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Arun kumar Upadhyay,
B-9, CB-9, Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001
(M) 09437034172,
Brahmā-Brahma is defined as the entity from which this (world) is born,
grows, decays and finally merges into it. ज मा य यतः ( -सू १/१/२)
This is from 2 root verbs-(a) Bṛnha = to expand (2) Bhṛñ = to nourish, to hols (Pāṇini
dhātupāṭha 3/5), or o fulfil, make up (1/639)
Brahmā is creator aspect and the created world both.
(2) Deva-
Deva-Asura-Both are expanse of energy. Dormant energy is Asura. Energy
available or creation is Deva. In thermodynamics, energy above background level
(temperature) is available for work. Only Deva energy is used for creation, not asura.
ऋिष यः िपतरो जाता िपतृ यो देव दानवः। देवे य जगत् सव चरं था वनुपूवशः॥ (मनु ूित ३/२०१)
Ṛṣi--Pitara--Deva-Jagat (moving) Chara (moving = lepton)
Dānava-x Sthāṇu (static= baryon)
Anupūrvaśah (link-mesons)
Bright radiation is Deva, dark, dormant matter/energy is Asura.
On earth, creative persons or tendencies are called Deva, destructive are Asuras.
Devas are Āditya, son of Aditi. Aditi is continuous field, Diti is broken in parts (root
verb Dā = to break). Dānava also means the same. Dāna also mans to donate-in
that sense, it is called Kalandar in Arabic. In Deva society, culture and knowledge is
continuous, all men are connected and similar. In Diti or Asura culture, civilization is
divided into 2 opposing parts-believers and non-believers. Pre-prophet are wrong
and are destroyed, only teachings of a particular prophet are correct.
(3) Deva-
devī -Source of radiation is deva, its receiver is Devī-both are necessary for
creation. Any object within a boundary (pura = structure, chhanda = measure) is
Puruṣa. Any continuous field is śrī or strī.
(4) Brahmā
ṣṇu-Śiva-These are indicated by 3 pāda of Gāyatrī-mantra-
ॐ भूभुवः वः-तत् सिवतुवरे यं, भग देव य धीमिह, िधयो यो नः चोदयात्।
ॐ = Praṇava, indicator of Brahma.
3 Vyāhṛti (stock from which āharaṇa = receiving was done for creation) are-
भूः = earth, compact base within a boundary.
वः = Space for creation around a source of energy (sun).
भुवः= Intermediate space causing creation.
तत् सिवता = that creator. Idam = this, created world. तत् = That, creator.
वरे यं = selected (like vara = bridegroom), best.-This first part is creating aspect
भग देव य धीमिह = We understand the radiant aspect (sun). Without radiation,
abstract Brahma may be the best, but beyond understanding. Sun is Viṣṇu as it hols
planetary system in its gravitation, Indra as it radiates. By both processes, it sustains
life-that aspect is Jagannātha.
िधयो यो नः चोदयात् = यो, यः = who, this word also indicates Brahma-
यत् तत् पदमनु मम् (िव णु-सह नाम)
Who inspires our (नः) intellect (धी). Mana is random fluctuation of brain, ordered
sequence expressed by sentence is dhī or buddhī. There are to verbs which means
to affect or to influence-Nud = to push, may not be effective. Chud = to change,
penetrate. All preaching or teaching may not be effective. The part which enters or
received by brain is ‘prachodana’.
symbols Brahmā is Palāsa tree whose branch has 3 leaves. It symbolizes
(5) Tree symbols-
root Atharva (non-shaking, Brahma) which was classified into 3 parts-Ṛk, Yaju,
Viṣṇu is symbolized by Pippala tree-this means chain of creation from source (root)
to branches ending in leaves-which are individual objects of a shape called Chhanda
(= measure). Steps of creation are down.
ऊ वमूलमधः शाखं अ थं ा र यम्। छ दांिस य य पणािन, य तं वेदं स वेदिवत्। (गीता १५/१)
Each leave of pippala hangs almost independently, as each creation in world has
almost independent existence. Separation of individual objects is reason of their own
life cycles. Each mind has separate fluctuation, within same brain there are random
infinite fluctuations-like pippala leaves- िपपर के पतवा स रस डोले मनवा (popular Bhojpuri
song)-mind shakes like leaf of pippala.
Śiva is symbolised by Vata (Ficus) tree. The central tree is Guru, secondary trees
are disciples = śiṣya. An aerial root of the tree grows from earth like the original tree,
similarly Guru creates a similar man in his disciple by giving knowledge. This is
symbol of Guru-śiṣya chain (paramparā). The complex of primary and secondary
trees is called Duma-dumā = druma (tree) created from druma. First tree is Śiva,
secondary tree (druma) is his incarnation Hanumān. Druma had become Dum in
Persian meaning tail. Outflow of knowledge is Śiva and its effect Manojava
(efficiency of brain) is Hanumān.
अथा या मम्। अधरा हनुः पूव पम्। उ रा हनु र पम्। वाक् सि धः। िज वा स धानम्। इ य या मम्।
(तैि रीय उपिनषद् १/३/५)
(6) Triple aspects of Śiva-
iva Śiva also can be viewed as creator, diversity of creation
and knowledge- as per 3 pāda of Gāyatrī-mantra. Source of creation is of 3 types-
original homogenous isotropic matter is called Rasa = Brahmā. Creation within it by
itself is Sukṛta = Viṣṇu. Original thought which started the process is Parameśvara =
सो अकामयत्। ब यां जायेय इित। (तैि रीय उपिनषद् २/६/३)
अस ा इदम आसीत्। ततो वै सदजायत। तदा मानं वयमकु त। त मा त् सुकृतम् उ यत् इित। य ै तत्
सुकृतं रसो वै सः। (तैि रीय उपिनषद् २/७/१-२)
Visible form of creation is entered around sun which is Viṣṇu. Created matter is
Brahmā. The zones of heat/light around it are Rudra and various Śiva – Śiva,
Śivatara, Śivatama. Rudra is intense energy, Śiva is calm form. Grades of higher
calmness are Śivatara, Śivatama. Always steady state is Sadāśiva.
या ते िशवा तनूरघोरा ऽपापकािशनी। तया न त वा श तमया िग रश तािम चाकशीिह॥
(वाजसनेयी सं. १६/२, ेता तर उपिनषद् ३/५)
नमः िशवाय च िशवतराय च (वाजसनेयी सं. १६/४१, तैि रीय सं. ४/५/८/१, मै ायणी सं. २/९/७)
यो वः िशवतमो रसः, त य भाजयतेह नः। (अघमषण म , वाजसनेयी सं. ११/५१)
सदािशवाय िव हे, सह ा ाय धीमिह त ो सा बः चोदयात्। (वनदुगा उपिनषद् १४१)
Sphere of 100 sun-diameters around sun is Rudra = intense heat. Around moon’s
orbit calm zone of Śiva starts-so moon is at head (source or start) of Śiva. This is
called Śatarudriya as Rudra becomes śānta (calm) here. Sun is bright up to 1000
diameters distance-at this distance from Saturn it looks copper-red. That is Śivatara
zone (more calm). Up to 1 lakh diameters, sun has creative power-that is Maitreya or
Lakṣarudriya (Vişņu purāņa, 2/8) Limit (koṭi) of sun where it is still brighter than
galaxy background is up to 107 diameters, called Koṭi-rudriya. Beyond that is
Sadāśiva. These 3 zones are called 3 steps of Viṣṇu within solar system. The last
limit up to which sun can be seen as a point is called its Parama-pada which is field
of galaxy or Brahmāṇḍa (an aṇḍa = egg of Brahma)
शत योजने ह वा एष (आ द य) इत तपित (कौषीत क ा ण उपिनषद् ८/३)
स एष (आ द यः) एक शतिवध त य र मयः । शतिवधा एष एवैक शततमो य एष तपित (शतपथ ा ण
यु ा य (इ य) हरयः शतादशेित । सह ं हैत आ द य य र मयः (इ ः=आआ द यः)
यः जैिमनीय उपिनषद्
ा ण १/४४/५)
असौ य ता ो अ ण उत ब ःु सुम गलः । ये चैनं ा अिभतो द ु ि ताः सह ोऽवैषां हेड ईमहे ॥

इदं िव णु वच मे ेधा िनदधे पदम्। समू हम य पांसुरे॥ (ऋक् १/२२/१७)

=This Viṣṇu by his spheres of influence has placed 3 steps. This is root of this world.
तद् िव णोः परमं पदं सदा प यि त सूरयः। दवीव च ुराततम्। (ऋक् १/२२/२०)
= That is last limit (step) of Viṣṇu which is collection of suns. It is spread of chakṣu
(eye, axis) in space.
ख ोम ख य ख-सागर ष क-नाग
नाग ोमा शू य यम- प-नगा -च ाः।
ा ड स पुटप र मणं सम ताद य तरा दनकर य कर- साराः। (सूय िस ा त १२/ ९०)
sun-rays is called Brahmāṇḍa whose circumference is 1.87 x
= Last limit of reach of sun
1017 yojanas (in Bha-yojana
yojana unit = 27 Bhū-yojana = 214 kms).
(7) Jagat and Viś
Viśva-In common language, both mean world. There is no distinction in
English language. However, jagat is abstract creator and consciousness. Viśva is a
compact complete system within a boundary.
अना न तं किलल य म ये िव य ारमनेक पम् ।
िव यैकं प रवेि तारं ा वा देवं मु यते सव पाशैः ॥ ( ेता तर उपिनषद्, ५/१३)
= A cell also is a Viśva, which is enclosed (pariveşţita).
Lord of jagat is Jagannātha
tha (Viṣṇu), lord of viśva is Viśvanātha
tha = Śiva. Man is a
complete viśva. There are 4 higher worlds, each 107 times bigger-
bigger earth, solar
system, galaxy (Parameṣṭh
hī), Universe (Svayambhū). Each is sky for previous earth.
रिवच मसोयाव मयूखैरवभा यते ।स समु स र छैला पृिथवी तावती मृता ।।३।
याव माणा पृिथवी िव तार प रम डलात् । नभ ताव माणं वै ास म डलतो ि ज ।४।
(िव णु पुराण, २/७/३,४)
=The zone lighted by sun and moon is Pŗthivī (earth) and in all the earths-ocean,
rivers and mountains are stated as on planet earth-(a) Planet earth-It is lighted by
sun and moon both and it has all-ocean, rivers and mountains.
(b) Maitreya-maņɖala-It is the zone exclusively lighted by sun. Zones formed by
planetary orbits are described as continents and oceans of same name as on earth.
(c) Galaxy-This is the last limit up to which sun can be seen as a point- Definition of
Brahmāņɖa in Sūrya-siddhānta (12/90). In this earth also, central rotating disc is
called a river-Ākāśa-gangā.
Whatever is the size of earth by diameter and circumference, the same is diameter
and circumference of its sky, starting from earth-Stated by Maitreya to Parāśara,
addressed as Dvija (Brāhmaņa).
Within solar system, sphere containing moon’s orbit is important for life on earth,
that is called Chāndra-maṇḍala.
Lower (smaller) viśvas are 7, successively 10-5 times smaller than man-(1) Kalila
(cell), (2) Jīva (atom), (3) Kuṇḍalinī (nucleus), (4) Jagat (particles of 3 types indicated
before), (5) Deva-dānava, (6) Pitara (prototype, quark ?), (7) Ṛṣī (string, rassi).
Thus, there are 13 viśvas = man + 5 higher + 7 lower. Number 13 is indicated by
word viśva. Jagat is conscious being of 14 varieties-8 higher (daiva)- 7 for each loka,
1 universal. There are 6 forms on earth-man is complete image of universe (number
of galaxies in universe = number of stars in our galaxy = number of cells in human
brain-Śatapatha brāhmaṇa, 12/1/1/1). Dormant conscious is soil (mṛd = dead, soil),
sleeping conscious are trees. Other conscious beings are of land, air, water.
Creation sequence is 7 lokas, 8 divya and 6 earth creatures- called 786 (Bismillah)
which is first verse of Veda (Atharva 1/1/1).
(8) Time cycles-Perception
cycles of change is Kāla (time). Śiva is Kāla and its source
Mahākāla. The time in which water pot (on Śiva-linga) is emptied is called Ghaṭī (=
Ghaḍī in Hindi). On completion of 1 muhūrtta = 2 Ghaṭī, bell (ghaṇṭā) is struck
Prahara (7.5 Ghaṭī) is time for which a praharī (watch) is on duty. This time is
measured by cyclical changes. It is called janya-kāla as creation (yajña) is done in
natural cycles of day, month, year. Always decaying aspect of time is nitya-kāla
(eternal time) also called Mahākāla.
कालोऽि म लोक यकृ वृ ो (गीता ११/३२)
सहय ाः जाः सृ वा पुरोवाच जापितः । अनेन सिव य वमेषवोऽि व कामधुक् ॥१०॥
एवं व ततं च ं नानुवतयतीह यः ….॥१६॥ (गीता, ३) कालः कलयतामहम् ॥(गीता, १०/३०)
In day-cycle, day is with more energy called Rudra, night (rātri) is Śiva. In month
cycle, śukla-pakṣa (in which brightness of moon increases) is Rudra, kṛṣṇa-pakṣa is
Śiva. So, worship of Śiva is done in night of kṛṣṇa-pakṣa. As Viśva has 13 levels, it is
observed after completion of 13 tithis. Mahā (main) Śiva-rātri is observed when the
year itself ends. Last month is called Fālguna (hollow). When human body becomes
hollow after departure of soul, its rites are done at Gaya where river is called Falgu.
Creation of world itself is called and its motion is rāsa (mixing of rasa) or lāsya
(harmony). Dissolution (pralaya) is Rudrra and process is tāṇḍava (havoc, disorder).
(9) Lingas of Śiva-
iva Linga means outer form. Outer body form indicates sex of the
person, so it means sex also.
मूल व प िल ग वा मूलम इित मृतः । सू म वा कारण वा लयनाद् गमनादिप ।
ल णा परमेश य िल गिम यिभधीयते ॥ (योगिशखोपिनषद्, २/९, १०)
Linga = Līnam + gamayati = i.e. it goes to merge in. The root cause gives rise to
world which again merges in it, that micro form is called mūla-mantra (svayambhū-
linga). Next is gamana (motion) called bāņa-linga. Bāņa means arrow which is used
to indicate direction of motion.
Signs of Parameśvara (its created objects in which it has entered) are also linga.
These are itara (=other, different) forms, so they are called Itara-linga. In space, root
world as uniform rasa is Svayambhū linga.
Motion pattern starts with galaxy, which is bāņa -linga.
Various forms are seen on earth and solar system, they are infinite, but classified
as 12 rāśi (zodiac signs). In those, jyoti (light) of sun varies, so they are called
jyotirlinga. On earth, centre of civilization is India which is place of norms of conduct.
So, all lingas are here only.
At the end of Jagannātha dhāma, Lingarāja is at Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. Adjacent to
it, Trilinga is in Telangana in Andhra-pradesh. 12 jyotirlingas are in whole of India.
In human body, the linga in mūlādhāra at center of orifices of stool and urine is the
organ from where man is born, so it is svayambhū linga. Center of blood and air
circulation is at heart chakra-anāhata- which is place of bāņa-linga. Forms are
perceived by centre of brain whose linga is called Itara-
योिन थं त परं तेजः वय भू िल ग संि थतम् । प र फु रद् वा द सा तं चतुवण चतुदलम् ।
कु लािभधं सुवणाभं वय भू िल ग संगतम् । दय थे अनाहतं नाम चतुथ प जं भवेत् ।
प थं त परं तेजो बाण िल गं क तम् । आ ाप ं ुवो म ये ह ोपेतं ि प कम् ।
तुरीयं तृतीय िल गं तदाहं मुि दायकः । (िशवसंिहता, पटल ५)
Comparison of lingas-
Linga Cosmic Geographical Human
Svayambhū Root world Lingarāja Mūlādhāra
Bāņa Galaxy Trilinga Anāhata
Itara Solar system 12 jyotir lingas Ājñā
Turīya Abstract World --------- Sahasrāra
Representation of forms is by symbols of letters forming words and sentences-that
also is called Linga and is described in Linga purāņa (1/17/83-88) which tells about
number of letters for different purposes. Thus in Greek also, it is called Lingua and
language in English-
शु फ टक संकाशं शुभा शदा रम् । मेधाकरमभूद ् भूयः सवधमाथ साधकम् ॥८३॥
गाय ी भवं म ं ह रतं व यकारकम् । चतु वशित वणा ं चतु कलमनु मम् ॥८४॥
अथवमिसतं म ं कला क समायुतम् । अिभचा रकम यथ य श छु भा रम्॥८५॥
यजुवद समायु म् प श छु भा रम् । कला क समायु म् सु ेतं शाि तकं तथा॥८६॥
योदश कलायु म् बाला ैः सह लोिहतम् । सामो वं जग या ं बृि संहार कारकम् ॥८७॥
वणाः षडिधकाः षि र य म वर य तु । प म ा तथा ल वा जजाप भगवान् ह रः ॥८८॥
(िल ग पुराण १/१७)
38 letters-for intellect, wealth (37 letters of Maya script + Om)
24 letters of Gāyatrī-For influence, fame.
33 letters (Kŗşņa Atharva)-For Abhichāra (curse, destruction etc)
35 letters of Yajurveda (Gurumukhī)-Yajña (cycle of production), peace.
66 letters of Sāma-for music.
(10) Vṛṣabha
ṛṣabha of Śiva-Ṛṣabha
iva is source, starter of civilization after glacial floods in
10000 BC was called Ṛṣabha-deva in that sense. Civilization is based on farming
which is done with bullocks, which are called vṛṣabha which is vehicle of Śiva. It is
symbol of yajña as it does root yajña of farming. It is also source of Dharma and 4
parts of dharma are 4 legs of vṛṣabha. As source of knowledge, is Dakṣiṇāmūrti, as
lord of food grains, he is Vāmadeva. As abstract mind, or whole universe, he is
Digambara (without cloths). As bright radiation which is source of seeing, he is
Śvetāmbara (with white cloths)
िन याय शु ाय दग बराय त मै नकाराय नमः िशवाय।१।
द ाय देवाय दग बराय त मै य काराय नमः िशवाय।५। (िशव प ा र तो )
शु ला बरधरं िव णुं शिशवण चतुभुजम् । स वदनं यायेत् सविव ोपशा तये॥ (िव णु तो )
वटिवटपसमीपे भूिमभागे िनष णं, सकलमुिनजनानां ानदातारमारात्।
ि भुवनगु मीशं दि णामू तदेवं, जननमरणदुःख छेदद ं नमािम॥११॥ (दि णामू त तो )
Field of Śiva is Mahah, so he is Mahādeva. Boundary or end of that Mahah is
Mahāvīra = Hanumān. Jaina tradition also started with Ṛṣabha-deva and ended with
Mahāvīra. Other 22 Tīrthankara were links (nadha = to tie or bind), so they were
called Nātha. Radiation from source is from Ṛ to M, so moving prāṇa is called Ram.
ाणो वै रं ाणे हीमािन भूतािन रम ते। (बृहदार यक उपिनषद् ५/१२/१)
ाणो वै वायुः। (मैतायणी उपिनषद् ६/३३)
ॐ त स दित िनदशः णः ि िवधः मृतः (गीता १७/२३)
Brahma within body is Aum, when it leaves, it is Ram, nirdeśa (indication) is by
name, so at time of departure of soul, it is said- राम नाम सत्.
(11) Mṛtyuñ
tyuñjaya-As nitya-kāla which always decays the beings, Śiva is mṛtyu (death).
To conquer death, he is worshipped and that prayer is called Mahā-mṛtyuñjaya-
य बकं यजामहे सुग ध पुि वधनम्। उवा किमव ब धनान् मृ योमु ीय मामृतात्॥
(ऋ वेद ७/५९/१२, अथव १४/१/१७, वाजसनेयी यजुवद ३/६०, तैि रीय सं. १/८/६/२)
We worship Śiva ruling 3 ambaka (3 sources of creation, pair of 3 earth-sky) for
sugandhi (gandha is quality of earth, sugandhi = growth of physical wealth), and
growth of self (puṣṭi). Only he can free us from bondage and death like fruit of Vaṭa
tree (falls freely) like flow of knowledge and grace from Śiva.
The field of 3 ambaka is Gaurī who is also Tryambakā-
सवमंगल मा ग ये िशवे सवाथ सािधके ।
शर ये य बके गौ र नारायणी नमोऽ तु ते। (दुगा स शती ११/१०)

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