HND SQA-AD ICT电脑信息技术Assessment1 Outcome1 Outcome2 Royal Services

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Royal Services


1. Introduction ................................................................................................1

2. Identification ...............................................................................................1

3. Comparison ................................................................................................1

4. Evaluation ...................................................................................................2

5. Three types of information systems ...........................................................3

6. Two pieces of current legislation ................................................................4

7. Three threats to the security of networked information ..............................5

8. Three security procedures to protect networked information ....................6

9. Three ICT innovations ................................................................................ 7

10. Conclusion ............................................................................................... 8

11. References ..............................................................................................8

(1) Introduction:

The aim of this report consists of two parts. Part one is to talk about the
characteristic information about strategic management, tactical management
and operational management. In addition, this report evaluates the role of
business information in decision-making. From part two, the report is to
describe and evaluate three threats, security procedures about networked
information and new ICT innovations.

Part one:


2.1 Strategic management:

The information Strategic of management is long-term information (more than
5 years). Besides, the information is high current, the scope of information is
board and unstructured which will affect the whole company’s future.

2.2 Tactical management:

The information of tactical management is middle-term information (1-5
years). Besides, the scope of information is narrower. In addition, the
information always used to deal with semi-structured problems.

2.3 Operational management:

The information of operational management is short-time information (0-
12months). Besides, The information is first line and highly detailed and the
scope of information is very narrow. In addition, the information always used to
deal with very structured problems.
(3) Comparison

Comparing with these information of three managements, something in

common is that these information help managers to deal with company
problems. Also these three information have different places. The information
of strategic management is long time and the scope is broad. The information
of tactical management is middle time and the scope is narrower. At last, the
information of operational management is short time and the scope is very

(4) Evaluation

Strategic management
Internal: The market research. The company’s strategic management can
use market research information to observe company’s business direction and
find the needs of the company. For example, according to the market
research, the result is that there has large demand of corporate services. In
that way, the Royal Services main developing direction is to provide more
corporate services.

External: Government information. The company’s strategic management

can use government information to have long-term development. For
example, the government policy has be published to encourage large,
medium-sized small, and small enterprises in the service sector, so Royal
Services can based on the government information to make long-term

Tactical management
Internal: Finance department. The company’s tactical management can
achieve information through finance department. For example, the finance
department of Royal Services supervise and inspect the implementation of
various financial activities and financial plans of an enterprise, in that way,
tactical management can use the financial report to help Royal Services adjust
company’s budget.

External: Consultant’s report. The company’s tactical management can use

consultant’s report to plan the company's development for the next six
months. For example, Royal Services can through consultant’s report about
customer’s preference to ensure what kinds of products should be produced
to create the value of enterprises.

Operational management
Internal: Labour information. The company’s operational management can
achieve information through Labour information. For example, Royal Services
can use this information to know whether the workforce is adequate. If there
has shortage of labor, they can immediately add manpower which can prevent
the company from having scarcity of labour.

External: Supplier. The company’s operational management can achieve

information through supplier information. For example, Royal Services can
use supplier’s information to know qualities and varieties of materials can be
provided and know the date of delivery.

(5) Three types of information systems

5.1 Enterprise resource planning(ERP)

Enterprise resource planning(ERP) software integrates these various
functions into one complete system to streamline processes and information
across the entire organization. The central feature of all ERP systems is a
shared database that supports multiple functions used by different business

If the Royal Services use this system, the implementation of ERP will bring
direct economic benefits, standardize management, provide and update the
template for the company in time, and then enhance the competitiveness of
the company's industry.

5.2 Decision-Support System (DSS)

Decision-Support System (DSS) is a computer-based application that collects,
organizes and analyzes business data to facilitate quality business decision-
making for management, operations and planning. A well-designed DSS helps
decision makers compile data from multiple sources. DSS analysis helps
enterprises identify and solve problems and make decisions.

If the Royal Services use this system, they can through these raw data,
documents, personal knowledge from employees, management, executives
and business models and so on to analyze problems. In addition, this system
can reduce production costs, and bring great improvement to customers and

5.3 Transition processing system (TPS)

Transition processing system (TPS) provides a system for basic personnel to
use. It is an information system that provides targeted support to the business
process, and can provide a powerful tool support for the completion of a job.

If the Royal Services use this system, the highly structured will simplify
people's daily work and improves the work efficiency of the job manager. In
addition, it also helps organizations reduce business costs, improve
information accuracy, and enhance the level of business services.

(6) Two pieces of current legislation

6.1 Data Protection Act 2018

Under the data protection act 2018, those who collect and use personal
information have to follow rules of good practice for handing information called
the data protection principles. The act says personal data shall be collected
and processed fairly and lawfully; be held for specific and lawful purposes;
only be disclosed to those people described in the register entry. The act gives
rights to individuals whose reformation they collect and use.

According to this Data Protection Act 2018, if Royal Services want to achieve
informations, they must obtain the permission of parties. In addition, because
the purpose of this act is to protect the interests and informations of corporate
customers. Then the company should obey this act to do decision-making.

6.2 The Computer Misuse Act

The Computer Misuse Act aims to protect computer users from intentional
attacks and theft of information. Crimes under the Act include hackers, illegal
access to computer systems and the deliberate dissemination of malicious
and destructive software, such as viruses. Unauthorized access to modified
computers includes changing software and data, changing passwords and
settings to prevent others from accessing the system, and interfering with
normal operation of the system.
According to the Computer Misuse Act, before Royal Services make decision-
making, if the company access e-mail, chat, and other services using
someone else’s username, the company would be a crime. In addition, the act
also covers unauthorized access to different parts of a computer system, the
company only can allow to access one part of a system but not others.

Part two:

(7)Three threats to the security of networked information

7.1 First of all, Data Theft

Data theft is a growing phenomenon primarily caused by taking of another
person’s property without person’s permission or consent with intent to
deprive the rightful owner of it.
If the Royal Services suffer from the data theft, their confidential and
copyrighted informations will be sold and bought, and it is likely that our
company's competitors will be the beneficiaries of the data to crush our

7.2 Secondly, Virus

A computer virus is a program, an executable code, which can affect the use
of computers. Computer viruses are transmitted, hidden, infectious, latent,
excitable, expressive or destructive. Computer poisoning, may lead to normal
program can not run, delete the computer files or be damaged to varying
degrees, will bring huge losses to the company.

If the Royal Services is attacked by a virus, a mailbox with virus attachments,

such as panda incense virus, enterprise employees can not help opening a
virus containing the web page, resulting in the leakage of information, so that
competitors in the restaurant company to take advantage of the virtual.

7.3 Thirdly, Fire

Fire is to point in time and space caused by burning out of control. Among
various kinds of disaster, fire is the most often, the most common threat to
public safety and social development of one of the major disasters.

If the Royal Services suffer from the worm virus, some of the company's
important documents, the data on market research projects, and the
company's employees, which will cause serious losses to the company.

(8) Three security procedures to protect networked


8.1 Firstly, Install cameras

According to the data theft, the enterprise should install cameras at outdoors
and indoors. Camera also known as computer cameras, computer eyes,
electronic eyes. It is a video input equipment, widely used in video
conferencing, telemedicine and real-time monitoring.

Royal Services can be monitored all day and in all directions. And real-time
monitoring video can be recorded at any time to facilitate illegal activities. The
act of restricting the personnel in the active area plays a deterrent effect. It is
convenient for managers to grasp the situation as a whole and the data will
not be lost.
8.2 Secondly, Anti-virus software
According to the virus, anti-virus software is used to eliminate computer
viruses, Trojan horses and malware and other computer threats to a class of
software.Antivirus software usually integrates functions such as monitoring
and identification, virus scanning and cleaning, and automatic upgrade. Some
anti-virus software also has the function of data recovery.

Royal Services can use anti-virus software to prevent the invasion of

computer viruses, effectively and timely remind you of the current computer
security situation. Effective protection of data security in computers, data will
not be lost.

8.3 Thirdly, install smoke alarm

According to the fire, smoke alarm is to monitor the concentration of smoke to
achieve fire prevention, smoke alarm internal use of ionic smoke sensor. It is
an advanced technology, stable and reliable sensor, performance is far better
than gas-sensitive resistance type of fire alarm.
Royal Services can use install smoke alarm to remind employees. Before a
fire occurs, employees can prepare precautions in advance to reduce the loss
of data and personnel.

(9)Three ICT innovations

9.1Cloud computing:

Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand

network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can
be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction.

According to Royal services, the company is composed of 20 branches, which

means that the company’s task is large. The characteristics of cloud
computing are super large scale. So this technology provides the most reliable
and secure data storage center for Royal Services, so users don't have to
worry about data loss. In addition, because of the lowest cloud computing
equipment, computing is convenient for managers and staff.

9.2 3D printing :
3D printing is a kind of rapid prototyping technology, which is based on digital
model files, using powder metal or plastic and other adhesive materials,
through layer by layer printing to construct objects.

Royal Services can use 3D printing technology to automatically, quickly,

directly and accurately transform the three-dimensional design of the
computer into physical models, or even directly manufacture parts or molds,
thus effectively shortening the product development cycle. On the other hand,
3D printing even if it does not produce electronic products, but limited by the
material, other products that can be produced are very few.

9.3 Big data:

Big data is a large-scale data set that greatly exceeds the capability of
traditional database software tools in terms of acquisition, storage,
management and analysis. It has four characteristics: large-scale data, rapid
data flow, diverse data types and low value density.

Royal Services can make use of big data to provide accurate marketing for a
large number of consumers to provide products or services. But big data
requires high processing power, and there are privacy and security issues,
which will cost companies a lot of time.


According to this report, I know the information about strategic management,

tactical management and operational management. In addition, also know the
Royal Services use technology to solve running problems and develop market
survey projects.

11. References

1. Investopedia. (2018). Enterprise resource planning. Available at: https://

2. Techopdia. (2018). Decision-support-definition. Available at: https://

3. Cybercrime. (2017). Data Theft Definition. Available at:

4. Business dictionary. (2018). Finance department. Available at: http://

5. Salesforce. (2018). Cloud computing. Available

Government collections. (23 May 2018). Data Protection Act 2018. Available
at: https://

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