Informative Process Essay

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While the meat is frying, cook the spaghetti in a large pan of well-
salted boiling water, according to packet instructions or to taste
(usually nine-11 minutes): the pasta won’t cook much more in the
frying pan in this instance, so don’t whip it out while it’s still chalky,
unless that’s how you like it.



I. Introduction
A. using question statement
II. Body
A. specific meat
B. type of spaghetti
III. Conclusion
A. use general facts

how to make original carbonara

Have you ever wondered what ingredients are needed to create your
perfect carbonara? I think many people also think what it is. Carbonara
needs two main ingredients and they are pasta and meat.

A type of the best and original meat that is used to put in carbonara is
called “pancetta”. it is pork’s belly that got cured by salt and spice with
pepper. We use Pancetta because it has high flavor of saltiness and it has
the texture of the crispiness from the meat. Incase that you can not find
pancetta, you can use bacon because it has the saltiness and the
crispiness of itself too but if your bacon is not salty enough you can put
more salt in it. For pasta you can use Bucatini. Bucatini is made by egg
mixed with flour by traditional step and procedure. Butacinni has hole inside
the pasta to hold pasta’s sauce in it. You can boiled bucatini for 10-15
minutes depend on the texture of the pasta that you want but you can boil
water and put the pasta in for 10 minutes to make it be bon appétit (the
perfect texture of the pasta to eat) but if you do the homemade bucatini you
can boiled it at 20 -30 minutes.

There are many types of pasta in the world, every of them use different
type of pasta and different meat. There is no right or wrong to cook new
pasta by your own, you just need to be creative and patient to create the
new pasta. +3

Words count : 258

Have you ever wondered what ingredients are needed to create your perfect carbonara? I think
many people also think about what it is. Carbonara needs two main ingredients and they are
pasta and meat.

A type of the best and original meat that is used to put in carbonara is called “pancetta”. it is
pork’s belly that got cured by salt and spice with pepper. We use Pancetta because it has a high
flavour of saltiness and it has the texture of the crispiness from the meat. In case that you can
not find pancetta, you can use bacon because it has the saltiness and the crispiness of itself too
but if your bacon is not salty enough you can put more salt in it. For pasta, you can use Bucatini.
Bucatini is made by egg mixed with flour by traditional step and procedure. Bucatini has a hole
inside the pasta to hold pasta’s sauce in it. You can boil bucatini for 10-15 minutes depending
on the texture of the pasta that you want but you can boil water and put the pasta in for 10
minutes to make it be bon appétit (the perfect texture of the pasta to eat) but if you do the
homemade bucatini you can boil it at 20 -30 minutes.

There are many types of pasta in the world, every one of them uses a different type of pasta
and different meat. There is no right or wrong to cook new pasta on your own, you just need to
be creative and patient to create the new pasta.

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