OpenMind TE2 Workbook Answer Key

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Unit 1 Section 4 Unit 2

Exercise A
Section 1 1 We, It Section 1
Exercise A 2 They, there Exercise A
1 surfs the Internet 3 She, them
Positive Neutral Negative
Workbook Answer Key

2 search engine 4 She, it

amazing strange dull
3 buys Exercise B
4 shop online incredible unusual incomprehensible
1b 2a 3b 4a
5 play online games well-liked new silly
6 writes a blog Section 5 popular modern terrible
7 checks his e-mail
8 writes e-mails Exercise A Exercise B
1 was living, wrote 1a 2a 3b 4a 5a 6b
Exercise B 2 got, were traveling
1 shop online 3 was studying, stole
2 send e-mails
Section 2
4 were cleaning, found
3 write a blog 5 met, was studying Exercise A
4 play online games 6 was researching, found 1 Museums aren’t as interesting as
5 download music art galleries
6 surf the Internet Exercise B 2 Painting isn’t as easy as
1 I was chatting online when I heard photography.
Section 2 the crash. 3 TV shows aren’t as interesting as
2 We didn’t go out while it was raining. movies.
Exercise A 3 Julianne and Kate were having dinner 4 Country music isn’t as dull as hip-hop.
Regular verbs Irregular verbs when they heard the news.
4 Were you living in France when you Exercise B
play played have had
started French lessons? 2 not as exciting as rock music
chat chatted go went 3 as expensive as operas
check checked find found Watch out! 4 not as well-liked as classical art
study studied buy bought What were you doing when I called 5 as difficult as painting
you? 6 not as popular as video games
learn learned write wrote
surf surfed come came Section 6 Watch out!
stay stayed do did Rock music CDs are as expensive as
Exercise A pop music CDs.
download downloaded be was/ 1 Cool. Did you like it?
were 2 Yeah? Where? Section 3
3 Really? Why? What were you doing?
Exercise B 4 And what about you?; Oh, yeah? Exercise A
1 chatted How come? amazing, boring, unusual, modern,
2 didn’t write a incredible, silly
3 didn’t chat Over to you
4 bought Exercise B
5 Did, buy, Yes, did Exercise A 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F
6 Did, write, No, didn’t 1 her high school graduation
7 study, Yes, did 2 in the auditorium Section 4
3 nervous Exercise A
Watch out! 4 relaxed and confident
He didn’t go to school today. 1 e, h 2 a, g 3 c, d 4 b, i 1 f, j
5 by e-mail, chatting online, blogs, and
Exercise D a school reunion once a year Exercise B
2 surfed 1 learn about photography
3 found Down Time 2 join a book club
4 played 3 take a dance class
Exercise A 4 join an art club
5 was
6 do Down
7 have 1 surprised Section 5
3 amazed
4 excited Exercise A
Section 3
5 upset Adjective Superlative
Exercise A 7 angry good the best
1a 2b 3a 4a 5b 6b Across
7a 8b bad the worst
1 shocked
funny the funniest
Exercise B 2 worried
6 disappointed fat the fattest
1 He failed his driving test. (upset)
2 They first opened their book store. beautiful the most beautiful
Exercise B
(excited and happy) 1 same, game strange the strangest
3 She started university. (worried) 2 ride, hide popular the most popular
4 Someone stole her purse on the 3 fine, nine happy the happiest
bus. (angry and shocked) 4 mice, nice interesting the most interesting
important the most important


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Exercise B Section 2 Exercise B
2 most exciting 1 Sorry. 2 Go right ahead.
3 least boring Exercise A 3 I’m afraid not. Sorry. 4 Certainly.
4 least exciting 2 A: Are these her sunglasses?
B: No, I think they’re his.
5 least interesting Over to you
6 most difficult 3 A: Are these your tickets?
7 most popular B: Yes, they’re mine. Exercise A
8 most fun 4 A: Is this our guidebook? 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F
B: No, I think it’s hers.
Watch out! Exercise B
Photography is the easiest kind of art. Exercise B 1 relax, read a book, sit in the sun, go
2 ’s hers for a swim
3 ’re his 2 see interesting sights, go to
Section 6
4 ’re ours concerts, learn about different
Exercise A 5 ’s theirs cultures
2a 3b 4d 6 ’s mine
Exercise B
7 ’re yours Down Time
1 Because 2 so 3 because 4 so Exercise C Exercise A
1 Whose tickets are these?; mine 1 toothbrush, guidebook, tickets
Over to you 2 Whose sunglasses are those?; ours 2 wallet, suntan lotion, sunglasses
3 Whose wallet is that?; hers 3 map, driver’s license, passport
Exercise A 4 Whose guidebook is this?; theirs
1 to listen to music and store music Exercise B
2 in the car, in the office, in the gym, Exercise D 1 In Picture B, a man is checking in
and when he travels by bus or train 1 This is her suitcase. and showing his tickets (not his
2 Whose bag is this? passport).
mindStrategy 3 Are these yours? 2 In Picture B, a woman is waiting
4 Those are my keys. in line behind him and holding a
Exercise B 5 Whose jacket is this? guidebook (not a map).
1 painter 6 These are your tickets. 3 In Picture B, a woman is not wearing
2 writer sunglasses.
3 sculptor Section 3 4 In Picture B, the man standing next
4 photographer to the woman is holding a briefcase
5 designer Exercise A
(not a suitcase).
6 singer 1 change 2 find 3 make 4 pack
5 In Picture B, the man at the back is
7 scientist 5 rent 6 check in
wearing shorts (not pants).
8 politician 6 In Picture B, there is no suntan lotion
Exercise B
Exercise C 2 find 3 make 4 rent 5 change in the suitcase
-er: writer, painter, photographer, singer, 6 pack 7 take 8 check in
designer Unit 4
-or: sculptor Section 4
-ist: scientist Section 1
Exercise A
-ician: politician
1 tree houses, birds and animals, one Exercise A
of our guides 1 won 2 had 3 lost 4 missed
Unit 3 2 ice chairs, ice chairs, the ice hotel 5 won 6 failed 7 saw 8 found
Section 1 Section 5 Exercise B
2 find, f 3 win, d 4 miss, c
Exercise A Exercise A 5 have, b 6 lose, a
1 tickets 1 P 2 R 3 P 4 R
2 a toothbrush Watch out!
3 a driver’s license Watch out! I missed the last bus home.
4 a guidebook Can/Could you tell me the time,
5 a map please? Section 2
6 a passport Exercise B Exercise A
7 suntan lotion 1 Could I have two tickets, please?; b
8 a wallet 2 May I use my cell phone here?; d Verb Past participle
9 a backpack 3 Could I get 200g of olives, please?; a be been
10 sunglasses 4 Could I pay by credit card?; c go gone
Exercise B work worked
1 toothbrush Section 6
find found
2 passport Exercise A
3 driver’s license eat eaten
Positive: No problem; Go (right) ahead;
4 tickets give given
Sure; Certainly; Of course
5 guidebook Negative: Sorry; I’d rather you didn’t; win won
6 wallet I’m afraid not. Sorry. read read
watch watched
see seen


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Exercise B Over to you Section 3
1 Have you ever eaten sushi?; b
2 We have never visited France, d A Exercise A
3 I have never won the lottery, a 1 b 2 a 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b
4 She has never seen My Name Is Exercise B
Earl; c mindStrategy 1 e, should
Workbook Answer Key

Exercise C Exercise A 2 d, had better

2 Have you ever lost your passport? fail: an exam, a driving test 3 a, should
3 Have you ever won a competition? lose: a competition, a job, an argument, 4 c, ought
4 Have you ever written a blog? some money, your wallet, your way 5 f, ought
5 Have you ever had an accident? miss: a class, a bus, a person, a train 6 b, should
6 Have you ever caught a fish? find: a job, some money, your wallet,
Exercise C
your way
Watch out! 1 should
win: a competition, an argument, first
I have never seen a giraffe. 2 shouldn’t
place, some money, the lottery
3 had better
have: an accident, a good time, a job,
4 shouldn’t
Section 3 an argument, some money, some
5 ought to
problems, your way
Exercise A 6 had better not
1 agree
2 disagree Unit 5 Section 4
3 agree
4 agree Section 1 Exercise A
1 Hi. Great music!
Exercise B Exercise A 2 Are you enjoying the concert?
1 A: I don’t think … B: I know. 3 So, have you seen this band before ?
Positive Negative
2 A: I think … B: No way! 4 Excuse me. Do you know anything
3 A: I think … B: Personally, I … awesome awful about this album?
4 A: In my opinion … B: Yes, that’s catchy noisy
true. Exercise B
good for dancing old-fashioned
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 a
expressive repetitive
Section 4
Section 5
Exercise A Exercise B
1 d 2 f 3 e 4 c 5 a 6 b 1 catchy Exercise A
2 noisy 1 gospel
Exercise B 3 awful 2 blues
1 A black cat jumped out at him, afraid 4 repetitive 3 heavy metal
2 His cell phone went off in the middle 5 awesome 4 country
of a play, embarrassed 6 good for dancing 5 dance
3 She started a new computer class, 7 expressive 6 funk
confused 8 old-fashioned Exercise B
1 country
Section 5 Section 2 2 blues
Exercise A Exercise A 3 gospel
for: six months, two years, an hour, 1 SP 2 PP 3 SP 4 PP
three days Section 6
since: last year, 2008, November, Exercise B
Wednesday 2 have Exercise A
3 played 1 a musical collaboration
Exercise B 4 Did, enjoy 2 a fusion of folk, rock and country
2 been to the U.S. for ten years 5 did
3 studied Chinese for four years Exercise B
6 won 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 T 7 F 8 F
4 lived in their new home for three 7 have, been
months 8 have
5 had this MP3 player since August Over to you
9 went
6 had our cat for two years 10 was Exercise A
Watch out! Watch out! Mona’s Mona’s Mona
I’ve lived in this town for three years I have never written a song. family friends
Exercise C Exercise C Type of classical rock soul
1 have, owned, For 1 went music and jazz
2 hasn’t had, since 2 Have, seen Singers Charlie Bruce James
3 haven’t eaten, since 3 have seen or Parker Springsteen Brown and
4 haven’t seen, for 4 has, played bands and and Bon Aretha
5 has, played, Since 5 were Miles Jovi Franklin
6 has taught, for 6 took Davis
7 bought Where at home everywhere everywhere
Section 6 8 listened do they
Exercise A 9 did, do listen to
1 but 2 and 3 because 4 or music?


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Down Time Exercise B Section 2
1 cleans 2 take 3 hangs 4 put
1 opera 5 throws 6 pick Exercise A
2 New York 1 The dessert is not creamy enough.
3 New Orleans 2 The sauce is too spicy.
Section 5
4 The Beatles 3 The toast is not crunchy enough.
5 1970s Exercise A 4 The ice cream is too sweet.
6 funk 2 I cleaned the kitchen up yesterday. Exercise B
7 Grammy®
3 We threw away those old chairs. 1 soup is too cold
8 Paul Simon
4 I put them away this morning. 2 sauce is too bland
9 Destiny’s Child
3 lemonade is too sweet
10 Shakira 5 Gina gave the books away.
4 French fries are too mushy
11 c o n c e r t w v y 6 Hang them up right now!
z a h n d g u l g r Exercise C
j a z b v v j s o t 7 He took the boxes out last week.
1 oranges aren’t sweet enough
l a c i s s a l c n 8 They picked up their clothes. 2 chicken isn’t juicy enough
s f r r g k e b i u 3 vegetables aren’t crunchy enough
Exercise B
d u j e c o l p z o
2 You should throw them away. Watch out!
z s r o p u s j s c
3 My roommate always cleans it up. This coffee isn’t hot enough.
z i r q e o b p p f
4 Don’t forget to hang it up.
a o k s w v p h e h
5 Do you usually give them away? Section 3
j n n m u b l a z l
6 They don’t always remember to take
it out. Exercise A
Unit 6 7 Can you put them away, please? 2 a bag of potato chips
3 a package of pasta
Exercise C 4 a can of soup
Section 1
1 I hung it up. 5 a jar of mayonnaise
Exercise B 2 Correct 6 a bottle of water
armchair, bathtub, bed, cabinets, 3 Do you throw away old clothes or
closet, coffee table, dining table, give them away? Exercise B
nightstand, refrigerator, sofa, shower, 4 I cleaned it up yesterday. 1c 2c 3a 4c 5a 6b
stove 5 Correct Exercise C
6 Don’t put your papers on the 6 packages of cookies
Section 2 floor—pick them up!) 12 cans of soda
Exercise A 2 large bottles of water
Section 6 3 jars of peanut butter
2 I sent you a postcard.
Exercise A 3 jars of jelly
3 They showed me their new car. some apples
1 c
4 She gave the house keys to us. 2 b
5 I bought my girlfriend some flowers. 3 a Section 4
6 Olivia offered them some coffee. Exercise A
Over to you 1 How much, a little
Exercise B
Exercise A 2 How many, a few
1 them 2 to them 3 us 4 me
Picture 1 3 How much, a little
5 you 6 to her
4 How much, a little
Exercise C 5 How many, a lot of
2 We bought it for Julia and Anna.
Unit 7 6 How much, lots of
3 He gave them to Emma.
Section 1 Exercise B
4 They sent it to Matt.
1 less, less
5 They showed the new computer room Exercise A 2 fewer, less
to us. 1 sweet 2 spicy 3 sour 4 crunchy 3 less
Watch out! Exercise B 4 fewer
She didn’t give us any cookies. Possible answers: 5 less
1 crunchy, sweet, juicy Exercise C
Section 3 2 sweet, juicy 1 many 2 many 3 much 4 many
3 creamy, bland, salty 5 many 6 much 7 many
Exercise A
4 sweet, greasy, bland
1c Watch out!
5 salty, juicy, greasy
Exercise B 6 crunchy, salty, greasy I don’t drink much tea.
2 f 3 g 4 e 5 a 6 c 7 d 7 creamy, salty, greasy, mushy
8 creamy, sweet Section 5
Section 4 Exercise A
Exercise C
Exercise A 1 greasy, crunchy, salty, sweet; peanut a traditional clambake
1 out 2 up 3 away 4 up 5 away butter
Exercise B
6 up 7 away 2 creamy, sweet, crunchy; cheesecake
1a 2b 3a
3 juicy, sour; lemon
4 soft, mushy, salty, hot, spicy; fried
Section 6
beans with chili peppers
Exercise A
1B 2A 3D 4C


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Over to you Exercise C mindStrategy
2 Would you like to talk in a café?
Exercise A 3 Would you rather meet with a group Exercise A
1 C of friends? 1 go on a blind date
2 B 4 Would you rather go to a dance club? 2 ask someone out
3 A 5 Would you prefer to talk about 3 go out with someone
Workbook Answer Key

music? 4 break up
Exercise B
6 Would you like to invite your date 5 get together again
Name of Country Adjectives Did
home to meet your parents? 6 get engaged
food where they use to they 7 get married
people describe it like it?
Section 3 Exercise B
eat it
Possible answer:
1 crocodile Australia
tough, no Exercise A
1 pass your exams
cutlets not tasty, 2 Wasn’t he in our math class?
2 graduate from university
difficult 3 Isn’t she going to Los Angeles next
3 apply for a job
to cut week?
4 go to an interview
2 pickled Sweden delicious, yes 4 Wouldn’t you like to see a movie
5 get a job
herring sour, tonight?
6 get promoted
sweet, 5 Didn’t she break up with him last
7 retire from your job
disgusting month?
smell 6 Shouldn’t we leave a little earlier?
3 peanut U.S. salty, no 7 Didn’t she meet him in Japan? Unit 9
butter sweet, Exercise B
and jelly not Section 1
1 Wouldn’t 2 Don’t 3 Aren’t
sandwich healthy, 4 Haven’t 5 Isn’t Exercise A
strange 1 field
Watch out! 2 forest
Aren’t they going to get engaged soon?
Down Time 3 hill
Exercise C 4 lake
Exercise A 5 mountain
1 Didn’t 2 Wasn’t 3 Wouldn’t
1 shrimp 6 river
4 Aren’t 5 Doesn’t 6 Isn’t
2 pasta 7 island
3 turkey 8 ocean
4 steak Section 4
Exercise A Exercise B
Exercise B 1 island
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 c 7 b Paragraph 1: a, c, f, g
Paragraph 2: b, d, e, h 2 lake
8 c 9 a 10 b 3 mountain
Section 5 4 ocean
Unit 8 5 river
Exercise A
Section 1 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 F Section 2
Exercise A Section 6 Exercise A
1 b 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 d 1 drought
Exercise A 2 landslide
Exercise B 1c 2f 3a 4b 5d 6e 3 flood
1 break up
Exercise B 4 earthquake
2 going out
2 Did you get scared? 5 famine
3 got engaged
4 blind date 3 Did she get mad? Exercise B
5 asked, out 4 Did you get sick? 1a 2a 3b
5 Did he get bored?
Section 2 6 Did they get married? Section 3
Exercise A Over to you Exercise A
1 to see 2b 3a 4b 5a 6c
2 not eat Exercise A
3 to go out Exercise B
What did How did What 1 will
4 to go they do on they feel? would they
5 have 2 will
their first prefer to 3 will
6 to cook date? do on a 4 won’t
Exercise B first date? 5 won’t
1 I would like to go to a party. Gloria went to a shy and eat 6 will
2 Would you like to go out to dinner? Chinese nervous Mexican
3 We would rather not go out tonight. restaurant food or
4 Would you prefer to eat at home? pizza
5 I would prefer not to eat Italian food Takeo went bored go to a
6 Would you rather go to a movie? bowling concert or
Watch out! a club
I’d rather not see a movie tonight.


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Exercise C Exercise B Section 2
1 are, going to do Reason for What is
2 am not going to drive Exercise A
interrupting the topic of
3 are going to save 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 b
the main
4 Will, be conversation? Exercise B
5 won’t work Conversation borrow a making 1 am having
6 am going to join 1 pen copies 2 starts
7 are, going to do 3 am visiting
Conversation ask the having lunch
8 are going to make 4 ends
2 way to the
9 am going to ride
cafeteria Exercise C
10 am not going to use
11 will do Conversation get a copy getting 1 Is, having, is having
3 of the class information 2 is practicing
Section 4 schedule about 3 does, start, starts
courses 4 is, doing, is watching
Exercise A 5 is going
1 snows 6 Does, finish, finishes
2 windy
Over to you
7 is, doing, is going
3 sunny Exercise B 8 is going
4 stormy Person 1: 1
5 foggy Watch out!
Person 2: 2
6 rains Are you staying home tonight?

Exercise B Down Time

Section 3
1 cold, snow Exercise A
2 sunny, hot, cloud Exercise A
1 snow
3 cold, gray, cloudy, rain, wet, windy 1 relaxed, soft music
2 island
4 cold, foggy, stormy 2 crowded, loud music, lively, wild
3 mountain
4 sunny
Section 5 5 weather Section 4
Exercise A Exercise B Exercise A
1 will a
2 may 1 island Exercise B
3 will 3 forest 1 c 2 a 3 b
4 might 6 mountain
5 will 7 clouds Section 5
6 might
Down Exercise A
Exercise B 2 storms 1 a wedding
1 We might go swimming this 4 sunny 2 Picture 1: The bride and groom are
weekend. 5 windy greeting the guests.
2 I think it will not/won’t rain today. 8 lake Picture 2: The best man is giving a
3 We may get a lot of snow this winter. speech.
4 I will definitely go to the beach next
Unit 10 Picture 3: The bride and groom are
weekend./I may go to the beach dancing.
next weekend.
Section 1
5 They might not go for a vacation this Section 6
year. Exercise A
6 It will probably be sunny tomorrow. 1 snacks Exercise A
2 Decorate 1 R 2 O 3 O 4 R 5 O 6 O 7 R
Exercise C 8 O 9 R 10 O
3 guests
1b He will lose some money.
4 gifts Exercise B
2a He may/might not find a new job.
5 music 1 I can take you somewhere more
2b He will get some good advice.
6 Have relaxed
3a They will go into the store.
3b They might/may buy a new dress. Exercise B 2 I’ll buy some
4a She will not/won’t finish her work 1 invited 3 I could lend you a sweater
today. 2 guests 4 I’ll turn it down
4b She may/might be very tired when 3 snacks
she goes home. 4 made mindStrategy
5 decorated
Watch out! Exercise A
6 music
We might not have time for coffee. 1 a 2 b
7 gift
8 conversation Exercise B
Section 6 1 A 2 A 3 S 4 S 5 S 6 A
Exercise A
1 Excuse me, can I interrupt you for a
2 Excuse me, can I ask a quick
3 Sorry to interrupt, what was the


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Exercise C Section 4 Exercise B
Synonyms Antonyms Exercise A
large big/ tiny/small 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 a
spacious Exercise B E P D A I J C N E P R
dull boring interesting/ 1 The first camera phones were sold in
Workbook Answer Key

exciting Japan in 2001.
exciting awesome awful 2 The first computer mouse was
invented in 1963. O A C X A P P Y M G E
terrible awful awesome/
3 The first PDAs were produced in U C A L C U L A T O R
1983. S E M P S S J A K H A
fun exciting/ boring/dull
Exercise C N L E R Q T N O Y L T
1 When was the first talking movie F R R K T D D H V E O
relaxed quiet wild/lively D W A A X C Y B A F R
produced?; It was produced in 1927.
2 When were the first digital cameras
Unit 11 developed?; They were developed in Unit 12
Section 1 3 Where was chewing gum first used?; Section 1
Exercise A It was first used in Ancient Greece.
4 Where was cocoa first grown?; It was Exercise A
1 wood
first grown in Mexico and Guatemala. 1 f 2 d 3 c 4 e 5 b 6 a
2 glass
3 rubber 5 When was the first phone call Exercise B
4 ceramic made?; It was first made in 1876. 1 admire
5 metal 2 fight
6 plastic Section 5 3 make up
7 cotton Exercise A 4 get along well
8 nylon 1 send 5 respect
2 upload 6 obey
Exercise B
1 plastic 3 record
4 burn Section 2
2 wood/metal/plastic
3 cotton/nylon/plastic 5 get Exercise A
4 cotton/nylon 6 play 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 a
5 glass/plastic/metal Exercise B
6 wood/plastic/metal/glass/ceramic Watch out!
1 play If you help me, I will help you.
2 get
Section 2 3 send Exercise B
4 upload 1 have, try
Exercise A
5 record 2 get, don’t
1 P 2 A 3 A 4 P 5 P 6 A
3 don’t, ask
Watch out! Section 6 4 find, talk
The table is made of wood. 5 give, will get
Exercise A 6 will try, call
Exercise B 1 uncertain 2 certain 3 uncertain 7 doesn’t, won’t
2 is made 4 certain 8 won’t be, go
3 are produced
4 are built Exercise B Exercise C
5 is baked 1 I’m not sure, I guess … 1 If I don’t have breakfast, I can’t
6 is used 2 Sure, No problem concentrate.
7 are grown 3 I guess so, I’m not sure 2 You will feel tired if you don’t get
4 Yes, no problem. enough sleep/You feel tired if you
Exercise C
don’t get enough sleep.
2 The iPod®is made by Apple®. Over to you 3 We won’t get to school on time if we
3 These houses are designed by a
Exercise A don’t leave now.
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T 4 Our parents get worried if we are not
4 Facebook is used by millions of
home on time/Our parents will get
people every day.
Down Time worried if we are not home on time
5 These stories can be enjoyed by
everyone. Exercise A Section 3
1 A, L; microwave
Section 3 2 K, B; games console Exercise A
3 C, I; hairdryer 1 c 2 e 3 b 4 f 5 d 6 a
Exercise A
a 4 H, E; mouse Exercise B
5 F, J, cell phone 1 a curfew
Exercise B 6 G, D; laptop 2 allowance
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 a
3 keep it/your room clean
4 chores
5 ground
6 away your privileges


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Section 4
Exercise A
1 Curfew is 9:00 p.m.
2 Keep your room clean.
3 Don’t eat food in your room.
4 Turn off your room light when you
leave your room.
5 Do your chores.
6 Don’t go swimming without an adult.

Section 5
Exercise A
1 d 2 b 3 c 4 a
Exercise B
1 does your class start
2 are you going to do tonight
3 will you finish your work
4 are you/we having for dinner
5 are you going to do after you
6 does the plane arrive
Exercise C
1 Tomorrow will be sunny and warm. /
Tomorrow is going to be sunny and
2 Kelvin may/might study in Paris.
3 The train leaves at 10 a.m.
4 Martina is going to graduate next

Section 6
Exercise A
1 It is an opportunity to get real-life
2 They can travel to other countries, or
find a job.
3 They can think carefully about what
they want to study.
4 It helps young people develop
confidence and maturity.
5 It can be a lot of fun.
Exercise B
Many young people want to take a
gap year after they finish high school.
It is an opportunity to get real-life
experience. For example, they can
travel to other countries, or find a job.
Also, they can think carefully about
what they want to study. In addition, it
helps young people develop confidence
and maturity. Finally, a gap year can be
a lot of fun.

Over to you
Exercise A
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F


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