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AIDS Care, August 2007; 19(7): 895 900

Using the theory of planned behaviour to understand the motivation to

learn about HIV/AIDS prevention among adolescents in Tigray,


Mekelle University, Mekelle, Ethiopia, and 2University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands

Various studies indicate that school- or university-based HIV prevention curricula can reduce the prevalence of sexual risk
behaviour among adolescent youth in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, effective HIV/AIDS prevention education may be
problematic, if the needs of youth are not served adequately. To date, little attention has been given to the motivation of
youth to learn about HIV/AIDS and about their preferences for HIV/AIDS curriculum design options. The aim of this study
was to get insight into the determinants of the motivation of youth to learn about HIV/AIDS prevention and to assess their
curriculum design preferences. Students from a university in Tigray, Ethiopia, filled out a structured questionnaire, which
assessed demographics, variables that according to the Theory of Planned Behaviour are related to the motivation to learn,
and their preferences for independent, carrier and integrated HIV/AIDS curriculum designs. On average, participants were
highly motivated to learn about HIV/AIDS. Motivation to learn was primarily related to social norms and was not related to
self-efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS in class. The often discussed reluctance to discuss sexuality and condom use in curricula
in Sub-Saharan Africa, seems to be more related to existing negative social norms, than to lack of self-efficacy. Participants
revealed a high preference for the independent, carrier and integrated curriculum design options. However, students with a
higher motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS were more attracted to the independent course design.

Introduction However, currently little is known about the motiva-

tion of students to learn about HIV/AIDS and about
In Sub-Saharan Africa, students at higher learning
their preferences for HIV/AIDS curriculum designs.
institutions are vulnerable to HIV infection, because
In many Sub-Saharan African countries, teaching
unprotected sexual behaviours are common among
sexuality and condom use may be controversial
students (Kapiga & Lugalla, 2002; Alene et al.,
issues, which many students may be reluctant to
2004; Adamu et al., 2003; Terry et al., 2006).
address. This may especially be true for ‘life skills’
Effective educational interventions to improve pro-
HIV/AIDS prevention curricula, which address
tected sexual behaviour are urgently needed and
communication and condom negotiation skills and
these interventions must be suitable in environments which require students to openly discuss HIV/AIDS
with severe constraints on financial and human in class (Boler & Aggleton, 2004). To minimize these
resources (Kirby, 2000; Obasi et al., 2006). Various controversial issues, many HIV/AIDS curricula take
studies indicate, that school- or university-based a scientific approach, in which students are taught
HIV prevention curricula can solve these constraints about HIV in science lessons, such as biology,
and reduce the prevalence of sexual risk behaviours usually without any discussion of sexual relations
(Kinsman et al., 1999; Kaaya et al., 2002; Campbell or sexual behaviours (Boler & Jellema, 2005).
& Lubben, 2003). However, HIV/AIDS prevention education that
Many barriers exist to the effective implementa- ignores sexual behaviour, may be of limited use.
tion of HIV/AIDS curricula in higher learning For effective HIV/AIDS prevention education, it is
institutes in Sub-Saharan Africa (Boler & Jellema, necessary that students are motivated to learn. Self-
2005). To date, several studies have focused on the regulating learning theories portray learners as goal-
motivation of teachers to implement HIV/AIDS directed individuals (Garcia & Pintrich, 1994) and,
prevention programmes (Obasi et al., 2006; according to these theories, motivation to learn is an
Mathews et al., 2006; Kinsman et al., 1999). important determinant of cognitive engagement of

Correspondence: H. Boer, Associate Professor (Ph.D. Psychology), University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences, Department of
Psychology and Communication of Health and Risk, P.O.Box 217. 7500 AE Enschede, the Netherlands. Tel: (31) 53-489 3291. Fax: (31)
53-489 4259. E-Mail:

ISSN 0954-0121 print/ISSN 1360-0451 online # 2007 Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/09540120701203311
896 H. G. Hadera et al.

learners (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Students will about HIV/AIDS prevention, using the TPB. Based
show an intrinsic motivation for learning about HIV/ on previous TPB studies in the area of HIV/AIDS
AIDS, when they engage in learning activities that prevention (Albarracı́n et al., 2001), we expected
are by themselves rewarding (Dweck & Leggett, that the motivation to learn would be related to
1988). For example, rewards can be the perceived attitude to learn about HIV/AIDS prevention in the
benefits of learning about HIV/AIDS and a strength- curriculum, to self-efficacy towards discussing HIV/
ened self-efficacy to cope with problems related to AIDS in class and to the existing social norms about
HIV/AIDS prevention. A number of expectancy HIV/AIDS prevention in the curriculum. The sec-
value models have been proposed to study the ond aim of the study was to assess the preference of
motivation of learners (Eccles, 1983). An often the students for curriculum design options. It may
used expectancy value model, that can be applied well be that students prefer that sensitive issues, such
to study the motivation of learners, is the Theory of as HIV/AIDS, are not treated explicitly in separate
Planned Behaviour (TPB; Ajzen, 1991). The TPB courses, but treated more implicitly in the carrier
theorizes that attitude, subjective (social) norms and subject approach or the integrated subject approach.
self-efficacy are the determinants of motivation,
which is usually assessed as the intention to perform
the behaviour, like learning about HIV/AIDS. Atti- Methods
tude to learning about HIV/AIDS is primarily a Subjects
function of the beliefs about the positive and
negative consequences of learning. Subjective or The study was conducted among 100 students at
social norms refer to the perceptions of approval or Mekelle University, Ethiopia, of which 89 students
disapproval of learning about HIV/AIDS from sig- agreed to participate (response rate 89%). Mekelle
nificant others, like fellow students or teachers. Self- University hosts students from all over Ethiopia and
efficacy refers to the conviction to be able to perform the students live in Mekelle campus, a residential
the behaviours required in learning about HIV/ area with student housing. A research assistant
AIDS, like openly discussing HIV/AIDS in class. distributed the questionnaires to students from two
The design of HIV/AIDS prevention curricula in departments (Economics and English) after finishing
accordance with the preferences of students is classes. Most students filled out the questionnaire in
important in order to motivate students to learn class. Some students filled out the questionnaires in
about HIV/AIDS. Kelly (2000) distinguished three their apartments and these were collected later,
types of HIV/AIDS prevention curriculum designs. based on appointments. Questionnaires were filled
In the separate course approach, HIV/AIDS preven- out anonymously and students were assured that
tion is designed as a free standing separate course in their data would be treated confidentially.
the broader curriculum (Kaaya et al., 2002;
Kinsman et al., 1999; Mathews et al., 2006; Obasi Questionnaire
et al., 2006). This approach ensures that HIV/AIDS
prevention receives sufficient emphasis, if HIV/AIDS Since Ethiopia is a multilingual country, language of
prevention is given a high profile as an examinable instruction at Mekelle University is English. There-
course. However, in a crowded curriculum, the fore, the questionnaire was provided in English.
separate course design requires a strong commit- First, the questionnaire assessed gender, age, depart-
ment from teachers over time and the formulation of ment (Economics or English) and year of study
a school- or university-based HIV/AIDS prevention (year 1 4). Second, psychosocial determinants of
policy (Mathews et al., 2006). In the carrier course the motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS were
approach, HIV/AIDS prevention is placed within an assessed with multi-item scales. All items used
existing course, such as language, social studies or 4-point Likert scales, ranging from strongly disagree
engineering (Craig et al., 2004). In the integrated (1) to strongly agree (4). Perceived quality of the
course approach, HIV prevention education is current HIV/AIDS prevention practices was assessed
incorporated in all or most existing courses. How- with nine items (a .80), such as ‘At present, the
ever, attempts to integrate HIV/AIDS across university gives sufficient time for teaching students
courses, taught by different so-called ‘infusion’ life skills for adequately dealing with negotiating safe
teachers, have not met with great success (Kann sex’. Opinion about the desired HIV/AIDS preven-
et al., 1995). Compared to health educators, infu- tion practices was assessed with ten items (a .80),
sion teachers were less likely to cover the more such as ‘It would be a good idea, if the existing
sensitive topics on HIV/AIDS prevention, and were university courses paid enough attention to HIV/
more likely to take a scientific approach. AIDS prevention education’. Attitude to HIV/AIDS
The aim of this study was to get insight into the prevention courses was assessed with four items
determinants of the motivation of students to learn (a .55), such as ‘The inclusion of HIV/AIDS
Theory of planned behaviour in Tigray, Ethiopia 897

prevention into the curriculum promotes me to Table I. Mean scores on psychosocial determinants and motivation
to learn about HIV/AIDS among students from Tigray, Ethiopia
understand how HIV/AIDS will impact on my future
professional life’. Social norms with regard to HIV/
AIDS education in the curriculum was assessed with Mean (SD )
two items (a .72): ‘I think the students of the
Perception of current HIV education practices 1.81 (.59)
university are positive about introducing HIV/AIDS Opinion on ideal HIV education practices 3.41 (.48)
into the curriculum of the university’ and ‘ I think Attitude to HIV education in the curriculum 3.11 (.65)
the instructors at the university find it a good idea to Social norm to HIV education in the curriculum 2.70 (.78)
introduce HIV/AIDS in the curriculum’. Self-effi- Self-efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS in class 3.07 (.73)
cacy with regard to HIV/AIDS education in the Motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS in the 3.02 (.79)
classes was assessed with three items (a .51), such
as ‘I have the confidence to discuss sensitive matters,
like sex and HIV/AIDS education in my class’. multivariate associations, the psychosocial determi-
Motivation to learn was assessed by two items nants of the motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS
(a .70): ‘In the future I would like to learn about prevention (and curriculum design options) were
HIV/AIDS prevention in my courses’ and ‘In the then entered into least squares regression analyses.
future I will actively participate, if the university
develops a policy to introduce HIV/AIDS prevention Results
education in the university’. Third, the questionnaire
assessed the preferences of students on four point Characteristics of the sample
Likert scales for each of three HIV/AIDS prevention Among the participants (N 89) were 63 males
curriculum design options. The freestanding course (71%) and 26 females (29%). Almost all participants
option was described as ‘HIV/AIDS prevention (97%) were between 20 and 24 years and 3% were
education is given to all students as an independent between 25 and 29 years. Of the participants 23
course’; the integrated course option was described (26%) were in the second study year, 26 (29%) were
as ‘HIV/AIDS prevention education is integrated in the third study year and 37 (42%) were in the
across core courses to be taught by different in- fourth study year.
structors’ and the carrier course option was de-
scribed as ‘HIV/AIDS prevention education is
placed within existing courses, which are relevant Motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS
to the issue, such as health and social science The mean perceived quality of current HIV/AIDS
courses’. For the purpose of pilot testing, the prevention practices (mean 1.81) was low
questionnaire was administered to a sample of five (Table I). Students had a positive opinion about
students, leading to some minor modifications. the ideal HIV/AIDS prevention practices, as indi-
cated by the high mean score (mean 3.41). The
students had a positive attitude to HIV/AIDS
Statistical analysis
education in the curriculum, as indicated by the
We analysed the data using SPSS 12.0. First, high mean score (mean 3.11). The social norm
Pearson correlations were calculated to determine about HIV/AIDS education was around the mid-
the univariate associations between motivation to point of the scale (mean 2.11). Part of the students
learn about HIV/AIDS prevention (and curriculum perceived a positive social norm, while others
design options) and demographic variables, attitude, perceived a negative social norm, as is illustrated
subjective norm and self-efficacy. To determine the by the finding that 58% thought that the instructors

Table II. Correlations between psychosocial determinants and the motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS among adolescents from Tigray,
Ethiopia (N89).

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(1) Perception current HIV education 

(2) Opinion on HIV/AIDS education .06 
(3) Attitude to HIV education .05 .26* 
(4) Social norm to HIV education .13 .22* .41** 
(5) Self-efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS .21* .20 .40** .02 
(6) Motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS .07 .34** .37** .56** .03 

Note: *p B.05, **p B.001.

898 H. G. Hadera et al.

Table III. Regression of the psychosocial determinants on the p B. 001, R2 .40. Significant independent predic-
motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS among adolescents from tors of the motivation to learn were the opinion of
Tigray, Ethiopia (N89). the adolescents about the ideal HIV/AIDS preven-
b t p tion education practices (b .26, t 2.9, p B.01)
and the social norm to towards HIV/AIDS preven-
Perception current HIV .03 .37 .71 tion education in the curriculum (b.47, t 4.8,
education practices
Opinion on ideal HIV/AIDS .26 2.89 .005 p B.001).
education practices
Attitude to HIV education in .10 .90 .37
the curriculum Preferences for curriculum design options
Social norm to HIV education .47 4.76 .001
in the curriculum The mean preference score of the independent
Self-efficacy to discuss HIV/ .02 .16 .87 course was 2.90 (SD .95), the mean preference
AIDS in class score of the carrier course was 2.95 (SD .89) and
the mean preference score of the integrated course
was 2.94 (SD .87). There was no difference
at the university would find it a good idea to between the preferences of the adolescents for the
introduce HIV/AIDS in the curriculum, while 41% three types of curricula, Friedman x2 (2, N87) 
disagreed. The mean score on the motivation to
1.08, p .58.
learn was well above the midpoint of the scale Table IV shows that gender and age were not
(mean 3.02). This is substantiated by the finding
related to the preference for each of the curriculum
that 77% of the adolescents agreed, that in the future
design options. However, study year was negatively
they would like to learn about HIV/AIDS prevention
correlated with the preference for carrier and inte-
in their courses.
grated curriculum design. Attitude to ideal HIV/
Table II shows that motivation to learn about
AIDS prevention education practices and attitude to
HIV/AIDS was significantly correlated with the
HIV/AIDS education in the curriculum were sig-
opinion about ideal HIV/AIDS education practices
nificantly positively correlated to the preference for
(r .34, p B.001), the attitude towards HIV/AIDS
education in the curriculum (r .37, p B.001) and an independent HIV/AIDS curriculum design, but
the social norm about HIV/AIDS education in the not to the preference for carrier and integrated
curriculum (r .56, p B.001). Contrary to our designs. The social norm to HIV/AIDS education
expectation, motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS in the curriculum was significantly correlated to all
was not significantly correlated to self-efficacy of the three types of curriculum design. Self-efficacy to
students to discuss HIV/AIDS in class (r .03, n.s). discuss HIV/AIDS in class was not correlated with
The motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS was not the preference for any of the curriculum design
correlated with gender (r .02, n.s.), age (r .03, options. The motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS
n.s.) and study year at the university (r .14, n.s.). was significantly correlated with the preference for
To disentangle the relative importance of the all types of curriculum design. Inspection of Table
psychosocial determinants on the motivation to learn IV shows that motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS
about HIV/AIDS, a regression analysis was per- was correlated most strongly with the preference
formed (Table III). The motivation to learn about for an independent curriculum design, and to a
HIV/AIDS could be significantly predicted by lesser extent with the preference for integrated and
the psychosocial determinants, F (5, 82) 10.82, carrier curriculum designs.

Table IV. Correlations between demographic characteristics, psychosocial determinants and the preference for HIV/AIDS curriculum
design options (independent, carrier, integrated) among adolescents from Tigray, Ethiopia (N89).

Independent Carrier Integrated

Gender .10 .11 .08

Age .02 .01 .02
Study year of student .20 .38*** .25*
Perception of current HIV education practices .11 .01 .11
Attitude to ideal HIV/AIDS education practices .27* .16 .19
Attitude to AIDS education in the curriculum .32** .03 .16
Social norm to AIDS education in the curriculum .51*** .27* .43***
Self-efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS in class .01 .15 .08
Motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS .62*** .28** .44***
Theory of planned behaviour in Tigray, Ethiopia 899

Table V. Regression of study year of students and psychosocial determinants on the preference for HIV/AIDS curriculum design options
(independent, carrier, integrated) among students from Tigray, Ethiopia (N89).

Independent Carrier Integrated

b b b

Study year of student .12 .36*** .19

Attitude to ideal HIV/AIDS education practices .13 .22 .16
Attitude to AIDS education in the curriculum .01 .28* .08
Social norm to AIDS education in the curriculum .24* .23 .29*
Motivation to learn .39*** .08 .17

To disentangle the relative importance of the norms and communication are important elements
psychosocial determinants on the preference for in determining condom use (Boer & Mashamba,
curriculum design options, regression analyses were 2005; Boer & Westhoff, 2006). Contrary to our
performed (Table V). The preference for the in- expectations, motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS
dependent HIV/AIDS course design could be sig- in the curriculum was not related to self-efficacy to
nificantly predicted by psychosocial determinants, discuss HIV/AIDS in class. The mean score on self-
F (5, 78)11.49, p B. 001, R2 .42. Significant efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS in class was high
independent predictors of the preference for an (mean 3.07 on a 4-point scale), indicating that lack
independent curriculum design were social norm of self-efficacy was not an important barrier to the
(b .24, t 2.24, p B.05) and motivation to learn motivation to learn about HIV/AIDS. However, the
about HIV/AIDS (b .39, t 3.43, p B.001). The sample in this study consisted to a large extent of
preference for the carrier course design could be male students and it may well be that among female
significantly predicted by the demographic and students self-efficacy to discuss HIV/AIDS is an
psychosocial determinants, F (5, 78) 6.11, p B. important determinant of the motivation to learn
001, R2 .28. Significant negative independent pre- about HIV/AIDS. Further research in this issue is
dictors of the preference for a carrier curriculum necessary. In this study, motivation to learn about
design were study year (b .36, t 3.67, HIV/AIDS was not related to the perceived quality
p B.001) and attitude to HIV/AIDS in the curricu- of current HIV/AIDS education. But, motivation to
lum (b .28, t 2.55, p B.05). The preference learn about HIV/AIDS was positively related to the
for the integrated course design could be signifi- opinion of the students on the ideal HIV/AIDS
cantly predicted by the psychosocial determinants, prevention practices. This makes it clear, that
F (5, 79) 5.82, p B. 001, R2 .27. A significant students with high demands to the desired HIV/
independent predictor of the preference for an AIDS prevention practices are more motivated to
integrated curriculum design was social norm learn.
to HIV/AIDS education in the curriculum (b .29, The study was conducted among a sample of
t 2.45, p B.05). students from a university in Ethiopia. The students
had a rather negative opinion about current HIV/
AIDS prevention practices at the university, but
showed a high demand for effective HIV/AIDS
It is often assumed, that the slow introduction of prevention education in the curriculum. The moti-
HIV/AIDS curricula in Sub-Saharan Africa is related vation to learn about HIV/AIDS in the curriculum
to the lack of motivation to discuss these controver- was also high. Students had an equal preference for
sial issues, due to cultural barriers that prohibit the three types of curriculum design options: indepen-
open discussion of sexual matters. Therefore, the dent, carrier and integrated. From a curriculum
aim of this study was to relate to motivation of design perspective, equal preferences could be given
students to learn about HIV/AIDS to demographic to an independent, carrier and integrated curriculum
and psychosocial determinants. Using the Theory of design.
Planned Behaviour as a theoretical framework, However, results of this study pointed out that the
results indicated that the motivation to learn about different types of curriculum design are attractive for
HIV/AIDS in the curriculum was primarily related different types of students. A higher preference for
to social norms about the desirability of HIV/AIDS the independent course on HIV/AIDS was signifi-
education. This indicates, that social norms are cantly related to a positive motivation to learn, a
important to motivate students to learn about HIV/ positive social norm on HIV/AIDS education in the
AIDS. The importance of social norms in shaping curriculum, a positive attitude to HIV/AIDS educa-
motivation is in agreement with the results from tion in the curriculum and higher requirements to
other studies in Africa, which indicated that social the ideal HIV/AIDS education practices. This
900 H. G. Hadera et al.

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