We Use The Gerund After Prepositions

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We use the Gerund after prepositions.

adjective + preposition
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:
They are afraid of losing the match.(Tienen miedo de perder el
afraid of
Pat is angry about walking in the rain.(Pat esta enojada por caminar
angry about/at
bajo la lluvia).
bad at
John is good at working in the garden.
good at
clever at He is clever at skateboarding.
crazy about The girl is crazy about playing tennis.(Ella esta loca por jugar tennis)
disappointed He is disappointed about seeing such a bad report.(El esta
about/at decepcionado de ver un mal reportaje).
We are excited about making our own film.(Estamos muy emocionados
excited about
con hacer nuestra pelicula).
famous for Sandy is famous for singing songs.
I'm fed up with being treated as a child.(Estoy harto de ser tratado
fed up with
como un niño).
fond of Hannah is fond of going to parties.
She is glad about getting married again.(Ella esta contenta de casarse
glad about
de nuevo)
The children are not happy about seeing a doctor. (Los niños no estan
happy about/at
felices de ver al doctor).
Are you interested in writing poems?(Estas interesado en escribir
interested in
keen on Joe is keen on drawing.
She is proud of riding a snowboard. (Ella esta orgullosa de andar en
proud of
sick of We're sick of sitting around like this.
sorry about/for He's sorry for eating in the lesson.
tired of I'm tired of waiting for you.(Estoy cansado de esperar por ti).
used to She is used to smoking.(Ella esta acostumbrada a fumar).
I'm worried about making mistakes.(Estoy preocupado por cometer
worried about
Ulrike Schroedter contributed to the list.
We use the Gerund after the following nouns:
advantage of What is the advantage of farming over hunting?
chance of There's a chance of catching a cold these days.
choice between There's a choice between flying to London Heathrow or Stansted.
danger of Peggy is in danger of making a mistake.
difficulty in He has difficulty in sending SMS.
doubt about He is in doubt about buying the correct software for his computer system.
hope of There's little hope of catching Schumacher's Ferrari.
idea of I like the idea of setting up a new email account.
interest in There's no interest in writing letters.
method of This is a simple method of finding solutions.
opportunity of There's some opportunity of bringing her parents together again.
possibility of These new wheels offer the possibility of riding tubeless.
problem of He has the problem of swimming too slow.
reason for There's a real reason for winning the contest.
risk of There's a risk of digging too deep.
trouble for He was in trouble for stealing.
way of This is a new way of building a wall.
Ulrike Schroedter contributed to the list.
Thanks to Josef.

We use the Gerund after prepositions.

verb + preposition
Exception: to
Here we use the phrase:
looking forward to + Gerund
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
We use the Gerund after the following phrases:

accuse of They were accused of breaking into a shop.

agree with I agree with playing darts.(Estoy de acuerdo con el juego de dardos)
apologize for They apologize for being late.
She doesn't believe in getting lost in the wood. ( Ella no cree en perderse en
believe in
el bosque)
blame for The reporter is blamed for writing bad stories.
complain about She complains about bullying.(Ella se queja de acoso).
Do you concentrate on reading or writing? (Te concentras en la escritura o
concentrate on
la escritura).
congratulate sb. I wanted to congratulate you on making such a good speech.(Queria
on felicitarlo por hacer ese gran discurso.
He is not sure how to cope with getting older.(El no esta seguro de hacerle
cope with
frente al envejesimiento).
decide against They decided against stealing the car.
depend on Success may depend on becoming more patient.
dream about/of Sue dreams of being a pop star.( Sue sueña con ser una estrella de pop)
feel like They feel like going to bed. (El tiene ganas de ir a la cama)
You must get used to working long hours.(Debe acostumbrarse a trabajar
get used to
largas horas)
The girls insisted on going out with Mark.(Las chichas insistieron en salir
insist on
con Mark.)
look forward to I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.(Deseo verte pronto)
prevent sb. from How can I prevent Kate from working in this shop?(Como puedo prevenir a
sth. kate por su trabajo en esa tienda).
rely on sth. He doesn't rely on winning in the casino.(El no confia ganar en el casino).
How then can I succeed in learning chemistry?(Como puedo tener exito en
succeed in
el aprendizaje de la quimica).
specialize in The firm specialized in designing websites.
stop sb. from I stopped Andrew from smoking.
talk about/of They often talk about travelling to New Zealand.
think of Frank thinks of playing chess.(Frank piensa en jugar ajedrez).
warn sb. against We warned them against using this computer.
The patient worries about having the check-up.( El paciente se preocupa
worry about
por tener la revision).
Ulrike Schroedter contributed to the list.
We use the Gerund after the following verbs:

admit He admitted having driven too fast.

They avoid going on holiday on Saturdays.(Ellos evitan salir de vacaciones los
carry on If we carry on sleeping so badly, we may need help.
consider Ralph is considering buying a new house.
delay I delayed telling Max the news.
deny She denies reading the book.(Ella se niega a leer el libro)
dislike We dislike reading poems.
can't help He couldn't help falling in love with her.(El no pudo evitar enamorarse de ella)
enjoy I enjoy playing chess.(Me gusta jugar ajedrez).
finish They finished working in the garden.
give up Susan gives up playing ice-hockey.
imagine He imagined driving a new car.
include Your responsibility includes taking reservations on the phone.
involve The project will involve growing plants.
justify I cannot justify paying $100 for this ticket.
keep (on) They keep on running.
mention Did Alex ever mention playing baseball?
mind I don't mind sleeping on the couch.(No me importa dormer en el sofa)
miss They miss playing with their friends.(Ellos extrañan jugar con sus amigos).
practise She practised playing hockey.(Ella practica jugando hockey).
regret Do you regret having mentioned it?
risk You risk catching a cold.(Corre el riesgo de contraer un resfriado).
suggest She suggested flying to Cairo.
Take a look at these two sentences. What is the difference in meaning between

'I cut my hair.'

'I have my hair cut.'

'I cut my hair' means that I do it myself.

'I have my hair cut means someone cuts my hair for me (in this case it's
probably a hairdresser).

We use have something done to mean another person does a service for us.

The grammar for this is pretty simple:

Have + object + past participle

Let's take a look at a few more examples:

'We didn't want to cook so we had a pizza delivered.'

'I had my car washed at that new place by the station.'
'I had my watch fixed.'

We can also use 'get' instead of 'had' and the meaning stays the same. The
sentences above now become:
'We didn't want to cook so we got a pizza delivered.'
'I got my car washed at that new place by the station.'
'I got my watch fixed.'


'I had my watch fixed' tells us about the past.

'I am going to have / get my watch fixed' tells us about the future.

'Going to' tells us about a future plan that has already been made.

We use 'will' for something that has just been decided:

I just noticed how dirty my suit is. I will have / get it cleaned soon.'


Imagine that you like your friend's new haircut; you could ask her:

'Where did you have / get your hair cut?'

Maybe you have just moved to a new town and you decided that it is time for a
haircut ;you can ask:

'Where can I have / get my hair cut?'

You want to know if your friend's car has been fixed yet; you can ask:

'Did you have your car fixed?'

services for a busy world

As we all live in a busy world, we don't have the time (or skills)to do all the
things that we need to. That's why we have a service industry that will help us
get what need done.

Take a look at these examples:

A jeweller's is a place where you can have your watch fixed.

A dry cleaner's is a place where you can have your suit cleaned.
A florist's is a place where you can have flowers delivered.
A hairdresser's is a place where you can have your hair cut.
A dentist's is a place where you can have your teeth checked.
An optician's is a place where you can have your eyes checked.
A garage is a place where you can have your car repaired.

using have something done for bad things

In all the examples above we have looked at services we can pay for if we
want. We can also use the same expression when someone does something
bad to us. For example:

'Jenny had her car stolen.' Here Jenny did not want someone to steal her car,
but someone did it.
'Have you ever had your nose broken in a fight?' Nobody wants to have their
nose broken, but it could happen!

Causative use of have

Usamos el causative have cuando queremos significar que alguien
algo por nosotros, hacemos hacer algo, o se nos hace algo.

Se forma con have + noun + past participle

 L iz and Meg are having their hair dyed.

Liz y Meg se están haciendo teñir el pelo.
 Mr. Singer always has his suits made at the tailor's shop.
El señor Singer siempre se hace hacer los trajes en la sastrería.
 Jake had his groceries delivered two hours ago.
Le trajeron las compras a Jake hace dos horas.
 We had our house burgled last weekend.
El fin de semana pasado entraron a nuestra casa a robar.
 Diane has had her printer cartridges refilled.
Diane hizo recargar los cartuchos de su impresora.
 We'd just had our house fumigated.
Habíamos acabado de hacer fumigar la casa.
 You should have your eyes checked.
Deberías hacerte revisar los ojos.
 Jenny will have her ears pierced.
Jenny se va a hacer perforar las orejas.

También se puede usar el get en lugar del have en contextos más informales.

• I usually get my hair done at Luigi's.
Generalmente me peino en lu de Luigi.
• Martin got his tonsils removed yesterday.
A Martin le extirparon las amígdalas ayer.
• You must get this pipe fixed as soon as possible.
Debes hacer arreglar este caño lo antes posible.

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