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Emami’s strength is its values, foresight

and focus on making people healthy

and beautiful in a natural way.
The Company has selected the age-old
science of ayurveda to reconcile nature’s
bounty with comprehensive scientific
safeguards to address widening consumer
needs at an affordable price. Over the
years, the Company’s focus on creating
natural products free from side-effects
(normally associated with chemicals) earned
it the trust of millions of consumers.
This trust has been reinforced by the
Company’s governance, ethical practices
and transparency in stakeholder interaction.
A strong commitment to excellence,
consumer delight, community service,
teamwork and respect for people are
values that the Company lives by.
We at Emami have clearly set out our
vision, mission and values.

Our vision
Making people
healthy and
beautiful, naturally
This is cherished above all within our
organisation and whatever we say, do, and
the way we do it, will emphasise our
integrity and dependability. Our employees,
products and services will clearly
communicate this strength to all our
stakeholders. We will practice integrity in its
real sense in all our personal and business
Transparency and openness to
protect stakeholder value
We are open and transparent in all that we
do and say. This applies to all working
relationships and at every level.
Involvement, trust and willingness to listen
are the guiding principles for decision
making. We believe in open
communication, offer freedom to speak
one’s mind & demonstrate openness &
clarity in all our actions. We exercise
transparency in dealing with all our
stakeholders and we believe this is the only
way to build their trust and value.
Customer orientation
The underlying principle is that progress
can be mapped only in terms of customer
orientation, both internal and external, in all
its spheres of quality, service and reliability.
Our ‘Customer Processes’ are proactive,
relevant and perceived as such by our
customers. Customer delight is the vital
purpose of our business. This necessitates
providing quality, reliability and a high level
of service in all our business dealings.
Leadership and innovation
This stands firmly on a foundation of
commitment and leadership in all that we
do or say. Strong evidence is present in our
actions, an emphasis laid on an opportunity
providing freedom to individual which
would help him set standards of excellence
in performance. We strongly encourage
and reward innovation at all levels. All these
are manifested in an environment of
innovation and leadership.

Mission Statement
We would strive
• To contribute whole heartedly towards
the environment and society integrating all
our stakeholders into the Emami family.
• To make Emami synonymous with
natural beauty and health in the
consumers mind.
• To effectively manage talents by building
a learning organisation
• To strengthen and foster in the
employees, strong emotive feelings of
oneness with the Company through
commitment to their future.
• To drive growth through quality and
innovation in products and services
• To uphold the principles of corporate
• To encourage decision making ability at
all levels of the organisation
Emami would strive to be
• A part of every household in the country
• A major player in every product category
we venture in the country
• The most respected marketer in the
• Recognised as a global brand.

Core values
Commitment and loyalty to
institutional values and principles
A strong sense of ownership and
commitment towards the organisation and
the business as a whole is the basic
premise of all our actions. We believe that
every employee is a member of the
Emami family and as a family we shall
work in the larger interest of the
organisation and for the benefit of all our
stakeholders. The human dignity and
worth of an individual is acknowledged
and maintained at all times. Nothing shall
impose upon the dignity and stature of the
institution which has its roots in these
articulated core values. We will not venture
into any activity which is at a cross
purpose to our values and principles.

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