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Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept.

of ECE, KL University

KL University, Vaddeswaram,
Dept. of ECE,
Signal Analysis (15 ES 2002)
Lesson-1b Fundamentals of Signals

1.1 Introduction to signals and systems:

1.1(a) Signals
1.1(b) Systems
1.2 Classifications of Signals
1.2(a) Continuous Time (C.T), Discrete Time (D.T) and Digital signals
1.2(b) Deterministic versus Random Signals
1.2(c) Real and Complex Signals
1.2(d) Vector Signal.
1.2(e) Causal and non-causal signals
1.2(f) Periodic versus Non-Periodic Signals
1.2(g) Energy and Power Signals
1.2(h) Even (or Symmetric) and Odd (anti-symmetric) signals

1.3 Representation of basic elementary continuous time signals

1.3(a) Sinusoidal signals
1.3(b) Complex exponential signals
1.3(c) Singularity functions
1.3(d) Other useful signals
1.3(e) Representation of signals in terms of singularity functions. Development of
Matlab codes for various signals representations.
1.4. Basic Operations on signals
1.4(a): Operations on dependent variables
1.4(b): Operations on independent variables

1.5 Problems and discussion

1.6 References

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

1.5 Problems and discussion

I. Sinusoidal Signals:
Examples and Solutions:
Ex1: Determine whether the following signals are periodic signals or aperiodic signals. In the
case of periodic signals, determine the fundamental periods.
(a) 2 cos(3t   ) (b) 3cos(2 t )u (t ) (c) je j10t (d) 2e (t 1)
Solution: (a) By comparing the given signal x (t )  2 cos(3t   ) with standard sinusoidal
signal A cos( 0t   ) , the given signal is a periodic signal and its fundamental frequency is

 0  3 radians / sec. Further the signal amplitude is 2 and phase is  rad.

Testing periodicity: A signal is said to be periodic if the condition x(t  T0 )  x(t ) is

satisfied, where T0 is the period of the signal. Here T0  2 sec.


Then x(t  T0 )  2 cos 3(t  T0 )  
4 
 3 4 
 2 cos 3(t  2 )    2 cos (3t  2 )  
4 
 2 cos  3t     x(t )

Therefore the given signal x (t )  2 cos(3t   ) is periodic with period T0  2 sec.

4 3

(b) Since the given signal x (t )  3cos(2 t )u (t ) can be regarded as a multiplication of a

Sinusoidal signal 3cos(2 t ) and unit step function u (t ) , resulting the given signal is right
sided signal. Hence the given signal is not periodic signal.
(c) The given signal is modified as
x(t )  je j10t  j cos10t  j sin10t   sin10t  j cos10t which is a periodic signal with

period  0  10 rad/sec, or T 0  2   .
10 5
j (10t   )  T 0  2  
x (t )  je j10t  e 2
. 10 5
Testing periodicity: A signal is said to be periodic if the condition x(t  T0 )  x(t ) is
satisfied, where T0 is the period of the signal. Here T0   sec.

Then x(t  T0 )  je j10(t T0 )  je j10t e j10T0  je j10t e j10 5

 je j10t e j10 5  je j10t e j 2  je j10t  x(t )
Therefore the given signal is periodic signal with period T0   sec.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

(d) Given that x(t )  2e(t 1) . The given signal can be written as
x(t )  2e(t 1)  2 et  0.7358 et .
Since the periodicity condition is not satisfying, the given signal is aperiodic signal.
Ex2: Consider a signal x(t )  1.2 cos(10 t   ) .
(i) Check whether this signal is periodic signal or not. If it is periodic signal, identify the
amplitude, frequency and phase components.

(ii) Let y (t )  x 2 (t ) . Check whether this signal is periodic signal or not. If it is periodic
signal, identify the amplitude, frequency and phase components. Comment on the

Ans: (i) Given that x(t )  1.2 cos(10 t   ) . By comparing with standard sinusoidal
equation, A cos( 0t   ) we found that the given signal is a periodic signal and its

fundamental frequency is 0  10 radians / sec. That is the fundamental frequency is

F0  5 Hz or T0  1  1  0.2 sec. Further the signal amplitude is 1.2 and phase is  rad.
F0 5 4

(ii) Given that y (t )  x 2 (t ) which is the square of the original signal.

 
Then y (t )  x 2 (t )  1.2 cos(10 t   )

From the trigonometrical identity cos 2 ( )  1 (1  cos 2 ) , we obtain


2 
y (t )  1.44 1 1  cos(2(10 t   ))
6   0.77 1  cos(20 t  3 )
 0.77  0.77 cos(20 t   )
The results are illustrated below

Ex3: Determine whether the signal shown in Figure is a

periodic signal or not. Give the reasons.
Solution: The mathematical expression for the given
 sin t , for t  0
signal is x(t )   .
cos t , for t  0

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

We know that sin(t  2 )  sin t and cos(t  2 )  cos t , and are periodic signals if

they are considered separately. On the other hand for t  0 and t  0 , the signal x(t ) does

not repeat itself for every internal length of 2 , And also there is a discontinuity at the origin.
Hence x(t ) not a periodic signal.
Ex4: Determine whether the following signals are periodic signals? If so, determine the
fundamental periods.

(a) a sin(4t )  b cos(7t ) (b) cos t  sin 2t (c) 2sin 2 t  3cos 2 t

3 5
Solution: (a) Let x(t )  a sin(4t )  b cos(7t )  a sin(ω1  4t )  b cos(ω2 t ) .

Therefore ω1  4 and ω2  7 , or f1  4  2 and f 2  7 .

2  2

 T1   and T2  2 . 1    7  7 .
2 7 T2 2 2 4
Therefore x(t ) is periodic with period 4T1 or 7T2 .
(b) From the given signal x(t )  cos t  sin 2t , we can observe that T1  2 and T2  2 .

 2  2 which is irrational. Hence the given signal is not periodic signal.

T2 2

(c) From the given signal x (t )  2sin 2 t  3cos 2 t , we can observe that T1  3 and
3 5

T2  5 . Then 1  3 which is irrational. Hence the given signal is not periodic signal.
T2 5
Exercise Questions:
1. Express the following signals in the form x (t )  A cos(2 F0t   )

(i) x(t )  3sin(600 t   / 5)  4cos(600 t   / 3)

(ii) x(t )  sin(200 t   / 3)  sin(200 t   / 6)

(iii) Find real, positive constants A and  for all real t such that
2 cos(10t )  sin(10t   / 3)  A cos(10t   )
2. Consider the following signals
x(t )  0.83cos(400 t   / 5) and g (t )  1.2sin(600 t   / 3) .
(a) Justify that these signals are periodic signals. Identify the amplitude, frequency and
phase components of these signals.
(b) Let a new signal is generated by y (t )  x(t )  g (t ) . Test whether this signal is periodic
signal. If so, find the fundamental frequency.
(c) Let a new signal is generated by z (t )  x(t ) g (t ) . Test whether this signal is periodic
signal. If so, find the fundamental frequency.
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

(d) Let a new signal is generated by p (t )  x(t ) x(t ) . Test whether this signal is periodic
signal. If so, find the fundamental frequency.
(e) Let a new signal is generated by m(t )  g (t ) g (t ) . Test whether this signal is periodic
signal. If so, find the fundamental frequency.

(f) Let a new signal is generated by q(t )  x3 (t ) . Test whether this signal is periodic
signal. If so, find the fundamental frequency.

3. Express the real part of each of the following signals in the form Ae  at cos(t   ) ,

where A, a ,  , and  are real numbers with A >0 and      .

 j 3
(i) x1 (t )  1 (ii) x2 (t )  1.2e cos(5t  4 )

4. Determine whether the following signals are periodic signals or aperiodic signals. In the
case of periodic signals, determine the fundamental periods.

(a) 2 cos(3t   ) (b) 3cos(2 t )u (t ) (c) je j10t (d) 2e(at 1) (e) a sin(4t )  b cos(7t )
   
(f) 2 sin 2 t  3cos 2 t (g) x(t )  4 cos  3 t    2 cos  8 t  
3 5  2  2
5. Let x (t ) be a continuous-time signal, and let y1 (t )  x (2t ) and y2 (t )  x t . 2
Consider the following statements:
(a) If x (t ) is periodic, then y1 (t ) is periodic.

(b) If x (t ) is periodic, then y2 (t ) is periodic.

For each of these statements, determine whether it is true, and if so, determine the rela-
tionship between the fundamental periods of the two signals considered in the statement.
If the statement is not true, give the reasons.
6. Let x (t )  e j 2t and y (t )  e j t , and consider their sum z (t )  x(t )  y(t ) , and their

product w(t )  x(t ) y (t ) . Determine if z (t ) and w(t ) are periodic, and if so, find their

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

II Power and Energy:

Ex1: Determine whether a signal is defined by x (t )  A sin t is an energy signal or power
signal. Determine its value.

Ans: Since x (t )  A sin t is a sinusoidal signal, it is a periodic signal, so that it is a power

signal. By comparing with standard signal

x(t )  A sin(0 t   ), 0  2  1 or T  2 .
x (t  nT )  A sin( t  n 2 )  A sin t  x (t ) .
T 2 2 2 2
T 0 2 0
Power P  1 | x(t ) |2 dt  1 A2 sin 2 t dt  A  1 (1  cos 2t ) dt  A watts .
2 0 2 2
Ex2: Determine whether a signal is shown below is an energy signal or power signal.
Determine its value.

Ans: By observing the given signal, it is satisfying the periodicity condition,

x(t  T )  x(t ) .
Hence the given signal is a periodic signal with period T . Therefore it is a power signal.
Mathematical equation for one time period is given by
 1, 0  t  T / 2
x(t )  
1, T / 2  t  T
Then the power of the signal is computed as
1 T 2 dt  1
T /2
2 dt  1
T 0 T 0 T T / 2
P | x (t ) | (1) (1)2 dt

1 T  1 T  1 T T 
   0   T        1 Watts
T 2  T  2 T 2 2

Ex3: Determine whether a signal is shown below is energy

signal or power signal. Determine its value.
Ans: By observing the given signal, it is not satisfying the
periodicity condition x(t  T )  x(t ) . Hence it is an energy signal.
Mathematical equation for this energy signal is given by
1, T / 2  t  T / 2
x(t )  
 0, elsewhere

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Then the energy of the signal is computed as

T /2 T /2 T T 
E | x(t ) |2 dt   A2 dt  A2     A2T Jouls
T / 2 T / 2 2 2
Exercise Questions:
1. Consider a signal represented by

t , 0  t 1

x(t )  2  t , 1  t  2
 Otherwise

Classify whether this signal is power or energy signal, and find its value. Suppose
now this signal is shifted right side by 2 units (i.e., x(t  2) ). Find the new signals
energy or power?. Are there any changes in the value of power or energy calculated?
Give the reasons.
2. Determine the power for each of the following signals.
(i) 5  10 cos(100 t   / 3) (ii) 10 cos(100 t   / 3)  16sin(100 t   / 5)

(iii) (10  2sin 3t ) cos10t (iv) 10 cos 5t cos10t (v) e jat cos  0t (vi) u (t ) (vii) r (t )

(viii) x (t )  e  at , a  0, for t  0 and zero otherwise. (ix) x(t )  sin t u (t )

3. Find the power of a periodic signal

x(t )  4 cos(300 t   / 6)
Let (i) y (t )  x(2t ) and (ii) z (t )  x(t / 2) . Test whether these signals are an energy
or power signal, and find its value.
4. Find the power / energy of the following signals
(a) A rectangular pulse having unit height and unit width centered at origin.
(b) A rectangular pulse having unit height and unit width centered at origin.
(c) Signals shown below:

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

III Even and Odd signals:

Ex1: (a) Determine the even and odd signals of a given signal
x (t )  cos t  sin t  cos t sin t .
Answer: Given that x (t )  cos t  sin t  cos t sin t

Then x(t )  cos(t )  sin(t )  cos(t ) sin(t )

 cos t  sin t  cos t sin t
Therefore, the even signal is computed as
xe (t )   x(t )  x(t )
 cos t  sin t  cos t sin t  x(t )  cos t  sin t  cos t sin t
 cos t
Similarly, the odd signal is computed as
xo (t )   x(t )  x(t )
 [cos t  sin t  cos t sin t ]  [ x(t )  cos t  sin t  cos t sin t ]
 sin t  cos t sin t
Ex2: Find and sketch the even and odd components of the signal
shown below
Ans: The even and odd components of the signal is illustrated below.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Development of Matlab code:

The mathematical equation for given signal in the functional form can be written as
 t , 0  t  1;
x(t )  
0, elsewhere
In terms of step signals, x(t )  t{u (t )  u (t  1)}
Matlab code:
% Even and odd signal of a Sawtooth function
clear all; close all; clc;
t = -3:0.01:3;

x = zeros(size(t));

% % Defining Sawtooth pulse from functional description

% idx = find((t>0) & (t<1));% defining the Sawtooth pulse
% x(idx) = t(idx);

% Defining Sawtooth pulse in terms of step function

x = t.*(us(t,0) - us(t,1));

xr = fliplr(x); % Relected signal

xe = 0.5*(x + xr);
xo = 0.5*(x - xr);

figure(); set(gca,'fontsize',14);

% Original Signal
plot(t, x,'r','LineWidth',3);
title('Sawtooth Pulse');axis([-1.5 1.5 -0.1 1.2]); grid on;
xlabel('time ----->');ylabel('Amplitude ----->');

% Reflected signal
plot(t, xr,'b','LineWidth',3);
title('Reflected Signal');axis([-1.5 1.5 -0.1 1.2]); grid on;
xlabel('time ----->');ylabel('Amplitude ----->');

% Even components
plot(t, xe,'m','LineWidth',3);
title('Even Components');axis([-1.5 1.5 -0.1 0.6]); grid on;
xlabel('time ----->');ylabel('Amplitude ----->');

% Odd components
plot(t, xo,'k','LineWidth',3);
title('Odd Components');axis([-1.5 1.5 -0.6 0.6]); grid on;
xlabel('time ----->');ylabel('Amplitude ----->');

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Exercise Questions:
1. Determine and sketch the even and odd parts of the signals defined below:

 2 cos(4t ), t  0
(i) x(t )  u (t ) (ii) x(t )  sin  0t (iii) x(t )  e 2t u (t ) (iv) x(t )  
0, Otherwise
2. Determine and sketch the even and odd parts of the signals shown below:

IV Operations on independent variables:

Ex1: Write the Mathematical equation in terms of (a) functional form (ii) step function for
the signal shown. Develop Matlab codes.
(a) Functional form: The given signal can be represented in functional form as
 t , 1  t  2;
x(t )  
0, elsewhere
Matlab code:
clear all; close all; clc;
t = 0:0.001:6;
x = zeros(size(t));
% Defining signal from functional description
idx = find((t>1) & (t<2));% defining the signal
x(idx) = t(idx);

plot(t, x,'m','LineWidth',3);
title('x1(t) = t[u(t)-u(t-2)]');
axis([0 3 -0.1 2.5]); grid on
Signal representation in terms of step functions:

Method1: Sum of two signals

x1 (t )  u (t  1)  u (t  2)
ramp (t )  t{u (t )  u (t  1)}
x2 (t )  ramp (t  1)  (t  1){u (t  1)  u (t  2)}
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

x(t )  x1 (t )  x2 (t )
 u (t  1)  u (t  2)  (t  1){u (t  1)  u (t  2)}
 t{u (t  1)  u (t  2)}
clear all; close all; clc;

t = 0:0.001:6;
x1 = us(t,1)-us(t,2);
% x2 = (t-1).*us(t,1);
x2 = (t-1).*(us(t,1)-us(t,2));
x = x1 + x2;

subplot(3,1,1); plot(t,
title('u(t-1)-u(t-2)'); axis([0 3 -0.1
1.5]);% axis square
subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,
title('(t-1)[u(t-1)-u(t-2)]');axis([0 3
-0.1 1.5]);% axis square
subplot(3,1,3); plot(t, x, 'k','LineWidth',3);
title('x(t)=t[u(t-1)-u(t-2)]');axis([0 3 -0.1 2.3]);% axis square
Method2: Multiplication of two signals

x1 (t )  t{u (t )  u (t  2)}
x 2 (t )  u (t  1)  u (t  2)
x(t )  x1 (t ) x 2 (t )
 t u (t )  u (t  2)u (t  1)  u (t  2)
 t[u (t )u (t  1)  u (t )u (t  2) 
u (t  1)u (t  2)  u (t  2)u (t  2)
 t[u (t  1)  u (t  2)]

clear all; close all; clc;

t = 0:0.001:6;

x1 = (t).*(us(t,0)-us(t,2));
x2 = us(t,1)-us(t,2);
% x = x1 .* x2;
x =t.*(us(t,1)-us(t,2));
subplot(3,1,1); plot(t, x1,'b','LineWidth',3);
title('x1(t) = t[u(t)-u(t-2)]'); axis([0 3 -0.1 2.5]);% axis square
subplot(3,1,2); plot(t, x2,'m','LineWidth',3);
title('x2(t) = u(t-1)-u(t-2)');axis([0 3 -0.1 1.5]);% axis square
subplot(3,1,3); plot(t, x, 'k','LineWidth',3);
title('x(t) = x1(t)x2(t)');axis([0 3 -0.1 2.51]);% axis square

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Ex2: Consider a triangular pulse having unit height and two units width centered at origin.
Express this signal in (a) functional form (ii) step functions. Then sketch and label the
following signals.
(i) y1 (t )  x(2t ) and (ii) y 2 (t )  x(t / 2)

Develop Matlab code simulate and plot the results.

Ans: The given signal is represented graphically shown below.

(a) The given signal is represented in functional form as

 t  1, 1  t  0
x(t )  
t  1, 0  t  1
(b) The given signal is represented in terms of step functions as
x(t )  (t  1)u (t  1)  2tu (t )  (t  1)u (t  1)
Matlab code: A Matlab function is created as below as tri2.m
function x = tri2(t)
x = zeros(size(t));

% % Defining signal from functional description

% idx = find((t>-1) & (t<0));% defining the signal
% x(idx) = t(idx)+1;
% idx = find((t>=0) & (t<1));% defining the signal
% x(idx) = -t(idx)+1;
% Defining signal interms of Step functions
x = (t+1).*us(t,-1) -2*t.*us(t,0)+
Matlab code for Compression and expansion of
the given signals
clear all; close all; clc;

t = -3:0.001:3;

x = tri2(t); % Original Triangular Signal

x1 = tri2(2*t);% Compressed Signal
x2 = tri2(t/2);% Expanded Signal


Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

plot(t, x,'m','LineWidth',3);
title('Triangular Pulse');
axis([-3 3 -0.1 1.2]); grid on;

plot(t, x1,'b','LineWidth',3);
title('Compressed Signal');
axis([-3 3 -0.1 1.2]); grid on;

plot(t, x2,'r','LineWidth',3);
title('Expanded Signal');
axis([-3 3 -0.1 1.2]); grid on;

Ex3: Consider the following signal shown below:

Determine analytically the following signals. Then develop
Matlab scripts and sketch them.
(a ) x(t  1) (b) x(t  1) (c) x(2t ) (d ) x(2t  1) (e) x( 2t  1)
Solution: The mathematical equation for given signal is
 1, 1  t  0
x(t )  
t  1, 0  t  1
For this equation we write a Matlab code as a function named ‘sr.m’ (square ramp) as
function y = sr(t)

y = zeros(size(t)); % Initialization
i = find((t>-1) & (t<1));
y(i) = 1; % x(t) = 1, -1 < t < 0
i = find((t>0) & (t<1));
y(i) = -t(i)+1; % x(t) = -t+1, 0 < t < 1

Then the following Matlab code is written for the following operations
(a ) x(t  1) (b) x(t  1) (c) x(2t ) (d ) x(2t  1) (e) x( 2t  1)
clear all; close all; clc;
t = -3:0.001:3;
y1 = sr(t);
y2 = sr(t-1);
y3 = sr(t+1)
y4 = sr(2*t);
y5 = sr(2*t-1);
y6 = sr(-2*t+1);

subplot(2,3,1);plot(t, y1,'b','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2
Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

subplot(2,3,2);plot(t, y2,'k','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2

subplot(2,3,3);plot(t, y3,'r','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2
subplot(2,3,4);plot(t, y4,'m','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2
subplot(2,3,5);plot(t, y5,'k','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2
subplot(2,3,6);plot(t, y6,'r','LineWidth',3);axis([-3 3 -0.2

Ex4: Consider the rectangular pulse x(t ) of unit amplitude and width of 2 time units.

Find y (t )  x(2t  3) and sketch. Do the following and comment the results.
(i) First shift the signal left by 3 units and then scale by 2 in time. The resultant signal is
referred to as y1 (t ) .

(ii) Now first scale the signal in time by 2 and then shift left by 3 units. The resultant signal
is referred to as y 2 (t ) .

Ans: (a) The procedure rule for time shifting and scaling is first apply time shift the signal
and then perform time scaling.

(b) Suppose next that we purposely do not follow the precedence rule; that is, we first apply
time scaling, followed by time shifting. The results are shown below, does not agree with
the above results.

Comments: We observed that the results obtained above two procedures are not equal.
The reason is that the time shifting and time scaling operations should be performed in a
proper order. The proper order is based on the fact that the scaling operation always
replaces ‘ t ’ by ‘ at ’, while shifting operation always replaces ‘ t ’ by ‘ t  t0 ’. Hence the time
shifting operation is performed first and then time scaling operation will be performed later.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

Exercise Questions:

1. A continuous-time signal is shown in Fig. Sketch and label each

of the following signals.
(i) y1 (t )  x(t )u (1  t ) (ii) y 2 (t )  x(t ){u (t )  u (t  1)}

2. Determine and sketch {x(t )  x(2  t )} where

x(t )  u (t  2)  u (t  1) .
3. For a given signal x(2t  3) shown in figure, sketch and label each
of the following signals.
(i) y1 (t )  x(t  2) (ii) y 2 (t )  x(t  2)
4. (i) Write the Mathematical equation for the signal
(ii) Express this signal as addition of two signals. Sketch and label the signal
(iii) Express this signal as a multiplication of two signals. Sketch and label the signal.
5. Write the Mathematical equation for the signals shown.

Sketch the following signals.

(a) 1.2 x (2t  1) (b) 0.8 x(t  2) (c) 1.2 x( 2t  3) (d) x(t / 2  1)
6. Consider a signal shown.

Do the following operations:

(i) First shift the signal left by 3 units and then scale by 2 in time. The resultant signal is
referred to as y1 (t ) .

(ii) Now first scale the signal in time by 2 and then shift left by 3 units. The resultant
signal is referred to as y 2 (t ) .

Check whether these two signals y1 (t ) and y 2 (t ) are equal or not. Give the reasons.

Dr. M. Venu Gopala Rao, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KL University

7. Do the following operations for the signal shown in Q(6):

(i) First shift the signal left by 2 units and then fold the shifted signal. The resultant
signal is referred to as y 3 (t ) .
(ii) Now first fold the signal and then shift left by 2 units. The resultant signal is referred
to as y 4 (t ) .
Check whether these two signals y 3 (t ) and y 4 (t ) are equal or not. Give the reasons.

8. Consider a signal y (t ) shown below is a amplitude scaled, time shifted, folded and time

scaled version of a signal x(t ) . Determine and sketch the following. Develop Matlab codes.

Simulate and verify the results. (i) y (t ) (ii) y (t  2) (iii) y (t / 2  1) (iv) x(t ) (v) x( 2t ) (vi)

x(2  t ) (viii) x(t  2) (ix) x(t  1)


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