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Volume 52 | Issue 1 Article 6


The Role of Taurine in the Feline Well Being

Lisa Williams-Retz
Iowa State University

Susan O'Brien
Iowa State University

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Williams-Retz, Lisa and O'Brien, Susan (1990) "The Role of Taurine in the Feline Well Being," Iowa State University Veterinarian: Vol.
52 : Iss. 1 , Article 6.
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The Role of Taurine in the Feline Well Being
Lisa Williams-Retz, BS, DVM*
Susan O'Brien, DVM**

Since its discovery in 1975, taurine defi- consensus suggests a requirement of 500-750
ciency has been an important nutritional prob- mg/kg of diet dry matter per day. However,
lem in cats. After the original findings of many variables are known to alter this recom-
blindness and retinal degeneration, the num- mended level. As the fiber content ofthe diet de-
ber of clinical manifestations has increased to creases, fecal taurine losses increase. This
include reproductive failure, growth retarda- requires a corresponding elevation oftaurine in
tion and neurologic abnormalities in surviving the diet. Likewise, the taurine requirement is
kittens from taurine depleted queens. Cardio- increased with a decreasing intake of other
myopathy, platelet hyperaggregation, and sulfur containing amino acids. Evidence also
possibly immune function impairment are shows that cats fed dry cat food containing 500-
implicated as well. 1 750 mg of taurinelKg of diet dry matter do not
Taurine is a beta anlino acid containing a develop plasma taurine deficiency, while feed-
sulfonic rather than a carboxylic group and ing canned food containing 2-10 times this level
thus cannot form a peptide bond. Many of the may result in low plasma taurine levels. This is
biological effects of taurine are mediated via thought to be due to an unknown absorption or
activity on calcium and, as recent studies show, retention problem. Therefore, cats fed canned
zinc. foods may require more taurine added to their
The susceptibility of the feline species to diets in order to maintain normal plasma lev-
taurine deficiency occurs because, unlike many els. 2 ,3
other placental mammals, cats have very lim- Taurine deficiency may occur from ignoring
ited 'ability to synthesize enough taurine from any of the above variables. It may also occur
other sulfur amino acids, and they are con- from feeding dog food to cats. In fact, the latter
stantly secreting large amounts of taurine in is the most common cause of taurine deficiency
their bile. The limited ability to produce tau- in the feline. Dog food contains lesser amounts
rine arises due to low availability of the en- ofprotein and therefore sulfur containing amino
zyme CSA decarboxylase which is needed to acids. Also, the majority of dog food contains
convert the sulfur amino acid cysteine to tau- ingredients from plant sources and less from
rine. 1,2 The bile acid pool in cats is unique since animal sources than do cat foods. Plants are
all bile acids are conjugated with taurine. devoid of taurine, whereas fish and animal tis-
Therefore, the cat has a continual dietary sues are high in taurine and thus are widely
taurine requirement of '500-750 mglKg of dry used in cat food production. 1 ,2
matter per day to replace fecal losses resultant Among all the clinical manifestations of
from the less than 100% recovery by the en- taurine deficiency, the retinopathy has been
terohepatic circulation. 2 studied most intensely. Inadequate taurine
Since the feline species is unable to synthe- intake by cats causes low retinal taurine concen-
size appreciable amounts oftaurine, this anlino tration and central retinal degeneration that
acid is considered an essential nutrient in the can result in irreversible blindness. The pri-
dietary intake. 3 ,1l The most widely accepted mary defect appears in the structural integrity
of the photoreceptor cell and the underlying
tapetum lucidum. It seems that taurine modu-
*Dr. Williams-Retz ia a 1989 graduate of the lates the structural integrity by control over
College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State. ionic flux of calcium, sodium, and potassium in
the retina and possibly zinc via zinc-taurine
**Dr. O'Brien is an assistant professor in the cysteine interactions in the tapetum. 1,2,4,5,6,7,8
College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State When retinal taurine concentration is re-
University. duced to 50-75% of normal, the structure and

Vol 52, No.1 23

function deteriorate progressively. However, exhibit a nunlber of neurological abnormalities
because the liver is one of the major sources for such as defective cerebellar maturation, a pecu-
retinal taurine, pronounced reductions in reti- liar gait characterized by excessive abduction
nal taurine concentration occur only when liver and paresis, hydrocephaly, and anencephaly.
and plasma taurine concentrations are near Furthermore, kittens may show severe devel-
zero. Since the half-life oftaurine in the liver is opmental abnormalities including abnormal
approximately 2-5 days, it would be expected hind limb development and thoracic kyphosis
that the liver content would be near zero only attributed to dysplasia of the cerebellar granu-
after taurine was eliminated from the diet for 4- lar layer. This is a result of a failure in cell
12 weeks. Studies have shown that the half-life division and cell differentiation, both of which
oftaurine in the retina is about 30-88 days, and are dependant on the intracellular calcium pool.
since taurine isn't metabolized in the cat retina, It is interesting to note that although queens
a greater than 50% reduction in retinal taurine fed a taurine deficient diet show reproductive
concentration would occur 10-25 weeks after failure, when switched to a taurine supple-
liver taurine was near zero. Upon considera- mented diet they return to the usual breeding
tion of the half-life of taurine in the liver and schedule and produce live, normal kittens. 1,2,9,10
retina, it is possible to explain why some cats Another important aspect of taurine defi-
develop severe retinal malfunction 15-45 weeks ciency is its effect on the myocardium. In 1987,
after elimination of taurine from the diet. 8 Dr. Paul Pion, University of California-Davis
The retinal degenerative lesions in cats on discovered that all cases offeline dilated cardio-
taurine deficient diets are readily diagnosed by myopathy showed low plasma taurine concen-
routine ophthalmoscopy. On ophthalmoscopic trations. Those cases treated with taurine
exam, visible lesions are bilateral and range in recovered normal function of the heart
size from small focal atrophic areas in the area muscle. 3 ,11,12
centralis to a generalized atrophic appearance Feline dilated cardiomyopathy associated
of the entire retina with attenuation or loss of with low plasma taurine results in contractility
retinal vessels. These changes become evident failure due to abnormal calcium ion balance in
when retinal taurine concentration is reduced the myocardial cell. Taurine modulates cal-
to 20-30% of normal. Mter long term taurine cium movement through the sarcolemma, and
deprivation, the lesion becomes progressively by reducing myocardial calcium, protects the
larger and the entire fundus is atrophic in ap- heart from injury. Taurine constitutes 50% of
pearance. 4,5,6, 7,8 the free amino acid pool in the myocardium. In
Cats fed taurine deficient diets have also fact, the myocardium contains one of the high-
shown pronounced reductions in electroretin- est concentrations of free taurine in the body
ogram (ERG) anlplitude even prior to detect- with levels ranging from 100-400 times those
able cell death. When retinal taurine concen- found in plasma. In cases of congestive heart
trations are 20-30% of normal, the ERG ampli- failure, the taurine concentration in the heart
tude is very low or undetectable and ultrastruc- is increased above these levels. 3
tural studies show widespread photoreceptor Taurine deficient cardiomyopathy of cats
cell death. However, based on experimental appears to require lengthy and severe taurine
studies, a change to a taurine adequate diet depletion. Studies have shown that a moder-
will prevent further progression of the disease. ately severe depletion does not result in clinical
Therefore, routine ophthalmoscopic screening evidence of,heart failure, even when other signs
of cats is recommended in order for early of taurine deficiency exist. The level of plasma
detection. 8 taurine below which a cat is at risk of develop-
Dietary taurine deficiency has also been ing dilated cardiomyopathy is 20 nmole/ml. To
shown to suppress reproductive performance in ensure a margin of safety, cats with levels less
queens. Although taurine deficient females than 40 nmole/ml should be changed to another
come into estrus normally, they frequently diet or supplemented with taurine. 3 In feline
resorb or abort their fetuses, and have stillborn dilated cardiomyopathy, pulmonary and he-
or vital low birth weight kittens at term. Those patic congestion are seen due to congestive
kittens born alive have poor survival rate and heart failure. Pleural effusion is also common
grow at substantially slower rates than kittens and occasionally pericardial and peritoneal ef-
from taurine supplemented queens. They also

24 Iowa State University Veterinarian

fusion is seen. Because of calcium overload, cause calcium is involved in a wide range of
there is a decrease in ventricular systolic func- body functions, the possibility for new clinical
tion and pump failure occurs. Thus, the blood manifestations oftaurine deficiency exists. With
remains in the heart and causes a decrease in proper nutritional management this complex
stroke volume and arterial pressure. The body deficiency problem can be avoided.
attempts to increase its stroke volume by vaso-
constriction, and sodium and water retention, References
which in turn results in ventricular dilation.
Dilated cardiomyopathy can be diagnosed
using echocardiography. An end systolic di-
ameter greater than 12 mm and a shortening 1. Hayes KC. Taurine deficiency syndrome In
fraction less than 35% is diagnostic provided cats. In: American College ofVeterinary Inter-
there is no evidence of other underlying con- nal Medicine Proceedings of the Sixth Annu-
genital, acquired, or functional cardiac abnor- alVeterinary Medical Forum. 461-463. 1988.
malities. 3 At the University ofCalifornia Davis,
cats with these echocardiographic criterion were 2. Lewis LD, Morris Jr. ML, Hand MS. Small
supplemented with 5000mgtaurine/Kg dry diet Animal Clinical Nutrition III. Topeka, Kansas:
for 21 days. Every cat improved clinically Mark Morris Associates. 113, 1-14, 4-3, 4-
during the first 2 week period oftaurine supple- 11.1987.
mentation, however 3-4 weeks of supplementa-
tion were needed before the cats improved 3. PionP. Taurine key in treating feline dilated
echocardiographically. 3 cardiomyopathy. DVM. 18:1,23,54-55. 1987.
Taurine depletion also induces an increased
thromboxane level and an increased incidence 4. Aquirre, GD. Retinal degeneration associ-
of collagen-induced aggregation of platelets, ated with the feeding ofdog food to cats. JAVMA
both of which are linked to intracellular cal- 172:791-796. 1978.
cium metabolism in the platelet. Since the
feline species is highly prone to thromboem- 5. Hayes KC, Rabin A, Berson EL. An ultras-
bolic episodes, the importance of adequate tructural study of nutritionally induced and
taurine intake may prove to be prophylactic. 1 reversed retinal degeneration in cats. Am J
Evidence for possible immune function Pathol . 78:505-515. 1975.
impairment in taurine depleted cats has been
reported. It appears that upon taurine deple- 6. SchmidtSY,BersonEL, WatsonG,HuangC.
tion, the white blood cell taurine content also Retinal degeneration in cats fed casein. III.
decreases and white blood cell stimulation by Taurine deficiency and ERG amplitudes. In:.
mitogens is depressed. However, this manifes- vest Ophthalmol and Vis Sci .16:673-678. 1977.
tation of taurine deficiency is less well defined
and further studies are needed. 1 7. Pasantes-Morales H, Cruz C. Possible mecha-
Clinical confirmation of taurine deficiency nisms involved in the protective action of tau-
requires a routine plasma amino acid or a rine on photoreceptor structure. In: Kuriyama
specific high pressure liquid chromatography K, Huxtable RJ, Iwata H, eds. Sulfur Amino
(HPLC) assay. Normal values for plasma tau- Acids, Bochemical and 9linical Aspects. New
rine in the feline range from 60-120 umolesll York: Alan R Liss, Inc. 263-276. 1983.
with an average being 80 umoles/l. 3 However,
dietary intake must be considered when inter- 8. Schmidt SY, Berson EL. Taurine in retinal
preting these results. For example, a cat con- degeneration. In: Barbeau A, Huxtable RJ.
suming a fresh fish, meat, or poultry diet will Taurine and Neurological Disorders. New York:
have a higher plasma taurine concentration Raven Press. 281-287. 1978.
than a cat consuming a dry diet.
Taurine is an important amino acid affect- 9. Sturman JA, Gargano AD, Messing JM,
ing many body systems of the feline. Further Imaki H. Feline maternal taurine deficiency:
studies of its effect on calcium metabolism in effect on mother and offspring. J Nutr 116:655-
cells is needed to fully understand the impact 667.1986.
that it may have on other body systems. Be-

Vol 52, No.1 25

10. SturmanJ. Is taurine essentialln develop- cardiomyopathy. Science. 237:764-768. 1987.
ment? In: Huxtable RJ, Pasantes-Morales H,
eds. Taurine inNutrition and Neurology. New 12. Huxtable RJ, Sebring LA. Cardiovascular
York: Plenum Press. 508-509.1982. actions of taurine. In: Kuriyama K, Huxtable
RJ, Iwata H, eds. Sulfur Amino Acids, Bio-
11. Pion PD et al. Myocardial failure in cats as chemicalandClinicalAspects. New York: Alan
sociated with low plasma taurine: A reversible R Liss, Inc. 5-37. 1983.


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26 Iowa State University Veterinarian

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