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1. The teacher corrects our exercises at home.

2. Ali’s absence worried his mother.
3. They are building several new schools in our town.
4. We have made great progress in industry, science and medicine.
5. Sam killed a lion last week.
6. You must hand in your report before the end of this month.
7.No one has opened that box for the past hundred years.
8. Are you going to mail these letters soon?
9. Peter should have finished the report yesterday.
10. They say that he is the richest man in our town.
11. She fell into water because somebody pushed her.
12. It is time they bring the cows in.

13. What questions did the examiner set?


14. Somebody must do something for these poor men.

15. Nobody has answered my question properly.

16. Somebody has brought this child up badly.

17. The teacher promised Jane a prize if she worked well.
18. Teachers should make lessons more interesting for school children.
19. We shall lock the house up for summer and the old gardener will look after it.

20. One cannot eat an orange if nobody has peeled it.

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1. The injured the local hospital now.
A. are treated B. are treating C. are being treated D. will be treated
2. Gold ______ in California in the 19th century.
A. was discovered B. has been discovered C. was discover D. they discovered
3. Billions of bottles and can of Coca-Cola................since 1895.
A. was made B. were made C. has been made D. have been made
4. I still can’t believe it ! My bicycle ……… last night .
A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole
5. French ………….in Quebec, Canada.
A. speaks B. is spoken C. is speaking D. spoken
6. When I asked for dinner, all the food…………
A. has eaten B. had eaten C. has been eaten D. had been eaten
7. Today many serious childhood diseases ……….. by early immunization .
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
8. Japanese ……….. at the meeting .
A. will speak B. will spoken C. will be spoken D. will be speaking
9. Windmills ………….by the Persians around 1500 years ago.
A. are invent B. invented C. were invented D. are invented
10. ‘Would you mind turning down the volume?’ ‘................’
A. Of course B. I’d be glad to C. Not at all D. Yes, sure
11. “What shall we do this evening? -……………..
A. Let’s go out for dinner B. Oh, that’s good C. No problem D. I went out for
12. People mustn’t leave bicycles in the hall
=>Bicycles ……………………………………………….
13. She was still baking the bread in the kitchen.
=>The bread ……………………………………………..
14. He is introducing some new kinds of computers.
=>Some new kinds of computers …………………………
15. You should give us this information.
=>We ……………………………………………………..
16. They have watched the music programme on T.V since 3 o’clock.
=>The music programme on T.V ……………………………
17. Nobody told me the story.
=> I …………………………………………….
18. When did they open that hospital?
=>When ………………………………………………………
19. Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.
=>Many famous plays ……………………………………….
20. Bill will invite Ann to the party.
=>Ann …………………………………………………………
21. Jim’s daughter drew that picture.
=>That picture …………………………………………………………
22. Someone empties the dustbins every Thursday.
=> The dustbins ………………………………………………………………

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23. Lisa wrote all the songs on this new album.
=> All the songs …………………………………………..
24. Redwood took the photos during his voyage.
=> The photos …………………………………………………..
25. Stephen made this film in Hollywood last year.
=>This film ………………………………………………………….
26. They took it back to the zoo.
=>It ……………………………………………………………………
27. The boss will meet him tomorrow in the restaurant.
=> He ………………………………………………………
28. I’ll meet her at the airport.
=> She ………………………………………………………………
29. The Persian invented windmills around 500 years ago.
=>Windmills ……………………………………………………………

1. He didn't prepare for the interview, so he didn't get the job.

2. We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money.
3. I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time.
4.The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately.
5.The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe.
6.People don't realize how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it.
7.I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was.
8. My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us.
9.Daniel really wanted to buy the book, but he didn't have enough money.
10. There isn't any truth in her allegations, so I won't resign.
11. Andrew wanted to ask Frank Sinatra for his autograph, but he Wasn't brave enough
12. 1 don't know anything about plumbing, so I can't fix the leak in the sink myself


Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. probably B. valuable C. bomb D. baby
2. A. campfire B. part C. animal D. natural

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3. A. species B. destruction C. constant D. sickness

Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.
4. A. endanger B. disappear C. prohibit D. destruction
5. A. industrial B. environment C. agriculture D. responsible
6. A. introduce B. peacefully C. consequence D. influence
Choose A,B,C,or D that best completes each unfinished sentence or substitutes the underlined
part :
7. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised.
A. established B. collapsed C. delayed D. decreased
8. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals.
A. advised B. decreased C. ban D. encouraged
9. The…… the air, water land in or on which people animals and plants live.
A . consequence B. environment C. planet D. resource
10. Many national parks have been established……………endangered animals.
A. to save B. to kill C. to protect D. to ban
11. Many rare…….. of animals are in danger of extinction.
A. species B. classes C. being D. pairs
12. People are destroying the air by adding…….to it
A. polluted B. pollutions C. polluters D. pollutants
13.Rain forest are places…… people harvest wood, delicious fruits, and powerful medicine.
A. in which B. in that C. in where D. which
14. The heavy rain has caused ……….. in many parts of the country.
A. crops B. floods C. water D. soil
15.The authority gathered those villagers………….they explained the importance of forests .
A. who B. whom C. to whom D. to that
16. He …….. the details of his uncle’s will.
A. was given B. gave C. gives D. being given
17. For a long time, the earth ………. to be flat.
A. had believed B. had been believing C. was believed D. was been believed
18. 6. Sperm whale populations are at risk due to hunting.
A. in extinction B. in danger C. on the decrease D. in fewness
19. They advised that part-time workers should ………….
A. be employing B. have been employ
C. employ D. be employed
20. He expected us ……….. him a job.
A. offering B. to offer C. offer D. to be offered
21. More and more rare animals are..................danger of extinction.
A. for B. on C. at D. in
22. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
A. changing B. raising C. becoming D. damaging
23. Do you know exactly....................number of Siberian tigers in China ?
A. a B. an C .the D. no article needed
24. Linda: Excuse me. Where’s the post office?
Maria: ……………….
A. It’s over there. B. I’m afraid not. C. Don’t worry. D. Yes, I think so.

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25. Peter: How often do you go to school?
Harry: ………………..
A. I go there early. B. Every day except Sunday.
C. I don’t think so. D. I go there by bus.
26. A: “ Would you like to go to the movies tonight ?”
- B: “…………………..”
A. No I don’t like B. Yes I’d like C. Of course D. I’d love to
27. Human beings are changing the environment ............. all respects.
A. at B. for C. in D. upon
28. The sick man ……………… to the hospital.
A. took B. has taken C. being taken D. was taken
29. A: Why do you ask me about the party ?
B: I ……………. to it.
A. was not invited B. didn’t invite C. not invited D. was not been inviting
30. The people in our village are leading a …………
A. peace B. peaceful C. peacefully D. peacefulness



A. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. eliminate b. elephant c. endanger d. erosion
2. a. pollute b. species c. accept d. receipt
3. a. environment b. hydroelectric c. circulation d. wild
4. a. club b. lamb c. doubt d. bomber
5. a. disease b. spread c. breed d. treat

B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others,
1. a. disappearance b. circulation c. conservation d. environment
2. a. conserve b. pollute c. circulate d. eliminate
3. a. nature b. power c. damage d. defence
4. a. vegetation b. destruction c. variety d. erosion
5. a. injured b. valuable c. forest d. protect


Choose one word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for
the underlined word or phrase.
1. Half the world's rain forests have already been ___________.
a. endangered b. eroded c. found d. destroyed
2. Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.
a. limit b. get rid of c. move d. add
3. Endangered animals should be bred in _______ areas.
a. conservative b. conservable c. conservation d. conservanc)
0. Acid rain has caused severe _______ on the hillside.
a. erosion b. pollution c. destruction d. floods

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5. This channel allows rainwater to run off.
a. keep inside b. move around c. flow into d. flow out of
6. A large hydroelectric __________was built on the River Danube.
a. power b. dam c. bank d. wall
7. Water can be held on the land by vegetation.
a. plants used as food b. grown trees
c. the growth of plants d. plants and trees
8._________ take the train instead of the bus? It's faster.
a. How about b. Let's c. Why don't d. Why not
9. _________air makes people unpleasant to breathe.
a. Pollute . b. Pollution. c. Polluted d. Polluting
10. We are now facing the possible________ of several rare species.
a. danger b. variety c. existence d. disappearance


A. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence.
1. 'Would you like ……….. lunch with us?' `Yes, I'd love to.'
a. have b. to have c. having, d. had
2. 'Are you interested in scuba diving?' ………..`Very. Undersea life is
a. fascinated b. fascinating c. being fascinating d. being fascinate
3. 'Ms. Jones, please type those letters before noon’.
' 'They've already ……….. sir. They're on your desk.'
a. typed b. been typed c. being typed d. been being typed
4. Both domestic and imported automobiles must ……… anti-pollution devices.
a. equip with b. be equipped with c. equip by d. be equipped
5. 'Has the committee made its decision yet?'
`Not yet. They ………. the proposal.'
a. are still considering b. are still being considered
c. are still considered d. have been considered
6. 'What a beautiful dress you're wearing!'
Thank .you. It ……….. especially for me by a French tailor.'
a. is made b. has made c. made d. was made
7. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It ………. everything in its path.
a. was destroy b. was being destroyed
c. destroyed d. had been destroyed
8. In some areas, water ……….. from the ground faster than nature can replenish the supply.
a. is being taken b. has been taking c. is taking d. has taken
9. An announcement about the eight o'clock flight to Chicago ........................
a. has been already made b. has already made
c. has already been mad d. already made
10. ……… during the storm.
a. They were collapsed the fence b. The fence was collapsed

c. 'They collapsed the fence d. The fence collapsed

11. The new computer system ………. next month.

a. is being installed by people b. is be installed

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c. is being installed d. is been installed
12. The man ……….. because medical help was not summoned. A doctor ...................
a. was died/ should have been called b. died/ should have called

c. is died/ should been called d. died/ should have been

13. Today, many serious childhood diseases ……….by early immunization.
a. are preventing b. can prevent

c. prevent d. can be prevented

14. Why did Tom keep making jokes, about me? I don't enjoy
a. be laughed at b. to be laughed at
c. laughing at d. being laughed at
15. Many reliable methods of storing information ......................... when computers arrived.

a. tend forgotten . b. tend to forget

c. tend to be forgotten d. tend being forgotten

B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the
sentence to be correct.
1. Erosion, which washes away valuable topsoil. can prevent by planting trees and grass.
2. The first modern type of Printing press was invented with a German. Johannes
Gutenberg, in 1439.
3. it is estimated that much of a teenager's time is spending chatting on the Internet.
4. For several centuries no real changes made in the basic methods used for printing.
5. Hurricanes from the Gulf of Mexico have been caused considerable damage
to coastal cities in Texas.
6. Children oughtn't spend too much time playing computer games.
7. It's his wish that the money should to be given to charity.
8. Why not you try the cake I have just made?
9. That pottery was found by an archaeologist while she was worked in this area.
10. The children are only allowed watching television on the weekend.


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Choose phrase or sentence - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the conversations.
1. A: I'm leaving for lunch. …………….
B: Thanks, but 1 can't right now. I'm really busy.
a. Do you come? b. Could you come?
c. Do you feel like going? d. Would you like to come?
2. A: Let's play some music.
B: ……….....................................................
a. Yes, please. b. Thank you. c. Certainly. d. Good idea.
3. A: Lorna,.....................................................
B: I'm sorry, .but I can't do it now.
a. would you like some coffee? b. why don't you make some coffee.
c. would you mind making some coffee? d. will. you make some coffee?
4. A: Do you mind if I borrow a chair?
B: …………… Do you need only one?
a. I'm sorry. b. Not at all. c. Yes, I do. d. Yes, I would.
5. A:.................................................................
a. Can we go to Cornward next weekend?
b. Why we don't go to Cornward next weekend?
c. Would you go to Cornward next weekend?
d. How about going to Cornward next weekend?
6. A: Why not take one of those small boats to Lantau Island?
B: .........................................................................
a. Let's do that. b. Why not? c. Sure. d. Oh, there's no hurry
7. A: Would you like me to collect you?
B: ........................................................................
a. Yes, I like. b. Not at all c. I'd love to. d. No, I wouldn't.
8. A: ....................................................................
B: I'd be glad to.
a. Would you like to drive me to class today? My car won't start.
b. Would you please drive me to class today? My car won't start.
c. Why don't you drive me to class today? My car won't start.
d. What about driving me to class today? My car won't start.

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