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Persuasive essay

Specific topic : disagree that Thailand learning system is good

enough to make student success in there life.
I. Introduction
A. schedule of studying in Thailand
B. disagree thesis statement
II. Body
A. education system in Thailand
B. talk about disadvantage of studying 8 hours in Thailand
C. the progress of example country
D. example of the international study
E. advantage of international system
III. Conclusion
A. revise thesis statement
B. important question and statement of the topic

In Thailand there are many schools that use education system that study 8 hours
in one day since 8.30 o'clock to 16.30/17.30 o'clock from morning to the evening
and some student have to go to extra course outside the school before they go
home including lots of homework.Thailand have to stop using this old time system
because student will have to study for all day long through boring and unnecessary
activity of school with too many homework from the teachers.

Thailand’s student study for 8 hours average per day. From the beginning of the
day students have to stand still and pay respect to the flag in front of the school.
Students have to study for 3 hours in the morning, one hours for break, four to five
hours for afternoon. After the school some of the students got forced by parents to
get extra study outside school 1-3 hours per day for better grade and score. Study
system of Thailand have a disadvantage that make student become too stressful
and unhealthy because student have to do homework and study for test the exam.

According to other country like japan that has student that is really creative,
original and mixed with old charming tradition of japan. This is why japan is really
number one of innovative creation. The thing that cause japan to be so popular in
international is education system. They teach student to have responsibility ,
innovative, honest, care and respectful by teach them to carry additional things in
the bag to make students to have more responsible. Japan have a plan to make
students to learn by themselves sometime to make them understand the subject
more clearer and they will be able to be better at time management and make
student to survive by themselves. This make student to be able to survive and feed
themselves in the social by the responsible , innovative, honest and thoughtful that
they have. Unlike the study system of Thailand that make student only remember
only grammar and thesis but student cannot get the knowledge from the school to
use in the real life. Thailand should use some of the ways of studying from the
other country to renovate Thailand to be able to go to next generation of Thailand

There are many schools in many country that already using an advance mechanic
to teach student and make them to be great and successful people in the society .
We stuck in the old age of studying of Thailand for long time, don't you think that
we should make Thailand better by changing the education system to be more
modern and advance.

Education in Thailand.(2018). Retrieved from
Study in japan comprehensive guide.(NA). Retrieved from
10 benefits of studying abroad.(2018). Retrieved from

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