ExhibitB Election Fraud Model

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Election Model showing effect of 220,000 fraudulent MIBs obtained in names of registered republican v

INP by MIB as Issued Crossover Indep

Candidate by Party Effect Shre Added
Biden 1,404,223 Dem 1,665,504 B 1,579,355 B 1,723,700 B
Trump 2,728,746 Rep 600,455 T 466,604 T 584,705 T
3rd Pty 53,261 Lib 24,690 J 24,690 J 24,690 J
Indep 0 Indep 262,446 I 262,446 I 0 I
4,186,230 2,553,095 2,333,095 2,333,095

Variables: Description Value Effect

Dem Crossover = % Reg Dems voting for Trump 0.0700 Reduces Dem pty MIB vote
Rep Crossover = % Reg Reps who vote for Biden 0.0800 Reduces Rep pty MIB votes
Indep Split = % of Indep who vote for Biden; Trump = (1-Biden %) 0.5500 Indicates % for Biden; Trum
INP = Ballots cast In Person
MIB = A mail-in or asbsentee ballot.
Fraudulent MIB (FMB) = A fraudulent MIB applied for in the name of a non-voting
registered Republican voter; submitted as vote for Biden.
Fraud Effect = Effect of fraudulent MIBs in number entered in 220,000 1
cell H19 on election results (by formula in this model,
the fraudulent MIBs are added to Biden's vote count in full
in Col J; the deduction from Trump's vote count occurs in *-
Col F, reducing actual MIBs issued to republican voters by
the number of fraudulent MIBs).
names of registered republican voters who did not vote in the 2020 election, submitted with votes for Biden

Fraud Total Total Compare

Effect MIB Votes With Fraud Nov. 7 1:49 PM *
220,000 1,943,700 B 3,347,923 B 3,350,884
(220,000) 584,705 T 3,313,451 T 3,313,529
24,690 24,690 J 77,951 J 77,951
0 0 I 0 I 0
24,690 2,553,095 6,739,325 6,742,364
Biden+ 34,473 Biden+ 37,355

Reduces Dem pty MIB votes for Biden; Adds to votes for Trump
Reduces Rep pty MIB votes for Trump; Adds to votes for Biden
Indicates % for Biden; Trump % = (1-Biden %); both % add to candidates' votes

Enter 1 to view result achieved with fraud in effect

Enter 0 to view result without fraud

The Biden and Trump votes in this column represent actual election returns
as of the time and date indicated. See Exhibit D, Col DS.

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