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C.C. 1193531887


1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a paragraph.

The digital revolution increases the reach, flexibility and agility of companies, large and
small, as The culture of multinational microenterprises changes the nature of socio-
economic interactions by transforming people's aspirations and preferences, such as the
expectation of instant gratification offered by services one click; Another factor such as 3D
printing, also known as "additive manufacturing", could lead to the near-shoring of the
industry, as it increases the speed of production; It requires decisive political actions that
incentivize the adoption of technology by all actors companies competing internationally.

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

It talks about export strategies, traditional policy tools which allow us to make a balance at
the business level. Regarding the economy depending on the sector to which it belongs,
since there is an emblematic initiative with European missions referring to the union
markets. Given the above mentioned we can give by reference that we can add some
sophisticated business services to advanced easy to replicate for some competitive
competition term, taking into account the strategic notes of EPSC integration of products
and services in some terms are better in search of disruptive innovations looking for new
ideas trying to import new skills and entrepreneurial talents by acquiring new companies.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Oportunidades de política:
Camina la conversación - y rápido

Las herramientas de políticas tradicionales a menudo son obsoletas ante la integración de

productos y servicios en el mercado. El mercado único no ha perdido nada de su
importancia; en todo caso, el valor creciente de los mercados transfronterizos, dada la
integración producto-servicio, lo hace aún más valioso. Pero el mercado único por sí solo
no garantizará el éxito futuro. Las condiciones marco más amplias, que van desde la
facilidad con que las compañías pueden cambiar de un modelo de negocio al próximo
hasta la facilidad de uso del régimen de protección de datos emergente, se encuentran
bajo un escrutinio cuidadoso por parte de las compañías que tienen más opciones que
nunca: la digitalización le da a las compañías agilidad en términos de ubicación,
subcontratación y uso de cadenas de valor globales para su máxima ventaja.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the meaning
of each word.

 Competition: In economics, competition is a patrimonial situation in which

economic agents have the freedom to offer suitable goods and services in the
market, and to choose from whom they buy or acquire these goods and services.

 Economy: System of production, distribution, trade and consumption of goods

and services of a society or a country.

 Integration: the word integration has its origin in the Latin concept integratĭo. It is
about the action and effect of integrating or integrating (constituting a whole,
completing a whole with the missing parts or making someone or something
become part of a whole)

 Market: in Latin, and more exactly in the term mercatus, is where we find the
etymological origin of the word market that we are now dealing with. A term that
is used with great frequency in today's society to refer to all that public site in
which, on the established days, you proceed to buy or sell various products.

 Opportunities: A market opportunity is a favorable situation for a company. ...

Market opportunities are generally self-created, that is, they occur naturally, but
can sometimes be generated by a specific company or sector.

 Productos: el latín productus, se conoce como producto a aquello que ha sido

fabricado (es decir, producido). Esta definición del término es bastante amplia y
permite que objetos muy diversos se engloben dentro del concepto genérico de

 Revolution: the etymological origin of the term that we are now going to analyze
is very clear, it is found in Latin. Even more specifically we can establish that it
resides in the Latin word revolutum, which can be translated as "to go round."

 Segment: The market segment is a relatively large and homogeneous group of

consumers who can be identified within a market, who have similar wants,
purchasing power, geographic location, buying attitudes or buying habits, and who
will react similarly to a marketing mix
 Services: the discipline dedicated to analyzing the behavior of markets and
consumers is known as marketing or marketing. Its objective is to work in the
commercial management of companies to retain and retain customers, introduce
new products.

 Technology: Technology is science applied to solving specific problems. It

constitutes a set of scientifically ordered knowledge that allows the design and
creation of goods or services that facilitate adaptation to the environment and the
satisfaction of the essential needs and desires of humanity.

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

A Client D Things created by projects

B Solution C A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.
C Engagement A A customer.
D Project B Products and services that solve a client’s problem.
E Deliverable E An agreement between client-service provider.
6. 3.

Las herramientas de política tradicionales a menudo son obsoletas ante la

integración de mercado de productos y servicios. el mercado no ha perdido nada de su

importancia; en todo caso, el valor creciente de los mercados transfronterizos, dada la integración
de productos y servicios, lo hace aún más valioso, que van desde

la facilidad con la que las empresas pueden cambiar de un modelo de negocio al lado de la
facilidad de uso de

el régimen de protección de datos emergente.

la digitalización da a las empresas agilidad en términos de ubicación,

subcontratación y el uso de cadenas de valor globales para su

máxima ventaja.

El mercado único no debe considerarse de forma aislada. los Mercados de Capitales

Unión y el mercado único digital: todos se suman

más que la suma de sus partes. Siempre que Europa

logra dar un salto cuántico al dar rienda suelta a

el potencial de sus mercados de productos y servicios,

hay numerosas oportunidades que aprovechar.

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