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M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q.

, 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 477

Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated

Palm Oil Mill Effluent (BPOME): A Developmental Review
M. S. Jami, M. K. Amosa,* M. F. R. Alkhatib, D. N. Jimat, and S. A. Muyibi
Bioenvironmental Engineering Research Center (BERC),
Department of Biotechnology Engineering, Kulliyyah of Engineering, Original scientific paper
International Islamic University Malaysia, Received: October 25, 2012
P.O. Box 10, 50728, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Accepted: April 15, 2013

Increased water shortages and new environmental policies and regulations have
stimulated significant development in reuse programs in the past 20 years.1 Reclaimed
water has been recognized as a vital and drought-proof water source to ensure economic
and agricultural activities. According to the conclusions of various water reuse surveys,
the best water reuse projects, in terms of economic viability and public acceptance, are
those that substitute reclaimed water in lieu of potable water for use in industrial, irriga-
tion, environmental restoration, cleaning and toilet flushing. The main benefits of using
reclaimed water in these situations are conservation of water resources and pollution re-
duction.1 Low Pressure Membranes (LPMs) such as Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltra-
tion (UF) integrated with adsorption system could be a viable option for separation of
contaminants in wastewater for reuse as boiler-feed or process water in industry. This
article technically discusses the main constituents of concern in boiler-feed and process
water requirements and finally suggests potentially efficient and low-energy-low-cost
hybridized LPM /adsorption treatment facilities to achieve this paradigm shift towards
new water sources.
Key words:
Boiler-feed/process water, water/wastewater, reclamation and reuse, adsorption, mem-
brane separation

Introduction areas, and legislation regarding water conservation

and environmental compliance. To meet this in-
Population growth, urbanization, and industri- creased demand, some countries have increased the
alization contribute to water shortages by perpetual- availability of reclaimed water to industries, and
ly pushing up demand. Interestingly, these same have thus alleviated the demand stress on fresh wa-
factors increase water pollution, lead to higher costs ter supplies.
in potable water treatment, and pose adverse health The palm oil industry is the leading agro-indus-
effects. It has been projected that by 2020, more try in Malaysia and it requires a large quantity of
than half the total population of Asia, Africa, and water for its operation, leading to the discharge of
Latin America will be living in cities, and all of considerable amounts of wastewater called palm oil
these cities will require additional water sources.1 mill effluent (POME) after a few steps but insuffi-
Another projection further stresses that by 2025, cient biological treatments. This creates a severe
35 % of the world’s population at large will live in threat to the environment and conventional sources
countries affected by water stress/scarcity.2 With of fresh water. Besides, many humid regions are be-
this worldwide depletion of conventional water, the coming arid or semi-arid regions and water has be-
need for non-conventional sources for water pro- come a limiting factor forcing water resource plan-
duction is increasing. Wastewater is of course one ners to look continually for additional sources of
of the best-known non-conventional sources. Indus- water to supplement the limited resources available
trial reuse has increased tremendously since the ear- to their region. In such situations, source substitu-
ly ‘90s for most of the same reasons urban reuse tion appears to be the most suitable alternative to
has gained popularity, including water shortages satisfy less restrictive uses, thus allowing high qual-
and increased populations, particularly in drought ity waters to be used for domestic supply based on
the United Nations Economic and Social Council
Corresponding author: Tel: +60162365704, +60173268817;
Fax: +60361964442; email addresses: (MK Amosa), policy that says “no higher quality water, unless (MS Jami) there is a surplus of it, should be used for a purpose
478 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

that can tolerate a lower grade”.3 Water scarcity sumption of fresh water by the industry, this paper
problems have been increasingly severe around the discusses the benefits/potentials of Biotreated Palm
world and so great attention is being paid to the rec- Oil Mill Effluent (BPOME) in terms of industrial
lamation and reuse of wastewater from municipali- water requirements, wastewater production and the
ties and industrial plants. The fact remains that the significance of main constituents of concern in boil-
stringency placed on drinking water regulations is er-feed and process water for low pressure boilers,
becoming higher than that of industrial or agricul- as well as suggests a viable process design of hy-
tural use, hence low quality waters such as waste- brid adsorption-membrane system for the reclama-
waters should be considered as alternative sources tion of BPOME as a low-cost and effective method
for less restrictive uses. This measure will prevent of producing boiler-feed and process water for the
those wastewaters from being discharged into water industry.
environments, as well as reduce the demand stress
on fresh water resources. It is therefore pertinent
to efficiently define the target use of reclaimed Industrial wastewater reclamation
­water. and reuse
The membrane separation process is a technol-
ogy that has become increasingly popular for waste- Amongst others, industrial activities worldwide
water reuse applications, since it could play a key account for about a quarter of all water consump-
role in removing the complex components of dis- tion and there is hardly any industry that does not
solved and particulate matter contaminants in use large amounts of water for its processes. During
wastewater. A wide range of membrane processes the early days of water reclamation for industrial
from porous MF to dense reverse osmosis (RO) fil- reuse, there were no regulatory policies governing
tration has been employed for advanced wastewater water quality; all the existing regulations then were
treatment. MF and UF have always been considered focused on the reuse for potable purpose. However,
as pre-treatment steps to nanofiltration (NF) and/or as water reuse spread across the industries, the reg-
RO in effective wastewater reclamation processes ulations that began to spring up for specific indus-
for sustainable high water quality. Due to this ex- trial reuse are now becoming more and more strin-
ceptional efficiency of membrane technology, many gent.1
water-intensive industrial sectors such as the textile, Water standards related to industrial activities
food, pulp and paper industries are always interest- may vary in a wide range of parameters and limit
ed in using membranes for wastewater reclamation values. Appropriate combination/integration of ad-
for reuse. However, the industries are somewhat re- vanced technologies allows the production of cus-
luctant to adopt the highly energy-intensive RO and tomized reclaimed water according to the standards
nanofiltration (NF) processes. Furthermore, NF/RO of the potential industrial reuse activities.
membranes have a lot more serious issues related to
membrane fouling caused by colloids deposition, Reuse as boiler-feed water
inorganic precipitation, and biological growth lead- A boiler is an equipment for steam generation
ing mostly to irreversible fouling. To overcome and it consists of two principal parts namely the fur-
these drawbacks, complicated pre-treatment and op- nace, which usually provides heat through the burn-
erational techniques are needed. ing of a fuel, and the boiler itself which is a device
From the foregoing, single or hybrid microfil- responsible for the heat changes of water into steam.
tration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) processes ap- The steam is then recirculated out of the boiler for
pear to be more attractive for wastewater treatment use in various processes in heating applications.
because they promise high fluxes at relatively low Proper treatment of boiler feed water is an import-
pressures. Although, membrane fouling problems ant part of operating and maintaining a boiler sys-
are still being researched, UF and MF alone or in tem and any contaminant of concern should be con-
combination with coagulation, adsorption, micelle trolled or removed through external or internal
formation, and complexation were used for the re- treatments in order to protect the boiler from corro-
covery of valuable materials through selective sepa- sion or other unwanted adverse effects.
ration of colloidal particles, macromolecules, or While many works have been reported on wa-
metals besides wastewater reclamation.4–11 Never- ter reclamation especially from POME,12–16 there
theless, extensive attempts to find more MF/UF are very few and scope-limiting reports on BPOME
­applications for the purification of various wastewa- polishing for reuse. Those few works only reported
ter effluents are still needed. the membrane separation of BPOME without ad-
Being motivated by the above-mentioned treat- sorption integration, and there are little or no re-
ment technologies for the potential abatement of ports on how to specifically tailor its treatment
freshwater shortages, especially from the huge con- ­towards a specific industrial reuse using the recom-
M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 479

mended water quality standards as benchmarks for lored towards that which has no corrosion propensi-
target reuse purposes. It is technically obvious that ty. The sought quality/purity will however depend
if this has to be done efficiently, the specific param- on the pressure at which the boiler is operated. The
eters important to each reuse purpose have to be general principle is that the higher the pressure, the
keenly considered and monitored during the treat- higher the quality of water required. A low-pressure
ment processes. Recommended values for those fire-tube boiler can usually tolerate high feed-water
specific parameters have been issued by a number hardness with proper treatment while virtually all
of authorities (Table 1), such as American Water impurities must be removed from water used in
Works Association (AWWA), British Standards In- some modern, high-pressure boilers.
stitution (BSI), American Society of Mechanical In boiler water practice, the three main aims
Engineers (ASME), Electric Power Research Insti- that must always be borne in mind are to minimize
tute (EPRI), Central Electricity Generating Board corrosion, scale deposition, and carryover of boiler
(CEGB), US Environmental Protection Agency water solutes in steam. The first two aims should be
(USEPA), etc. The chemistry of the wastewater as considered right from the boiler-feed treatment be-
well as prime parameters necessary for the intended fore the boiler operations starts, so that their effects
reuse purpose dictates the treatment process design. will be minimal during the operation. The third aim
is out of this paper’s scope since it could only be
Feed-water purity is a matter concerning both
effectively achieved after a period of boiler opera-
impurity quantity and nature, and this requirements tion. Although with increasing pressure, a high de-
vary widely. Some impurities such as hardness, iron gree of purity becomes more essential for the
and silica are of more concern, for example, than feed-water to lessen the risks of carryover and scal-
sodium salts. The chemistry of any wastewater to ing, and to provide a basis for effective anti-corro-
be treated for boiler-feed water reuse has to be tai- sion measures. Industrial low-pressure boilers, par-
ticularly the steam generating type, such as those
Ta b l e   1  – Boiler-feed water standards for low – moderate utilized in the palm oil industries, some food pro-
pressure boilers cessing industries, etc., will perform more satisfac-
STANDARDS torily with softened water.
ASME BSS AWWA USEPA Conceptualizing boiler corrosion
Total Hardness
(mg L–1)
0.3 10 (80*) 0 – 10 350 The prime reaction in boiler corrosion is the
formation of magnetite and hydrogen from iron and
Ambient pH 7.5/10.0 8.5/9.5 (8*) 9.5 7.0 – 10.0 water:17
Total Alkalinity
(mg L–1)
– 700 700 350 3Fe + 4H 2O  Fe3O 4 + 4H 2

Silica as SiO2 This is considered to proceed in two stages, i.e.

< 0.05 (40*) 100 – 133 30
(mg L–1) the initial production of ferrous hydroxide:
Total Iron as Fe 3Fe 2+ + 2OH -  Fe(OH) 2
< 0.10 NA – 1.0
(mg L–1)
TDS (mg L–1) – 3000 3000 – 5000 700 and then it is subjected to subsequent decomposi-
tion to magnetite and hydrogen (the Schikorr reac-
Turbidity tion):
– 5 – 10 (20*) – –
Mn (mg L–1) – – – 0.3
3Fe(OH) 2  Fe3O 4 + 2H 2O + H 2

H2S (mg L–1) – 0 (5*) – As Received This can be generalized into the reaction:
TSS (mg L–1) – 1500 – 100 300 – 600 10 Fe3O 4+3(2b)H++H 23Fe(OH)(2b )
+(43b)H 2O
COD (mg L–1) – – – 5
This is an indication that, given an adequate
ASME refers to American Society of Mechanical Engineers Industrial concentration of hydrogen, magnetite can be re-dis-
Boiler Sub-Committee; 1986. – Adapted by Shreir et al (1994)
BSS refers to British Standard Specification 2468; 1978 – Adapted by solved. In the absence of sufficient hydrogen, the
Shreir et al (1994); Corbitt (1999) solubility of magnetite is markedly temperature de-
AWWA refers to American Water Works Association; 1971 – Adapted pendent, which provides an explanation for some of
by Corbitt (1999)
USEPA refers to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1980b – the problems in high-temperature circuits.17
Adapted by USEPA (1992), and Metcalf & Eddy et al (2007) For high-pressure boilers, there is usually a re-
NA: Not Applicable; ND: Not Detectable
(*) refers to tolerance levels based on BSS recommended values lationship between corrosion rates and iron solubil-
(Corbitt, 1999) ity and pH. pH ranges around the neutral point usu-
480 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

ally corresponds to the target ranges for good the principle may be compromised in process water
boiler-water practice, indicating modest corrosion reuse (as discussed in subsequent sub-section) based
rates, and deviations from neutrality in either direc- on the products from the industry process. Howev-
tion lead to increasingly severe attack, though the er, a balanced position must be reached when those
rates are relatively faster in acidic than in alkaline typical compromises are inevitable in order to safe-
conditions. Specifically, in approximately neutral guard the metals involved in the process from being
solutions, solid state diffusion is dominant, while at attacked by corrosion or embrittlement and eventu-
higher or lower pH values, iron becomes increas- ally failing. If there is no imposing compromise on
ingly soluble and the corrosion rate increases with hardness, then it is usually recommended that total
the kinetics approaching linearity, ultimately being hardness be as low as possible, if not totally unde-
limited by the rate of diffusion of iron species tectable.17 The maximum allowable dissolved solids
through the pores in the oxide layer. In more con- content for boilers operating at 2, 20 and 40 bar
centrated solutions, e.g. pH values below 3 or above
should be maintained at 3500, 3000 and 2000 mg
12, the oxide becomes detached from the metal and
L–1 respectively.17 The stringency intensifies as the
therefore un-protective.17 By this mechanism, hy-
drogen generated by the corrosion process attacks boiler pressure builds up.
iron carbide in the steel: In the palm oil industry, as well as most food
processing industries that need to generate steam,
'FeC' + 2H 2  Fe + CH 4 boilers are normally operated at typically low pres-
sures of around 3 bar19 and temperatures as high as
By this, the material’s strength becomes low 130 °C, hence an appropriate boiler-feed water as-
and at high corrosion rates, the methane produced say is required. Prior to the treatment, however, the
cannot diffuse out of the steel and high internal constituents of BPOME need to be known. Table 2
stresses develop which blow the steel apart.17 Be-
shows the typical constituents of BPOME.
sides, the intercrystalline cracking of boiler metal,
called caustic embrittlement, is associated with (a) However, it must be noted that the level of
localized stresses that have strained the metal be- these constituents may slightly vary from one palm
yond its elastic limit, and (b) a high concentration oil industry to another. Seasonal changes may also
of caustic soda in the absence of an adequate con- affect the constituents’ level.
centration of sulphate in the feed water. Failure gen-
erally occurs at riveted seams and similar places of Ta b l e   2  – Characterization of Biotreated Palm Oil Mill Ef-
confined extent that have been subjected to stresses fluent (BPOME)
of high intensity.18 Constituents As-Collected Sample
To mitigate potential corrosion problems, the Turbidity (NTU) 1050
principle is to make known the significance of some
very important parameters along with their recom- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (mg L–1) 1207
mended standards before expanding into the overall Conductivity (mS cm–1)      2.04
parameters that contribute to corrosion. It is gener-
Salinity (0/00)     1.0
ally recommended that boilers in the range 13 – 40
bar be operated with softened water. For boilers op- Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) (mg L ) –1
erating at 2, 20 and 40 bar, it is usually recommend- Suspended Solids (SS) (mg L ) –1
ed that sodium phosphate content be maintained
within 50 – 100 mg L–1 range and sodium sulphite Ca Hardness (mg L CaCO3)
within the range of 30 – 70 mg L–1 depending on Mg Hardness (mg L CaCO3)
the constituents of the water/wastewater being treat- Silica as SiO2 (mg L ) –1
ed. Total alkalinity content of 1200 mg L–1 is
deemed acceptable for boilers operating at 2 bar H2S (mg L ) –1
while boilers at 20 and 40 bar should be supplied Iron as Fe (mg L–1) < 0.02
with feed as lower as 700 mg L–1 in alkalinity.
Manganese as Mn (mg L–1)      2.14
However, the corresponding caustic alkalinity of
350, 300 and 200 mg L–1 for 2, 20 and 40 bar must P. Alkalinity (mg L–1 CaCO3)  180
be maintained. Experts in boilers and boiler-feed T. Alkalinity (mg L CaCO3)
operations usually find a correlation between the
Hydroxide Alkalinity (mg L CaCO3)–1
caustic alkalinity and silica contents of boiler-feed
water, but the rule of thumb is that the silica content Carbonate Alkalinity (mg L CaCO3)–1
should be 40 % of the caustic alkalinity.17 Bicarbonate Alkalinity (mg L CaCO3) –1
Total hardness should also be as low as unde-
pH      8.65
tectable when it comes to the boiler issue, though
M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 481

Main constituents of concern for boiler-feed water the predominant of the calcium species. The
Ca(OH)2 is much more soluble than the CaCOз and
Boiler experts affirm that problems ranging consequently not likely to be responsible for scale
from scale deposition to overheating to corrosion
depositing. In some plants, acid is fed for decreas-
are commonly experienced by boilers, especially
ing the pH, based on the assumption that high pH is
the steam-generating types. It is recommended that
the boiler-feed water be of suitable quality before always undesirable. This acid addition usually low-
being fed into the boiler and the quality required is ers the pH into the 7.5–10 range, and this can con-
dependent on boiler operating pressure, design, heat sequently result in the deposition of CaCOз. There-
transfer rates, and steam use. Although, heating fore, a critical compromise must always be made
boilers in which almost 100 percent of the steam during pH control. 17,18,20,21
returns as condensate generally require protection
only from corrosion, but regular checking is neces- Total hardness
sary to ensure against development of excessive ac- Source: In most water, nearly all hardness is
cumulation of dissolved solids, which might lead to
due to calcium and magnesium. All the metallic cat-
scale formation.18
ions besides the alkaline earths also cause hardness.
The primary reaction in the corrosion of boiler
steel is the formation of ferrous hydroxide and its Significance: As the temperature and concen-
subsequent decomposition to magnetite and hydro- trations of the scale-forming salts (e.g. carbonates,
gen – the Schikorr reaction. This is demonstrated by bicarbonates, sulphates of calcium, magnesium and
the products of corrosion encountered throughout sodium – predominantly magnesium and calcium)
the whole range of boiler operating pressures, but in water increases, their solubility decreases and
the details are influenced by other factors, i.e. water thus precipitates, leading to formation of scales.22
quality, heat flux, and boiler operating conditions.17 The bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium which
Therefore, the main constituents/contaminants of break down to carbonates when the water is boiled
concern to be controlled and monitored in boil- results in what is known as the temporary hardness,
er-feed water in order to alleviate corrosion, scale while permanent hardness is due to calcium and
deposition and carryovers are highlighted be- magnesium sulphates, chlorides and nitrates, and
low.1,20–22 these salts cannot be removed by boiling. These
make hardness one of the chief sources of scale in
pH heat exchange equipment such as boilers. Waters
pH is the basic measure of acidity or hydrogen with hardness of 60 mg L–1 are termed soft; 61 to
ion concentration defined as pH = log [1/H+]. Pure 120 mg/L moderately hard; 121 to 180 mg L–1 hard;
water has a pH of 7.0. It is used to determine both and above 180 mg L–1 very hard.21
the deposition and corrosion tendency of water. Too
low or high pH can cause damage to metal directly. Silica (SiO2)
Calcium carbonate scale formation is affected great-
Source: Dissolved from almost all rocks and
ly by the pH. Any system with a high dissolved sol-
soils, usually in small amounts (5 to 30 mg L–1), but
ids and pH above 8.2 has a potential for calcium
carbonate scaling. In many applications, pH is often more from acidic volcanic rocks.21
maintained above 7.0 to prevent corrosion prob- Significance:
lems. However, if pH control is not closely main- 1. Hard scales, similar to those usually caused
tained, system pH can approach the range where by permanent hardness, resulting from silica (such
calcium carbonate scaling occurs. A pH in the range as amorphous silica and magnesium silicate) are
of 6.0–7.0 can reduce corrosion to acceptable levels
primarily found in lower pressure boilers and pipes.
and eliminate any potential for calcium carbonate
Silica-based deposits become more serious as silica
scaling. pH is also a controlling factor in many
chemical reactions that occur in boiler water and increases and hydrate alkalinity decreases. Silica
some of these processes require specific pH levels scales in high pressure must be totally avoided due
for the most efficient chemical reaction or adsorp- to its removal difficulty.
tion. 17,18 2. Silica, in addition to forming boiler deposits,
On the other hand, high pH does not always can vaporize from the boiler and be carried with the
indicate the possibility of a high grade of scale de- saturated steam as silicic acid, the silica further pre-
posit. Factually, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) scale cipitates on the metal surfaces causing deposits. Sil-
deposition rapidly decreases at pH above approxi- ica vaporization can cause insoluble deposits on
mately 10.2, as there exists the formation of calci- critical parts of equipment such as the turbine
um hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) which ultimately becomes blades.
482 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

Iron deposit on the steel surfaces as long as they are kept

within the limits that are appropriate for the boiler
Sources: conditions.20 Very high ranges of dissolved solids can
Iron enters the boiler originally from two main cause process interference and foaming in boilers.
1. Naturally occurring iron present in the raw Alkalinity
water (usually dissolved from all rocks and soils).21
Source: For most water systems, it is also im-
2. Corrosion of the mild steel components mak- portant to recognize the sources of alkalinity and
ing up the boiler system, including pre-boiler and maintain its proper control. Alkalinity is formed in
post-boiler. the presence of certain anions in solution. Some or-
Significance: ganic materials may also produce alkalinity.
Both soluble and insoluble iron (particulate and Significance: Alkalinity is an indicator of the
colloidal) can be present in boiler-feed water and relative amounts of carbonate (CO32–), bicarbonate
boiler water. Iron combines with phosphates and (HCO3–), and hydroxide (OH–) ions and some an-
hydroxides to form scale. Boiler water iron will de- ions (acid ligands). These can cause foaming, carry-
posit on the steam-generating surfaces of the boiler over of solids with steam and boiler steel embrittle-
and cause under-deposit corrosion and overheating ment. They can result in strong scale formations
problems, this insulating property of the deposit im- (such as magnesium carbonate, magnesium hydrox-
pairs heat transfer and causes the temperature of the ide, calcium carbonate, etc.) thereby leading to tube
boiler metal to increase. overheating and structural failure. A high methyl
orange alkalinity (Total alkalinity) in the boiler-feed
Manganese (Mn) usually result in carbon dioxide content of the
steam. Under the influence of heat in the boiler, bi-
Source: Dissolved from some rocks and soils. carbonate will break down producing carbonate and
Not as common as iron. Large quantities often asso- liberating free carbon dioxide with the steam. The
ciated with high iron content and acid waters. carbonate formed undergoes further decomposition,
Significance: Same objectionable features as producing hydroxide and liberating additional car-
iron. Manganese causes dark-brown or black stain. bon dioxide with the steam with a direct proportion-
Iron and manganese should not exceed 0.3 mg L–1 ality to the feedwater alkalinity.48,49 Carbon dioxide
for taste and aesthetic reasons. Larger quantities is usually responsible for the corrosion of the water,
cause unpleasant taste and favour growth of iron steam and condensate/return lines in boilers. 49
bacteria.21 Although, it is desirable to obtain a boiler-feed
that is sufficiently low in alkalinity to prevent car-
Calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) ry-over conditions, the alkalinity should also be suffi-
ciently high to protect the boiler metal against acidic
Source: Dissolved from almost all soils and corrosion.48,49 This presents the necessity of maintain-
rocks but especially from limestone, dolomite, and ing a balance between too high and too low alkalinity
gypsiferous sediments. Mg is present in large quan- while simultaneously taking into consideration other
tities in seawater. factors involved in a specific boiler operation.
Significance: Cause most of the hardness and
scale-forming properties of water.21 Hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

Dissolved solids Source: Natural or thermal degradation/decom-

position of organic materials and/or sulphate reduc-
Source: It includes all material dissolved in the tion by sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) known as
water and chiefly originates from mineral constitu- desulvofibrio.23
ents dissolved from rocks and soils.21 Significance: Causes objectionable odour when
Significance: This is a measure of total amount in concentration above 1 mg L–1 and taste when in
of dissolved matter. In water, the conductivity, or excess of 0.05 mg L–1. Presence may limit water
ability to carry an electric current, is directly related usefulness in the food and beverage industry.21
to the quantity and mobility of the dissolved solids. As mentioned earlier, many regulatory bodies
Conductivity is widely used to monitor cooling sys- have recommended water quality standards for low,
tem blowdown and for strong fouling conditions moderate, high and super-critical pressure boil-
(found in some industrial cooling towers, boilers, er-feed. The scope of this discussion is focused on
waste treatment plants, etc.), and where an electrode low-pressure boilers, hence the summary for the re-
conductivity probe must be used. Dissolved solids quired standards from ASME, AWWA, BSS and
can remain safely dissolved in the water and do not USEPA are shown in Table 1.
M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 483

Reuse as process water industry, the principal water quality parameters are
of sensory, chemical and microbiological nature.
In order to be able to conserve our fresh water
The quality tolerances for process waters vary
resources, appropriate quality and quantity as well
with the manufacturing process and with the quality
as point-of-use availability need to be balanced.
of the goods to be produced.18 While some food in-
­Reuse of water in some industries, such as food in- dustries, such as bakeries, may require relatively
dustries, electronic industries etc., has been limited hard water for their processes, many opt for clear,
for many years due to strict regulations. We now colourless, tasteless, relatively soft, iron-, manga-
have a situation whereby current guidelines and nese-, organic- and hydrogen sulphide-free water
regulations regarding use and reuse of water in with approved bacteriological quality. Examples are
those fanatically water-stringent industries, espe- fine chemical industries, some food industries such
cially the food industry, has acknowledged the use as bottled beverages, canned goods, process milk,
of other water qualities than that of potable wa- ice, packed meat and edible oils. Pulp and paper
ter.26,27 Despite this, it is unfortunate that research mills, tanneries, oil refineries, and steel mills do not
and development have been somewhat hampered in commonly need water of high grade or drinking
this area due to the fear of lowering hygienic stan- water quality, but they certainly have other para-
dards. mount requirements necessary for their processes.
However, when looking into the use of alterna- The New England Water Works Association as
tive water qualities for a specific process, it is es- adapted by,18 BSS stringent parameters to assess the
sential to know the basic requirements of the water quality of process waters generally for food indus-
quality in a specific process, which may be used tries such as palm oil mill industry and others are
without affecting the product in its finished form. necessary. The parameters and their maximum
This indicates that there is no generalized industrial ­allowable concentrations are; Turbidity (10 NTU),
water quality standard. For this, a number of regula- Iron as Fe (0.2 mg L–1) and Manganese as Mn
tory bodies such as USEPA, AWWA, ASME, FAO, (0.2 mg L–1). Other parameters such as colour, taste/
WHO, etc. have established water quality standards odour, H2S, Hardness as CaCO3, Alkalinity as
for different industrial scopes ranging from wa- CaCO3 and total solids should be maintained as low
ter-stringent industries like the food, chemical or as possible/required depending on the tolerance of
electronic to low-prolific water tolerant industries the industry’s processes and products.
like the pulp and paper, tanneries and oil refineries. The constituents are all very significant and
These regulations are being reviewed continuously their recommended values should be known in or-
based on each industry’s needs in the midst of der to be able to efficiently design appropriate treat-
emerging water shortage. In 2007, the Spanish ment process and tailor the final effluent towards a
­authorities instituted new regulation of regenerated specific reuse. Beside the effects on the industrial
wastewater that introduced specific standards for products, they can also aggravate corrosion of ves-
industrial reuse of regenerated wastewaters.28 sels and reactors if required monitoring is not done
Industrial use of water encompasses quantity before reuse. For instance, reduction in hardness,
and quality requirements that range from the use of silica, and alumina alleviate scale formation. Also,
large volume of low-quality water for cleaning maintenance of a high ratio of sulphate to carbonate
­applications to the use of high-quality process water controls caustic embrittlement, while the elimina-
for manufacturing or boiler-feed water (when re- tion of oxygen, reduction of bicarbonate ions, and
quired) as previously highlighted. relatively increased pH can suppress corrosion.
More importantly, any industrial reuse feasibil- In the industry, various purification processes
ity of reclaimed water must include an early stage are used for the preparation of process water, start-
on the definition of the needs of the potential users ing from the utilization of simple water filtration
in order to determine the specific utility, parameters devices to complex coagulation, adsorption and pre-
of concern, and suitable treatment process design. cipitation systems, even including ion exchangers.
Depending on the industry under consideration, wa- Increasing attention has been focused on the appli-
ter quality differs as products coming out from dif- cation of membrane processes in numerous water
ferent industries differ. Water qualities may be strin- treatment procedures.
gent as well as low-graded, and this depends on the With the type and levels of pollutants in the
main water constituents of concern in each industry. BPOME as characterized in our laboratory, a degree
Therefore, the reuse purpose must be defined so as of its purification through hybridizing membrane
to be aware of the important parameters to be con- processes with adsorption or coagulation processes is
trolled during the water treatment. For this, some of a viable method of producing a process water grade
the regulatory bodies have recommended water suitable for reuse in any food processing industry us-
quality standards for every industry. As for the food ing the recommended standards as benchmarks.
484 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

Capability of integrated are typically classified in order of decreasing pore

adsorption-membrane process size as microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF),
for BPOME treatment nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). Low
Pressure Membrane (LPM) processes of microfil-
Different combinations of technologies are be- tration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) have found fa-
ing utilized in wastewater reclamation and they vorite use in the removal of turbidity, bacteria, par-
must be selected based on wastewater chemistry asites, pathogenic microorganisms, suspended
and effluent quality to be achieved. Stringent con- solids, particles, and organic matter. MF and UF are
trol of water quality and operational reliability and used mostly as pre-treatments for wastewater de-
sustainability are the drivers for choice in technolo- salination using High Pressure Membrane (HPM)
gy. Wastewaters are commonly treated by activated processes of nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmo-
sludge (AS) systems that use suspended microor- sis (RO) when targeting very high quality effluent.
ganisms to remove organics and nutrients, and large As a general rule, MF is suitable for the efficient
sedimentation tanks to separate the solid and liquid removal of turbidity and suspended solids, includ-
fractions. This level of treatment could only effi- ing larger micro-organisms like protozoa and bacte-
ciently produce effluent of low profile water, such ria. Although, MF’s effluent does not present stan-
as that which fulfils the requirement of cooling wa- dard characteristics for reuse in most industrial
ter in the industry, or irrigation water where the applications, it is usually utilized as a pre-treatment
food crops are consumed after cooking. stage for UF process in most industrial reuse. UF is
A type of membrane technology called mem- required for the removal of viruses and organic
brane bioreactor (MBR) is now replacing the AS macromolecules down to a size of around 20 nm.29
system based on the combination of a suspended Furthermore, UF is increasingly used as a complete
biomass reactor and separation step on porous or intermediate water purification technique de-
membrane filtration (Fig. 1). pending on the level of quality required for a partic-
Membrane technology has been proved to stand ular reuse program. UF is very efficient in remov-
up to scrutiny in terms of sustainable development ing different parameters, e.g., a noticeable
criteria. Water and wastewater treatment membranes elimination of suspended solids and turbidity has
been achieved; metals like Fe, Zn, Al, Cr, Cu and
Mn, and microbial contamination have reportedly
been eliminated significantly or totally; Fecal coli-
forms, total coliforms, fecal streptococcus, protozo-
an cysts (Giardia and Cryptosporidium), and even
viruses are totally removed by UF; reduction in the
concentration of organic matter occurs when the or-
ganic fraction is mostly in the suspended form. No
clear effect is produced on inorganic salts abate-
ment, and consequently conductivity values are not
affected by UF.28 UF produces permeate of uniform
and higher quality despite any changes in the influ-
ent/raw water quality. MF and UF are usually con-
sidered for the design of membrane bioreactor
(MBR). MBRs are systems in which biological deg-
radation of wastewater has been integrated with
membrane system. MBR can be designed to be
side-stream or submerged. Air will be passed from
beneath the tank to serve as source of mixing (in
case of chemical additions for adsorption or coagu-
lation), aeration or membrane scouring. Fig. 1 de-
picts MBR configurations.
The configuration could also be made with just
simple integration of membrane (MF or UF) with
adsorption/coagulation unit without the need for
aeration, especially when considering wastewaters
already treated biologically (biotreated). However,
mechanical mixers must be provided for efficient
F i g .   1  – Configurations of an MBR: (A) Submerged; (B) mixing of adsorbents, coagulants or flocculants be-
Side-stream ing applied as pre-treatment prior to the membrane
M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 485

F i g .   2  – Schematics of a newly developed hybrid Adsorption-Membrane System

filtration. Fig. 2 depicts an example of such config- The eggs and larvae, which range in size from about
urations with specific designs depending on the in- 10 µm to above 100 µm, are resistant to
fluent chemistry and target effluent. As for this par- environmental stresses and may survive usual
ticular configuration in Fig. 2, unit (5) indicates a wastewater disinfection procedures.1 Viruses occur in
water filter with pore size of 25 µm to serve as various shapes and range in size from 0.01 to 0.3 µm.
screen for the incoming feed from the chemical re- Protozoan pathogens such as cryptosporidium
action (adsorption or coagulation) tank and reduces oocysts are 4 to 6 mm in diameter, while Giardia
much of the membrane fouling that would have cysts range between 8 to 16 mm in diameter. Also,
­occurred due to the activated carbon particles. This commonly used disinfectants such as chlorine are
will remove larger particles before the feed pro- not as effective for inactivating the protozoa as
ceeds to unit (6) which is microfiltration membrane compared to bacteria and viruses. In light of this,
with pore sizes of 0.1, 0.2, 0.45 or 1 µm, and unit membrane filtration appears to be the best measure
(7) indicates an ultrafiltration membrane with a mo-
in removing these microorganisms. UF and MF
lecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 10,000, 20,000
membranes have a minimum solute rejection size of
or 50,000.
0.01 and 0.1 µm respectively.30 MF is a partial re-
For water reuse, contaminants requiring treat- moval barrier for pathogenic microorganisms, while
ment over and above what is provided solely by UF is an absolute barrier to microorganisms, includ-
conventional biological treatment include suspend-
ing viruses.31 Thus, water filtered through these
ed solids, microbial contaminants, nutrients, trace
membranes is pathogenically and microbiologically
dissolved contaminants (e.g. endocrine disruptors),
and in certain cases, dissolved salts. UF membranes, safe.32 The driving factors (increasing demand, de-
especially when combined with biological or chem- creasing quality water source, and more stringent
ical treatment for the removal of dissolved contam- regulatory standards) influence membrane use in
inants, can easily handle all the contaminants men- treating wastewaters prior to reuse. Improvements
tioned above.8 The presence of pathogenic in the technology which uses size exclusion princi-
microorganisms in wastewater has been the main ple in separating suspended solids, colloidal parti-
barrier to its reuse acceptance. However, with mem- cles,30 dissolved compounds, and pathogens from
brane filtration, all micro-organic contents of the reclaimed water have recently inspired greater con-
wastewater could be efficiently controlled since the fidence in the use of reclaimed water for purposes
sizes of bacteria are within 0.2 – 10 µm, parasite which include both direct and indirect human con-
spores, cysts, oocysts, and eggs are larger than bac- tact.1 Fig. 3 illustrates the size exclusion criteria of
teria and range in size from 1 µm to above 60 µm. all the pressure driven membranes.
486 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

F i g .   3  – Pressure-driven membranes and the size exclusion criteria30

Nonetheless, some soluble matters such as nat- from BPOME.34 Aber and Sheydaei35 removed
ural or synthetic dissolved organics, taste and odour, COD from dying factory with efficiency 75 % using
trihalomethanes, etc. cannot be fully controlled by activated carbon fibre. Kutty et al.36 used micro-
MF and UF systems only. Adsorption using adsor- wave incinerated rice husk ash (MIRHA) to adsorb
bents such as powdered activated carbons (PAC), anaerobically treated POME and found 41 % of
zeolites, activated alumina, chitosan etc. could COD removal.
therefore be used as a pre-treatment step for mem- There have been many reports29, 33, 37–43 on the
brane process. Membrane filtration could therefore successful removal of dissolved organics such as
be a polishing step for an adsorption stage in waste- phenol, as well as dissolved inorganics such as me-
water treatment. The adsorption stage will cause a tallic salts like zinc, copper, etc. from wastewaters
decrease in the load of organic matter against the other than BPOME with the use of various adsor-
membrane,33 thus reducing fouling with improved bents based on the selection of proper operating
sustainable flux. Adsorption process is a promising conditions of pH, contact time, adsorbent dose,
approach for the removal of organics in water and mixing strength, and probably the reaction tempera-
wastewater. Previous studies show that adsorption ture.44
is efficient for the removal of a wide range of or- Many researchers4–11 have investigated the
ganic compounds, and different types of adsorbents wastewater purification and reclamation potentials
have been produced to remove organic contents of the low-pressure membranes (LPM) and have
from water and industrial effluent. Although there concluded that the LPMs can efficiently reclaim
has been no report on the use of adsorbents on com- water from wastewaters, especially when adsorp-
plete BPOME, we have done related works, such as tion systems are integrated, depending on the target
the use of commercial adsorbent (granular activated use of the reclaimed water. Moreover, research con-
carbon) to remove COD, colour and turbidity with tinues in our research centre towards establishing
combination of other treatment processes with effi- optimized operating conditions for wastewater rec-
ciency of 89 %, 97.9 % and 98.9 %, respectively lamation (from BPOME and other industrial waste-
M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013) 487

waters with similar or lower characteristics) for Membrane fouling aspects

­several industrial reuse purposes, and besides our
preliminary findings on BPOME adsorption treat- The fouling abatement concern is the main
ment34 based on pH control, colour, turbidity, COD, membrane problem being considered in water recla-
TSS and TDS removal efficacies using granular ac- mation and reuse. Commonly used approaches are
tivated carbon, adsorption using powdered activated feed pre-treatment to remove/reduce the compo-
carbons from coconut shells in the removal of TSS, nents with high fouling propensities. The most usu-
TDS and COD show optimistic headway for further al forms of pre-treatment used are sedimentation,
researches. However, our current focus is mainly pre-filtration, chemical coagulation, adsorption and
on the exploitation of the empty fruit bunches (a anion exchange resins. Chemical coagulation has
waste from the palm oil industry) for the production been widely applied as a simple and effective means
of powdered activated carbon (PAC). This PAC for the removal of particulates, colloids and high
could be used as sorbent in place of the commercial molecular weight organic materials from water/
types thereby bringing about a cost-effective opera- wastewater. However, there are cases where coagu-
tion. lation has had adverse effects on the membrane per-
The benefit of this proposed concept of mem- formance.28 Coagulation may also compromise the
brane-adsorption process being a part of POME permeate constituents in terms of the addition of
treatment cannot be over-emphasized considering more chemicals, which may be unwanted in perme-
the case study of Malaysia, which is one of the top ate. Anion exchange resin has been used as a means
palm oil producers in the world. Malaysia has a to- of improving membrane performance in a few re-
tal number of 434 active palm oil mills and each of ports through the removal of a significant fraction
these mills utilizes a huge amount of water for the of organic matter from wastewaters.
production of Crude palm oil (CPO). For instance, Several cleaning methods are used to remove
each of these active palm oil mills produced 16.99
the densified gel layer of retained material from the
million tons of CPO from a precursor of 88.74 mil-
membrane surface. Alkaline solutions followed by
lion tons of Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB), thereby gen-
hot detergent solutions are indicated for organic
erating 49.85 million tons of Palm Oil Mill Effluent
polymer colloids and gelatinous materials fouling.
(POME). Likewise in the year 2012, 55.22 million
tons of POME was generated.45, 46 The usual re- Ferrous deposits, typical in water treatments, are
quirement for the production of 1 ton of CPO is usually removed with a citric or hydrochloric wash.
5 – 7.5 tons of water and more than 50 % of the Backflushing is another way of cleaning heavi-
water input is generated as POME,12, 37 indicating ly fouled membranes. During backflushing, a slight
that in the year 2012 alone, the production of overpressure is applied to the permeate side of the
18,785,030 tons of CPO could have utilized up to membrane forcing from the permeate side to the
140.93 million tons of fresh water. feed side of the membrane. The flow of solution
According to its current water tariff, the Malay- lifts deposited materials from the surface. Typical
sian Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Wa- backflush pressure is 5 – 15 psi.28 Transmembrane
ter imposes a charge of RM 1.32 (0.43 USD) per pressure (TMP) adjustment and influent flow rate
cubic meter (or per ton) of water for industrial sup- adjustment can also assist in the mitigation of mem-
plies.47 This implies that an average of RM 190 mil- brane fouling.
lion (60.4 million USD) would have been spent on
water supply by the Malaysian palm oil industry in
the year 2012. From the reports showing that 55.22 Conclusions and recommendations
million tons of POME was generated this year as
wastewater, it is philosophized that even only 80 % 1. No higher quality water, unless there is a
water reclamation from POME could return at least surplus of it, should be used for a purpose that can
44.18 million tons of water for reuse. This will re- tolerate a lower grade.3
duce fresh water consumption by 32%, and water- 2. Boiler-feed and process water for industrial
ways pollution and demand stress on fresh water reuse appear to be one of the best water reuse proj-
sources will be reduced. ects that could substitute reclaimed water in lieu of
From the foregoing, 44.18 million tons of wa- potable reuse, in terms of economic viability and
ter is a considerable volume, which will go a long public acceptance.
way in reducing the demand stress on fresh water 3. The feasibility of recycling BPOME for ben-
resources besides the profits amounting to millions eficial reuse such as boiler-feed and process water
of USD which the palm oil mill industries could using hybrid adsorption-membrane system is sup-
save and/or derive from such a recycle and reuse ported in various previous works on adsorption and
program. membrane filtration concepts.
488 M. S. JAMI et al., Boiler-Feed and Process Water Reclamation from Biotreated Palm Oil…, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 27 (4) 477–489 (2013)

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