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International marketing MCQ's

1. Extension of marketing activities across the globe is called as ______.

A) International business.
B) Universal marketing
C) International marketing.
D) Borderless marketing.
Answer. (C)
2. In international marketing _______ factors affect international marketing decisions.
A) Political.
B) Economical.
C) Social.
D) All of the above
Answer. (D)
3. In international marketing EPRG stands for?
A) Ethical, political, regional, geographical orientation
B) Ethnographic, polygraphed, regiographic, geographic orientation.
C) Ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, geocentric orientation.
D) Ethical, political, regional, geometrical orientation.
Answer. (C)
4. Under ______ the strategy is to simultaneously introduce the newly developed product in all
kinds of global market.
A) Trickle down model.
B) Shower model
C) Trickle shower model
D) Heckler model.
Answer. (B)
5. In international marketing ________ type of exporter will choose direct distribution channels.
A) Micro.
B) Small.
C) Large.
D) Medium
Answer. (C)
6. In international marketing the term green marketing is related to ________.
A) Influence of green colour on marketing decisions.
B) Environmental concerns and protection.
C) Marketing and natural farming.
D) Green house effect.
Answer. (B)
7. Within the firm it is primarily that _____ or ______ managers who argue for standardization for
the sake of economy of scale.
A) Production, finance.
B) Marketing, distribution.
C) Logistics, manufacturer.
D) Primarily, secondary.
Answer. (A)
8. Ethnocentrism can simply be defined as_________.
A) Developing a simple diverse strategy for new market.
B) Develop one strategy for all countries worldwide.
C) Use everywhere the same strategy as at home.
D) Being ethnically centred on a global scale.
Answer. (C)
9. All of the following are actual modes of market entry EXCEPT.
A) Licensing.
B) Standardization.
C) Franchising.
D) Exporting.
Answer. (B)
10. International trade and domestic trade differ because of.
A) Different government policies.
B) Immobility of factors.
C) Trade restrictions.
D) All of the above.
Answer. (D)
11. Government policies about exports and imports is called _____.
A) Commercial policy.
B) Fiscal policy.
C) Monetary policy.
D) Finance policy.
Answer. (A)
12. Foreign trade creates among countries ____.
A) Conflicts.
B) Cooperation.
C) Hatred.
D) Both A and B
Answer. (B)
13. Aa tariff is ______.
A) Restriction on the number of export firms.
B) Limit on the amount of imported goods.
C) Tax and imports.
D) Both B and C
Answer. (C)
14. All are advantages of foreign trade EXCEPT.
A) People get foreign exchange.
B) Nations compete
C) Cheaper goods.
D) Optimum utilisation of country resources.
Answer. (A)
15. Two countries can gain from foreign trade if _____.
A) Cost ratios are different.
B) Tariff rates are different.
C) Price ratio are different.
D) Both A and C
Answer. (D)
16. Terms of trade of developing countries are generally unfavourable because _____.
A) They export primary goods.
B) They import value added goods.
C) They export few goods.
D) Both A and B
Answer. (D)
17. What would encourage trade between two countries.
A) Different tax system.
B) Frontier checks.
C) National currency.
D) Reduced tariffs
Answer. (D)
18. It is a drawback of free trade.
A) Prices of local goods rises.
B) Government looses income from custom duties.
C) National resources are underutilised.
D) Both A and B
Answer. (B)
19. Exchange value of PAKISTANI rupee against other currencies has fallen because _____
A) Our total exports are smaller.
B) Our imports are more then exports.
C) Exports are more then imports.
D) PAK does not produce gold.
Answer. (B)
20. Foreign trade _______.
A) Increase employment opportunities.
B) Increase international mobility of labour.
C) Increase competition.
D) All of the above.
Answer. (D)

1._________________is about matching market opportunities

to the organization’s resources (what it can do) and objectives
(what management wants to do).
a) Marketing communications
b) Market research
c) Marketing strategy
d) Market segmentation
2. ________________regard their overseas activities as a
complex process of coordination and cooperation. The
environment is regarded as one where decision-making is
shared in a participatory manner.
a) National organizations
b) Multinational organizations
c) Transnational organizations
d) Multinational organizations
Ans: c
3. Which of the following is an important cultural factor that
should be considered by marketers seeking international
a) Competitive synergy
b) Language
c) Natural resources
d) Technological sensitivity
Ans: b
4. A/an _____ is a limit on the amount of a specific product that
can enter a country.
a) Quota
b) Tariff
c) exchange control incorrect
d) boycott
Ans: a
5. Which method of entering the global marketplace involves
the manufacturing firm itself distributing its product offering to
foreign markets, direct to customers?
a) Indirect exporting
b) Licensing
c) Joint ventures
d) Direct exporting
Ans: d
6. _____ are situations in which the domestic firm assumes an
equity position (partial ownership) in a foreign firm to
manufacture and/or market the domestic company’s goods.
a) Direct investments
b) Joint ventures
c) Demographics groups incorrect
d) Franchise relationships
Ans: b

7. Mobility barriers are:

a) Barriers which constrain the mobility of multinational firms
in foreign markets.
b) Barriers which prevent other firms entering the strategic
group and threatening the existing members.
c) Barriers related to the human tendency to reject
unfamiliar or negative information.
d) Barriers between countries that prevent multinational
firms from crossing borders.
Ans: b
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of barriers to
a) Buyer switching costs
b) Economies of scale
c) Product differentiation
d) Expected retaliation
Ans: a
9. The International Product Life Cycle does not apply to non-
standard industrial products such as:
a) Ship-building
b) Luxury products
c) Televisions
d) DVD players
Ans: b
10. The goals of international marketing are to:
a) Eliminate competition in international markets.
b) Expand business activities abroad.
c) create and retain customers in global markets
d) gain market share and increase profit
Ans: c
11. When screening a strategy for potential implementation
problems, which of the following step is NOT included?
a) identification of strategy and objectives
b) identify and evaluate all key players
c) Internal marketing
d) External marketing
Ans: d
12. The 'brand personality' includes
a) Sincerity
b) Sophistication
c) competence and excitement
d) all of above
Ans: d
13. Segmentation of international markets on the basis of
common languages, religions and customs is example of
a) geographic location
b) cultural factors
c) economic factors
d) political and legal factors
Ans: b
14. Being a global organization means:
a) customizing the product range for each segment in part
b) creating both standardized and customized products.
c) creating standardized products for homogeneous markets
d) any of the above
Ans: b
15. Regionalism is:
a) an international management orientation.
b) The grouping of countries into regional clusters based on
geographic proximity.
c) an international management orientation and a
protectionist policy created to exclude third world
countries from certain forms of international trade
d) a protectionist policy created to exclude third world
countries from certain forms of international trade.
Ans: b
16. A global market leader is an organization which:
a) is recognized as being ahead of the rest in terms of market
b) has the monopoly over several foreign markets.
c) Has more than 50% global market share.
d) Is ahead of the competition in terms of global innovation
Ans: a
17. _____ is the father of Modern Marketing.
a) Peter Drucker
b) Philip Kotler
c) Lester Wunderman
d) Abraham Maslow
Ans: b
18. Marketing is a process which aims at ________
a) Production
b) Profit-making
c) The satisfaction of customer needs
d) Selling products
Ans: c
19. ______ are the form of human needs take as shaped by
culture & individual personality.
a) Wants
b) Demands
c) Needs
d) Social Needs
Ans: d
20. Marketing management is ________.
a) developing marketing strategies to move the company
b) managing the marketing process
c) monitoring the profitability of the company’s products and
d) the art and science of choosing target markets and getting,
keeping, and growing customers through creating,
delivering, and communicating superior customer value
Ans: d

1.Which of the dimensions Hofstede used to define differences

between national cultures refers to the degree to which
members of a culture are expected to act independently of
other members?
a) Individualism
b) Power distance incorrect
c) Masculinity
d) Uncertainty avoidance
Ans: a
2.According to Hofstede’s initial study, there are four
dimensions of difference between national cultures. Which of
the following is not one of the dimensions Hofstede studied?
a) Uncertainty avoidance incorrect
b) Power distance incorrect
c) Masculinity
d) Paradoxicality
Ans: d
3.Handling of crises by managers and employees reveals an
organizational ………….
a) Culture
b) Society
c) Environment
d) Structure
Ans: a
4.Mismatch between personality and organization may lead to
a) Confusion and chaos
b) Loss of interest by members in organization
c) Low morale and job satisfaction
d) All of the above
Ans: d
5.To be efficient every manager must try to
a) Understand human behaviour
b) Predict human behaviour
c) Control human behaviour
d) All of the above
Ans: d
6.Organizational culture includes:
a) Organizational rituals and ceremonies
b) Norms shared by the teams
c) Commonly used language
d) All of the above
Ans: d
7.What is the other name for vertical job loading?
a) Job analysis
b) Job enrichment
c) Job evaluation
d) Job enlargement
Ans: b
8.Learning organizations are adaptive to
a) Internal
b) External
c) Work
d) None of the above
Ans: b
9.The organizational culture norm of what is deemed important
(e.g., teamwork, accountability, innovation) is known as
a) the content
b) the consensus
c) the intensity
d) the artifact
Ans: a
10.The key characteristic of organizational culture that
addresses the degree to which people exhibit integrity and high
ethical standards in their work is termed ________.
a) Assertiveness
b) Averseness
c) Integrity
d) risk taking
Ans: c
11.Which of the following is a way individuals learn culture
from social institutions?
a) Etiquette awareness
b) Social rebellion
c) Anarchy
d) Socialization
Ans: d
12.Cultures with high ________ scores tend to have a high level
of anxiety and stress and a concern with security and rule
a) Power Distance Index
b) Masculinity/Femininity Index
c) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
d) Individualism/Collectivism Index
Ans: c
13.The process of adjusting to a new culture is known as:
a) Transference
b) Assimilation
c) Acculturation
d) Culture transfer.
Ans: c
14.Which of the following is true of the findings of
Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI)?
a) Higher levels of bribery have been found in low-power
distance nations.
b) Lower levels of bribery have been found in poor nations
c) Lower levels of bribery have been found in nations with a
communist past
d) The higher level of bribery have been found in low income
Ans: d
15.Academic studies of the causes and consequences of
bribery, conducted by Transparency International (TI),
indicate corruption is greater in:
a) Collectivistic nations.
b) Relationship-orientation
c) Nations with a communist past
d) Extortion
Ans: a
16 ......... Are those customs or behaviour pattern reserved
exclusively for the locals and from which The foreigner is barred
a) Extortion
b) Cultural exclusive
c) Cultural electives
d) Cultural imperatives
Ans: b

17.Culture has an important influence on______

a) Strategic thinking
b) Strategic planning
c) Behavior
d) Insurmountable barriers
Ans: a
18. _____ are business customs and expectations that must be
met, conformed, recognized and accommodated if
relationships are to be successful.
a) Insurmountable barriers
b) Cultural imperatives
c) Cultural electives
d) Cultural exclusive
Ans: b
19.Voluntarily offered payment by someone seeking unlawful
advantage is known as
a) Corruption
b) Bribery
c) Fraud
d) Extortion
Ans: b
20.Payments are extracted under duress by someone in
authority from a person seeking only what they are lawfully
entitled is known as
a) Bribery
b) Subornation
c) Extortion
d) Lubrication
Ans: c

International Marketting

1. Trade between two countries can be useful if cost ratios of goods are:
A. Undetermined
B. Decreasing
C. Equal
D. Different
Answer: D
2. Which of the following theories suggests that firms seek to penetrate new
markets over time?
A.Imperfect Market Theory
B.Product cycle theory
C. Theory of Comparative Advantage
D. None of the above
Answer: B
3.Dumping refers to:
A. Reducing tariffs
B. Sale of goods abroad at low a price, below their cost and price in home market
C. Buying goods at low prices abroad and selling at higher prices locally
D. Expensive goods selling for low prices
Answer: B
4 ________ are industrial products that aid in the buyer's production or operations,
including installations and accessory equipment.


B. Supplies

C. Capital items

D.Specialty Items


5. International trade and domestic trade differ because of:

A. Different government policies
B. Immobility of factors
C. Trade restrictions
D. All of the above
Answer: D
6. The margin for a currency future should be maintained with the clearing house
A. The seller
B. The buyer
C. Either the buyer or the seller as per the agreement between them
D. Both the buyer and the seller
Answer: D
7.The following statement with respect to currency option is wrong
A.Foreign currency- Rupee option is available in India
B.An American option can be executed on any day during its currency
C.Put option gives the buyer the right to sell the foreign currency
D.Call option will be used by exporters
Answer: D
8. Govt. policy about exports and imports is called:
A. Commercial policy
B. Fiscal policy
C. Monetary policy
D. Finance policy
Answer: A
9.Which of the following is international trade:
A. Trade between countries
B. Trade between regions
C. Trade between provinces
D. Both (b) and (c)
Answer: A
10. Market in which currencies buy and sell and their prices settle on is called the
A.International bond market
B.International capital market
C.Foreign exchange market
D. Eurocurrency market
Answer: C
11 Growing interest in international marketing is due to:
(a) increased opportunities to enter foreign markets.
(b) increased competition from domestic and foreign firms.
(c) lowered trade barriers.
(d) All of the above.

Ans: d

12 China has become more important in international business

(a) as a major exporter of manufactured goods.
(b) as a major consumer of raw materials.
(c) because of its large and growing domestic market.
(d) All of the above.
Ans: d

13 The variables in the marketing program:

(a) include controllable variables such as geography and cultural characteristics.
(b) include uncontrollable variables such as the company's marketing activities.
(c) are independent of each other.
(d) None of the above.

Ans :d

14 Tariffs are meant to

A) Discourage imports of particular goods
B) Generate revenue
C) Penalize countries imposing tariffs on goods from the importing country
D) All of the above

Ans: d

15 _____ is the performance of business activities designed to plan, price, promote, and
direct the flow of a company's goods and services to consumers or users in more than
one nation for a profit.

A) Multinational marketing
B) World trade
C) Corporate management
D) International marketing

Ans: d

16 Which of the following is a controllable element for an international marketer?

A) Level of technology
B) Geography and infrastructure
C) Channels of distribution
D) Cultural forces

Ans: c

17 ……………… an unconscious reference to one's own cultural values,

experiences, and knowledge as a basis for decisions.

A) Regionalism
B) Holism
C) Self-reference criterion
D) Segregation
Ans: c

18 The availability of the product processed, prepared, in proper condition, and/or ready
to use is referred to as:
A) place utility.
B) price utility.
C) information utility.
D) form utility.
Ans: d

19 Which country has the biggest market for Tupperware?

A) Romania
B) Indonesia
C) China
D) Russia
Ans: b

20 Sales representatives in which Japanese industry cultivate close, long-term relations

with customers by selling door-to-door?
A) consumer electronics
B) pharmaceuticals
C) automobiles
D) soft drinks

Ans: C

Political Enviroment in international marketing

1-Which of the following is not part of the external marketing environment?






2. Tobacco advertising is now banned in virtually all marketing communication forms in

many countries around the world. This can be explained as an influence of:
A)Technological enviroment




3. _____________ is an assessment of a company's mix of products, services,

investments, and other assets in order to optimize the use of resources and to assess its
suitability, level of risk, and expected financial return.

A)SWOT analysis

B)Political Analysis

C)Portfolio Analysis

D)Competitive analysis


4. The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment is:

A)Envirometal management

B)Enviromental scanning

C)Marketing management

D)Marketing search


6. The six dimensions usually considered to constitute the external marketing environment
include all of the following except:
A)Political Consideration
B)Global Factor
C)Socio-Cultural Aspects
D)Ecomics Issues
Ans: B
7. ____________________ are those who address the same target market but provide a
different offering to satisfy the market need, for example Spotify, Sony, and Apple's
A)Direct Compitition
B)Direct Suppliers
C)Indirect Distributers
D)indirect Competition

8-SWOT is an acronym for:

A)Strenth ,weekness .oppertunities, threats

B)strategy, work, openness, toughness

C)strategy, weekness, opinions, tactics

D)strategy , working, opinions,tactical


9. New technology results in new goods and services, and it can also:

A)lower the quality of existing product

B)lower the available level of customer service

C)reduce prices through new production and distribution methods

D)bring back product that were consided obsolete


10. Toyota's Prius and Honda's hybrid Civic are examples of technological products
inspired by:

A) Style Consideration in Japanese automobile industry

B) Social pressure to develop more fuel-efficient vehicles with fever dangerous


C) The desire of many engineers to simply make interesting product

D)the realization that Japanese people didn’t needs large high speed cars


11. __________ is the collection and interpretation of information about forces, events,

and relationships that may affect the organization.

A)Enviromental Scanning
B) Stakeholder analysis

C) Market sampling

D) Opportunity analysis

Ans: A

12. To make sense of the external environment, the well-known acronym, PESTLE is
used. PESTLE stands for _____________

A) The political, economics, substitute ,technological, legal, and ecological environment

B) The political, economic, social, technological, legal, and ecological enviroment

C) The political, economic, social, treat ,legal, and ecological enviroment

D) The purchasing, economics , social, technological, legal, and ecological enviroment

Ans: B

13. This is something that at some time in the future may destabilize and/or reduce the
potential performance of the organization.

A) Strength

B) Weakness

C) Threat


Ans: C

14. These objectives are often employed in mature markets as firms/products enter a

decline phase. The goal is to maximize short-term profits and stimulate a positive cash

A) Direct objectives

B) Hold objective
C) Growth objective

D) Harvesting objective


15. These objectives are often the most suitable when firms operate in a market
dominated by a major competitor and where their financial resources are limited.

A) Direct Objective
B) Harvest objective
C) Hold objective
D) Niche Objective

16. The differentiation of a firm's products or services to promote environmental

responsibility is referred to as:

A) Social Branding
B) Eco- Branding
C) Me- Too Branding
D) Brand Personality

17. Which of the following elements is not part of Porter's Five Forces model for industry

A) Threats Of substitutes
B) threats Of Suppliers
C) Power Of Buyers
D) Threats From Government

18. An organization can offer standard products at acceptable levels of quality, yet still
generate above-average profit margin by adopting _____________

A) Cost leadership
B) Differentiation
C) Focus strategy
D) market follower strategy
Ans; A
19. To evaluate an organization's Strategic Business Units (SBU), the Boston Consulting
Group developed a portfolio performance framework that characterizes some of the
SBUs as:

A) Question mark
B) Quick winner
C) Charging Bulls
D) Cash outs
Ans: A

20. ________________ is a process that leads to specific decisions on how to compete in

the marketplace and how the company should best serve its customers.

A)Portfelio analysis
B)Enviromental Scanning
C) Strategic marketing
D) Marketing research

21-The Brand personality includes


B) sophistication

C) Competence and Exciment

D) all of above


22- Segmentation of international markets on the basis of common languages

religions and customer is example of
A) Geograohic location
B) Cultural Factors
C) Economic factors
D) Political and legal factors

International marketing m.c.q
1. Services marketing become difficult because of
A. Intangibility.
B. no demand
C. More complex market
D. Difficult to enter the market
2. Which of the following businesses would be characterized as a pure service
A. Insurance
B. Farming.
C. Mining.
D. There is no such thing as a pure service
3. Which of the following statements about the pricing of services (compared to the
Pricing of goods) is false?
A. The demand for services tends to be more elastic than the demand for goods
B. Cost-oriented pricing is more difficult for services.
C. Comparing prices of competitors is more difficult for service consumers
D. Consumers are less able to stockpile services by taking advantage of discount prices
4. Charging customers different prices for essentially the same service is called
A. Price discrimination
B. Supply and demand.
C. Complementary
D. Substitutes.
5. Results in the practice of too narrowly defining one’s business
A. Services marketing
B. Marketing management
C. Marketing myopia Customer experience
6. A buyer’s perception of value is considered a trade-off between
A. Product value and psychic cost.
B. Total customer value and total customer cost
C. Image value and energy cost
D. Service value and monetary cost.
7. Services are characterized by all of the following characteristics except for
A. Intangibility.
B. Homogeneity
C. Perishability.
D. Inseparability
8. Of the four unique service characteristics that distinguish goods from services, the
One that is the primary source of the other three characteristics is:
A. Intangibility
B. Inseparability.
C. Perishability.
D. Heterogeneity.
9. Services that occur without interruption, confusion, or hassle to the customer is called
A. Seamless service
B. Service audit.
C. Functional service
D. Departmental service
10. The mental energy spent by customers to acquire service is referred to as _____.
A. Image costs
B. Monetary price.
C. Energy costs
D. Psychic costs.
11. The unique service characteristic that reflects the interconnection between the
Service firm and its customer is called
A. Intangibility
B. Inseparability
C. Homogeneity
D. Perishability
12. Marketing problems caused by inseparability include all of the following except for
A. The service provides a physical connection to the service
B. The involvement of the customer in the production process
C. Service standardization and quality control are difficult to achieve.
D. The involvement of other customers in the production process
13. Which of the following statements pertain to inseparability is false?
A. As customer contact increases, the efficiency of the firm decreases.
B. Customers can affect the type of service desired
C. Customers can affect the length of the service transaction.
D. Customers can affect the cycle of demand
14. The centralized mass production of services is difficult due to
A. Inseparability.
B. Intangibility.
C. Homogeneity.
D. Perishability.
15. Solutions used to minimize the marketing problems attributed to heterogeneity
A. Standardizing or customizing the service
B. Using multi-site locations
C. Stressing tangible clues
D. Appealing to different market segments with different demand patterns
16. The unique service characteristic that deals specifically with the inability to inventory
Services is a. Inseparability
B. Intangibility
C. Homogeneity
D. Perishability
17. Which of the following strategies increases the supply of service available to
A. The use of creative pricing strategies
B. The use of reservation systems
C. Capacity sharing
D. Developing complementary services
18-According to American Marketing Association (AMA), international marketing is the
Multinational process of ___ ideal goods and services. (A. planning and executing the
B. pricing and promotion
D. all of the above
Answer: D
19-When a business crosses the borders of a nation, it becomes ___ .
A. complex
B. productive
C. profitable
D. none of the above
Answer: A
20.The factor(s) that contributes maximum to the complexity of the global markets.
A. environmental
B. cultural dynamics
C. both (A) and (B)
D. financial
Answer: C
21.The environmental and cultural dynamics of the markets of different countries can be
understood only by studying
A. their faiths and fancies
B. their patterns of life
C. their social interactions
D. all of the above
Answer: D
22. Which of the following is not main function of International Marketing?
A.Market selection and product selection
B. Developing pricing strategy
C. International marketing communication
D. Selection of raw material
Answer: D
23. Following is (are) route(s) to enter foreign market
A. Exports
B. Joint venture
C. Licensing of technology and know how
D. All of the above
Answer: D
24.GATT stands for
A. Global Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
B. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
C. Group Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
D. Government Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Answer: B
25.The restriction(s) imposed by the importing country is (are)
A. Tariffs and customs duties
B. Quantitative restrictions
C. Exchange control
D. All of the above
Answer: D
26. The exchange rates for each country’s currency are fixed under the rules framed by
Answer: C
27. The main objective of imposing quantitative restrictions on imports is to increase the
A. Tax collection
B. Demand for home made products
C. Mobility of labour
D. All of the above
Answer: B
28.The mobility of labour and capital in the international market is ___ than in the
domestic market.
B. More
C. Smoother
Answer: C
29.Following is (are) the Principle(s) of International Marketing.
A. Customer Value and the Value Equation
B.Competitive or Differential Advantage
C. Focus
D. All of the above
Answer: D
30.The task of marketing is to create customer value that is greater than the value
created by ___ .
C. Management
Answer: A
31.Value for the customer can be increased by
A.Expanding or improving product
B. By reducing the price
C.both (A) and (B)
D.None of the above
Answer: C
32.One of the most powerful strategies for penetrating a new national market is to
offer a ___ product at a ___ price
A. superior, lower
B. superior, higher
C. inferior, lower
D. inferior, higher
Answer: A
33- A person who assumes his or her home country is superior compared to the rest
of the world is said to have
B. Ethnocentric
C. Geocentric
D. Ethnocentric
Answer: B
34. The term ___ describes management’s often-unconscious belief or assumption
that each country in which a company does business is unique.
A. Polycentric
B. Ethnocentric
C. Geocentric
D. Ethnocentric
Answer: A
35-In a company with a (an) ___ orientation, management views regions as unique
and seeks to develop an integrated regional strategy.
A. Polycentric
B. Ethnocentric
C. Geocentric
D. Regiocentric
Answer: D
36-The best way to control inflation is to ___
A. Import the products
B. earn foreign exchange through exports
C. both (A) and (B)
D. none of the above
Answer: C
37-___ marketing and ___ marketing are very similar to each other, in fact almost
the same thing.
A. Multinational, International
B. National, International
C. Regional, International
D. None of the above
Answer: A
38- In International Marketing, ________ factors affects international marketing
A. Political
B. Economical
C. Social
D. All of the above
Answer: D
39. The only difference in the definitions of domestic marketing and international
is that ______
A. the marketing activities take place in more than one country.
B. the marketing activities take place in one country only
C. the marketing activities take place in host country only.
D.the marketing activities MUST take place in all countries.
Answer: A
40. __________ is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of a
goods and services to consumers or users in more than one nation for a profit.
A. Intranational Marketing
B. International Marketing
C. Multinational Marketing
D. Universal Marketing
Answer: B
41-_______ consists of sources of data and procedures of obtaining data
A. International marketing data service
B. International marketing information system
C. International marketing intelligence system
D. International marketing artificial intelligence
Answer: C
42.-__________is an integrated and comprehensive network of information relating to
areas of international business having a direct or indirect bearing on marketing.
A. International marketing data service
B. International marketing information system
C. International marketing intelligence system
D. International marketing artificial intelligence
Answer: B
43.In international marketing, _________ type of exporter will choose direct distribution
A. Micro
B. Small
C. Medium
D. Large
Answer: D
44.With the globalization of markets the tastes and preferences of consumers worldwide
A.Converging upon a global norm
B.So different that they can be ignored by international organization
C.Being encouraged by multinational organizations to become increasingly similar
D.Becoming similar to the tastes and preferences of American consumers
45.Being a global organization means:
A.Customizing the product range for each segment in part.
B.Creating standardized products for homogeneous markets
C.Creating both standardized and customize products
D.Any of the above
46.Which of the following represent a comp’s effort to identify and categorize groups of
customers and countries according to the common characteristics
A.Global positioning
B.Global targeting
C.Global marketing research
D.Global market
47.The goals of international marketing are to:
A.Gain market share and increase profit
B.Create and retain customers in global market
C.Eliminate competition International market
D.Expand business activities abroad
48.A global market leader is an organization which:
A.Is recognized as being ahead of rest in terms of market share
B.Has more than 50% global market share
C.Is ahead of the competition in terms of global innovation
D.Has a monopoly over several foreign markets
49.In which industries is global competition more common?
A.Where downstream activities or other-tied activities vital to competitive advantage
B.Where upstream and support activities are crucial to competitive advantage
C.Where the vale chain functions are carried out at head office
D.In none of the above situations
50.Extension of marketing activities across the globe is called as__________
A.International business
B.Universal marketing
C.International marketing
D.Border less marketing
51.Under ______ the strategy is to simultaneously introduce the newly developed
product in all kinds of global markets
Trickle down model
Shower model
Trickle shower model
Heckler model
52.________ is not a part of counter trade.
A.Counter purchase
C.Anti-dumping trade
D.Compensation trade
53.A place where goods are bought or sold against the price consideration between the
buyers and sellers is called_______
54.Which of the following is not an exchange function of marketing?
A.Product planning and development
B.Buying function
C.After sale service
D.Selling function
55.The key customer markets consists of________
A.Government markets
B.Business market
C.Consumer markets
D.All of the above
56.How many factors that influence economic growth within country?
57.How does entrepreneurship influence economic growth in international marketing?
A.Entrepreneurship creates jobs and lessons unemployment.
B.Encourages people to take risks.
C.The more entrepreneurs a country has, the higher the country’s GDP will be.
D.All of the above
58.How many are the elements of global marketing?
60.Economic globalization is characterized by:
A.Cross cultural flows of ideas
B.Rise of regionalism
C.International trade and investment flows
D.International migration
61.What are the type of globalization?
A.Economic globalization
B.Political globalization
C.Cultural globalization
D.All of the above
62.When did the World Trade Organization come into effect?
(A) March 6, 1996
(B) April 8, 1994
(C) February 5, 1994
(D) January 1, 1995
Answer: D
63. Who is the current Director-General of WTO?
(a) Pascal Lamy
(b) Mahmoud Riad
(c) Chedli Klibi
(d) Roberto Azevêdo
Answer: D
64. TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) agreement is
administered by:
(A) World Bank (WB)
(B) United Nations Organization (UNO)
(C) World Trade Organization (WTO)
(D) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Answer: C
65. Total members in the WTO at present are?
(a). 207
(b). 195
(c). 160
(d). 164
Answer: D
66. Which among these is the headquarter of the WTO
(A) Austria
(B) Geneva
(C) New York
(D) Washington DC
Answer: B
67. Which of these institutions is not a part of the World Bank community?
(a) IFC
(b) IDA
(c) WTO
(d) IBRD
Answer: C
68. Along with the World Bank and ———————– WTO is the third economic pillar of
world-wide dimensions.
(A) International Economic Association (IEA)
(B) International Monetary Funds (IMF)
(C) International Development Bank (IDB)
(D) International Funding Organization (IFO)
Answer: B
69. Among the following options which is not the objective of the WTO?
(A) To protect environment
(B) To improve the Balance of Payment situation of the member countries
(C) To improve the standard of living of peoples of the member countries
(D) To enlarge production and trade of goods
Answer: B
70.What a marketer needs to inter in international marketing culture
D.All if these
71.What is adaptation in international marketing
A.Willingness to adopt a curial attitude
D.Open tolerance
ANSWER: A many basic criteria which foregion country should able to meet
ANSWER:C Custom can be grouped into…
A.Cultural imperatives
B.Cultural electives
C.Cultural exclusive
D.All of the above
74.Customs and expectations which must be meet and conformed or avoid if
relationship are to be successful
A.Cultural exclusive
B.Cultural imperatives
C.Cultural electives
D.None if these
75.Areas of behavior or custom that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or to
participate in but that aren't required
A.Cultural electives
B.Cultural imperatives
C.Cultural exclusive
D.All of the above
76.custom or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for locals and from which the
foreigners are barred
A.All of the following
B.Cultural imperatives
C.Cultural exclusive
D.Cultural electives
77."A Christian is attempting to act like a Muslim would be repugnant to a follower of
Muhammad " is an example of
A.Cultural imperatives
B.Cultural exclusive
C.Cultural electives
D.All of the above
78.Decision making is generally found n situation in which family or close friendship
gives absolute control to owners
A.Top level management
B.Middle level management
C.Centralized decision making
D.A & C both
79.Training and background of managers significantly affect their
A.Personal out looks
B.Business outlooks
C.A&B both
D.Non of the above
80.In management style which element is most fundamental commercial rituals
B.Marketing orientation
C.Power and achievement
D.Personal life
81.what is the basic tool of communication for marketers trading in foreign land
B.Knowledge of country
D.None of the above
82.Voluntairly offered payment by someone by seeking unlawful advantage is
D.Agent's fee
83.small sum of cash gift or service given to a low ranking official in a country where
such offerings aren't prohibited by law
B.Agent's fee
84.Giving large sums of money designed to entice an official to comitt unlawful act on
the behalf of the one offering bribe
C.Agent fee
85. _______________ actions by an entrepreneur is most likely to contribute to
creative destruction.
A. Development of a product
B. Take-over of a competitor
C. Issuing shares
D. Development of a new product
86. The resistance of employees in an organization against flexibility, growth, and
diversification can be overcome by developing_____________.
A. Entrepreneurship
B. Managerial domain
C. Intrapreneurship
D. Administrative domain
87. ______________ shows the process of creating something new.
A. Innovation
B. Business model
C. Modeling
D. Creative flexibility
88. Which one of the following is an advantage of the small firm in the innovation
A. Ability of the entrepreneur to carry out multiple tasks
B. Ability to raise finance
C. Ability to carry out R&D
D. Ability of the entrepreneur to act on new ideas or product development
89.The goal should be ----------------for the success of business plan.
A. Generalized
B. Specific
C. Limitless
D. Imaginary
90.------------------ gives suggestions for new product and also help to market new
A. Existing products and services
B. Consumers
C.Federal government
D. Distribution channels
91.What is the process by which individuals pursue opportunities without regard
to resources they currently control?
► Startup management
► Enterpreneurship
► Financial analysis
► Feasibility planning
92.Which one of the following is the process of entrepreneurs developing new
products that over time make current products obsolete?
► New business model
► Anatomization
► Creative destruction
► None of the given options
93. _____________ is primarily concerned with the identification, qualification and
evaluation of the project resources.
A. Techno-economic analysis.
B. Feasibility analysis.
C. Input analysis.
D. Financial analysis
94.Large investment is made in fixed assets; the project will be termed as
A. Capital Intensive
B. Labour Intensive.
C. Product Intensive.
D. Market Intensive.
95.What a marketer needs to inter in international marketing culture
A. Knowledge
B. Willingness
C. Adaptation
D. All if these
Answer D
96.What is adaptation in international marketing
A. Willingness to adopt a curial attitude
B. Flexibility
C. Humanity
D. Open tolerance
Answer A many basic criteria which foregion country should able to meet
A. 15
B. 12
C. 10
D. 8
Aswer C Custom can be grouped into…
A. Cultural imperatives
B. Cultural electives
C. Cultural exclusive
D. All of the above
Answer D
99.Customs and expectations which must be meet and conformed or avoid if
relationship are to be successful
A. Cultural exclusive
B. Cultural imperatives
C. Cultural electives
D. Non if these
Answer B
100.Areas of behavior or custom that cultural aliens may wish to conform to or to
participate in but that aren't required
A. Cultural electives
B. Cultural imperatives
C. Cultural exclusive
D. All of the above
Answer A
101.custom or behavior patterns reserved exclusively for locals and from which the
foreigners are barred
A. All of the following
B. Cultural imperatives
C. Cultural exclusive
D. Cultural electives
Answer C
102."A Christian is attempting to act like a Muslim would be repugnant to a follower of
Muhammad " is an example of
A. Cultural imperatives
B. Cultural exclusive
C. Cultural electives
D. All of the above
Answer B
103.Decision making is generally found n situation in which family or close friendship
gives absolute control to owners
A. Top level management
B. Middle level management
C. Centralized decision making
D. A & C both
Answer D
104.Training and background of managers significantly affect their
A. Personal out looks
B. Business outlooks
C. A&B both
D. Non of the above
105.In management style which element is most fundamental commercial rituals
A. Negotiation
B. Marketing orentaion
C. Power and achievement
D. Personal life
Answer A
106.what is the basic tool of communication for marketers trading in foreign land
A. Language
B. Knowledge of country
C. Humanity
D. Non of the above
Answer A
107.Voluntairly offered payment by someone by seeking unlawful advantage is
A. Lubrication
B. Suborination
C. Bribery
D. Agent's fee
Answer C
108.small sum of cash gift or service given to a low ranking official in a country where
such offerings aren't prohibited by law
A. Bribery
B. Agent's fee
C. Suborination
D. Lubrication
Answer D
109.Giving large sums of money designed to entice an official to comitt unlawful act on
the behalf of the one offering bribe
A. Subornation
B. Bribery
C. Agent fee
D. Lubrication
Answer a
1. A marketing plan does not have to be
A. Simple
B. Clear
C. Complex
D. Flexible
200.The marketing planning process includes
A. Goal setting
B. Analyzing the current situation
C. Creating the marketing strategy
D. All of the above
201.Information that is new is ______data.
A. primary
B. Secondary
C. Middle
D. Non of the above
202.Networking is an Informal method to gather _____ data from experts in the field.
A. primary
B. Secondary
C. Middle
D. Non of the above
203. The marketing plan establishes how the entrepreneur will effectively compete and
operate in the_______.
A. workplace
B. Marketplace
C. Public place
D. Non
204. A marketing plan have to be
A. Lengthy
B. Clear
C. Complex
D. Non of the above

205. An obvious source is data that already exists,

A. primary

B. Secondary

C. Middle
D.Non of the above

206.The marketing plan should answer _____ basic questions:


207. A marketing plan is the collection of specific

A. Products
B. Markets
C. Actions
None of these

208. Goal setting includes

A. Mission & Corporate objectives
B. Marketing audit
C. None of the above

209. The __________ specifies the financial decisions that result from your
personal financial planning.
(a) personal financial plan
(b) personal budget
(c) personal finance objective
(d) None of the above
210. Which of the following is the least likely way that you may benefit from
having an understanding of personal finance?
(a) Assessing the advice of financial advisers
(b) Becoming the president of a large national bank
(c) Making your own financial decisions
(d) Becoming a financial adviser
211. A(n) __________ represents what you give up as a result of making an
alternative decision.
(a) purchase price
(b) financing cost
(c) opportunity cost
(d) liquidity need
212. A __________ is not a key component of a complete financial plan.
(a) plan for working at a major brokerage firm
(b) plan to manage your liquidity
(c) budget plan
(d) plan for financing (managing your credit and loans
213. Your __________ is (are) the value of what you own minus the value of what
you owe.
(a) net assets
(b) budget
(c) net liabilities
(d) net worth
214. __________ is access to funds to cover any short-term cash deficiencies.
(a) Liquidity
(b) Credit management
(c) Money management
(d) Cash management
215.Having a __________ level of future wealth (from more savings) requires you
to sacrifice by having a __________ level of spending today.
(a) lower; lower
(b) higher; lower
(c) higher; higher
(d) None of these
216.Which of the following is not a credit management decision?
(a) Financing your house with a mortgage
(b) Using credit cards to pay your utility bills
(c) Obtaining a bank loan to purchase a boat
(d) Investing money in a bank deposit
217. The management of your loans would include
(a) selecting a loan that charges a competitive low interest rate.
(b) determining how much you can afford to borrow.
(c) determining the maturity (length of time) of the loan.
(d) All of the above
218. __________ planning involves determining how much you should set aside
each year for retirement and how you should invest those funds in the short term.
(a) Tax
(b) Retirement
(c) Estate
(d) None of these
219.The resistance of employees in an organization against flexibility, growth, and
can be overcome by developing:
B_ intrapreneurship
C_Managerial domain
D_administrative domain
220.For the success of business plan the goals should be
221. LMM stands for:
A_Locally Manufactured Machinery
B_Locally Manufactured Marble
C_Local Marble Market
D_Local Meat Market
222.Which of the following is NOT essential part of the contract?A_All the parties
involved should be named
B_Transaction should be described in detail
C_Obtain signatures of the persons involved
D_Place where contract takes place
223.Normally sponsor links are used in which of the following type of promotion?
B_Trade shows
C_Personal selling
D_Internet advertising

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