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In the cargo transport company, (Transportadora Container Fast SAS) the

managers meet to plan the 2020 budget report.The participants of the Board are:
Andres (President) Luisa (Vice President) Miguel (merchant) Camilo
(Treasurer) who were summoned to it.

Andres: Good afternoon, members and colleagues of the board of directors, how
are you?

Luisa: Today I feel very well, with the initiative to make it a very enriching meeting
and with good results

Miguel: Good afternoon colleagues, I hope you are well, I am excellent and with
high expectations for today.

Camilo: Good afternoon everyone and I hope it is a good day for the company

Andres: As we are all present, this meeting will last 3 hours to plan the budget
report of the company, if someone needs to leave early please notify and if there
are important announcements speak now.

Luisa: As there is nothing to mention we begin.

Miguel: This year the company has seen a noticeable increase in its income.

Andres: Camilo, have the costs compared to 2019 been negatively affected by the

Camilo: On the contrary, Mr. President, for our transport company there were
certain benefits such as the temporary cancellation of the toll-

Miguel: In addition, the demand rose greatly especially at the beginning of the year
with excessive consumption by people.

Luisa: So the financial situation of the company is stable and positive for this
year's budget.

Camilo: The price of fuel decreased this year to the benefit of transporters

Andres: The company's income will be favored this year compared to 2019,
Camilo more or less what percentage increased favorably compared to the other

Camilo: The company's revenue increased by approximately 50% considering

previous years.
Miguel: The sales strategies we use to mitigate competition have worked

Luisa: The investment we had this year in the vehicles, the good positioning of the
brand and the good service we provide has helped us to improve even more.

Andres: We have been positioning ourselves as a recognized, solid and quality


Camilo: Company revenues have been balancing costs positively. Taking into
account the large investments that we had as a strategy to achieve a good

Andres: The budget report will be done by March 31

Luisa: We must update information as soon as possible.

Miguel: I will pass data before the 25th

Camilo: I look forward to all the information and to present the report by mid-April.

Andres: Our next meeting will be scheduled for April 15 and present the report to
the board.

Luisa: Thank you very much for your assistance and we will see you until then

Miguel: Thank you and happy afternoon

Camilo: Dear colleagues, have a happy rest of the day.

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