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Part A

1. Phases of Digital Revolution

Phase Description
Data Processing Data processing is based on the three main
cycle such as input , processing ,and output.
As the input can be made by user , system
will process , and provide output
Personal Computing Uses for the personal work such as standalone
systems implemented at home
Networking Shared access and resources to enable the
Cloud computing Provides the access to big data networks
which can be used for enterprises.
Mobile computing Enabled the mobility now a day , as
contacting anyone anytime isn’t difficult in
that phase.

2. Affects sound, video, image quality


High sample rate affect the quality of sound , video ,and image as it is cleared that the it is
capturing samples every second , on other hand , bit depth can also be affecting factors for
sound , video and image quality because the entire quality is based on both factors but majorly
and functionally , Sample rate is the major factor. Audio compression process reduces the sound
file size as it remove the bits which creates noise and extra sound which are not in the range of
frequencies of a hearing which is normal , that is why Audio compression should be used.

3. Information system
Information system is the a professional organizational system in which the critical data of
organization can be stored , processed , and distributed as the user/organizational requirement to
make sure that functional processing of organization is appropriate.
Two types of information system are given below

 Transaction processing system: Collect , modify , and then retrieve the data for all
transactions of an organization
 Management information system: Make the collection of online data from big data
servers , then analyze data to make a complete organizational statistical report.

The most valuable data accessibility should be limited to make sure that information system
secure , on other hand , implementing firewall and security algorithms can also be a solution.

4. Internet and Web

Internet is a major global network providing the accessibility to users to access different type of
data while Web is a collected information which can be accessed through internet services.

The web components are customer elements in which the definition of API(application program
interface) can be done while other component is DOM(document object model)

Binary search is one of the most efficient model now a day as it is cleared that the binary search
allows the working structure about viewing the information about managing the core level
information about binary execution. It is based on the tree based selection to rapid the process of

5. Database
Set of data stored into the specific location is known as database as it is cleared that every user
wants to store the data while database provides the appropriate structure to make sure that data is
being stored in a right place.

Centralized database :In this database it is cleared that the data is centralized for every user
Distributed database: The shared database , as each user will be allocated with own resources to
access the data model , it is faster than centralized database

Oracle: The most professional tool worked with structured language

MYSQL: mostly used for the online websites as the backend tool.
6. Enterprise computer and Personal computer
An enterprise computer is having the large database management system for an organization , as
several applications might be running at an enterprise computer because the organizational
workflow can be completed at enterprise systems.

A personal computer is limited to one user because it can be home computer with limited data
and accessibility to resources.

For a selection of a new computer, first there should be some personal requirements , based on
which the specifications of computer can be selected such as the computer will be home based or
office based , so it is totally dependent upon the user’s requirement.

Part B
7. ICT Law significant areas , Law vs ethics
The significant of ICT law are described below with extensive details in table below

Classification Description
Copy rights Copy rights are only allowed to copy the
original owner of the content online otherwise
it is breaching the ICT.Content owner can
provide the grant to copy with high
permission to make sure that copy rights are
legalized and provided to the third party
Privacy Privacy is basically the confidentiality of data
which and the decision that what kind of data
should be open sourced , and what should be
not such as organizational transactional data
is private , so it should not be shared with any
third party until unless organizational
management provides the complete
Cybercrimes Hacking someone’s information , attacking to
a specific server , breaching organizational
data , all are the types of cybercrimes , and
according to ICT law it is cleared that
cybercrimes are unethical, and there should be
a proper punishment for cyber criminals.
Domain names Domain names are the online addresses of
web portals such as it should be totally unique
from other as the domain name should not be
matched. It is cleared that the domain names
should be checked in the searches , that either
any other party using it or not , if not , then
the selected domain name can be used
according to ICT Law

Laws are the legislation which should be documented to avoid any issues while , the ethics are
the actions which may reflects the personal values but both are significantly important to exist in
any department.

A professional IT worker should follow the laws because there are some core terms and
conditions should be fulfilled in a proper way to avoid any kind of issues related cyber breaches.

8. Software Programs , Categories , OS

A software program is referring to the non-hardware components which completes the logical
functioning and in computer systems to make sure that the working of the system and application
is being done effectively. A software program resolves the several issues in software systems
based on which the development model can be optimized as per the concerned structure of
implementation and analysis. It is cleared that using the software modeling is higly necessary for
any kind of services to make sure that the software interpretation must be appropriate.

The categories are listed below with details
System software: In system software, the operating systems working can be controlled using the
proper input and output modeling as the proper processing of OS data can be for the system

Application software: Application software is normally designed for the end user’s working as
there are multiple applications which can be used for the end users in order to meet the core
functional requirements and implications of work as per the integrity of using the proper
software domain analytics.

Two operating systems

The selected OS are OS X and Chrome OS

 OS X is specifically designed for the desktop computing and it more secured because the
entire LINUX has been used in the development of OS X , it is fast and stable in terms of
security’s X are having some open source utilization to develop the context for software
 Chrome OS is the virtualized OS which is working for the optimization of web browser
as now a day everything is online ,that is why using the Chrome OS is high in demand.

9. Network and Network Topology, Wired /wireless network, star vs mesh

Network is the group of devices which are connected to transmit the data from one system to
another using an online connection, it is cleared that the domain of network can be defined by the
end users also the network can be more effective if the proper network topologies are used.

Network topology is basically the network devices arrangements to make sure that the working
of network will be appropriate such as the placement of routers and switches can be considered
as the proper network topology. It can also be used for different types of network such as
telecom, radio etc.

Wired and Wireless network

Wired Wireless
Multiple cables are required to implement a It is easy to deploy and install anywhere so
wired connection for a LAN network the connections can be enabled.
Wired is more reliable as the speed is Some distortions due to microwaves are there
consistent but overall usability is appropriate
Data transfer is very fast As compared to wired network , data transfer
is slow
Not portable Portable interface , as it can be used without

Star and Mesh Topology

Star Topology:In start topology , there is a centralized server from which the accessibility to all
connected systems can be enabled for the data transmission. It is cleared that the star topology is
considered as the core level centralized network in which one server is centralized to provide the
accessibility to users

Mesh Topology:

Mesh Topology are basically the connections of nodes which enable the data transmission using
a specific nodes , it is the fast processing model than the star topology.
10. Security breach methods
The three methods are described below with extensive details

Malware contains the viruses such as ransomware which sends a file to system , when user open
it , the data is hacked , as there are multiple types of malware. The viruses are not easy to resolve
, that is why there should be the proper security algorithm to make sure that the malwares should
be controlled. The dynamics of cyber breaches should be controlled in order to secure the data
but there are some powerful malware attacks which may destroy the database management
system so the security is necessary such as Trojan horses are the attacks which change the
extension of files in a computer system, in that case , the user will not be able to access the data
until fulfill , the hacker’s demand.

Social Engineering
Social engineering is the process of breaching data based on the user’s information as there is the
fake message provided to the user and user errors are there so the amount of user can be
breached , as there are multiple examples such as sending fake OTP to user’s mobile to breach
the data of the user.

Spamming is the most common way of data breaching such as the spammers creates the fake
pages where the user put their information , and the information is being breached by the hackers
, it is now a day old process but still it is working such as the creating a Facebook login page
which might not be real , then getting the user’s information and misusing it.

Part C
11. Social Media Honeycomb
Social media honeycomb is basically a framework to enhance the social media profile to make it
more professional such as the business person use the social media to improve the context of
their business and to market their services and product at online portal whereas the combination
of working must be enabled in order to manage the complete significance of ICT modeling and
execution so the dynamics and planning of social media execution should be applied in a proper

The framework model is given below in which the complete components of framework are
shown as each component is very important and should be followed critically in order to
maintain the profile effectively. The management of identity should be appropriate for the
development and integration of core level dynamics about managing the functional working and
analytics about social media honeycomb. There are several groups on social media platform , so
the building of reputation is considered as the necessary part to develop the interactive profile of
business so the basic criteria can be meet.
By using this framework, a high quality profile of business can be developed in order to maintain
the complete business model and product structure in order to process the evaluation and
analytics about the profile development. The contextual analysis of the reputation and
conversation is also necessary.

It is necessary to make the conversation clearer and professional to improve the search analysis
at social media platform while there are some manipulated algorithms which high rate the
profiles if the content is strong, identity is valid, and page reputation is appropriate so the major
improvement can be done effectively. It is a good framework for social media marketing
agencies who uses the framework as a proper model so the implementation and analysis of a high
quality profile could be developed as per the concerned modeling of domain management
structure. By utilizing this system, a top notch profile of business can be created to keep up the
total plan of action and item structure to handle the assessment and investigation about the
profile improvement. The relevant examination of the standing and discussion is likewise

It is important to make the discussion more clear and expert to improve the hunt examination at
online media stage while there are some controlled calculations which high rate the profiles if the
substance is solid, character is legitimate, and page notoriety is proper so the significant
improvement should be possible viably. It is a decent system for online media showcasing
offices who utilizes the system as an appropriate model so the execution and examination first
class profile could be created according to the concerned demonstrating of space the board

Managing the identity without getting diversified is also necessary so the approaches become
stronger as per the evaluation model of information to ensure the collaboration of service based
impact according to the validity of information and process of structural analysis using
Honeycomb model.

12. Scope of Computer Programming

Computer programming is a very vast field now a day and it is required in every department
because the entire world is rapidly moving toward the IT systems, and in those systems, the
programming is completely required. The scope of CP is very high now a day but a professional
programmer can understand the domain of programming now a day as it contains multiple
objects and datasets to develop a complete system whereas the combination of work must be
applied in order to perform the execution strategies and working model based on which the
planning and execution of program is necessary.

Computer programming can be done in different programming languages such as Python, Java,
PHP etc , also there are multiple open source frameworks which can be used for the effective
computer programming. The interpretation and dynamics of programming must be cleared in
order to see the viewpoint of programming. A software and application programming should be
under the context of user so the basic needs and desires of system can be fulfilled. The evaluation
and interpretation of computer programming must be enhanced according to the valid terms and
conditions of coding a software system. There are several co domains of computer programming
which can be helping in the professional career such as the database administration, system
administration, system analyst etc.

The most important part in planning phase is the collecting the user’s requirements and then
shape the requirements into a proper format, it is cleared that for the development of a software ,
the requirements phase is considered as the backbone of entire project because the requirements
define that what exactly should be done in the system. If the requirements are not fully cleared ,
the system will move toward the complete failure and the client will not accept the system. There
are multiple aspects and phases of requirement engineering which should be optimized and
managed to set the planning and execution of the proper system integration. Requirements
specification documentation should be made to develop the context of understanding with design
development team member.

Agile software development method is the most professional method which can be used by an
organization to make sure that the system development will be appropriate but there are some
core terms and conditions which should be in mind for the agile development such as the
development of approaches and the designing the core level software system requires the proper
agile based information. The planning and execution might be more strong in these methods
because user is involved the process of development to develop the system more appropriate as
each and every requirement should be fulfilled. In this development model, it is cleared that the
domain of user and the needs of user should be completed so the basic implementation and
contextual analysis could be applied accordingly. The approaches of agile development are
having the complete life cycle in which the proper quality assurance of each module should be
done by testing team to enhance the quality of service.

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