their CAF for this turn only.
The overrun is then dealt with as normal.
UP AND AT'EM: The commander rallies his troops around him, inspiring
The commander leads his troops in a heroic attack on a them with fresh courage. Chanting the battle rites of the
nearby enemy unit. Chapter, the commander reminds his men of their duty.

Vhen Performed: In the movement phase, when the When Performed: In the end phase.
detachment is picked to move. May only be used if the Success: One stund may automatically be regrouped (see
detachment has advance orders. Regrouping), regardless of the detachment's orders and the
Success: Any or all stands in the detachment may move presence of enemy stands. Only one stend may be returned
into close combat, even though they do not have charge to play by this heroic action, and others must be discarded
orders. as normal.

Fallure: The detachment may move as normal for its Failure: The commander fails to rally any of his troops
orders, but may not move into close combat. and they are unable to regroup.
Disast€r: As the commander charges forward, he is picked Dlsaster: As the commander stands and recites the
off by an enemy sniper! The rest of the stand is intact, but Chapter's battle litanies to inspire his men, he is picked off
it no longer has a commander. Remove the command by an enemy sniper! The rest of the stand is intact, but it
banner from the stand to show that the commander has no longer has a commander. Remove the command banner
been killed. The detachment may move as normal for its from the stand to show that the commander has been killed.
orders, but may not move into close combat. Needless to say, he fails to rally any of his troops.



Certain scenarios allow one player to use bidden set_up, Only weapons with a burst circle may be used to fire on
so that his opponent does not know where some or all of ahidden set-up counter, sinceonly these weapons can af,fect
his infantry forces are. Hidden set-up may onlybe used with a wide area, and any troops thar may be hiddin there. Vhen
infantry detachments - other forces are too easily seen! firing on a hidden set-up counter, all normal range and LOS
rules apply.
SETTING UP When a weapon with a burst circle is used to fire on a
hidden set-up counter, the attack is carried out normally.
If a player is going to use hidden set-up, he takes one bidden
Only one roll to hit is made, as the counter is a single targei.
set-up counter for each of his infantry detachments. He
The required score to hit is 9 + regardless of thi weapon
then takes an extr:l D6 hidden set-up counters.
and range, and the roll is not modified by any tactical or
Each hidden set-up counter has a number printed on it. other factors.
The player should write down the numbers of the counters
If a hit is scored, the detachment is revealed automatically.
he's taken, and also which infantry detachment each The defender must make a saving throw, applying the
number represents. The remaining counters (ie the extra weapon's saving throw modifier as usual. If the saving
D6 counters) are durnmy counters and should simply have throw is failed, the defender must choose one stand from
the word dummy written next to their number. the hidden detachment to be destroyed. He should do this
When forces are set up on the table, the player who is using in secret, so as not to reveal if the counter is a dummv.
hidden set-up does not place his infantry detachments.
Instead, he places the hidden set-up counters on the table.
Because some of these counters are dummies, his opponent BONUS SCENARIO
won't know which ones represent real detachments and
will have to make a guess about which to attack.
MOVEMENT AND FIRING A force of Space Marines are sent out on a raid behind
enemy lines. Thking cover in some buildings on a vital
A hidden infantry detachment must be reuealedbefore it supply route, their mission is to destroy an advancing
can move or fire. An infantry detachment is always assumed armoured column. But the Rebels have found out about
to have first fire orders in the turn on which it is revealed. the raid, and advance on the buildings with caution.
but may not snap fire in that turn.
Imperial Player: Four elite infantry detachments, each
consisting of two Support stands and one commander.
Rebel Player: 6 Lznd Raiders, in 3 detachments of 2
Infantry detachments may be revealed voluntarily or vehicles each.
involuntarily. The player may choose to reveal any or all
hidden infantry detachments at the start of the movemenr Special Rules: The advancedrulesfor Hidden Set-ap, Etite
phase or the combat phase, exchanging the appropriate Detachrnents, and Heroic Actions must be used with this
infantry stands for the counters. scenario. When setting up, a building may only be placed
within 6cm of an already-placed building. The Imperial
If any enemy unit (including vehicles and Titans) moves Player musr ser up first, in any of the buildings, using the
within l2cm of a hidden set-up counter, or if it is hit rules for hidden set-up. The Rebel Player sets up second,
successfully by a weapon with a burst circle, the counter at least J6cm autay from any of the buildings.
is flipped over. If it is a dummy counter, it is discarded;
if it represents an infantry detachment, the counter is Victory Conditlons: The winner is the player who
replaced with the appropriate infantry stands. manages to wipe out the opposing force.

When an infantry detachment is revealed, one stand Historlcal Background: During the Scouring of the
(player's choice) is placed at the point occupied by the desert planet ofThbruq, four detachments from the Space
hidden set-up counter. The remaining stands may be set Volves' 8th Company, under the personal command of
up as the player wishes, provided normal formation rules Imperial Commander Leman Russ, mounted a heroic raid
are obeyed and no stand is set up closer than l2cm to an behind enemy lines. Having occupied a deserted industrial
enemy stand. complex which lay across the Rebel lines of
communication, they destroyed an armoured column
Note that, as stated above, an infantry detachment may which was heading for the front, and then fought their way
neither fire nor move until it has been revealed. clear and rejoined the main body of the company, some
3OO kilometers away.
When an infantry detachment is hidden inside a building, Maftial igour and terccity are virtues, to be sure. But do
the detachment does not have to be revealed until an enemy your
unit moves into base-to-base contact with the building.
.throw forces blindly into battle and say that this
is igoun It is not. Bejore committing yoarforcei, exarnine
When the detachment is rwealed, stands may be placed the situation. Revicw your own strength, ina tnat of your
in the building with the hidden set-up counter, or in any enenry. Remember your own objectives, and try to aniitpue
other building within 6cm of the counter - but not in a those- of your oppotenl He whofights withont wtdenta.nding
building which is occupied by enemy infantry. the banle he is fighting plaees himself a a disadvantagi.
If a building holding a hidden ser-up counter collapses, the
whole detachment is destroyed, even if the whole - I*giones Astaftes, Collects of ttlhr
detachment could not have fitted into the building.



Support counters are 'fired' in the first fire segment of the
Infantry commanders can call on the support of long range
combat phase. The detachment whose commander called
missile and artillery units. These units are never placed on
up the supporting fire must be given first fire orders for
the table; they are assumed to be several miles behind the
the turn; ifit is given any other sort oforder, the support
front line, and are fed their firing co-ordinates by
counter is removed from play. The support counter is also
commanders on the battlefield.
removed from play if the command stand is engaged in
close combat or overrun before the support counter is used,
or if the commander performs a heroic action between
lnthe Space Marine g
me, off-table support is represented calling up the support and firing it.
by support counters, which may be purchased when players To fire the support counter, turn it face up on the table,
design their own forces. and place a deuiation templ.ate where the supporting fire
Support counters are split in to two categories; barrages is meant to land. There is no maximum range, but the
a;nd support missiles. Barages may be used any number command stand from which the fire was called up must
of times in a game; support missiles may only be used once. have a LOS to the intended point of impact. Next, the player
rolls a D6. There are no modifiers to this roll. A score of
BUYING SUPPORT COUNTERS 4 or more means that the attack is on target - landing exactly
where the deviation template is placed - while a score of
Support counters may only be used when players are 3 or Iess means that the attack will deuiate.
choosing their own forces, rather than using the forces in
The effects of a hit vary according to the type of support
the scenario description. Each player may spend up to 2 5 %
counter being used; these are detailed later. A support
of his points to purchase support counters. The following
counter is removed from play after its effects have been
table summarises the maximum numberof points that may
be spent on support counters for the standard scenarios:
Even if supporting fire misses its target, it has to land
Engagc&Dcstroy somewhere, and it is important to know precisely where.
llⅢ Ⅲ:│││11111111 1■1● : So when supporting fire misses, the player who called it
spoiling Attack l :“ up rolls for deuiation.
lThll峰 ,││■ 1■ │ 1700111111111160ol
AH Out War 1300 1300 Ttrrn the deviation template so that the 'l' arrow is pointing
tityfint,■ │■ ■ ,00■ ■■■3001 towards the command stand that called up the fire, roll a
D6 to determine the direction of deviation, a;nd, rolt2D6
Notes to determine the distance in cm. The fire has a normal effect
on anything that is in the place where it comes down.
I The Rebel player may only purchase support counters
for use with his reinforcements. REMOVING SUPPORT COUNTERS
2 There is no entry for the Tankbunt scenario, which
does not really lend itself to the use of supporting fire. A support counter is removed from play as soon as one
of the following things happens:
1. The detachment whose commander called it up is
CALLING UP SUPPORT given any orders other than first fire.
Suppditing fire may be called in these circumstances: 2. The commander who called it up performs a heroic
l.The call must come from a commandeq who is zol
engaged in close combat, and whose detachment has first 3. The sand whose commander called it up is engaged
fire orders. in close combat.
2. Only one commander per detachment may attempt to 4. The sand whose commander called it up is overrun
call up support in a turn. by a vehicle (regardless of whether or not the
overrun is successful).
3. A commander may not cill up support and perform a
heroic action in the same turn. 5. The supporting fire deviates and does not affect any
Support is called up in the end phase of the turn. Roll a
D6 for each commander who is calling up support; add 6. The effects of the supporting fire are determined
+ I if he commands an elite detachment. If the final score and applied to a target.
is 4 or more, the supporting fire becomes available; if not,
When a support counter is removed from play:
there is no supporting fire.
A support missile counter is discarded;
Vhen supporting fire becomes available, the player places
one of his support counters face down on the table, near A barrage counter may be kept and re-used.
to the commander who called it up. Other commanders
may attempt to call up support countens, if the player has MAINIAINING BARRAGES - OPTIONAL
any available. The support fire shown on the counter may A player may decide to keep a bamage counter beside the
be 'fired' in the first fire segment of the following turn's commander who called it up. The barrege may then be used
combat phase. again in the next turn.


:華 難
Barrages are devastating volleys of fire from disant batteries Light Barrage

of artillery. After having worked out if the attack deviates

or not, the player shouldtake twoburst circle markers. Roll ゛aVingl
a D6 for each burst circle, and place each so that it is 12Fget l Ctitlolittlt ll11:IThFOW:│││::

touching the deviation template at the point coresponding ■││IRollll■ │││ ModlfleF
to the number rolled on the dice. Vehicles and
Titans No Effcct
Any units (friend or foe) under the deviation template or
a burst circle are atacked; rolls to hit and other necessary Infantry 5+ 0
information are given in the Banage Thble.
Battic Rating:100 points

Commander Klger tumed away frcm the holo. It was Medium Bamage
a classic defensive positian, and the Wnnaarines had le=幸 lng:│
exploited il to the Iull. Therc was no possible apprcach
疇 et Tol菫 肇
t■ C111薫 繁 lt 17mOwI
to the complexwilhout goingthrough holtadoztn points ‐thユ ■■■ =章 │
l=■ 11■ │お II11■ h■ 1■ _
of concentruted fire, and no way to ottack the defenders Vehicles

6   5
piecemeal. HoU his Marines wouW be wiped out in a

+    +
and Titans 5+
fmntal assault.
Infantry 1
Kilger pa.ced silent$ for a rnoment, and then abruptly
pullcd his Imperful tarot fiom ils equipmcnt pouch. Battle Rating: 2oo points
"Iwonden,. " Heprcssedthc shufthbon. "Horas, guide Heavy B^tr^ge
your servant. .. " Three images appeared on the screen:

the fulace; the Missile; the Nova. │,aVIngl


TattCt l憮 FOWI
響11[錦 1攣

"As I thought," Kilger snapped the conlink open. "This 漱odi轟
is Kilgen Request suppofting firc." He punched in the =
coorditutes. "Second company. hepare ta advwttce afier
and Titans 3+ 3+
the barmge. Give them no chance to regroup.
Infantry 4+
That, he thought, should open a cmck in their perfect
Battle Rating: l0O points


SUPPORT MISSILES wherever the missile lands, a stasis field is created. Place
a stasis field marker on the table, centred on the point of
Support missiles are one-shot weapons, mounted on impact. Any vehicle or infantry unit wholly or panly within
vehicles or spaceships outside the area ofplay. There are the field may neither move nor attack, but cannot be
several warhead types, each with its own special rules. attacked itself. If any part of a building falls under a stasis
field, the entire building (and everything in it) is affected
BLIND MISSILE by the field.
Blind is a sophisticated form of smokescreen, combining At the start of the combat phase of each turn, roll a D6
dense smoke with broad-spectrum electromagnetic for each stasis field on the table:
interference. No detection or targeting systems will operate
through a cloud of blind.
l-2 | The stasis field dissipates. Remove the marker
The point of impact is determined normally. The player fronl thc tablc
who fired the missile may now place 3 blind markers at 31`■ Thelsta111fi4dヽ tay■ 1■ lplal●
any point within 6cm of the the point of impact. Blind :-6 I ftre stasis field moves 2D6cm in a random
markers may not be placed on buildings. direction - use the deviation Procedure for this.
The field will stop if it comes into contact with
A blind marker aluays blocks a LOS.
a vehicle or infantry unit.
At the start of each combat phase, roll a D6 for each blind
marker; on a roll of 1, the cloud of blind dissipates, and
the marker is removed from play. If two stasis fields ever come into contact, they both
dissipate immediately.
Battle Rating: l0O points
Battle Ratlng: 100 points
Haywire missiles produce a massive electromagnetic pulse VORTEX MISSILE
covering all wavebands, and as their name suggests, they When a vorter< missile explodes, it creates a seething mass
are designed to disrupt the target's electrical control of energy known as a vortet( field. This area is devastatingly
systems. Any vehicles tlratare wholly or partly under the destructive, and will annihilate anything that comes into
final position of the deviation template are destroyed. contact with it.
Haywire missiles have no effect on infantry units. When the missile lands, place a vortex field marker on the
Battle Rating: 100 points table, centred on the point of impact. Any vehicle or
infantry stand wholly or partly covered by the marker is
MINE DISPENSER MISSILE automatically destroyed, and any building which is wholly
Mine dispenser missiles (MDMs) scatter mines over a wide or partly under the marker collapses immediately.
area. When the landing point has been determined, the During the end phase of each turn, roll a D6 for each vortex
firing player places 2 mine counters and 2 dummy mine field on the table:
counters face-down on the table anywhere within 6cm of
the point of impact (ie the centre of the deviation template). t-2 | The vortex field dissipates. Remove the marker
Mine counters may not be placed in buildings. from the table.
The minesbecome operationalattl:eend of the movement 314■ IT輩 ,VetⅢ ⅢlFic尋 │lmySlinlpll¨ │
phase in the following turn. If a vehicle or infantry unit ;-6 | The vortex field moves 2D6cm in a random
(on either side) moves within 3cm of a counter, it is flipped. direction - use the deviation procedure for this.
Dummy mines have no effect, and are discarded Anything in its path is hit.
immediately. Real mines explodg automatically destroying
any and all units within 6cm of the mine counter. The
counter remains on the table until the end phase of the turn, Battic Rating:300 points
when it is removed. Until that time, any units that move
within 6cm of the counter are destroyed.
Optlonal Rule: As an alternative to their normal load,
MDMs may carty a single stasis or vortex mine and three The Assault Squad stood amund the land Raiden in a
dummy mines. If you are using an alternative load, you Ioose circle. Robben's eles wcne wide as ho stared at the
should note this down before the game. The mines are bolter shells which hung in mid-air; therc was sren an
dropped and activated in the normal way but instead of incoming laser shot, a short bar of solid light froan
exploding they create a field (stasis or vortex, as liko ice.
appropriate). Refer to the notes on stasis and vortex missiles. BrctherSeryunt Vanak smiled to himself. The lad had
Altering the load of a MDM does not change its points cost. never seen a stasis field in opention before. The chcle
of absolute stillness was eery in the midst of the ruging
Battle Rating: 2OO points
fury of battle that surrounfud them.
STASIS MISSILE Vamklookedarcandthe waiting Marines. "Bc rea4y "
The stasis missile carries a stasis field generator (SFG) as he said. 'As soon as you see that laser light vanish, the
its warhead. The SFG is a highly-sophisticated device which stasis freU generulor has cut out. Then it's cruck thc
creates area where time literally stands still. Anything lutches" - he @ed afistful of gerudes - "and in. The
caught within the stasis field is frozen in place and unable cruw dies, buttlu cotttttwrdlnlo andolty fuumants must
to do anything. Nothing may enter the field - including the stay intact. We need those Mb plans."
fire of weapons from the outside.



By combining Space Madne with Adeptus Tltanlcus,
you can fight immense epic battles with Space Marines,
armoured vehicles and Tiuns. The two games are designed
to be completely compatible, and the following notes are
all you will need to play combined games.


The sequence of play used in Adeptus Titanlcus is left
unchanged, apart from the following important addition:
Vithin each segment of the movement phasg players take
turns to move their eligible Titans. Once dl the eligible
Titans t.;,ve been moved, the players to move all their
eligible vunicles and infantry deachments. The First Player
moves all of his eligible vehicles and infantry, and then the
Second Player may move all of his. The same applies to
the combat phase. The combined turn sequence is
summarised in the following table:

Cbarge Segtnent:

Aduance Segment: - Players take turns to move all Titans with advance orders
- First Player moves all vehicle and infantry detachments with advance orders
- Second Player moves all vehicle and infantry detachments with advance orders
First Fire Segment: - Players take turns to turn in place all Titans with first fire orders

First Fire Segment: - Players take turns to fire with all Titans with first fire orders
- First Player fires with all vehicle and infantry detachments with first fire orders
- Second Player fires with all vehicle and infantry detachments with first fire orders
Aduance Segment: - Players take turns to fire with all Titans with advance orders
- First Player fires with all vehicle and infantry detachments with advance orders
- Second Player fires with all vehicle and infantry detachments with advance orders
Cbarge Segment: - Players take turns to fire with all Titans with charge orders
- First Player fires with all vehicle and infantry detachments with charge orders
- Second Player fires with all vehicle and infaritry detachments with charge orders.
Close Combat - Close combats between Titans are resolved
Segment: - Close combats involving vehicles and/or infantry are resolved

As normal


Titans use the prder counters from Adeptus Tlanlcus.
They may ndbe given fallbackorders, andmay nerrcrmove
in the fall back segment of the movement phase.

Vehicles must stop moving as soon as they come into
contact with the leg (not just the base) of a Titan. Titans
may step over vehicles, infantry and any buildings lower
than their knee-joint.

During its move, a Titan may attack a vehicle or infantry
stand by crushing it underfoot - the stotnp attack. Titans
move into base-to-base contact with the target of a stomp
attack; each stomp attack made costs the Titan 2cm from
its move allowance for the turn.
When a Titan makes a stomp attack, the player controlling
the Tian rolls a D6 and refers to tlre Stomp Table.lf. astomp
atack is successful, the target is destroyed - no saving throw!
The Titan may continue its move after the stomp attack
has been made, makingfurtherstomp attacks if the player
Stomp attacks may not be made against other Titans.
If the target of a stomp attack has first fire orders, it may
snap fire at the Titan before the stomp attack is made. Snap
fire atucks made by the target of a stomp attack take place
inside the attacking Titan's void shields, just like close
combat attacks.

Vehicles with charge orders may ty to rotm a Titan during
the movement phase, by moving into contact with one of
the Titan's legs. Ramming a Titan is always an act of
Stomp Attack Hit Mbdiflers desperate courage, since it spells cenain doom for the
vehicle making the attack.

難 鍮I懸韓
Vhen a vehicle attempts to ram aTitan, botb players rcll
a D6, and, add any modifiers from the table below.
If the scores are tied or the Titan's score is highe r, the Titan
suffers no damage.

=裏 If the vehicle's score is higlrer by l-2 points, the Titan suffers

saperficial tumage to its legs.
If the vehicle's score is higher by 3 or more points, the Titan
suffers critical damage to its legs.
Regardless of the dice roll, a vehicle which makes a ram
attack against a Titan is automatically destroyed.

ξ辮鴨 ‐■■‐ 1111

Ti晨 ヽお●:d-3CIlrcictlllllll‐ ■│││11■ 11
Titan has charge orders _1



It is quite simple to use the Random Scenarios ftom
Adeptus Tltanlcus with mixed forces, or wen with pure
In addition to the weapons they carry on their arms and infantry and vehicle forces. Once you have esablished your
fitted with one heavy bolter,
carapace, all Imperial Titans are
mounted irt the head. This has the same arc of firc as a force lbuel for the scrnario, you are free to spend your points
on Titans, vehicles, infantry or any combination of the
carapace-mounted weapon, and may anack infantry stands thr€e, as you see fit.
using the normal rules.
SPRAY FIRE t$(/hen using mixed forces in these scenarios, the following
Titans may use multi-barrelled weapons to spray flre on additions need to be made to the Vidory hints Table:
a group of targets which are close together. A multi-
barrelled weapon may target alr;a the size of a burst circle
template within this arca, one^nattack is made for each barrel
For each enemy infantry The battle rating of
of the weapon as nofmd, but the player mry choose a stand destroyed: tbe stand
different argc for each barrel. Weapons which already have For each enemy vehicle Tbe battle ruttng of
a burst circle, or which hane following fire, mry not split
their attacks in this manner. Only Titans may use spray fire.
desuoyed: the uebicle


The following rules applywhen a vehicle or infantry stand The victory conditions in the individual scenarios need
certain alterations to take mir<ed or nonrTitan forces into
ls in base contact with a Titan.
account. Where the victory conditions in a random
The Tltan is not bound by any of the usud restrictions scenario description refer to a Titan, amend this to read
which apply to close combat between Titans; its opponent 'Titan or Detachment'. Note that a detachment is not
is so small that the Titan can effectively ignore it. counted as destroyed while any part of it survives - you
need to destroy each individual vehicle or stand!
Vehlcles in base contact with a Titan may fire their
weapons in the close combat segment, and do so inside In the attacker obie ctives Conuoy and Racue Mission, one
the Tian's void shields. Titan carries something: a vial cargo and a spy respectively.
The player may choose a vehicle detachment rather than
Infantry stands in base contact with a Titan may only a Titan to carry the cargo or spy, and the cargo or spy is
attack it by making an infantry close assault against it. not destroyd until euery vehicle in that detachment has
been destroyed - assume that it can be transferred freely
INFANTRY CI,OSE ASSAUTTS from one vehicle to another within the nominated
An infantry close assault against a Titan consists of troops detachment.
scaling the Titan's legs in an attemPt to wedge bundles of
grenades in its vulnerable knee-ioints, or firing any of their
heavy weapons from within its void shields. This is by no
means an easy task: attackers can be stomped, shot by the The Warlord Tlailor's hydmulics screeched as ils foot
Titan's anti-personnel weapons, or killed by the Princeps descended and shmmed into the earth. Fifieen Loyalists
feeding massive jolts of electricity through the Titan's skin. died - their armour bunt lile over-ripe fruit. An instant
later, white-hot deuh ruined down frcm the Warlord's
Infantry close assaults arc always carried out in the close phsma cannon onto the ltyalists'reinforcements. None
combat segment of the combat phase. An infantry stand of the Marines cried out as Efe was scorched from their
that is making a close assault against a Titan may make no bodips - thel had no doubt as to the necessity of their
other attacks in this turn. Roll a D6 foreach infantry unit, sacifice.
adding + 2 to the roll if the Titan cannot move for any
reason. On a roll of l-5 the infantry sand has been shot, A vast snaking column of Emperor's Children swept
electrocuted or stomped - it is destroyed and should be foruad in the wale of the advancing Tllans. In the midst
removed fromplay. A roll of 6 or more means that the unit of its runlcs, &ptain Rennerfelt a pang of synpothy for
has managed to damage the Titan. those who werc once his Brahen; hul his loyalry lay only
with Horus, Horus was the future. Only ander his
The damage effect depends upon the t)?e of close assault: hadenhip conW Humanity truly pnospen The Emperor's
A stand that is attacking with a number of heavy weapons day was done. He had cbhned the Warmaster's victorics
may only cause damage with oze. This repnesents the fact as his own for too long,
that it is difficult to fire heavy weapons at a Titan which Renner's Marhestought sawgely inthe Tltans' shadows,
battling to destroy its attackers. The player may choose carpeting the funlefieW with Inyolist bodies. Ahead, lay
which weapon is used, and the weapon may fire despite a huge force of Ullmmarines - a suitable challenge for
anything to the contrary in the stand's orders. The attack his wanion.
akes place inside the Titan s void shields, and all dice rolls
are handled normally. The sun was setting on this world, but for Marines on
both sides therc would be no respite. The gift of the night
If a sand is trying to wedge a bundle of grenades in one would be a long and bloody battle. The Emperor's
of the Titan's knee-joints, the player rolls a D6, adding + I ChMren pessed onwatds with unflinching rcsolve. Soon
to the scorc if the atacking stand is ellte. On a score of the Imperial Cuk would be expunged. One fuy the sun
l-4, the grenades cruse superflclal damage to the Titan's would rise on o new Empin - the Empin of Horus.
legs, and on a score of 5+ the grenades cause critlcal
damage to the Titan's lep.


Titans use a number of weapons that are not covered in the main Space Marlne rules.


Weapon Range To Hit Roll Critical

Short ■on2 Short Long Hit Roll
Hcavy Wcapons
AutolCIⅢ ⅢOI■ ││││││ 361薇 ‐ 7121轟 ■51■ ││ ■61411 614
Multi― Launchcr 36Cm 72cm (1) 6す (1) 5+
lM11111Melallll■ ‐
│││‐ 12cm 1214t血 │15■ ││
●61411 │う 11

Very Hcavy Weapons

Oこ felcclLa“ ●■ ■■■│ 1721cm 1311(1) 21■
Macro‐ Cannon 72cm 3+(B) 3+

i癬≒│ 200m
361nl 71210ml
3● (Bll 611て ,)

撃難難難難癬欄麟躙 :欄― Ns
Weapon Range
short Lon2 shorHitblLng l SattittrW
Hcavy wcapo■ s
AutllC4Ⅲ ⅢOIIIIIIIII■ 1721Cm │151111
Multi‐ Launchcr 72cm 5+(B)
MIIti‐ M11ユ ■■■■■■ 12を ぬ 24む 轟 141■ ││ │151111

Very Hcavy Weapons

,lfenC● :Lasl■ ■■■│■ │ 72で 轟│ 1`│││(3) 121

Macro‐ cannon 72cm 4+(B) ‐


i濡■ │ 120Cml
4■ C)
1611て ,)

There is nothing more stunning than an epic scale battle
with hundreds of beautifully painted miniatures, played
out on a fully detailed wargames table. Unfortunately, for
many people such a luxury is unatulinable, whether for lack
of space or insufficient resources. However, the addition
of a very simple paint job to your miniatures will have a
remarkable effect on your enjoyment of the game. From
your commanding position you can pick out the different
flags and uniforms as you watch the Space Marines of each
side come to blows, and easily track each unit's progress
across the muddy battlefield.

ドい い一一゛ ● 一
Painting your epic scale miniatures is not as difficult as you

think. You can achieve quite stunning effects even in two

stages: spraying the base coat and drybrushing the

Tlae Uniform Colour and Banner Cbartbelow gives you
the appropriate colours for the twelve Space Marine
Chapters featured on the bottom of the box. The
highlighting colours are raken from the Citadel Colour At this point you can either leave your models as they are,
range of paints - particularly the Space Marine Paint Set, or ifyou feel confident enough, add Chapter badges and
which contains a number of specially mixed shades other insignia to the Marines' uniforms. It isn't difficult
designed specifically for the painting of four of the most to add fine details if you remember to use a brush with a
famous Space Marine Chapters. very fine point, and to thin the paint slightly so that it flows
smoothly. If you are painting a very light colour on top
PAINTING INFANTRY of a dark base colour, such as a yellow symbol onto black,
it is a good idea to paint the symbol with white paint first
The first stage in the painting of your epic scale infantry and, once dry, repaint it with the lighter colour. This gives
is the undercoat or base colour. Carefully cut all of the it a much brighter appear^nce.
miniatures from their runners with a sharp knife and fix
them to a piece of card with adhesive putty (the stuff you The next stage is to base your miniatures; simply remove
use to stick posters to walls). Ensure that you are in a well- the models from the card and attach them to their bases
ventilated room and that your painting area is protected with polystyrene cemenr. The bottled glue is better than
from overspray with some old newspaper. Spray paint the the tubed glue, as it has its own brush and is much easier
miniatures with their base colour, taking care not to ruin to use, especially when gluing objects this small.
the models' detail by spraying in one place for too long. If you wish, you can varnish the completed models. This
Then leave the models to dry. will protect them from handling damage caused during
play. Gloss varnish is preferable as it protects the model's
The next stage is drybrushing. Thke a size I or 2 brush, paint job better than matt varnish. If you want a matt finish
preferably an old one as this technique tends to wear them
out quite rapidly, and load it with the relevant colour. Wipe on your models, apply a coat of gloss first to make sure
the brush on an old rag until it is almost dry and then lightly
you give adequate protection to your hard work. Matt and
draw the brush across the model's surface so that the detail gloss varnish xe Lvaila;ble from all good model shops, in
is accentuated. both bottles and spray cans; spray cans are usually the
quickest and easiest to use.

Vehicles are painted in exactly the same way as infantry
- spray the base colour and drybrush the highlights. As a
final touch, when the base colour is dry, you can paint the
tracks and guns with Chaos Black, and drybrush them with
In the same way that the Marines have shoulder insignia,
armoured vehicles of the Imperium are also painted with
various symbols. Thus the vehicle's detachment or
battlefield role can be easily recognised at a disrance by
other troops, vehicles and Titans. The trick here is to be
bold, as a very fine symbol will become indistinct at a
distance. Painting your symbols in contrasting colours will
ensure that they stand out: red and green, blue and orange,
purple and yellow are all opposites on the colour wheel,
and are particularly noticeable when used together.


Adding an ink、vash is vcry Simplc Whcn thc base coatis

dry takc alargc brush,load it覇 /ith thc rcicvant colourink
or ink nlix and brush it over the model― that's all there
is to it!

Once thc ink is complctcly dry,you can drybrush thc

highlights and basc thc modcls in thc usual wa,1

You don't have to stop with one stage of drybrushed
highlights. If you add a small amount of Skull rW'hite to the
highlighting colour and drybrush the modelagiln, but with
a much lighter brushstroke, it will give the raised areas of
the model greater emphasis.
You can continue this process for as long as you wish,
adding more Skull White to the mix each time. The final
effect can be quite remarkable.
To aid identification by Titans, many vehicles were painted with
deachment recognition symbols indicating the type of Marin€s they
carried. This esmple, from the rvhite Scars shows symbols for tctical
and Support Stands (left), DevasEtor St2nds (top right) and Assault
Stands (bottom right).
Although the banners that are supplied witlr Space Marine
INK VVASHES arc alrea.dy in colour, there is nothing to stop you adding
additional highlights to them. Simply mix up a lighter shade
The addition of an ink wash between the base coat and of the colour you wish to highlight, and carefully pick out
drybrushing the highlights will give a more realistic, three the areas of the banner that would be the lightest. By
dimensional look to your model. The ink runs into the crumpling up the banner slightly and highlighting the peaks
deepest areas of detail and creates effective shadows which of the folds, you can make the flag look more three
have a greater contrast to the drybrushed highlights. dimensional.


Dark Angels Ultramarines White Scars Space Wolves Salamanders Blood Angels

ト ト ■ヽ



Black Dark Bluc Light Grey Dark Grey Black Red

High‐ Salamander Skull Space Wolf Salamander Blood Angel

light Green White Grey Green Orange

Wash Bluc/Black Black Black Red

Death Guards
Wodd Eaters Sons of Horus Night■ ords
Chtldren Sons

Banner li攀 iニ
Black Purple Light crey Red Black Dark Bluc

High‐ Salamander Worm Purple/ HOb80blin Ghoul Moody


light Green Skull White Orangc Grcy Blue

Purple Black Red Bluc/Black

Across a million worlds they fight. On cratered bettlefields strewn with dead,
the men and machines of the Imperium clash in awesom€ brttles. Planets are
laid waste as the two sides strive for ultimate control. One man has betrayed
the trust placed upon him, and the Imperium is in danger ofbeing destroyed.
Games rl(/orkshop's epic scale games, Adeptus Titanlcus ?'nd Space Marine,lrc
set in the lUarbammer 40,mO univetre during the dark days of the Horus Heresy,
when the Imperial Warmast€r Horus turned ageinst the Emperor.
Adeptus Tltanicrrs and Space Marlne allow you to fight massive battles with

hundreds of epic scale miniatur€s. Whoever you choose to side with, there are
dozens of different models to collect end paint to create your armies. Adeptus
Tltanlcus and Space Marine tre fully compatible; by combining the two games,
you can fight mixed actions between Marines, vehicles and Titans.
Games Workshop's epic scale games are fully supported by an extensive renge
of miniatures, and by regular rules supplements in tvhlte Duarf.

Adeptus Tltanlcue allows 1,ou fight the epic Titan Spacc Marine conhins everythingyou need to stage vast infantry end armour
battles of the Horus Heresy, as the Traitors rebel battles during the Horus Heresy, when Marine fought Marine and the e](isrcnce
against the Emperor. Adeptus Titanrczs contairs 6 plastic clip-tqlether warlord of the lmperium was threaterred. Space Marlne contains over J6o fi nely-deailed
Class Titans with a range of interchangeable weapons, 8 buildings, data cards, epic scale plastic Merines and ermoured vehicles, 14 card and plastic buildings,
countefs, weapon templates, rxnge ruleff, dice and complete rules. data cards, countersi weapon templates, range rulers, dice and complete rules.


IN THE WORKS - At the time of going to press, the
following epic scale supplements and miniaturcs are
in developmentl
Codcx Tltanlcus II - a working title. Amongst other
things, tt will probably contain rul€s for n€w Imperial
and Tlaitor vehicles, weapons and Titans.
Empcror Tltan - the largest Imperial Titan. As well
as an awesome fighting machine, the Emperor Titan
serves as a mobile temple, bringing the Emperor's
word to isolated planets.
Psl.:flt o - operat€d by the Divisio Telepathica, and
armed with a multitude of psionic attacks and
defences, rules for Psijlitans will be included in a
future supplement.
Tltao Weapoo aod Head Vadants - a planned range
of metal weapons and heads, including heads for
specific Titan Orders, siege heads and Traitor
Juggernauts & Zcppellas - two huge war machines
thet dwarf even the mighty Tians. Juggernauts ar€ '

vast mobile fortresses, bristling with wexpons;

z€ppelins are grcat airships that float above the
battl€field, dealing death to anything that dares
epproach them.

tvbite Duarf, the cams Workshop and Ciiadel Miniatures l os, Spoce Merine nd Adeptus Titanic$ are ell rmdemar
62 of Cames workshop Ltd
Dldar l€glon conains over
150 epic scale plastic Eldar
infantry and gnv-t1nks, to
expand the alien forces you
have availablc in your

Codex Tltanlcus is the first supplement for Space Marine and Adeptus
Titanicus, end contains rules for Ork and Eldar iorces, with details of aheir
infantry, vehicles and Tisns. The book also contains rules for new Imperial
vehicles, dreadnoughts and robots, plus many new Tita.n rules.

Cll鵬 嗣EI`川 NIバrlIR壼3“

Cltad€l Mlnlatures make a complete range of metal epic scale Ork Horde conteins over
miniatures to use in your games of Adeptus Tltanicus and Space ItO epic scale plastic Ork
Marine, inchtding: Reaver and Warlord Class Imperial Titans; Ork infantry and battlewagons,
Gargants; Eldar Titans; lmperial vehicles, including the predator and to field against the
ヘ Rapier; Ork vehicles and Dreadnoughts; armourcd might of the
and Eldar War Walkers. Eldar and the lmperium.

Battle Tltans
contains 6 plastic
Vadord Class
Titans to expend
your games of
Tltanlcus. They
come with inter-
weapons, so you
cln fepfesent
dozens of
͡ variants.

ガイ Whlte Dwarf is
Games Workshop's
啄 monthly magazlne. As
well as full details of
the latest releases,
lvblte Duarf fe tures
supplementary rules,
hints on modelling
and painting, news
and prcviews.

EPlc prcductsarc.wilablc fomrllc.mcs Vt rkshop

shopsand Spccialisr Sadkists, lnd fom bcrErloy and hobby
shops eErywheE. In rhe aent of dlfficutty, or for furrhe.
dcgils of our lacsa relea*s, pleas send . sumped rlf-
addresscd enKlopc ro rhe eppmpriac addcss tElow:

m マ′」 7 ( [〕 1] ] I] ] `] ] ] [] ( [〕 戸

GMcr Vo.k3hop Ltd., cucs Wortlhop Inq,

Chewton St, Hilltop, 3431 Benson Avenuc,
Ersaw@d, Nottlnghzm, Bahimorc,
NGl6 JHY M^rylznd2t2z7.
Copyltgbt A 1989 Games Workshop Ltd. All rtghk resqued
VARNING: Citadel Miniatures conuin l€ad which may be harmful if chfled q swallowed. Thq [e nor rovs. and are

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