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Escola Secundária

Dr. Joaquim de Carvalho,

Figueira da Foz 11th Form 2nd Term


Consumer Culture
• Comsumerism: shopaholism ( causes / consequences of shopaholism / being a shopaholic

 Fashion / Fashion setters (famous trendsetters e.g. Chanel …)
 Fashion timeline (The history of trends / fashion e.g. trends in a certain period of time , e.g.
Victorian Times / in the 20s , 60s , 70s … )
 Famous fashion Influencers ( Fashion designers, models, actresses, singers, … who played an
important role in fashion / haircuts/ …)
 Professional influencers (Blogger / Instagrammer /…)

Brands Passion
 The Evolution of advertising (How advertising developed with the evolution of technology);
 Advertising in the past and now (The history of advertising)
 Digital advertising ( How advertising uses digital technology / social networks/ streaming services to
reach its targets);
 The History of … a Brand ( Telling the story of a particular brand (National/ international) e.g. Levis’ /
Benetton / Tommy Hilfiger / Salsa ) ; who ? / when? / How? Etc…

Tricks of the Trade

 Brands and logos (Identifying brands and logos, how they have changed and why)

 Famous advertisements (identifying advertisements which have become famous; identifying the
strategies used)

 The most effective advertising techniques /strategies (Identifying the most effective advertising
strategies of a particular commercial / advertisement)

The Power of Advertising

 Blogging as a clever way of advertising (How advertising uses blogging to reach its targets
 Advertising and celebrities: star power ( How advertising uses famous people to endorse products,
examples and reason of the effectiveness of this strategy)
 Uncommon types of advertising ( examples of different/ uncommon ways of advertising)
 Children and advertising: powerful manipulation (Advertising aimed at children: strategies used /
legal limits to control advertising to children)
 Commercial Advertising and Social Advertising (Identifying the main differences between a
commercial and social advertising)
Ethical Marketing
 Banned adverts ( Identifying advertisements/ commercials that have been banned for ethical / health
 Marketing on social issues (identifying advertisements that aim to change attitudes / behaviour /
involve people in a social/ethical cause :addictions/ racism/ gender discrimination/domestic violence:
texting and driving; drinking and driving, anti-smoking campaigns, risks online/ environmental concerns;
identify strategies used

 Gender discrimination on adverts (How adverts exploit the female body / portray women as sex
symbols / domestic “workers”)

 Promoting gender equality in adverts (How adverts promote gender equality )

 Promoting racial equality in adverts (How adverts promote racial equality )

Marketing Scams
 Common marketing Scams and ways to prevent them ( Common commercial scams and ways to
prevent them)

 The dangers of buying online (How online shopping can be dangerous and ways to limit that danger)

 Misleading advertising ( How publicity can be misleading / deceiving)

Consumer Rights

 Consumer Organisations and Consumer Rights (Identifying the most important consumer
organisations and the most important consumer rights)


Career Choice / Dream Jobs

 My dream job ( Identifying/ describing my dream job : skills, qualifications, personal qualities required,
activities performed, perks, working hours, expected wages/salary, …)

 Unusual jobs (identifying / describing jobs that are not common: activities performed, working hours,
wages, …)

 Unwanted but Important Jobs ( Identifying and describing important job/jobs but which people
usually reject: skills, qualifications, personal qualities required, activities performed, perks, working
hours, expected wages/salary
Find your Passion
 Inspirational workers/ professionals ( describing a job / professional I admire /that inspires me)

Teen / Young / Old Entrepreneurs

 Successful teen / young / old entrepreneurs ( identifying and describing a successful worker / professional
e.g.: The founder(s) / creater of … (Youtube / Facebook / Jeans / TV shows …)

Work Trends

 Jobs of the Past ( Identifying traditional jobs that no longer exist / are not common nowadays)

 Childlabour in the Past ( The use of children as cheap labour in the past – Historical facts )

 Childlabour in the 21st Century ( The use of children as cheap labour in underdeveloped countries –
The laws against childlabour)

 Jobs for the Future ( Identifying jobs that will be required in the future due to technological advances)

 Teleworking : advantages and disadvantages (defining telework, its advantages and disadvantages )

 Feelancers: advantages and disadvantages (Identifying the most common workers/professionals

that tend to work freelance. Advantages/ disadvantages).

 Gender Discrimination At Work (examples of how women have suffered discrimination , laws to
prevent gender discrimination)

 Women at work : The emancipation of women: historical facts (in Portugal / USA / UK)

Work Etiquette

 Guidelines to be successful in a job interview ( name the most important tips for a job interview :
attitudes / language / dresscode / …. )

Learn all your Life

 Lifelong workers / learners ( the importance of learning all your life / identifying reasons to learn
and be up-to-date)

 Choosing the correct topic is the most difficult and important task about making a
presentation. Don’t forget to:
 Pick a topic from your areas of interest. It is easy to talk about something you have
some knowledge about and understand with little to no effort at all;
 Choose a topic easy to illustrate. Photographs make a presentation easy to understand
and interesting.
 Do a research on the topic to see how much information is available. This helps in
keeping your presentation objective and knowledge-filled for your listeners.

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