Ontemporary Arts From The Philippines and The Regions Quarter 2

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Contemporary Arts From the

Philippines and the Regions Quarter 2 -

Module 2:
Conceptualizing and Creating Contemporary Arts Based
on Techniques and Local
Performance Practices
Contemporary Arts from the Philippines and the Regions - Grade 12 Alternative
Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 2: Conceptualizing Contemporary Arts Based on Techniques and Local
Performance Practices
First Edition, 2020

Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office
wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. Such
agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalties.

Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective copyright holders.
Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their
respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership
over them.

Published by the Department of Education, SDO Nueva Ecija

School Division Superintendent: Jessie D. Ferrer CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents: Mina Gracia L. Acosta, PhD, CESO VI
Ronilo E. Hilario

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Alyssa L. Mirano
Editor: Avelino R. Quiday, Jr.
Reviewers: Mhay A. Villareal
Allan S. Villota
Illustrator: Jonathan Pabico
Layout Artist: Erickson N. Glodo
Layout Evaluator: Ron Allen F. Busuego
Cover Designer: Mark G. Asuncion
Management Team: Jayne M. Garcia, EdD
Cristina G. Noora
Beverly T. Mangulabnan, PhD
Eleanor A. Manibog, PhD

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education - Region III Schools

Division of Nueva Ecija

Office Address: Brgy. Rizal, Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija

Telefax: (044) 940-3121
E-mail Address: nueva.ecija@deped.gov.ph
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written for the learners. After going
through this module, the learners are expected to:
1. conceptualize contemporary art based on techniques and performance
practice in their locality (CAR11/12AP -0f -h-14);
2. apply artistic skills and techniques in the process of creation
(CAR11/12AP-0f -h-15);
3. incorporate contemporary characteristics to one’s creation with
attention to detail (CAR11/12AP-0f -h-16); and
4. create the intended final product using appropriate materials for the
best possible output (CAR11/12AP-0f -h-17).

What I Know


I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer and write it on a sheet of paper.

1. Your teacher asked you to create an artwork using cut-outs from

magazines, newspaper, and brochure. What particular contemporary
art does your teacher wants you to create?
a. installation b. assemblage c. collage d. mobile
2. Which of the following does NOT describe or explain what
contemporary art is?
a. new b. current c. traditional d. timely
3. What particular artwork can you do if you have a lot of scrap collages,
woods, and other found object?
a. assemblage b. collage c. mobile d. installation
4. Which of the following refers to the form of contemporary art that
involves the arrangement of objects in a given space?
a. assemblage b. collage c. mobile d. installation
5. Marco wants to create a mobile art. Which among the following
materials should he use?
a. printed images b. balancing rods c. scraps d. woods

esson Conceptualizing Contemporary Arts
Based on Techniques and Local
1 Performance Practices
We, Filipinos, are known to be one of the talented people in the world.
There are so many Filipino performers who already introduced themselves in
the world stage in terms of performing arts such as singing, dancing, and

Also, Filipinos take pride in terms of visual arts such as painting,

sculpture, and media arts. Nowadays, Filipino artists start to showcase
Philippine arts in the world. With so much pride, they are showing to other
countries that Philippine arts have a spot in this vast changing world. With
our unique taste in terms of art concepts, styles, and techniques, there is no
doubt that the world will be soon embracing Philippine arts with love and

This lesson will help you conceptualize a contemporary artwork based

on different techniques and performance practices or festivals in your locality.
So, are you ready for the world to see your own version of contemporary arts?
Come and let’s start…

What’s In

Give Me a Name!
Directions. Name the following local materials and write it on the line below the
picture. On the box across the picture, write the crafts that can be made
using those particular local materials.


Cogon can be crafted to

basket, placemat, and bags.












What’s New

What Inspires Me…

Directions. Create a collage using images of local materials and performance
practices in your town or community. Answer the questions below once you
are done with your collage. Do this activity on a sheet of bond paper.
Materials needed:
Old photos from newspaper, magazine, or brochure
Glue and scissors

Questions to Answer:
1. Is there a relevance between the local materials and the performance
practices in your town? Explain your answer.
2. Can we say that local materials and performance practices affect our
community in terms of art production? Why?

What is It

Philippines, as we all know, is such a very diverse country. In an article

released by the National Government Portal (NGP), from 7,107, Philippines
now has 7, 641 islands. There is no wonder that our country is a paradise of a
thousand local materials and hundreds of great artists. Unique artworks
are everywhere. Festivals are highly celebrated. Truly that our country is so
blessed in terms of arts and so is our province.

Nueva Ecija was known as an agricultural province responsible for

producing 183, 854 metric tons of palay in the third quarter of 2019.
(Philippine Statistics Authority, January 8, 2020). To many, our province is
just another rice field but what we don’t know is that, it is also a home for
visual and performance arts.

Local Materials to Contemporary Arts
Contemporary artists use bottles, plastic straw, old CD, broken glass,
hay, and other recyclable materials in doing an artwork. True artists find an
inspiration to do art even in the funny, peculiar, and impossible way.
Artists in our province create an artwork from local materials such as
coconut leaves and shells, cogon, tambo and the like. They create an artwork
based on the concepts for them to produce masterpieces with deeper

Performance Practices in Nueva Ecija

Pandawan Festival - It is celebrated in Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija.
“Pandawan” means assurance of abundant fresh-water catch each time the
festival is celebrated. This festival is celebrated every last week of April.

Tsinelas Festival - This festival originated in Gapan City, Nueva Ecija. The
festival is annually celebrated every August 6-25. This festival also
commemorates the cityhood of the city. Beautiful slippers or tsinelas are
exhibited during the celebration.

Kapagayan Festival - It was first celebrated in the year 2009 to promote
the ‘palay’ which is considered as the main crop of Llanera, Nueva Ecija
where it is celebrated. The festival is celebrated from May 7 to 11 every year.

Kariton Festival -It is one of the most anticipated festivals in Nueva Ecija. This
colorful festival is celebrated in Licab, Nueva Ecija. Colorfully-dressed kariton
pulled by the carabaos are paraded in town. This celebration takes place
every 28th of March every year.

Sibuyas Festival - In celebration of abundant harvest of onion every year, the

municipality of Bongabon holds annual celebration of Sibuyas Festival in
the month of April.

Pagibang Damara Festival - Pagibang Damara (shed to be ready
demolished) is an exciting festival celebrated at San Jose City, Nueva Ecija.
It is annually celebrated every April 19 to 22.

A damara is a tagalog word for shelter made of bamboo and nipa that was
built on rice fields as a protection for farmers. These shelters were being
demolished (ginigiba) after harvest time. This is where the word Pagibang
Damara is adopted.

Tambo Festival - Every January, the municipality of San Antonio, Nueva

Ecija commemorates their town fiesta to give honor of their patron saint, St.
Anthony Abbot for the good harvest of ‘tambo’ which is abundant in the area.
The “Tambo Festival” is the highlight of celebration wherein dancers wearing
costumes with ‘tambo’ designs perform.

Contemporary Art Forms
Contemporary Arts are form of arts that are considered a product of new
technological advancements and cannot be categorized using the outdated
1. Collage is the method of combining printed images with other flat
media and posted on a canvas or board; a form of contemporary arts
came about in the early 1900s.

2. Assemblage is a term used by French artist Jean Dubuffet in 1952 to

describe a series of artworks made from paper collages, wood scraps,
and other found objects.

3. Mobile is a sculptural work that is suspended from the ceiling or a

protruding base. It is typically made with a number of balancing rods
dangling in different lengths carrying one or more elements.

4. Installation Art is a form of contemporary art that involves the

arrangement of objects in a given space.

What’s More

Activity 1: The Title and the Cover

Directions. Think of a word or words that best describe/s the local art or
material and the performance practice in your community. This word/s
should be catchy and meaningful for it will be the title of the brochure that
you will be using in Activity 2. Conceptualize your own brochure cover. Follow
the steps below to accomplish this activity.

1. Think of an image that can represent the local art, materials, and
performance practice in your town.
2. In an oslo paper, design your cover using the images of local art,
materials, and performance in your local. It will be the background of
the brochure’s title.
3. Print or artistically write your title in the cover.

Activity 2. The Content

Directions. Accomplish the content of your brochure by doing the following:

1. Be sure that you have a closer concept in mind. Your concept should
be focusing on promoting local art or products that can be found in
your town. It can also show the performance practice originated or
celebrated in your area.
2. Look for photos of artwork, local materials, or performance practice
within your community.
3. On the first page, paste all the pictures of local artwork such as
handicraft. Write a caption about it below the picture.
4. On the second page, paste or draw all the local materials present in
your area. Don’t forget to describe them by including their name, origin,
and the techniques being used to make an artwork.
5. Lastly, paste a picture of local performance practice (festival) in your
town. Don’t forget to write the important details about it like:
a. The place and the exact date it is celebrated
b. The reason behind the celebration, religious or not
c. The particular product/s this festival promote/s
6. Bind these pages altogether with the cover page, then there you go, you
have your own brochure!

Note: Your final product will be graded using the criteria below.

Criteria 5 4 3 2
Organization The brochure has The brochure has The brochure has The brochure’s
excellent and very appropriate and some organized format and
creative formatting creative formatting information with organization of
and very well- and well - random and materials are
organized organized simple confusing to the
information. information. formatting. reader
Ideas The brochure The brochure The brochure The brochure
communicates communicates communicates communicates
relevant information relevant irrelevant irrelevant
and uses very information and information and information and
appropriate and very uses appropriate uses simple uses inappropriate
artistic images and artistic images images according and not artistic
according to the according to topic. to topic. images according
topic. to topic.
Conventions All of the writing is Most of the writing Some of the Most of the writing
done in complete is done in writing is done in is not done in
sentences. complete complete complete
sentences. sentences. sentences.
Capitalization and
punctuation are Most of the Some of the Most of the
correct throughout capitalization and capitalization capitalization and
the brochure punctuation are and punctuation punctuation are
correct throughout are correct not correct
the brochure throughout the throughout the
brochure brochure

Accuracy The output was The output was The output was The output was
submitted on the submitted the day submitted two submitted so late.
deadline. after the deadline. days after the
Hignest Possible Score - 20 points

Activity 3: My Own Assemblage Sketch…

Directions: Make your own assemblage concept. Sketch it in a short bond paper.
Remember to include the local materials, artwork, and performance practice that are
local in your town on your activity. You can use bottles, plastic straw, old CD, broken
glass, hay, coconut leaves shells, cogon, tambo and other recyclable materials in
doing an artwork.

Your output will be graded based on the given criteria.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Creativity Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is
exceptionally generally somewhat occasionally not unique,
unique, unique, unique, unique detailed or
detailed and detailed and detailed and detailed or interesting.
interesting. interesting. interesting. interesting.
Use of Your work has Your work has Your work has Your work has Your work has
elements and an exceptional a good basic minimal no
Principles understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
and and and and and
application of application of application of application of application of
the elements the elements the elements the elements the elements
of art and of art and of art and of art and of art and
principles of principles of principles of principles of principles of
design design design design design
Craftsmanship Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is
done with done with done with done with done with no
exceptional good care and basic care and minimal care care and
care and attention to attention to and attention attention to
attention to detail, detail, to detail, detail,
detail, concepts and concepts, and concepts and concepts, and
concepts and neatness. neatness. neatness. neatness.
Achievement, Your work Your work Your work Your work Your work
and shows shows good shows basic shows shows lack of
completion exceptional understanding understanding minimal understanding
understanding of project of project understanding of project
of project requirement. requirement. of project requirement.
requirement. requirement.
Highest Possible Score - 20 points

What I Have Learned

Answer the following questions. Minimize your answer to each question to

two-three sentences.

1. How does conceptualizing an artwork using local materials and

performance practices give a unique identity to a masterpiece and
to the artist?
2. Do you believe that local products can create a world class
artwork? Why?
3. As an aspiring artist, in what way does this module about
conceptualizing an artwork hone your talent and skill in creating
an artwork?

What I Can Do

From Concept to Reality!

Directions: Create an artwork using your assemblage concept. Apply your
artistic skills and techniques in creating the final product from your own
sketch from Activity 3. Remember to use the local materials which are
abundant within your community. Use the local artwork and performance
practices in your town as an inspiration of your masterpiece.

Note. Follow the health protocol while doing the activities.

Your output will be graded based on the given criteria.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Creativity Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is
exceptionally generally somewhat occasionally not unique,
unique, unique, unique, unique detailed or
detailed and detailed and detailed and detailed or interesting.
interesting. interesting. interesting. interesting.
Use of Local 100% of 80% of 60% of 40% of 20% of
materials and materials use materials use materials use materials use materials use
Principles in creation of in creation of in creation of in creation of in creation of
art is made of art is made of art is made of art is made of art is made of
local materials local materials local materials local materials local materials

Contemporary Your work Your work Your work Your work Your work
Characteristics manifests manifests manifests manifests does not
• based on exceptional characteristics some minimal manifest
abstract characteristics of characteristics characteristics characteristics
expressionism of contemporary of of of
• based on contemporary arts. contemporary contemporary contemporary
different arts. arts. arts. arts.
• innovative
Concept and Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is Your work is
Craftsmanship done with done with good done with done with done with no
exceptional care and basic care and minimal care care and
care and attention to attention to and attention attention to
attention to detail, detail, to detail, detail,
detail, concepts and concepts, and concepts, and concepts, and
concepts and neatness. neatness. neatness. neatness.
Understanding, Your work Your work Your work Your work Your work
Achievement, shows shows good shows basic shows minimal shows lack of
and exceptional understanding understanding understanding understanding
Completion understanding of project of project of project of project
of project requirement. requirement. requirement. requirement.
Highest Possible Score - 25 points


I. Multiple Choice. Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer and write it on a sheet of paper.

1. Marco wants to create a mobile art. Which among the following

materials should he use?
a. printed images
b. balancing rods
c. scraps
d. woods
2. Which of the following refers to the form of contemporary art that
involves the arrangement of objects in a given space?
a. assemblage b. collage c. mobile d. installation
3. Your teacher asks you to create an artwork using cut-outs from
magazines, newspaper, and brochure. What particular contemporary
art does your teacher want you to create?
a. installation b. assemblage c. collage d. mobile

4. Which of the following does NOT describe or explain what
contemporary art is?
a. new b. current c. traditional d. timely
5. What particular artwork can you do if you have a lot of scrap collages,
woods, and other found object?
a. assemblage b. collage c. mobile d. installation

II. Analogy

Directions. Complete the ideas below by filling the blank with correct
word/s. Write your answer on another sheet of paper.

Ex: Licab : Kariton Festival :: Gapan City : Tsinelas Festival

1. Pandawan : Pantabangan :: Sibuyas : Bongabon

2. San Antonio : Tambo Festival :: Licab : Kariton Festival
3. Llanera : Palay :: Gapan City : Tsinelas
4. Pagibang Damara : April :: Kariton : March
5. Pagiba : demolished :: damara : nipa hut

What I Know What's More Assessment

1. A Students answer may vary. I. Multiple Choice

2. B 1. A
3. D Their output will be graded 2. D
4. C based on the given criteria 3. C
5. C 4. C
5. A

II. Analogy
1. Pandawan
2. Kariton Festival
3. Palay
4. April
5. Pagiba

Mendez, Mario L. Jr.,Contemporary Philippine Art from the Regions, DIWA
Learning Systems Inc.,Philippines.,pp.2-6

Sandagan, Luviminda D.and Sayseng, Ayesha H., Contemporary Philippine Art

from the Regions, JFS Publishing Services,Manila., pp.10-28


Philippine Statistics Authority http://rsso03.psa.gov.ph/article/volume-









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