No. Words Hint Defination Sentences Part of Speech 1.: Divan Valentino Xii Ipa Ii

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No. Words Hint Defination Sentences Part Of

1. Onomatopoeia Rat-a-tat-tat The use of a word whose Quack, quack Noun
sound is related to the went the ducks
word’s meaning. as we threw
them our stale
2. Imagery Picture The use of a word to creat It was dark and Noun
word picture. dim in the
3. Personification Accomplishmen Giving human qualities to The sun was Noun
t human things. getting ready to
take its nightly
4. Figurative Comparisons Writing or speech that is She's drowning Adjective
language not meant to be read as in a sea of grief.
5. Simile Compare An expression that You were as Noun
compares two things using brave as a lion.
the words like or as.
6. Metaphor Word or phrase An expression that He is good at Noun
compares two things making
without using the words metaphor.
like or as.
7. Amplify Volume Make something louder or Although salt Verb
stronger. tends to amplify
the taste of food,
it typically does
not change it.
8. Impulsess Boost Signals sent along nervers. Restrain your Noun
9. Membrane Cell Thin skin that covers or The cell- Noun
connects parts of the body. membrane may
modified by the
process of
10. Molecules H2O Tiny particles too small to A molecule is Noun
be seen. made up of
11. Produced Make Made something happen or The play was Verb
had a particular effect. produced by
12. Stimulate Exercise Encourage more of an Moderate Verb
activity or help a process exercise
develop faster. stimulates the
circulation of
13. Volume Capacity The loudness or softness of The river carries Noun
a sound; the amount of a huge volume
space that something of water.
contains or fills.
14. Absorb Plant Take in a liquid slowly. Cotton absorbs Verb
15. Blend Hybird Mix together. Cotton absorbs Noun
16. Distinguish Contrast See the difference between You have to Verb
two things. distinguish fact
from fiction.
17. Focus Eye Change the position of a Focus on the Noun
lens on a camera, details.
telescope, etc., in order to
see something clearly.
18. Muscles Energy Part of your body under Hercules had Noun
your skin that make you strong muscles.
strong and help you to
19. Reflect Mirror Throw back light, heat, or We must reflect Verb
an image off a surface. on our failure.
20. Contrast People Compare two people, He looked quite Noun
ideas, or things to show happy in
how they are different contrast with
from each other. those around
21. Identify Detective Recognize and name You can easily Verb
someone or something. identify Tom
because he is
very tall.
22. Similar Same Almost the same but not I had a similar Adjective
exactly the same. experience.
23. Specific Explicit Used when talking about a I wish I could be Adjective
particular person, place, or more specific.
24. Function Define The natural purpose or The function of Noun
action of a body part. the heart is to
pump blood.
25. Injury Sick Damage or harm to My friend died Noun
someone or something. from an injury.
26. Interpret Explain Explain the meaning of I don't know Verb
something, such as an how to interpret
event or a text. his words.
27. Reverse Back Undo the effect of He did the Verb
something. reverse of what
I asked.
28. Structure In order The way a thing is made or The building's Noun
the arrangement of its structure is
parts. compromised.
29. Transmit Signal Send a signal. Iron transmits Verb
heat well.
30. Analyze Chemistry Examine or think about I want you to Verb
something carefully in analyze this.
order to understand it.
31. Component Part One part of something. Lighting is an Noun
component of a
32. Create New Make something exist or I have to create Verb
invent something new. a new website.
33. Demonstrate Describe Show or describe how to The salesman Verb
do something. demonstrated
how to use the
34. Proceed Work Begin and carry on an I'll decide how Verb
activity. to proceed.
35. Adjust Direct Change or move We suggest you Verb
something slightly in order adjust your
to make it better or more records
effective. accordingly.
36. Consist Produce Be made of This novel Verb
consists of three
37. Image Mountain A picture that you can see She explained Noun
through a camera, on her ideas with
television, or in a mirror images.
38. Perceive Notice Become aware of We tend to Verb
something through the perceive what
senses we expect to
39. Project Object Cause something to fall I'm working on Noun
upon a surface. a project.

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