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American Scientist
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Mad-Cow Disease in Cattle
and Human Beings
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy provides a case study
in how to manage risks while still learning the facts

Paul Brown

I n December 2003, the U.S. Depart-

ment of Agriculture discovered a case
of bovine spongiform encephalopathy
species barrier to inflict human beings
with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
(vCJD). This disease is characterized by
mates, various ungulates, felines and
laboratory rodents. Although the dis-
ease has different names in different
(BSE), often called mad-cow disease, in a progression of psychiatric and neu- species, each illness is an expression of
a dairy cow from Washington state. The rological symptoms that culminate in the same basic pathological process,
news was more than a little disturbing death, usually a year or two after the and they all share many clinical and bi-
to the American cattle industry. The onset of the first indications of illness. ological similarities.
mad-cow scare had previously devas- As of May 2000, a total of 155 cases of The disease agents that cause TSE
tated the cattle business in the few vCJD had been identified: 144 in Great were recognized as being rather special
countries where BSE had been report- Britain (where the outbreak began), 6 from the start. Although TSEs behave
ed, especially Great Britain and Cana- in France, 1 in Ireland, and 1 in Italy. in many ways like a viral illness, they
da. The Canadian cattle industry has yet Additional single victims in Hong show some peculiar differences—for ex-
to recover from the discovery of BSE in Kong, Canada and the U.S. were in- ample, a long latency period between
a single cow on an Alberta farm in May fected in the U.K., where they had been infection and illness and a correspond-
of last year. A farmer now earns as little residing during the years of peak risk, ingly long duration of illness. The
as 79 Canadian cents for a 400-kilogram in the late 1980s or early 1990s. The ex- agents also seem to have an astonishing
cow that would have earned the farmer traordinary commercial and public- resistance to inactivation and for a very
$500 before the scare—less than the health consequences of BSE, as well as long time could not be linked to any vis-
price of a fast-food burger. the near-global distribution of products ible structure. For many years the TSE
The economic fallout is, of course, a derived from cattle, have generated a agents were therefore called “slow” or
consequence of the discovery in 1996 considerable amount of attention from “unconventional” viruses; however, all
that mad-cow disease could cross the industry, government and the general known biological viruses contain nucle-
public. As a result, there is a daunting ic acids, and 50 years of exhaustive
Paul Brown recently retired as a senior investiga- volume of information—not all of it re- searches for a disease-specific nucleic
tor in the Laboratory of Central Nervous System liable—surrounding the nature of acid have proved fruitless.
Studies at the National Institutes of Health. He is mad-cow disease. I will here attempt While the search was on for suspi-
a board-certified internist and—by virtue of hav- to distill the essence of what we know cious nucleic acids, another line of re-
ing devoted more than 40 years of his career to the about the disease, especially with re- search was uncovering the crucial role
study of transmissible spongiform encephalopa-
spect to its consequences for human of a protein—called a prion—that ap-
thy—an apprentice neuroscientist and the author
of more than 350 publications. His most recent
and animal welfare in North America. pears to be inseparable from infectivity.
research focuses on iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Prions are host-encoded proteins,
disease, the potential for disease transmission The Nature of the Disease rather than foreign proteins, and more
through the administration of blood and technolo- Both BSE and vCJD belong to a family than 30 different mutations in the gene
gies to inactivate prions in contaminated meats. of diseases known as the transmissible on human chromosome 20 that codes
He has served as chairman of the TSE advisory spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs). for the prion are associated with inher-
committee to the Food and Drug Administration The oldest known TSE is scrapie, ited forms of TSE. In the infected host,
and presently serves as a consultant to the which was first described in sheep in the normal protein (which usually re-
European Community CJD surveillance program. the early 18th century. Natural TSE in- sides on the surfaces of cells, including
His qualifications to write about spongiform
fections have so far been restricted to neurons) is converted into an insoluble
encephalopathies include a long history of han-
dling infected tissues, an increasing degree of for-
sheep and goats (scrapie), and to deer form that is resistant to digestion by
getfulness, diminishing visual acuity and an occa- and elk (chronic wasting disease). proteinases. The chain of amino acids
sional nocturnal muscle twitch. Address: 7815 However, many mammalian species that make up the insoluble form is
Exeter Road, Bethesda, MD 20814. Internet: are susceptible to experimental infec- folded differently from the normal pro- tions by TSE agents, including pri- tein, and in some ways is similar to the

334 American Scientist, Volume 92 © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
with permission only. Contact
Kevin P. Casey/Corbis

Figure 1. Mad-cow disease—or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)—was discovered on a farm in Washington State in December 2003. Al-
though only a single infected cow was found, some countries have refused to import beef from the United States unless the American cattle in-
dustry increases its surveillance of BSE. The disease has disrupted the cattle business in the United Kingdom since the 1996 discovery that BSE
could be transmitted to human beings. The cow pictured here resides on the Washington farm where BSE was discovered. The yellow tags on
the animal’s ears are part of an elaborate system to monitor the trade of individual cows. This system identified the infected cow as an import
from Canada; it also revealed that meat from the cow had entered the human food chain in certain Western states.

amyloid proteins associated with it confer the information required to pro- nerves (which supply sympathetic in-
Alzheimer’s disease. Although scien- duce different strains of the infectious nervation in the abdomen) to the spinal
tists have begun to think of TSE as one agent, both within and between species? cord and then to the brain. If the agent is
of a group of “misfolded-protein dis- One theory suggests that the misfolded ingested, it can bypass the spleen and
eases,” it is distinct from other amy- protein acts as a seed molecule, a kind of proceed directly from the gut to the
loid-based diseases in that it alone is template, that imposes the abnormal brain stem by way of the vagus nerve.
transmissible. conformation on the normal protein. Experiments suggest that the optic and
Many scientists believe that the mis- This notion has generated considerable olfactory tracts are also potential portals
folded protein is the primary cause of interest in the scientific community, and of entry.
the disease—that is, the prion itself is the a number of laboratories are working on The role of circulating blood in nat-
transmissible agent of TSE. Healthy lab- the problem. Whatever the final judg- urally occurring TSE remains uncer-
oratory animals inoculated with tissues ment on prions as the sole cause of TSE, tain. Blood has been shown to be in-
from infected animals develop the dis- it is clear that the protein plays a crucial fectious in experimental models of
ease, and the misfolded protein that ac- role in the infectious process and is a TSE and naturally occurring scrapie
cumulates in their brains is readily de- valuable marker of infectivity. infections, and a highly probable case
tectable by various immunological Whether it is a lone protein or not, the of transmission by means of a
methods. But there are still some funda- itinerary of the infectious agent within “packed” red-cell transfusion from a
mental questions that have yet to be an- the body depends on how the infection patient with vCJD was recently re-
swered. How, for example, does infec- is initiated. When the agent is experi- ported in Great Britain. During the
tion trigger the accumulation of the mentally introduced into rodents by in- 1990s, many countries, including the
abnormal prion protein that clutters the oculation, the abnormal protein repli- U.S., imposed restrictions on blood
diseased brain? In other words, how cates in the spleen and the lymph nodes donations from persons who lived for
does the protein replicate? And how can and then travels along the splanchnic three months or more in the United © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 July–August 335
with permission only. Contact
1960s 1720 1980s–1990s
deer and elk
sheep and
other cattle
chronic wasting disease scrapie

1947 1986 1980s–1990s


lions and tigers primates

transmissible mink bovine spongiform ungulates
encephalopathy encephalopathy (BSE)
various transmissible spongiform



variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease domestic cats


humans feline spongiform encephalopathy


sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob


iatrogenic Creutzfeldt-Jakob occurring
disease disease

Figure 2. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) have been found in a wide variety of mammals. Despite the various names given
to TSE in different species, these diseases are considered to be slightly different manifestations of a single pathological process. TSE appears to
be indigenous (blue) to sheep, deer and human beings. The oldest known TSE is scrapie, which was first described in sheep in 18th-century
Great Britain. Scrapie appeared in the U.S. in 1947, when it may have also entered wild populations of mink and, in the 1960s, deer and elk. In
human beings, the naturally occurring form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sporadic CJD) has been known since 1920. Bovine spongiform en-
cephalopathy (BSE) first emerged in Great Britain in 1986 after cattle ate contaminated dietary supplements believed to be made from the car-
casses of scrapie-infected sheep. Animal feed made from the remains of infected cattle then spread (red) the disease to other cattle, various zoo
animals and domestic cats. Human beings with the disease (known as variant CJD) are believed to have acquired it by eating processed-beef
products. Recently, a secondary transmission occurred in association with a blood transfusion.

Kingdom between 1980 and 1996, and planation must answer two fundamen- two changes made in the system of ren-
in March 2004, Great Britain instituted tal questions. Why did BSE begin in dering livestock carcasses into animal
a ban on blood donations from any of the mid 1980s? And why did it begin feed during the late 1970s. First, the
its residents who had received a blood in Great Britain? process of liquefying separate batches of
transfusion since January 1980. It is generally believed that cattle were carcasses into greaves (a water-soluble
infected by eating contaminated dietary proteinaceous slurry) and tallow (a wa-
BSE Origins supplements made from the carcasses of ter-insoluble fat) was largely replaced by
The origin of BSE may never be known infected animals. The timing of the mad- a process in which carcasses moved con-
with certainty, but any satisfactory ex- cow outbreak seems to coincide with tinuously through the rendering equip-

336 American Scientist, Volume 92 © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
with permission only. Contact
ment, which could have resulted in un-
even or incomplete exposure to heat.
Second, a terminal extraction of greaves
with hydrocarbon solvents under steam
to extract a small amount of residual tal-
low was eliminated.
Although experiments suggest that
neither change by itself had a great ef-
fect, their combination may well have conversion
contributed to survival of the infectious
agent. If the level of infectivity was near
the threshold of transmission, even
small changes in the agent’s survival
rate could have made the difference.
Supporting evidence comes from the
fact that the prohibition of meat-and-
bone-meal dietary supplements in 1987
was followed 5 years later by a down- normal prion abnormal prion
turn in BSE cases. This is what would be
expected if the supplements were the Figure 3. A misfolded protein molecule (right) is critically involved in transmissible spongi-
source of the infection, since 5 years is form encephalopathy, and many scientists believe it to be the infectious agent of the disease. In
the average incubation period between a healthy individual, the normal prion molecule (left) typically resides on the surfaces of cells,
including neurons in the brain. In an infected person or animal, the normal protein is con-
BSE infection and manifest illness.
verted into the misfolded prion, which accumulates in plaques that clutter the diseased brain.
The use of dietary supplements made
One theory suggests that the misfolded prion acts as a template that imposes the abnormal
from cattle and sheep was widespread conformation on the normal prion. The structure of the normal protein has been confirmed by
in the 1980s. Livestock species (sheep, nuclear magnetic resonance, whereas the structure of the misfolded protein is predicted from
pigs and chickens), several kinds of zoo molecular modeling techniques.
animals, laboratory animals and pets
also received feed that was supplement- dering processes at about the same scrapie was prevalent and could easily
ed with meat-and-bone meal. Fortu- time. Moreover, the distribution of early have entered several rendering plants
nately, not all of these animals are sus- BSE cases in Britain (and other countries throughout Britain, whereas the spon-
ceptible to TSE. However, TSE does that unwittingly imported BSE from taneous BSE cases would have had to
appear to have been transmitted by feed Britain) is consistent with multiple initi- arise almost simultaneously throughout
to ungulates (including bison and some ation sites rather than a single-point the country.
zoo exotics, such as gemsbok, eland and source of infection. This favors sheep as To be fair, it should be mentioned that
kudu), felines (including lions, tigers, the source of the infection because the sporadic-BSE hypothesis more easi-
cheetahs and pet cats) and primates
(lemurs and rhesus monkeys). Pigs are
40,000 40
not at risk for oral BSE infection, and bovine variant
cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy

chickens and dogs appear to be resis-

cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

spongiform Creutzfeldt-Jakob
tant to infection by any route. 35,000 35
encephalopathy disease
It is still not certain whether the in-
fected feed was made from the remains 30,000 30
ban on mecanically
of sheep or cattle. A species-crossing in- recovered meat
fection from sheep with scrapie is the 25,000 25
leading hypothesis. Accurate figures for
the international prevalence of scrapie 20,000 20
ban on meat-
are not available (farmers are generally and-bone meal
reluctant to report it), but the disease is 15,000 15
certainly widespread in Britain, which
has a relatively large ratio of sheep to 10,000 10
cattle. Thus a pervasive potential source
of infection had already existed in 5,000 5
Britain, whereas BSE was unknown un-
til the epidemic began in 1986. More- 0 0
over, the argument that an unrecog- 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003
nized spontaneous case of BSE served year of onset
as the founder of the BSE outbreak has a Figure 4. Incidence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) anticipated the rate of variant
formidable obstacle. Sporadic cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The delay between the peak incidences of the two diseases
BSE could not have been occurring only corresponds to the latency period between infection and manifestation of the illness. The ban
in Britain, and yet no coincident epi- on using “meat-and-bone meal” for cattle feed in 1988 was responsible for the downturn of
demics occurred in other countries BSE, whereas the 1995 ban on “mechanically recovered meat” for human food products in the
(such as the U.S.) that changed their ren- U.K. greatly reduced the occurrence of vCJD. © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 July–August 337
with permission only. Contact
carcass plant

glands carcass
fat meat


hides long bones



bone residue

meat-and-bone mechanically
meal recovered meat

Figure 5. Two cattle-derived products—meat-and-bone meal and mechanically recovered meat (red)—were the likely vehicles for the spread of
BSE to animals and human beings in the 1980s and ‘90s. Meat-and-bone meal (partially derived from infected viscera and nervous tissue) was
incorporated into feed for cattle, zoo animals and domestic pets, whereas mechanically recovered meat (containing infected nervous tissue) was
incorporated into packaged meat products—such as sausages, beef patties and luncheon meats—intended for human consumption. Once a cow
enters a slaughterhouse, more than 99 percent of the animal is used for food or other products.

ly explains two curious features of the been experimentally documented: BSE sible to detect such back-crossing be-
disease. Like most infectious pathogens, can infect mice directly but is unable to cause the clinical, pathological and mol-
the scrapie agent has many distinguish- infect hamsters unless first passed ecular biological manifestations of the
able strains, but BSE seems to be caused through mice. However, because this disease in experimentally infected
by a single strain. Although there is kind of interspecies behavior is excep- sheep are indistinguishable from native
precedence for strain selection when a tional, most scientists believe that the versions of scrapie.
pathogen crosses from one species to balance of evidence points to scrapie as
another, a bovine origin for BSE elimi- the source of BSE. Variant CJD
nates the need for this kind of selection If scrapie were the infectious source Variant CJD is the fourth member of the
process. The other distinguishing fea- of the disease in cattle, it raises the pos- CJD family—sporadic and inherited
ture of BSE is that it is transmissible to sibility that the BSE agent could com- forms of CJD were first described in the
human beings, whereas all evidence to plete the circle by going back to sheep in 1920s, and iatrogenic CJD (caused by
date suggests that scrapie is not. Why infected feed. This would be especially medical procedures) was recognized in
should the passage of scrapie through disturbing because in the process of the 1970s. The first clue that something
a bovine species change its pathogenici- “back-crossing” to sheep, the agent new was happening was the appear-
ty for human beings? As a matter of might carry its newly acquired ability ance of a distinctive form of spongi-
fact, an analogous phenomenon has to infect humans. It is presently impos- form encephalopathy in adolescents

338 American Scientist, Volume 92 © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
with permission only. Contact
and young adults in a country still re- 60
covering from a vast epidemic of
spongiform encephalopathy in cattle. A variant
connection between BSE and the hu- 50
man cases was strongly suggested, and
has since been experimentally con- sporadic
firmed by the molecular similarity of 40 Creutzfeldt-Jacob

number of cases
their misfolded proteins, which are dis-
tinct from those of all other TSEs. The
clinical and pathological features of
vCJD also differ from those of sporadic
CJD. Instead of the usual onset of mem- 20
ory loss and incoordination that charac-
terize sporadic CJD, patients with vCJD
present with psychiatric problems and 10
complain of sensory symptoms such as
pain, numbness or “pins and needles.”
Their illness lasts longer (on average, 0


40 9



50 9





about 14 months, instead of 4 months














for the sporadic disease), and at autop-
sy their brains contain myriad “daisy age at onset of illness
plaques”—deposits of misfolded amy- Figure 6. Age at onset of illness for variant CJD and sporadic CJD helps to distinguish the two
loid protein surrounded by “petals” of forms of the disease. It is not known why variant CJD targeted such a relatively young seg-
spongy tissue that are not seen in the ment of the population. The clinical and pathological features of vCJD also differ from those
sporadic disease. of sporadic CJD.
Human infections most probably re-
sulted from the ingestion of beef prod- ed in the remains of carcasses from nervous system tissues were entering
ucts that were contaminated with cen- which as much meat as possible had the human food chain through this
tral nervous system tissue; however, been removed. Spinal cords were usu- “unadvertised” paste, and that this was
this hypothesis still lacks the kind of ally removed, but cord fragments and the most likely vehicle of infection.
laboratory evidence that clinched the spinal ganglia were certainly present. That said, two very curious phenom-
identification of BSE as the source of These truncated carcasses were then ena remain unexplained. The most puz-
infection. Furthermore, epidemiologi- subjected to a process of compression zling is the relatively young age at
cal studies have not uncovered any to yield a paste of “mechanically recov- which the disease appears: The great
convincing disease clusters or pointed ered meat.” This paste was often added majority of vCJD cases have been in
to any regional peculiarities that might to a variety of packaged meat prod- people under the age of 30, which is in
link contact with BSE-infected cattle to ucts—hot dogs, sausages, beef patties, stark contrast to sporadic CJD, which
human cases of the disease. Investiga- luncheon meats and beef stews—in typically affects the 50-to-70-year-old
tions of supposed high-risk groups, proportions as high as 30 percent, but age group. Two explanations have been
such as farmers, slaughterhouse work- usually in the range of 5 to 10 percent. It proposed. The first calls into play the
ers and butchers, have not found any is now abundantly clear that central normal aging process of the immune
cases of vCJD.
Because physical contact with infect-
ed cattle could not be implicated, the
next logical possibility was exposure to
cattle products. This has proved to be
difficult to assess because in one way or
another virtually the entire British pop-
ulation is exposed to a large number of
bovine-derived products. Consumption
of meat and dairy products and expo-
sure to products containing either tal-
low or gelatin (or their derivatives) is
nearly universal. No correlation has
been established between vCJD and ex-
posure to any particular product.
The most plausible hypothesis points
to slaughterhouse practices and meat
preparation—about which the scientific Figure 7. Amyloid plaque in the brain of a patient with variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
community was completely naive—as (vCJD; left) differs from that seen in a patient with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (right).
the key to the transmission of the dis- The centers are similar, but the zone of “spongy” tissue surrounding the vCJD core gives the
ease. Before the appearance of BSE, ver- plaque a florid, or daisy-like, appearance. The unique structure of the vCJD plaque is central
tebral columns were routinely includ- to the diagnosis of the disease. (Images courtesy of the author.) © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 July–August 339
with permission only. Contact
ably, the potentially contaminated beef
products were distributed throughout
the British population of 60 million, yet
fewer than 150 cases have been identi-
fied over a period of nearly 10 years of
active surveillance, and only a handful
of cases have appeared in countries
where BSE was exported. Although ge-
netic susceptibility may play a role, the
most reasonable explanation is that in-
fectivity was very unevenly distributed
among the meat products and only
rarely achieved a transmissible level.
Transmission would have been made
even more difficult by the comparative
no inefficiency of oral infections.
data 1–19 100–700 50,000–150,000
0 20–99 2,000–7,000 1,000,000
BSE in North America
number of live cattle exported from Great Britain, 1988–1993 Were it not for the international trade
in cattle and cattle feed, BSE would
Figure 8. Export of live cattle and meat-and-bone meal from Great Britain distributed BSE to probably have been confined to Great
several countries around the globe. At least 24 countries have reported cattle with BSE. (Based Britain. But cattle and feed continued
on data provided by Maura Ricketts, World Health Organization.)
to be exported from Britain to countries
all over the globe for several years—
system. As children mature, some ele- more likely than adults to eat compara- throughout the late 1980s and early
ments of the immune system undergo tively inexpensive products (including ‘90s—after the cause of BSE had been
atrophy, inducing lymphatic tissue ele- school cafeteria offerings) that contain identified. From the mid-1990s on-
ments scattered throughout the small mechanically recovered meat. However, wards, cases of the disease began to ap-
intestine (called Peyer’s patches). These information about the distribution and pear in Europe and in countries as far
tissues are known to be involved at a consumption of commercial foods, afield as Oman and Japan.
very early stage of oral BSE infections, which might provide the best clues, is Ironically, the discovery of BSE in the
and their atrophy in adulthood could unreliable, and the dietary histories of United States at the end of 2003 recapit-
provide a degree of comparative resis- patients with vCJD obtained from their ulated what had occurred with scrapie
tance. The second possibility concerns relatives are similarly suspect. nearly 60 years before, when infected
dietary differences between age groups. The other puzzle concerns the rela- sheep were imported from Canada,
Children and adolescents are probably tively small number of cases. Presum- which had earlier imported infected
sheep from Great Britain. This time, at
least one BSE-infected cow (and proba-
bly more) was imported to Canada
from Great Britain during the high-risk
1980s. At some point these cows were
probably rendered into feed that infect-
ed some “next generation” cows. The
BSE cow that was discovered in Wash-
ington state in December 2003 had been
imported to the U.S. in September 2001
from the same province of Canada (Al-
berta) in which the Canadian BSE cow
had earlier been identified. Both cows
were born in 1997, just before the rumi-
nant-to-ruminant feed ban was imple-
mented, and it is now a matter of record
that some leftover feed continued to be
used to supplement the diets of new-
born calves.
When the two cows were slaugh-
tered in 2003, neither was suspected of
having BSE, so their carcasses were sent
Figure 9. Slaughterhouse practices were changed in the wake of mad-cow disease. Tissues that
to rendering plants for use in feed sup-
might contain the BSE agent, such as the cranium and the vertebral column, are prohibited for plements. The cows were only discov-
use in animal feed and food products for human beings. On-site inspections of rendering ered to have BSE when their brains
plants, feed mills and slaughterhouses have also been increased. (Photograph courtesy of were later tested as part of a routine
Linda Detwiler, University of Maryland.) surveillance program of “downer”

340 American Scientist, Volume 92 © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
with permission only. Contact
1.0 is due in great measure to the fact that
regulations designed to protect public
95% probability
health from imagined dangers invari-
probability of finding an infected cow

~600,000 cows per year ably cause real damage to the commer-
cial sectors involved, and unless the
data are undeniable, these interests will
understandably argue against restric-
tive measures. It is thus not at all clear
that any so-called “lessons” will inform
0.6 future situations, because risk-benefit
analyses that are based on incomplete
knowledge depend on both scientific
50% probability and political considerations and will
~150,000 cows per year continue to frustrate scientists and pol-
icy makers alike.

Brown, P. 2003. Transmissible Spongiform En-
0.2 cephalopathy as a Zoonotic Disease. ILSI Eu-
rope Report Series. Brussels: International
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Life Sciences Institute.
number of cows tested per year (hundreds of thousands)
Brown, P., and R. Bradley. 1998. 1755 and all
Figure 10. Probability of detecting an infected cow increases with the number of cows that are that: A historical primer of transmissible
spongiform encephalopathy. British Medical
tested. Here the curve shows the chances that at least one infected cow will be found during a
Journal 317:1688–1692.
five-year period when the incidence of BSE is one per million. Since the United States appears
Brown, P., R. G. Will, R. Bradley, D. L. Asher
to be free of indigenous disease, a testing program could reveal whether or not BSE occurs
and L. Detwiler. 2001. Bovine spongiform
spontaneously. encephalopathy and variant Creutzfeldt-
Jakob disease: Background, evolution, and
(nonambulatory or disabled) cows, and Given the absence of indigenously in- current concerns. Emerging Infectious Dis-
beef products from the cow in Wash- fected cattle and the expanded BSE test- eases 7:6–16.
ington state had already entered the ing program, the U.S. has both the moti- Hadlow, W. J., R. C. Kennedy and R. E. Race.
human food supply. vation and resources to answer, once and 1982. Natural infection of Suffolk sheep
with scrapie virus. Journal of Infectious Dis-
Regulatory agencies in Canada and for all, the vexing question of whether or eases 146:657–664.
the U.S., primed by the mad-cow scare not BSE occurs spontaneously. If it occurs Prusiner, S. B. 2001. Shattuck Lecture—Neuro-
in Great Britain and continental Europe, at the same rate as sporadic CJD in hu- degenerative diseases and prions. New Eng-
reacted quickly in response to the dis- man beings (one case per million per land Journal of Medicine 334:1516–1526.
covery of the infected cows. All living year), several years of testing hundreds Stevenson, M. A., et al. 2000. Temporal aspects
cows that could be traced from both of thousands of cattle will be required to of the epidemic of bovine spongiform en-
farms, as well as products made from obtain a statistically significant result. Be- cephalopathy in Great Britain: Individual
animal-associated risk factors for the dis-
their tissues, were destroyed. A host of cause other equally motivated countries ease. Veterinary Record 147:349–354.
new regulations were also either imple- are disqualified by the occurrence of cat- Taylor, D. M., S. L. Woodgate, A. J. Fleetwood
mented or proposed, of which the most tle with foodborne BSE, only in the U.S. and R. J. G. Cawthorne. 1997. Effect of ren-
important were these: prohibition of tis- do we still have this unique, one-time dering procedures on the scrapie agent. Vet-
sues known to be infectious in BSE cows only opportunity to confirm or refute the erinary Record 141:643–649.
(cranium, vertebral column, distal thesis that the BSE outbreak could have Wells, G. A. H., et al. 1987. A novel progressive
spongiform encephalopathy in cattle. Veteri-
ileum, lymphoreticular tissues) for use resulted from a spontaneous occurrence. nary Record 121:419–420.
by either animals or human beings; When BSE and its human counter- Will, R. G., et al. 1996. A new variant of
elimination of mechanically recovered part, vCJD, pass into history—which Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK. Lancet
meat unless it could be shown by sensi- they undoubtedly will—some may be- 347:921–925.
tive immunologic tests to be free of ner- lieve that a quarter century of scientific
vous tissue; initiation of a much-in- knowledge was gained at the expense
creased BSE immunological testing of veterinary and public health. This
program for downer cows (which are would be neither fair nor accurate.
henceforth not to be used for food or Great Britain and indeed the world
other products for either animals or hu- owe an immense debt of gratitude to
man beings); and a “beefed-up” pro- the few key investigators who correctly
For relevant Web links, consult this
gram of onsite inspections of rendering identified the basic issues with extra-
issue of American Scientist Online:
plants, feed mills and slaughterhouses. ordinary rapidity. The problem was in
Along with a strictly enforced ruminant- translating the evolving scientific
to-ruminant feed ban, these measures knowledge into government policy, be- IssueTOC/issue/621
should prevent the future spread of BSE cause until public concern forces the is-
to other animals and human beings— sue, governments are almost always
even if the disease is eventually found to loathe to take a proactive stance in the
occur as a rare spontaneous event. face of purely hypothetical risks. This © 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 July–August 341
with permission only. Contact

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