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JoJo was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 1987 to 2004. In 2004, during the run of its seventh
installment, it transferred to the monthly seinen magazine Ultra Jump, where the current story continues
to this day. The series has sold over 80 million copies in Japan, and is one of the overall best-selling
Weekly Shonen Jump series. Numbering over 100 volumes (for a total of ~20,000 pages); it holds the
record for Shueisha's second longest-running manga series. English publication of the earlier parts of the
series is ongoing. It is perhaps most popularly known for its Stand phenomenon; the Stardust Crusaders
arc and its characters Dio and Jotaro Kujo; the expressive rendition of its proud, glamorous personalities;
and its hundreds of nominal references to Western popular music.

Chapters and arcs in JoJo are diverse in tone, contributing to a span of genres including Action,
Adventure, Comedy, Thriller, Mystery, Horror and Supernatural fiction. The thrust of the plot is met by
precarious, melodramatic interactions between individuals defined by supernatural power and conflicting
ambitions, attitudes or moral standards, along with a race among the emergent heroes of a given arc to
intercept a powerful central antagonist. The signature mechanic of the series is the supernatural,
increasingly abstract Stand powers that permeate most the series. Recurrent subjects in the text of the
manga may be condensed under themes of Fate, Fortunity, Justice and Redemption.
In the words of the man himself; ​“I believe that people are able to grow by overcoming obstacles
through the power of the human spirit and strength, and that, I believe is “an affirmation that humanity is
wonderful”. Within ‘JoJo's Bizarre Adventure’, there are fights and stories that involve various elements.
However, in the end, people pull through without relying on machines and divine beings to determine fate

What do I need?
Jojo’s Bizarre Tabletop is best played with a couple of six-sided dice, some pen-and-paper,
notecards, friends and a whole lot of imagination.


Characters in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure come in many forms: Japanese high-school delinquents,
Italian mobsters, and even the President of the United States, are all characters you could encounter on
your adventure. The following rules are here to help you to create the characters that will populate this
bizarre world.

Character Creation is split into two parts: Character Creation and Stand Creation. You’ll have 5
points to spend to increase certain aspects of your character and stand while designing, but there are
options you can take throughout to get you more points for a cost. Feel free to use the Character Sheets at
the end of the PDF when designing your character.

Characters have three statistics that are important to them: Brains, Brawns, and Bravery.
Brains determines your character’s ability to recall information and think fast in combat. It’s
primary importance is for allowing your character to come up and execute intense and dangerous plots in
combat (as described later on Pg. 24-25 in the ​Secret Actions​ section of the rules), and also to discover
the plots of your enemies.
Brawns determines your general athletics; your strength, agility and toughness are all determined
by your Brawns. If you plan to throw punches and take hits with your character, this is the skill you’ll
need. All physical rolls, whether being fast, throwing a punch, or powering through a painful blow, will
require a good Brawns score to succeed.
Finally, Bravery determines your mental willpower and ability to keep fighting past your
physical limits. If your character is attempting to resist an urge caused by some character flaw or trait, or
trying to continue fighting while every fibre their body is screaming out to stop, they’ll need a high
bravery score.
These three stats are scored from 1 to 5. To generate these stats, characters start out scored 3 in
their Brains, Brawns and Bravery, and you can choose to distribute some of your 5 points to increase
them. It costs one point to increase a skill up to 4, and it costs two more points to increase a skill up to 5.
If a player chooses, they can decrease one of their stats down to 2 to get an extra point, and even further
down to 1 to get two more extra points.
Any points you do not use in character created are saved for the Stand Creation process described

Health is based around two of the three stats your Stand User has: Brawns and Bravery.

Brawns determines the user’s “Real Health.” The Real Health of a Stand User represents how
many blows they can take before being pushed to their physical limits; you could think of it as your
character’s HP. ​To calculate your HP, you will use 1d6 for each point you have in your Brawn score
(if your roll puts you below average HP, you can choose to take the Average instead)​. This value will
be temporarily decreased whenever a character takes damage (defined later in this rulebook), only being
restored after a character seeks healing or the session ends. If a stand user is brought down to 0 Real
Health, then they move to a secondary health pool, their “Resolve.”

Bravery is what helps to determine a Stand User’s Resolve. Resolve represents the will for a
fighter to continue pushing forward powered only by their ideals and bravado. Because of that, the system
for Resolve works slightly differently. A player’s Resolve health pool starts at 0 and increases
proportionally to how much damage is taken. At the beginning of their turn, the player rolls a number of
D6s equal to their Bravery with the aim of rolling higher than all the damage they’ve accrued since
entering the phase.

If a player is about to take damage from an attack to either their Real Health or Resolve Health
pools, they can choose to take 0 damage from the attack in return for taking a critical injury. A critical
injury is some kind of narrative injury that hinders or prevents a character from doing certain actions. For
example, a character can take a critical injury when hit by a powerful stand attack, and instead of taking
that damage, they may break their arm or get their finger cut off. The severity of the critical injury should
change depending on the severity of the attack used against the character at the time, or depending on how
often the player attempts to use Critical Injuries to avoid damage. A Critical injury from a punch would
reasonably be a broken arm, while a critical injury from a sharp weapon could be anything from a deep
gash that causes bleeding, or something more gruesome like losing a finger or an arm. The GM should
look at the situation to decide what is to be done to the player. Mechanically, attempting to use a part of
the body that has taken a critical would means that the character does not benefit from any modifiers
when making the roll, or will straight up be unable to act with it, depending on the injury..

Now that you have the basic statline for your character, you can move on to begin making your
Before you get started on stand generation, you should first think about what you want from your
stand. Stand’s are ghostly projections of your soul with fantastic abilities capable of doing just about
anything. The possibilities are endless, and so it’s good to narrow down what kind of vague ability or
special power you want your stand to possess. This way you can work towards building your stand in a
way that best supports the ability you had in mind.

If you only have a vague idea of what you want to do, then that’s fine. Hopefully, by the end of
Stand Creation, you’ll be able to look at your stand’s parameters and be able to see a direction to take
your ability.


Stands are made with a point-buy system similar to the one used in character creation. Stands,
however, use more complicated “Parameters” instead of the simplified character stats.

These parameters are presented below, just like you see them in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure:

POWER: How strong you can ORA. Also, how potent a Stand’s abilities are.
SPEED: How quickly you can ORA. Also, movement speed, dodging, agility, etc.
RANGE: How far you can ORA. Also, the effective range of abilities.
DURABILITY: How well you can stand other ORA. Also, how long a Stand’s ability can act.
PRECISION: How accurately you can ORA. Also, how precise the Stand’s abilities are.
LEARNING: How well you can learn new ORA. Also, how well a Stand can adapt.

The parameters for stands differ slightly from a character’s stats in that they are placed as letter
“Ranks” that represent different power levels as follows:

A: Excellent

B: Good

C: Same level as peak health human.

D: Weak

E: Very Weak
These Ranks, unlike the simple scores used to represent characters, represent much broader levels
of strength and ability. As such, the effect they have on rolling dice and granting modifiers is different
than the simple boosts given by a character score.

The Stand’s Rank changes the amount of dice you use, and keep, when making a roll using a
Stand’s parameters:

E: 1d6 D: 2d6 keep 1 C: 2d6

B: 3d6 keep 2 A: 3d6

Table 1.1

When a situation calls for a “Parameter Modifier,” Stands’ Rank also helps to determine the
modifier that is given for that situation:

E: -5 D: -3 C: +1

B: +3 A: +5
Table 1.2

The process of making Stands is similar to character creation. When generating parameters,
Stands start out Ranked C in all their stats. You can choose to increase them with any leftover points from
character creation. It costs one point to increase a Rank up to B, and it costs two more points to increase a
Rank up to A.
A player can choose to decrease their stats for extra points like character creation, but this time
there's a catch. The player can decrease one of their Ranks down to D to get an extra point, and even
further down to E to get two extra points, but decreasing a stat down to Rank E causes a stand to adopt a
“Critical Weakness” associated with the statistic.
Critical Weaknesses are glaring flaws that result from a stand having an E-rank. These Critical
Weaknesses can vary, and the player and DM are recommended to brew up a critical weakness for the
ability that fits the Stand and User. Some examples of Critical weaknesses are provided in the descriptions
for each Stand Parameter.


All Stand parameters have their own niche roll to perform during combat, but they're uniform in
that they both affect your Stand or their ability in some way. Listed below are all the parameters in more
detail and for what purposes they’d be used.

Power measures the Stand's strength and ability to cause destruction (physical injury or collateral
environmental damage) in a given period of time. Whenever a Stand is used to cause physical damage or
destruction, Power will always be the main dice in the roll. Other parameters can be used to assist in
making physical attacks under certain circumstances (as detailed in Contested Rolls for Stands in the
Mechanics chapter later in the book), but a good Power ranking will still be necessary to do the maximum
amount of damage possible.

For an example, a Stand with Weak Power but Excellent Speed wants to make an attack that
consists of hundreds of quick punches. Even though that's a lot of punches, if there's no force behind
them, then they won't do much damage. As such, they’d have to roll the dice for their Weak Power, and
then add on the speed’s Parameter modifier (Table 2.2) to try and get an edge on the roll.

Power also helps to dictate the strength of your stand’s abilities. If your ability is going to harm
your opponent in any way, your power score will determine the roll that you make to affect them. Note
that this is only true for Stand Abilities that are not direct target projectiles and don’t require any complex
manipulation as those two categories are covered under Precision.

Example Critical Weakness:​ Stands with E-ranked Power are incapable of fighting physically. They are
too weak and puny to put up a fight with their bodies, and will automatically fail any fights when forced
to clash with Power, taking full damage.

Speed measures the Stand's agility, quickness and reflexes. Speed affects how good your stand is
at dodging incoming attacks, making a flurry of punches and how fast it moves across the battlefield.
Stands are generally considered to move with their users, but if sent off on their own, they’ll move at the
following speeds per turn depending on their rank:

A: 50 meters (164 feet)

B: 30 meters (100 feet)

C: 20 meters (65 feet)

D: 10 meters (32 feet)

E: 2 meters (6 feet)

Speed also plays a few extra roles in combat. Firstly, speed helps decide who goes first in the turn
order of combats. Whenever a combat begins, players add their Stand’s Speed Modifier to their initiative
roll, whether that modifier is good or bad.

Example Critical Weakness:​ Stands with E-ranked Speed are incredibly slow and sluggish. If a stand
with E-ranked Speed is targeted by an opponent’s Stand, then that opponent’s Stand can add it’s Speed
Modifier to the attack roll.
Range measures the Stand's range of manifestation*, range of ability influence, and spatial
mobility. When a Stand has high range, they’ll be able to appear, fight and use their abilities within the
range that is provided by their Rank.

For stand and ability range, rankings are defined as follows:

A: 100+ meters (328+ feet)**

B: 50 meters (164 feet)

C: 20 meters (65 feet)

D: 10 meters (32 feet)

E: 2 meters (6.5 feet)

Example Critical Weakness:​ Stands with E-ranked Range can only move and use their abilities within 2
meters of them, as listed above, meaning the Stand User has to throw themselves directly in harm's way in
order to fight. This stand is also completely unable to make projectiles of any kind, its stand ability only
being able to activate via its small aura, or by touch.

*Please note that although it is possible to manifest your stand suddenly at any distance away from your user, it is not recommended. Although
there may be strategically sound reasons for doing so, that is significantly less Cool™ than manifesting your stand right in front of or behind you
to pose with before sending it into combat.

**A-ranked Range is normally 100 ft, but can be any amount higher if the Stand is a Long-Distance Type Stand.

Durability measures the Stand's endurance and level of susceptibility to damage and attacks.
Stand’s are normally not their own entities with their own health values as they are just manifestations of
the user’s inner spirit. As such, any damage given to them will be considered an attack towards the user.
Durability exists to act as a shield against that damage.

Whenever damage is dealt to a stand, the stand will reduce the damage dealt equal to the
parameter modifier associated with its Durability rank before sending the damage over to the User. Keep
in mind that a stand with weak durability will actually ADD to the overall damage received when its hit,
so it’s wise to keep weaker, defenseless stands out of harm's way.

Another important use for Durability is in its effect on an abilities staying power. Whenever there
is an attempt to disable or remove an ability from a target, durability will be used to oppose the attempt.

Example Critical Weakness:​ Besides transferring 5 extra damage from being hit, a stand with E
Durability will be unable to create abilities that last on an opponent. All Stand Abilities created using an
E-ranked stand will end instantaneously (after a single round).
Precision measures the Stand's accuracy and the influence and effect of their abilities on specific
targets. Precision is the primary parameter when rolling to make ranged attacks. It also defines how much
control a Stand has over their ability.

For example, a Stand that makes flames appear on the battlefield could get by on having a low
precision, but a stand that wants to bend fire to form unnatural shapes around their opponent, like a gate
or cage of fire, they would use their Precision in that roll. Furthermore, if the player wanted to do
something complex with their ability that doesn’t involve directly damaging anyone, they’d use precision
as their primary dice roll.

Besides affecting your accuracy and stand ability, precision also affects how well your Stand’s
control over their senses is (if they have any). An A ranked precision means that your stand’s senses of
sight, touch and hearing are superhuman.

Example Critical Weakness:​ Stands with E-ranked Precision are incapable of controlling the effects of
their stand abilities to not harm them or allies, meaning that their abilities are capable of spinning wildly
out of their control, or are capable of causing themselves serious harm. Stands with E Precision also lack
any senses of their own, and act entirely through the guidance of what the Stand User can see, regardless
of what their Stand Types (mentioned further below) say.

Learning is different from the other five parameters in that it has no real effect on your stands
physical stats. Instead, Learning is important in allowing your stand to learn new techniques and abilities
on the spot. There are two ways that learning can be used: To expand on an ability, or to gain a new one.

When a player decides to expand on an ability, they can permanently reduce their learning score
by one rank and gain a new power based off their original ability. As long as the new application makes
some vague bit of sense to everyone at the table, then the new ability is instantly added to your arsenal
and can be used on the spot to solve a problem.

For example, a player decides they want their stand to have the ability to read minds.
Unfortunately, they end up being less than useful in combat, and he needs to act quickly in order to save a
party member. So, in order to counter that, the player decreases their learning to make a new ability
called Mind Blast, which allows them to directly assault the targets brain, stunning them. Since his
original power had something to do with the mind, it’s not a far stretch to imagine this ability as being a
latent talent, and so the GM allows the ability. With his new powers, he stuns his opponent long enough
for an ally to get to safety.

If a player wants, they can also develop an entirely new ability that is not related at all to their
original power, but this costs two ranks in learning to do. So, in order to maximize the usage of your
learning parameter, it is suggested to use as much pseudo-science as possible to link something you want
to do with your original power. Whenever a player gains a new ability through learning, it’s up to them to
explain if it came to them on the spot, it was something they were training to do, or just a secret technique
that they were waiting to pull out for just such an occasion.

Example Critical Weakness:​ A stand with E-ranked Learning doesn’t impart any negatives upon your
stand. A player decreasing Learning is simply limiting sudden, emergency utility for future power, which
is a risk the player is free to take on their own.

Another way of improving your stand is giving it a​ Stand Type. A Stand Type is a special
condition that you can give your stand that will change it in someway in return for giving you bonuses or
better stats.

You can select Stand Types and adjust stats interchangeably, but there are limitations. Some
Stand Types have prerequisites that require you to have certain stats or to pay a point cost before you
select them. If, by the end of character creation, your Stand’s stats don’t match the prerequisites, then you
can’t take the type. Furthermore, if you take a stand type that is listed under a category, then you are
locked out from taking any other Stand Types from that same category. Lastly, if a Stand Type would ask
you to “decrease an attribute”, then that stat decrease can’t put you below E rank (e.g. someone with
D-ranked Range couldn’t take Wearable until they boosted their range up to C first).

Listed below are different kinds of Stand Types that you can apply to your stands:

Close-Distance Power Type:

Minimum Prerequisites: N/A.
​ istance.
Category: D

Close-Range Power Type Stands are known for being able to inflict powerful and swift attacks
upon opponents. However, they are only able to move 2-3 meters away from their user, despite what their
range score is. They also generally have closer ranged abilities due to their decreased range.
If you select this type, your stand goes up a rank in both Power and Speed, but goes down in
Range one rank and is limited to using E ranked Range for movement purposes.

Long-Distance Manipulation Type:

Minimum Prerequisites:​ Range (A).
Category:​ Distance.

Long-Distance Manipulation Type Stands are capable of movement beyond that of a normal
stand. They can go distances away from their users that stretches into the kilometers, and often prefer
using ranged attacks due to their less than average destructive power.
If you select this type, your Stand gets mechanically infinite Range (As long as the stand user can
see the battle to command their stand) with equally long ranged abilities and projectiles, but goes down a
Rank in Power and Durability.
Far-Distance Autopilot Type:
Minimum Prerequisites: ​Range (A).
Category:​ Distance.

Far-Distance Autopilot Type stands are stands that act on their own. They follow a simple
objective without being directly ordered by their Users, though they can be preset to follow orders before
they are activated. Users do not have to be present for the Stand to do anything, as these Stands have a
range that is close to infinite, with no diminish in power relative to the distance from the user. As an
offset, since they are remotely controlled, automated Stands often lack Precision and Complex Cognitive
ability, and are clumsy compared to normal Stands.
If you select this type, your Stand gets Mechanically infinite Range, but goes down a rank in
Precision. Your Stand also becomes a remote controlled Stand that follows a simple objective: You do not
need to actively be involved in the fight for your stand to function, but your stand is unable to make any
cognitive decision making, and will be rather predictable because of it.
You can spend 1 character creation point to not have any damage transfer over when your stand is
hit. If you do this, roll a Xd6+Durability Modifier (where the X is equal to your character’s Bravery Score
+ the Stand’s Durability Score); this is how much damage your stand can take before being dispelled.
When dispelled, the stand cannot be summoned for the rest of that fight.

Substance Assimilation Type:

Minimum Prerequisites: N/A.
​ orm.
Category: F

Substance Assimilation Type stands, also known as Bound Stands, manifest by binding to
material objects. These can materialize as vehicles, elements, weapons and many more things. Unlike
other stands, these stands are able to take a solid enough form to be seen by normal humans. These stands
usually have a lower Learning score due to them only being able to manipulate the object they are bound
If you select this type, your Stand will gain Durability (A), but go down a rank in Learning. Your
Stand will be bound to an object and cannot directly take damage, only the object it inhabits, so no
damage will transfer over to you if your Stand is hit.

Integrated Type:
Prerequisites: N/A
Category: F​ orm.

Integrated Type Stands lack any physical form of their own, but instead give abilities to their user. This
ability usually either manifests on it’s opponents or on the user’s body.
If you select this type, your Stand will gain Durability (A), but it will lack a physical form.

Wearable Type:
Prerequisites: N/A
​ orm.
Category: F
Wearable Type stands cover their user like armour, protecting them along with granting the use of
their abilities. Because they are bound to the user, their range is often short.
If you select this type, your Stand will increase two Ranks in Durability, but go down two Ranks
in Range. Furthermore, your stand will manifest over your body like clothing or armour, making all
attacks against you count as attacks against a Stand.

Colony Type:
​ pend 3 Character points.
Prerequisites: S
Category:​ Form.

Colony Type Stands are stands that appear as multiple, smaller stands instead of a single form.
These Stands are well coordinated, and work together to use the Stand’s ability. The loss of an individual
stand in the colony is insignificant, and damage doesn’t transfer from losing any parts of the colony.
If you select this type, your Stand goes up a rank in Durability and Range, and your stand takes
the form of multiple small, unified stands (the exact number is decided by the player and the DM). When
picking the Colony type, the player rolls Xd6 to decide the colony’s overall health (X being equal to the
user’s Bravery Score + the Stand’s Durability Score). The player then divides the total equally amongst
all the stands in the colony rounded up (e.g. a total health pool of 36 with 6 stands in the colony would
equal 6 stands with 6 health each). The Colony Stand cannot have more stands than the player has health
to give, and every stand needs a minimum of 1 health.*
When an attack targets a group of stands in a colony, the damage will be divided out amongst all
the colony stands included in the attack.
A stand punches the ground where a bunch of Colony Stands are standing, doing 7 damage. This
colony has 2 health per stand, so within this group, 3 stands are killed with 1 being injured. If this square
only had 1 stand within it, the two damage would be used to kill that stand, and the rest of the damage
would become null.
Kept spread out, these stands can move around effectively and be hard to remove from combat,
but they are at their most effective at dealing damage when they’re all assembled together in one spot.
Colony stand’s act with the full Stand Stats when they are all assembled together. Every time their
numbers are cut in half (Whether they’re killed or split up), they act as if they had one less in Power,
Durability and Precision.
For example, a full colony could act using their stand’s full destructive Power of A. They split in
half to chase two opponents, however, and must act using a Power of B. If one group where to split in half
again, then those two new groups would be forced to use a Power of C.

​*If a player wants to have more stands than they have health to distribute, feel free to allow it with an catch. Perhaps their numerous stands are
too weak to directly attack opponents and have to fully rely on their stand ability, or maybe allow the stands to be so insignificant that enemies
can use secondary actions to make attacks to thin their ranks.

ACT Type:
Minimum prerequisites:​ 3 Character creation points.
Category:​ N/A

ACT type stands are different from other stands in that they have multiple forms. These Stands
will start out in their ACT 1 form, and grow into new evolutions over time. Although they start out
weaker than other stands, over time they’ll continue to grow and get stronger along with developing new
abilities every ACT.
If you select this type, you choose two Parameters to decrease by one Rank (These parameters
cannot already be E). From this point on, every time you use a Learning Rank to gain a new sub-ability or
brand new ability all together, your Stand “Levels up,” to the next ACT in its evolution. Whenever a new
ACT is achieved, you receive two points to spend on increasing the Stand’s stats for that ACT’s improved
statistics like in character creation, and even for taking new Stand Types that apply to that specific ACT
of the stand as long as they don’t clash with any other prerequisites. You may also choose to have one of
the Stand’s parameters decrease in the transformation to the new ACT for an extra point. The new ACT is
the only one able to cast the new ability that you just learned, though you can switch between ACTs in
combat at will.
ACTs usually evolve when their user is overcoming intense stress, or a personal flaw that
prevents them from fully realizing their potential. As an option, players can take a Flaw to decrease the
Character Point Cost of taking an Act Stand by one. In order to unlock the next evolution of their Act,
however, they’ll have to overcome this flaw before they can unlock new potential in their stand. More
details in the Flaw section of Character creation.

Universal Range Type:

​ osts 3 Character Creation points.
Prerequisites: C
​ /A
Category: N

This type allows a Stand to project it’s ability over a universal range.
If you select this type, you effectively give your Stand Infinite Range concerning the usage of its
ability. Abilities that are all powerful, or affect the world as a whole (like stopping time), would only be
possible if this type was selected

No Stand:
​ /A
Prerequisites: N
​ /A
Category: N

If you have the ​No Stand​ Stand type, you don’t have a Stand. You can’t see stands or interact with stands
through normal means. This is the real Hard Mode.
As a reward for being gutsy enough to bring a “normal person” to a Stand fight, you only have to
pay half the point cost to level up in a Character Type (1 for rank 1, 2 for rank 2, 3 for rank 3), and you
automatically gain three extra character points to spend in Character Creation. Furthermore, you get one
free Bizarre Point every time you’re hit or affected by a new Stand.

At the beginning of Stand Creation, it was mentioned that you should try to think about what kind
of ability you wanted your Stand to have. Now that all your stats are down, it’s time to implement your
Stand abilities can take any form. Stands that change the way people feel, Stands that affect
gravity in certain areas, and Stands that make people unable to perceive doors or windows could all be
present in a Bizarre adventure. By using the the descriptions of Stand Parameters above, you’ll hopefully
be able to add some reason to any fantastical abilities you or your group comes up with. The following
examples help to show how the process of adding sense to stand abilities goes:

A player doesn’t know exactly what kind of Stand they want to make, but like the idea of being
able to manipulate air. While developing their Stand, they bypass Stand Types and their parameters end
up looking like such: Power: B, Speed: C, Range: D, Precision: A, Durability: B, Learning potential: B.
Looking at their stats, they notice their best skill is Precision, which denotes excellent control over their
ability and being good at ranged attacks. Their Stand’s range is only D, however, so ranged attacks seem
like a poor idea. They do, however, have good Power and Durability, so they decide they would excel as a
close range fighter. With all this in mind, the player decides that their stand ability creates a vortex of
rapid wind around them with small blades of air that slice anyone that gets within range. The GM decides
this is acceptable, and rules that any attacks made against people that go within range will be dealt with
a Power roll, and Precision would be used to control the Vortex of Wind in their general area to do
things like catch falling allies, glide across the air, and stop opponent’s attacks by blocking them with the
wind (with the GM and player agreeing that doing this with precision would not allow for a counter

In another example, a player goes in knowing that they want to make that aforementioned Stand
that makes people unable to perceive exits, like windows and doors. The GM decides that this ability isn’t
particularly damaging on it’s own, and so the ability “Just works,” without requiring a parameter like
Power or Precision to make it work; Speed also seems irrelevant for this ability. So, going in, the player
Ranks Power and Speed to E, and puts Precision to D so that he can avoid the Critical Weakness that
would stop him from controlling his stand’s activation effect. With those points freed up, he puts
everything into Durability, Range, and Learning. They also take the Integrated Stand Type because they
don’t particularly need a stand manifestation to begin with. The GM rules that the player needs to see the
opponent to activate the ability on them, but only needs to stay in range to keep it active. In this case,
their Stand’s Parameters end up reflecting the ability going into generation, instead of the parameters
deciding the ability.


At this point, you’ll have just finished setting up the most important aspects for your character
and Stand. This section is dedicated to fleshing out your character, and also for using up any points
leftover from the Character and Stand Creation processes.

If you have points left over from Stand Creation, you may wish to beef up your character more by
giving them a Character Types.
Character Types are essentially character classes from other TTRPGs that your character can
class into to grant them abilities to supplement their stand. The ones listed below are all different from
one another, and display different kinds of character types that are encountered in the Jojo’s Bizarre
Adventure manga.
Although they grant different boons, all character types share a few things in common:
First, they are separated into three Ranks. These three ranks represent a low level member of the
Type at Rank 1, a member whose begun to tap into the power of the Type at Rank 2, and a member whose
fully embraced the true power of the Type at Rank 3.
Second, all Character Types have the same point cost system. Rank 1 costs ​one ​point to buy, then
it costs ​three m​ ore points to get Rank 2, and ​six​ additional points to reach Rank 3. By the time your
character would reached Rank 3, you would have spent​ ten​ points.
The ranks you buy in a Character Type during character creation are for how your character ​starts
the game. If you wanted to make a character a fully functioning Android at the start of the game, you
could shell out the points to make that. Alternatively, you could start with a single Cybernetic
Enhancement for only one point, and slowly turn cybernetic as the game progresses. This is possible
using Bizarre Points.
The rules for buying Character Types with Bizarre Points are similar to buying them with
Character Points. It takes Five Bizarre points to transfer over to one Character Point for the purpose of
buying the types, and a player can’t use Bizarre Points from replenishable sources, such as accepted
Flaws, cannot be used to buy a Character Type.

A character who replaces their body with mechanical parts is going down the path of Robotics.
Whether or not the means are experimental science or common for the setting doesn’t matter, this
character has access to it. This character type can also be used to represent anyone whose body is
“Different” in some way that makes them more durable or gives them replaceable parts.


Cybernetic Body Part:​ The player can replace one part of their body with a Cybernetic
Enhancement. The player can then choose if they want to do anything special with this part of
their body, like adding in any secret cavities or built in weapons. Weapons roll with a normal,
unmodified 2d6.

Danger Prone:​ Cybernetics are like a magnet. Whenever something awful happens to your body,
it always seems to start with the cybernetics getting damaged. Like a magnet, all the gruesome
body horror seems to be attracted to the most replaceable part of your body.
Whenever you declare that you’re going to take a critical injury instead of taking damage,
you can choose for the critical damage to be dealt to a cybernetic part instead of another part of
your body. When this occurs, the cybernetic will be damaged. If the amount of damage you
negated by taking the critical injury was less than 5, then the cybernetic is still operable and you
can continue to use the arm functionally and take critical injuries to it. If the damage is 5 or more,
then the cybernetic part will be damaged and inoperable until it's repaired, and it ceases to be able
to take critical injuries.
Your cybernetic is automatically repaired if there's any downtime between stand fights,
unless the GM decides otherwise.

Bizarre Points​: You can spend a bizarre point to reduce damage done to you by 1d6 if the attack
was done against a cybernetic part of your body.

Solid as Steel​: As a Cyborg, you are much more durable than a normal person. You roll an extra
1d6 for every point of Brawns you have when deciding your Real Health value. Furthermore,
your whole body counts as Cybernetic for the purposes of your robotic abilities, and you can take
a second weapon that can be attached to your body and used as an extra attack action (2d6 roll).

More Machine than Man​: Though converting most of your body to metal has given you great
power, it also means that without their metallic body parts, the cyborg has little choice in
continuing to fight when their mechanical parts fail. When a Cyborg falls into resolve health, they
may not benefit from any source that would heal, or reduce damage to their resolve health, such
as their own bizarre points or a Hype Man’s ​You Did It!!​ ability.

Flesh is Weak​: As an Android, the player has reached the pinnacle of robotics, and has removed
all weaknesses of the flesh from their body. They add an additional 1d6 hp for every point of
Brawns they have, and whenever an Android uses a bizarre point to reduce damage done to them,
they add their Brawns score to the roll.

Mechanical Failure​: A body of steel has very few limitations, but it still has a definable limit.
Even if you’re a character that still has a human soul somewhere in their robotic form, that soul’s
resolve is of little use when it’s metallic shell is malfunctioning.
An Android has no Resolve Health. When they run out of Real Health, they are removed
from the fight. They cannot benefit from the effects of the Hype Man’s Resolve Shield.

Every good team needs this guy. He’s the coolest non fighter you’ll ever meet, and incredibly
helpful at giving exposition. Whether it's obvious or not, this is the guy that calls it all out, a narrator of
sorts. By calling out things that happen, they can bend the very fabric of narrative and give their friends a
hand in combat at the expense to their own coolness.


Hold Actions:​ A hype man can hold his main action, and/or secondary action to use
his Hype Man Abilities as reactions at any point of the combat. He can only use his Hype Man
Actions to buff once per contested rolls.
Call Out:​ As a reaction, the Hype Man calls out an action being put upon, or made by, an ally.
This allows the ally to receive a bonus 1d6 to the contested roll caused by the action. This works
with Secret Actions

Bizarre Points:​ Whenever the Hype man uses his Bizarre Points to try and reveal an opponents
Secret Action and succeeds in revealing it, then he gives a bonus 1d6 die to contested roles
against the action. This stacks with ​Call Out​.


Improved Hold Actions:​ On the first turn of combat, A Hype Man can now choose to hold their
actions before any one acts, regardless of their position on the turn order.

You Did It!:​ Whenever a Hype Man helps someone succeed in an action, the person they
helped heals 1d6 of their Resolve health. If the person who receives healing hasn’t run out of
Real Health, they receive a “Resolve Shield.” The first damage that would be done to your
Resolve health pool, instead destroys the shield. The Resolve Shield has no value, and will just
automatically block any amount of damage. These shields do not stack.

What a Blow!:​ Whenever an ally makes a successful attack you can spend a held action to add
1d6 to the damage they made.


What a Reversal!!:​ When an ally’s Secret action fails, the hype man may use a reaction to
allow the player to rewrite their Secret Action. This rewritten Secret action is a “follow up” to the
previous one, in the way that the first secret action was actually a lead into the rewritten one. As
such, the rewritten action should reasonably be able to lead into the follow up like the first action
was a trap or a trick. Secret Actions re-written in this way cannot have

Keep Fighting!!:​ Whenever a hype man uses any of their hype man abilities to assist an ally, the
ally gets 1d6 of their Resolve health back regardless of if they succeed or not. This healing works
the same as in ​You Did It!​.

Defenders from the dark, Hamon Users are masters of the ancient martial arts technique of
breathing and channeling the powers of life and the sun. By using special breathing techniques, they can
channel their inner energies to make powerful energy attacks that are especially effective at destroying the
minions of the dark (i.e. Vampires). Although they’re best at fighting their millennia old foe, they are no
slouch fighting other people too, and can use their immense power to wreak havoc on the battlefield or
even heal their allies.
Exploding Dice:​ Whenever a Hamon user rolls a 6 in a physical attack that involves Hamon, you
reroll that die and add the new value to the previous result.

Example: A Player rolls a 2d6, getting a 3 and a 6. They then reroll the 6 and get a 4;
adding the four to the six, they get 10, which they then add to the 3 for a total of 13. If the
reroll where to have landed on a 6 as well, the process would have continued until
something other than a six was rolled​.

Bizarre Points:​ A Hamon user can use their Bizarre Points to reroll one of their dice results in
hopes of getting a better result. They must use any rerolled results unless they spend another
Bizarre Point to reroll again.

Strong against the Undead:​ Whenever Hamon damage is dealt to the undead, it is doubled.


Hamon Weapon:​ Skilled hamon users can get a specific weapon that they can channel Hamon
through. This can take any form of weapon; a sword, a scarf made of hamon conductive
materials, metal clackers, etc. Hamon weapons work the same as using an Object as a weapon
(check the OBJECT category in the Damage Section) except you double the Brawns bonus the
object would’ve given you. Alternatively, a Hamon user can make their Stand a Hamon
Weapon, allowing them to add their Brawns score to direct attacks made by the Stand.

Signature Move:​ Trained Hamon users can begin to channel their hamon in special ways to
create deadly techniques to combat their foes. These special techniques are called Signature
Moves. When a Hamon user uses a signature move, they roll 3d6k keep 2, instead
of rolling a human's normal 1d6. They still add their Brawns to this score. How exactly this
ability looks and what it does is up to the player decide, though generally, the player can only
have a number of techniques equal to their Brains score, unless there's a narrative reason they’d
have more or less. They get usage equal to their Brawns score per fight of their signature powers.

Healing Hamon:​ You can control your hamon well enough to use it as a healing force. You can
use your character's main action to heal an adjacent target (or yourself) by 2d6 Real Health.


Improved Bizarre Points:​ You can spend a bizarre point to count any roll as an exploding dice
roll, even if the result wasn’t a six.

Hamon Strength:​ Your Hamon power is beyond normal levels. Whenever you use Hamon to
attack, you’re Brawns counts as six.
NOTE:​ Vampires are considered evil beings in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, and are almost exclusively used
as villains. As such, this Character Type is made with the intention of making Villainous characters for
the party to fight. It is not suggested a player make one, but as this is Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, it’s not
out of the question to allow it. Their abilities and powers may mess with game balance, but if a player
really wants to play one, feel free to allow them to do so.

Immensely popular being of the dark, vampires need no explanation. Normally. But things are
different here: Vampires is more of a pocket term for all of the being related to the “Stone Mask,” an
ancient Aztec object said to unleash ultimate power. This object was created by a Pillar Man, a race of
ancients that feast off of humans and are near invulnerable to all but the sun itself. Vampires and their
spawn are can tap into this awesome power of their progenitors to use special attacks and rejuvenate their
bodies. With this great power comes the great weakness to sunlight that even their progenitors could not

Undead Vitality​: By rejecting their humanity, Spawns obtain incredible bonuses to their
survivability. Spawns automatically maximize their dice rolls for their health value.

Exsanguination​: The spawn can directly suck the blood of their opponent to restore their health.
Whenever the Spawn does damage to an opponent directly with a physical attack made by
themselves and not their stand, they regain the damage done to the opponent as health.

Weakness to Sunlight​: Vampires have a fatal vulnerability to the sun. Whenever they are in
Sunlight, they take 1/5th of their total health for every round they are exposed. Hamon attacks,
being energy channeled directly from the sun, do double damage on the spawn. If a spawn uses
Exsanguination​ on an Hamon user, the Hamon user is instantly allowed to make a Hamon attack
Against them.

Body Mastery​: A Vampire has mastered their body’s processes completely. At will, they can do
multiple techniques, like making their internal temperature reach freezing or boiling temperatures,
or turning the liquid in their eyes into a powerful, pressurized water beam attack. Anything that
can be remotely justifiable from the standpoint of managing the body’s processes can be a
Vampire attack. Generally, a vampire should be able to learn a number of body techniques equal
to their Brains Score. These abilities roll with a 2d6+brawns for attacking purposes.

Reassembly​: Vampires are deadly beings that can survive some of the most fatal of injuries.
Whenever a Vampire takes a critical injury that damages or removes a body part, they may spend
an action attaching it to their body. Similarly, once per combat they can come back from any
of injury that would outright kill them (e.g. being blown up by grenades, or bisected by a sword).
High Level Body Manipulation​: While a vampire can manage the processes of their body to their
will, a Pillar Man can entirely change the functions of their bodies to match their will. They can
relocate bones, make their flesh bend in impossible ways, and modify their bodies for combat.
Instead of the Vampire’s Body Mastery abilities, the Pillar man gets a number of Superior Body
Technique equal to their Brains score. These abilities can achieve be the same as a Vampire’s, or
use even more improbable explanations for certain techniques (e.g. turning your blood veins into
jutting tubes that launch flaming blood from your body, creating retractable bone blades, or
making wind jets out of your bones). They roll 3d6, keep 2+Brawns for their techniques.
High Level Body Manipulation also allows the Pillar Man to regenerate from any injury,
allowing them to restore 1d6 Real Health every round.

Absorption​: Whenever a Pillar man succeeds on an attack roll against an opponent that is not
channeling Hamon, they force the opponent to take a critical injury on top of damage. Killing an
opponent in this way counts as feasting for the purposes of ​Exsanguination​.

Advanced Intelligence​: The Pillar Men's most dangerous trait is their superior intelligence. They
are capable of perfect recall and are able to instantly analyze and understand the mechanics
behind anything, even complicated things such as languages, machinery, tactics, systems, and
people's minds and actions, within a matter of seconds.
Whenever a Pillar man makes a Brain's test, they can add double their Brains modifier to
the roll’s result.

One usage of your leftover points is to buy character traits. Character traits are motivations and
quirks about your character that can give you a modifier bonus when triggered during situations.
All traits cost​ one​ Character Creation point to purchase, and give modifiers depending on how
general or specific the trait is.

Simple trait (+1):​ Simple Traits are the most general, easily triggered traits, and will often be
some small simple motivating factor activated when taking actions against or for certain things. For
example, your character could be good at swimming, and would get a +1 modifier whenever taking
actions in water. They could also be a big fan of eating food, and would get a +1 modifier after they’ve
eaten lunch. These traits can be broad or specific, but they should always be flavorful and tell something
about your character.

Quirky Traits (+2):​ Quirky traits are traits that are a little more specific than simple traits, but are
still relatively normal. Instead of just “loving food,” your character could be a big fan of fine dining, and
would get a +2 modifier after they’ve just sat down and had a nice dinner at a five star restaurant.
Alternatively, skill in a specific martial art could count as a “Quirky Trait”, and you could get a +2 bonus
to fighting when you can use that style. These traits are best for representing some specific ability or
personality quirk your character has that is special, but still something that is widely applicable to
different situations.
Specific Traits (+3):​ Specific traits are another level above quirky traits in terms of complexity.
Specific traits are traits that can only trigger in certain circumstances, usually requiring either multiple, or
one very specific, condition to be met. The big difference between specific traits and quirky traits is how
difficult it is for the trait to trigger. For example, someone could be very good at one on one, honorable
fights. This is similar to Quirky traits in how specific they are, but with elements added that make it
harder to trigger, due to the trait being unable to work if there are multiple combatants or dirty tricks at

Eccentric Traits (+4):​ Eccentric traits are traits that start getting into the territory of being
“strangely specific.” Specific traits take the leap to Eccentric when their activation requirements get
weird, or needlessly complex. For example, let's say someone has the previous specific trait of being good
at honorable, one-on-one duels. The trait would become eccentric if they were very specifically only
comfortable with dueling honorably when both combatants have rapiers, and refuse to fight their full
potential if this isn’t the case.

Bizarre Traits (+5):​ Bizarre traits are the highest form of trait a character can have. These traits
are either very specific, or incredibly bizarre, and only trigger in the most specific circumstances. Traits
like “I’m good at fighting a single enemy or enemy type,” or a trait that requires multiple levels of
eccentric activation circumstances, fall under the Bizarre category of traits. For example, someone may
have a Bizarre trait involving hunting down and finding the person that killed someone dear to them, and
they could activate their bizarre trait when they are acting against them specifically. Another example,
again continuing off of the dueling trait, the character would only be comfortable with dueling when they
and their opponent follow the specific rules of an old French dueling court, or some similar arrangement.
Essentially, Bizarre traits are traits that you should never expect to use often, but instead something that's
built up to, and almost ensures victory when activates.

Traits help to flesh out characters give them a few other passive abilities, besides their Stand, to
rely on in combat. Buying multiple traits may prove to be expensive, however, or you may find yourself
low on character points having to distribute them all around your character. So, if you find yourself low
on points, you can take a flaw.
Flaws, like Traits, exist to give characters more depth. The difference lies in that Flaws do this by
pointing out negative character traits, disabilities and illnesses present in a character. Being cowardly,
lazy, or socially awkward, are all possible Flaws that your character could take.
There are a few ways Flaws can be taken. One way flaws can be used is to take them after a
player takes a trait. Taking a flaw along with a trait will allow you to gain the trait for free. Generally, the
Flaw should be of a similar severity as the trait that the character took (e.g. a -3 trait warrants a -3 flaw).
The rules and circumstances for activating those Flaws are exactly the same as for those in the Trait
section; and one of the easiest ways to do make a flaw is to just apply the trait in a negative light.
For example, if a character has a Quirky Trait where they dislike people taller than them, and
they’d get a +2 to roles to act against them. The flaw for this trait could be that the character doesn’t just
dislike taller people, but they actively loathe them, and get a -2 to rolls when they have to help, or
generally benefit, a tall person.
If the character wanted to have a flaw related to tall people, but didn’t have the trait that gave
them a positive against them, then the flaw would most likely be represented as the character being afraid
of people that were taller than them. In this case, they’d always get a -2 to roles involving taller people as
they just generally intimidate them.
You could also decide to take a Flaw without an accompanying trait, if you just want to flesh out
the character. If you take an extra flaw without discounting a trait, you gain one extra Bizarre point at the
end of character creation equal to the level of the flaw (A Bizarre Flaw would give you 5 bizarre points, a
Simple Flaw would give you 1, etc.).
Flaws are inconvenient, but it is possible to resist them temporarily by using your Bravery. When
a character is attempting to go against their flaw, they roll a Contested Bravery Roll against the DM. The
character would roll 1d6+bravery, while the DM would roll 1d6+The Modifier of the Flaw. If they pass,
they can act for a turn without being affected by their flaw, but will need to reroll whenever they want to
act against it again. If they fail, then the Flaw will affect the character with its negative modifier.
There is one other way in which a character’s Flaws differ from their traits: Flaws can be
addressed. Although a Flaw can be a painful boon on a character (the GM should make sure that it most
certainly is), it is also possible to overcome your flaw throughout your bizarre adventure.


Whenever a character succeeds in making a roll that their Flaw was negatively affecting, a player
can choose to take that opportunity to overcome their character’s flaw. At that point, the character gains a
Bizarre Point and the Flaw is removed from the character. A player doesn’t have to overcome their flaw
the first moment they succeed in an affected roll, though, and can instead choose to keep their Flaw
Why would a character delay getting rid of their Flaw? Every time a player fails an action due to
their flaw, they mark it down next to that flaw (This can be kept track of as a number, or a dash mark, or
anything else, as long as the player can keep track of it easily). Whenever a character overcomes their
flaw, they receive a number of Bizarre points equal to the amount of failures they’ve accumulated through
the flaw. In this way, a character can continue to deal with their Flaw throughout the adventure, finally
deciding to overcome it at a point and cash in on all the points they’ve been building up. In story terms, a
Flaw that sticks around longer is one that affects the character on a deeper level, making the eventual
overcoming of that flaw more impressive (hence the increased Bizarre Points).


Sometimes, characters have aspects about them that are immutable. Whether its a physical or
mental disability, a quirk, or a limitation of their stand, there are some ingrained flaws of a character that
will never change. These are counted as Permanent Flaws.
Permanent Flaws are flaws that can be taken to give a player more Character Points during the
creation process. These Permanent Flaws can manifest either as normal flaws, or specific conditions or
limitations to the character or stand. In order to generate a Permanent Flaw for character points, a player
tells the DM what they still want to take after having run out of points, and then the DM and the player
work out what kind of flaw or conditions the character will need to take in order to achieve it.
Taking a Permanent flaw works slightly differently than just taking normal. Normally, the
severity of the flaw is dependant on the specificity, just like traits. For Permanent flaws, however, the
negative modifier depends on how many character points you need to take what you want.

For Example, a character wants to take the Vampire Character Type, but doesn’t have the points
left-over to do so. The player and DM look at the character, assess their personality, and also take into
account the the character’s other abilities and Stand. The character in question has a wearable stand and
is self conscious, so the player and DM decide to run with that, and make a flaw that relates to being a
Vampire specifically that ties all of that together. It costs 4 Character Points to take Vampire, so they
decide they’ll take a personality Flaw with a -4 penalty that makes the character feel self-conscious about
their Vampiric state. They don’t see it as a blessing of strength, but as a curse, and are hit with massive
anxiety whenever they’re not inside their stand, as if they fear at any moment the sun will rise and kill
them, or someone will take advantage of their undeath. They would then get a -4 whenever attempting to
do anything outside while not enclosed in their stand. Because the player took a -4, they’ll get the 4
character points to specifically use on taking Vampire.

Permanent Flaws can also take the form of “Conditions.” Conditions only give 1 character point,
but multiple conditions can be taken for one purpose. Conditions are as the sound, they’re requirements
that must be met in order to use whatever you’re buying with your points.

Following on the last example,​ ​the player wants a few more points to put into their Wearable
Stand to make it better in combat. The DM and player then decide to set up some conditions for using the
stand. Instead of limiting the ability, the DM and player decide to limit the actual usage of the stand. They
set up two conditions to do this. One condition is that the stand is somewhat autonomous, and it must be
commanded to do things instead of being manually controlled. This means that occasionally, the Stand
may not want to act upon something the user does, and the user has to plead with it to do certain actions.
As a second condition, they player decides that their stand may be required to “sleep” on occasions if
used too frequently, meaning that there will be times where the character will not be able to wear their
stand. This condition works in with the previous -4 flaw the character has, making it more prevalent while
also fleshing out the character. In return for taking these two conditions, the DM gives the player two
Character points to spend on increasing the stand’s stats.


When a player chooses to get a Flaw as a part of an ACT stand, that flaw is then tied to that stand.
The Flaw in question either has to be overcome in order for the ACT stand to evolve, resulting in a big,
explosive character moment.
When making Flaws for ACT stands, try to design around increasingly troublesome flaws for
higher ACTs of the stand. A -2 Flaw would be good for ACT two, but for ACT 3, it would be best to
overcome or accept a -3 flaw. Overcoming Flaws to achieve the next ACT is a way to pace out the growth
of an ACT Stand, so that the process feels gradual and more rewarding to the players. It also stops a
player blowing through all their ACT evolutions too quickly, meaning they’re already a powerhouse with
incredibly high Stand stats within the first few sessions.
You may still have leftover points after making your character’s traits. These can be used to
purchase BIZARRE Points (BPs). BPs are a one time purchase which can be used at any time during the
bizarre adventure; However, once you burn them, they never come back. You can burn a BP to do a
number of actions:

● Re-roll a dice roll.

● Place some object, item, non-player character or event in an area.
● Insert your character into a situation they are not included in (as long as it doesn’t clash with a
particularly tense scene).
● Ask another player or the GM for a piece of important meta knowledge.
● Discovering what is under a Secret Action card.
● Expend your action for the Round early, at any point during the turn order.
● Gain one, and only one, extra action that turn.

For every Character Point you spend, you get five Bizarre Points towards your total! These points
can be hoarded by a player, if they so choose. If you don’t want to buy Bizarre Points, then you can
always save those extra character creation points for later in case you want develop a new trait in your
character on the spot by spending them as you would at character generation. This is done by converting
Bizarre Points to Character Points, and then buying the traits; it takes 5 Bizarre points to make 1
Character Creation point.

Bizarre Points can be earned in more ways than just character creation. Bizarre points are
awarded at the end of every session by players. Once the session ends, dedicate a good 5-10 minutes
where players will award things to other players based off actions they performed during that session.
This should be a round-table discussion, with players commentating on each player one at a time. A
player can only get one bizarre point from this method.
Everyone also gets a single Bizarre Point from the simple act of being in the session, a
"Participation Award," if you will. This means that, assuming someone did something Bizarre point
worthy during the session, a player will always get two Bizarre points per session. If a player goes a
session without doing anything really “Bizarre point worthy,” (or if you as a DM notice that the group
struggled to find a good “Bizarre point worthy” action to give a player), then that most likely means they
didn’t get an opportunity to really do anything of note. If that happens, try giving that player more
spotlight during the next session.
The DM can also hand out additional rewards for extremely exceptional situations/if they feel that
the players overlooked something really cool that a player did. This should be used sparingly, and mostly
used to highlight things that the DM personally really liked and felt deserved rewards. The players are
rewarded by the players, the DM hands rewards out on their own, personal whims.
Actions that can be considered Bizarre Point worthy include:

● ​Being particularly brave, smart or badass.

● Good Roleplaying.
● Taking charge and pushing the story along.
● ​Possessing and using the “right skills in the right place at the right time.”
● ​Impressing the group with humor or drama.
● ​Particularly clever usage of abilities or traits given the circumstances (i.e. a “play of the day”).
● Just being plain bizarre.

There is only one prerequisite to using Bizarre Points: To use them, you must ​POSE!​ This posing
can be in character or out of character, but posing is an important stylistic piece of Jojo. Whether posing
like a greek statue, a fashion model, or even Clint Eastwood, a pose in the midst of battle is a “calling
card” of Jojo. Posing is not limited to Bizarre Points, and you and your character are free to pose in any
other situations; but in order to give Bizarre points a little bit extra pizzazz, posing is necessary.

After all your points are spent, it’s time to put into stone all the smaller details about you and your

First, think of a name for you and your stand. Names in jojo are often a mix of normal names
combined with references to musicians and musical acts, so feel free to name your character or stand after
your favorite band or song. You could also incorporate other kind of name theming for your adventure.
Maybe everything is referencing famous authors and books instead of music? Part 3 based a lot of it’s
stands off of the Tarot cards, and later, Egyptian gods. Feel free to go whatever direction you want, be

You should also think about how your character and stand look. Notable characters in Jojo often
have ridiculous hairstyles and wear clothing from far out fashion trends. Stands are the most notable in
appearance, sporting random mechanical and doll like aspects with jutting shapes and patterns across
them. Feel free to go wild with the descriptions for stand users and their stands.

See if you can fill out all the questions below to set up a small profile for your character:

Stand User: Stand:

Age: Birthday:
Zodiac Sign: Gender:
Height: Weight:
Blood Type: Nationality:
Eye Color: Favorite Movie:
Favorite Food: Favorite Actor:
Favorite Musician: Favorite Athlete:
JoJo’s Bizarre Tabletop is a relatively combat focused game on its own. Primarily, rolling occurs
whenever an action is opposed by an object or entity. Any actions players make that are not discussed
anywhere else in the book should be decided by roleplaying, or, when necessary, by rolling a 1d6+the
character’s most applicable modifier (or your stands dice when applicable)+any applicable trait, and using
the default table below:

1-4: Failure.
5-6: Partial Success.
7+: Absolute Success.

To succeed in a non-combat focused roll, a player must enter the absolute success role. If a
character fails to enter that range, there are a few possibilities. They either roll a failure, and fail the
action, or they roll a partial success and succeed with a catch (decided by the GM, depending on the

From this point on, all discussion on mechanics will be relating to the conflicts and trials you’ll
face on your own bizarre adventure.

This section contain the rules for conducting fights that will occur during your bizarre adventure.


When characters inevitably break out into a fight, their combat will need to be represented in
some way. This can be achieved by using two techniques: Narrative or Grid based combat.

In the narrative approach, you would describe the field of battle that the combatants, taking care
to describe pieces of the environment that the combatants can interact with. A good combat will have
multiple aspects to it that can be exploited by the users or their stands. It’s up to the GM to have a general
idea in their mind of how far everyone is from each other so the players know who they can and can’t
The narrative method is quicker than drawing out a map and moving pieces individually, but
requires a little more work from the GM to manage and describe hectic fights.
In the grid based approach, you keep track of the combat using a battlemat or a piece of graphing
paper to create a square grid. You can then place down some tokens to represent the combatants and have
them navigate the squares to fight. This approach allows you to mark the location of important objects
and obstacles that will affect the fight.
Each square on the grid represents 2 meters (simplified to 5 for the imperial system of
measurement). When designing your map, keep in mind the scale of the map fits the size of the battlefield
you placed the combat in.

Characters can move up to 20 meters (60 feet) per turn. A character can move half their total
distance for free. If they want to move more, they’ll have to expend their secondary action to move the
other 1/2th their distance. Stands, however, can always move their full distance listed in their Speed
Parameter. Stands cannot bypass attacking to move double their Parameters listed distance, but can attack
after moving their full distance as normal.
Although Stands can move the full distance given by their Speed without any penalties, they
cannot go any further from their user than specified by their Range. So, if you have a A speed but C
range, you’d still only be able to go as far as 20 meters (60 feet) from your user. Any stands with Types
that limited their range are also affected by this. Stands that have a low Speed parameter can choose to
“hover” near their user to move with them (to avoid getting left behind when a player moves), but if they
attempt to move away from their user, they’ll be forced to move their own speed again. If Stands with
high speed chooses to hover with it’s user, the distance the user moved counts against that Stands total
movement speed in case the want to break off and move again after the user stops.


Combat in Jojo uses a turn-based system to avoid unnecessary confusion and to allow every
combatant to get an action. In these turns, the order of who goes first (known as the initiative) is decided
based on the following: 1d6+Bravery Score+Stand’s Speed Modifier.

The above method hand waves the turns of the characters and their stands as one even though
their speeds could be drastically different from each other. This is done for simplicity's sake, but it is not
required. If you want a more complex combat, you can have Stands move based on the full 1d6+Speed
Modifier, and have all the Characters roll 1d6+bravery. This opens up some new strategic options, but
will probably stretch out the combat, so is only advised for groups that are good at running through
combat encounters quickly.
In cases of ties when determining which of the Stand users goes first, it’s suggested to have the
Stand users with higher Bravery scores go first. If they have the same Bravery, then their Brawns. If even
that is the same, then simply flip a coin or re-roll.
There are certain reasons to forgo the use of a traditional turn order. Certain Stands throughout
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Such as N’Doul’s Geb and Notorious B.I.G.) don’t act on their own, but
instead off of actions that their opponent’s make. In cases like this, there's no real contiguous fight, but
more of people sitting at a standstill, only acting when they have a plan. A turn order is meant to bring
order to fights and speed them up, so they have no purpose in these kind of Standstill fights. Use your
judgement when deciding if an encounter needs a turn order or not.
Alternatively, if your group is consistent of more free-flowing kind of players, you could simply
play it by ear by having people act when they have an action in mind. When a conflict arises between
players or the GM on who should act first, simply look at which two people are in conflict to see who has
the better speed value and have them move first.

Regardless of what kind of turn-system is used, characters are allowed to “swap” their turns with
allies, allowing slow characters to occasionally move quicker on the initiative order. If two players want
to “Swap turns,” it costs both of their secondary actions to do so (discussed below). If the players don’t
want to use their secondary actions, they can spend a Bizarre Point to bypass this requirement.

Characters and their Stands get a shared Normal Action and a Secondary Action per turn.
The Normal Action is can be used to perform any action you desire. Attacking, picking up an
item, using an ability, or interacting with the environment are all examples of things done with Normal
Actions. The most important part of Normal Actions is they can be used to make ​Contested Rolls,
discussed later.
Both the Stand User and the Stand get a main action for the each of them, but the can both access
a single Secondary action shared among them. This can only be used once per turn, and cannot be used to
make ​Contested Rolls ​(such as attacks). Due to its limitations, Secondary actions are best used to set up
for your main action, interacting with your environment, or helping to set up a Secret Action.

The combat in Jojo’s bizarre adventure is all about outwitting your opponent and maximizing the
effectiveness of your abilities. To represent that, all characters get access to Secret Actions.
Secret actions are hidden actions that you or your stand took during the turn to setup some kind of
attack, trick or trap for your opponents. These actions are marked down on a notecard that lists the turn
the action was taken on the top side, and the action itself on the bottom side, hidden from GM and Players
alike. You then keep this action hidden until the time you wish to reveal it to the group. Secret Actions
exist in an area of semi-canoninity, meaning that they only really exist when they are revealed to the
group and if there are no inconsistencies within the timeframe they are revealed to have occurred.

In an example, A stand tries to throw a knife at an opponent, but notes to their GM that they’re
taking a secret action when they throw. The Player then writes down a secret action and continues with
their action. The attack misses, and the player then reveals their Secret Action to the group: “When my
knife missed the target, it was because my throwing knife was actually aimed at the oil barrel behind the
stand user, flooding the area with oil secretly.” Since in internal logic of the secret action does not clash
with the reality (the attack did not hit the stand user), the group agrees that the the secret action makes
sense and that, as a result, oil had begun to flow onto the ground. With their secret action approved, the
character follows up their Stand’s attack by throwing a lit match at the opponent's feet.

Each character can put down as many secret actions as they want per turn as long as it makes
since they could have laid them all during that turn. They are free to keep their secret actions hidden for as
many turns as they like, and it is encouraged to chain secret actions together across multiple turns to que
up a truly impressive trap on your opponent. There are limits to the number of Secret actions you can
have hidden at once, however. You can only have a number of secret actions between you and your stand
equal to your Brains score per combat. Characters with higher Brains are better able to plan out multiple
actions and plots at once compared to more simple minded characters that are much better at fighting
straightforward with maybe one or two simple plots to back them up.

Players can also use Bizarre points to figure out what other players (Or the GM’s) notecards are
in order to better plan around the big reveal. After using the Bizarre point, the character and the opponent
roll an opposed Brains test. If the character wins, they see the action; if the opponent wins, the character
doesn’t see the action and still loses the Bizarre point. If the opponent doesn’t have a Brain score (in the
case of an automated stand or other circumstance), the opponent uses a basic 2d6 with no modifiers. Both
allies and opponents can choose to purposefully fail the Brains check to let the Secret Action be revealed
to the person looking. For allies, this allows other players to assure that their friends can look at their
actions and plan strategies. For opponents, this opens up opportunities to play mind games with their
enemies by purposefully allowing a secret action to be revealed, perhaps with another secret action hidden
meant to counter anyone who tries to avoid triggering the first action.

A roll is contested whenever a person, stand or particularly malevolent object is working against
someone or something else. Whenever someone rolls an opposed roll, the target of their action has the
opportunity to negate the attack by making their own roll. If the target rolls higher than the player, the
attack is negated. Alternatively, if the target fails to roll higher than the player, then the player’s action
was a success.
As a rule, inanimate objects will generally roll with a 2d6 if they somehow become opposed
against an entity (a 1d6 if they’re small, a 3d6 if they’re big and heavy, like a car, and a 4d6 if they’re
unwieldy and huge). Objects will automatically oppose anyone who tries to use them as a weapon (either
as a melee weapon or when they're thrown), but will submit to the target’s wishes after a passed check.


The Parameter required for the contested roll differs depending on the situation. For example, if a
Stand unleashes a torrent of punches on their target, the target can have their stand either use Power to
match the punches, Durability to take the punches, or Speed to dodge the punches. Players should try to
think creatively to use their strong points overcome their obstacles, and the GM should do their part in
making sure the player isn’t abusing a single good Parameter to do every task.
Stands use different dice depending on which Parameter they’re attempting to do. Attacks usually
require Power or Precision, and purely defensive maneuvers usually require either Speed or Durability. A
stand will never use their Range or Learning to make a contested roll. A stand’s roll will work like so:

Stand Dice + Most Applicable Trait + Assisting Parameter (if applicable)

Sometimes, a stand may find themselves in a situation where they end up using two parameters to
make an attack or action. Most of the time this won’t come into effect in combat, but if an opponent has
been hindered in a way that makes them vulnerable, then the player can take advantage of that and bring
in another parameter to aid their attack.

For example, let’s say that a Stand User corners his opponent and uses his stand, [Noodles], to
entangle their opponents stand. The Opponent’s Stand, having lost its mobility, will have its Speed count
as E while entangled by [Noodles]. Since this is the case, the stand’s Critical Weakness activates, and the
Stand User can now add its Speed Bonus to help take down the disadvantaged opponent.

There are other cases where the Stand can combine parameters to accomplish attack, but these
should be specific, and mostly defensive (e.g. If your stand is trying to catch a bullet, for example, it
would probably require both Speed AND Precision due to the bullet’s miniscule and fast nature).
Whenever a player or GM decides that a stand action requires two or more Parameters, roll for
the highest Parameter and add the other Parameter as a modifier to the main roll. If the roll is a physical
attack, Power will always be the primary Parameter (the same applies to Precision and ranged attacks).

A +5

B +3

C +1

D -3

E -5

Table 2.1: A smaller version of the table located in Stand Creation.


Whenever a character, for whatever reason, cannot use their Stand to do an action, but must
oppose something or someone, they can use their own stats to roll. Rolling for characters is simpler than
rolling for stands due to characters limited statistics. A character roll will look like so:

1d6 + Most Applicable Statistic + Most Applicable Trait

The modifiers for characters differ from the ones for stands in that they draw their modifier
directly from their statistics score number.

For example, if a character had to take a blow from a stand, they’d use their brawns in an
attempt to dodge or take the blow. If their brawns was, say, 3, then they’d roll a 1d6+3 and hope that they
could outroll their opponent. Say the also had a trait called “Jumpy,” that gives them +1 to their
instincts, they’d also add that to the roll. If the character had a second trait, entitled “Stand Fighter,”
that gave +2, then they would have to decide between which trait to use in the roll.


Secret actions function slightly differently than a normal action. The primary dice a secret action
acts with is decided based off how specific the secret action was. This dice scales by 1d6 for every level
of complexity and forethought put into the action. A secret action roll will look like such:

Secret Action Dice + Brains Score + Trait

The list below shows the suggested Dice Values for Secret actions:

1d6: The Secret action was used as a nonspecific reaction, or as a follow up to something the
character themself initiated; “When he attacks…”, “When I do this…”

2d6: The Secret action was used for a specified reaction, or took into account an unassured result;
“When he uses his stand to melt that pipe…”, “If he walks down the left Hallway…”

3d6: Similar to the 2d6, but predicting multiple stages of actions, or a very flavorful secret action;
“If I fall unconscious, and am then revived by my friend...”, “In response to this action, my Flaw
activates, causing me to react in a way that incidentally causes this to happen…”, “If she reacts to
my counterfact, and chooses her Confidant trait over her Crazy trait to make the roll, then…”.

4d6+: A reaction that is so obtuse or bizarre, or required so many levels of planning or

meta-knowledge; “I use my stand to start converting the iron in his body into nails slowly,
causing damage and iron deficiency at the same time.”, “I break the supports of the building
throughout our fight, so that the building itself collapses once I ‘miss’ and hit the final pillar
behind my opponent,”

Secret actions can also be “chained” together. The value of each Secret action will be whatever
category it falls under above, plus an additional D6 for every secret action that came before it. By
chaining up impressive secret action chains, a player can put their enemy through a gauntlet of
challenging rolls to defeat their opponent.

It is also possible to counter opponents secret actions with your own secret actions. When this
occurs, you “cancel” your opponents secret action, and cause your new secret action to be the new
“current threat” to be dealt with.

In this example, someone puts down a secret action to “Toss Steak Knives at the opponent when
their stand splits off to attack me.” Their opponent puts down a secret action before this is triggered, and
then attacks with their stand. The opponent triggers the secret action, but then reveals their own secret
action, “If a projectile is thrown at me, my Secret Action was to put Manga Volumes under my clothes so
that they’d block the projectiles before they became lethal.” This Secret action checks out logically, so it
cancels out the other secret action and the fight continues. In this instance, the opponent’s secret action
ends there, but if they had managed to put down a secret action that ended in a counter attack, then they
would make their secret action roll as normal, plus an extra D6 for every secret action before it,
depending on how complex the chain had gotten.

As a final note, Secret Actions of a “Lower Tier” can not be used to cancel out a Secret Action of
a higher tier, unless specifically calling out multiple key factors of the secret action. If someone manages
to set up a secret action that relies on multiple aspects being true, then the secret action has to have
considered some of the specifics. A simple, 1d6 “If they attack me, then I do this,” secret action would not
be enough to counter a 5d6 secret action that had been set up throughout the course of the game, unless
that secret action was predicted every step of the way.

Whenever a character or stand succeeds in attacking with a physical attack or harmful stand
ability, they deal damage to their opponent. The damage dealt to the opponent coincides directly with the
difference between the winner and losers contested rolls. Here's an example to explain:

A player attacks an NPC with their stand. The Stand rolls an 18 and the NPC rolls a 10, so the
stand succeeds. The player would then take their 18, subtract the 10 that the NPC rolled, and do 8

Contested rolls are dangerous, however; when one combatant attacks another, the contested roll is
showing their ​conflict​, not just the result of an attack. If one combatant attacks another and loses the
contested roll, then they’re at risk of getting counterattacked. If the opponent wins the contested roll, and
can reason out a way to attack the opponent, they can do a ​counterattack​ and do the damage difference
back to an opponent.

For example, say the player above ended up attacking the NPC with their stand, but rolled a 5.
The NPC rolls an 11, and so the dm rules that “when the Player attacked the NPC, their own stand
emerges from them and retaliates by striking the Player’s stand on the arm with great strength!”

This attack/counterattack style of play makes combat a fast and dangerous game, where both
sides are constantly at risk of getting hit. To minimize this, players and DMs should have their fighters
constantly be looking for ways to attack their opponents in positions they can’t counter-attack from. If an
opponent is put into a situation that stops them from being counter-attacked (such as being stuck in mud,
or being held by another person), then they can only roll to reduce damage. Attempting to inhibit your
opponent can be more important than actually doing damage, in most cases.


Usually, Stands and their users are linked. When a Stand is hit by an attack, all the damage that
would be dealt to them instead gets dealt to the user. A stand, however, has it’s own Durability that an
attacker will have to contend with. Whenever damage is dealt through attacking a stand, they stand will
reduce the damage equal to their durability modifier (See Table 2.1 above).

In this example, a player’s stand is attacked by an opposing stand. The Opposing stand rolls 16,
much higher than the player’s meagre 7. The opponent is set to do 9 damage, but the Player’s stand has a
high durability, a B. This means that the stand will reduce the damage by 3, putting it down to 6.

As seen above, attacking a tough stand that belongs to a tough user is like trying to attack a tank
with sticks and stones. In this situation, it’d be wiser to get behind the stand to try and directly attack the
user. Alternatively, if your opponent’s stand is a weak shrimp with a low durability rank, like an E or D,
they’ll gain a negative to their damage reduction. This means they can actually take more damage if you
attack their Stand directly.


The world is a dangerous place. No statement can be truer in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Your
enemies wield dangerous powers, but the environment is just as capable as being your downfall if you’re
standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, through competent tactics and ability usage, A
crafty Stand user can take this danger and turn it into a weapon to use against their enemies.
To prepare for the inevitable involvement of the outside world, this section details how to resolve
conflicts when objects and environmental effects come into place.

Objects include everything inanimate. Normally, they play a minor role in being things that you
and your stand use or interact with to give you an edge in a fight. Whenever an object is receiving damage
or doing damage, the following rules will be used to outline what occurs:
If at any point you need to resolve damage done to an object, go on the assumption that objects
have a brawns score equal to their general size listed below and generate their health like you would a

Small (1) Bottle, pen, rock, knife, phone, plates, silverware, stick etc.

Normal Chair, signpost, computer, sword, guns, guitar, nightstand, shelf, spear, table, manhole, etc.

Large (5) Cars, street light, dumpster etc.

Huge (7) House, airplane, Elephant, Steamroller applied directly to body, etc.

Table 2.2: Table lists the size of an object, followed by the relative Brawns score in parenthesis, and then some examples of items in that
Objects have no Resolve as they are inanimate, and will either break apart or crumble to dust
when reduced down to 0 Real Health. Only generate the health for an object if common sense dictates that
your stand couldn’t easily destroy it. All stands (except maybe an E ranked stand) could break a pencil,
and stands with A-ranked power could easily destroy a normal sized object.
The Brawns scores listed above also assist in deciding how much damage an object does if used
as a weapon. If an object of whatever size was thrown at a target by an opponent or is used as a weapon,
have the opponent and the target make a contested roll. If the opponent wins, add the objects Brawns
score as an additional modifier to the resulting damage.
In the case of an object acting violently without the assistance of an opponent's stand, simply roll
for the objects opposed roll (as listed in the ​Contested Rolling​ section). If the object wins then, just as
above, add the objects Brawns score as an additional modifier to the resulting damage.
Finally, users may find items and come up with ways to “improve” them. They could pick up a
stick, and then user their stand to swiftly carve it into a spear. Alternatively, guns like machine guns and
high calibre rifles may be more dangerous than their simple listing of 2 brawns. In cases where an object
is somewhat more dangerous than it normally would be (e.g. Stick to spear, object is on fire,
machine-gun, etc.), consider just adding a simple +1 to the Brawns when calculating rolls. In special cases
where the object has reached a level of danger that is truly rare or unique to the item (e.g. a normal stick
turned into a spear and lit on fire, an Anti-Tank Rifle, etc.), then consider giving it an additional +1.

The environment can be just as dangerous as objects depending on the situation. A pit of
quicksand, a raging fire, and a flooding room can all present challenges that risk injury and even death.
Being in an Environmental effect works similar to contesting objects. You represent the effect as
a 2d6 and apply an applicable Brawns bonus. In the case of Environmental Effects, you decide the
brawns score by using the below table.

Light (1) Clothes on fire, drowning in bathtub, small pit of quicksand, etc.

Medium (2) Room on fire, drowning in flooding room, big pit of quicksand, etc.

Large (3) Building on fire, drowning in a lake, quicksand desert, etc.

Table 2.3: Environmental Effects table

The big difference between Objects and Environmental Effects is that the latter gets worse the
more time you stay within it. The Brawns score listed above are what the effects uses for its first turn, but
for every turn an environmental effect is active on you afterwards, it gets a +1 to its Brawn when it makes
a roll on you until you leave the area its affecting. This can keep building until it caps at 10, a state that
would require incredible luck to even attempt to survive in, and probably only done by a Rank A stand.
Environmental effects may not outright damage an opponent, but they will inconvenience them. If
the effect is deadly to a target, resolve a successful attack roll by the effect by doing damage. If it isn’t
directly harmful to a target, have the Effect hamper your character in some other way.

For example, a player caught in a fire will take damage in the normal way, but someone caught
in quicksand may be unable to use their movement until the succeed in a roll against the quicksand effect.

If a player, for some reason, can’t leave an area an Environmental Effect they’re active in, they
can spend actions to attempt to alleviate the Environmental Effect with a contested roll if they can justify
doing it. Any of the players actions can be used to do this (even Secondary Actions), and multiple actions
can be taken per turn to lighten the effect. If they succeed, they decrease the Brawns score by -1. If the
score is reduced to 0, the effect is either dealt with, or simply ceases to affect the player who defeated it.
This considers that the environmental effect is natural. If the effect is being influenced, or directly
caused, by a stand, the rules can change. When a Stand makes an Environmental Effect, decide which
bonus attributes the Effect has based off the Stand’s Power score and the following table:

Rank E The Stand can only make effects at Light size.

Rank D Secondary Actions can no longer be used to make contested rolls against the Effect.

Rank C The Stand can make effects at Medium size.

Rank B The Environmental effect cannot be eliminated until the stand is defeated; it will continue to
grow, and although actions can be taken to check the effect, it cannot go lower than its starting
Brawns value.

Rank A The Stand can make effects at Large size.

Table 2.4: Stand Environmental Effect’s Table (Note: A Higher Rank can do everything a lower rank can do).

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