Robert Owen

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Robert Owen - Father of Socialism? y any standards of judgement, Robert (Owen was a charismatic figure. Born in 1771 at Newton, Montgomeryshire, the son of a postmaster, he rose by his own initiative and a careful choice in marriage, to become the owner and manager of the textile mills at New Lanark, just south of Glasgow. At his mill he began an experiment in new working conditions from which was to emerge a critique of capitalist society. As a consequence of a growing reputation and a number of Publications he has been labelled ‘the father Of British Socialism’. Is the title apt? Did he exert such a pervasive influence over early nineteenth century working class. movements that warrants this title? ERT OWEN 314 Trade Unions Siemens 1800-24: The New Lanark Period. 1800-16: Owen proves himself a succes business manager. At the sa fhe makes improvements in house schools and working conditions a= his mil 1816-24: (Owen publishes ‘A New View Society’ (1813) and begins to his ideas for co-operative cor ties. He joins the agitation factory reform. In 1818 he pi "Two Memorials on Behalf oft Working Class, This is follovw Report to the County of Lanark Political agitation ‘Owen attempts to put his ides practice by establishing Owen communities ~ New Harmon US.A,, Orbiston (1825-28), | (1827) and Rahaline in irelan (1831-33). Few of these comma survived for very long, (Owen becomes involved with ‘working class movements su Labour Exchanges, consumer co-operatives and trade unions 1834 he became President of G.N.CTU. but this cola a year. (Owen returns to his attempts to ae up model communities His polite beliefs take on increasingly el overtones. ROBERT OWEN AND LANARK MILL ‘I became the government of New Lanark m about the first of January 1800. | say ‘gove for my intention was not just to be manager change the condition of the people ... the majority of them were idle, drunken, dishone= Tia." Robert Owen, Thee of abet Onn (1857)

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