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Name: _Sebastian Jauregui_

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Chapter 1

Directions: Answer the following questions in your own words.

1. Why doesn’t Frederick Douglass know how old he is? How old does he think
that he is?

Frederick Douglass doesn't know about his genuine age or date of birth since he is a
slave. He similarly communicates that none of the slaves he has anytime met couldn't
describe their birthday by a similar token. He thought he was seventeen years of age.

2. What does Frederick Douglass know about his father?

His father was a white man who Douglass has never met or thought about.

3. Describe Frederick Douglass’s meetings with his mother.

Frederick Douglass' relationship with his mother isn't worthy, seeing that they are both
working on secluded farms. He has never seen her or perceived what she looks like,
yet consistently she goes to his domain to deal with him.

4. According to Douglass, why is it harder for a slave when his master is his father?

He says it is all the more persistently considering the way that the master's significant
other may get jealous if the master treats his slave young people in a surprising
manner. They were held to different rules and treated harsher.

5. Describe Captain Anthony.

Skipper Anthony was his first expert. He had a couple of properties.

6. What horrible thing happens to Aunt Hester that haunts Douglass?

His aunt is whipped considering the way that she was with another man. It was the
fundamental mischievous scene he had anytime seen. He hid in the storeroom as he
whipped and criticized her.
7. Why does Captain Anthony get so mad at Aunt Hester?

Aunt Hester was with another man.

8. Where is Douglass hiding when Aunt Hester is punished?

He was hiding in the closet.

9. How was Douglass protected from violence earlier in his life?

Because of his father being master.

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