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This paper consists of 40 questions. Answer all questions.

Choose the correct

answer from A, B, C or D. Diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to
scale unless stated.

1. The value of digit 6 in the number 560 370 is

A 60 C 6 000

B 600 D 60 000

2. 3 258 + 617 497 =

A 610 645 C 620 765

B 620 755 D 943 297

3. 632 562 ÷ 6.
A 15 427 C 105 427
B 16 427 D 106 427

4. of 78 bulbs is
A 52 bulbs C 117 bulbs
B 60 bulbs D 156 bulbs

5. Convert 0.01 to a percentage.

A 0.1% C 10%
B 1% D 100%

6. 8% written in decimal is
A 0.008 C 0.8
B 0.08 D 8

7. 8.246 + 3.554 + 1.79 =

A 12.59
B 12.99
C 13.59
D 16.99

8. The diagram consists of several identical triangles.

Calculate the percentage of shaded parts.

A 25% C 50%
B 30% D 60%

9. Which of the following is not correct?

A 0.15 = 15% C 0.5 = 5%
23 2
B = 23% D = 40%
100 5

10. is equivalent to
A 11% C 33%
B 25% D 44%


Zain has RM3 001. Which of the following can he buy?

A A television and a washing machine.
B A radio and 2 washing machines.
C A radio and 2 televisions.
D A television and 2 radios.

12. 11 RM100 notes + 15 RM50 notes + 3 RM10 notes + 6 RM1 notes =
A RM1 886 C RM1 386
B RM1 786 D RM1 156

13. Azmi shared a profit of RM40 900 equally with his 4 business partners. Find
Azmi’s share of the profit.
A RM1 225 C RM8 180
B RM8 108 D RM10 225

14. Jamal paid RM34 246.80 to buy 42 handphones. What was the cost of
30 handphones?
A RM20 462 C RM24 662
B RM24 462 D RM24 862

15. RM10 159.40 − RM1 812.95 =

A RM8 346.45
B RM8 346.55
C RM9 346.45
D RM9 346.55

16. Which of the following is not correct?

A 14 × RM38.45 = RM538.30
B 9 × RM77.10 = RM633.90
C 100 × RM0.97 = RM97.00
D 20 × RM83 = RM1 660

The price of a video camera is RM3 475. A diamond necklace costs 7 times as
much as the video camera. Find the price of the diamond necklace.
A RM496 C RM21 325
B RM498 D RM24 325

17. The diagram shows a digital clock.

The time is
A 7:50 p.m. C 9:50 a.m.
B 7:50 a.m. D 9:50 p.m.

18. Susan starts work at 9:15 in the morning and stops at 6:10 in the evening.
How many hours and minutes does Susan work in a day?
A 8 hours 35 minutes
B 8 hours 55 minutes
C 9 hours 5 minutes
D 9 hours 15 minutes

19. hour =
A 14 minutes C 240 seconds
B 40 minutes D 2 400 seconds

20. 5 hours 45 minutes 10 seconds + 2 hours 30 minutes 55 seconds =

A 7 hours 15 minutes 5 seconds
B 7 hours 16 minutes 5 seconds
C 8 hours 15 minutes 5 seconds
D 8 hours 16 minutes 5 seconds

21. week=
A 10 days
B 2 days
C 7 days
D 5 days

22. The diagram shows the duration of Halim’s journey from town P to town Q.

1 1
1 hours hour
25 minutes 4 40 minutes 2


Halim left town P at 2:15 p.m. At which towns, A, B, C or D, did he stop to rest
at 2.40 p.m.?

23. What is the length of the rope, in cm?

A 40 C 80
B 60 D 100

24. 5 420 m =
A 542 km C 5.42 km
B 54.2 km D 0.542 km

25. Which of the following is not correct?

A 1 m = 100 cm C km = 750 m
1 2
B m = 25 cm D km = 600 m
4 5

26. 61.2 m + 1 499 m + 24.5 m =

A 1 .13P7 km
B 1 .4747 km
C 1 .5847 km
D 1 .5877 km

27. 45 × 0.916 km =
A 42.12 m C 4 212 m
B 4 122 m D 41 220 m

28. In the diagram, PQR is a straight line. The length of PQ is 965 m less than the
length of PR.

Find the length of PR, in m.

A 750.5 C 7 505
B 943.5 D 9 435

29. The diagram shows the locations of three points, P, Q and R.

54 km
61.3 km

What is the difference in distance between PQ and QR, in m?

A 730 C 7 300
B 2 740 D 11 530

30. 1.05 kg + 2.25 kg + 0.62 kg =

A 3 920 g
B 3 290 g
C 2 370 g
D 1 730 g

31. The mass of a packet of biscuits is 175 g. Find the total mass of 14 similar
packets of biscuits, in kg.
A 1.25 C 12.5
B 2.45 D 24.5

32. The diagram shows three boxes of different masses.

1 60 g 3 kg

Find their total mass, in kg.

A 0.88 C 3.85
B 3.31 D 5.56

33. A box is filled with 50 packets of sweets. If each packet weighs 1.5 kg,
calculate the total mass, in kg, of all the sweets in the box.
A 7.5 C 750
B 75 D 7 500

34. 254.96 kg + 37 kg + 8.605 kg =

A 300.665
B 300.565
C 200.665
D 200.565

35. Convert 6 600 g to kg.
A 0.66 kg
B 6.6 kg
C 66 kg
D 660 kg

36. The diagram shows the total mass of a pineapple and a comb of bananas.

If the bananas weigh 850 g, what is the mass, in kg, of the pineapple?
A 1.05
B 1.90
C 2.05
D 2.90

37. 10  5 m= ________ 

A 10.005 
B 10.05 
C 10.5 
D 105 

38. 244  + 598  + 450 =
A 1 290 
B 1 292 
C 12 900 
D 12 902 

39. The diagram shows the volume of liquid in each container.

Calculate the total volume of liquid in the containers, in .

A 312
B 8.75
C 9
D 10

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