Jamca V20 N2 P146-149

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Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, 2O(2):146_149,2004

Copyright @ 2OO4by the American Mosquito Control Association, Inc.



ABSTRACT The repellent activity of methanol extracts from 23 aromatic medicinal plant species and a
steam distillate against female blood-starved Aedes aegypti was examined in the laboratoiy Uy skin test and
compared with that of N,N-diethyl-z-toluamide (deet). Responses varied according to plant-speties. At a dose
of 0.1 mg/cm', the repellency of extracts of Cinnamomum cassia bz,rk (9l%o), Naidostichys chinensis rhrzome
(\l%o), Paeonia suffruticosa root bark (8OVo), and Cinnamomum camphora steam distillate (94Vo) was compa-
rable to deet (82Vo). The duration of the effectiveness for extracts from C. cassia bark and N. chinensis rhizome
was comparable to deet and lasted for -l h. Relatively short duration of repellency was observed in P. suffru-
ticosa root bark extract and C. camphora steam distillate. The plants described merit further study as potential
mosquito repellent agents.

KEY WORDS Natural repellent, mosquito, Aecles aegypti, aromatic plant, deet, skin test

INTRODUCTION perspiration and abrasion, sensitivity of the insects

to repellents, and biting density (Rozendaal 1997).
Mosquito repellents could be one of the most ef-
This paper describes a laboratory study that was
fective tools for protecting humans from mosquito
made to assess the potential of plant extracts for
attack and from mosquito-borne diseases, such as
use as commercial mosquito repellents. Repellent
dengue hemorrhagic fever, malaria, encephalitis,
activity of methanol extracts from 23 aromatic me-
and filariasis (Curtis et al. 1990). Repeated use of
dicinal plant species and a steam distillate were as-
synthetic insecticides for mosquito control has dis-
sessed against female blood-starved Aedes aegypti
rupted natural biological control systems and led to
(L.) and compared with that of deet.
resurgences in mosquito populations (Croft and
Brown 1975). k has also resulted in the develop-
ment of resistance (Brown 1986), had undesirable MATERIALS AND METHODS
effects on nontarget organisms, and fostered envi-
ronmental and human health concerns (Hayes and Insects: The Ae. aegypti used in this study were
Laws l99l). The most commonly used mosquito from cultures maintained in the laboratory for 7
repellent is N,N-diethyl-z-toluamide (deet), which years without exposure to insecticide. Adult mos-
is still most effective. However, this compound has quitoes were reared on a lOVo sucrose solution and
an unpleasant odot can damage plastics and syn- blood-fed on live mice. Larvae were reared in plas-
thetic rubber, and has high skin penetration char- tic trays (24 x 35 X 5 cm) containing 2,0O0 ml of
acteristics (Qiu et al. 1998). These problems indi- water supplied with 0.5 g of sterilized diet (40-
cate a need for new and improved repellents and mesh chick chow powder and yeast, 4: I by weight).
strategies for protection from mosquito attack. They were held at 28 -r 2"C and 75 + 57o relative
Plants could be an alternative source for mos- humidity (RH) and a 16:8 h photoperiod.
quito repellents because they constitute a potential Plants and sample preparation: A total of 24
source of bioactive chemicals (Wink 1993) and typ- aromatic medicinal plant species were selected
ically are free from harmful effects (Isman 1995). (Namba 1993). The parts of each plant that have
Because of this, much interest has focused on plant been used in Chinese medicine (Namba 1993) were
extracts, or plant essential oils, as potential mos- purchased from Boeun medicinal herb shop,
quito repellent agents. The effectiveness and dura- Kyungdong market, Seoul, and used in extractions
tion of repellency depend on the type of repellent (Table l). With the exception of Chaenomeles si-
(active ingredient and formulation), mode of appli- nensi.s (Thouin) Koehn. and Cinnamomum campho-
cation, local conditions, attractiveness of individual ra Presl, the plants were dried in an oven at 40'C
people to insects, loss of repellent with removal by for 2 days and finely powdered with a blender. Each
sample (50 g) was extracted twice with 300 ml of
methanol at room temperature for 2 days and fil-
I Department of Advanced Organic Materials Engineer- tered. Slices (200 g) of the fresh Chaenomeles fruits
ing, Chonbuk National University, Chonju 561-756, Re- were ground in a blender, extracted twice each with
public of Korea. 900 ml of methanol at room temperature for I day,
2 School of Agricultural Biotechnology, Seoul National
and filtered. The combined filtrate was concentrated
University, Seoul I5l-742, Republic of Korea.
r Faculty of Biotechnology, Chonbuk National Univer- to dryness by rotary evaporation at 4O'C. The yield
sity, Chonju 561-756, Republic of Korea. of each methanolic extraction is given in Table l.
4 Department of Biological Sciences, Kosin University, Cinnamomum camphora was purchased as a steam
Busan 606-701, Republic of Korea. distillate.
5 Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Bioassay: The method of Frances et al. (1996)

Moseutro RBpeI-l-BNcv nNo Plnlm ExrRAcrs 147

Table 1. Aromatic medicinal plants tested.

Familv Species Tissue usedr Yield (Vo)2

Angelica dahurica Ro t7.7

Acorus calamus vaL angustdtus Rh 10.1
Acorus gramineus Rh 9.5
A rtemis ia princ eps v ar. o rientali s Wp 6.6
Inula helenium Ro 16.3
Dioscorea batatas Rh 2.4
Gleditsia horrida Fr t7.3
Glycyrrhiza glabra Ro 21.9
Labiatae Agastache rugosa Wp 9.5
Sc h izon ep et a t enuifo I i a Wp 8.1
Lauraceae Cinnamomum camphora3
Cinnamomum cassia Ba 5.1
Magnoliaceae Magnolia obovata Ba 5.8
Myrtaceae Eugenia caryophyllata Fb 37.8
Paeoniaceae Paeonia suffruticosa Rb 18.6
Piperaceae Piper nigrum Fr 10.1
Polygonaceae Rheum coreanum Rh 4t.6
Prumulaceae Lysimachia davurica Wp 9.O
Rosaceae Chaenomeles sinensis Fr 60.8
Rutaceae Evodia mtaecarpa Fr 9.5
Solanaceae Solanum melongena Fr
Stemonaceae Stemona japonica Ro 15.2
Thymelaeaceae Aquilaria agallocha Hw 6.6
Valerianaceae N ardostachys c hinensis Rh t2.9
'Ba, bmk; Fb, flower bud; Fr, fruit; Hw, heart wood; Rb, root brk; Rh, rhizome; Ro, root; md wp, whole plant.
, (Weight of crude methmol extract/weight of dried test material) x 100; except Chaenomeles sinensis, (weight of crude methanol
extract/weight of fresh fruits) X 100.
3 Steam distillate.

with a slight modification was used to determrne termined and transformed to arcsine square root
the repellent activity of test samples against female values for ANOVA. Treatment means were com-
blood-starved Ae. aegypti. Every bioassay was con- pared and separated by the Scheffe test at P : 0.05
ducted from 1200 to 1700 h. In a preliminary test, (SAS Institute 1990). Means -r SE of untrans-
0.1 mg of each plant extract was solubilized in 20 formed data are reported.
pl of ethanol by sonication for l0 sec and provided
an appropriate amount for repellent bioassays. Eth- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
anol (20 pl) was applied directly to exposed skin
through a 5-cm-diameter hole on the back of a rub- The repellent activity of methanol extracts from
ber glove and dried for 3 min. Because biting den- 23 aromatic medicinal plant species and a steam
sity plays an important role in studies of repellency distilfate against starved Ae. aegypti females varied
(Rozendaal 1997), skin was exposed for 5 min in according to plant species (Table 2). At a dose of
a screen wire cage (30 x 30 X 3O cm) containing 0.1 mg/cm2, potent repellency against mosquito
300 blood-starved females (6-8 days old). Imme- adults was obtained with the extracts of Cinnamo-
diately after the control exposure, the hand was re- mum cassia Blume bark (9l%o), Nardostachys chi-
moved from the cage and a dose of 0.1 mg/cm2 of nensis Batalin rhizome (8IVo), Paeonia suffruticosa
each test plant material and deet (Sigma, St. Louis, Andrews root bark (8OVo), and C. camphora steam
MO) in 20 pl of ethanol were applied evenly over distillate (94Vo). Repellency in each case was com-
the skin surface. After air drying for 3 min, the parable to that of deet (82Vo). Eugenia caryophyl-
treated hand was exposed to mosquitoes in the lata Thunb. extract provided 15Vo repellency. The
same test cage for 5 min at 30-min intervals. The other 19 plant extracts exhibited <jOVo repellency.
number of test mosquitoes biting on the skin was We know that plant-derived insect repellent
recorded. Experiments were conducted at28 + 2"C agents are selective, have no or little harmful effect
and 75 t 5Va RH. Each assay was replicated 3 on nontarget organisms or the environment, and can
times. be applied to human skin and clothing in the same
Repellency was calculated according to the for- way as conventional repellents (Curtis et al. 1990,
mula from Schreck et al. (1977): Ea rcpellency : Isman 1995, Rozendaal 1997). Furthennore, many
- Tb)/Ta] X 100, where Ta is the number of plant extracts and essential oils manifest repellent
mosquitoes in the control and Tb is the number of activity against different mosquito species (Curtis
mosquitoes in the treated group. et al. 1990, Sukumar et al. 1991, Rozendaal 1997).
Statistical analyses: Percent repellency was de- Sukumar et al. (1991) noted that the most promis-
148 JounNel oF TFiBAuBnrceN Mosquno CoNrnol Assocrerroll Vor-. 20, No. 2

Table 2. Repellent activities of aromatic medicinal

_plants against female Aedes aegypti skin test.
+ P. suffruticosa
Plant speciesl 7o repellency2 - + /V.chrrensls
.o + C. cassla
Acorus calamus yar. angustatus 56 + 9.6 CDEF o + C.camphora
Acorus gramineus 44 + 1.8ourc o + Deet
Agatache rugosa o
54 + 1.6cnep L
Angeliccr dahurica 50 + 1.5 coprc

Aquilariet agallocha 62 + 2.2 ecoep

Artemis ia princeps var. orie ntalis q)
60 + 3.6 ecorF o
Chaenomeles sinensis 49 + 2.5 cDEFc o
Cinnamomun camphora 94 + 1.8n o_
Cinnamomum cassia 9l + 3.9 ns
Dioscorea batatas 39 + 1.6rpc 0 r
Eugenia caryophyllata 75 + 3.3 ABCDE 0 30 60 90 120 150 180
Evodia rutaecarpa 32 + 3.2pc
Gleditsia horrida 57 + 3.6cozp Hours Post Application
Glycyrrhiza glabra 28 + 4.5 po
Inula helenium 50 + 3.7 coerc
Fig. l. Duration of protection of methanol extracts
Lysimachia davurica 50 +
fiom 3 plant species,a steam distillate of C. camphora,
and deet against female Ae. aegypti when dosed at a rate
Magnolia obovata 59 + 2.3 corp
Nardostachys chinensis 8l +
of 0.1 mg/cm,. Bar representsstandarderror.
5.8 e.sct
Paeonia suffruticosa 80 + 4.3 ABCD
Piper nigrum 52 + 3.9 coBpc
Rheum coreanum 5l + 1.9 cnepc ample, reported that a l7o neem oil-kerosene
Schizonepeta tenuifolia 53 + 4.O CDEF mixture could provide economical personal protec-
Solanum melongena 15 + 3.2c tion from mosquito bites. Lantana camara L. flow-
Stemona japonica 6l + 1.3BCDEF er extract in coconut oil provided 94.5Vo protection
Deet 82 + 3.7 ABC from Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Ae. aegypti
I Exposed to 0-1 mg/cm, for 15 min.
without adverse effects on the human volunteers for
, Means within a column followed
by the sme letter ile not a 3-month period after the application (Dua et al,
significantly different (P = 0.05, Scheffe test; SAS lnstiture 1990).
Repellency was trmsformed to trcsine square root values before 1996).
ANOVA. Means a SE of untransformed data are reDorted. Results of this study indicate that some plant ex-
tracts could be useful for protecting human and do-
mestic animals from mosquito attack, provided a
ing botanical mosquito control agents are in the slow-release effect for the repellents can be devel-
families Asteraceae, Cladophoraceae, Labiatae, oped. For practical use of these plants as novel
Meliaceae, Oocystaceae, and Rutaceae. In this mosquito repellents to proceed, however, further re-
study, repellency against female Ae. aegypti com- search on their safety in human health, as well as
parable to deet was observed for extracts from formulations that improve repellent potency and
plants in the Lauraceae, Myrtaceae, Paeoniaceae, stability, is necessary.
and Valerianaceae families. Repellent activity of
the extracts of C. cassia bark, E caryophyllata ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
flower bud, N. chinensis rhizome, and P. suffruti-
cosa root bark, as well as the steam distillate of C. This work was supported by grants from the Ko-
camphora, against female Ae. aegypti was compa- rea Science and Engineering Foundation (R0l-
rable to that of deet. 2000-000088-0) and the Ministry of Education
The repellent activity of extracts from C. cassia (Brain Korea 2l Project) to YJA.
bark, N. chinensis rhizome, P. suffruticos.z root
bark, and C. camphora steam distillate against fe- REFERENCES CITED
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