Word Forms: Compete (V) Competition (N) Competitor (N) Competitive (Adj)

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1. It is difficult for a small shop to ____________with the big shops.
2. The two athletes are ________________ for the gold medal.
3. The two companies are in _____________with each other.
4. There is a lot of _____________between computer companies.
5. Few of the players on the team were experienced in international ________________
6. He is a tough ___________and will probably do well in business.
7. How many _______________took part in the race .
8. Many companies focus much of their energy on taking market share from their _____________.
9. I could never play team sports because I lack the __________________spirit.
10. We have to invest in new technology if we are to remain ________________
11. She ‘s fiercely _______________and gets very upset if she loses at anything.
12. We know we have ________________products to sell, if only consumers had access to them.
13. In order to encourage customers to switch providers , broadband services must be ______________priced.
1.She is the most _____________teacher in school.
2.The government’s policies have not been _____________with the voters.
3.Nowadays, in-line skating is increasingly _____________
4.The governor’s __________________will probably huarantee his reelection.
5.He was at the height of his _________________
6.The tax was so _________________ that the government decided to drop it.
7.In Britain , BSE was _____________known as Mad Cow Disease.
8.Edward Brooke , the first ___________elected black senator, was honoured by the President today.
1.Space travel is one of the wonders of modern ___________
2.We need to invest more as a country in ___________and technology.
3.A couple of decades ago, ____________noticed Panama’s climate was slowly growing drier.
4.There are ______________who say that the results of the research are flawed.
5.The project has attracted considerable criticism from the _________community.
6.We have to adopt a more____________approach in the future.
7.I try to arrange things in some kind of a system , but I am not very ___________about it .
8.The result of research has been ______________proved .

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9.This is a discipline which studies to explain the phenomena ___________
10.Both theories can be explained ____________________
11.She is a ____________trained worker.
1.We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally _____________ them in a drawer
2.Scientists have ____________ how to predict an earthquake
3.She was annoyed to ________________ that her husband had taken her car keys.
4.Leonardo made many scientific ____________________
5.The ___________________ of a body in the undergrowth started a murder enquiry
6. Many scientific _______________________ have been made by accident.
7.The ___________________ of gold in California opened up the west
8. The Canadians Frederick Banting and Charles Best were the discoverers of insulin
1.Annie's decided to write a ___________ of electronic music.
2.I only asked him for a cigarette, but two hours later he'd told me his whole life _______________
3.Modernizing ______________ buildings can often do more harm than good.
4.Parts of the Berlin wall are being allowed to stand as_______________ monuments.
5.The building resonates with _______________ significance
6.Many important ____________ documents were destroyed when the library was bombed.
7.She specializes in ____________ novels set in 18th-century England
8.The film makes no attempt to be _______________ accurate.
9.________________, there have always been close linksbetween France and Scotland
10.Some _____________ think that history repeats itself
11.The book was written by an amateur local__________________
1.Since it would be a highly dangerous mission, the Lieutenant asked for ______________
2.He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were ________________
3.If I were you, I wouldn't ___________________ any details of what happened
4.I ______________ myself for the position of Health and Safety Representative.
5.The charity relies on _____________ to run the office and answer the phones.
6.They employ 1,000 people and 23,000 ______________.
7.I will ask for ____________________ to help with the search
8.The hospital has asked various ____________ organizations to help raise money for the new operating theatre
9.She does ________________ work for the Red Cross two days a week.
10.Employees can make _______________ contributions to the savings plan of up to 25% of their earnings
11.She________________ gave up her lunch break to supervise the lab
12.Participation in the survey was _________________ and not a required part of the course

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13.Of course posting such information would be completely ____________, a gift to the community
14.We ___________ made copies of the original letters freely available to the press
15.If you don't leave _____________________ then we will send you away.
16.We decided to __________________ withdraw the drug from the market.
1.In recent days around 70 specialists have quit or ____________ their intention to quit public hospital
2.It gives us great pleasure to ______________ the engagement of our daughter Maria.
3.British Airways regret to _______________ the cancellation of flight BA205 to Madrid.
4.The minister has _________________ that there will be no change in government policy.
5.My sister surprised everyone by ______________ she was leaving her job.
6.The company __________________ a pre-tax loss of three million pounds
7.The president made an unexpected _____________ this morning
8.We hope to make an ________________ on how we intend to take this work forward in the autumn
1.We can now _____________________ instantly with people on the other side of the world
2.Has the news been ____________________ to the staff yet
3.Television is an increasingly important means of _______________
4.We received your ____________________ of 11 March and are sorry to inform you that we won't
be attending the conference.
5.Business people often think that fluency and ____________ are ore important that grammar when speaking
6.The successful applicant for the position will be a well-motivated self-starter who
has excellent _______________ skills.
7.He was in a bad mood at breakfast and wasn't very ________________.
8.The ___________________ ability of the whale is thought to be highly developed.
9.He emphasized that managers had to be more ____________ with their staff.
10.His goal is to become _________________ able in another language.
1.I've made a lot of _________________ in this job.
2.The teacher greeted each child with a __________________ 'Hello!'
3.‘He liked it and was really ____________ to everyone
4.____________________ and jobless, he wondered how he would survive the year.
5.At first I thought he was a bit shy, but I've come to the conclusion that he's simply ______________!
6.To people who don't know him he probably appears rather _____________________
7.Plastic bags are an _____________ choice for environmental sustainability
8.We like their ________________.

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9.The __________________ between Vietnam and China is good.
10. They seem to be ____________________. We dislike them.
1.A move towards healthy eating could help___________________ heart disease.
2.We _______________ the possibility that it could have been an accident
3.He was _______________ in the third round of the competition.
4.Arts programs face _________________ in some school systems
5.You can never totally ___________________ the possibility of human error
6.We eventually found the answer by a process of _______________.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Our actions express our love more than any words can do.
A. help B. create C. perform D. show
2. He shouted crazily. He seemed to lose control his emotions.
A. delights B. entertainments C. communications D. feelings
3. Music is very much an integral part of our life.
A. essential B. unnecessary C. impolite D. encouraged
4. Jazz is combination of America and Western European music.
A. mixture B. occasion C. instrument D. emotion
5. She is a popular singer but her records have never got into the top ten.
A. delightful B. famous C. proud D. ideal
6. Ao Dai is the Vietnamese __________ costume.
A. communicative B. expensive C. traditional D. occasional
7. __________is traditional music of a country.
A. Jazz B. Folk music C. Pop music D. Classical music
8. Can you play any __________ instruments? – No, I can’t.
A. music B. musical C. musically D. musician
9. The band played only sad and __________ pieces of music during the funeral.
A. joyful B. hopeful C. delighting D. solemn
10. ‘Tien Quan Ca’, the Vietnam national __________was written by Van Cao.
A. folk song B. anthem C. epic D. pop song
11. I am used to listening to a __________of music before going to sleep.
A. sheet B. piece C. bar D. slice
12. Music is a wonderful kind of ________, which is the passion of many people, young and old alike.
A. entertain B. entertainer C. entertainment D. entertaining
13. We are really excited __________the news that a pop band is going to perform at our village.
A. at B. on C. with D. into
14. Her appearance was quite different__________what I had expected.
A. in B. from C. with D. to
15. Our achievements are something to be proud__________.
A. for B. at C. of D. in
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. Actors are those who appear in front of a camera and take part of the characters in a film.
A. persons in a film B. scriptwriters C. cinematographers D. directors
2. Don’t forget we’re meeting on ________ Friday for ________ lunch.

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A. a /a B. an / Ø C. Ø / the D. Ø / Ø
3. He chose a suitable position to put his camera so that he could take the best photographs.
A. gesture B. promotion C. place D. change
4. She shows considerable talent for performing so she has become famous rapidly.
A. excitedly B. interestedly C. thrillingly D. quickly
5. Titanic used to be the most luxury liner which sank due to an iceberg in its first voyage.
A. projector B. film maker C. large ship D. motion pictures
6. Films are made not only to show to _______in a movie theater but also be used for many other purposes.
A. film makers B. audiences C. TV viewers D. supporters
7. Films are produced by recording actual people and objects with ________.
A. cameras B. musical instruments C. vehicles D. actions
8. A film crew is a group of people hired by a film company for the purpose of producing a________.
A. motion picture B. script C. poem D. character
9. The main ________is played by Nicole Kidman.
A. actress B. character C. director D. film maker
10. There’s a love story in it, and it’s very funny. I suppose you’d call it a _________ .
A. horror film B. detective film C. romantic comedy D. thriller
11. Thanks to many ________discoveries and inventions, we can enjoy more and more exciting films with a lot
of wonderful scenes.
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
12. They are making a film based on the ________events that happened in 1975.
A. history B. historical C. historian D. historically
13. These films cannot be ________. You had better have the photographer retake them.
A. develop B. development C. developer D. developed
14. That film is only 90 minutes ________length but it is very interesting.
A. on B. at C. with D. in
15. The film is ________a beautiful princess, who had had a long sleep before a prince came and woke her up.
A. about B. in C. on D. for
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
16. “Look outside. ________ sky is getting very dark” “I hope there isn’t going to be a storm. ”
A. A B. The C. Ø D. Some
17. I’d like to invite him to ________ dinner next week, if that’s OK with you.
A. a B. the C. Ø D. an
18. “I’m going out for a walk. Have you seen my shoes?” “Yes, they’re on ___________ floor in
______________ kitchen. ”
A. a / the B. the / the C. a / a D. the / a
19. “Would you like ________ ice cream? There’s one in ________ fridge. ” “Thanks. ”
A. an / the B. an / a C. Ø / the D. a / the
20. Don’t forget we’re meeting on ________ Friday for ________ lunch.
A. a /a B. an / Ø C. Ø / the D. Ø / Ø
21. “I’ve got ____________ headache. I’ve had it all day. ” “Why don’t you go to ___________ health centre?
It’s open until six. ”
A. a / a B. Ø / the C. a / the D. a / Ø
22. “I’ve got some problems with my phone bill. Can I see someone about it?”
- “Yes, go to ________ fifth floor. ________ lift is along the corridor. ’
A. the / A B. the / The C. Ø / A D. the / Ø
23. “Excuse me. I’d like to rent ________ new game. ” “Here you are. Sega Genesis. Please take it to
________ cashier over there. ”

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A. a / the B. the / the C. Ø / the D. a /a
24. The movie was so ________ that we couldn’t sleep last night.
A. thrill B. thrilling C. thrilled D. thriller
25. “I think the way Jessica behaved was quite ________. ” “Yes, I think so. ’
A. shock B. shocked C. shocking D. shockingly.
26. “How does Jane like her new car?” “She’s ________ with it. ”
A. delighted B. delighting C. delight D. delightful
27. “This handmade cloth is beautiful. ” “To see such quality is ________. ”
A. pleasing B. please C. pleased D. so pleasantly
28. "Do you think Margaret will take the job you offered her?’ “I don’t know. She seemed _____ in it,
however. ”
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
29. “The students all went to the circus yesterday. ” “I heard it was really ________. ”
A. amused b. amusing C. amuse D. amusingly
30. “I was ________ that Jan couldn’t come to the party. ” “Her boss made her work overtime. ”
A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappoint D. disappointed
31. “How ____________ we are to hear that you got the scholarship!” “Thank you. It was really a surprise. ”
A. pleasing B. pleased C. pleasingly D. please
32. “I can’t believe that Jim is marrying the vice-president’s daughter. ” “That they would get married is
______. ”
A. surprised B. surprisingly C. surprising D. surprise
33. “The cabaret was amusing. ” “Claire was certainly ________. She couldn’t stop laughing. ”
A. amuse B. amused C. amusing D. amusive
34. There’s an ________ film on at the local cinema.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interestingly
35. “You look nervous. ’ ‘This thunder makes me ________. ”
A. scary B. scare C. scaring D. scared
36. It was not until we entered the theatre ________.
A. that we had handed the usher our tickets B. that we handed the usher our tickets
C. and we handed the usher our tickets D. so we handed the usher our tickets
37. It was not until they have to find a job that they learned English.
A. They learned English until they had to find a job.
B. They had learned English before they had to find a job.
C. None of them learned English until they had to find a job.
D. None of them did not learn English until they had to find a job.
38. It was not until one was found the search for a star ________.
A. will stop B. would stop C. didn’t stop D. wouldn’t stop
39. You should not sign the contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
A. It is not until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should sign the contract.
B. It is not until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should not sign the contract.
C. Although it is until you have studied its provisions carefully that you should not sign the contract.
D. It is not until you have studied its provisions carefully when you should not sign the contract.
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
1. How many countries took part in the first World Cup?
A. interested B. participated C. competed D. co-operated
2. The tournament is to be jointly hosted by India, Pakistan and Sri Blanca.
A. combining many people or gaps B. involving two or more people or groups

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C. in collaboration or cooperation
3. By July 2006, the world had witnessed eighteen World Cup tournaments.
A. planed B. hosted C. seen D. noticed
4. The World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world.
A. organized B. competed C. witnessed D. regarded
5. He is a ________ football player. He plays football with great pleasure and effort.
A. passionate B. disappointing C. competitive D. considerate
6. Germany was the ________ of the 2006 World Cup. The 18th World Cup was held there.
A. continent B. host nation C. competitor D. region
7. The English football team was the world ________ in 1966. It won the World Cup.
A. champion B. competition C. tournament D. honour
8. Since its beginning in 1930, the Soccer World Cup has grown to be one the most spectacular
sporting________ in the world.
A. factors B. events C. regions D. athletes
9. Football is one of the ________ sports.
A. compete B. competition C. competitor D. competitive
10. Football is considered to be the most ________ sport all over the world.
A. popular B. popularity C. popularly D. popularize
11. Football is a ________with many people, young and old alike.
A. passion B. passionate C. passionately D. passionless
12. A football team must be well- ________ enough to score the game.
A. organize B. organized C. organization D. organizing
13. He was ________ from the contest in the fourth round.
A. eliminate B. eliminated C. elimination D. eliminatory
14. There was an exciting football match this afternoon. Liverpool played _______ Manchester United.
A. on B. for C. with D. against
15. Football is popular ________ children as well as adults.
A. to B. as C. among D. along
16. In the 2010 the Football World Cup final tournament ________in Africa for the first time ever.
A. is hold B. is holding C. will hold D. will be held
17. I have just read the Weather Forecast that tomorrow it ________sunny and hot.
A. is B. is going to be C. be D. will be
18. Many football fans believe that the 2010 World Cup _______ to be the planet’s biggest sporting event ever.
A. is going to promise B. will promise C. is promising D. promises
19. There’s someone knocking at the door. ________.
A. I’ll answer it B. Let me open it C. I’m opening it D. Both a and b
20. Why have you bought so much food? I ________for ten people.
A. will cook B. am going to cook C. cooked D. have cooked
21. Look out! That tree ________.
A. is going to fall B. will fall C. falls D. will be falling
22. Why are you so sad?”- “I think ________in the exam next week. ”
A. I would fail B. I will fail C. I failed D. I fail
23. ________successful in the beauty contest.
A. I think she won’t be B. I think she is not going to be
C. I don’t think she will be D. None is correct
24. The phone ________. I ________ it
A. is ringing/will answer B. is going to ring/am answering
C. will ring/answer D. will ring/am going to answer

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25. “I’m going to die for hunger. ” “Really? ________ a packet of instant noodle. ”
A. I’ll buy you B. I’m going to buy you c. Let’s buy you D. all are correct
26. Excuse me! ________it for me as a personal favor?
A. Will you do B. Are you going to do C. Are you doing D. Have you done
27. As soon as he ________, I ________you a phone call.
A. is going to come/give B. will come/am going to give
C. comes/will give D. will come/will give
28. Don’t be worried so much. I ________with your project, I promise.
A. am going to help B. will help C. would help D. is helping
29. Jessie ________a beauty contest next month. She ________ everything ready with excitement at the
A. is going to take part in/is making B. will take part in/is going to make
C. is taking/will make D. takes/makes
30. Where is Lidia? – Oh, she ________some tickets for the match between Liverpool and Manchester United.
A. is going to buy B. bought C. will buy D. will be bought
Choose the one or phrase that best completes each sentence.
31. They have just bought some paint. Their old house ________this afternoon.
A. is going to paint B. is going to be painted
C. is going to painting D. is going to be painting
32. I do not think Real Madrid ________in the league.
A. will be win B. is going to win C. winning D. won
33. My boy friend intends to have a part time job. He ________in a restaurant in the summer.
A. will work B. is going to work C. works D. shall work
34. Next week when there __________ a full moon, the ocean tides ________higher.
A. is going to be/are B. is/will be C. will be/are D. be/are going to be
35. Tomorrow we ________tennis instead of football. Would you like to join us?
A. play B. shall play C. will play D. are going to play
36. As soon as he ________, I ________you a phone call.
A. is going to come/give B. will come/an going to give
C. comes/will give D. will come/will give
37. Excuse me! ________it for me as a personal favor?
A. Will you do B. Are you going to do C. Are you doing D. Have you done
38. I swear that I ________you the truth.
A. will tell B. are going to tell C. telling D. told
39. What ________tomorrow morning? – I________my grandmother with some chores.
A. are you doing/are you going to help B. will you do/have helped
C. do you do/are helping D. are you going to do/help
40. “Wow! This case is heavy. ” – “I ________it for you. Give it to me”
A. will carry B. am carrying C. am going to carry D. carry
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest
1. A. hear B. here C. wear D. clear
2. A. books B. bags C. cooks D. folks
3. A. another B. something C. birthday D. think
II. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.
4. A. position B. century C. various D. different
5. A. tournament B. retirement C. popular D. character
III. Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
6. Nam,……..lives about three miles way, was my former friend.

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A. whom B. who C. whose D. which
7. …………..the weather was bad, we decided to go camping.
A. In spite of B. If C. Although D. when
8..The 2002 Wolrd Cup was ___by two nations : Japan and South Korea
A. played B. competed C. gained D. hosted
9..I got……………envelop this morning, there was 100.000$ in…………envelop.
A. The/ the B. The/ a C. ф/ the D. an/ the
10.My car, _______is very large, uses too much gasoline.
A. that B. which C. whose D. who
11.It was not until the end of the film____the audience knew who the murder was
A. that B. then C. which D. when
12. If you know English, you can communicate _____people from the English-speaking world easily.
A. of B. with C. at D. in
13. John is really_____ in learning French.
A. interested B. disappointing C. interesting D. disappointed
14.I wish I had enough money ________a new bicycle.
A. to be bought B. to buy C. buy D. buying
15.It was not until his father came home that the boy ______up the house.
A. cleaned B. had cleaned C. cleans D. has cleaned
16.Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final. Germany was the _________
A. second rank B. champion C. winner D. runner - up
17.John practices singing every day. I’m sure he…………..the gold medal.
A. is going to win B. will win C. win D. is winning
18.I prefer love story films _______detective ones.
A. with B. to C. than D. into
19.……….did you spend your holiday?- For two days.
A. How far B. How long C. Why D. What
20.The film gave the audience ____scenes of life on a Pacific Island
A. fascinate B. fascinating C. fascinated D. fascination
21.London is famous…………..many things.
A. as B. with C. of D. for
22.Folk music is a …………music of a country.
A. tradition B. traditional C. classical D. modern
23.………….are you learning English for?
A. When B. Where C. What D. Why
24.- “________” - “I like pop music.”
A. Why do you like pop music? B. Do you like pop music?
C. Which do you prefer? D. What kind of music do you like?
25.- “What do you think of love story films?” - “_______.”
A. I don’t think so. B. I find them moving.
C. I prefer love story films. D. That’s a good idea.
26.There is……..orange on……..table.
A.. an/ the B. a/ the C. the/ the D. the/ a
27... She is good at ___her idea and feelings to her students
A. exciting B. imagining C. conveying D. talking
28.The football match didn’t start until the lights went on.
A. It is not until the lights go on that the football match starts.
B. It was not until the lights went on that the football match had started.

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C. It was not until the lights went on that the football match started.
D. It was until the lights went on that the football match started.
29.The taxi driver was friendly. He took me to the airport.
A. The taxi driver was friendly who took me to the airport.
B. The taxi driver was friendly whom he took me to the airport.
C. The taxi driver who was friendly took me to the airport.
D. The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly.
30.What do you think of cartoon films? I find them interested.
IV. Read and then choose the correct option to complete each blank.
The Statue of Liberty, one of America’s most familiar images, is on [31]__island in New York Harbour. It is a
symbol of freedom. This is the statue of a woman [32]__is wearing a loose robe and a crown on her head. Her right
hand holds a burning [33]__and left hand holds a tablet with the date July 4,1776 on it. The statue weighs 205 tons and
is 46 m high. It stands on a stone and concrete base. The base and pedestal increase the height of the monument to 93
m. The outside is made [34]__copper. Inside, it has an iron frame. The statue was [35]__in 1884, and then transported
to America in 1886. Tourist can visit the statue from 9.30 a.m to 5 p.m daily except Christmas Day.
31.A. ф B. a C. the D. an
32.A. that B. who C. which D. where
33.A. torch B. tablet C. crown D. robe
34.A. in B. with C. of D. from
35.A. was completing B. completes C. had completed D. completed
V. Read and then choose the best answer.
The FIFA World Cup, occasionally called the Football World Cup, but usually referred to simply as
the World Cup. The championship has been awarded every four years since the first tournament in 1930, except
in 1942 and 1946 when it was not contested because of World War II.
During the 18 tournaments that have been held, seven nations have won the title. Brazil is the only team to
have played in every tournament and have won the World Cup a record five times. Italy is the current
champions and has won four titles, and Germany is next with three. The other former champions are Uruguay,
winners of the inaugural tournament, and Argentina, with two titles each, and England and France, with one
title each.
The most recent World Cup was held in Germany in 2006. The next World Cup will be held in South
Africa, between 11 June and 11 July 2010, and the 2014 World Cup will be held in Brazil.
36.When was the first World Cup held?
A. 1930 B. 1942 C. 1946 D. 2006
37.Which team had four titles?
A. Germany B. England C. France D. Italy
38.Where will the 2014 World Cup be held?
A. Germany B. England C. Brazil D. Italy
39.In the past, in which years wasn’t the World Cup held?
A. 1930 B. 1942 & 1946 C. 1939 & 1945 D. 1966
40.Up to 2006, how many World Cup tournaments were held?
A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18
1. David didn’t do his assignment until his uncle came home
 It was not…………………………………………………………….
2.They didn’t know the result until their teacher told them
It was not …………………………………………………………………………………
3.The girl has just got married .You met her at my house last week (Use “Relative Clause)

Page 10
 ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4.The boy is my classmate . He is wearing a blue T-shirt. ((Use “Relative Clause)
5. Because the test was difficult, they got bad marks
Because of………………………………………………………………….
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest:
1. A. champion B. attract C. national D. popular
2. A. photographs B. filmmakers C. cartoons D. positions
Pick out the word which has the stressed part pronounced differently from the rest:
3. A. championship B. tournament C. committee D. continent
4. A. competitor B. participant C. influence D. announcer
Choose the best option:
5. It was the first time the world cup was hosted by two nations.
A. established B. prepared C. organized D. played
6. Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final match. Germany was the_____ in the 2002 World Cup.
A. champion B. winner C. runner-up D. governor
7. A: “Excuse me, waiter! This isn’t what I ordered. I ordered a salad.”
B: “Sorry, sir. I _______ this back and get your salad”
A. take B. am taking C. am going to take D. will take
8. Tyson ___________ 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
A. made B. had made C. has made D. was making
9. In this film, the main _____ is young, clever and comes from a rich family.
A. actor B. director C. character D. composer
10. They are going to have their house ______ next week.
A. painted B. to be painted C. paint D. will paint
11. The teacher was absent today, so class was canceled. If she ____absent again tomorrow, class
______tomorrow, too.
A. is/ will cancel B. is/ will be canceled
C. was/ would be canceled D. was/ would cancel
12. Can you play _________piano? – No, I really do not know how to play _________musical instrument.
A. no article/ a B. no article/ the C. the/ a D. a/ the

Page 11
13. “Why did you buy so many tomatoes?” -“I ___ a lot of spaghetti sauce.”
A. will make B. am going to make
C. make D. am making
14. ___ to soothing music before bedtime provides good relaxation.
A. To listen B. Listening C. Be listened D. Listen
15. Yesterday she heard ____ news. She was so ____ that she couldn’t say anything.
A. surprised/ surprising B. surprised/ surprise
C. surprising/ surprising D. surprising/ surprised
16. Mary put on her scarf _____ she wouldn’t get cold.
A. so as to B. in order for C. in order to D. so that
17. The staff are working at weekend __ delay the project any further.
A. to B. in order to C. so as to D. so as not to
18. ______ is the cake made? It is made for Mary because today is her birthday.
A. Who B. What for C. For whom D. Whom
19. She said she_________
A. was very tired last night
B. was very tired the night before
C. had been very tired last night
D. had been very tired the night before
20. This film is based_______ the true story ________ the Titanic disaster that occurred _______1922.
A. on/ of/ in B. in/ about/ in
C. on/ about/ since D. about/ of/ in
21. Get up early or you will miss the bus.
A. If you get up early, you will miss the bus.
B. If you don’t get up early, you will not miss the bus.
C. Unless you don’t get up early, you will miss the bus.
D. Unless you get up early, you will miss the bus.
Choose the underlined part that needs correction
22. My brother prefers science fiction films than horror ones.
23. How long did you wait? – More than two hours but the

Page 12
boss hasn’t come yet.
24. Surprisingly, someone had changed the curtains before I had arrived.
25. Founded in 1930 with only thirteen teams, the world cup
tournament now attract more than 140 countries.
Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer
People have been hunting whales for at least a thousand years, and there were no real problems until 20 th
century. What happened was that fishing technology became much more efficient and the ships were much
faster, so more and more whales were caught. In the 1960s the main whaling countries were killing more than
sixty thousand whales a year, and everyone began to realize that something had to be done.
It was environmental groups like Greenpeace that really made things change. They set out to make people
aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct. But even now we don’t know if all this interest has
become too late. Let’s take the great blue whale for example, which at thirty to forty metres long is the
biggest animal there has ever been – now there are perhaps about two thousand or so left. In fact they have
been protected for quite a long time, but there is no sign that the population is growing.
26. How long have people been hunting whales?
A. since the 1960s. B. for over 1,000 years
C. for nearly 200 years D. since the 20th century
27. The 20th century has brought many dangers to whales due to ________ .
A. faster ships B. improved methods of technology
C. longer nets D. both A and B
28. Which of the following statements is NOT true about blue whale?
A. Their population is growing fast.
B. They have been protected for quite a long time.
C. They are the biggest animal on the earth.
D. They can grow up to forty metres long.
29. Appropriately how many blue whales are there on the earth now?
A. 30,000 B. 60,000 C. 40,000 D. 2,000
30. What makes people aware of the fact that whales were fast becoming extinct?
A. International agreement. B. Main whaling countries
C. Greenpeace D. All the interest
Rewrite these sentences without changing their meanings.
31. Workers are building many new roads in this city.

Page 13
 Many new roads …………………………………..
32. I was sick yesterday, so I didn’t go to class.
 If………………………………………………………..
33. The crowd didn’t know about the terror until the guard keeper discovered the bomb.
 It was not until…………………………………………..
34. In spite of Marcy’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.
 Although ………………………………………………..
35. The days were the saddest one. I lived far from home on those days. (use relative clause)
The days…………………………………………………
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest
1. A. orphan B. physics C. photograph D. Stephen
2. A. raised B. released C. promised D. practised
3. A. silent B. film C. thriller D. situation
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others
4. A. integral B. solemn C. musician D. lyrical
5. A. competition B. Argentina C. information D. eliminate
Choose the best option
6. We need some bread for lunch. – Oh, do we? I _________ go to the shop and get some.
A. am going to B. will C. would D. am
7. The first World Cup was held in Uruguay, in which the host nation defeated Argentina in the final.
A. beat B. lost C. played D. fought
8. One of _______ biggest celebrations in________ Argentina is _______New Year’s Eve.
A. the / 0 / a B. the / an /the C. 0 / the / the D. the/ 0 / 0
9. We will only win the________ if we can defeat Thai team.
A. champion B. referee C. championship D. captain
10. _______, it’s my turn to be served – I was ________.
A. Excuse me / next B. Sorry / after
C. Pardon me / following D. Hello / coming
11. The World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world.

Page 14
A. organized B. competed C. witnessed D. regarded
12. A ________ is a famous cinema actor or actress.
A. film star B. film-goer C. film director D. film-maker
13. The musicians whom we _____yesterday ______together for many years.
A. was listening to/playedB. listened to/ had played
C. listened to/ have played D. listen to/ are playing
14. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ______at the radio shop at that time.
A. had worked B. had been working
C. was working D. worked
15. What _____________wear for tonight’s party?
A. will you B. are you going
C. are you D. are you going to
16. This _____ man gave me some _________ news last week. A. interesting/ surprising
B. interested /surprised
C. interested /surprising D. interesting/surprised
17. -A: “Can you turn the radio down? I need to study for my math quiz this morning.” -B:”________”
A. Certainly. B. Not at all. C. Yes, I can. D. No, I can’t.
18. The film is about three young girls, _______are policemen.
A. whom all B. all of who C. all of whom D. all of that
19. It’s about time you ___________your room!
A. cleaned B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean
20. We’ll be late for the meeting_______
A. when we are in a hurry B. unless we hurry up
C. if we are in a hurry D. unless we will hurry up
21. -A: “Who broke the window?” -B: “________”
A. I was, Thanks B. I did. Excuse me
C. I am D. I did. Sorry
22. Our children didn’t fancy cooking, so we got a pizza ______.
A. be delivered B. being delivered C. delivered D. deliver
23. The disabled ________ an association to help each other.
A. is going to found B. found
C. was founding D. have founded

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24. Vietnamese folk songs .are sweet, gentle and very lyrical.
A. high quality B. tuneful C. prosaic D. emotional
25. A: “Do you mind if I borrow a chair?” - B: “______. Do you need only one?”
A. I'm sorry B. Not at all C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would
26. All the students _______do well in writing.
A. whom Mr. Davis teaches them B. which Mr. Davis teaches
C. that Mr. David teaches them D. Mr. Davis teaches
27. Mother Teresa, _____________, was a very generous person.
A. who helped poor people in Calcutta
B. whose helped poor people in Calcutta
C. that helped poor people in Calcutta
D. helped poor people in Calcutta
28. We need to work harder to remain _______ with other companies.
A. competitive B. compete
C. competitively D. competitors
29. Police have asked for anyone who witnessed the accident to contact them.
A. planned B. caused C. saw D. prevented
30. __________ literature, music can express the writer’s ideas and emotions.
A. Likely B. Like C. Alike D. Likes
31. The bay _______ by the enemy many years ago.
A. was used to be attacked B. used to be attacked
C. was used for being attacked D. used to attack
32. We need to make the club ________ to a wider range of people.
A. attract B. attractive C. attraction D. attractively
33. There are more people _________ at this time of the year so prices are high.
A. bought B. buy C. to buy D. buying
34. Roger was sorry he didn’t eat that salad. Roger wished he_______ the salad.
A. would eat B. eats C. had eaten D. had been eaten
35. Music is very much an integral part of our life.
A. essential B. unnecessary C. impolite D. encouraged
Choose the underlined word or phrase ( A, B, C or D ) that needs correcting

Page 16
36. Carlos Dominguez placed the ball careful in front of the goal
mouth and suddenly turned, ran and kicked.
37. Would you like to have lunch now and later?
38. That woman was very tired. She tried to keep her eyes to open,
but she couldn’t.
39. What was fascinated to me was the way the creatures moved.
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage
Up to about 1915, movies were short and programs were made up of several works. Then, D. W. Griffith and
others began to make longer films that provided the same powerful emotional appeal as melodrama did and pre-
sented spectacles far beyond what the theater could offer. Consequently, after World War I increasing numbers
of spectators deserted the theater for the movies. This trend was accelerated in the late 1920s as a result of two
new elements. In 1927, sound was added to the previously silent film, and thus one of the theater's principal
claims to superiority vanished. In 1929, a serious economic depression began. Since audiences could go to the
movies for a fraction of what it cost to see a play, theater going became a luxury that few could afford,
especially as the depression deepened.
By the end of World War II, the American theaters had been reduced to about thirty theaters in New York City
and a small number of touring companies originating there.
40. One thing that movies could do better than the theater was to ______.
A. provide longer programs. B. provide emotional appeal.
C. provide more melodrama. D. provide greater spectacles.
41. Up to the 1920s one objection to film was that_____________.
A. they were too short B. they were silent
C. they were too expensive D. they did not tell a complete story
42. One thing that made people choose the movies over the theater was_____________.
A. World War I
B. the fact that films were less expensive
C. the fact that films were silent.
D. the fact that films were shorter.
43. By the end of the World War II, _____________.
A. theater had become entertainment for the masses.
B.. the theater was no longer considered a luxury.

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C. professional theatrical performances were confined mainly to New York
D. There were no theatrical performances outside of New York City.
44. When the author of this paragraph says “this trend was accelerated in late 1920s”, he means that _______.
A. the shift away from the theater to the movies was sped up.
B. the shift away from the movies to the theater was slowed down.
C. many more people went to the theater than to the movies.
D. the popularity of the theater was gradually increasing.
Rewrite the sentences using the provided word or as directed. (1.2 ms)
45. I unplugged the phone. I didn’t want to be interrupted while I was working.
 So as…………………………………………………………………………
46. Paula didn’t decide to get married until she was 29.
 It was not until ………………………………………………….
47. Please close the windows. I don’t want anyone to look at my house. (Use so that)
Please ……………………………………………………..
I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. plays B. reads C. listens D. stops
2. A. knight B. key C. kick D. goal-keeper
II. Choose the word which has different stress pattern
3. A. develop B. discover C. introduce D. prepare
4. A. population B. development C. performance D. ability
III. Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank in each sentence
5. Tom: ____________ eating out tonight?
Mary: That’s a good idea.
A. Would you B. How are you C. How about D. Are they
6. Mothers have long used folk songs to _______________ babies to sleep
A. delight B. communicate C. buzz D. lull
7. As expected, she could not come first in the annual tennis tournament.
A. crowd B. profession C. competition D. globe
8. FIFA was set ___________ in 1904 in England.
A. in B. on C. up D. off
9. She has added a Picasso ______________ her collection.
A. for B. in C. into D. to
10. By the time we heard the news, Robert ____________to hospital for 2 hours.
A. had sent B. will be sent C. had been sent D. have sent
11. Don’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you ____________
A. will pass B. are going to pass C. are passing D. will be pass
12. If there ___________ the sun, man ______________ in the darkness.
A. were / would live B. weren’t / wouldn’t live
C. weren’t / would live D. were / wouldn’t be lived
13. I wouldn’t have taken your umbrella if I _____________it was the only one you had.
A. knew B. had known C. know D. could know
14. ____________ are the qualities of a good movie?
A. Which B. What C. How many D. Who
15. ______________ do you like to live – in the city or in the countryside?

Page 18
A. How B. When C. What D. Where
16. Put your handbag at ___________ back of _____________ car
A. the / a B. the / an C. the / the D.  / the
17. Where is ______________ book that I gave you yesterday?
A. an B. a C. the D. 
18. _________________ living in the country, Mr. Lam is working in the city.
A. Although B. Despite C. In spite D. Because of
19. The table ____________ legs are broken should be repaired.
A. who B. which C. whom D. whose
IV. Error Identification
20. San Francisco, that is a beautiful city, has a population of six million.
21. If Mr. Black weren’t late every day, he wouldn’t have lost his job.
22. In orderto not miss her bus, Maria was hurrying.
V. Choose the best word to complete the passage below
Although jazz began in New Orleans, it soon moved to all the big cities (23) ___________ Sr. Louis,
Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. New forms of jazz developed and styles changed.
In the 1920s, America (24) _____________ in love with dancing and popular jazz music. Big hotels hired
dance bands. Dance halls (25) _____________ around the country. New dances with strange names like the
Charleston were popular. Women cut their hair short and wore short skirts for the first time. These women were
called “flappers”. Older Americans (26) ____________ by jazz music, the new dancers, and the flappers.
23. A. as B. with C. like D. in
24. A. felt B. fallen C. fall D. fell
25. A. were opened B. was opened C. will open D. have opened
26. A. was shocked B. shocked C. were shocking D. were shocked
VI. Read the passage then choose the correct answer
They call New York “the Big Apple”. Maybe it’s not exactly like an apple but it’s certainly very big. There
are too many people, and that’s the problem. The streets are always full of cars and trucks, and you can never
find a place to park.
If you have enough money, you can take a taxi. New York cabs are yellow. They look all the same. But the
drivers are very different. Some were born and raised in New York, but many are newcomers to the United
States. A few drive slowly, but most go very, very fast. Cab driving is a difficult job. It can be dangerous, too.
Thieves often try to steal the driver’s money. Drivers sometimes get hurt.
If you don’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus or you can take the subway. The subway is quick, and
it’s cheap, but parts of it are old and dirty. Lights don’t always work and there are often fires on the track. On
some subway lines, there are new, clean, silver trains. But you can’t see the color of the old trains easily. There
is too much dirt and too much graffiti, inside and outside.
27. What is the problem of New York?
A. It has too many apples. B. It looks like an apple.
C. It is too big. D. It is too crowded.
28. What does a “cabs” mean?
A. a truck B. a bus C. a taxi D. a subway
29. Cab drivers in New York ___________.
A. can be dangerous B. can be attacked by thieves
C. look the same D. were all born in New York
30. Subways in New York _____________.

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A. are quick but dirty B. are colorless C. have no lights D. often causes fires

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