VLL G2 A New Family Tradition AH1

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Oral Reading Assessment

A New Family Tradition Level N, Fiction

Student Name: Grade:

Previous Reading Level: Recorder: Date: 

Assessment Summary at a Glance

Word Accuracy Rate: %   Comprehension Score:
Reading Fluency: Not Fluent  Word by Word  Fluent
Instructional Recommendations: 

Word Accuracy Rate

Total Words: 140   Total Errors: ❏ Independent 95–100%
Total Correct: Total Words – Total Errors = 140 − = ❏ Instructional 90–94%

Total Correct ❏ Frustrational 89% or lower

Word Accuracy Rate: = × 100 = %
Total Words 140
Find the student fluency measure on page 7 of the Assessment Handbook.

Analysis of Errors, Self-Corrections, and Reading Strategies

Sources of Information Used (M S V):    Sources of Information Neglected (M S V): 

Self-Corrections Ratio: Self-Corrections = = :

Errors + Self-Corrections
Voices Leveled Library Assessment Handbook  Copyright © Zaner-Bloser, Inc.

Type of Reading Strategy Most Frequently Used: 

Type of Reading Strategy to Improve: 

Comprehension Assessment
Retelling:  Ask the student to tell about what he or she read. Prompt for more if responses are
Student used vocabulary  ; described events  , characters  , details  .

• What does Día de los Muertos mean in English? (Day of the Dead)

• What is Día de los Muertos a chance to do? (remember and show respect to people who have
passed away)

• Who died earlier this year? (Carlos’ grandma)

• What will they put on the special table? (pictures of Grandma and candles)

75 A New Family Tradition

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Oral Reading Assessment

A New Family Tradition

Introduce the Text
Say:  This book is called A New Family Tradition. The passage on page 4 tells about a
mother and father who explain the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos to their son,
I would like you to read the passage aloud. But first, look at the cover. Then look at the
pictures in the book to learn more about the story.
When you are ready, begin to read. I will tell you when to stop. When you finish the
passage, we will talk about what you’ve just read.

Count Analysis

Page A New Family Tradition

4 “We’re going to celebrate Día de los MSV MSV

Muertos this year!” Carlos’s parents told him MSV MSV

with excitement. MSV MSV

“What does that mean?” Carlos asked. MSV MSV

“In English, it means the Day of the Dead,” MSV MSV

Voices Leveled Library Assessment Handbook  Copyright © Zaner-Bloser, Inc.

his mother told him. MSV MSV

“Day of the Dead!” Carlos exclaimed. “That MSV MSV

sounds scary.” MSV MSV

“It is actually a Mexican celebration. It’s a MSV MSV

happy time,” Carlos’s father explained. “This MSV MSV

holiday is a chance to remember and show MSV MSV

respect to people who have passed away.” MSV MSV

continued on next page

A New Family Tradition 76

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Oral Reading Assessment

A New Family Tradition

continued from previous page Count Analysis

Page A New Family Tradition

“Like Grandma?” Carlos asked. His MSV MSV

grandma had died earlier that year. MSV MSV

“Yes, we can remember Grandma MSV MSV

on this day,” Carlos’s father replied. MSV MSV

“How will we do that?” Carlos asked. MSV MSV

His father explained. “The Mexicans MSV MSV

build a special table. On the table, MSV MSV

we’ll put pictures of Grandma. We can MSV MSV

light candles and tell stories about her. MSV MSV

It’s also a chance for us to tell you MSV MSV

Voices Leveled Library Assessment Handbook  Copyright © Zaner-Bloser, Inc.

about other relatives. MSV MSV

77 A New Family Tradition

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