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Self-Check 1.


1. Most scientists believe the Big Bang Theory explains which of the following
A. How our planets and moons formed B. How our universe began
C How the sun turns hydrogen into helium D. How fast light travels through

2. Which scientists was responsible for coining the phrase “Big Bang?”
A. Fred Doyle B. Albert Einstein C. Sir Isaac Newton D. Edwin Hubble

3. Which of the following is evidence of the Big Bang Theory?

A Cavemen heard a loud bang at the beginning of time. B. The universe isn't
C. The universe is expanding D. The universe is getting

4. Which of the following is NOT evidence of the Big Bang Theory?

A. Abundance of Hydrogen and Helium B. CMBR everywhere
C. Stars that are blue shifted D. the universe is getting bigger

5. What shape do scientists think the universe is?

A Sphere B. Triangular C. Saddle Shaped D. Flat

6. What is the percentage of Hydrogen in the Universe?

A. 0.10% B. 8% C. 91.90% D. 100%

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the Big Bang Theory?
A. It is the scientific explanation of how life began on Earth and evolved over time.
B. It is the scientific explanation for the origin of the universe.
C. It states that the universe expanded from a single point and is still expanding today.
D. It states that the universe used to be much hotter and smaller.

8. Which of the following is not strong evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory?
A. Presence of cosmic microwave background radiation.
B. The frequency of the light from distant galaxies is shifted slightly towards the red
C. The estimated age of the Earth matches the estimated age of the universe.
D. Abundance of Hydrogen and Helium in the universe.

9. As part of the modern theory of the origins of the elements, it is hypothesized that
before the formation of the stars, most of the matter in the universe consisted of what
A. hydrogen and helium B. nitrogen and carbon
C. silicon and lithium D. uranium and radium
10. Which of the following is the best description of the Big Bang Theory?
A. The Big Bang Theory is the prevailing model about the universe’s origin and is
supported by observations of the universe’s expansion.
B. The Big Bang Theory is just one of the ideas about the universe’s origin, many of
which are equally respected by the scientific community.
C. The Big Bang Theory states that pre-existing matter was compacted into a hot and
dense form and suddenly exploded into infinite, empty space.
D. The Big Bang Theory is the scientific explanation of how the Sun, Earth, and the rest
of the Solar System were formed at the beginning of time.

Activity Sheet 1.1-1

1. Discuss the strength and weaknesses of big-bang theory. Cite evidences.

2. Discuss the formation of matter from light to heavy elements.

Self-Check 1.2-1

Choose the letter that corresponds the best answer.

1. What does the nucleus consist of?
a. Protons + Electrons b. Neutrons + Electrons
c. Atoms d. Protons + Neutrons

2. An atom's mass number equals the number of...

a. protons plus the number of electrons b. protons plus the number of
c. protons d. neutrons

3. Which statement about the atomic nucleus is correct?

a. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a negative charge
b. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge
c. The nucleus is made of electrons and has a positive charge
d. The nucleus is made of electrons and has a negative charge

4. Which statement best describes an electron?

a. Smaller mass than a proton and a negative charge
b. Smaller mass than a proton and a positive charge
c. Greater mass than a proton and a negative charge
d. Greater mass than a proton and a positive charge

5. Each box on the periodic table represents each different known?

a. Element b. Molecules c. Compound d. Complex

6. The three categories of elements found on the periodic table are metals, nonmetals
a. Gases b. Metalloids c. Solids d. Liquids

7. The first column on the periodic table is called?

a. alkali metals b. halogens c. noble gases d. transition metals

8. Number of protons in the nucleus of the atom (usually also the number of electrons).
a. Atomic Mass b. Atomic Number c. Name d. Atomic

9. Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons.
a. carbon b. electron c. isotoners d. isotope
10. What is the atomic number for an element with three protons?
a. 2 b. 1 c. 3 d. 6

Activity Sheet 1.2-1

Make a creative atomic model out of recyclable materials. Take a picture of it and
send it to through gmail.
Self-Check 1.3-1

1. Water, H2O, is classified as what type of molecule?

A. a polar molecule B. a nonpolar molecule
C. a coordinate covalent compound D. an ionic compound
2. The various chemicals that make up butter are generally ___
A. polar B. nonpolar C. soluble in water D. ionic

3.  Electronegativity increases from left to right on the periodic table because there are
a. fewer protons in the atoms b. more protons in the atoms
c. fewer electron shells d. more electron shells

4.  What are the loose, somewhat fleeting, intermolecular bonds between water
molecules called?
a. hydrogen bonds b. oxygen bonds c. water bonds d. polar
covalent bonds

5. There are lots of different molecules, like the surfactants in soap, that have both ___
a. polar and nonpolar areas b. covalent and ionic bonds
c. cohesive and adhesive forces d. hydrogen and oxygen bonds

6. The fatty acids that make up your cell membranes have ___
a. polar heads and tails b. nonpolar heads and tails
c. polar heads but nonpolar tails d. nonpolar heads but polar tails

7. The attraction that an atom has for shared electrons in bonds is

a. electron affinity b. electronegativity c. electropositivity d.

8. Why is it difficult to wash oil from your hands with plain water?
a. Both substances are polar. Like polarities repel.
b. Both substances are nonpolar. Like polarities repel.
c. Water is nonpolar, and oil is polar, so they will not combine.
d. Water is polar, and oil is nonpolar, so they will not combine.

9. When two atoms of the same nonmetal element bond together, they form a(n)
a. ionic bond b. nonpolar covalent bond
c. polar covalent bond d. James Bond

10. In order to determine if a molecule is polar, you must consider the

a. polarity of bonds and symmetry of the molecule.
b. number of electrons and number of bonds.
c. polarity of bonds only.
d. total charge of each ion and number of multiple bonds.

Activity Sheet 1.3-1

1. In your own words, describe the general types of intermolecular forces.

2. Differentiate Polar and Non-Polar molecules based on its properties.

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