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1) Having checked the feasibility of    
 without the need for product testing by an
approved   and finding that it IS PERMITTED, we further research and prepare the !

  ready for you to sign backed up with 
 documentary evidence for your assurance.
2) Based on information that you provide to us we also prepare and send to you the required 

" which must be available for inspection at any time.
%) Having checked the feasibility of  
 without the need for product testing by an
approved   and finding that it is NOT PERMITTED we advise you of the required process
together with a fixed quote to cover product testing and audit of production facilities to reach the final stage
leading to the !

  . We can arrange product testing in any country worldwide.
2) Based on information that you provide to us we also prepare and send to you the required

" which must be available for inspection at any time.

    are legally prevented from consulting or assisting in any way whereas we can help you in
every way possible and all within our normal fee.

After the required INITIAL SEARCH through the EU legislation we provide the !

  ready for you to sign together with documentary evidence to support that it complies in every way to
the applicable &  ' . On receipt of this you can immediately apply the  
to your product.
Depending on certain factors it is permitted to place more than one product on the same declaration.

A Technical File for the product has to be prepared in line with EU legislation. It must be kept on hand available
for inspection at your premises. As you are the experts on your products we prepare the technical file on your
behalf based on the information that you supply us. We are the experts on 
 and so you only need
to supply answers to our questions. We can advise you on just how far you need to go without divulging too much
sensitive information about the product or production process.

We keep things as straightforward as possible and only need to ask you to answer certain product and production
questions in our INITIAL SEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE. These questions are kept to a minimum to save your
time whilst covering all we need to know for compliance. The economy of this process enables our low fees and
saves you money. Of course with lots of time costly research sifting through the overwhelming complexity of the
subject you could do it all yourself. But, even discounting the cost to you to do this work, you may always wonder
if you did it correctly and will it stand up if called upon to do so by the EU authorities. Penalties for non
compliance are severe.

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