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Understanding Car Crashes: It’s Basic Physics

1. What is inertia?

2. What does an object at rest tend to do? Give an example.

3. What does an object in motion tend to do? Give an example.

4. What will change an object’s motion?

5. Why is wearing a seatbelt a good thing?

6. What is momentum?

7. What changes an object’s momentum?

8. Why do you feel a greater force when panic braking in a car versus regular braking?

9. Is it better to have a more or less stiff front end in a car? Why?

10. Why do lighter, smaller cars often “lose” in a car crash?

11. If you double the speed of a car in a car crash, how much does the kinetic energy increase?

12. What are three things on/in a car that improve your safety in a car crash?

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