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Name of Drug Indication Contraindication Mechanism of Side Effect Nursing

Actions Responsibilities

Generic Name: -Indicated for patients - Contraindicated in Onset: Oral: <1 hour. CNS: agitation,  -Monitor vital signs of
Acetaminophen with mild to moderate patients who are IV: 5-10 minutes anxiety, fatigue, patient specially for
pain or fever with hypersensitive to the (analgesia); within 30 headache, any respiratory or
Brand Name: adjunctive opioid drug. minutes (antipyretic). insomnia cardiac distress.
Tylenol analgesics
- Use cautiously in -Monitor liver and
Classification: Duration: Oral, IV: 4-6
patients with any type renal function of
hours (analgesia). IV: ≥6
Analgesic of liver disease, G6PD CV: patient.
hours (antipyretic).
deficiency, chronic hypertension,
Dosage: 500mg every hypovolemia (blood peripheral - Assess patient’s level
6 hours round the loss, dehydration) or Pharmacokinetics: edema, of pain.
clock severe renal Absorption: Well periorbital
impairment. absorbed after oral and edema, - Assess patient’s
Route: PO rectal administration. tachycardia temperature.
- Use cautiously on Time to peak plasma
  patients with severe concentration: Approx
long term alcohol use 10-60 minutes (oral); 15
  minutes (IV); approx 2-3 GI: nausea,
because therapeutic
hours (rectal). vomiting,
doses cause Distribution: Distribute abdominal pain,
hepatotoxicity in these d into most body tissues.
patients. diarrhea
Crosses placenta and
enters breast milk.
Plasma protein binding:
Approx 10-25%.
Metabolism: Mainly
metabolised in the liver
via glucuronic and
sulfuric acid conjugation.
imine (NAPQI), a minor
metabolite produced by
CYP2E1 and CYP3A4,
is further metabolised via
conjugation with
glutathione in the liver
and kidneys.
Excretion: Mainly via
urine (<5% as unchanged
drug; 60-80% as
glucuronide metabolites
and 20-30% as sulphate
metabolites). Elimination
half-life: Approx 1-3

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