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js: JavaScript Implicit Finite-Difference Code for

Nonlinear Consolidation and Secondary Compression
Scott J. Brandenberg, M.ASCE1
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Abstract: In this study, an implicit finite-difference code for nonlinear consolidation and secondary compression was developed and
implemented in a publicly available JavaScript Web application. The rate of secondary compression was defined based on the distance in
e-log10(s 0v ) space between a current point and a corresponding point on a reference secondary compression line (RSCL). Modeling sec-
ondary compression in this manner enables simultaneous occurrence of primary consolidation and secondary compression. The finite-
difference code was first verified by comparison with three benchmarks. The influence of secondary compression on settlement versus
time was then studied and found to be important for thick and/or low-permeability layers for which primary consolidation requires signifi-
cant time. Overconsolidated soil was observed to result in an apparent increase in Ca with time, which was also observed in experimental
data. Finally, secondary compression was found to be capable of generating excess pore pressure in soils with impeded drainage bounda-
ries. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0000843. © 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.

Introduction relationship between the void ratio at the end of the primary con-
solidation stage and effective stress is mostly independent of the
Terzaghi (1925) was the first to formulate the theory of one- duration of the primary consolidation stage. Secondary compres-
dimensional (1D) consolidation for constant compressibility and sion settlement is then computed for the phase following primary
hydraulic conductivity, in addition to zero secondary compression. consolidation based on the observation that Ca/Cc is a constant,
A primary benefit of Terzaghi’s (1925) formulation is the ease of where Cc is interpreted as the compressibility at the end of consol-
solving the governing second-order partial differential equation. idation; and Ca is the coefficient of secondary compression.
However, compressibility is known to depend on overconsolidation Similarly, Settle3D requires users to input a specific degree of con-
ratio and vertical effective stress, and hydraulic conductivity is solidation (e.g., 95%), after which the solution is governed by
known to depend on void ratio, both of which change during consol- secondary compression. A fundamental conclusion from these
idation. Furthermore, soil exhibits secondary compression behavior approaches is that secondary compression does not influence the
in which the void ratio constantly decreases even when effective evolution of excess pore pressures, and secondary compression
stress is constant. Introducing nonlinear constitutive behavior and becomes less important as the time required to reach the end of
secondary compression complicates the governing differential primary consolidation increases. CONSOL97 challenges this
equation, necessitating numerical solutions. Early approaches uti- notion by including secondary compression concurrently with
lized rheological models involving a combination of subcompo- primary consolidation such that strains that occur during primary
nents, such as springs and dashpots, in various configurations [e.g., consolidation increase as the time required to reach the end of pri-
Taylor (1942); Taylor and Merchant (1940); Gibson and Lo (1961); mary consolidation increases. Therefore, a thin laboratory speci-
Barden (1965)]. Although these models were capable of being cali- men will exhibit less strain at the end of primary consolidation
brated to match observed soil behavior, they typically involved than a thicker field deposit, resulting in a scale effect. This is con-
input parameters that were unfamiliar to users and were not widely sistent with Bjerrum’s (1967) time-line theory, in which different
used (Perrone 1998). Methods developed to solve nonlinear consol- consolidation lines would be measured for consolidation tests
idation problems using more traditional input parameters include conducted with load stages of different duration.
the computer codes ILLICON (Mesri and Choi 1985), CS1 (Rajot A fundamental problem with nonlinear consolidation codes is
1992), CS2 (Fox and Berles 1997), and CONSOL97 (Perrone that they are typically not readily available and are typically only
1998), the software program Settle3D, and unnamed codes by utilized by the code developers. Perrone (1998) summarized 13 dif-
Niemunis and Krieg (1996) and Yin and Graham (1996). ferent nonlinear consolidation codes that include secondary com-
The various nonlinear codes vary significantly in the manner pression, only one of which was commercially available. Fox
in which they treat secondary compression. ILLICON incorpo- (1999) used CS2 to develop chart solutions to make nonlinear con-
rates secondary compression based on the assumption that the solidation solutions tangible to engineers without access to such
codes. There is a significant need for a widely available, efficient
code for routine use by researchers, engineers, and instructors.
Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Dept. of Civil and This paper presents an implicit finite-difference code called
Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA iConsol.js for primary consolidation and secondary compression
90095-1593. ORCID: E-mail: written in JavaScript and deployed through an HTML user inter-
face. The code is publicly available at
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 24, 2016; approved on
September 20, 2016; published online on November 21, 2016. Discussion Consolidation and is quick and efficient. The code is nonlinear in
period open until April 21, 2017; separate discussions must be submitted that it accounts for changes in hydraulic conductivity and compressi-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the International Journal of bility as consolidation progresses. Furthermore, the code incorpo-
Geomechanics, © ASCE, ISSN 1532-3641. rates secondary compression in a manner that is based on soil state

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Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

in e-log s 0v space rather than depending on an arbitrary time refer- arbitrary time reference that is not fundamentally related to the state
ence. A discussion of secondary compression behavior is presented of the soil [e.g., Kutter and Sathialingam (1992)]. As an illustration,
first, followed by development of the governing differential equation imagine that a vanishingly small load increment is applied at Point
and the implicit finite-difference scheme used to solve the equation. a in Fig. 1 at the same instant that the benchtop clock is set to 0.
The code is then validated through comparison with benchmark sol- Two different time references now exist; the symbol t denotes the
utions by Fox and Pu (2015), and an essentially linear problem is time reference at the start of the load stage [Fig. 1(a)], whereas t*
compared with Terzaghi’s (1925) theory. The influence of the over- denotes the clock that is reset at Point a. The secondary compres-
consolidation ratio on the predicted rate of secondary compression is sion rate does not change at Point a because a vanishingly small
then discussed, and the influence of secondary compression on set- load increment induces no change to the soil. However, the plot of e
tlement versus time and excess pore pressures is then explored. versus log10(t*) is nonlinear simply because t* is not the correct
time reference. Rather, the plot of e versus log10(t*) is concave
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downward and asymptotically approaches a straight line with slope

Shortcomings of Traditional Approach to Evaluating Ca as t*! 1 [Fig. 1(b)]. If ta is added to t*, linear secondary com-
Secondary Compression pression behavior is recovered [Fig. 1(c)]. Applying a vanishingly
small load increment would be an unreasonable experimental
Secondary compression is traditionally evaluated by plotting void approach, but it nevertheless illustrates the arbitrariness of the
ratio, e, versus the logarithm of time, log10(t), for a particular stage benchtop clock. Furthermore, the concept explains why nonlinear
from a laboratory oedometer test (Fig. 1). When permitted adequate secondary compression behavior is observed for overconsolidated
time, such curves have been observed to exhibit a linear secondary soils, as discussed later.
compression region in which the reduction in void ratio during 1
log-cycle of time is equal to the secondary compression index (Ca).
Casagrande (1936) developed a procedure for evaluating laboratory Alternative Approach to Secondary Compression
oedometer curves to compute the coefficient of consolidation, cv.
This procedure identifies a time at the end of primary consolidation, An alternative approach suggested by Kutter and Sathialingam
tp, for the purpose of computing the time at which 50% consolida- (1992) defines the secondary compression rate based on position in
tion has been reached. Primary consolidation is often interpreted as e-log10(s 0v ) space rather than in e-log10(t) space. Their formulation
occurring before tp, whereas secondary compression occurs after tp; follows the viscoplasticity formulation of Perzyna (1963), but it dif-
this interpretation is referred to as the traditional approach herein. fers because plastic volumetric strains occur for all soil states rather
The traditional approach for evaluating secondary compression than only for stress states on the yield surface. Kutter and
is problematic for two fundamental reasons. First, primary consoli- Sathialingam (1992) implemented this procedure in a Cam-clay
dation and secondary compression occur simultaneously rather than type plasticity model, but the implementation herein focuses only
occurring in distinct regions of time [e.g., Borja (1992); Niemunis on 1D consolidation and therefore utilizes different terminology.
and Krieg (1996); Yin and Graham (1996); Perrone (1998); Handy Mapping from the traditional e-log10(t) space to e-log10(s 0v ) fol-
(2002); Leroueil (2006)]. Some secondary compression occurs lows Bjerrum’s time-line notion, as illustrated in Fig. 2. The
prior to tp, and some primary consolidation occurs after tp. During a notion of a reference secondary compression line (RSCL) is
laboratory consolidation test, the amount of secondary compression introduced, where the RSCL is associated with a specific refer-
that occurs before tp may be small because the length of the drainage ence time, tref, and a single point on the line defined by a refer-
path is short, and primary consolidation thus occurs rapidly. ence void ratio and vertical effective stress, eca,ref and s vca;ref ,
However, significantly more secondary compression may occur respectively. The RSCL may be selected to be coincident with
simultaneously with primary consolidation in the field, where drain- the normal consolidation line (NCL), in which case
age path lengths are much longer. The notion of tp as a time dividing tref = tp. The NCL and RSCL are assumed to be parallel, which is
primary consolidation from secondary compression is therefore a consistent with experimental observations that the Ca/Cc ratio is
false construct borne of convenience rather than rigor, and use of constant (Mesri and Godlewski 1977).
this construct may result in errors when extrapolating laboratory The load stage in Fig. 2(a) follows a characteristic e-log10(t) con-
observations to field behavior. Bjerrum (1967) explained this scale solidation curve for an initially lightly overconsolidated soil, and
effect using a time-line idea in which different consolidation curves Fig. 2(b) shows the corresponding stress path in e-log10(s 0v ) space.
are associated with different amounts of time. The stress path drops below the NCL before the end of primary con-
The second problem with the traditional approach to modeling solidation because some secondary compression is assumed to
secondary compression is that the benchtop clock provides an occur during primary consolidation. The soil eventually reaches a

Fig. 1. (a) Consolidation curve showing traditional primary consolidation and secondary compression behavior; (b) nonlinear secondary compression
behavior when a vanishingly small load stage is applied and benchtop clock is reset such that t* = 0 at Point a; (c) linear secondary compression when
t* þ ta = 0 at Point a

© ASCE 04016149-2 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

condition wherein primary consolidation is negligible, resulting in constant specific gravity Gs, constant e-log10(k) and e-log10(s 0v )
an essentially straight line in e-log10(t) space with a slope Ca and a relationships, constant Ca, and one of the following is constant:
vertical line in e-log10(s 0v ) space. The void ratio at which the stress overconsolidation ratio OCR, initial void ratio eo, or maximum past
path crosses the RSCL is eca,ref – Cclog(s 0v =s vca;ref ). Assuming sec- pressure s 0p . The initial water table is assumed hydrostatic. The top
ondary compression controls the void ratio change during the essen- and bottom of the layer may be either free draining or impermeable,
tially linear portion of the e-log10(t) curve, the void ratio during sec- resulting in three possible drainage conditions: double drained, sin-
ondary compression, esc, is defined as gle drained through the top, or single drained through the bottom.
!   Derivation of the governing differential equation proceeds by
s 0v t additive decomposition of the volumetric strain rate, ɛ_ v , into com-
esc ¼ eca;ref  Cc log 10 0  Ca log 10 (1)
s vca;ref tref ponents from primary consolidation, ɛ_ v;pc , and secondary compres-
sion, ɛ_ v;sc , as indicated in Eq. (4). The expression for ɛ_ v;sc is given
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Differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to t results in the rate of by Eq. (3), whereas the expression for ɛ_ v is obtained from Darcy’s
change of the void ratio as a result of secondary compression, as law, and ɛ_ v;pc is derived from rate-independent elastoplasticity.
shown in Eq. (2), where a = Ca/ln(10).
ɛ_ v ¼ ɛ_ v;pc þ ɛ_ v;sc (4)
Ca a
e_ sc ¼  ¼ (2)
ln ð10Þ  t t
Expression for ɛ_ v by Darcy’s Law
Solving Eq. (1) for t, substituting into Eq. (2), and noting that
ɛ_ v;sc ¼ _e sc =ð1 þ eÞ results in the secondary compression volu- Flow out of and into an infinitesimal element of porous material is
metric strain rate given as shown in Fig. 3, and the rate of flow is given by Eqs. (5) and (6) as
" 0 #!
ɛ_ v;sc ¼
e  eca;ref Cc
þ log 10 0 v
(3) Q_ out ¼ kz iz dxdy (5)
tref ð1 þ eÞ a a s va;ref
Q_ in ¼ kzþdz izþdz dxdy (6)
Eq. (3) defines the secondary compression volumetric strain
rate at any point in e-log10(s 0v ) space based on the material con-
stants tref, eca,ref, s vca;ref , and ca, all of which can be measured in Noting that kzþdz = kz þ (@k/@z)dz, iz = (1/ g w) · (@u/@z), and
a traditional oedometer test for which the secondary compression izþdz = iz þ (@i/@z)dz, and neglecting the dz2 term arising from mul-
behavior is linear in e-log10(t) space. This formulation permits si- tiplication of kzþdz and izþdz, the volumetric strain rate is defined in
Eq. (7). The z subscripts have been omitted from the u term in Eq.
multaneous occurrence of secondary compression with primary
consolidation by simply integrating the secondary compression (7), although it is implied that this equation holds at a particular
strain rate for a particular consolidation increment. Furthermore, depth.
Eq. (3) is formulated based on the state of the soil rather than an
arbitrary benchtop clock. The approach therefore overcomes the
two fundamental shortcomings of the traditional approach to
quantifying secondary compression that were described in the
previous section. Specifically, the secondary compression strain
rate no longer depends on a specific time reference and can easily
be included during primary consolidation.

Derivation of Differential Equation Governing

Nonlinear Consolidation

Consider a layer of uniform saturated clay of thickness H with an

initial vertical effective stress at the surface qo exposed to a vertical Fig. 3. A uniform soil layer of initial thickness H with initial vertical
pressure increment Dq (Fig. 3). In this context, a uniform clay has a effective stress qo at the top exposed to a vertical stress change Dq illus-
trating node numbering for the finite-difference scheme

Fig. 2. Consolidation curve for an initially lightly overconsolidated

soil: (a) in e-log10(t) space; (b) in e-log10(s 0v ) space Fig. 4. Constitutive relation for hydraulic conductivity

© ASCE 04016149-3 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

_ out  Q_ in
Q 1 ∂ u ∂u ∂k
ɛ_ v ¼ ¼ k 2þ (7)
dxdydz gw ∂z ∂z ∂z

Many experimental studies have shown that the void ratio is lin-
early related to the logarithm of hydraulic conductivity [e.g., Taylor
(1948); Tavenas et al. (1983); Mesri and Choi (1985); Fox (1999)].
Therefore, the constitutive relation shown in Fig. 4 is utilized,
which is characterized by the slope of the e-log10(k) relation, Ck,
and a reference point (ek,ref, kref) lying anywhere on the line.

Fig. 5. Constitutive relation for compressibility

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Expression for ɛ_ v ;pc by Elastoplasticity

Compressibility resulting from primary consolidation is governed
by conventional consolidation theory, as shown in Fig. 5, where and permeability properties along with the effects of secondary
s 0v;ref and eref define a point on the NCL, Cc and Cr are the slopes compression.
of the NCL and unload–reload lines, respectively, and s 0p is the  2 
1 ∂ u ∂u ∂k av ∂u a
maximum past pressure. The NCL is considered to be a stationary k 2þ  þ
yield surface, and a stress state is not permitted to lie to the right gw ∂z ∂z ∂z 1 þ eo ∂t tref ð1 þ eo Þ
of the NCL. " !#
e  eca;ref Cc s 0v
The maximum past pressure, s 0p , is a variable that evolves as  exp þ log 0 ¼0 (11)
loading progresses beyond the initial value of s 0p , and s 0v can never a a s vca;ref
be larger than s 0p . The value of s 0p is computed on the basis of the
current stress condition as
eref  e þ Cc log10 ðs v;ref Þ  Cr log10 ðs 0v Þ Finite-Difference Solution Scheme
log10 ðs 0p Þ ¼ (8)
Cc  Cr
An implicit finite-difference scheme utilizing the midpoint rule
The change in void ratio for a particular load increment (Crank and Nicolson 1947) is adopted to solve Eq. (11), where
depends on whether the specimen is normally consolidated, i denotes discretization in space (Fig. 3); and j denotes discretization
begins and remains overconsolidated, or begins overconsolidated in time with Dtj = tj – tj–1. In general, the values of the internal varia-
and becomes normally consolidated, as defined in Eq. (9). A se- bles are different at the beginning and end of the time step.
cant value of the coefficient of compressibility can then be com- Incremental strains are computed based on the values of the varia-
0 bles at the beginning and those at the end, and the average of these
puted as av ¼ –de=ds v for a particular load increment.
strains is utilized in implementing the midpoint rule. Note that (av)i,j
s v þ ds 0v is the secant value of av for the time step computed as
de ¼ Cc log if 0 0
dei;j =ðs v i;j  s v i;j1 Þ. The value of Dz is computed as 0.5 · (ziþ1,j –
s 0v
zi–1,j), except at the top and bottom boundaries, where Dz is com-
s 0v ¼ s 0p puted as z1,j – z0,j and zN,j – zN–1,j, respectively. The resulting incre-
  mental form is indicated in Eq. (12), where Ri,j is a residual that must
s 0v þ ds 0v be minimized.
de ¼ Cr log if
s 0v " #
ðav Þi;j ui;j  ui;j1 ki;j ðuiþ1;j  2ui;j þ ui1;j Þ
s 0v þ ds 0v < s 0p 0  Ri;j ¼ þ
1 þ ei;j1 tj  tj1 2 Dz2i;j
! !
s 0p " #
s 0v þ ds 0v ki;j1 ðuiþ1;j1  2ui;j1 þ ui1;j1 Þ
de ¼ Cr log þ Cc log ; þ
s 0v s 0p 2 Dz2i;j1

otherwise (9) "

1 ðuiþ1;j  ui1;j Þðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ
2 Dz2i;j
The volumetric strain rate attributable to primary consolidation
is expressed in terms of the coefficient of compressibility, as indi- #
cated in Eq. (10), where du=dt ¼ ds 0v =dt, and « v,pc = –de/(1 þ e) ðuiþ1;j1  ui1;j1 Þðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ
(i.e., compressive volumetric strain is positive). Dz2i;j1
( "  0  #)
av ∂u 0:5a ei;j  eca;ref Cc s v i;j
ɛ_ v;pc ¼  (10) þ exp þ log 0
1 þ e ∂t tref ð1 þ ei;j1 Þ a a s vca;ref
( " 0  # )!
ei;j1  eca;ref Cc s v i;j1
Governing Differential Equation þ exp þ log 0 (12)
a a s vca;ref
Substituting Eqs. (3), (7), and (10) into Eq. (4) results in the gov-
erning differential equation for 1D consolidation of an elastoplas- Eq. (12) contains i þ 1 and i – 1 terms for u, and k, which
tic porous solid [Eq. (11)], including nonlinear compressibility requires consideration of boundary conditions at the top and

© ASCE 04016149-4 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

bottom of the domain (i.e., when i = 0 or i = N). Values of hydrau-
0:125  Dtj
lic conductivity that lie beyond the domain are set to k–1,j = k0,j þ ðuiþ1;j1  ui1;j1 Þðkiþ1;j1  ki1;j1 Þ
and kNþ1,j = kN,j. For a free-draining boundary at the top, ui–1,j = g w  Dz2i;j1
u0,j = 0; and at the bottom, uNþ1,j = uN,j = 0. For an impermeable ( "  #
drainage boundary, a zero-flow condition is obtained by forcing 0:5  a  Dtj ei;j1  eca;ref Cc s vi;j1
þ exp þ log
the hydraulic gradient to be 0 by setting u–1,j = u0,j at the top or tref  ð1 þ ei;j1 Þ a a s ca;ref
uNþ1,j = uN,j and subsequently solving for the pressure at the
impermeable boundary. "  #)
The solution proceeds by first initializing s 0v , e, av, k, and Dz ei;j  eca;ref Cc s vi;j
þ exp þ log (13)
for preload conditions. The initial element height is set to H/(N – a a s ca;ref
1). The initial vertical effective stress at the top of the layer is qo.
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The known initial profile of e, OCR, or s 0p is then used to initialize

the remaining internal variables. If the initial profile of e is After calculation of the trial values of u, residuals are computed
assumed constant, the saturated unit weight is computed as g sat = using Eq. (12). If the maximum of the absolute value of any residual
g w(Gs þ e)/(1 þ e), and the vertical total stress profile is com- exceeds a tolerance, the values of u are updated using Newton–
puted by integrating this unit weight with depth. If the initial pro- Raphson iteration. The values of dR/du must be computed for the
file of OCR or s 0p is set to be constant, the initialization procedure Newton–Raphson scheme and are defined by the partial derivative
is slightly more complicated because g sat varies with depth chain rule in Eq. (14). Expressions for the partial derivatives are
because e is not constant. First, the value of eo at the top boundary provided in the Appendix.
is computed using Eq. (9) after substituting s vo = qo, and the
dRi;j ∂Ri;j ∂Ri;j ∂s vi;j ∂Ri;j ∂ki;j ∂evi;j
value of g sat is computed at the surface. The value of g sat is then ¼ þ þ
computed at the i þ 1 node by iteration because g sat depends on dui;j ∂ui;j ∂s vi;j ∂ui;j ∂ki;j ∂evi;j ∂ui;j
void ratio, and hence it depends on vertical effective stress. The ∂Ri;j ∂avi;j ∂s vi;j ∂Ri;j ∂Dzi;j ∂ei;j
average value of g sat is then used to compute effective stress at þ þ
∂avi;j ∂s vi;j ∂ui;j ∂Dzi;j ∂ei;j ∂ui;j
the i þ 1 node, and the procedure is repeated to the bottom of the
domain. !
∂Ri;j ∂ei;j ∂ei;j ∂s vi;j
The next step is to define a time vector based on the desired þ þ
number of increments, Ntime, and the maximum value of time to ∂ei;j ∂ui;j ∂s vi;j ∂ui;j
be analyzed, tmax. Following initialization, values of cv are com-
dRi;j ∂Ri;j ∂Ri;j ∂ki1;j ∂ei1;j
puted at each node, and the maximum value is selected. The first ¼ þ
time increment is selected to be tmin = a · (Dz2/cv) where a = dui1;j ∂ui1;j ∂ki1;j ∂ei1;j ∂ui1;j
0.025; and Dz is the initial element height. Note that explicit inte- dRi;j ∂Ri;j ∂Ri;j ∂kiþ1;j ∂eiþ1;j
gration finite-difference algorithms require a < 0.5 for numerical ¼ þ (14)
duiþ1;j ∂uiþ1;j ∂kiþ1;j ∂eiþ1;j ∂uiþ1;j
stability when solving linear problems [e.g., Fox and Berles
(1997)]. The value a = 0.025 was found to provide a reasonable
initial starting point and avoid problems associated with very After assembling the tridiagonal dR/du matrix, the values of u
large strains at the top and bottom elements that may occur during are updated using Eq. (15), where the superscript <m> denotes
the first time step. The time vector is then set to be logarithmically the mth iteration. Updated values of s 0v , av, k, and Dz are com-
distributed between tmin and tmax. puted, and a new residual vector R<m> is computed. Iterations
The solution for the j components of u proceeds by making proceed until the maximum of the absolute value of R is less than
an initial guess by setting the j components of av, k, Dz, e, and s 0v the tolerance. Note that R is the error in strain increments and is
equal to the j – 1 components and algebraically isolating the j therefore dimensionless. The convergence rate for the algorithm
components of u in Eq. (12). The system of equations can be is approximately linear, and accurate solutions can be computed
expressed as [A]{u} = {x}, where A is a tridiagonal matrix. on a personal computer in less than a second for 500 time steps
Components of A and x are defined by Eq. (13). The guess val- and 100 elements.
ues are then computed as u = A−1x, and A−1 is computed using  1
an efficient tridiagonal matrix algorithm (Thomas 1949), <m> <m1> dR<m1>
u ¼u  R<m1> (15)
wherein the number of computations scales linearly with the dU
dimension of A, whereas Gaussian elimination scales with the
cube of the dimension of A.
avi ;j ki;j  Dt Comparison with Benchmark Solutions
½Ai;i j ¼ þ
1 þ ei;j1 g w  Dz2i;j
Three benchmark solutions were used to verify implementation
0:5  Dt of the nonlinear primary consolidation portion of the code (such
½Ai;i1 j ¼  ½ki;j  0:25  ðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ
g w  Dz2i;j benchmarks are not available for nonzero secondary compres-
sion). The first two were presented by Fox and Pu (2015) for the
0:5  Dt expressed purpose of verifying nonlinear consolidation codes.
½Ai;iþ1 j ¼  ½ki;j þ 0:25  ðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ The third involves a comparison with the 1D consolidation
g w  Dz2i;j
theory of Terzaghi (1925) for a case in which av and k (and there-
fore cv) are essentially constant. Input parameters for the bench-
avi;j1  ui;j1 0:5  ki;j1  Dtj
xi;j ¼ þ ðui1;j1  2  ui;j1 þ uiþ1;j Þ mark cases are provided in Table 1. Fox and Pu (2015) used the
1 þ ei;j1 g w  Dz2i;j1 same soil profile for Benchmarks 1 and 2, with Benchmark 1

© ASCE 04016149-5 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

corresponding to a profile of normally consolidated soil and Table 1. Input Parameters for Validation Cases
Benchmark 2 corresponding to a profile of initially overconsoli-
Property Benchmark 1 Benchmark 2 Benchmark 3
dated soil that subsequently becomes normally consolidated as a
result of loading. For Benchmark 3, the compressibility and per- Cc 1.0 1.0 0.5
meability remain essentially constant throughout because (1) Cr 0.1 0.1 0.05
the specimen height is very small, the self-weight of the soil is s 0 v;ref (kPa) 40.0 40.0 50.0
negligible, and therefore compressibility is constant, (2) the es v,ref 2.7 2.7 1.4
load increment is very small, the change in void ratio is negligi- Gs 1.00 (Case A) 1.00 (Case a) 2.70
ble, and therefore av and k remain essentially constant during 2.78 (Case B) 2.78 (Case b)
loading, (3) the value of Ck is large, resulting in essentially con- kref (m/s) 2.0  10–7 2.0  10–8 1.0  10–8
stant hydraulic conductivity, and (4) Ca is set to 0 to facilitate a ek,ref 4.3 4.3 1.0
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comparison of primary consolidation only. Ck 1.3 1.3 100.0

Fig. 6 shows comparisons between the benchmark solutions for Ca 0.0 0.0 0.0
the nonlinear consolidation codes presented by Fox and Pu (2015) H (m) 10.0 10.0 0.01
with those computed using the implicit algorithm. Agreement was qo (kPa) 40.0 40.0 100.0
found to be good for both benchmarks, although with some visible Dq (kPa) 400.0 400.0 0.1
a a
differences in the pore-pressure and void ratio isochrones and minor eo 1.0
a a
differences in the plot of settlement versus time for Benchmark 1. OCR 1.0
The cause of these small differences is not currently understood, but s 0 p (kPa) a
200.53 a

it is not attributable to the temporal or spatial discretization. Ntime 100 100 20, 40, 80, 160
Increasing Ntime or Nele from 100 to 500 or 1,000 steps resulted in Nele 100 100 100
essentially no difference in the computed solutions. The important tol 1.0  10–8 1.0  10–8 1.0  10–8
behavior trends were identical between the two solutions, and they a
The initial profile of eo, OCR, or s 0p is specified as constant, and the other
were similar enough to conclude that the validation study was
two are computed.

Fig. 6. Comparison of Fox and Pu (2015): (a) Benchmark 1 settlement versus time; (b) Benchmark 1 excess pore pressure versus depth;
(c) Benchmark 1 void ratio versus depth; (d) Benchmark 2 settlement versus time; (e) Benchmark 2 excess pore pressure versus depth; (f) Benchmark
2 void ratio versus depth

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Fig. 8. Normalized settlement versus time for soil layers with various

and 20 m is in the reasonable range for a thick natural clay deposit.

The values of Sc,ult and t50 were computed from the analyses with
Ca = 0 to identify the settlement arising only from primary consoli-
dation. In defining the secondary compression parameters, the NCL
for Benchmark 1 was assumed to have been derived from a labora-
tory oedometer test. The value of tref was therefore computed at the
end of primary consolidation for the 0.02-m-thick soil layer using
Casagrande’s procedure. Because tref was computed at the end of
primary consolidation, the RSCL is coincident with the NCL, and
0 0
values of s vca;ref and eca,ref were selected to be identical to s v;ref
and es v,ref, respectively, as included in Fig. 8.
Fig. 7. Comparison with Terzaghi’s 1D consolidation theory for For Ca = 0, the dimensionless settlement plots were found to be
Benchmark 3: (a) dimensionless depth versus degree of consolidation; essentially identical, regardless of layer thickness. Although it
(b) time versus degree of consolidation appears that only a single line is plotted for Ca = 0 in Fig. 8, lines
are in fact plotted for all four thicknesses, but the differences
between the lines are smaller than the line thicknesses. However,
Fig. 7 shows comparisons of Uave versus Tv and Uz versus Z for Ca = 0.025, settlement increased as layer thickness increased.
for Benchmark 3. Excellent agreement was achieved between For H = 0.02 m, very little secondary compression occurred during
Terzaghi’s (1925) solution and the numerical solutions for the primary consolidation, and conceptualizing secondary compression
curve of Uave versus Tv for all values of Ntime. Furthermore, and primary consolidation as occurring in distinct regions of time
excellent agreement was achieved for Uz versus Z for all cases (i.e., the traditional interpretation) is reasonable. However, the rate
except Ntime = 20, where errors appeared in the isochrones near of primary consolidation was much slower for thicker soil layers;
the drainage boundaries. In all cases, the solutions required a therefore, more secondary compression occurred during primary
computation time of only a fraction of a second, so the poor per- consolidation, rendering the traditional interpretation increasingly
formance at Ntime = 20 is of little practical consequence. Rather, erroneous as H increased. For H = 20 m, the settlement at the end of
the purpose of including this solution is to demonstrate the sta- primary consolidation was approximately 1.8 · Sc,ult. Utilizing the
bility of the implicit integration algorithm. Explicit algorithms traditional interpretation would therefore significantly underpredict
that utilize the forward Euler method suffer instability problems settlement at the end of primary consolidation.
when Dt > 0.5Dz2/cv [e.g., Fox and Berles (1997)], whereas the
implicit algorithm used herein is stable and accurate for very
large time steps, thereby improving computational efficiency. Influence of OCR on Secondary Compression

Overconsolidated soil has long been recognized as exhibiting

Influence of Secondary Compression on Settlement less secondary compression than normally consolidated soil
[e.g., Mesri and Ajlouni (2007); Lambrechts et al. (2004)].
Because secondary compression occurs simultaneously with pri- Furthermore, studies have indicated that the slope of the sec-
mary consolidation, it influences settlement rate in a manner that ondary compression line in e-log 10 (t) space increases with
depends on the rate of primary consolidation. All other factors being time for overconsolidated soil, whereas it is linear for nor-
equal, a soil layer that consolidates slowly will exhibit more second- mally consolidated soil (Mesri et al. 1997; Fox et al. 1992).
ary compression during primary consolidation than a soil layer that Fox et al. (1992) postulated the existence of tertiary com-
consolidates quickly. Fig. 8 shows normalized settlement, S/Sc,ult, pression in peat samples as a result of an increase in the rate
versus normalized time, t/t50, for a soil with the same properties as of secondary compression with time. The vanishingly small
Benchmark 1 but with H = 0.02, 0.2, 2.0, and 20.0 m and with Ca = load stage in Fig. 1 also exhibited an apparent increase in C a
0.0 and 0.025. This range of thickness values was selected because with increasing log 10 (t) when the incorrect time reference
0.02 m is a common thickness for a laboratory oedometer specimen, was used.

© ASCE 04016149-7 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

data in e-log10(t) space increased with time. The prediction exhib-
ited the same qualitative behavior, in good agreement with the
measurements. The prediction exhibited a flatter slope immediately
after the end of primary consolidation. Furthermore, the data exhib-
ited a steeper slope near the end of the load stage. A number of fac-
tors may be at work in explaining the observed behavior, including
biological degradation, micromechanical behavior of the fibers, and
others. However, a portion of the nonlinear behavior can clearly be
explained by defining secondary compression rate as a function of
soil state [i.e., in e-log10(s 0v ) space] rather than using an arbitrary
time reference.
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Influence of Secondary Compression on

Pore Pressure
Fig. 9. Measured and predicted volumetric strain versus time for Load
Stage T15 imposed on a peat specimen by Mesri et al. (1997) In a free-draining condition, the plastic volumetric strains that accu-
mulate during secondary compression manifest as total volumetric
strain and, hence, soil settlement. However, plastic volumetric
Table 2. Consolidation Properties of Sherman Island Peat Sample strains arise from secondary compression regardless of drainage
conditions and therefore may result in an increase in excess pore
Property Middleton peat Sherman Island peat
pressure [e.g., Borja (1992)]. To illustrate this concept, an isotropic
Cc 8.5 2.85 consolidation test was performed on a specimen of reconstituted
Cr 3.0 0.20 Sherman Island peat from the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta, after
s 0v;ref (kPa) 90 40.0 which the drainage taps were closed and pore pressure was meas-
es v,ref 8 2.25 ured. This sample was taken at a depth of 3.0 m from a site on
Gs 1.6 1.8 Sherman Island where a field test was conducted (Reinert et al.
kref (m/s) 8.0  10–8 1.38  10–7 2014), and Shafiee (2016) measured the consolidation characteris-
ek,ref 8 4.88 tics reported in Table 2. The sample was first mixed as a slurry and
Ck 2.1 1.64 subsequently consolidated in a Shelby tube to a vertical stress of
Ca 0.32 0.23 10 kPa. The specimen was then extruded, trimmed, and placed in a
tref (s) 2,400 850 triaxial cell. The isotropic consolidation test involved first consoli-
H (m) 0.02 0.22 dating the sample to 10 kPa in the device. Subsequently, the speci-
qo (kPa) 24 10.0 men was consolidated to 20 kPa in Stage 1 and 40 kPa in Stage 2.
Dq (kPa) 12 10.0 Drainage was provided through the top of the specimen, and pore
a a
eo pressure was monitored at the bottom, to ascertain the time at the
OCR 1.0 end of primary consolidation, which can be difficult to measure
s 0v;p (kPa) 36 a
based on volume change versus time for soils with high secondary
Ntime 100 500 compression. The drainage tap was then closed at the end of consol-
Nele 100 100 idation in Stage 2, and the pore pressure was monitored.
tol 1.0  10–8 1.0  10–8 The volumetric strain versus time measured in Stage 1 is pre-
The initial profile of eo, OCR, or s 0p is specified as constant, and the other sented in Fig. 10 up to a time near 70,000 s, at which point the burette
two are computed. filled with water, thereby preventing further expulsion of water from
the peat. Water was subsequently removed from the burette, and
consolidation progressed to the final desired effective stress.
To explore the influence of OCR on nonlinearity in secondary However, the relationship of volume change versus time could no
compression in e-log10(t) space, the data presented by Mesri et al. longer be plotted because of the interruption. A prediction using the
(1997) for Load Stage T15 and corresponding prediction shown in 1D consolidation code is also shown. To facilitate a comparison
Fig. 9 were considered. Input parameters for the prediction were between an isotropic consolidation stress path and a 1D stress path
selected based on Figs. 4, 6, 7, and 8 in Mesri et al. (1997) and are involving only vertical strains, the volumetric strains were divided
summarized in Table 2. This particular load stage began with qo = by 3 based on the assumption that the strains are equal in the vertical
24 kPa and finished with 36 kPa, which also happens to be the maxi- and both horizontal directions. This assumption is not strictly correct
mum past pressure. The slope of the consolidation curve in this because soil may exhibit anisotropy. However, agreement between
region was steeper than that in the unload–reload region but less the measurements and prediction was found to be very good.
steep than that in the virgin compression region. A secant slope for After closing the drainage tap, the clock was set to 0, and pore
Cr was computed as 3.0 in this region. The secondary compression pressure in the sample was monitored. The pore pressure increased
behavior for this load stage was nonlinear, so the normally consoli- with time, eventually reaching 8 kPa after approximately 250,000 s,
dated Load Stage T14 was used to select Ca because its secondary at which point the test was terminated. Pore pressure was predicted
compression was much more linear. Furthermore, tp was found to by solving Eq. (12) for zero-flow conditions, such that the terms
be 40 min for Load Stage T14 based on pore-pressure measure- associated with d2u/dz2 were set to 0. The predicted pore-pressure
ments at the bottom of the single-drained specimen, and tref was increase was found to agree quite well with the measured pore
computed as being equal to tp in this case. pressure.
The measurements exhibited an initial consolidation stage fol- Having established that secondary compression can cause an
lowed by a secondary compression stage in which the slope of the increase in pore pressure when drainage is impeded, further results

© ASCE 04016149-8 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

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Fig. 10. Sherman Island peat behavior: (a) measured versus predicted volumetric strain versus time for the consolidation stage; (b) pore pressure ver-
sus time during the postconsolidation undrained stage

an unrealistic condition for natural soil deposits, even those that

have not been mechanically loaded to a higher pressure. Secondary
compression that occurs during the time required for the deposit to
come into hydrostatic equilibrium would result in the void ratio
being lower than the NCL, hence resulting in an overconsolidated
condition. Therefore, deposits that have naturally aged are not likely
to generate excess pore pressure as a result of secondary compres-
sion. Selection of an appropriate overconsolidation ratio must there-
fore consider the combined effects of mechanical preloading and
secondary compression.


A nonlinear 1D implicit finite-difference code for primary consoli-

dation and secondary compression was developed. Innovations
associated with the code are (1) it is a publicly accessible Web
application, (2) it includes secondary compression simultaneously
with primary consolidation by modeling the plastic volumetric
strain rate resulting from secondary compression as a function of
position in e-log s 0v rather than making it a function of an arbitrary
Fig. 11. Isochrones at average degree of consolidation near 10% for time reference, (3) it is able to accurately predict nonlinear second-
the consolidation stage in Fig. 6 ary compression behavior that has been observed for overconsoli-
dated soils, and (4) it is able to model excess pore pressures gener-
ated by secondary compression for soils with impeded drainage in
are presented to demonstrate that this mechanism can also occur for agreement with experimental data.
field conditions when the soil layer thickness is large enough to Several limitations of the code must be considered for proper
effectively impede drainage at the center for an adequate amount of interpretation of analysis results. First, the code presented herein is
time. For the example problem in Fig. 8, pore pressure isochrones 1D, but field consolidation problems are typically three-dimensional
were plotted at an average degree of consolidation near 10%, as and involve complex drainage boundary conditions. Second, as cur-
shown in Fig. 11. Excess pore pressure was generated in the middle rently implemented, the code permits only a single uniform soil layer
of the thicker layers because a significant amount of time was and does not permit users to input layered profiles. Many sites ex-
required for pore pressure to begin to dissipate. However, for the hibit distinct geologic units that deviate from the boundary condi-
thinner layers, the rate of consolidation was fast enough that the tions currently permitted in the code. Third, the compressibility of
excess pore pressure generated by secondary compression was soil is known to be nonlinear in e-log10(s 0v ) space (i.e., Cc depends
negligible. on e), but Cc is assumed constant in the code. This is reasonable for
An important consideration is that Fig. 11 presents a case in many engineering problems, but the assumption can result in unrea-
which the soil was initially normally consolidated. However, this is sonable results in some cases, particularly at high s 0v , at which the

© ASCE 04016149-9 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

predicted values of e can even become negative (a physically impos- ∂Ri;j Dt
¼ ½ki;j  ðui1;j  2  ui;j þ uiþ1;j Þ
sible condition). Fourth, the code predicts very low secondary com- ∂Dzi;j g w  Dz3i;j
pression rates for highly overconsolidated soil, which does not agree
well with laboratory observations. Solving this problem lies beyond þ 0:25  ðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ  ðuiþ1;j  ui1;j Þ (25)
the scope of this paper, but the framework is amenable to future
modifications to better match observed behavior. Fifth, the code per-
mits only a single instantaneous application of vertical load and
∂s vi;j
assumes that the change in pore pressure is equal to the change in ¼ 1 (26)
vertical total stress. Real problems often involve time-dependent ∂ui;j
loading conditions because of construction time lines, along with un-
saturated soil conditions for which the change in vertical stress is not ∂ki;j kref  ln ð10Þ ei;j eC k;ref
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equal to the change in pore pressure. Finally, the code has not been ¼ 10 k (27)
∂ei;j Ck
compared with a wide range of experimental data, and doing so is
beyond the scope of this paper. Future studies are being planned by
the author, and it is hoped that the publicly available code will also ∂ki1;j kref  ln ð10Þ ei1;jCek;ref
be used by others to provide future validation. Because of these limi- ¼ 10 k (28)
∂ei1;j Ck
tations, engineers are encouraged to use judgment in interpreting
their numerical predictions and perhaps use a different code (such as
those cited early in this paper) that is better suited to the particular ∂kiþ1;j kref  ln ð10Þ eiþ1;jCek;ref
¼ 10 k (29)
problem at hand if any of the limitations are deemed unacceptable. ∂eiþ1;j Ck

Appendix. Partial Derivatives Required for

Newton–Raphson Iteration
∂ki;j 0:5  ln ð10Þ  avi;j  kref
The implicit algorithm requires evaluation of the partial deriva- ¼
∂ui;j Ck
tives in Eq. (14). The derivatives are as follows:
∂Ri;j avi;j ki;j  Dt ei;j1 þ avi;j ðui;j  ui;j1 Þ  ek;ref
¼  (16)  exp ln ð10Þ (30)
∂ui;j 1 þ ei;j1 g w  Dz2i;j Ck

∂Ri;j 0:5  Dt
¼ ½ki;j þ 0:25ðki1;j  kiþ1;j Þ (17)
∂ui1;j g w  Dz2i;j ∂ei;j avi;j
¼ h  i (31)
∂ui;j 1 þ 0:5Dt exp ei;j eca;ref þ Cc log s vi;j
tref a a s vca;ref
∂Ri;j 0:5  Dt
¼ ½ki;j þ 0:25ðkiþ1;j  ki1;j Þ (18)
∂uiþ1;j g w  Dz2i;j
∂ei1;j avi1;j
¼ h  s v i (32)
∂Ri;j ui;j  ui;j1 ∂ui;j ei1;j eca;ref
¼ (19) 1 þ tref exp
a þ Cac log s vci1;j
∂avi;j 1 þ ei;j1 a;ref

∂Ri;j 0:5  Dt ∂eiþ1;j aviþ1;j

¼ ðui1;j  2:0  ui;j þ uiþ1;j Þ (20) ¼ h  s v i (33)
∂ki;j g w  Dz2i;j ∂ui;j e e
1 þ tref exp
0:5Dt iþ1;j
þ Cac log s vciþ1;j

∂Ri;j 0:125  Dt   0  
¼ ðui1;j  uiþ1;j Þ (21)
∂ki1;j g w  Dz2i;j sv
Cc s vi;j  s vi;j ln s 0 i;j  s vi;j1
∂avi;j vi;j1 0 0
¼ if s pi;j ¼ s vi;j1
∂Ri;j 0:125  Dt ∂s vi;j s vi;j  ln ð10Þ  ðs vi;j  s vi;j1 Þ2
¼ ðuiþ1;j  ui1;j Þ (22)
∂kiþ1;j g w  Dz2i;j
∂Ri;j 0:5  Dt  Cc Cr s vi;j  s vi;j ln s 0 i;j  s vi;j1
¼ ∂avi;j
∂s vi;j s vi;j  ln ð10Þ  tref  ð1 þ ei;j1 Þ
¼ if
"  s # ∂s vi;j s vi;j  ln ð10Þ  ðs vi;j  s vi;j1 Þ2
ei;j  eref Cc vi;j
 exp þ log 0 (23) s 0pi;j > s 0vi;j1 þ ui ; j1 –ui ;j
a a s vca;ref

h s v i  sp
"  s # Cc s vi;j  s vi;j ln s pi;j  s vi;j1  Cr  s vi;j  ln s v i;j
∂Ri;j 0:5  Dt ei;j  eca;ref Cc ∂avi;j
vi;j i;j i;j1
¼ exp þ log 0 ∂s vi;j s vi;j  ln ð10Þ  ðs vi;j  s vi;j1 Þ2
∂ei;j tref  ð1 þ ei;j1 Þ a a s vca;ref
(24) otherwise (34)

© ASCE 04016149-10 Int. J. Geomech.

Int. J. Geomech., 2017, 17(6): 04016149

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